How can I win a tender and what is needed for this? How to win a tender? Instructions for participation in state and commercial tenders Information on tenders won

The conditions for winning the tender depend on .

The customer compares the offers of suppliers admitted to the stage of matching offers, and ranks them in descending order of attractiveness. If the purchase is carried out by the auction method, then the so-called “auction auction” is used for comparison - this is the stage at which the auction participants, competing, submit their proposals for the price, gradually reducing it. If the purchase is carried out by the tender method, then the customer opens the envelopes with the suppliers' proposals, and the tender commission ranks these proposals according to the criteria that were established by the tender documentation. If the procedure provides for a rebidding stage, then after ranking, suppliers have the opportunity to increase the attractiveness of their offer by lowering their price requirement.

The winner of the procurement is the participant who offered the best conditions for the execution of the contract and took first place in the final ranking. The best terms of the contract are determined based on the criteria published at the time of the procurement announcement as part of the procurement documentation.

Andrey Boyko, Commercial Director of B2B-Center, in a short training video will tell you how and where to find suitable purchases, how to participate in the auction correctly, what mistakes are most often made by small and medium-sized businesses. He reveals the secrets of "not losing" when participating in tenders - and "not losing" is already half the victory!

The winner of the auction at the tender is the person who offered Better conditions performance of the contract in accordance with the criteria and procedure for evaluating and comparing applications, which are established in the tender documentation on the basis of the procurement regulations, at the auction - the person who offered the lowest contract price or, if during the auction the price of the contract is reduced to zero and the auction is held for the right to conclude a contract, the highest contract price. (Part 2, Article 3 of Law No. 223-FZ)

A tender is understood as a method for determining a supplier (contractor, performer), in which the procurement participant who offers the best conditions for the execution of the contract is recognized as the winner. An auction is understood as a method of determining a supplier (contractor, performer), in which the procurement participant who has offered the lowest contract price is recognized as the winner. (Parts 3 and 4 of Article 24 of the Law “On contract system»)

The winner of the request for quotations is the procurement participant who offered lowest contract price(Part 1, Article 72 of the Law "On the contract system")

The winner of the request for proposals is the procurement participant who sent the final proposal, which best meets the requirements set by the customer for the product, work or service. (part 1 of article 83 of the Law "On the contract system")

Declaring the winner of a participant who did not offer the best conditions for the execution of the contract is illegal.

As a general rule, the contract is concluded with the winner of the purchase - i.e. with the one whose offer turned out to be the most attractive for the customer.

However in case of winner's evasion from the conclusion of the contract, such an agreement may be concluded with the potential supplier who has submitted second most attractive offer. For the customer, a well-known insurance in case the winner evades signing the contract (or attempts to impose a contract on the customer on terms different from the procurement documentation and the winner's offer) is a bid security tool. It could be insurance Money, a bank guarantee or other similar instrument: if the winner of the purchase evades signing the contract, a predetermined amount is collected from him in favor of the customer, and this happens out of court.

The winner selection protocol is the final document of each purchase. However, if the winner is not selected, then the final document becomes the protocol on the recognition of this purchase as failed.


  • Carefully study the procurement plans of companies on next year, which are available in the Unified Procurement Information System (UIS). In the planned auctions, choose the most suitable for your work, based on the subject, make a calendar of interesting purchases.
  • Constantly look for new purchases. Use all the tools available to you for this.
  • Fill in the details of your company's activity profile on the ETP. Set up mailing lists, fill in autosearch templates. This will allow you to search for suitable purchases more efficiently.
  • Carefully study the purchase documentation of the customer. Understand what criteria in this purchase are the most important (not necessarily the price, it can be terms, warranty, etc.).
  • Do not miss the opportunity to re-bid, re-apply (purchase conditions are described in the supplier's procurement regulations)
  • Do not be afraid to communicate with the customer: communication with the customer through the ETP for suppliers is anonymous. The customer is obliged to respond, he is given no more than 3 days.
  • Do not be lazy to participate in as many auctions as possible. Even if you don't win at first, your experience with tendering will enable you to start winning over time.
  • Learn and use: bank guarantee, tender credit, legal support and so on.

This article is devoted to the problem of finding out information about the winners of tenders and auctions. Who needs this information and why? Let's try to find out in practice.

Who became the winner? What information can be obtained about it?

The winner of the auction in the general case is the one who offers the lowest price for goods or services, other than equal conditions with other bidders. In some cases, the winner is the one who generally offers the best conditions for the contract being concluded.

Based on the results of the auction, the customer is obliged to publish the relevant protocol, including information about the winner. The document is posted in the EIS for general information. It is possible to avoid public publication of the protocol only if the subject of procurement is a state secret.

When bidding under both FZ-44 and FZ-223, the following data must be indicated in the protocol for the winner:

  • full name in accordance with the constituent documents;
  • address and TIN.

If we are talking about entering information into the register of concluded contracts, which is part of the EIS, then in addition to the name, address and TIN, you must indicate:

  • contact details (phone numbers, e-mail address);
  • data on the manager or other person entitled to sign the contract.

If there is a desire to receive information on a specific organization, it is enough to know its name and go to the website. What is written on the pages of this portal is enough to get in touch with the winner of the auction.

If we are talking about the construction industry, the data for the winner can be found on the site There is no usage fee. All information is from the EIS.

Why do you need to know information about the winners of the auction?

Data on the winners of the bidding sometimes for all the gold. A lot of people want to “get acquainted” and “make friends” with them. It's time to find out why:

  1. First of all, banks, traders and brokers are interested in the winners. The goal is to make a profit from the provision of financial services in the form of loans, guarantees, etc. As soon as someone becomes a winner, his phone and Email"heated" from proposals for cooperation.
  2. No less than the winners want to be friends with those who supply various goods and services potentially useful to the contractor in his work. For example, if we are talking about construction work, hundreds of offers from manufacturers and sellers of bricks, cement, etc. will immediately begin to arrive. Designers, small subcontractors who want to get their “share of the pie” from public procurement will not stand aside.
  3. The winning bidder may not necessarily offer exactly what he produces. He can buy this product from someone else. And then there will be hundreds of potential intermediaries offering new product cheaper. They also will not refuse the data of the winner in the auction.
  4. And finally, the coordinates of the winner are needed by all kinds of agencies involved in marketing or analytical research. They will also not refuse to find out who got the victory and why.

What is the database of tender winners?

In most cases, such databases are created in excel (csv) format and allow you to find out:

  • Information about what is being purchased: goods, services, works, etc.
  • NMCC.
  • In what region were the purchases made?
  • The official name of the procuring entity.
  • Under what number the notice is placed in the EIS.
  • The date the protocol was published.
  • Who became the winner, his details, including information about the leadership.

On the this moment Hundreds of sites are already operating on the Internet, ready to announce on various terms who won the auction and what it will supply. But it is worth noting that on such sites you can find out information about those who won the auction for FZ-44 or FZ-223. With commercial bidding, everything is much more complicated.

The main problem is that electronic platforms hosting commercial bidding, lots of. And each of them works according to its own rules. In addition, many operators are in no hurry to disclose information about the winners. Accordingly, it is much more difficult to obtain it.

You can configure subscription settings so that you receive data only for your type of activity, certain segments of the economy. The goal is to save time on viewing useless information.


The winning bidder is not only the executor of the order, but also potential client for hundreds of other organizations, often very remotely related to the topic of this particular auction.

Those who just really want to know who got a multi-million or multi-billion dollar supply contract to Gazprom or Sberbank should not spend money on getting various subscriptions. It is enough to go to the site and find out everything you need. At the first stages, you will have to spend time learning the interface. In the future, working with the service will not bring discomfort. And the savings will be quite tangible.

If you want to get the winner of the auction among your clients, sell him services in the field of finance, supply him with goods, etc., then you can spend money on paid services. Viewing the results of thousands of trades daily is quite difficult. If you want to start your morning with calls to potential clients, it is better to subscribe to the mailing list and receive daily fresh data collected by someone else. It is important to understand that in such a situation, even a few hours are decisive.

We have considered who needs databases of auction winners and why. We hope our information will be useful to you.

The economic growth and popularity of any organization, regardless of the field of activity, depends on the number of its foreign policy relations, the volume and quality of services provided. If the first comes, so to speak, in the process, then the second has to be achieved in all sorts of ways (preferably legal).

The won tender can become a unique chance to "break out into the people", demonstrating the strength of one's capabilities, honesty of intentions, virtuosity of execution. When the procedure for conducting a tender is clearly outside the law, it is better to refuse to participate in it. In a situation where all the roles have already been assigned, the question of how to win a tender becomes clearly rhetorical.

Is it worth it to bid?

The answer is unequivocal - to participate, and at the same time not to listen to "kind" people telling horror stories about the corruption of everything and everything. Naturally, it’s most likely that you won’t be able to get into the kings the first time, especially if your company is a beginner - you will probably have to plow for the result for more than one month.

In principle, participation in the tender is an option for companies of various sizes. If you are a loner and only dream of millions in bank accounts, then it is better to pay attention to other ways to get rich. Fortunately, now even on the Internet you can make good money, the article "" describes only some of them.

The tender is carried out according to the traditional buy-sell principle, where neither the buyer - the customer, nor the seller - the service provider are left behind. The first receives the work done for a conditionally minimum price, the second does this work, receiving a stable income.

Focusing on the victory, do not forget that it is after the victory that the flywheel of the colossal process will begin to spin. Will you be able to meet the agreed deadlines, will the subcontractors cope, are the staff staffed with qualified specialists?

What tenders to participate in?

Tenders are open and closed, state and commercial, but not all of them will be able to participate - it is unprofitable or they will not let you in. The closed tender is something like an elite club, the board and members of which adhere to conservative views.

How to win a closed tender is an unrealistic question for most average companies. Because the participants in such events are deliberately specified - as a rule, these are trusts, consortiums that have monopolized certain sectors of the market.

To participate in the auction, participants (usually there are about 5 of them) receive a special invitation, which is sent by the organizer. Closed tenders often have as their goal the conclusion of contracts for work in secret areas related, for example, to the country's defense capability or in the areas of high technology.

An open tender is another matter; any company can enter here, regardless of the "wallet thickness" and age. The auction becomes known from the funds mass media and specialized websites. The number of participants is not limited - the more there are, the more serious the competition.

If you choose between a state and a commercial tender, the first one is more unhindered in many respects, since it operates within the framework of federal law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013. For example, according to the law, the procurement procedure, requirements for participants, evaluation of applications are strictly regulated and unchanged.

AT commercial tenders all wishes and requirements are set by the customer. And although the procedure for this event takes place within the framework of Law No. 135-FZ, the freedom, let's say, of creativity of the participants is noticeably limited. Under such conditions, it is impossible to find out who won the tender - this is information for a narrow circle.

Determining rule how to win a tender for services

The main condition for admission and participation in any tender is documentation, the preparation of which must be carried out with filigree accuracy. The number of papers is huge, and if you add the lack of generally accepted templates to this, design errors become the norm. That is why about 90% of potential bidders never become them.

Features of some documents depend on different conditions of tenders - whether it is the construction of an object, or training seminars or delivery baby food. Any problems with documentation are solved law firms, providing services for tender support, i.e., the correct execution of documents.

Outsourcing companies operating under the motto "I'll help you win a tender" are really worth your attention, because in addition to bureaucratic red tape, they also take the trouble to defend the interests of the client in the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The key point is the return of the funds spent to the client in case of non-admission (this item should be written in the contract).

Correctly drawn up documentation for the tender is good, but in order for your proposal to be interested, you need to “light up” in the good sense of the word. The essence of the "campaign" is not just to delve into the essence of the customer's request, so that the customer finds out about it:

  1. Make business contact. Do not be afraid to look ignorant in the eyes of the client, asking for clarification of streamlined phrases in the brief, concretizing information of secondary importance that is not reflected on the pages. Let the customer see that his project is interesting.
  2. Analyze the offer, familiarize yourself with his requirements / desires in order to ask reasonable questions how to win a tender for services without understanding the essence of these services. Keep in mind that the client can also ask a tricky question in order to understand the degree of your “immersion” in the topic. Highlight the key issue that determines the need for a tender. Show how you understand this problem and how to solve it using the example of similar practical solutions, theoretical developments, practical research. The results of the proposals must be confirmed by experts, have guarantees.
  3. Competence. So, theoretically, you are in the subject, you can speak beautifully and to the point, but this may not seem enough to the customer, and he arranges an exam on the practical application of your knowledge - to independently draw up an estimate. It is necessary to calculate the costs of production, subcontractors, depreciation, make an overall assessment of the work and "you will be recognized by your fruits." Such tasks almost certainly help win the tender.

Maximum reality of the offer

A good step would be to submit your proposal for consideration not only in writing - for clarity, it would be nice to draw something in the sense of graphs, diagrams. By successfully squeezing competitor data in, you can present yourself in the best light without belittling the merits of the above (you get a bonus for political correctness).

Valuable Tips:

  1. Find out about the number of invited persons. Copies of documents should be enough for everyone (a couple of extra copies should still be in reserve);
  2. Your team must not outnumber the opposing side;
  3. There should be a "co-pilot" nearby in case of a hitch - he will continue the performance;
  4. Rehearse your speech in advance so that, in addition to the main idea, you have time to tell valuable details.

Try to combine all available ways of presenting ideas - paper, posters, slides, laptop. We all perceive information in different ways, it is better for someone to read from a sheet, and for someone to look at the screen.

Having a portfolio is very much appreciated, and if you don’t have your own, which is currently in the topic, feel free to refer to similar projects and give links to them. Highlight the common and different between the example and your project, believe me, the customer will appreciate the straightforwardness.

When calculating the cost of work, set the real cost - good job always worth the money. The customer understands this, and a deliberately low price can confirm him in the thought that you simply cannot imagine the amount of work with all the risks that follow from this.

Confirm the theoretical calculations with an approximate work plan for decades, quarters - what work will be carried out in certain period time. On a psychological level, planned work seems more feasible and inspires more confidence in the customer.

Psychological subtleties that help win the tender

Developing economic strategy We must not forget that we will have to work with people. And even if at first they are faceless and inaccessible, the right tactics and techniques will help make them animated, ready for cooperation:

  1. Each person will be pleased if they call him by his first name and patronymic, and not by a faceless gentleman. Respectful mention of the client's name in official documents on a subconscious level, it will bring you closer, create the impression that you are already doing a common thing.
  2. A lot of efforts aimed at how to win a tender for services can be reduced to zero by banal illiteracy (typos do not count). (Being smarter than the customer in this sense will only play into your hands). Mistakes are offensive - they show disrespect for the interlocutor, do not inspire confidence and demonstrate, God forbid, your lack of professionalism.
  3. Be original. Advice for beginners - always be ready! To become familiar, constantly participating in tenders, or to offer something - new, unique, bordering on madness, but it works! Feel free to suggest ideas that are different (tried and tested, as mentioned above). If you get an audience with the head of the customer company and hold a demonstration, for example, of the operation of the device, an unusual situation may arise that will give you an idea of ​​how to win the tender.
  4. Get to know your partner. An unoriginal, but interesting technique would be to collect information about the powerful of this world - their hobbies, habits, etc. If earlier cooks, a nanny, a butler were used for these purposes, then modern media, the yellow press, an acquaintance of a friend can also enlighten on this matter. By making it clear that you have common ground outside of the office routine, you can achieve a certain location.
  5. Be honest. It will be easier to win a tender if the list includes a clause on a guarantee of a refund to the customer in the absence of a predictable result. It's amazing how much easier it becomes to work with people who are sure they won't lose their money.
  6. Self-PR. The client will be interested in the corporate profile of your company - state your policy, values, unique abilities, qualifications of employees. Make a list of companies for which you had to work, and a list of completed work - this will confirm your potential. For the client to trust your business qualities, include testimonials from previous clients. Grade not stakeholders often corresponds to reality and is listened to carefully.

What should not be done if you are thinking how to win a tender?

When communicating with the customer, his representatives, you must follow generally accepted rules, avoiding actions that can create a negative reputation / inflict material damage companies. What tricks are not recommended to use in pursuit of winnings:

  1. Present. This does not mean restrained signs of attention to a certain date / calendar holiday, but a banal bribe or bribery. Modern bribery may differ from the banal procedure from hand to hand, and go through an intermediary or go to an electronic wallet. But the trouble (for the bribe giver) is that people who cannot directly influence the outcome of the tender are bribed. Consequently, not everyone will agree to accept money - "dismantling" in the event of a loss is, to put it mildly, an unpleasant thing.
  2. Familiarity. A business dinner in a bathhouse, a cocktail in a striptease bar, sincere gatherings in a restaurant after midnight in no way contribute to the establishment of mutual understanding. In general, communication style is very important, if you are not sure how to behave, check out the types of possible interlocutors in the article "".
  3. The pursuit. Contraindicated in any form: by phone, in correspondence / by e-mail, "random" meetings on various events, in in social networks through mutual friends. First, get familiar (and you want to be a one-of-a-kind client?). Secondly, the decision is made not by one person, but by the commission, therefore, your efforts will be in vain if you are not going to "spud" all the members of the commission.
  4. Blackmail. Kidnapping, hostage-taking - radical methods "a la 90s" have sunk into oblivion. But, you see, there are few people who would not have a skeleton hidden in the closet - a sure way to intimidate an intractable client. Here are just a titanic effort to disclose hard-hitting secrets are not cheap, and the security services diligently protect the reputation of the employer. The blackmailer is provided with professional disqualification and the inability to participate in tenders in the future.
  5. Tricky economy. There are situations when the winning company, having started work, begins to cheat for some reason. Most often this applies to components whose cost, respectively, and quality, do not correspond to the estimate, they also save on quality and volume of supplies. For such cases, there are reference checks. As a result, the agreement will be declared invalid, the contract will be terminated, the performer will be blacklisted.
  6. Reduced contract value. Some sellers, wishing to win the tender in any way, significantly underestimate the cost of the estimate and win. But since the terms of the contract were signed long ago, and in fact the work is much more expensive, then you will have to cover the difference out of your own pocket. So it turns out that not only the miser pays twice, but also the cunning one.

I'd be key besides " specifications» of your proposal called how you are holding up, whether you were able to interest the audience. You can read more about simple but effective techniques in the article "".

How to become a winner in a not entirely fair way?

The struggle for the right to own a tender (usually a state one) is sometimes held in violation of the rules, it is almost impossible for an inexperienced beginner to consider this. We recommend to your attention the most used tricks, if you notice something like this, do not play, because you are unlikely to win:

  1. Price drop. The lower the cost of the proposal, the more likely it is to be selected, especially public procurement where the emphasis is on budget savings. Artificial knocking down of the price lies at the heart of dumping - a kind of game of insiders. It goes something like this - among the competing companies there are 2, one of which is dumping, offers the lowest price, and the second is an accomplice, keeps the price slightly lower than the others. As a result, the participant who offered the lowest price wins, but is eliminated from the game, because it is at this moment that alleged violations are found in the documents. The winner is the company that offered a price slightly lower than the rest. There is a conspiracy based on the principle "today I will help you win the tender, and tomorrow you will help me."
  1. Guarantee. A paradoxical situation has developed on the market, when fraud with tenders is possible and occurs precisely in the public sector. Yes, lawyers will forgive us, but with the goal of saving budgetary funds, the state unwittingly creates precedents. A classic example is that a government customer often includes the provision of a guarantor in the tender conditions as an additional guarantee of the contractor's viability. On the one hand, a solid guarantor will cover unplanned budgetary expenses. But on the other hand, such a form of guardianship is possible only between fairly close people, often relatives, therefore, there is a conspiracy.
  2. Fake request. Scam is based on legal right budget organizations to carry out requests for quotations with a contract value of up to 5 thousand rubles. The organizer of the tender arranges a fake request, i.e. formally the procedure goes well, but is invalidated according to cunningly concocted documents. The results of quotations are transferred to "their" company, which at the second stage of the competition offers the lowest price (the difference can be only a couple of tens of rubles).
  3. Filter. Once again, the state tender is in the spotlight. Certain works presented as sponsorship are already in full swing when the competition is announced. The main condition may be to carry out the same work for an unrealistically short time at a price well below market value. The struggle in this case is meaningless, since it is unrealistic to win in such conditions.
  4. Mistakes or mistakes with meaning. Since information about future auctions is conveyed by the media / web sites, it is not a secret with seven seals. "His" performer learns about the tender, in which he is destined for victory, by special errors in words. For example, supplies of components for a PC are planned, in connection with which an announcement is given "deliveries for a PC", but the Russian "s" is written in Latin. Outwardly, there is absolutely nothing to complain about, but by entering the “wrong” ad in the search bar, the performer will find out the necessary information.

How to find out who won the tender and why is it needed?

The open tender does not classify the data of the winner, they are reflected on the website of the organizer of the tender, the customer or use the novelty - the tender database of winners. The question - how to find out who won the tender - is usually relevant for narrowly focused organizations specializing in tender lending and bank guarantees.

For other tender participants, such data is interesting for analytical work: to study the final protocols, previous similar transactions of the winner of the current tender and the customer. Details of the winners are usually not disclosed. The notice of the prize is first sent personally to the management of the executing company, which individually informs the interested parties about it.

I must say right away that in any case it will not work to replay the results, but the plaintiff can file a complaint about violations of the auction in arbitration court at the place of the tender or FAS. Only corrupt officials can answer for illegal acts. As practice shows, the number of appeals against tenders in the Russian Federation can be counted on the fingers.


These recommendations, tips and warnings are real and have already been tested by your predecessors. Obviously, the starting point of success is correct documentation. But no less important is the psychological component, which will help establish a business understanding with a future client who can become your long-term partner.