Job description for bidding. Bidding Specialist Job Description. Submit proposals for the improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this job description for consideration by the management of the development department

In 2005, Federal Law No. 94 was adopted, which regulates the procedure for placing state and municipal advance orders for goods deliveries or services. He caused the emergence and demand for such a profession as a tender specialist (otherwise it is also called a tender work specialist, tender manager, tender manager, auction or tender manager), whose main responsibility is to process applications for various tenders. What requirements employers put forward for candidates for such a position, as well as what other duties they are charged with, are discussed below.

General information about the tender manager

A tender manager is a specialist hired and dismissed by the relevant orders of the manager of the economic entity on the proposal of the head of the department in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. He is subordinate to the head of the department. In the absence of a tender manager at the workplace, his duties are delegated to another person appointed by the order of the management, who acquires the appropriate rights.

The main requirements for the applicant for this position are often two:

  1. higher legal or economic education, availability of additional training;

In fact, there are no higher educational institutions that teach this specialty.

  1. work experience in a similar position for at least 1-2 years, which implies the accumulated experience of participating in events for the selection of suppliers (competitions, auctions, etc.).

In addition, it is important to know:

  • regulations different levels, methodological recommendations for working with tenders (especially the provisions of Federal Law No. 44, adopted in 2013 instead of Federal Law No. 94, as well as Federal Law No. 223);
  • venues for tenders, open competitive bidding, electronic auctions;
  • rules for responding to requests for quotations, offers;
  • methods of interaction with the media;
  • pricing details and pricing policy;
  • methods of promotion of goods, of which he is a representative, in the commercial and state markets;
  • the main characteristics and properties of the promoted goods, the conditions for their storage and transportation;
  • the basics of accounting and reporting on the implementation of marketing and sales plans, as well as office work;
  • the procedure for providing the necessary packages of documents for participation in tenders;
  • the procedure for ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of participants in tenders and auctions, the nuances of the appeal procedure;
  • , rules ;
  • norms business etiquette and business correspondence, telephone conversations;
  • basic computer programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Express, Adobe Reader);
  • rules for the use of computers and office equipment;
  • the basics of systematizing information (for example, maintaining databases).

The Tender Specialist operates within the framework of:

  • legislative norms, method materials regulating the issues of functioning in the tender sphere;
  • statutory provisions;
  • regulations on the department;
  • administrative instructions and orders;
  • PWTR;
  • provisions

Job Responsibilities of a Tender Specialist

The job description of the tender specialist contains the main duties of the employee, which he must perform in working time. these include:

Rights of the tender manager

In addition to duties, a tender specialist has rights guaranteed to him at the federal and local levels. In particular, he can:

Responsibility of the tender manager

Within the framework of domestic labor, civil, criminal and administrative legislation this worker responsible for:

  • dishonest performance of their duties;
  • ignoring the rules governing the activity of the subject (in particular, labor protection and safety) and provisions, orders of the management;
  • improper transfer of cases upon dismissal;
  • commission of offenses in the workplace, including those resulting in damage to property or business reputation organizations (especially disclosure trade secrets and other confidential information).
Who is a tender specialist? "In the course of the article I will try to answer the following questions" What should a tender manager know? »; “What education should a tender specialist have?”; “Competition specialist” - a native of his own company or a hired employee”, in my opinion, these are the most important questions that companies start tendering ask themselves. Accordingly, step by step, let's answer all the questions that interest everyone. Let's start with the most fundamental: "What is a tender specialist?" In my opinion, this is an employee of the company who is engaged in the search, preparatory work organization tenders and direct implementation. He has a specialization in competitive bidding, he can also be called “tender specialist”, “tender manager”, “bidding specialist”, in fact, this specialty has a lot of names.

This profession has appeared quite recently. The need for it arose with the introduction of the federal law of the Russian Federation No. 94-FZ in 2005, as well as the 44-FZ that replaced it in 2013. These laws have made the process of public procurement more regulated, in fact, radically changing it.
Such innovations in the field of legislation provide for the holding of open auctions and competitions in electronic form, which, in turn, pushes companies to the need to introduce a new position - "electronic trading specialist".
Thus, the success of holding tender competitions in a company today depends on the effectiveness of the work this employee who is simply obliged to meet the necessary professional and personal criteria, or, more simply, to be the "mind, honor and conscience" of the tender sales of his institution. I want to draw your attention to the fact that now there are a lot of courses promising to make you a specialist in tenders, I want to note right away that this is not possible within the framework of one seminar. This area is very capacious, in Law 44-FZ alone there are 114 provisions, 50 decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and great amount by-laws, orders, clarifications. As for 223-FZ, it's a different story altogether, you need to know the law itself, 135-FZ " the federal law on Protection of Competition”, the Civil Code, which includes more than 1000 articles, it is also good to have an idea about such a document as the “CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSES” (Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). I hope now you understand that the tender manager should at least know these regulations, well, as a maximum, have legal education. True, I want to note that knowledge of these decrees does not give a 100% guarantee of their correct use, since we all understand and know the “dampness” of our decrees and acts, which in turn makes it possible to “twist” these norms as we please. Here, of course, the experience of your trading specialist will help.

Responsibilities of the Tender Specialist.
On the shoulders of the person responsible for the study and conduct of tenders and auctions, lies a lot of responsible tasks on which the success and income of the company in the field of public or municipal procurement.
What does a tender specialist do? His responsibilities include the following:
. tracking trends within specialized tender sites on the Internet and identifying existing proposals for holding open competitions or auctions;
. search for auctions or competitions that correspond to the specifics of the company's profile, and determine the expediency of participating in them;
. tender preparation and all related operations;
. assistance in registration and submission of applications for participation in the auction, as well as their preparation;
. advice on the collection of the required documentation;
. registration on sites specialized for tender purchases, according to which further accreditation is carried out on electronic platforms;
. up-to-date analysis of documentation on STATE PROCUREMENTS and control over the tender;
. at all its stages;
. negotiations in written, oral or in electronic format with an organization that conducts competitive bidding.
We have given a list of the main functions that a tender manager is required to perform in accordance with his job description. But this is not a complete list of responsibilities, within the framework of one article it is very difficult to convey the entire range of responsibilities, however, of course, we will touch on the main ones. As you can see, he must provide full-fledged tender support, analysis economic situation during the implementation of competitions or auctions, as well as the maximum possible control over it.
Required qualification.
In the field of education Russian Federation on the this moment there is no narrow professional specialization of the tender manager. That is why companies recruit for this position those specialists who, as a rule, have higher education in the financial profile and are highly qualified in this area, although I want to remind you that in without fail in the tender department either there should be a lawyer with knowledge from the field of GOSTORGOV, or, well, this, of course, ideally, the tender manager should have the appropriate education.

The competencies that a tender manager should have include the following:
. Analytic mind. This specialist evaluates tenders, determines the degree of their effectiveness for the company, so he must be able to predict, investigate, calculate and adequately assess the advantages and disadvantages of the economic operation being performed.
. Legal awareness. This employee is also required to have a solid knowledge of laws that relate not only to state or municipal procurement and the commercial transactions that accompany them, but also to jurisprudence in general.
. Computer use. It is not only about "savvy" in the basics of working on a computer, but also about the ability to use special programs in their activities for monitoring and conducting competitive bidding.
. Knowledge in business area. The duties of a tender specialist include the preparation and examination of auction documentation, which explains the need to master all the subtleties of its conduct in the field of tenders. The main thing that a tender specialist should remember is that from one of his mistakes in business papers on tender purchases may depend on the success of the entire company in them.
Let's conclude: the tender manager should be professional worker who has fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities in many areas and areas, as well as have experience in the economic sphere, in particular in the field of tender public procurement.
Required set personal qualities
Important for the fruitful and high-quality work of a tender specialist is the set of those personality traits that guarantee its performance at a high level. Among necessary qualities must be present such as:
. the ability to quickly and effectively establish contact in communicating with people;
. honesty ;
. diligence and diligence in work;
. scrupulousness and accuracy of actions;
. self-demanding;
. resistance to stress and hard work;
. mobility in making decisions.
Also important for a tender manager is the ability to teach oneself with better side in the event that it will be necessary to personally present the company at competitive bidding in front of their participants, as well as unleash difficult situations and conflicts. I want to draw attention to the quality of "honesty", you must understand that this is a very corrupt area that requires your employee to be "cleanliness" in this area. An important quality for a tender specialist is “resistance to stress and hard work”. As an example, I will give a situation when your specialist in GOSTORGAM simultaneously plays 5-6 auctions on several computers, while each auction can go on for 2-3 hours. Believe me, the situation is not for the faint of heart.

Is the tender specialist an employee from his own company or an employee?

You decide!

Experienced specialist



Own worker



Knows and can do everything


not expensive

Fatal error not ruled out

Fatal error is almost impossible

Motivation for salary

Motivation not only for salary

Until he knows the subtleties and secrets

Knows the subtleties and secrets

Not committed to the company

Committed to the company

Does not yet know everything, without exception, in the sphere of public tenders

Knows everything, without exception, in the field of public tenders

Doesn't know specifics

Knows the specifics

Can't get another job

Can get another job

key role.
As you can see, the tender specialist not only provides effective participation in tenders for a particular organization. In the field of tendering, such an employee - key person for the company, because it is on him that the institution’s quick achievement of its goals and success in general depend. In practice, the reward for such deserving and hard work is usually reflected in the high salary of the tender manager. Although I will note not always and not everywhere, many managers, either not understanding or not wanting to understand, are looking for employees for a meager salary for this position, while I want to notice any incorrect step that can lead to losses of hundreds of thousands of rubles. Is it possible to save on specialists from this field? Of course not, for you a tender specialist may turn out to be a “goose that lays golden eggs”, or maybe an “anchor pulling into the abyss” and lead your company to huge financial losses.

For today - everything. Thank you for your attention. Good luck in GOSTORGAH.

Do you want to win GOSTORGI? Do you want to see your company among the winners of the tender? Contact us and you will learn how to earn much more in GOSTORGA and become a qualified tender specialist! You can study without leaving your home, in accordance with all laws governing STATE PROCUREMENTS. High qualification a teacher and a relaxed atmosphere will make learning simple and very effective. The training process uses the latest software, which allows you to see perfectly, hear perfectly, make adjustments to presentations. The teacher uses the latest versions teaching materials Ministry of Economic Development and FAS Russia. Our courses have the highest density ratio of the material in relation to other training centers. As a professional, you will leave everyone behind you. !

If necessary, be present at auctions on behalf of the company, during bid opening procedures, file complaints with the FAS Russia and its territorial bodies, represent the interests of the company in the consideration of these complaints. 1.20. If necessary, track the return Money introduced as security for bids. 1.21. Maintain prescribed reporting. 2. RIGHTS The Tender Specialist has the right to: 2.1. Request from the heads of structural divisions of the company, specialists and other employees information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties. 2.2. AT necessary cases represent the organization in relations with other organizations in order to promptly resolve issues of production and economic activities within its competence. four.

Job description of a tender specialist (Russian)

If necessary, ask for clarifications and take into account changes in the tender documentation. 1.11. promptly prepare full package documents. 1.12.
Interact with managers and heads of departments on the specifics and pricing of the products offered and the technical part of the applications. 1.13. Analyze technical part applications for compliance with current legislation (FZ-94).

1.18. Conclude agreements, contracts. 1.19.

Job description of a specialist in the tender department

Basic principles and methods for promoting the presented products in the municipal and budget markets; § The specifics of promoting products on the commercial market; § Platforms for holding tenders, open competitive bidding, electronic auctions; § Rules for responding to requests for quotations, offers § Methods of working with funds mass media; § Basic technological and design characteristics and consumer properties of the products sold; § Fundamentals of pricing and pricing policy; § Terms of delivery, storage and transportation of products; § methods of organizing accounting and reporting on the implementation of sales plans and sales of products; § The procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions; § Rules of internal work schedule; § Rules and norms of labor protection; § Ethics business communication. 1.5.

1. General Provisions

Search and win state and commercial competitions, tenders, electronic auctions. The Bidding Specialist will: official duties: 4.1.

Carries out regular monitoring of specialized sites, trading floors on the announcement of state and commercial open competitions, tenders, electronic auctions. 4.2. Assesses the economic feasibility of participating in the auction, prepares relevant information and materials for management based on the results.

4.4. Analyzes the technical part of applications for compliance with current legislation. 4.5. Prepares competitive bids. 4.6. Conducts negotiations and correspondence with the organizers of competitions.
4.7. Signs agreements and contracts. 4.8.

What does a tender specialist do?

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for in section 3 of this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor law Russian Federation. 6.2. For violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
6.3. For the proper and timely delivery of cases upon transfer to another job, dismissal from office to the person entering the current position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to the head of the development department. 6.4. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


Bidding Specialist Job Description

  • Important tender documentation is requested, its main requirements are carefully studied. If necessary, you can request explanations, as well as take into account all changes in the main tender documentation;
  • Operational training the necessary papers;
  • It is important to interact with managers, as well as leading heads of departments on the general specifics and formation of the value of products;
  • Analysis of the technical part of the received applications for full compliance with modern current legislation;
  • Competitive applications are being processed;
  • It is required to conduct correspondence and negotiations with those involved in the organization of competitions;
  • Several projects should be carried out at the same time;
  • All necessary information with regard to delivery conditions, guarantees and certificates should be provided in a timely manner.

Tender manager job description

    • Job description of a specialist in tenders and electronic trading- responsibilities
    • Tender Department Specialist Job Description
    • What does a tender specialist do?
      • Job description of a specialist in organizing and holding competitions (auctions)
  • Job description of a specialist in the tender department
    • Bidding Specialist
    • Job description of a tender specialist (rus)
      • Tender department: tasks, structure of duties of the head of the tender department, tender specialist

Job description of a specialist in tenders and electronic trading - responsibilities Assessment of the overall economic feasibility of participating in certain tenders.

Job description of the tender specialist


If you want to find a job in this specialty, you should correctly fill out an application for employment. A sample CV for a tendering specialist reflects everything that needs attention.

The Need for Tender Specialists A tender specialist is a relatively young profession that has become quite in demand and popular due to the emergence and development of modern electronic auctions. Without the work of this professional, no company will be able to fully participate in profitable tender. The activity of this employee is useful and very necessary. This is a specialist who has a direct impact on the overall development of the enterprise. The work of such a plan is responsible, complex, it requires some skills, extensive knowledge, as well as serious sales experience.

Job description of the chief specialist of the tender department

In the second case - if the tender specialist represents the participating company - he must not only monitor various opportunities, but also be responsible for completing the documents, for the compliance of the proposal with the requirements of the customer, for the pricing policy of his company. In addition, he must comply with all deadlines and monitor the fulfillment of the conditions for participation in the competition. Qualification Virtually none educational institutions who are trained in this profession. Basic requirements of employers: higher education (economic, legal or technical), experience in the field of public procurement (at least 3 years), practical knowledge of relevant laws. foreign languages, since it will open the company the opportunity to start in competitions for international market. The salary of a tender specialist is formed based on his work experience, as well as potential.

Job description tender specialist

Moreover, systematic violations of the assigned obligations can lead to the fact that the organization will no longer be able to participate in tenders. Responsibilities of a Tender Specialist The job description of a Tender and Electronic Trading Specialist suggests that an employee must have an exclusively higher education. Appointment to this position and dismissal from it is carried out solely on the basis of an order Director General companies. Speaking about such a factor as the duties of a tender specialist, it can be noted:

  • Monitoring of Internet sites, trading platforms, as well as commercial and government tenders and competitions;
  • Assessment of the overall economic feasibility of participating in certain tenders.

For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation. 4.3. For causing material damage- in accordance with applicable law. 5. OTHER TERMS 5.1. This job description is communicated to the Tender Specialist against receipt. Job description of the tender manager The text of the job description usually consists of sections:

  • General provisions;
  • Job responsibilities;
  • Rights;
  • A responsibility.

In the "General Provisions" section, it should be noted:

  • job title and structural unit;
  • general purpose of the position;
  • to whom the employee directly reports;
  • the procedure for appointment to office and dismissal from office;
  • list of normative, methodological, etc.

Tender specialist job description

The failure of the work of this professional will no doubt be a rather heavy blow for every company, as this is lost profits, as well as wasted money and effort. Posadova instruction of a specialist in tenders Specialist of the tender department Wages for this position you can see here » Good afternoon, colleagues! Finally, I am ripe for one of the most important topics accompanying GOSTORGAM “Who is a tender specialist? » In the course of the article I will try to answer the following questions: « What should a tender manager know? »; “What education should a tender specialist have?”; “Competition specialist” - a native of his own company or a hired employee”, in my opinion, these are the most important questions that companies start tendering ask themselves.

The tendering specialist professional purchasing in the interests of the company, and also participates in the search, organization and conduct of tenders.

Tender manager is a relatively young profession that has become popular due to the emergence and development of electronic auctions. Without an experienced manager, it is difficult for a company to fully participate in the tender. Therefore, such a specialist is useful and the right employee which affects the development of the company. The work she does is very responsible and complex, it requires skills, extensive knowledge and solid experience in sales. The failure of the tender is not only a lost profit, but also a strong blow to the company's image.

Functional responsibilities of the tender manager:

Monitoring of websites, trading platforms involved in holding state and commercial tenders;

Search and selection of a tender in accordance with the characteristics of the company's activities;

Registration on trading platforms;

Analysis of the economic benefits of participation in the tender;

Information support;

Diplomatic correspondence, negotiating with the organizers of tenders, clarification of documentation;

Information support and participation in the preparation of a package of documents (for the technical part);

Cooperation with departments on the specifics and pricing of products that are offered;

Analysis of applications for their compliance with current legislation (FZ-94, FZ-223) and subsequent execution;

Informing about the terms of delivery, guarantees, necessary certificates, licenses for participation in tenders;

Work on electronic trading platforms;

Control over the passage of tenders at each stage (including on-line): consideration of applications from participants, summing up, signing contracts;

Reporting on the results of the tender.

Finding the right trader is hard enough. But many large companies need such employees. For search suitable place work, it is enough to drive in the search engine "manager for tenders vacancies."

To become a specialist in tenders, you can take specialized courses, after which a person is already ready.

Assessment of the overall economic feasibility of participating in certain tenders. Based on the results obtained, it is required to prepare materials intended for making a decision regarding participation in trading processes; Important tender documentation is requested, its main requirements are carefully studied. If necessary, you can request explanations, as well as take into account all changes in the main tender documentation; Prompt preparation of the necessary papers; It is important to interact with managers, as well as leading heads of departments on the general specifics and formation of the value of products; Analysis of the technical part of the received applications for full compliance with modern current legislation; Competitive applications are being processed; It is required to conduct correspondence and negotiations with those involved in the organization of competitions; Several projects should be carried out at the same time; All necessary information regarding the terms of delivery, guarantees and certificates must be provided in a timely manner.

Tender Department Specialist Job Description

Pages, general provisions, author, increasing serotonin levels, author. With all its pages 3 Mb Device, summary page 15 2, during the absence of the Tender Specialist, his duties are performed by a person 2 For offenses, liability The Tender Specialist is liable.

ISO Size 6 The Purchasing Specialist reports directly to the Head of the Business Unit.

What does a tender specialist do?

If a advantageous offers was not, the procedure is cancelled. Then an order is sent to the accounting department to return the deposit (vadium) to the performers.

Actions and procedures are documented, protocols with applications are drawn up during the entire process. The bidding specialist also keeps track of orders given by the company and monitors costs. Sometimes his job responsibilities will also include the processing of information regarding the completion of tasks, as well as cooperation with portals involved in the official publication of competitions.

§ Rules for responding to requests for quotations, offers; § Methods of working with the media; § Basic technological and design characteristics and consumer properties of the products sold; § Fundamentals of pricing and pricing policy; § Terms of delivery, storage and transportation of products; § methods of organizing accounting and reporting on the implementation of sales plans and sales of products; § The procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions; § Internal labor regulations; § Rules and norms of labor protection;

Job description of a specialist in organizing and holding competitions (auctions)

1.1. The bidding specialist belongs to the category of specialists and reports directly to ______________________________________________. (name of position directly 1.2.

A person with a higher professional education and trained in the program

“Organization and holding of tenders (auctions) for the purchase of products for state needs”
without any requirement for work experience.

Job description of a specialist in the tender department

A person with a higher economic education and work experience of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of a specialist in the tender department.

Bidding Specialist

You can view the salary for this position here »

Job description of a tender specialist (rus)

– the procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions; - internal labor regulations; — rules and norms of labor protection; Monitors specialized sites, trading platforms for the announcement of state and commercial open competitions, tenders, electronic auctions. Assesses the economic feasibility of participation in the auction, prepares information and materials based on the results for making a decision on participation in the auction.

Requests the necessary tender documentation, studies its requirements.

Tender department: tasks, structure of duties of the head of the tender department, tender specialist

participation in the creation and maintenance of the company's image attracting new contracts through the tender system and attracting new customers, as well as retaining / returning old customers A prerequisite for effective activity in this direction is the creation of a tender department with qualified specialists motivated for results.

This will be discussed in the article. Let's take a look at the typical structure of the tender department.