Effective participation in tenders. How to participate in tenders for a beginner - a step-by-step algorithm. How to get a bank guarantee to secure an application for participation in the competition

Earning on tenders is one of the best options for many types of businesses. Large organizations usually pay well, while the entrepreneur in this case requires a minimum of effort. In fact, absolutely any company can win the tender, and there is nothing surprising in this.

Paradoxically, but many people in our country are firmly convinced that the tender is something related to corruption and theft of the budget. Perhaps, there are similar cases somewhere, but in general, almost any company can win a tender. Today's legislation implies complete transparency of public procurement, so not every official wants to risk his position and embezzle budget funds. In addition, today large companies also hold tenders to find a reliable contractor - this is sometimes even more profitable for them than maintaining a staff individual employees or, for example, open a whole department to receive any services. It turns out that the announcement and winning of tenders is convenient and easier than it might seem.

Today, even small companies successfully make money on them, saving time and money on advertising. It is unlikely that anyone will disagree with the fact that winning large contracts is less profitable than looking for a client for small transactions every time. Actually, tenders are usually announced for more or less large amounts, since large organizations need wholesale deliveries or, for example, a large amount of work. At the same time, one should not think that orders are only for some industrial, manufacturing or construction companies. Public and private enterprises also need other assistance, such as creative and entertainment services. That is, the choice of the very concept of "tender" is not limited to any one or several areas. Accordingly, even an ordinary entrepreneur registered as an individual entrepreneur or having an LLC can easily win the tender. Of course, many factors influence this, but in general, every company has such a right today. Thus, the benefits of tenders cannot be underestimated and it is worth at least trying, especially if there are certain opportunities for this.

It should be noted that quite often its conditions repel participation in the tender. For example, it may be a requirement to pay a percentage of the transaction as collateral. This is usually done to ensure that all obligations are met. At the same time, this practice is not found everywhere, so even a novice entrepreneur can successfully earn money on tenders. As practice shows, it is important to have the relevant knowledge and show maximum interest in obtaining the right order.

Understanding the details

So, let's try to consider in detail the process of participation in tenders. First you need to understand what kind of tenders you plan to work with. The fact is that contractors can be chosen by both commercial and state enterprises. Naturally, each specific tender has its own peculiarities. Both parties benefit from tenders: the customer chooses the most suitable contractor, and the latter, in turn, receives an order of interest to him without investment. At the same time, any tender has a standard scenario: setting a task and accepting applications for its solution. As a result, the most suitable company is selected. How is the choice made? Of course, attention is drawn to the experience, portfolio and other advantages of the contractor company. The price for which it is proposed to perform work or supply of goods also matters. It is natural that the organization conducting the tender wants to choose the best of the best. Actually, it is for this that competitive selection is carried out. Luckily, modern technologies make it as easy and efficient as possible. At the same time, the contractor company can successfully leave several applications for different tenders. With this approach, it may be possible to reduce failures to a minimum.

Before applying

In this paragraph, you can give a number of tips that may be useful when participating in a particular tender. First of all, you should carefully familiarize yourself with what exactly the customer requires - this will allow you to correctly formulate your proposal and minimize the risk of rejection. It often happens that the contractor is chosen precisely for the price - it, therefore, must be adequate. At the same time, it is also not worth greatly underestimating the cost of the order, because otherwise it may arouse suspicion and the tender will not be won as a result. In other words, everything should be as natural and adequate as possible. Of course, all information about your company should be written as truthfully and in detail as possible - this will help to avoid misunderstandings in further interaction with the customer. AT this case any features matter, so they should not be neglected in any case. Having read all the conditions and clearly understanding your capabilities, you can already safely apply.

Tender Application Process

So, after studying all the details, you can apply. It should be noted that there are two options - these are electronic and paper methods of applying. The former certainly saves time and allows you to participate in the tender even if you are on the other side of the country. In the second case, everything is more complicated, but somewhat more reliable. Roughly speaking, an application via the Internet may not go through, and with the second option, you will definitely have confidence that it has been submitted.

Both of the above formats are best discussed with key employees companies. Still, it directly depends on how correct the choice of a particular tender is. After all, the contractor also has the right to a reliable customer. Along with this, it is worth remembering that the application must contain evidence that your enterprise:

  • reliable;
  • provides quality services (produces quality goods);
  • is the most profitable option against the background of other offers.

In general, there can be a lot of different little things that, ultimately, affect the result of the application. It is important to document that the contractor meets all the requirements and has all the permits to complete the order. The deadline for submitting an application is also affected - this certainly matters for the company itself, which, for example, at some point can do the job, and at some point it will simply be busy with other tasks.

In recent years, electronic auctions have become more and more popular. Moreover, they are usually organized in the form open competition, auction or request for quotation. Auctions are usually used to draw lots, but this is only relevant for those who have registered on the site where the tender is held and has sufficient accreditation for this. In this case, you must use the following algorithm of actions:

  • filling out the tender participant form on the website;
  • scans of papers required for the customer are uploaded (of course, they are uploaded in special forms);
  • is brought detailed information to the application;
  • the offer is confirmed by an electronic signature.

As you can see, everything here is extremely simple. There are usually no difficulties here and, as a rule, when permanent job with tenders, everything is done very quickly. Note that documents for participation in the tender are submitted within one week (if the lot amount is not more than three million rubles). In the event that the lot size is more than this amount, then the application is submitted within three to four weeks. As for the financial security of the transaction, it is usually five percent of the value of the lot. If such an amount is not on the account of a potential contractor, then he can easily drop out of the competition.

Guarantees when participating in a tender

Any transaction needs guarantees, so the organization of tenders often provides for this. In order to be sure of the decency of the performer, the customer wants to play it safe. This is all the more true when it comes to big money and a very serious project that can be carried out for more than one year. When conducting tenders, such a guarantee is a cash deposit, which the contractor provides as a confirmation of his integrity. There are several types of such collaterals and all of them are quite often used in this area.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the bank guarantee required to participate in the tender. It can be called, in fact, a guarantee, which is an indicator of the reliability of the contractor. Still, it should be understood that any organization wants to insure itself against unforeseen circumstances in advance. That is, if the contractor does not fulfill the terms of the contract (or performs them improperly), then the agreed amount will be paid as compensation.

In general, today there are three types of guarantees for such events. In particular, this is a tender guarantee - it just makes up the above five percent of the lot amount. There is also a guarantee under the terms of the contract between the parties - it is provided by the contractor and its amount is ten percent of the lot amount. There is also a direct bank guarantee - its size can reach up to thirty percent, since it is assumed that in case of unforeseen circumstances it will cover the advance paid to the contractor.

It is obvious that in different occasions there may be different conditions for granting guarantees. Making a surety at a bank usually involves providing a package of necessary papers. In particular, these are the company's statutory documents and an application for an upcoming tender. As a rule, this is required when the tender is organized in the public sector.

Documents required for participation in the tender

Naturally, before choosing a contractor, any organization wants to know about its pros and cons. Words alone are difficult to tie to deeds, so all the advantages of the company must be supported by the relevant papers. As expected, in order to participate in the tender, it is necessary to collect a number of documents. Generally speaking, this is usually:

  • request;
  • questionnaire of the person who participates in the tender;
  • SMP declaration;
  • detailed description the product or service provided;
  • information about experience in similar events.

If the legislation provides for a certificate for the provision of a service or the sale of goods, then this document must also be attached to the application. In the above questionnaire, all constituent data must also be indicated (this includes the list of trusted persons). Gathering everything required documents, you can already wait for the decision of a potential customer.

Note that some trades may require their own packages of securities. At the same time, it is most important to provide documents stating that the company has been operating for a long time and has a good reputation. As practice shows, most often the following documents are attached to the application:

  • extract from tax office that the company has no debts for budgetary fees (it must be taken into account that the validity of such a certificate is limited);
  • balance form No. 1;
  • form No. 2, which reflects the presence of profit and loss of the company;
  • bank account information.

The second document (like the first one in this list) must be certified by the tax office. At the same time, both the statement and the balance form No. 1 are provided in the form of copies. Thus, it is these documents that are one of the decisive factors when choosing a contractor. It is likely that the use of the necessary forms and other papers will allow the company to noticeably stand out from the rest of the contenders.

If any inaccuracies are identified, problems may arise. Needless to say about any violations of the regulations - this can also negatively affect the results of the tender. Naturally, in the event of an error, the participation of the contractor in the tender may not take place. So here it is necessary to check everything thoroughly and carefully in the process of registration. Only in this case it will be possible to say that all the necessary efforts have been made to participate.

Registering a company on the public procurement website

To register on this Internet resource, you do not need to perform particularly complex actions. However, it should be noted here that it is better to do everything for a more or less experienced PC user, since this will require the installation of some programs. For some, such procedures are easy, but for some it is an impossible puzzle. In general, first you need to register on the website zakupki.gov.ru and after that a special certificate of participation is issued - for this you need to contact the Federal Treasury. Then you need to install several programs on your computer - these are, in particular, Net Framework and CryptoPro CSP. Also in this case, you will need a program to create electronic signature. After all the necessary actions are taken, it will be possible to successfully participate in tenders.

Participation in the tender for the first time

Given all of the above, many entrepreneurs are afraid of difficulties and do not want to spend extra time. This is quite natural, because no one guarantees that this or that tender will be won. There are probably many entrepreneurs who have never won tenders at all, although they made every effort to do so. In part, such work can be called a kind of lottery, because there are simply no guarantees of winning. Thus, to participate in the tender or not is a personal matter for everyone. If you have some time for it, why not give it a try. If there are enough orders from customers even without tenders, then you can probably do without them.

As a rule, it is very profitable to participate in tenders and at the same time investments for this are minimal. Some enterprises practically do not engage in advertising, as they make quite good money on tenders.

In any case, if there is a desire to at least try, then it is better to immediately cooperate with people experienced in these matters. Today in Russia there are many companies that provide assistance in this area. Of course, no one here can guarantee a 100% win in the tender, but at least it is possible to increase its probability. For example, a tender specialist can look at whether it makes sense to participate in a particular tender or not (there are many factors, ranging from signs of corruption to the expediency of participation in general).

How to find tenders for your business?

Obviously, it is better to do this through official sites. The aforementioned http://zakupki.gov.ru can serve as an example - you can see tenders from different regions and areas on it. Another example is the site http://goszakaz.ru/tenders - there are also a lot of options here. Now there are enough such Internet sites, so there is simply no problem with finding tenders. http://tender.rzd.ru and http://b2b.letoile.ru/company/tenders/current/ can be noted as specialized tender sites. That is, already the largest companies create their websites specifically for publishing tenders - this is very convenient for those who want to cooperate with them. Obviously, there are a lot of tenders today, so the choice in this regard is simply huge. Today, for almost any area of ​​business, you can find many interesting tenders. It remains only to register on the site of interest and start working with tenders. By the way, for this you don’t need to constantly monitor a lot of Internet resources - this function can be performed by mailing, thanks to which all interesting offers will regularly come to your mail. Needless to say about intermediary companies that are ready to do this closely for a relatively small fee.

What to do after winning the tender?

It is worth noting that the victory in the auction does not mean that the contract will be immediately concluded. Winning in this case gives only the right to do so, so the last word still remains with the customer. There are cases when the winner violated any paragraph of the rules and, as a result, the contract was never concluded with him. Again, here it is better to use the help of lawyers, who will control the entire process from beginning to end.

As we said above, in order to get a contract, it may be necessary to secure it. As a rule, this is a certain percentage of the total amount - this money is transferred to the customer's account after the protocol with the results is published. We repeat that this is done to guarantee the fulfillment of all obligations under the contract. It is also possible to provide a bank guarantee, which is given directly by the bank. As a result, after the contract is successfully executed, all the money is returned to the contractor in full.

Considering practical experience, we can say that often in such situations there are disagreements between the parties. They are usually regulated by signing additional agreement. Only here it is worth acting carefully, because customers can offer the contractor not the most convenient conditions.

It is natural that every step in this area needs to be thought out and carefully weighed. Moreover, in case of non-admission to the tender or when entered into the Register unscrupulous suppliers can seriously damage your reputation. As we said above, today the largest Russian companies they announce a lot of tenders, so the unsuccessful experience of cooperation will not allow working with them in the future. At the same time, no one forbids at least trying. It is likely that this will be a good experience, which is sometimes simply priceless in business. Given the past mistakes, it is much easier not to make them in the future.

Franchise tenders and public procurement

International company, market leader in terms of participation and winning in public procurement in the Russian Federation.

Founded in 2010, and under the franchising program, she began to cooperate in 2014. Today thirty franchise branches are opened under this brand.

Participation in tenders—need to maintain modern business to expand its capabilities, thanks to the most profitable form of trading. Like any competition, it has its own rules and conditions.

If you are a beginner and have decided to participate in the auction, then first you need to get acquainted with the main electronic trading platforms (hereinafter referred to as the ETP) that operate today.

Choosing an e-commerce platform

Determine ultimate goal participation:

  • receive a government order;
  • become a supplier of commercial organizations;
  • to acquire on favorable terms the property of bankrupt enterprises.

Accordingly, ETPs are divided into these groups of activities.

  • Accreditation at federal sites (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and established the procedure, as well as the conditions for the selection of ETP operators, in accordance with Federal Law No. 223), makes it possible for entrepreneurs to get a state order. Until 2017, there are 5 sites: Sberbank-AST, EETP, AGZRT, RTS-tender, ETP MICEX "State Purchases". Coming into effect in 2017 the federal law"O contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services to ensure public and municipal needs", which will determine the new operators of electronic trading floors to meet municipal needs.
  • Participation in ETP tenders by OAO Gazprom, OAO NK Rosneft, Rosnano, OAO MTS, SC Rosatom, etc., makes it possible to become a supplier of commercial companies of the giants.
  • There are also accredited ETPs for holding auctions for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises, namely Sberbank-AST, SELT, uTender, Russian auction house etc.

How to participate in tenders?

Having chosen a suitable site and a tender that interests you, carefully study all the indicated requirements.

What do you need to participate?

  1. Workplace with Internet access.
  2. Install required software for participation in electronic auction. As a rule, it does not cause any special difficulties, but it will require you to basic knowledge PC.
  3. Electronic digital signature(EDS), it enables the owner to participate in the auction for one year and is issued by specialized certification centers.
  4. Open a personal account to secure trades, the amount varies from 0.5% to 5% of the total contract amount. The amount is blocked by the operator, which will serve as confirmation of the guarantee tender security.
  5. Successfully pass accreditation.

Advice! Before a newcomer participates in the auction, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with Federal Law No. 94, which regulates the terms and requirements that the customer must comply with, as well as the supplier selection procedure.


Accreditation is valid and gives the opportunity to participate in the auction for 3 years.

We draw your attention to the fact that 3 months before the expiration of the accreditation period, participation in the auction becomes impossible. Renew in advance so as not to disrupt an important contract.

Step-by-step instructions can always be found in the relevant sections of the site where the ETP is located or by contacting technical support.

In order to certify your authority, you must:

  • fill out the electronic application form and attach scanned copies constituent documents for legal entities or copies of all pages of the passport for private entrepreneurs;
  • attach extracts from the tax authorities;
  • a copy of the power of attorney to participate in the tender, confirming the authority of the person wishing to be accredited;
  • certify all EDS.

Having successfully passed accreditation, the client gets access to Personal Area from where it can directly participate in tenders.

Rules for participation in open auctions

Newcomers, participants, often ask themselves: can an individual entrepreneur participate in tenders? The legislation of the Russian Federation does not restrict the right to participate in the auction of individual entrepreneurs.

Please note that commercial enterprises Organizing tenders are free to independently formulate the conditions for participation.

Therefore, carefully study the requirements for the auction, if they do not contain such restrictions, then a private entrepreneur has the right to submit an application.

Free tender - myth or reality

The electronic form of bidding excludes the possibility of direct communication between the customer and the supplier, respectively, the conviction that the tender is held for previously completed work is incorrect.

If there are doubts about the fairness of a bid, carefully review the requested bidding documents, which will help determine if a formal bidding is in progress or not.

There is a widespread myth that participation is exclusively large companies in open auction.

Individual entrepreneurs producing quality products, providing competitive services or works, can participate free of charge in both commercial and government auctions. This will expand the prospects for business development and win the trust of potential customers in the future.

Speaking of free auctions, we mean the absence of corruption and fake results. Of course, the cost of guaranteeing participation will be required.

However, the amounts will depend on the desired contract, and certain expenses will require paperwork for participation, but all these are official costs of the company, which will more than pay off if they win.

Basic rules for preparing tender documentation for beginners

The tender documentation package is the primary document that will allow the customer to study you as a potential supplier. An important condition is the correct preparation of documents.

  • The application for participation contains a list of documents, keep in mind that the customer is not entitled to request documents not specified in Art. 51, Federal Law No. 44.
  • AT without fail number and stitch the documents, certifying them with the seal of the organization and the signature of authorized persons, which will indicate the authenticity of the documents provided.

According to Federal Law No. 44, private entrepreneurs have a number of advantages in procurement, but only where they are provided for by the terms of the auction.

  • It is mandatory for an individual entrepreneur to provide an extract from the USRIP, received no earlier than 6 months before the start of trading. A notarized copy is accepted.
  • Sole proprietors under liquidation are not allowed to participate in tenders.

It is also necessary to prepare offer with the price of goods, volumes, indicate the country of origin.

  • If the customer specified specific requirements for the quality of goods, document the fulfillment of the conditions, provide, for example, quality certificates.

If you are not confident in your ability to draw up documents, contact specialized institutions.

Well, if you plan long-term work in the field e-procurement, replenish the staff with an employee responsible for the preparation of tender documentation, followed by tracking and conducting open tenders.

  1. Calculate your financial possibilities, start with small contracts, fill your "bumps" before participating and fighting with large organizations.
  2. Avoid template applications that cannot highlight the advantages among competitors and make your company faceless and uninteresting to the customer.
  3. Select an employee in the company who will be responsible for conducting tenders.
  4. Contact experts at the initial stages for advice and training.
  5. Purchase software that will allow you to combine all available auctions from various ETPs, according to the established filters. This will significantly save time on searching for the necessary lots, and you will not miss an interesting order from the company.

If during the auction, you have any doubts or significant changes in work, you can always write a letter of refusal to participate.

Do not worry - this is a common practice, it is also worth refusing if the invitation was received a few days before the start of trading. A well-executed business rejection letter will not cause personal insult to the customer and will not harm your reputation.

Do you want to know what tenders are, where to look for them and how the bidding market works? In this article, we will tell you in detail about electronic trading, and also share with you some secrets of finding, participating and winning in them.

So, none of the laws Russian Federation, including in the Civil Code, you will not find a definition of the word "tender". It so happened that tenders in business environment call almost all types of purchases.

Tender- this is a way of competitive selection of proposals that are most suitable for the customer. The winner of the selection is the participant whose proposal meets the requirements tender documentation and the terms of the contract are the most favorable for the customer.

Application security- this is a transfer to the official account of the operator electronic platform up to 5% of the initial maximum price contract (NMTsK). Simply put, securing a bid is a guarantee that you are a serious bidder and will bid. The security is returned to the participant after signing the contract with the winner of the tender.

On a predetermined day, auctions are held, during which participants offer their conditions, if this is an auction, gradually reducing the NMTsK. As we noted above, the one who offers the most optimal conditions for the execution of the contract wins. The contract is concluded with this supplier. Please note that the runner-up also has a chance to sign a contract with a customer.

You have won the tender. What's next?

Know that winning a bid does not mean that you will be instantly signed a contract. Winning the tender gives only the right to conclude a contract, and if you win, you should not relax. There are cases when the winner inattentively read the documentation, violated any clause of the regulations, and the contract is no longer concluded with him.

It is also important to have the help of qualified lawyers who will control and help you comply with all the norms of the law.

For the execution of the contract, the winner must provide the contract security.

Securing a contract- this is up to 30% of the NMTsK, which the winner transfers to the customer's account after the protocol is published. This is a kind of guarantee that the winner will fulfill all obligations under the contract.

The winner must either donate money or provide bank guarantee. All funds transferred as security for the performance of the contract are returned after the terms of the contract are fulfilled.

There are cases when, during the execution of the contract, disputes arise between the supplier and the customer. As a rule, this can be settled by signing an additional agreement. However, one must be extremely careful here - often an unscrupulous customer can force the supplier to accept conditions that are not beneficial to the supplier.

Remember, each step of participation must be thought out and analyzed, since any wrong decision can lead you either to non-admission, or to the Register of Unscrupulous Suppliers, or, in the worst case, to the dock.

As you can see, tenders and participation in them is a rather complicated process, but thanks to the help of specialists, you will always win in them, and your company will increase its profits by acquiring more and more new customers. .

We will help you win tenders.

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A tender is the placement of orders for purchases or works on a competitive basis. Participation in the tender requires firms-applicants to comply with certain tender rules, ignorance of which inevitably leads to refusal to conclude a contract. Despite the difficulties associated with the preparation of the application, it is not necessary to ignore tenders: participation in them is unique opportunity for the company to receive an order on extremely favorable terms. To win the competition, it is not enough to have an offer that perfectly meets the wishes of the customer. It is necessary to understand how to participate in tenders in order to present your proposal to the tender committee in the most favorable light.

Competition procedure

Eligible to participate in tenders legal entities both Russian and foreign. Requirements for applicants and conditions for participation in the competition are set by the customer at its discretion. The task of the participants is, in accordance with these requirements, to prepare the most profitable proposition and fill out a proper application for the execution of the order.

  1. To submit a proposal, it is necessary to collect a set of documents according to the list of the customer and submit it to the tender committee within the time period specified for receiving documents. Until the deadline for submission of applications, the applicant has the right to amend or withdraw the application from the competition. Applications will not be accepted or changed after the deadline.
  2. After receiving all applications, a meeting of the tender commission is scheduled, during which the applicants' proposals are reviewed, documents are checked, and a conclusion is prepared on the studied materials.
  3. Members of the competition commission discuss the applications of the participants and decide on the winner by voting.

It should be noted that the information contained in the applications is closed and not subject to disclosure.

What you need to know about the rules for participation in tenders

Before you "get involved in the fight", you need to understand a few important points for yourself:

  1. By participating in the tender, you agree to comply with the rules of the tender.
  2. By declaring yourself as a participant in the tender, you agree to all the conditions that the customer of the tender exposes.
  3. By submitting an application, you confirm that you have all the possibilities to complete the order if you win the competition.
  4. When compiling an application, you assume responsibility for the correctness of its execution: errors in the submitted documents may serve as a basis for rejecting the participant's proposal without consideration on the merits.

All this means that you need to take the most responsible approach to studying the conditions of the tender, assess your capabilities as objectively as possible and competently draw up an application.

Thus, the process of preparing a firm for participation in a tender includes:

  • selection of a suitable competition in accordance with the profile of the company;
  • familiarization with the requirements of the customer, the conditions of the competition;
  • assessment of the financial, material and technical capabilities of the company in terms of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations under the contract;
  • collection of necessary documents;
  • filing an application;
  • security of the application (pledge).

Bid preparation

Let's take a closer look at how to participate in tenders and what is needed for this. First of all, what documents are required to apply.

The list of documentation is usually determined by the customer, but there is also a basic package of documents that is required for any tenders:

  • an application certified by the head of the enterprise;
  • a statement with a presentation of the organization and experience of contract work;
  • description of the attached documents;
  • copies of the constituent documents of the legal entity and the charter;
  • notarized copies of TIN and certificates of state registration;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities not older than 15 days;
  • a list of persons representing the organization without a power of attorney;
  • a copy of the order on the assignment of the duties of the chief accountant;
  • certificate of no tax debt;
  • financial statements of the company for the three previous reporting periods, certified by the tax inspector.

Another important point is the provision of the application. If such a requirement is presented by the customer, the applicant is obliged to ensure that Money in the amount of not more than 5% of the contract amount to confirm their intentions. The transfer of the amount is confirmed by a payment order provided along with other documents. The security serves as a kind of collateral, which is withheld if the participant evaded the order, being chosen as the winner of the competition. In all other cases, the deposit is returned to applicants at the end of the competition or before it starts, if the participant withdraws his application in a timely manner.

As a rule, the cost of competitive lots is quite high, and even 5% of the order amount is a lot of money. If the organization's own funds are not sufficient to finance the application, it can attract a tender loan or a bank guarantee.

Government orders

Competitions for the placement of government orders are special tenders, and they are often associated with the so-called corruption component. Enterprises are afraid to participate in government tenders, as they are sure of their failure in advance. Indeed, there are frequent cases when the principle of competitiveness and equality of participants is violated, and profitable contract it is not the best applicant who gets it, but a company close to state structures. However, infringed suppliers quite successfully defend their rights in court in case of violation of the rules of the competition.

How to participate in public procurement tenders - the process is almost the same as regular tenders. Except for the fact that tenders for orders of technically complex products or works related to the defense industry and the security of the country are held exclusively behind closed doors. And this means that access to them "from outside" is virtually impossible. On the closed tenders Applicants are invited on an individual basis. Any organization can participate in open tenders, information about which is placed in the media, without restrictions.

Another feature of public procurement is the frequent holding of two-stage tenders. When a customer cannot formulate specific requirements or requires the development of technologies, research, scientific experiments, he must first assess the capabilities of applicants, determine the direction, nuances of the required work, and calculate their cost. Then, at the second stage of the competition, participants submit applications already in accordance with the conditions indicated by the customer.

Another problematic moment government tenders- most often preference is given to those contractors who offer the lowest price, unfortunately, without taking into account the quality of work. This approach provokes applicants to underestimate the basic cost of work in order to certainly receive a state order.

A similar situation occurs in construction industry: since all firms applying for the construction of a real estate object or for carrying out repair work must participate in construction tenders, the application is often based on a knowingly incorrect estimate. As a result, the winner of such a tender, who clearly overestimated his strength, does not fit into his own budget. If the contractor fails to shift the increase in the budget onto the shoulders of the customer, then his losses are inevitable, up to the bankruptcy of the organization.