How to find the right auction. How to find free tenders. Benefit from conducting and participating in commercial auctions

Where are purchases posted?

Tenders, or purchases, are of two types: state and commercial. Information about all public procurement are accumulated in the unified information system (UIS) and are available for viewing on the website Data on tenders of commercial companies are placed on various electronic trading floors(ETP), where they can be found.

Bid search systems collect data from a single state system, and from various ETPs, and provide users in a convenient format. One of these search engines is the RusTender auction search system:

Search for purchases on the official website

The EIS website has two important advantages.

  1. Firstly, it is free and all information about purchases is available on it without registration and any restrictions.
  2. Secondly, all purchases enter the system, even those that do not take place in electronic form. Thus, using only the functionality of the UIS, you can get all the information about the state order market in the industry of interest to us. This can be done in the following way.

In the search results, you can see current and past purchases. View their documentation, winners and final price of contracts.

Also, you can download the list of purchases in Excel, but not more than 500 entries.

The algorithm for searching for purchases on ETP sites approximately corresponds to the one described above, with the exception of differences in the interface.

This search method also has a number of disadvantages:

  • you cannot enter multiple search queries;
  • there are no some convenient parameters (for example, security or ETP);
  • saving search filters is not very convenient;
  • and, most importantly, there is no way to easily set up an automatic search (notifications about the appearance of new purchases that meet the specified parameters).

Search engines

Search engines are developed and sold just to free the user from such shortcomings and to simplify the search process as much as possible. The principle of their work is the same: to collect a maximum of purchases from various sources and present them in a convenient form.

The amount of information for all search engines also, as a rule, does not differ much: most of the purchases are taken from the UIS and large commercial sites, the differences are in the inclusion of small ETPs, which, as a rule, do not play a significant role in the search results, because purchases on them are published immeasurably less.

Therefore, you need to choose a search engine at the asking price and ease of use in the functionality provided to it. Almost all tender selection services offer a free trial period for testing.

In doing so, you need to be careful: we know of cases where search engines "cheated" and showed users past purchases as relevant in order to increase the number of purchases found. Always check the availability of purchases on the EIS or ETP website!

We suggest using our procurement search system:. Its functionality will be enough not only for a beginner, but also for an experienced public procurement provider: our specialists use it.

Register possible in .

Video instructions for working in the system.

Text instruction You can explore on this page.

LLC MCC "RusTender"

The search for suitable tenders is one of the most important conditions for the participation of a business entity in procurement. The better the selection of tenders is carried out, the better the result that their participant can count on. Therefore, applicants for cooperation with buyers should pay maximum attention to the discovery of specialized tenders.
Sources of information about tenders and how to find them
The first step to take on the path to effective participation in procurement is the choice of the most suitable market for such services, which interests the entrepreneur. Which search tools will bring maximum benefit, and which ones should be abandoned as ineffective ones, depends, first of all, on the area of ​​interest of the applicant for participation in tenders. These can be corporate purchases (223-FZ), municipal and state (44-FZ) or commercial.
In order to increase the openness and efficiency of procurement carried out at the expense of budgetary funds by municipal and government agencies, their system is being developed, within the framework of which a single portal has been created, located at and containing data on such purchases.
It is noteworthy that until 2010 access to municipal and state procurement was associated with certain difficulties, so potential bidders could not participate in them, and competition was limited.
To remedy the situation, the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the legislator, decided to make it mandatory to publish information about all municipal and state purchases without exception in the Unified Information System.
If the data is not posted on this resource, such a purchase is invalidated and it is considered that it has not been announced. In addition to the mentioned procurement site, the customer has the right to post information in other sources. However, they will be secondary to unified system procurement, therefore, are not of interest in the search.
A similar situation is observed in the corporate procurement system under the law 223-FZ. Customers issuing such tenders must, in without fail post all data on their conduct on the portal and can simultaneously use their systems and websites to announce procurement.
Thus, to get complete information about municipal, state and corporate purchases, it is enough to visit the site However, some nuances should be taken into account, which will be discussed below.
The opposite situation is observed in the sphere of commercial orders. Their rules and procedures are determined by the customers themselves. They also have the discretion to choose where procurement information is posted. It is worth noting that only domestic market there are more than 6 thousand sites where you can publish orders. Such an overabundance of proposals makes it completely inefficient to search for tenders manually, and therefore the automation of this process is urgently needed. This task is successfully performed by specially designed programs and services.
To answer the question of how and where to look for tenders, you should analyze the pros and cons of the main ways to obtain information about them.
Manual search can be chosen by applicants for participation in corporate, municipal or government procurements who do not constantly carry out such activities.
Taking advantage specialized services, which operate both on a paid and free basis, you can search for tenders with much greater efficiency. Their search systems can significantly reduce the time to find suitable purchases based on your preferences. Manual search does not provide such advantages.
To monitor announced tenders, one staff unit can be allocated. Such an employee will constantly professionally look for new purchases. You can also not keep such a specialist on staff, but entrust the selection of tenders to a third-party organization. However, there is a very real risk that the lack of a deep understanding of the specifics of a particular business will lead to the fact that purchases will be offered that do not arouse the interest of company executives.
The use of tender search engines deserves special attention. First of all, it should be replaced that it will not be possible to completely avoid manual search when using such services. The system offers tender options that need to be analyzed in terms of whether it is worth taking part in them. At the same time, most likely, many tenders will be eliminated. However, you will have to manually check a reasonable number of offers that match your preferences. Whatever program you use to search for tenders, it will show both pros and cons. Therefore, you should test different software and choose the most suitable for you personally.
Free tender search services
You have to pay for everything, so the search for orders can be called free very conditionally. In most cases, you can get free access to the use of a service or program only for a short time, or the creators of the project very soon refuse it due to unprofitability. Therefore, the best free tender search service is the Unified Information System. However, this was not without serious shortcomings. The choice is very limited to a modest set of filters and parameters. In addition, the site is often unavailable due to implementation preventive work. But if you are not embarrassed by limited functionality and the need to periodically wait for the restoration of the system, the Unified Information System will become your source of the most extensive information on municipal, state and corporate procurement, among which you can choose the right ones.
Best way free search on various sites - the use of services that are used on shareware terms. The user gets the opportunity to preview the capabilities of such services and, if necessary, purchase any of them.
Paid search programs and services
Even the most expensive tender search tools will not give the expected result if you do not have the skills to work with them. For a paid service or program to be effective, you must follow these rules.
Find out which of the activity codes provided by customers correspond to your area of ​​work.
make a list keywords, which may be present in the description of the tender you are interested in.
Save search terms so that you can refer to them the next time you analyze incoming orders, rather than setting up the service again with each search.
To work with the Unified Information System, subscribe to the RSS feed of data on new tenders according to the specified parameters.
Look for new tenders as often as possible. The optimal frequency is at least once a day.
After selecting an order, you should monitor its changes and cancellation. If this happens, it is necessary to change the application in a timely manner.
When new offers of tenders that interest you constantly arrive, take advantage of the opportunities of paid programs and services, which will be discussed later.
Top 5 tender search services and programs
You can find orders most efficiently and quickly with the help of full-fledged search services, the work of which, of course, will have to be paid. Let's consider the best of them.
– – Seldon.
This is the most famous and largest tender search service. It provides ample opportunities for the analysis and selection of tenders, due to which the efficiency of participation in them becomes as high as possible. A feature of the resource is the possibility of two-stage filtering of search results. A similar function is present in the next of the services that will be considered, that is, in the Tenderplan. The fee for the service is quite high, but it is quite justified.
- - Tenderplan.
Using this service, you can not only search for tenders, but also plan work with them. In particular, it is possible to keep a record of orders, search among them and set up a mailing list. Payment for using the service does not change depending on the volume of access.
– – EastBudget
The service differs from others by the presence of a large number of tools for customers. The interface is modern, functional and simple, thanks to which it is not difficult to master the operation of the service and you can quickly get started.
– – Kontur.Purchases
Extremely easy to use system, but it provides a large amount of tools. Here you can find everything you need without encountering any difficulties in mastering. As for the cost, it is lower than that of many similar services.
– – Procurement360
This service is not only a search engine for tenders, but also a tool for their analysis. There are a huge number of search parameters, as well as various filters. In addition, you can analyze the offers of competitors and participants, as well as make forecasts for price drops, which allows you to carry out effective analysis along with the search.
In order to organize the process of searching for tenders as efficiently as possible, it is necessary, first of all, to register in all the mentioned services, take advantage of the opportunities that they provide for free, and choose the best one for yourself. Only in this way you will be able to find a search tool that allows you to solve your problems.

The question of how to find a tender is the main problem if a company decides to participate in this event. The choice of a project can be made both with the help of one's own efforts, and by attracting a specific system that is designed to perform this difficult task. When choosing a customer on your own, you risk not only losing a lot of time, but not at all not finding a suitable option for you.

How to search for tenders on electronic platforms, what difficulties may arise during the search?

The main points that can overtake specialists working in the field of commercial and government tenders are:

  1. The presence of a large number electronic trading platforms and websites equipped with a custom search interface.
  2. Obtaining a result that does not satisfy the needs of a potential bidder.
  3. The process of managing selected projects, which is a complex task.

How to find the right tender in the worldwide web?

In the case when it is planned to select government orders, the procedure for finding a suitable option is quite simple and understandable. To do this, you just need to visit the site dedicated to public procurement.

Concerning commercial offers, things are much more complicated here. This is due to the presence huge amount platforms where various commercial organizations place their orders.

That is why the search required project is present everywhere. To determine how to search for tenders on the Internet, you must first carefully work on choosing a place where a potential customer may be located.

In addition, each individual website, that is, the trading platform, is equipped with an individual interface designed for the procedure for selecting the required tender, and also has its own algorithm for selecting various options. This process can take a lot of time and effort, as you will have to look through many e-commerce sites until you find desired project. You can spend half a day searching, but if you use automated system for selection, this will provide a significant reduction in time resources, which are already limited.

How to find tenders in case of unsatisfactory results?

The return on self-searching can be very small. The most interesting and important points are present only in the documents of the customers themselves, and, as you know, it is impossible to search for tenders on it. Companies usually use common phrases or words to describe and name their tender, but selection made by entering these data will not lead to the desired result. It may also happen that when searching for a suitable competition or auction, you will come across a “dirty” list, which you will see when you enter the exact name of your services, works or goods.

But there is still a way out of such a difficult situation, and solving the question of how to properly search for tenders turns out to be not at all difficult. The solution is presented in the form of a choice of a suitable customer in accordance with the documents attached to the websites of the companies. In them, organizations indicate all the necessary parameters for a future tender, which include a description of the main characteristics for the purchase of the required goods or the receipt of certain services on a competitive basis.

In addition, you will need to sit on this procedure almost around the clock and control and monitor the tender documents. It often happens that the company planning the bidding makes some adjustments to the order submitted by it.

If you did not take into account the changes made due to your carelessness, then you will have to forget about participating in the auction or competition. This is due to the fact that the decision-making commission will refuse to accept your completed application for participation. This is the reason why you should check websites every day.

If you do not know where to turn and how to find tenders with favorable conditions for you, then it would be best to involve third-party specialists who will save not only a lot of effort, but also teach you how to manage this area of ​​work.

Tender support

Tender support is a service aimed at ensuring the process of participation of an enterprise in a tender. The main goal of tender support is to create all the conditions (at the legal level) for the client-participant to win the tender.

Tender support is especially relevant if you:

  • do not have much experience or did not take part in state competitions at all;
  • do not want to take risks and act at random;
  • you don't want to misfire on a responsible tender.

Did you know that 90% of bidders are not allowed to bid due to flaws in the documentation or an incorrectly executed application? If you are not a professional, making a mistake in documents is easy. In this case, only tender support will help.

Every day, information about dozens of new purchases for state needs appears in the EIS. How to find "your" tender will tell in this material.

The state is the largest customer, constantly in need of goods or services, from the construction of a nuclear power plant to the supply of pens. Every day, information about new tenders under 44-FZ appears on the single procurement portal. There are several tricks that will help you not to get lost in all the variety of purchases.

In order not to be confused, we immediately note that the concept of "tender" in the law on contract system does not exist. Tenders are often called everything existing methods choice of supplier, and not only within the framework of 44-FZ, but also 223-FZ.

So, a tender can be called a competition, an auction, or a purchase from sole supplier, and requests for quotations and offers. Although all these are separate procurement methods, the features of organization and participation in which are detailed in 44-FZ.

How to search for tenders

All information on current purchases is stored in the EIS. Information on the portal is constantly updated. In order not to miss a suitable tender, we advise you to periodically check information about new purchases on the website.

Customers in the Russian Federation are enterprises of any form of ownership. If it is federal and municipal institutions, natural monopolies or companies with state participation, then the data on their auctions fall into the unified information system (UIS). User access to the relevant information is carried out through the website A number of filters are applied to select the desired options. The system has flaws, so independent services are often used instead. They have a different set of tools, are paid and free.

The tender selection is based on the following parameters:

  • customer: state or commercial enterprise;
  • subject: type of works, services or goods;
  • governing law for public procurement: according to 44-FZ or 223-FZ;
  • the region where the customer is located and deliveries are made;
  • start and end dates of the auction;
  • starting price;
  • way to do it :( open competition, electronic auction, request for proposals or quotations, from a single supplier, etc.)
  • additional conditions (for example, the availability and amount of guarantees, mandatory certificates and confirmations);
  • term of the contract.

Each potential supplier determines the criteria for selecting options at its discretion.

Ways to search for auctions and contests

Each company operates according to circumstances. Small businesses and those firms that rarely participate in public procurement and commercial tenders are looking for options manually. It's hard work, but it saves money. When most transactions are concluded on a competitive basis, it is better to automate the study and analysis of information. To this end, use the possibilities of a single information system or other search services.

If employees do not understand the rules for conducting tenders, do not navigate commercial and public procurement websites, then in urgent cases the task is outsourced. But with enough time and money, training in-house staff is considered more effective.

The procedure for searching for a tender for public procurement

Using the is convenient: it is completely free, there are no registration requirements and other additional conditions. All government orders are accumulated here, even if they are not created and carried out in electronic form.

To find a tender, auction, bidding in the form of a request for proposals and quotations, etc., first, at the top of the main page, select the type of search:

  1. Fast way provides that the name of the customer, purchase, notification number or other data is known exactly. Information is entered in the search bar and click "Find". The system gives exact matches and similar variants.
  2. If there are no clear plans yet, they use an advanced search by several parameters: the name of the service, product or OKDP2 product classifier code, preferred contract price, region, etc.

Efficient search for tenders

The EIS website is constantly being improved, but still has a number of technical and functional flaws. Most of these shortcomings are eliminated on alternative services. Their convenience and cost of services differ. There are completely free resources, for example, Multitender, Prof-Dialogue, Comtender. Others have a preferential trial period, and the rates are minimal. Seldon, Tenderplan, Procurement360, etc. work for a fee.

For those who plan to participate in public procurement, commercial tenders and auctions, the Awindex service is suitable. The system is equipped with efficient and convenient functionality, including:

  • search by regions, industries, winners, types of products and services, regulatory legislation (44-FZ or 223-FZ), etc.;
  • verification of potential counterparties;
  • study of the rating of companies, statistics of placing orders and filing applications;
  • Personal Area(includes saving search parameters and favorite auctions, monitoring new offers, setting up email alerts).

The interface and navigation in Awindex is understandable even for beginners.

When you are aiming to participate in a specific public procurement, look for it in the EIS. If there is still no clear idea, study the options for competitions on independent services.