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It is no secret that in search of the best supplier, Customers announce tenders. Supplier companies and customer companies need a common field where they can interact with each other. The function of such a common information field is taken over by numerous tender (trading) platforms (abbreviated as TP).

What is a tender (trading) platform?

In order for electronic trading to be “transparent” and take place within the framework of the law, electronic platforms were created. Electronic trading platform (ETP) is an information space on the Internet that allows interaction between procurement participants and customers. In fact, any Internet resource can be a TP only because it helps suppliers and customers to conclude purchase and sale transactions. The ETP operator acts as an intermediary between Customers and suppliers. Many ETPs also provide their customers with Additional services e.g. analysis of tender documents, preparation of an application, etc.

Advantages of tender sites

The advantage for the Customer is the realization of his right to choose the best supplier from the list of procurement participants, which in turn allows more efficient use of funds. After placing the procurement plan, the Customer, with the help of the TP, makes purchases in stages. Also, the TP allows you to save time and resources of the Customer in the search for potential suppliers. Suppliers can quickly and efficiently be informed of all new procurement procedures. Participation in electronic auction allows suppliers to reduce the cost of preparing their applications and participate in bidding remotely from anywhere in Russia.

Also, the information posted on the TP helps participants to effectively analyze the competitive environment, to study the demand for analogues of their products or services. Which in turn allows you to realize the best marketing company and increases the ranking among competitors. Suppliers, by entering into and fulfilling successful contracts, create a name for themselves and a positive business reputation. At the same time, the costs for such advertising are minimal, it is enough to submit an application, win a tender and successfully fulfill the terms of the contract. Also, many TPs provide an opportunity for suppliers to advertise their product or service on the site itself, where Customers can contact them directly to receive commercial offers.

Functions of tender sites

Tender platforms operating in the territory Russian Federation, have many functions. These functions facilitate the work of both Customers and procurement participants. Mobility of access to the auction provides saving of working time and quick access to the tender documentation of any participant. Any registered participant has access to information on all purchases placed on the site, which in turn allows him to choose the most preferable conditions. The basis for regulating the rights of participants and ensuring the transparency of procurement are federal laws on procurement activities, which guarantee legal protection all participants in the procurement process.

The functions of the TP include:

  • the ability to search for purchases by various criteria;
  • providing access to tender documents;
  • provision of a personal account for replenishment with funds, which will then be blocked / debited for participation in procedures;
  • providing the opportunity to participate in all procedures carried out at the TP;
  • provision of a report or statement of movement Money on a personal account;
  • providing an opportunity to submit a request for clarification of the provisions of the tender documentation and the results of the auction;
  • opportunity to sign contracts in electronic format.

Tender sites in Russia

The variety of tender (trading) platforms in Russia is quite large, therefore, for simplicity, they are classified:

  • by type of service;
  • for the purpose of transactions.

By type of service, TP can be commercial and public. On commercial sites, Customers can be any legal and individuals, including IP. The peculiarity of such TP is that Customers purchase goods (works, services) at their own expense. But on state (federal) sites, purchases are made with federal money allocated to state (municipal) organizations.

Splitting TP by industry helps to more easily navigate in the search for the necessary orders, and Customers more quickly attract the necessary suppliers, thereby creating a high and healthy competitive environment. This is beneficial for both parties involved in order to develop faster and get more profit.

On the this moment the most popular state trading platforms are the tender platform Sberbank-AST and Roseltorg. In order to take part in electronic trading held at the TP, the participant must be accredited to them and must have an EDS for tender sites.

The very participation in electronic auctions on public sites is absolutely free, this is clearly stated in the federal law 44-FZ. For participation in electronic auction the participant needs to replenish the account with the amount of the bid security, if it is specified in the tender documentation. The next step is to prepare an application and take part in the auction.

Types of tender sites

Electronic TP are commercial and government. To date, there are only six state sites. There are more than a dozen commercial ones. Among them there are more well-known large players, such as b2b-center, and less well-known ones with a narrow profile, as well as regional ETPs. Commercial sites, as a rule, have paid access to participate in the auction.

State marketplaces

  1. JSC "Unified electronic trading platform" (http://roseltorg.ru);
  2. ZAO Sberbank-AST (http://sberbank-ast.ru);
  3. National electronic platform (http://etp-micex.ru);
  4. RTS-tender LLC (http://rts-tender.ru);
  5. State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for the State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan" (http://zakazrf.ru);
  6. Russian auction house(GLAD) ( http://lot-online.ru/home/index.html).

Regional tender sites

For the convenience of the participants and a more efficient search for the procedures of interest and to increase the efficiency of the procedures posted by the Customer, regional level platforms were also created. Such TPs provide faster interaction, including delivery, between the Customer and the supplier located in the same region. There are a lot of organizations in Russia producing the same product, but very often the price is affected by delivery, it is easier and faster to transport in the region than in Russia. This also applies to services.

Commercial sites

Commercial sites, as a rule, operate on a commercial basis. Customers on such tender sites are any legal entity, individual entrepreneur or individual. All commercial ETPs have their own domain registered on the Internet. Commercial TPs are divided into two types:

  • independent - they are available to any registered participant;
  • private ones are corporate platforms that companies create to accommodate their purchases and sales.

Unlike federal ETPs, participation in purchases placed on commercial ETPs is paid for the supplier. This is a one-time fee or tariff for using the services of the site.

On corporate trading floors, the main guideline is aimed at attracting the largest Customers. Thus, they form a client base due to the convenience and popularity of the TP itself.

At the moment, it is rather problematic to determine the exact number of commercial TPs, since new ones are constantly being created. In open sources, there is a mention that there are about five or six thousand tender sites in Russia, but about a hundred TPs are the most popular of them. The most popular commercial ETPs are members of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms (AETP). In order to get acquainted with the full list of such sites, you need to go to the website of this association - http://www.aetp.ru/etp/list.


There are a large number of tender platforms on the Russian market for solving various goals and objectives. ETPs greatly simplify life for both Customers and suppliers. Customers optimize their costs and find new conscientious suppliers. And vendors are expanding their customer base. Transparency and openness of trade procedures are increasing, and corruption risks are decreasing.

What is an electronic trading platform? Why is it needed, what types of electronic trading platforms are there? Electronic trading platforms (ETP) allow customers to organize electronic procurement procedures, and potential suppliers to participate in them, competing for the right to deliver products to this customer.

Another area of ​​activity is to provide organizers of the auction with the opportunity to sell realizable property in electronic form- in this case already potential buyers compete for the right to acquire realizable property. The procedures carried out at each ETP are described in detail in the regulations for their work, and these regulations, as a rule, are posted in the public domain on the websites of electronic trading platforms. Neither the regulations nor the rules for conducting site procedures may contradict the law.

ETP is essential tool for electronic procurement. This is a software and hardware complex that looks like an Internet site to the user, after registration on which authorized employees of a legal entity can, on behalf of this legal entity, announce purchases as a customer or participate in them as suppliers. Within the framework of the current legislation, the site provides users with a “line” of procurement methods, the algorithms of which are regulated by the regulations of this electronic site and its internal rules.

The electronic site is a procurement tool, and the site operator is obliged to ensure the correct operation of this tool. At the same time, the operator of the electronic site does not have the authority of a body state power, nor the powers of an arbitrator, and therefore cannot and does not have the right to officially assess the legality of the actions of customers and suppliers, and even more so to apply measures of power influence against them. When conducting a procurement in electronic form, as well as during any procurement, the powers to suppress illegal actions of the customer or supplier are vested exclusively in state regulatory authorities and the court.

Three parties participate in each purchase - the organizer of the purchase, the participants in the purchase and the operator of the electronic platform. At the same time, potential suppliers are participants in the procurement, the customer is the organizer of the procurement, and the person ensuring the operation of the ETP is the operator of the electronic trading platform.

How to choose an ETP? An electronic trading platform is an easy, convenient access to the procurement procedures of large prospective customers. The advantages of the ETP are obvious: procurement is open, public, transparent, there is objectivity in choosing the winner. It is also important that the suppliers' proposals are anonymous for the customer.

If you want to become a supplier government organizations, you need to choose one of the officially accredited public procurement sites:

  • ETP of the Agency under the state order of the Republic of Tatarstan (Zakaz RF)

All information on state tenders can be found on the website zakupki.gov.ru.

Private companies and companies with state participation operating under 223-FZ, they purchase either through their own ("captive") sites (Aeroflot, Rosneft, Russian Railways, etc.), or through independent commercial ETPs (B2B-Center, Fabrikant, Gazprombank ETP and etc.).

To work on the ETP, you must pass accreditation. Depending on the ETP, registration can be paid or free.

Accreditation is free of charge for those wishing to take part in the state order, but it is necessary to provide a number of documents, the list of which is indicated on the website of each operator. Also necessary condition is the presence of electronic digital signature, which is valid on the selected trading platform.

After receiving the signature, it is necessary to provide the documents indicated by the operator, certify them with an EDS and send an application for accreditation in the correct format.

Pros and cons different types sites

Commercial ETP:

pros. Ease of use, "smart" selection of trades for each supplier, additional services, including financial ones. For example, B2B-Center provides clients with a set of financial services: bank guarantee, security deposit, loans. There are non-financial services such as procurement consulting, legal support trades. Minuses. The presence of a subscription fee. Purchases are only commercial and under 223-FZ (there are no government purchases under 44-FZ).

"Captive" ETPs:

pros. Free for the supplier. Minuses. They are organized for one buyer, the activity of the site is not transparent for the supplier, it is necessary to get used to the algorithms of work at each individual ETP. Simultaneous use of several ETPs is a dispersion of the supplier's efforts.

State ETPs:

pros: Many suppliers, unified rules for procurement procedures (44-FZ)

Minuses: Minimum usability and services, hidden fees in the form of reservation of suppliers' funds.

If you want to take part in any tender for the supply of goods (works, services), then you, as a participant in the tender, must submit an application. The application is a package of documents drawn up according to the requirements of the customer, which the latter describes in tender documentation– about what should usually include an application, we will tell in the following articles. The application can be submitted either on paper or in electronic form - the requirement for the type of application is always in the tender documentation.

Briefly about applying

There is always a clause in the tender documentation about where this documentation is published and how the application is submitted. Usually, if the purchase is published only on the zakupki.gov.ru portal, then the application is submitted in paper form. This means that you fill out all the necessary forms, make copies of the required documents, collect them in one application, draw up an envelope and take it to the customer's address (send by express mail or courier). Sometimes a customer asks to attach a disk with a recorded electronic version of documents to a paper application.

If the purchase is published not only on zakupki.gov.ru, but also on one of the electronic trading platforms (ETP), then the application is submitted to this ETP in electronic form. You do not need to send an envelope with a paper version anywhere. This method of filing applications is very convenient, as it allows you to work with customers located in other regions of the country, as well as significantly saves time and reduces financial costs. The development itself electronic document management is designed to facilitate the exchange of documents between two business entities.

What is an electronic trading platform

ETP - a set of information and technical means allowing tenders to be conducted electronically. Simply put, an ETP is a special site with a specially designed functionality that allows customers to hold competitions, and suppliers to participate in them.

To work on any ETP, you must be registered and accredited on it. If you do not do this, then you will not be able to participate in contests - you simply will not have access to the functionality of the site. How to get accreditation at the ETP and apply for this digital signature, we will tell in the next articles. Once accreditation is complete, you will be able to log into your Personal Area, make the necessary settings and start direct work on the ETP.

In the absence of registration on the site, you will only be able to view the contests: you can say that you will have access in "reading mode".

An ETP client who has been registered can become either a customer or a supplier. To date, the ETP for each of the parties provides services for the full support of the tender from the formation and publication of tender documentation to the signing of the contract. What does this mean?

Modern ETPs can be integrated with information system customer. This allows customers not only to announce and hold tenders, but also to analyze compliance with their procurement policy and exercise control. The advantage of working with the ETP for the customer is the ability to reduce their operating costs, since the site itself is responsible for conducting the bidding procedure and ensuring the corresponding operations on the ETP.

For ETP providers, the platforms offer services for setting up software at the workplace, for obtaining a digital signature, for issuing bank guarantees required as security for the application or the fulfillment of obligations under the concluded agreement. The main function of the ETP in relation to suppliers remains to provide access to information about requests for proposals announced on the site and the ability to apply for any of them.

Why are electronic competitions preferable for both sides of the process? There are a few things to note here:

  • All actions are carried out using a computer with Internet access - this is a great saving of time and costs for both participants and customers;
  • Procurement is carried out on a competitive basis, the customer chooses the best offer, that is, it has the opportunity to reduce its purchase costs and save finances;
  • To conduct a tender, the customer must accurately determine his need - as a result, the accuracy of planning the needs of the customer enterprise increases;
  • The procurement process carried out using the functionality of the ETP is quite transparent, the impact human factor here it is significantly reduced;
  • Suppliers can search for the deliveries they are interested in and new customers without leaving the office and without spending money on advertising - all the information is on the ETP, you just need to find the competitions that are suitable for you.

Federal tender sites

There are a lot of operating electronic trading platforms, but all of them can be divided into two groups - federal ETP and commercial ETP. Federal ETPs are platforms that are specially selected by the authorities for bidding in the field of public procurement. This means that any government customer of any level is obliged to publish their tenders only on these selected sites.

Now there are five such sites:

  • Sberbank-AST sberbank-ast.ru, a subsidiary of Sberbank, conducts public procurement and corporate auctions;
  • A single electronic trading platform (Roseltorg) roseltorg.ru - established by the Government of Moscow and the Bank of Moscow, conducts public procurement for large constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, etc.), for large departments (Ministry of Defense, Medical Unit), for large corporate customers;
  • "RTS-tender" rts-tender.ru - works with government customers of the Siberian Federal District, as well as some federal departments, for corporate customers it provides the opportunity to conduct bidding through integration with a partner - the "OTS-tender" platform;
  • MICEX "Goszakupki" etp-micex.ru - works in the field of state orders with the Federal Treasury, Federal Service under the defense order, by some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for corporate customers it provides the opportunity to trade through integration with a partner - the Fabrikant.ru platform;
  • All-Russian system e-commerce ZakazRF etp.zakazrf.ru/ - initially works with government customers different levels according to the republic Tatarstan now provides an opportunity to trade with a large group of other customers.

If you want to work with competitions in the field of public procurement, then you should pay attention to these five platforms. In this case, you will need to make an electronic digital signature with the scope of "Government Order" - it will work on any of the listed systems.

Commercial tender sites

Commercial ETPs are platforms where other customers publish their competitions: legal entities and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs. Commercial ETPs have their own classification: they can be specialized or multidisciplinary. Only one customer works at a specialized ETP, who created an ETP directly for himself. The diversified ETP presents many customers, and the list of requested goods and services is not limited.

The number of commercial sites is greater than the federal ones, information about most of them you can find on the website of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms, which includes the main representatives of this ETP group.

Among the main commercial ETPs are:

  • B2B-center b2b-center.ru - the site works with customers in various sectors of the economy, including metallurgy, chemistry, nuclear energy, agro-industrial complex, housing and communal services and aviation;
  • Otc.ru - the system works in partnership with RTS-tender and includes sites of various directions OTC-tender, OTC-market, OTC-agro, OTC-finance and others;
  • Electro-torgi.ru electro-torgi.ru - the site is focused on the procedures for the sale of seized property and the property of bankrupts, as well as for holding auctions that fall under the law No. 223-FZ;
  • TP "Fabrikant" fabrikant.ru - conducts tenders for purchases in the nuclear industry, shipbuilding, tenders for enterprises of the Norilsk Nickel group, purchases under 223-FZ;
  • ETP Gazprombank (ETP GPB) etpgpb.ru is a subsidiary of Gazprombank created for the organization's clients. It has three sectors of work with purchases: the sector of the Gazprom group of companies, the sector of other corporate customers and the sector of bidding for the sale of illiquid property.

The listed ETPs are only a small part of the existing trading platforms where you can work. Distinctive feature work on commercial sites is that registration and participation in competitions here are paid. Not all commercial platforms require a registration fee, large ETPs allow suppliers to register for free. Almost everyone takes a fee for filing applications for tenders, with the exception of only tenders of a certain list of customers.

How to choose a site for work

To choose an ETP for work, you need to determine the purpose of your participation in competitions. If you are going to participate only in procurement related to the area of ​​state orders, then federal ETPs should become the object of your attention. The issued signature key works on each of them, if necessary, you can register and work in all five systems.

When choosing a site, you should also consider where the customers you are interested in work. If, for example, you are focused on working with customers in different sectors of the economy, then you can try your hand at the B2B-center, if you are interested in customers of the Gazprom Group - ETP of Gazprombank. You should not strive to work on all sites at once, especially if you offer a specific product - choose the ETP where your potential customers work, who really need your product or services.

When choosing a site, evaluate the convenience of working with it and the financial costs that you will incur if you register on a commercial ETP. Now there are several payment options on commercial sites for providing access services to work with electronic contests:

  • Subscription fee for the year - differentiated by the number of contests in which you intend to take part, or by the amount of contests for which you are going to apply: the larger the amount of contests in which you want to participate, the greater the fee for working on the site;
  • Fee for each contest - subscription fee is absent for a year, but a fee is charged for each submitted application: some sites charge a fee from all participants who submitted an application, others only from the winner, and the rest are returned the blocked money.

There are other options for paying for ETP services, before registering and starting work on any of them, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the financial regulations.

Today, most of the purchases are made via the Internet. Therefore, it is not surprising that federal trading platforms began to gain great popularity, where all transactions are made without paperwork, that is, exclusively in electronic form. This type of income especially relished Russian entrepreneurs, as tenders are an additional way of earning. However, anyone can get income by participating in such a project.

What are electronic trading platforms

ETPs are sites created specifically for making purchases using ordinary laptop computers. Thanks to open access, any business entity can take part in the auction.

All the necessary data about the product, as well as about the conditions of work on the resource, are presented on electronic trading platforms. Thanks to the ETP, customers and performers interact with each other through electronic document management.

By and large electronic resources of this type can be compared to online stores where people offer or buy a specific product or service.

Varieties of ETP

Electronic federal trading platforms are classified according to several criteria. First of all, the level of their influence on buyers and sellers is assessed.

ETP is also distinguished by the method of management. Based on this parameter, the site can be:

  • Independent. In this case, it will be regulated by the virtual operator.
  • Pure. These sites are operated by licensed commercial enterprises.
  • Industry. Most often, such ETPs are distinguished by a narrow specialization (for example, petrochemistry, defense, etc.).

By the number of participants of the platform there are:

  • Federal. In this case, the role of the customer is not individual entrepreneur, a government agency. Most often, federal trading floors are used for large government purchases.
  • Commercial. Such resources are created by both suppliers and buyers or third parties.
  • for private trade. In this case, bidders are individuals who want to buy assets or sell them on their own. good example such a site is the Ebay service.

There are smaller resources on which private trade(for example, online stores), as well as sites for the sale of private property of state debtors. Separately, it is worth considering the list of federal trading platforms and commercial resources.

Federal ETPs

On services of this type, as a means of payment is used the state budget. Based on this, all transactions are formalized as government orders. Large businessmen trust just such ETPs, since in this case they are guaranteed to receive the declared payments. Consider the top 5 federal trading platforms.

RTS Tender

Up to 20 billion rubles are turned over at this site every week. This proves the popularity of this resource. To personally verify these data, it is enough to register on the federal trading platform and go to the “About the Company” section, which contains all the statistics on the latest transactions. Any user can analyze the situation in a certain region.

The main advantage of RTS is the ability to search by specified parameters. For example, you can specify a specific The federal law or other conditions.

To use the resource, you need to install special software and certificates on your computer. Browser settings are carried out in automatic mode. For those who are not yet ready to personally participate in the auction, created Training Center where you can get training on the customer or supplier.

For those who are interested in accreditation on federal trading floors, just go to the appropriate section, where you can also get electronic signature or bank guarantees.

Unified ETP

This site appeared back in 2005 and initially it was held exclusively trading auctions from the Government of St. Petersburg. After 4 years, the resource received the status of a single ETP and today it is in the TOP-50 of the most successful companies RF. A variety of auctions are held on the site and public procurement is carried out.

ETP Sberbank-AST

This platform was born a little earlier, in 2002. Today it is recognized as the most authoritative in its segment. Every year, up to 50% of tenders are held on the basis of Sberbank-AST, the owners of which are government customers.


The main advantage of this site is the ability to use the resource not only through a standard browser Internet Explorer but also with Google Chrome. As well as on the previous ETPs, only state auctions are carried out on this site. However, for commercial entrepreneurs, an additional service from the MICEX called Fabrikant has been implemented.

In all other respects, this resource is not much different from other federal trading platforms. Here you can also get accreditation and an electronic signature sample.


The main founder of this ETP is the Bank of Moscow, whose share is 48%, and the Government of Moscow (52%). Also here you can find great amount other government customers (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.). In total, today you can find more than 3 million different companies on the Rosseltorg website.

This ETP also provides training services (distance or full-time). In addition, property auctions are periodically opened on the Rosseltorg website. Technical support The service operates daily without interruption.

Commercial ETP

In addition to the sites described above, you can find a huge number of other resources on the Web that allow individuals to bid.

If we talk about the differences between such sites, then registration on commercial ETPs is usually paid. In addition, large customers who prefer to carry out large-scale purchases of a diverse range of goods offered are mainly found on sites of this type.

The commercial ETP system helps to plan future actions and collect statistical data on transactions already completed. They can also track the needs of customers and offer them the most profitable product.

In addition, on such electronic platforms, you can participate in special contests and auctions, which are usually aimed at attracting new customers.

Also, many entrepreneurs are attracted by the wide one that is presented on such resources.

If you correctly position and promote your company, periodically expand the range of products, you can achieve excellent results. The more active the interaction with potential customers, the more profit you can get.