Research methods of labor motivation in the civil service. Elements of the system of motivation of civil servants. Values ​​of public civil servants

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The main task of civil service personnel management is to orient employees towards achieving the goals of the organization and getting the most out of them. The reasons why a person gives maximum effort to work are varied. Motivation determines the incentive choice by civil servants of various types of behavior and becomes one of the most important elements of management. If we take into account what motivates a person to take action, what he aspires to, it is possible to build the management of a civil servant's labor activity in such a way that he will perform his duties most effectively and in the best possible way.

Recently, the content of managerial work has become more complicated: a highly intelligent worker is controlled by more and more complex motives. The organization of labor of such employees is impossible only with the help of labor rationing, job descriptions and control. We need other, more modern approaches to personnel management, new forms of motivation that lead to high results.

During the period of modern Russian reforms and the accompanying crisis phenomena in the economy and society, the attitude of many people to work has changed. Labor has lost its meaning-forming function, it has been alienated from the well-being of the worker, since its importance in the formation of a person's income is underestimated, and moral rewards for conscientious work often cease to play an important role.

These problems also affected the state civil service. The motivations of employees, including state civil servants, have significantly deformed. In addition, the problem of labor motivation has become topical for the civil service in the light of the outflow of qualified personnel aged 30 to 50 years to the non-state sector of the economy (in 2008 their number was 38.0%), which is facilitated by a decrease in the prestige of the civil service, frequent transformations, unsystematic structural reorganizations, unmotivated personnel reshuffles, but, most importantly, non-transparent differentiation of wages and social guarantees for different categories of civil servants.

In modern Russian research, the topic of increasing efficiency professional activity and strengthening the motivation of employees of state bodies is not sufficiently disclosed, not all issues of the functioning of the public service are affected, not all factors that contribute to improving performance have been identified labor activity.

The foregoing indicates the need for a scientific study of the system of labor motivation of civil servants in order to scientifically substantiate proposals for its improvement. To date, this problem has not been sufficiently developed. theoretical aspects, there remains a significant need to generalize and systematize information, clarify the specifics of the work of employees of federal executive bodies.

The lack of comprehensive research in this area, as well as the importance of managerial skills in improving motivation systems and approaches, determined the relevance of this work, its theoretical and practical significance.

Analysis of the degree of knowledge of the topic. The problems of motivating and stimulating the labor of managerial personnel, including civil servants, were dealt with by many domestic and foreign scientists, whose works reflected various aspects of labor motivation, which differ due to its specificity in a significant variety of scientific views, concepts, schools on micro- and macroeconomics. level.

Research studying theoretical basis labor motivation, the methodological substantiation of the category "motivation" and its essence, the problems of material incentives are reflected in the works of O.S. Vikhansky, N.I. Zakharova, A.Ya. Kibanova, M.I. Mirskoy, Yu.G. Odegova, A.N. Onoprienko, P.S. Osipenkov, K.S. Mikulsky, S.G. Strumilina, E.A. Utkin, as well as in the works of Western scientists: S. Adams, M. Weber, V. Vroom, R. Likert, E. Lawler, E. Locke, D. MacGregor, A. Maslow, E. Mayo, F. Taylor , A. Fayol, and others.

The study of domestic and foreign experience in the formation of a system of social protection of civil servants and the possibilities of its use in Russian conditions was carried out in the works of K.O. Magomedova, M.D. Neupokoeva, A.I. Turchinov and others.

At the same time, a number of issues remain insufficiently studied, in particular, there are no studies of the motivation of the work of civil servants as an economic category; it is also necessary to analyze the elements of the labor motivation mechanism and specific tools for improving the mechanism of its payment and incentives in order to increase the efficiency of the activities of public civil servants.

Insufficient theoretical, methodological and applied development of these problems led to the choice of topic, purpose, main directions and objectives of this study.

The research problem of this work lies in the contradiction between the need to improve the system of labor motivation of civil servants, on the one hand, and the need to develop evidence-based theoretical and practical recommendations for its improvement.

The object of the study is the socio-economic relations that develop in the process of motivating the work of civil servants.

The subject of the research is the system of labor motivation of civil servants.

The aim of the work is a comprehensive study of the system of labor motivation of civil servants.

Research objectives:

identify the features of labor motivation in the system of public civil service;

to analyze the motivation of employees of the modern civil service;

develop ways to improve methods of motivating civil servants.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was determined by the economic approach used in this work and the multidimensional nature of the problem under study.

The following methods were used as the main research methods: analysis of the scientific fundamental literature of domestic and foreign authors on the problems of motivation and stimulation of labor; situational and systemic approaches; general economic and specific laws of labor economics; logical, comparative, structural and functional analysis; methods of statistical and sociological research, expert assessments.

The empirical basis for this study was the legislative and regulations federal authorities, presidential decrees Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, Rosstat data, scientific developments of the RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation, Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance, electronic resources the Internet.

Researchers of motivation define the concepts of motive and incentive in different ways. For example, according to O.S. Vikhansky, the motive is inside a person and has a personal character; a modern dictionary of foreign words defines a motive as “an incentive, a reason for some action” (Modern Dictionary of Foreign Words, M. 2007). In the practice of personnel management, it is generally accepted that a motive is a person's motivation for fruitful activity, caused from the inside by his own needs, emotions.

H.A. Volgin considers a motive as “an impulse to act, the reason for which is interest (remuneration, promotion, etc.), an administrative decision (order, instruction, etc.), or another personal reason - a sense of duty, fear, responsibility , nobility and so on.

Stimulus - an external motivation for action, the reason for which is interest (material, moral, personal, collective or public), as a form of needs realization.

The incentive acts as a promise of compensation to the worker for the physical and intellectual efforts spent in the process of producing material goods. Stimulation is carried out in all phases of reproduction.

On the basis of the considered definitions, it can be concluded that the common thing in motive and stimulus is an incentive to act. The difference is that the concept of "motive" is broader than the concept of "stimulus". The motive includes in its structure a stimulus as the main component (an incentive to action, the cause of which is interest), as well as an administrative decision.

Motivation is one of the basic concepts used to explain the driving forces behind human behavior and activities. The term "motivation" is derived from the word "motive", which in turn comes from the Latin verb movere, that is, to move. Therefore, under the motivation of a person, in the very general view understand the whole range of factors that motivate and direct human behavior.

Researchers of motivation interpret this concept in different ways. According to M. Meskon, motivation is the process of encouraging oneself and others to work in order to achieve personal and organizational goals.

Some scholars define motivation:

as a process of a person's conscious choice of one or another type of behavior, determined by the complex influence of external and internal factors; as an internal process of a person's social choice of a particular behavior, determined by the complex influence of external (stimuli) and internal (motives) factors.

Zakharov N.I. states that “the process of motivation is based on the functions and properties (elements) of consciousness and psyche and includes the perception and

assessing the situation, setting goals, making decisions, waiting for the results of actions and their conscious adjustment.

For each person, the motivational structure is individual and is determined by many factors: the level of well-being, social status, qualifications, position, etc.

The economic approach to labor motivation lies in the fact that economic entities predict the consequences of their professional activities, make a constant situational choice between the costs of upcoming actions and income from the results of these actions; their needs and desires are rational; material incentives dominate the motivational structure of most individuals.

Understanding the essence of motivational processes is based on the study of the relationship between the two main components of the economy: production and consumption. It is possible to find out what motivates a person to work only by considering the relationship: need - motive - interest - incentive.


Features of labor motivation of civil servants are associated with the specifics of their work and the imperativeness of the civil service institution. The mechanism of motivation in government agencies is mainly based on administrative and command incentives associated with a clear regulation of the work of civil servants, and is a complex system of socio-economic relations between civil servants.

Frederick W. Taylor formulated the concept of the "school of scientific management": the introduction modern methods work, selection of employees based on scientific criteria, their professional selection and professional education, cooperation between the administration of the enterprise and workers in the practical implementation scientific organization of labor, a fair distribution of duties and responsibilities between workers and managers.

Taylor's followers developed his concept. G. Gant proposed a system of planned schedules that made it possible to control planned work and draw up calendar plans for future periods, a wage system with elements of time and piecework forms of payment. G. Emerson formulated the basic principles of management that ensure the growth of labor productivity: discipline, clear regulation of people's activities, labor rationing; accounting, control, fair treatment of personnel, timely encouragement.

A special merit in the development of Taylorism belongs to G. Ford, who put forward the idea that the wages of a worker depend on his production, that is, he proceeded from the position that the worker effectively responds only to material incentives.

The "classical school", whose founder is A. Fayol, believes that ultimate goals any organization is to maximize profits, profitability, capital investments, total capital turnover with minimal cost resources. This concept of management did not sufficiently take into account the human factor, therefore, in the 30-50s of the 20th century, the neoclassical school became widespread in the West.

The methods of the school of scientific management formed the basis of the NOT developed in Russia by such scientists as A.K. Gastev, A.F. Zhuravsky and others.

Currently, there are more than 50 different theories of labor motivation. Let us consider those of them that are most often used in management practice, in terms of their impact on the behavior of economic agents in the context of regulating social and labor relations.

There is no single classification of motivation theories. In foreign literature, a two-stage classification (substantive and procedural theories) is more often adopted, but even M. Meskon recognized the validity of the original theories: “Although today everyone understands that the basic premises of the early theories of motivation were incorrect, they should still be known ... The main such technique was the motivation of the carrot and the stick," but he goes on to write that he "divides theories of motivation into two categories: substantive and procedural." Domestic researchers distinguish the following groups of theories of motivation: initial, content, procedural, and modern.

In the original theories (“Carrot and stick”, theories “X”, “U”, “Z”), attempts were made to build a universal model of motivation and apply it to any employee at any time on the basis of simple coercive incentives, material and moral incentives. According to the theory "X" (D. McGregor), only biological needs prevail in human motives, a person does not like to work, prefers strict control to independent work, the quality of work is low. Theory Y is the antipode of Theory X, the motives of employees are dominated by social needs and the desire to work well. W. Ouchi in the theory of "Z" (1984) describes the employee, the incentives for which are: material and moral incentives, self-affirmation, coercion. Such a theory can be applied in the practice of civil service personnel management, as it corresponds to the motives of a civil servant.

Content theories “are based on the identification of internal factors, that is, the needs that make people act in one way or another. They are represented by the works of Abraham Maslow, David McClelland and Frederick Herzberg." In addition, among the meaningful theories, we note the importance of the theory of K. Alderfer. These theories consider the needs of the employee, individual goals and aspirations of people, explain the motives of behavior, determine the degree of their importance, and, in accordance with this, the application of appropriate internal and external rewards.

Abraham Maslow recognized that people have many different needs and concluded that they can be divided into five main categories: physiological, security, belonging to a social group, recognition and respect, self-expression, self-actualization. Satisfaction of physiological needs he gave paramount importance.

Despite the fact that the change in the system of economic relations in society leads to the formation of a completely new mechanism work motivation, in which the motives of the highest level become dominant, the salary of a civil servant should be such as to satisfy his physiological needs.

K. Alderfer identified three groups of needs: the needs of existence, the needs of communication and the needs of growth. If it is impossible to satisfy the needs of the upper level, it is possible to switch from one specific need to another. This will cause a process of regression from the upper level of needs to the lower one, but motivational effect will be achieved to a certain extent. The theory of D. McClelland is associated with the study and description of the influence of “needs for power, success and involvement”1 on human behavior. They do not have a clear structure, do not exclude each other and are not arranged hierarchically, their combination depends on the individuality of a person (on personal qualities, his culture, experience and specific situation). F. Herzberg established the difference between external incentives and internal incentives to work and singled out “factors of working conditions” and “motivators” into separate groups.

Working conditions factors are associated with environment, they are not motivating, but only allow you to avoid job dissatisfaction. Motivators are factors of the second group, related to the nature and essence of the work itself, their presence fully causes satisfaction and motivates employees to improve performance. In the practice of motivating civil servants, special attention should be paid to this group of motives.

A characteristic feature of all substantive theories is that they study the needs and give their classification, allowing to draw conclusions about the mechanism of employee motivation, but do not pay attention to the process of motivation.

Process theories are based on the behavior of a person in a group in accordance with his perception of reality, experience and outward behavior, they "do not dispute the existence of needs, but argue that people's behavior is determined not only by them."

The most famous among them are: W. Vroom's expectancy theory, S. Adams's theory of justice, Porter-Lawler's theory (goal setting theory).

V. Vroom's theory is based on the fact that the chosen type of human behavior will actually lead to the satisfaction or acquisition of the desired. She emphasizes the importance of the following factors: labor costs lead to expected results, results to rewards that are valent or adequate to satisfaction with rewards. Since different people have different reward needs, the specific reward offered in response to the results achieved may not be of any value to them. If the valence is low, that is, the value of the reward received for a person is not too high, then the theory of expectations predicts that the motivation for work activity will weaken in this case. For example, most civil servants have low motivation for additional training due to the fact that there are no changes in wages and career growth.

According to the theory of justice by S. Adams, an individual compares the effort expended with the reward received and then correlates it with the reward of other people doing similar work. For civil servants, the principle of justice is very important, many industrial conflicts arise as a result of its violation: if the size of employees' earnings is kept secret, then the stimulating effect of wages associated with labor productivity is lost.

Lyman Porter and Edward Lawler developed a complex process theory of motivation, including elements of the theory of expectations and the theory of justice, according to which the results achieved depend on the efforts made by the employee, his abilities and character, as well as his awareness of his role. The level of effort expended will be determined by the value of the reward and the degree of confidence that the effort expended will indeed a certain level rewards. At the same time, a relationship is established between reward and results, that is, a person satisfies his needs through rewards for the results achieved.

Interest in the problems of motivation in the late 90s. 20th century psychologists, and economists, and sociologists. H.A. Volgin and O.N. Volgina conducted a study on the subject and classification of dissertations on the problems of motivation. General theoretical questions of motivation in the market model of management are considered in the works of Kiyko Zh.N., Kozhaev Yu.P., Druzhinin A.I., Korol S.P. Mikhailov O.V. was engaged in material remuneration of the personnel. and Akopyan G.A. The influence of labor motivation on performance was studied in the works of Mirzaev I.K., Kichedzhi V.N., Smolkov D.P. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, we see that the change in the motivation of employees is influenced by both the form of ownership and industry specifics.

The first to use the latest theories of motivation in personnel management on Russian market Western firms began to show the results of new standards of work with personnel: employees in foreign firms worked with greater efficiency.

The latest theories of motivation take into account such circumstances of modern life as the transition to a market economy, socially oriented market economy, increasing competition, changing the value structure of the personality of the majority of employees, which requires employers to change their attitude towards employees.

Modern approaches to labor motivation are based on the fact that an employee works more productively and efficiently, if he is interested in the activities of the organization, is involved in the adoption management decisions receives satisfaction from his work.

Currently, three complex newest theories of motivation are known. These include: participation of working people in the management of organizations; participation of employees in the profit of the organization; ownership of the organization. In the civil service, the latest theories of motivation can be applied to a limited extent, only in terms of the use of non-economic incentives, which is associated not only with a limited amount of material incentives, but also with strict regulation of the work of civil servants.

The only one of the newest theories that can be applied to motivate civil servants, in my opinion, is the theory of participation in the management of an organization. Employees of federal executive bodies can be involved in solving various kinds of tactical tasks: drawing up plans for departments for the current period, monitoring labor and performance discipline, determining coefficients labor participation, the distribution of bonuses based on the results of work, the introduction innovative projects and proposals, compiling lists of personnel reserve.

Formation of a new generation of civil servants adapted to the conditions of a regulated market economy who combine a strategic approach with high professionalism, who are able to act effectively in crisis situations, it is impossible without an effective system of motives and incentives to work, ensuring an increase in the effectiveness of their activities.


To understand the incentives for the work of civil servants, to understand the motivating motives that can positively affect their productivity and enhance their sense of responsibility, to identify the hierarchy of favorable social, moral, psychological and material factors that play a role in the process of motivating their work - all this is an integral part of the study aimed at developing tools to motivate the work of civil servants. Without a detailed study of this issue, all other developments and recommendations lose all meaning and have absolutely no practical application.

public service- a specific area of ​​public relations, where the norms of administrative and labor law. The legal model of the public service system of the Russian Federation is enshrined in Article 28 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The work of state civil servants is carried out in accordance with the regulations, which contain the requirements for a civil servant who replaces the corresponding position of the civil service. The work of a civil servant can be characterized as the totality of all relations in the civil service, as well as their occurrence, termination and change when civil servants exercise official powers.

The regulation of the activities of public civil servants is one of the main directions for improving the effectiveness of their work, as a result of which it is possible to abandon the bureaucratic system of public service personnel management to determine performance requirements official duties.

An employee of the department "State and municipal management" of the IPK of the civil service, Ph.D. n. Gorshkova E.V. in 2006-2009 a survey of public civil servants was conducted, which involved 827 respondents from various federal executive bodies (such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation, Ministry information technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Culture and mass communications Russian Federation, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Rosregistration, Rosnedvizhimost) leading, senior and junior groups of positions. The survey results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - The structure of the motives of civil servants

Answer options

in % of the number of respondents

leading group

senior group

junior group

Striving for material well-being

Guarantee permanent job


The prestige of the profession, motives for serving the state, altruism

State pension provision

Health insurance

The need for social connections, communication, acquiring the right contacts

good psychological

microclimate in the team, work among intelligent people

Evaluation of others, relatives of the prestige of the profession

Obtaining free education, advanced training



Good working conditions, workplace equipment

There were no other offers

Random selection

An analysis of the survey results showed that the motivation of civil servants is differentiated depending on the position held and, as a result, on age. The main motives are material, they ranged from 52.0% for the junior group of positions to 82.0% for the senior group. The guarantee of a permanent job (62.0%), stability of position (44.0), state pension (96.5) attract only employees of the leading group, social contacts (28.3%) and good working conditions are also important for them (47, eight%). Employees of the senior group are attracted by the guarantee of a permanent job (55.1%), career growth (34.7%), the prestige of the profession (4.4%), and free education (12.0%) are less important for them. For employees of the junior group of positions (their age is mostly up to 30 years), in addition to material motives, the motives of career growth (46.0%), free education, advanced training, and professional development (75.0%) are important. Health insurance is differentiated depending on the position held and the specific government agency, but recently there has been a deterioration in departmental medical care, so the motives of this group are insignificant (5.2%; 4.8%; 3.2%).

It is noteworthy that very few of the civil servants surveyed named the desire to benefit society and the state, altruism (5.6-2.8%), continuity in the choice of profession (1.8-4.8%) as the motives for their activities in the public service. It is alarming that 15.0% of respondents indicated the absence of other offers as the reason for choosing a place of work. According to the structure of motives, it can be concluded that the public service is most often a means to achieve its own goals, which have little to do with caring for the interests of the state as a whole.

To ensure job satisfaction for civil servants, more attention needs to be paid to the needs that matter most to them. At the moment it is material needs, including state pension (for employees of pre-retirement age). But, since the motivation of civil servants due to the labor crisis is somewhat distorted - there are no motives for disinterested service to the state, society - in order to form effective labor motivation, it is gradually advisable to introduce non-material forms of motivation (in particular, motivation by the goals of the organization, the importance of work), which are used non-systemically, and their application often depends entirely on the leader.

Labor motives are formed before the start of labor activity, in the process of socialization of the individual, therefore, managing the motivation of an adult causes certain difficulties. In this regard, it is very important to find out what are the motives of a person who comes to work in the body state power. The main task of personnel services is to select an employee who is ready to work in this organization in a certain position. In addition, to become a state official, one desire is not enough - professionalism, competence, and correspondence to the position held are necessary.

To increase the motivation of civil servants, it is possible to offer differentiation of incentives for different age and gender groups.

The number of state civil servants of the federal executive authorities (federal level) in 2008 amounted to 28,066 people, including 11,321 men and 16,745 women (40.3% and 59.7%, respectively).

N.L. Zakharov notes that for the majority of civil servants, the main motives are career growth, high salaries that stimulate their professional activities, the desire to take a worthy place in society and realize themselves in management. In addition to material incentives, moral stimulation is no less important.

In the dissertation research E.E. Grishina analyzed the motivation of state and municipal employees on the basis of data from a survey of state civil and municipal employees conducted in 2005 by the Institute for Urban Economics Foundation and the Institute for Comparative Studies of Labor Relations in a number of regions. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the factors of social guarantees, security (75.7%), regularity of remuneration (56%), and stability of employment (47%) take the leading place among the incentives attracting people to public service.

Thus, based on the study of scientific sources and empirical analysis carried out by employees of the department "State and municipal management" of the IPK of the civil service in 2006-2009, regularities were revealed in the motivation of civil servants, which are determined by categories and groups of positions, gender and age differences: the most important are material motives, career growth, social guarantees, employment stability.

Recently special place in the system of motivation of civil servants, it takes the opportunity to have a flexible work schedule, additional days off and holidays, especially for women with children of preschool age.

The Russian labor market has recently begun to more and more resemble the labor markets of developed industrial countries, while retaining its own specifics. Countries with a developed market economy have long been accustomed to the phenomenon of a labor crisis, in which labor is alienated, its meaning-forming function is lost, labor values ​​are devalued, and the motivations of economic agents change. The experience of overcoming such crises, which is available in foreign economies, has shown that the tools for resolving labor contradictions are the relationship between the position held and wages with work experience in the organization, and increasing wages for effective and efficient activities. World practice has accumulated a sufficient base of tools in the field of labor relations management and labor organization. These tools, in one way or another, in different ways and in different situations effective, catch changes in the organization of wages, in the organization of labor itself, in labor management, in changes in the qualifications of workers. This practice can also be used in the process of reforming the civil service of Russia, carried out to ensure high rates of socio-economic development of the country.

From the point of view of the economic approach to motivation, motivational relations implemented in the system of industrial relations determine the development of economic agents, their labor abilities, production skills, professional excellence and experience. The main economic meaning of motivational relations is the management through motivation of economic agents (civil servants) and labor processes.

Features of labor motivation of civil servants are associated with the specifics of their work and the imperativeness of the civil service institution. The mechanism of motivation in government agencies is mainly based on administrative and command incentives associated with a clear regulation of the work of civil servants, and is a complex system of socio-economic relations between civil servants.

The key factors aimed at improving the performance of civil servants are:

setting individual goals and objectives for civil servants related to the goals and objectives of government bodies, as well as choosing the means to achieve goals, coordinating general, private and individual goals;

creation favorable conditions for the development of initiative, innovative approaches to fulfilling the task, delegating authority to make managerial decisions to a lower level of management;

introduction of a system for evaluating the performance of civil servants and paying for results, covering a significant number of civil servants (including, without fail, senior and middle managers);


The motives of labor activity are different for specific professions and are realized in them. According to the results of the study given in table. 1 “The structure of the motives of civil servants”, the majority of civil servants came to work in government bodies for the following reasons: material support, social package, job security, free education. The motivation of civil servants to improve the efficiency of their activities must be oriented taking into account the above factors. As practice shows, the motives of material support are dominant when entering the civil service.

The components of the motivational behavior of the staff are many elements: organizational and personal goals, the relationship between the management and employees of the organization, their internal motivations, the system of career advancement and the system of career expectations of employees, the conditions for job satisfaction and the system of motivation and stimulation of work in the organization.

The mechanism of motivation involves needs, interests, motives and incentives. One of the characteristics of the motive is its strength, it affects the level of human activity, the success of the manifestation of this activity, and in particular, the effectiveness of the activity. Motivated employees show more perseverance in completing the task, plan their work for a longer period of time, show loyalty to the organization and its management.

The study of the influence of the strength of the motive on the level of human activity was carried out back in the 20th century by M. Winterbottom, J. Atkinon, E. French, F. Thomas, X. Heckhausen.

Russian physiologist N.E. Vvedensky formulated the law of optimum-pessimum, the observance of which is necessary to fulfill mental labor. Unfavorable conditions for the productivity of managerial work are impulsiveness, a sudden acceleration of the pace of work, in which a person gets tired faster. The optimum is strictly individual, each person has his own rhythm and pace of work. Experimental studies carried out by E.P. Ilyin, V.V. Skryabin and M.I. Semenov, confirmed the existence of an optimum of motivation and the strength of the motive.

The strength of the motive depends on many factors, it can be influenced by various incentives, both material and non-material.

Financial incentives occupies a leading position in the system of motivation of civil servants, as it is the main source of satisfaction of basic human needs. At the same time, studies of motivation have shown that wages are not the only factor in increasing labor motivation, satisfaction can be brought by the nature of the work, its content, etc. The mechanism for stimulating the work of civil servants is established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Law No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” establishes a complex structure of the monetary content of a state civil servant, including: official salary, salary for class rank, bonus for civil service, bonus for special conditions public service, premium, state social guarantees. In the structure of remuneration of civil servants, the official salary and various allowances predominate; the level of monetary content is mainly affected by the official position. There is a duplication of the salary of a civil servant with allowances, the grounds for payment of which are the same factors that determine the size of the salary. Such a system of remuneration, established by Art. 50 of the Federal Law No. 79, does not allow financial support and protection of an employee, interest and attract qualified personnel to the civil service.

The dynamics of changes in the remuneration of civil servants in the period from 1995 to the present has been uneven. The increase in the level of remuneration was carried out both by indexing official salaries, and by increasing the size of allowances to the official salary, as well as by introducing new components into the salary structure. The share of official salaries in the annual wage fund of state bodies is continuously decreasing: from 50% at the beginning of 1995 to 16.5% by 2007. Differentiation in terms of official salaries of civil servants does not correspond to differentiation in terms of wages in general. The degree of vertical compression in terms of wage levels in the central offices of federal ministries and departments is 1:9, and in territorial bodies federal executive bodies 1:4 with the level of vertical compression of official salaries 1:3.77. A simple increase in wages does not lead to an increase in wages.

stimulating function, since the indexation of the salary of the monetary content by 10% increases its value for the junior group of positions by 500 rubles, and for the highest group of positions - by 8 thousand rubles.

Even E. Lawler proposed to divide the wages of any employee into three parts in order to establish the relationship between the results of labor and income. One part of the salary is paid for the performance of official duties, and all who perform similar duties in this organization receive the same remuneration for this. The second part of the salary is determined by years of service and cost-of-living factors. The amount of this part of the salary is automatically regulated. The third part is determined by the results achieved by each employee. This part changes all the time depending on the contribution. For employees with lower labor productivity, this part of the salary is minimal and does not automatically increase. The actually earned part of the wage can change dramatically, so that if the productivity of the worker falls, then the wage decreases by reducing its variable part. The essence of this system is to link the employee's salary with the results of work in the current period.

The close connection of the remuneration that an employee receives with the effectiveness of his activities brings income to both the employee and the organization.

At the Department of "State and Municipal Administration" IPKgossluzhby in 2006-2009. survey was conducted


Gerasimenko D.A. graduate student


Gerasimenko D.A. postgraduate student The South Russian Institute of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

The article analyzes the main features of the system of motivation of civil servants. The main factors of motivation and demotivation of labor of civil servants are identified, the stages of demotivation of employees are analyzed. Recommendations are given to improve the efficiency of the motivation system for civil servants.

Key words: civil service, labor motivation, demotivation.

The article analyzes the main features of the system of motivation of civil servants. Basic factors of motivation and labor disincentive civil servants, stage analyzed disincentive employees. Recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the system of motivation of civil servants.

Key words: public service, labor motivation, demotivated.

The growth of social contradictions, the complication of the economic and political situation in the country necessitates an increase in efficiency government controlled in general, and the state apparatus in particular. Achieving these goals is impossible without increasing the efficiency of the work of civil servants, which in turn is impossible without creating an effective and harmonious system of motivation for employees of the state apparatus.

The changes that have taken place in Russia over the past two decades have necessitated an increase in the effectiveness of the civil service. An efficient bureaucracy has become almost synonymous with an efficient state. If officials are inefficient, incompetent and poorly motivated, large-scale "failures" of the state become almost inevitable. .

In this regard, at present, there is an acute question about the need, on the one hand, to systematize domestic and foreign experience in encouraging civil servants to work, on the other hand, a deeper study of the motivational substructure of the personality of civil servants in order to develop areas of work with civil service personnel.

Labor motivation is an object of study in various areas of social and humanitarian knowledge: psychology, social philosophy, sociology, and management. Well-known foreign scientists (A. Maslow, G. Allport, B. Skinner, L. Festinger, Z. Freud, H. Heckhausen, E. Deci, A. Bandura, etc.) addressed the study of human behavior motives at various times. domestic authors (V.G. Aseev, T.O. Gordeeva, E.P. Ilyin, A.N. Leontiev, A.K. Markova, Yu.B. Orlov, S.L. Rubinshtein, P.M. Yakobson and etc.). Various aspects of labor motivation were actively developed in Soviet time sociologists

A.G. Zdravomyslov, N.S. Novoselov, K.K. Platonov, V.P. Rozhin,

V.A. Yadov, psychologists E.P. Ilyin, P.M. Yakobson, V.G. Aseev and others. The work of A.A. Derkach, N.I. Zakharov, E.B. Chernova, M.Yu. Boyarkina and others.

For effective work public administration should make the most of the resources that are available in the organization. People are one of the main resources and its main capital. But employees do not perform their professional duties in the same way and can work with maximum efficiency only when certain conditions. The willingness of people to contribute to the work is determined by their psychological maturity and the desire to work at full strength. The management of the organization can develop excellent goals, plans, strategies, organize information flows, install the best equipment, use the latest modern technologies, innovations, etc. However, all this will not give the expected results if employees, on the one hand, are motivated, and on the other On the other hand, there is something in the organizational space that demotivates and reduces their interest in working.

The low motivation of civil servants manifests itself in different ways: employees arrange additional breaks, talk more on personal topics on work phones, create the appearance of a work process, etc. Due to a lack of motivation, the quality and volume of work is deteriorating. As a result, the efficiency of the entire government body is reduced.

Some features of the labor activity of civil servants can be distinguished: all work is aimed at the implementation of state and national interests; clear rules of management; rigid norms labor discipline; high responsibility of officials for the consequences of decisions made and implemented.

In 2010-2011 in St. Petersburg, at the North-Western Academy of Public Administration, a study was conducted aimed at studying the main factors of motivation and demotivation of labor in the public service system, in which 90 civil servants who underwent training took part. In particular, the following methods were used: the methodology of the hierarchy of needs, the methodology for determining the motivation for success by T. Eles,

methodology for determining the motivation to avoid failures by T. Eles, the test "Instrument for assessing organizational culture (OCA1)", etc. Let us present some results of the study.

Testing according to the methodology of the hierarchy of needs showed that the most satisfied for the civil servants participating in the study were the needs for security, interpersonal relationships, respect from the outside, and not satisfied - the need for material well-being and self-realization.

A study of the characteristics of motivation for success (according to the methods of T. Eles for determining motivation for success and motivation for avoiding failures) showed that civil servants who have worked for less than 5 years in positions in public authorities are characterized by a higher motivation to avoid failures, while civil servants, those who have worked for more than 5 years have a stronger motivation to achieve success.

The author's questionnaire was used to analyze the main motives of professional activity. When answering the question about the most significant motives for professional activity, the following answers were received:

For the majority of respondents (58%), the main factor in motivating labor activity is the desire to provide themselves with decent material support; - the next most important motivation factor (27%) is the desire to achieve high performance in professional activities, make a career, prove oneself, i.e. self-assertion and self-realization in the professional field.

Respondents' answers to the question about the importance of material and non-material labor incentives showed that more than half of the civil servants surveyed (63%) noted material factors for stimulating their labor activity as the main ones.

When answering the question about the correspondence of remuneration to the contribution made by the subjects to the performance of duties, civil servants in

In general, they positively assessed the correspondence of non-material incentives to their contribution to work (52%).

At the same time, a significant number of civil servants (37%) note that cash payments, most often, do not correspond to the amount of work they perform, which indicates the presence of dissatisfaction among respondents and serious problems in the system of material incentives. At the same time, it should be noted that the majority of respondents (78%) positively assess the idea of ​​introducing a procedure for remuneration depending on performance indicators, which corresponds to the management system by objectives.

Theorists and practitioners should take into account the fact that the process and results of work in an organization always depend on the ratio of the strength of the simultaneous influence of motivation factors and demotivation factors on staff. Moreover, demotivation factors largely determine the internal motivation of employees. Among the most significant factors of demotivation of civil servants, the following are noted: the absence of dependence of remuneration on the results achieved; low level of technical equipment of workplaces; lack of a mechanism for career growth and a career building algorithm; assigning additional work.

Many reasons can cause frustration among civil servants. So, the answers to the question of the author's questionnaire showed that they had a decrease in intrinsic motivation influence: poor organization of work; lack of necessary information; information overload; stagnation, stagnation in the unit; low level of acceptable competence; the management style of the head, aimed at satisfying mainly only his own interests and the needs of employees close to him; the head has a negative motivation for power for the sake of power itself, a disease of power; lack of consistency of the immediate supervisor in solving work problems; Poorly performing employees may have greater disposition

at the management; excessive interference or connivance, indifference, ignoring by the immediate supervisor, inattention to the requests of the subordinate; violation of the principle of justice; undeserved comments from management; incorrect pressure of the head, manipulation; the leader's inability to manage his emotional state; negative rumors, gossip, envy; unprofessional resolution style conflict situations; lack of prospects for professional or job growth; organizational pathologies in the structure of organizations, in managerial decisions, in the field business relations and so on.

Psychologists distinguish six main stages of employee demotivation:

1st stage. The employee encounters obstacles and experiences bewilderment, alertness, and confusion. He tries to understand what is happening and who is responsible for what is happening. At this stage, the employee is still working normally, demotivation is weakly manifested.

2nd stage. The subordinate notices the mistakes of the leader or the management system and tries to make suggestions. In case of ignoring their ideas, the employee shows obvious dissatisfaction and does it demonstratively, in a non-verbal form.

3rd stage. The employee has already become convinced that the reason for the failures is in the management or in the management system. He unconsciously expects a slip and a mistake of the leader, in the hope that his ideas will still be heeded.

4th stage. The employee does not believe in changing the situation. He is disappointed in the management, in his work in this organization. His performance is declining. Dissatisfaction is expressed non-verbally and verbally. At this stage, demotivation begins to cause tangible harm to the cause. Many workers are already looking for new jobs.

5th stage. This is the stage of alienation of the employee from the management and the organization as a whole. The employee begins to perform only the nominally outlined duties to him. Restoring motivation and trust in leadership is already practi-

is technically impossible.

6th stage. If an employee does not leave the organization for reasons that are significant to him, complete apathy, depression, and lethargic behavior set in. In a team, employees begin to talk too much about vacations, shopping, and so on, but not about work.

It should be noted that an employee can live in his sequence and not all stages of demotivation.

Depending on the characteristics and degree of complexity of the causes of demotivation, there are several ways to overcome this problem:

1. "System" way. It is used in situations where most of the employees of an organization or department have reduced motivation and lost interest in work. To eliminate the problem of demotivation, an integrated approach is used: the personnel management system as a whole is being revised, the process of primary and secondary adaptation is being established, new training activities are proposed, opportunities for individual promotion based on performance are considered, and so on.

2. "Group" way. These are some activities with limited resources, designed to involve employees in the activities of the organization, increase their interest in work, and diversify their workdays. You can organize, for example, a planned joint vacation, unusual gifts and more.

3. "Individual" way. It is used when demotivation arose in one particular employee. In this case, it is necessary to take a number of situational measures in the form of a joint discussion of existing problems, reassessment functional duties, and so on.

Obviously, knowledge of the stages of demotivation of an employee and ways to increase interest in effective work will help managers quickly and more professionally resolve difficult situations related to managing the motivation of civil servants.

Let's look at the problem of motivation from the other side. It must be stated that today bureaucratic organizational culture dominates in public authorities, in which the organization is a formalized and structured place of work. What people do is governed by procedures, formal rules, and official policies. It is important in work to maintain a calm and smooth process of activity.

The predominance of elements of bureaucratic organizational culture ensures the use of a management system by process (and not management by results). The main goal is to ensure stability and predictability. But the predominance of this culture with dynamic changes in external environment reduces the effectiveness of the organization and prevents it from adapting to new conditions. This task is better handled by organizations in which elements of the adhocracy culture are strongly represented. They are manifested in readiness for change, innovation, striving for improvement, quick adaptation, creative approach to work, creativity, ability to act in situations of uncertainty, reasonable risk, and so on. It becomes obvious that in order to increase the efficiency of civil servants, it is necessary to use an integrated approach in public authorities and significantly improve the organizational culture so that it contributes to change.

Thus, as the study showed, the current system of labor motivation of civil servants is not effective enough and requires serious development using a systematic approach. Today, the motivation of civil servants is carried out mainly through strict administrative methods, the main attention is paid to monitoring the performance of functions, compliance with the activities of civil servants with established norms and procedures, which provokes a formal attitude to the performance of official duties or their non-fulfillment.

The conducted research makes it possible to develop proposals for improving the motivation for the performance of civil servants, namely:

The performance indicators of civil servants are associated with a change in the final state of the object to which their activities are directed. Therefore, it is possible to propose a change in the management system as a whole: from management by process to management by objectives;

With a management system by objectives, the texts in the documents regulating the labor activity of employees must be formulated in such a way that they include, among other things, the expected results of work;

Create an objective and comprehensive system of indicators showing the degree of achievement of the expected results and allowing officials to focus on the main priorities of the authorities;

Apply results-oriented staff motivation methods;

Develop a system for recording the workload of employees and a system of material and material methods incentives depending on the volume of work and on the results obtained.

To build a comprehensive system of personnel management in government bodies, it is advisable to assess both the needs and motivation of employees, and the factors influencing their demotivation. This will provide an opportunity to more accurately analyze the effectiveness of the current system of motivation and incentives for working civil servants, and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments to improve it.

Motivation must be carried out using flexible administrative and management mechanisms. Systems of orders and reports to a greater extent should be replaced by a system of economic incentives, using the technologies of public administration that is oriented towards results. But for the effect

Effective change requires an enabling environment, which means changing the organizational culture. It should be noted that if the actual motivating factor for civil servants is material interest and self-realization, then as a strategic direction for increasing the efficiency of motivation and stimulation of the work of civil service employees, it is possible to propose the use of a personnel motivation system that provides management focused on achieving the desired results. To meet the need for material security and self-realization, it is advisable to introduce a system of remuneration for work and material incentives based on the results of work.

Thus, the study of labor motivation management factors in the public service showed that the time has come to reassess the motivation methods used in order to find more effective ones. And to improve the performance of civil servants, it is required to use an integrated approach and modernize public administration systems using new management concepts and technologies, management psychology and sociology.


1. Aleksandrov V. B. Forms of existence and nature of culture // Management consulting. 2010. № 2.

2. Zelentsova E. V. Culture as an ultimo ratio for Russia // Management Consulting. 2011. No. 1.

3. Cameron K., Quinn R. Diagnostics and change in organizational culture. SPb. 2001.

4. Kamirova A. N. The model of managing the sphere of culture of the region // Management consulting. 2010. No. 2.

5. Kozyrev A. A. The system of motivation for the labor activity of civil servants // Management consulting. 2010. No. 2 4.

6. Kulinenko A. I. The influence of individual psychological characteristics of the personality on the motivation of labor activity in modern conditions// Actual problems of the humanities and natural sciences. 2012. No. 2 2.

7. Magomedov K. O. Sociological analysis of the problem of labor motivation of civil servants // State Service. 2013. No. 2 1.

The concept of motivation in personnel management

Public service requires great responsibility and dedication from employees. Motivation of employees allows to increase the efficiency of their work. The study of methods of motivation in the public service is necessary to overcome problems in the field of providing public services.

The problem of motivation worries all employers. It does not depend on the tweed of the organization and its goals. Particular attention is paid to the problem of motivation in management and the science of personnel management. In the framework of public administration, in my opinion, one should not delve into the system of approaches and interpretations of motivation as a term. Motivation- this is an internal behavior that prompts an individual to take any action.

In personnel management, motivation is often associated with the position of Abraham Maslow, according to which the activity is based on a pyramid of needs. All needs are arranged according to their importance to the individual. The pyramid of needs is shown in the figure below.

Maslow's pyramid of needs

Staff motivation- this is the ability to influence and manipulate employees through various material and non-material methods in order to increase labor productivity.

Motivation associated with the term "stimulation". Very often, researchers put an equal sign between two words, qualifying them as synonyms. In its turn stimulation It is an external motivation to work. Among the external incentives for labor, material and moral incentives for labor are singled out.

Stimulation- external stimulus to work.

Among the external incentives for labor, material and moral incentives for labor are singled out.

Motivation has a number of functions. They are shown in the figure.

Each of motivation functions aimed at increasing the interest of the employee in his direct duties.

Motivation can be material and non-material. According to statistics, material motivation is considered more effective. It all depends on the organization and employees.

Material incentives can be expressed in monetary form (salary, bonuses, etc.) and non-monetary (vouchers for rest and treatment, priority in the provision of housing, rights to purchase scarce goods, subsidies from enterprises for food workers, maintenance of children in kindergartens, pioneer camps, etc.).

material motivation in non-monetary form, it is associated both with the creation of conditions for the qualitative reproduction of the labor force, and with the functioning of the worker in production, i.e. with the organization of labor, the improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions for work, which indirectly increase the labor activity of workers. Material motivation in non-monetary form largely plays the role of social incentives that allow employees to assert themselves in production, provide social guarantees to the workforce in creating acceptable living conditions for workers in an organization or institution.

Public service in the Russian Federation

public service in the Russian Federation, it is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service" and the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On the Public Service System of the Russian Federation" of May 27, 2003 N 58-FZ.

Under public service it is customary to understand the practical and professional participation of citizens in the implementation of the goals and functions of the state through the performance of public positions established in state bodies. The key interpretation of the civil service should be considered the definition presented in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 79-FZ.

Public Service of the Russian Federation– professional service activities of citizens of the Russian Federation to ensure the execution of powers:

  • Russian Federation;
  • federal government bodies ... subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ... persons holding public positions in the Russian Federation;
  • persons holding public office in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The public service is closely related to personnel policy state and the motivation of employees.

Features of motivation in the civil service

public service endowed with specific features that make the work responsible and requiring serious dedication. Features of the work of civil servants are presented in the figure below.

Features of the work of civil servants

public service has both a standard system of motivational methods and a special set of motivational methods that make it possible to cross out the disadvantages of working in the public service. The most commonly used standard forms of motivation, which perform the following functions:

  • orientation, aiming the employee at a certain behavior option;
  • meaningful, reflecting the meaning of the employee's behavior;
  • mediating, due to the result of the impact on the behavior of the employee, both internal and external stimuli, which is reflected in the motive;
  • mobilizing, consisting in the fact that the motive "forces" the employee to "get together", concentrate on performing important activities for him;
  • acquittal, reflecting in the motive of behavior the attitude of the employee to the generally accepted and established pattern of behavior, one or another social norm.

An important role in the system of motivation of civil servants is played by wages and all kinds of bonuses. In this regard, we consider separately principles of remuneration of civil servants.

First of all, remuneration is based on the differentiation of the level of remuneration of civil servants. It is designed to be carried out depending on a number of indicators such as:

  1. labor quality,
  2. the value and effectiveness of the labor contribution,
  3. working conditions,
  4. natural and climatic conditions,
  5. other features of the professional performance of civil servants.

In order to motivate the state, it is called upon to increase the level of remuneration of civil servants in connection with the growth in the efficiency of functioning and development of subordinate areas and sectors of the economy.

To carry out systematic indexation of the level of remuneration of civil servants in connection with inflationary price increases.

In the civil service, there is a combination of independence of state administration bodies with state regulation of wages within the limits of the state's competence established by law.

The state is obliged to comply with the rules social justice when distributing the wage fund, equal pay for equal work. Currently, systematic state regulation of the level of remuneration of civil servants is being implemented in comparison with the level of remuneration in the private sector of the economy.

The state undertakes to conduct a systematic indexation of the level of remuneration of civil servants in accordance with changes in the indicators of the subsistence minimum.

At present, allowances for special conditions of public service, length of service, bonuses for hard and hard work are charged on the salary of the cash content. In cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the official content of a civil servant is established district coefficient(coefficient).

The productivity of the work of employees of state executive bodies depends on the effectiveness of the applied motives and incentives for their professional performance. The system of labor incentives for these workers should be formed on the basis of a set of certain principles.

Non-material motivation of civil servants very important for productivity improvement. The civil service is a very responsible job. People who work in the civil service strive to maintain self-respect and high self-esteem. Praise has a great response, highlighting certain merits. It is advisable to compare the results of an employee with his previous successes and reward for his real efforts, which made it possible to ensure success with praise, diploma, distinction. However, it should be remembered that unpredictable incentives are more effective than expected and predictable ones. People quickly get used to the existing incentive system.

If a reward becomes expected, it quickly loses its motivating power.

feature motivation of employees in the public service can be seen as the need to reward collective results. This is more effective for the civil service as a whole.

Good results are brought by the placement of articles and photographs of individual achievements of especially distinguished employees. A place of honor on the honor roll will emphasize the importance of the employee not only for the state institution, but also for the state.

Motivation management of civil servants

The organization of labor relations in the sphere of the civil service has a certain specificity, both in the managerial and content aspects, since it is focused on the observance of national interests on the scale of administrative-territorial affiliation.

Factors of labor organization of civil servants:

  • the activities of civil servants presuppose the observance of national interests, orientation towards the maintenance and development of the social and state structure;
  • a high degree of responsibility of civil servants who are officials, officials, for the implementation, results and consequences of the decisions they make in the exercise of their powers;
  • labor discipline and organizational and managerial activities in the civil service are characterized by strict regulation and regulatory requirements, violations of which are not allowed;
  • the solution of individual tasks facing employees is associated with the practice of widespread use of intellectual and creative potential and its free interpretation within the framework of the tasks set.

Government civil servants have more responsibility and higher demands than the same level of employees in commercial, manufacturing and industrial organizations. However, the level of remuneration of civil servants is lower than in commercial structures. The additional social benefits and guarantees provided, in comparison with commercial, industrial and industrial organizations, also cannot fully compensate for the high level of overall complexity of the work of employees. At the same time, the importance of the work of civil servants indicates the need to reassess the approaches to material and non-material remuneration for work in relation to civil servants.

The labor incentive system for civil servants includes a comprehensive set of material and non-material incentives, which is designed to ensure the effectiveness of their work through the impact of a combination of methods of coercion, reward and inducement.

The relationship between management methods and types of motivation in the civil service

Administrative methods of management concentrated in the field of coercive methods are associated, first of all, with the management of motivation and in the conditions of bureaucratic management structures are most effective. Motivation of civil servants associated with the complexity of managing this process:

  • the insufficient monetary maintenance of the state civil servants affects;
  • the monetary remuneration of civil servants does not have a pronounced dependence on the actual results of their work, as well as the level of inflation and the cost of living in the regions.

These are the fundamental determinants that determine the complexity of managing the motivation of civil servants.

On the other hand, there is no mechanism for career growth; regulated and formalized dependence of official promotion depending on the level of qualification of civil servants, education and work experience.

The use of methods of economic impact on the motivation of public civil servants is complicated by the existence of differentiation of amounts monetary reward employees of executive authorities and local self-government in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It also does not contribute to increasing the motivation of civil servants and their interest in work with the help of methods of influence characteristic of public authorities.

However, it is necessary to emphasize the stimulating nature of the social package of state civil servants. Firstly, the need for security is met, and secondly, certain attitudes are formed related to the perception of the significance, respect and recognition of the merits of an employee before a public authority. As a result, there is an increasing tendency among public civil servants to be loyal to the conditions and norms of activity postulated in the regulatory documents of public authorities. A direct consequence is the formation and maintenance of the motivation of public civil servants at an acceptable level.

However, the provided social guarantees do not allow us to say that they fully satisfy the existing needs of civil servants. Of course, in this case there are real and objective needs.

The existing social guarantees can be divided into basic (health insurance, pensions, life insurance) and additional (interest-free mortgages, sports and cultural activities, free use of the canteen of the institution). At the same time, basic social guarantees should be available to all employees, and additional - only for employees with a certain length of service. Given the formalized approach and the possibility of regulating this process in public institutions, it is even possible to provide additional social guarantees in stages, gradually increasing the social package of a civil servant over time. In addition, the social package and the guarantees provided within it may additionally depend on the effectiveness of his work.

Organizational-management and socio-psychological methods form a group of motivation methods that determine the increase in the motivation of civil servants. In this regard, career development is an important factor in increasing the motivation of civil servants. This contributes to satisfaction, both material and social needs, and also affects the status satisfaction with the work performed. Professional development is a set of all conditions that determine the development of a civil servant and his achievement of the status of a professional. In accordance with this, the awareness of civil servants regarding their further career development, as well as the availability of an individual approach to career advancement, is a significant factor in the growth of motivation and interest in work. On a national scale, it seems appropriate to form structured databases with information on the promotion of personnel in the public service. At the federal and regional levels, civil servants may have appropriate access to information regarding their past and current careers, as well as prospects for future career development.

It seems reasonable and objective such an approach, when the increase in the efficiency of professional and service activities of public civil servants is achieved through a rational combination of motives, incentives for work.

In this regard, it would be appropriate to mention that, according to Article 50 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", the stimulation of the work of state civil servants includes: a civil service position, a monthly salary for a class rank and additional payments.

In accordance with the considered aspects of the specifics of labor motivation in the civil service, the following conditions can be distinguished for the effective implementation of measures to increase the motivation of labor of civil servants in the long term:

  1. Systematic formation of the personnel potential of public service bodies from competent employees and process ensuring their loyalty to the state acting as an employer.
  2. Targeted provision of state bodies with the necessary human, financial, information technology and material resources;
  3. General modernization of administrative and organizational processes on an object-oriented basis, instead of the predominance of a subject-oriented approach.

Foreign experience of motivating civil servants

The issues of labor motivation of public civil servants are relevant not only for Russia, but also for a number of other countries, since the low level of motivation of public civil servants is a common obstacle to creating effective mechanisms to stimulate the work of government personnel around the world. Despite the difficulties in the processes of motivation of public civil servants, world experience has made it possible to develop various methodological approaches to these processes, as well as several points of view directly on the implementation of measures in the field of labor motivation in the public service.

A study of foreign incentive experience shows that the most promising direction in this area is the focus on improving the level of professionalism, qualifications, general and special competence of civil servants. This approach is typical for most European countries, as well as the United States, Japan and China. At the same time, in countries with a developed state and economic infrastructure, as well as a stable state system, the level of monetary remuneration of civil servants correlates with the average salary level of employees of enterprises in the private sector of the economy occupying positions of a similar and comparable level.

For example, in China a 15-digit tariff scale is applied to provide an effective mechanism for stimulating the motivation of civil servants. At the same time, each category corresponds to ten coefficients that increase the base rate of this category. The table shows an example of such a salary scale used in Chinese practice, in which the ranks are based on fixed salaries, and with an increase in the level of the coefficient, real monetary remuneration increases.

Chinese 15-digit wage scale based on fixed salaries

For example, an employee of grade 10, level 4 receives a little more than 39 fixed salaries, which roughly corresponds to 43 thousand US dollars per year. This category has employees who occupy relatively high positions with increased responsibility. The increasing coefficient is assigned for the level of qualification and work efficiency on the basis of attestation results. Fixed salaries are recalculated periodically, which keeps the average level of remuneration of civil servants at the proper level.

A similar approach is envisaged in the American tariff scale, where the amplitude of the initial and final rates within each digit is slightly more than 30%. But in USA discharge rates are indicated in monetary terms. Given the overdevelopment of the bureaucratic system, rates are recalculated after fairly long periods of time. As a result, the United States is characterized by a slight lag in the growth rates of remuneration of civil servants from the growth rates of wages in the private sector of the economy. A wide list of social guarantees provided to civil servants almost completely eliminates this fact.

AT Japanese system incentives for civil servants in addition to social guarantees, two directions are provided: payments in the form of benefits and payments in the form of non-production bonuses. Payments are realized in the form of transport, family, regional allowances, as well as in the form of allowances for special working conditions, allowances for housekeeping and other forms. Non-production bonuses are formed in the form of bonuses based on the performance of civil servants. In addition, once a year, the level of remuneration of civil servants of all ranks is analyzed and compared with the level of wages in the private sector of the economy, based on the results obtained, a decision is made on the level of increase in salaries for civil servants of all ranks.

AT Germany the practice of family allowances and ethical principles for stimulating the work of civil servants is used. This system uses two scales within the system of motivation of civil servants. The single scale A includes incentive payments for all civil servants and the military, with the exception of senior positions, positions and appointments, which are included in the single scale B. This approach has the following main advantages: reducing inequality in the distribution of remuneration between certain categories of civil servants, increases solidarity sentiment among civil servants, which as a result leads to a centralized and consistent implementation of the policy of motivating the work of civil servants at all levels, and also does not allow for the possibility of poaching employees from one area to another, and also makes it unattractive for them to switch to work in the private sector of the economy .

swiss system motivation of civil servants is based on balanced system social benefits, payments, allowances and bonuses, equally stimulating an increase in the efficiency of their work. The calculation is carried out on the basis of a ratio of 5:3:1:1 - priority is given to social benefits, which make up half of all incentive payments to civil servants, social payments account for about a third of all payments, and benefits and bonuses are given the smallest share in the structure of payments. Thus, the principle of targeted spending of incentive payments is observed, which does not allow the predominance of non-productive bonuses.

French system The motivation of civil servants is based on a single salary scale, in which three subscales are distinguished. The positions taken on the main scale are determined by the equivalents of the level of education of the employee and the duties performed by him. At the same time, the main scale does not take into account the areas of application of the labor of a civil servant and the sector of his activities. Three subscales are responsible for this. Subscale A includes all managers and civil servants in high positions and positions. Sub-scale B covers all professionals, while sub-scale C is for workers with low levels of skills and/or duties.

Great Britain is distinguished by a decentralized system of stimulation and motivation of the work of civil servants. In the UK, the practice is developed when for all questions regarding personnel policy the head of the state institution is responsible, and the level of monetary remuneration and incentive payments depends to a large extent on the application of the labor of a civil servant and the sector of his activities. Thus, the leadership of state bodies independently plans the expenditure of budgetary funds for the implementation of measures to stimulate the work of civil servants.

A similar practice is applied in australia, where the personnel policy for civil servants is based on the general legislation for employees of organizations in any field, both public and commercial, industrial, manufacturing, etc. In accordance with this, a standard labor contract is concluded with civil servants, which regulates both the level of monetary remuneration and the amount of social payments. Incentive measures are implemented by the management of state institutions at their own discretion, based on the resources at their disposal. The degree of observance of the interests of civil servants, as well as any other employees from the private sector of the economy, is assessed by the Commission on Industrial Relations. On the one hand, this approach ensures the equality of rights of civil servants and workers in traditional sectors of the economy. However, financial situation Government employees in Australia are often less rewarded than commercial workers in similar positions.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Centralized systems of motivation and incentives for the work of civil servants are typical for countries where the directive system is practiced, and the heads of state institutions do not have the opportunity to independently determine the wages of employees and incentive payments. These countries include Germany, Switzerland, France, China.
  2. De centralized systems motivating and stimulating the work of civil servants are typical for countries where executive authorities and state institutions have absolute decision-making power regarding the amount of monetary remuneration and incentive payments for their employees. These countries include, first of all, Great Britain and Australia.
  3. Mixed systems of motivating and stimulating the work of civil servants are typical for countries where, to one degree or another, the heads of public institutions have a certain freedom in taking measures to stimulate the work of civil servants and increase their motivation, while obeying the existing national norms. The United States and Japan are examples of this approach.

It can also be noted that centralized systems are developed in Spain, Portugal, India, Arab countries, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and a number of other countries. Mixed systems are the most widespread in the world and are also practiced in Italy, the Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland and a number of other countries. Decentralized systems are more of an exception than a separate methodology for building systems of motivation and incentives for the work of civil servants, since outside the UK and Australia, this approach is not actually used.

Separately, it should be noted that in a number of countries, specific details and amounts of remuneration can be set by the president of the country, as, for example, in Botswana, or by the prime minister, as is implemented in the Dominican Republic. Ecuador practices the organization of a special commission for these purposes. Also in Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Finance determines the upper and lower limits of monetary remuneration and incentive payments for civil servants, and the specific salary and payments within these limits are set by the direct head of each government agency.

In general, in modern practice, an incorrect idea has developed about the low importance of an individual civil servant. However, it is at this level that violations of responsibility occur, including disciplinary ones, as well as the execution and control over the implementation of decisions made. Together with the insufficient attention paid to stimulating and motivating the work of public civil servants, this often makes a person vested with authority to act in their own interests, forgetting about the goals of a state organization, institution, as well as the needs of the region, region, country. Lack of motivation pushes state civil servants to violate ethical standards and legislation of the Russian Federation, encourages negligent attitude to their duties and significantly reduces the effectiveness of the civil service as a whole.

Analysis of the motivation of civil servants

A small survey was conducted to identify the motivation factors of civil servants. The survey involved public civil servants who have been working for at least 2 years. During the study, employees from the leading, senior and junior groups were interviewed. The leading group is the heads of departments (advisers of the state civil service), the senior group of positions are the main and leading experts, and the junior group are specialists. Number of respondents: 28 people.

The interview was conducted individually with each employee. The average duration of one interview was 20 minutes. The survey was conducted in November 2018.

All the results obtained are summarized in a table and divided into categories. Since all three categories have the same problems, for convenience and clarity, everything was reduced to a single result.

Encouraging motives of state civil servants to work


Permanent Job Guarantee

The prestige of the profession, the motives of serving the state

Social guarantees (pension, medical support)

The need for the right connections, communication, acquiring new contacts

Interesting job

Decent salary


Possibility of self-realization

Good microclimate in the team

Opinion of relatives

Receipt free promotion qualifications

There were no other offers

I work by vocation

Fear of changing jobs

Random selection

Other (specify):

The ratio of incentive motives of state civil servants to work based on the results of interviews

According to the interview results, the dominant motives are the following:

  1. Stability
  2. Permanent Job Guarantees
  3. Social guarantees
  4. Good microclimate in the team.

The least influence on the level of motivation of civil servants is provided by the receipt of free advanced training and enthusiasm (I work by vocation). It is very important to note that 10 out of 28 respondents singled out a good microclimate in the team as a motive.

What do you think lacks civil servants in labor motivation?


Group of positions of the state civil service

The need to establish wages based on the results of labor

Introduction additional holidays women with preschool children

Introduction of flexible working hours for some positions

Work incentives for interchangeability

Stimulation of labor for individual merits


simple words of gratitude

organization of various educational, educational processes

organization of sports and cultural events

organization of corporate events

official congratulations to the employee(s)

well-organized professional adaptation of employees

corporate newspaper

honor boards


good working conditions

office equipment and/or accessories

corporate transport

Most of the civil servants surveyed believe that it is necessary to establish the dependence of wages on the results of work. This will maximize labor efficiency. In addition, many interviewees stressed the need to develop additional incentives for fungibility and merit. One of the important aspects of labor motivation is the organization of the canteen.

At the same time, public civil servants lack such ways of non-material stimulation of labor as simple gratitude and the organization of cultural and leisure activities.

Analysis of motivation factors of civil servants

Some motivation factors exist formally (a reward system, social benefits, professional development), but are not implemented in practice or are not available to the absolute majority of civil servants.

The structure of motivation for the professional activity of civil servants is formed under the influence of a number of factors: socio-demographic, vocational qualification, socio-psychological and individual-personal.

A total of 12 labor motivation factors for civil servants have been identified.

Labor motivation factors of civil servants

A priority

Interesting content of the work performed

High level of wages

Legal employment security

Level of social security

The desire to realize themselves in management

Opportunity for promotion

Gaining professional experience

Intermediate stage

Opportunity to establish business contacts

Opportunity to improve skills

The most significant factors motivating the work of civil servants are the acquisition of professional experience, the interesting content of the work performed and the possibility of promotion and career growth. Complementary factors are concentrated in the area of ​​legal job security, stability and confidence in the future. Significant factors of labor motivation of civil servants are in the field of application of administrative methods of management, and complementary factors - in the field of organizational, managerial and socio-psychological methods. Materially significant labor motivation factors for civil servants, such as wages, social guarantees, etc., are concentrated in the area of economic methods management.

In modern conditions and within the framework of the current legislation, there are quite ample opportunities for using administrative and managerial methods of influencing the motivation of civil servants and non-material incentives. At the same time, the system of material incentives for civil servants is predetermined within the framework of the laws governing the civil service, and the monetary content has a strict structure.

The structure of the monetary content of civil servants according to the law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation"

Therefore, the lack of objective opportunities for the formation of incentive systems for each civil servant individually at this stage is due to the insufficient degree of development of both information, analytical and logistical support, as well as the lack of legislatively fixed norms aimed at motivating civil servants that can be used by managers government agencies at their own discretion. Also, there is no financial support mechanism for the development and implementation of individual-oriented motivation plans in public institutions.

Improving the system of monetary and material incentives for the work of civil servants can be made by increasing the role of the components of incentive payments and the mechanism for their calculation. For example, it is necessary to increase the compensating function of two components of the salaries of civil servants: a salary bonus for working with information constituting a state secret and a seniority bonus. It is also necessary to revise the mechanism of monthly monetary incentives and the appointment of bonuses for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks by combining them with an assessment of the performance of a particular civil servant.

Based on the results of the analysis of the factors of labor motivation of civil servants, priority determinants have been identified that will allow the implementation of measures to increase their motivation. These factors are determined by the possibility of using the available administrative and managerial resources. These factors include the following aspects:

  1. Opportunity for promotion.
  2. Gaining professional experience.
  3. Interesting work content.

The secondary determinants of the motivation of civil servants include the following aspects:

  1. Legal employment security
  2. Stability and confidence in the future


In Russia, the problem of the labor of workers in the civil service is acute. The civil service needs serious changes in order to increase labor efficiency and increase the population's loyalty to state institutions.

Being a key area of ​​public administration, the public service has a number of distinctive features that determine its uniqueness and significance. However, it remains one of the least motivated activities.

In Russia and other developed countries, there is a significant interest in the practical aspects of the systems of motivation for the work of civil servants and the formation of incentive payments, as evidenced by the number of studies on this topic. The problem of adequate stimulation of the work of state civil servants in relation to the realities of national economic systems attracts the greatest attention. However, at the moment there has not been developed a unified approach to building effective motivation systems for civil servants. For Russia, it is important to build a mixed system of labor motivation for civil servants.


  1. Isachenko I.I., O.I. Elizarova, E.A. Kondrus, I.S. Machine Control by human resourses- M .: MGUP named after Ivan Fedorov, 2016
  2. Stolyarova V.A. Motivation and stimulation of professional performance of public civil servants. - M.: Financial University, 2015
  3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service"
  4. Melnikov V.P. Domestic experience in managing the personnel of the state civil service. – M.: publishing house of the RAGS, 2009.
  5. Petrovskaya A.P. Personnel potential public service - M.: NIMFA Plus, 2011.
  6. Chernova E.B. Increasing the motivation of civil servants // Kadrovik. - 2009. - No. 4.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of labor motivation of civil servants.

1.1. Labor motivation: essence, basic concepts and mechanisms.

1.2. Historical retrospective of theoretical developments on the problem of labor motivation of civil servants.

Chapter 2. Motivation of work of civil servants within the framework of the regulation of professional service

2.1. Peculiarities of regulating the activities of state civil servants (on the example of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation).

2.2. Ergonomic aspects of the work of civil servants.

Chapter 3. Improving the mechanisms of personnel motivation in the federal state civil service.

3.1. Conceptual approaches to the organization of motivation mechanisms.

3.2. State social guarantees in labor motivation of state civil servants.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Social guarantees for federal state civil servants: Status and implementation mechanism 2005, candidate of economic sciences Malkovskaya, Alla Olegovna

  • Labor motivation of civil servants in the context of reforming the Russian civil service 2011, candidate of sociological sciences Fomichev, Evgeny Vladimirovich

  • Features of legal regulation of labor and social protection of civil servants: issues of theory and practice 2005, candidate of legal sciences Kirpatenko, Vladislav Vladimirovich

  • Features and incentives for the work of civil servants 2007, Candidate of Economic Sciences Dolgiev, Magomed Muratbekovich

  • Social factors of professional and labor activity of civil servants 1999, candidate of sociological sciences Morozkov, Sergey Vladislavovich

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Improving the system of labor motivation of civil servants: theoretical and methodological aspects"

One of priority areas state building is an administrative reform that involves reforming the civil service system in order to increase its efficiency, ensure openness, create confidence in it and improve the services provided by public authorities. The public service must be oriented towards meeting the interests of society and individual citizens in order to ensure the socio-economic development of the country.

Changes in the institutional environment (which is a system of institutions that regulate socio-economic processes and social and labor relations arising in these processes) set new goals and tasks for state bodies and their employees. The quality of managerial decision-making and their implementation depends on the efficiency of civil servants, their level of competence, professional knowledge, and high motivation.

The main task of civil service personnel management is to orient employees towards achieving the goals of the organization, getting the maximum return from them. The reasons why a person gives maximum effort to work are very diverse. Motivation determines the incentive choice by civil servants of various types of behavior and becomes one of the most important elements of management. If we take into account what motivates a person to take action, what he aspires to, it is possible to build the management of a civil servant's labor activity in such a way that he will perform his duties effectively, in the best way.

Recently, the content of managerial work has become more complicated: a highly intelligent worker is controlled by more and more complex motives. The organization of labor of such employees is impossible only with the help of labor rationing, job descriptions and control. We need other, more modern approaches to personnel management, new forms of motivation that lead to high results.

During the period of modern Russian reforms and the accompanying crisis phenomena in the economy and society, the attitude of many people to work has changed. Labor has lost its meaning-forming function, it has been alienated from the well-being of the worker, since its importance in the formation of a person's income is underestimated, and moral rewards for conscientious work have practically ceased to play an important role.

These problems also affected the civil service. The motivations of employees, including state civil servants, have significantly deformed. In addition, for this civil service, the problem of labor motivation has become relevant and, in this light, the outflow of qualified personnel to the non-state sector of the economy.

According to Rosstat1, in 2000, almost half of all employees of the federal executive authorities (federal level) were civil servants over the age of 50 (43%), young people under 30 - 14.5%. In 2008, the number of civil servants of pre-retirement age (55-59 years old) decreased to 7.8%, and employees younger age amounted to 23.8%. Attracting young professionals who are ready to work in new, modern conditions makes it possible to implement the tasks of public administration in accordance with the goals of administrative reform. The situation with the staff of state bodies has changed towards rejuvenation as a result of the implementation of administrative measures. However, another problem remains - the outflow of qualified personnel from state bodies, aged 30 to 50 years (in 2008 their number was 38.0%), which is facilitated by a decrease in the prestige of the civil service, frequent transformations, unsystematic structural reorganizations, unmotivated personnel changes, but what is especially important is the non-transparent differentiation of wages and social guarantees for different categories of civil servants.

In the process of reorganization of state bodies, attempts are repeatedly made to solve this problem by transforming the procedures for selecting, hiring, and training personnel. However, there are no significant changes. All this necessitated the search for new approaches to improving the system of motivation for the work of civil servants.

The Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" lays down the regulatory legal prerequisites for the introduction of a special procedure for remuneration of civil servants, depending on the results of their activities, and also defines social protection measures for civil servants, applied as compensation for established restrictions in the civil service.

For efficient implementation official duties public civil servants are endowed with a special legal status, which includes rights, obligations, prohibitions, restrictions and other elements. These rights are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 7, paragraph 2), according to which any citizen has the right to social protection: “in the Russian* Federation, labor and health of people are protected*, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, governmental support family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, the disabled and the elderly, a system of social services is being developed, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are being established”3. Obviously, the measures taken by the legislator are aimed at increasing the motivation of civil servants, which is directly related to increasing the effectiveness of their work.

In modern Russian studies, the topic of increasing the efficiency of professional activity and strengthening the labor motivation of employees of state bodies is not sufficiently disclosed, not all issues of the functioning of the public service are affected, not all factors that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of labor activity are identified.

The foregoing indicates the need for a scientific study of the system of labor motivation of civil servants in order to scientifically substantiate proposals for its improvement. Until now, its theoretical aspects have not been sufficiently developed in this issue, the need for generalization and systematization of information remains significant; clarification of the specifics of the work of employees of federal executive bodies (federal level), as well as the development of tools for influencing labor motivation on the efficiency of public civil servants. The lack of comprehensive research in this area, as well as many years of personal experience the author's work with state civil servants of the federal level determined the relevance and choice of the topic of this dissertation work, its theoretical and practical significance.

The degree of scientific development! Problems. The problems of motivating and stimulating the work of managerial personnel, including civil servants, have been dealt with by many domestic and foreign scientists, whose works reflect various aspects of labor motivation, which differ due to its

3 Constitution of the Russian Federation M.: Code, 2003. S. 4. specificity of a significant variety of scientific views, concepts, schools, both at the micro and macroeconomic levels.

Studies that study the theoretical foundations of labor motivation, the methodological substantiation of the category "motivation" and its essence, the problems of material incentives, are reflected in the works of O.S. Vikhansky, N.A. Volgin, B.M. Genkina, A.A. Dikareva, A.JI. Zhukova, T.I. Zaslavskaya, N.I. Zakharova, A.Ya. Kibanova, M.I. Mirskoy, Yu.G. Odegova, A.N. Onoprienko, P.S. Osipenkov, K.S. Mikulsky, S.G. Strumilina, E.A. Utkin, S. V. Shekshni, as well as in the works of Western scientists: S. Adams, K. Alderfer, M. Weber, V. Vroom, R. Likert, E. Lawler, E. Locke, D. Mac Gregor, M Mescon, A.Maslow, E. Mayo, D.V.Ouchi, L. Porter, B.F. Skinner, F. Taylor, A. Fayol, F. Hedouri, F. Herzberg.

The problems of the formation of an effective public administration system, the theory and practice of administrative reform, and the improvement of wages are the subject of the works of A.N. Ananiev, L.A. Vasilenko, H.A. Volgina, A.L. Gaponenko, V.E. Gimpelson, T.S. Emelyanova, V.P. Ivanov, A.I. Kazannik, Yu.P. Kokina, V.B. Lapteva, V.I. Lukyanenko, B.V. Lytova, Yu.V. Omelyanenko, V.L. Romanova, G.E. Slesinger, A.I. Turchinov, A.V. Sharov, R.A. Yakovlev and others.

E.V. Belkin, L.V. Vagina.

In the works of A.N. Averina, A.M." Babich, V.N. Bobkov, L.V. Vagina, N.A. Volgin, A.B. Doktorovich, V.I. Zhiltsov, G.V. Zhukevich, M.I. Lepikhova, V.D. Roika , G. Ya. Rakitskaya, T. S. Sulimova, L. P. Khrapylina4,

4 L.P. Khrapylin. The relationship between the effectiveness of remuneration of Russian officials with the modernization of the civil service. / How much to pay a Russian official? Conference materials. M.; RAGS, 2001. S. 66-67.

A.I. Shcherbakov, the issues of theory and practice of ensuring the growth of the quality of life, the reproduction of the labor force are considered, ideas are given about the essence and mechanisms of the formation of the social protection system as a form of implementation of the social policy of the state.

The study of domestic and foreign experience in the formation of a system of social protection of civil servants and the possibilities of its use in Russian conditions was carried out in the works of K.O. Magomedova, M.D. Neupokoeva, A.I. Turchynova and others5

At the same time, a number of issues remain insufficiently studied, in particular, there are no studies of labor motivation of civil servants as an economic category, it is also necessary to analyze the elements of the labor motivation mechanism and specific tools for improving the mechanism of its payment and incentives in order to increase the efficiency of civil servants.

Insufficient theoretical, methodological and applied development of these problems led to the choice of topic, purpose, main directions and objectives of this study.

5 Vagina JI.B. Mechanisms for the implementation of guarantees of civil servants: Educational and methodological manual. -M., 2005; Magomedov K.O., Turchinov A.I. Public service and personnel policy. - Ulyanovsk, 2007; Tupikin A.P., Mikhailenko A.N. The principle of openness and transparency in foreign management systems. - M., 2005; Litvintseva E.A. Public service in foreign countries. -M., 2003; Lobanov V.V. Work with senior administrative personnel in the US and other foreign countries. -M., 2005; Neupokoev M.D. Social guarantees for state civil servants (sociological analysis). Abstract diss. . cand. social Sciences. M., 2004.; Melnikov V.P., Nechiporenko B.C. Public service in Russia: domestic experience organizations and modernity: Proc. allowance. -M., 2003; Panin I.N., Vagina L.V. Social protection of personnel in the process of reforming the civil service // Labor and social relations. 2003. No. 2; L.P. Khrapylin. The relationship between the effectiveness of remuneration of Russian officials with the modernization of the civil service. / How much to pay a Russian official, M .: RAGS, 2001.

The purpose of the dissertation work is a comprehensive study of the system of labor motivation of state civil servants of the federal state civil service in order to develop evidence-based theoretical and practical recommendations for its improvement.

In accordance with the goal set, the following tasks are defined for solution:

To identify the features of labor motivation in the system of public civil service;

Determine and theoretically substantiate patterns in the motivation of the work of state civil servants in modern Russia;

To reveal the peculiarities of differentiation of the conditions and content of labor of state civil servants (on the example of individual federal ministries);

Conduct an ergonomic study of the parameters of the labor process of civil servants;

In accordance with the purpose and objectives, the main characteristics of the study are indicated.

Object of study: the system of labor motivation of state civil servants of the federal state civil service.

The subject of the study is the socio-economic relations that develop in the process of motivating the work of civil servants.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was determined by the economic approach used in this dissertation and the multidimensional nature of the problem under study.

The main research methods were the analysis of the scientific fundamental literature of domestic and foreign authors on the problems of motivation and stimulation of labor, situational and systemic approaches, general economic and specific laws of labor economics, logical, comparative, structural and functional analysis, methods of statistical and sociological research, expert assessments .

The information base of the study was legislative and regulatory acts of federal authorities, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, Rosstat data, scientific developments of the RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation, Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance, materials of monographs and periodicals, dissertations, scientific articles, electronic resources of the Internet, materials of scientific and practical seminars, etc. conferences, the results of research conducted by the author in 2006-2009, in order to obtain primary information, official publications on civil service issues.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research consists in the development of theoretical and methodological provisions and practical recommendations for improving the system of labor motivation of civil servants (federal level).

The following provisions of the dissertation research have elements of scientific novelty:

It was revealed that the features of labor motivation of civil servants are determined by:

The specifics of their work and the imperativeness of the civil service institution;

The use of administrative and command incentives associated with a clear regulation of labor, which is a complex system of socio-economic relations between civil servants.

The author's definition of labor motivation of a civil servant is given as a process of conscious choice of an active type of behavior by civil servants, aimed at serving the state and implementing state activities, as well as focused on achieving socially significant goals with adequate material remuneration. This process is determined by the complex influence of external driving forces and various personal reasons. It is proved that the regularities in labor motivation of civil servants are determined differentially in relation to categories and groups of positions, gender and age differences; the most important are material motives, career growth, social guarantees, employment stability.

It has been established that the features of differentiation of the content and working conditions of civil servants depend on the category and group of positions. The application of the system, job regulations in the civil service allows you to fix the basic requirements for the content and results of the work of civil servants, introduce new approaches to the regulation and control of their activities. The position is proved that it is possible to improve the work of civil servants on the basis of a comprehensive analysis, including the delimitation of the scope of activities between various qualification and job groups, the correspondence of the work performed to one or another level of management, a clear delineation of powers for the preparation, execution, decision-making and evaluation of their execution. Based on the analysis, job regulations of various federal executive bodies, it has been established that improving the regulation of the activities of state civil servants also consists in creating a regulation of logistics, certification of jobs, which are generally absent today.

It was revealed that in a constantly changing institutional environment (which is a system of institutions that regulate socio-economic processes and social and labor relations arising in these processes), the neuropsychic burden on the employee increases, associated with an increase in working time, service area, unmet need in safety due to frequent reductions, the requirements for his nervous and intellectual return are increasing: the health and performance of civil servants directly affect the productivity and quality of labor results.

It is clarified that by using ergonomics tools in relation to the assessment and improvement of the work of civil servants, it is possible to ensure the rationalization labor processes, taking into account the features of the functions performed.

Recommendations have been developed and substantiated for improving the mechanisms of labor motivation of civil servants: the use of a mixed wage system, a special procedure for remuneration, its regulation depending on the position and quality of public services; implementation of performance-based remuneration, including the combination of the goals of the organization with the goals of the individual; simplicity, brevity and fairness of the wage system; wider use of forms non-material motivation(social package, psychological incentives, flexible schedule).

It has been proved that social guarantees established for state civil servants form an important part of labor motivation; they are related to their official duties, since they represent state compensation for the restriction of a number of rights provided for by the current Russian legislation. It is substantiated that the development of the system of social protection of state civil servants should be aimed at improving their working conditions, improving the quality of services in the field of advanced training. The need to improve guarantees related to health protection has been established, since at present there is no certainty of guaranteed medical insurance, its cost, volume, quality of services for each position. Depending on changes in the institutional environment, social guarantees may change.

Theoretical and practical significance of the work. The main theoretical provisions of the dissertation are brought to methodological and practical recommendations that can be used:

For further theoretical, methodological and applied developments on the problems of motivational management in federal executive bodies;

In the system of training personnel for the state civil service;

In the practical activities of managers at various levels to influence the motivation of subordinates;

In the process of development - and implementation curricula in the specialties "State and municipal administration", "Management", "Personnel management".

Approbation of the main provisions of the dissertation. Basic theoretical ideas, conceptual provisions, conclusions and practical advice dissertation research were presented in the author's speeches at annual conference graduate students and teachers of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Civil Servants (IPKcivil service) (June, 2006), the anniversary conference for the 55th anniversary of the IPKcivil service (November, 2007), IX International scientific conference"Russia: Key Problems and Solutions", held at the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (December, 2008), were reported at the meetings of the departments: "Labor and Social Policy" of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, "State and municipal administration" IPKgossluzhby.

Separate results of the dissertation research were used in the educational process of the department "State and municipal management" of the IPKgosluzhby in the programs "State regulation of the market economy. Management and marketing for civil servants”, “Personnel management of a modern organization”.

In the course of work on the dissertation research, 3 original questionnaires were developed and tested using author's methods: "The structure of the motives of civil servants", "What incentives have the greatest impact on you?", "Irregular working hours" (Appendices No. 2, 3, 4 ).

The main theoretical provisions, methodological approaches and practical recommendations contained in the dissertation are reflected in eight publications with a total volume of 21.5 pp. Two articles published in a journal included in the list printed publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

Similar theses in the specialty “Economics and Management of the National Economy: Theory of Management of Economic Systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics”, 08.00.05 code HAC

  • Improving the organizational and economic mechanism for motivating the work of civil servants 2009, Candidate of Economic Sciences Chernova, Elena Borisovna

  • Improving the system of material incentives for the work of federal civil servants 2009, candidate of economic sciences Melkumova, Marianna Vadimovna

  • Motives and Incentives for Increasing Labor Efficiency of Employees of Federal Executive Bodies 1999, Candidate of Economic Sciences Pedro, Valery Kharbertovich

  • Managing the Career of a Civil Servant: A Sociological Analysis 2006, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Ambalova, Anzhela Borisovna

  • Improving the organization of remuneration of state civil servants of federal executive bodies 2012, Candidate of Economic Sciences Filatkina, Marina Vladimirovna

Dissertation conclusion on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics”, Gorshkova, Elena Viktorovna

1. Clear regulation, streamlining social guarantees by groups of positions of civil servants will increase the transparency and accountability of the civil service, strengthen the population's confidence in it, and will also be an additional incentive for the quality work of the apparatus. Depending on changes in the institutional environment, social guarantees may change.

2. The performance efficiency of public civil servants is affected by many motivation factors, the consideration of which makes it possible to determine methods for its increase: competitive selection for the civil service, which contributes to a fair distribution of positions in state bodies; dependence of the amount of material remuneration on the results of labor; the use of non-material incentives, modern approaches to labor motivation: motivation for free time, horizontal rotation of personnel, participation of lower-level civil servants in the management of their unit (in terms of social policy and corporate events); career growth of civil servants, the inclusion of each employee who has achieved high results in work, from the moment they enter the civil service, into the career advancement scheme for the next 3-5 years; distribution of work among employees in accordance with official regulations, a fair evaluation of the results of labor.

H. To improve the performance of public civil servants, it is necessary to optimize wages based on the improvement of the scientific, methodological and regulatory framework for wages; setting the amount of wages depending on the personal contribution of the employee, reducing the differentiation in remuneration of "higher" and "lower" categories of positions, strengthening the social protection of civil servants.


Russia's entry into the market economy has led to a change in property relations, and, as a consequence, to a change in the motivations of economic agents. In society, the structure of human value orientations has been transformed, labor has turned from the basis of a way of life into a means of survival, and has lost its meaning-forming function. The current situation had a very negative impact on the quality of public administration, and measures were required to reform the civil service, in the light of which special attention is paid to attracting qualified specialists to the civil service. One of the significant directions for solving this problem, as justified in this study, is the improvement of the system of labor motivation of civil servants. The motivation of civil servants must be formed to achieve the goals of the civil service.

One of the central problems of labor motivation is motivational relations, interconnected with labor relations that arise in the process of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of material goods. Since professional labor activity as an object of motivation is a process of consumption of labor power, the main economic meaning of motivational relations lies in the management - through motivation by economic agents and labor processes.

Changes in the institutional environment of the modern world lead to a significant transformation of the motivations of economic entities, the complication of the structure of the elements of the labor motivation mechanism: needs, interests, motives, incentives.

Motivation is described by various theories, according to most of them, it depends on the individual characteristics of the individual. The latest theories of motivation operate in a changing institutional environment, when the motives and incentives that guide the actions of employees undergo multiple changes, and an increase in labor productivity is impossible without the activation of the "human factor".

When studying the labor motivation of civil servants, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their labor activity, since labor motivation is closely related to the form of its implementation. The only of the latest theories that can be recommended for the practical development of the motivation of civil servants is the theory of participation in the management of an organization. Employees of federal executive bodies can be involved in solving various kinds of tactical tasks: drawing up plans for the current period, monitoring labor discipline, determining labor participation rates, distributing bonuses based on work results, introducing innovative projects and proposals, compiling lists of personnel reserve.

The legal, organizational, financial and economic foundations of the state civil service are established by the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" No. 79-FZ dated July 27, 2004. The work of civil servants is carried out in accordance with the regulations, which contain an employee who replaces the corresponding position of the state civil service. The work of a civil servant can be characterized as the totality of all relations in the civil service, their emergence, termination and change when civil servants are exercising official powers. The regulation of the activities of civil servants is one of the main directions for increasing the effectiveness of their work, as a result of which it is possible to abandon the bureaucratic system of civil service personnel management to determine the requirements for the performance of official duties. Conducting a study of exemplary (typical) regulations, the author notes their advantages and disadvantages.

Based on the analysis of job regulations in a number of federal ministries, it was concluded that the improvement of the regulation of the activities of civil servants consists in the formation of mechanisms filled with specific content: a clearer setting of goals, providing an appropriate working environment for high-quality performance of the task.

Improving the content of the work of civil servants is possible through the development of detailed regulations, based on a comprehensive analysis, including the delineation of the scope of activities between different qualification and job groups, the compliance of the work performed with one or another level of management, a clear delineation of powers for the preparation, execution, decision-making and evaluation of them. execution.

As one of the ways to improve the efficiency of civil servants, the use of ergonomics is considered. The study of the influence of psychological tension, fatigue, emotional factors and characteristics of the neuropsychic organization of an employee on the effectiveness of his work, the study of the adaptive and creative capabilities of a person leads to a significant increase in labor productivity. For civil servants who are predominantly employed management activities, the rationalization of labor processes should be carried out depending on the functions they perform.

Qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of duties in a civil service position to be substituted are determined on the basis of typical qualification characteristics and are included in the civil servant's job regulations. Job regulations should contain a list of specific duties for the position and qualification requirements for it, depending on functional features this position and the subject matter of the relevant federal executive body. The streamlining of qualification requirements for each civil servant is intended to contribute to a more equitable distribution of duties and increase motivation for work.

The performance efficiency of public civil servants is affected by many motivation factors, the consideration of which makes it possible to determine methods for its increase: competitive selection for the civil service, which contributes to a fair distribution of positions in government bodies; dependence of the amount of material remuneration on the results of labor; the use of non-material incentives, modern approaches to labor motivation: free time motivation, horizontal rotation of personnel, participation of lower-level civil servants in the management of their unit (in terms of social policy and corporate events); career growth of civil servants, the inclusion of each employee who has achieved high results in work, from the moment they enter the civil service, into the career advancement scheme for the next 3-5 years; distribution of work among employees in accordance with job regulations, fair assessment of labor results.

To improve the performance of public civil servants, it is necessary to optimize wages based on the improvement of the scientific, methodological and regulatory framework for wages; setting wages depending on the personal contribution of the employee, reducing the differentiation in remuneration of higher and lower categories of positions, strengthening the social protection of civil servants.

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107. Personnel management: Textbook. Ed. 2nd, add. and reworked / Under the total. Ed. A.I. Turchinov. M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 2008. - 608s. (Textbooks of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation).

108. Personnel management; labor regulation 2nd ed., revised. and additional / AND I. Kibanov, G. A. Mamed-Zade, T. A. Rodkina. - M.: Exam, 2001.-640 p.

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AT this study the motivation of state civil servants (not military or law enforcement) is considered. "State civil service - a type of public service, which is a professional service activity of citizens in the positions of the state civil service to ensure the execution of the powers of federal state bodies, state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation, and persons holding public positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation." The federal law“On the system of public service in the Russian Federation” dated May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ “A civil servant is a citizen of the Russian Federation who has assumed obligations to perform civil service. A civil servant carries out professional service activities in civil service positions in accordance with the act of appointment to a position and with a service contract and receives a financial allowance at the expense of the federal budget or the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Federal Law "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ

Obviously, public service is different from working in a conventional firm. What are the basic principles of the state civil service? Firstly, this is the principle of legality, which implies not only the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, but the fact that civil servants in their activities must strictly follow them, and also to some extent be the law. Secondly, this is the democratism of the service, which implies that the activity is in line with the interests of citizens and the state, the general accessibility of the civil service, its publicity, etc. Thirdly, this is professionalism, here the distinguishing feature is the fact that without education one simply cannot get into civil service, managerial and leadership qualities, as well as diligence and discipline, are also required. Fourthly, this is the social and legal protection of employees, it implies the creation of special legal and social conditions for the normal performance of their work by civil servants. Federal Law "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ; Bahrakh D.N. Public service of Russia; textbook allowance. - M. Prospekt, 2009. - 152 p.

The system of motivation of public civil servants with a clear definition of this concept is not described. However, one can study the Russian regulatory framework, various sociological surveys and conclude that the motivation system consists of the following components (which have a direct impact on the motivation of civil servants): state guarantees, remuneration, career opportunities, certification, rotation, training and responsibility. Competitive selection can have an indirect impact on the motivation of employees. All these elements of the motivation system come from the socio-legal status and legal status a public civil servant, which consists of rights, obligations, restrictions, prohibitions, responsibilities, requirements, guarantees and economic security (in general, everything related to public service). The social and legal status of a civil servant is the measures of proper and possible behavior of a civil servant established by the state. This status (which can also be interpreted as the position held, the level of education and remuneration) not only determines the place of a civil servant in the administrative process, but can also satisfy his need for respect, recognition, etc., thus is a strong motivating factor. Grazhdan VD State civil service: Textbook. - M.:: Yurknigayu 2005. - 480s.

The system of motivation of civil servants is complex and complex. Here you can trace the relationship with the Porter-Lawler theory: the complexity and importance of the element of motivation in the management process, as well as the fact that wages are far from the only incentive, are indicated.

State guarantees

State guarantees create normal working conditions, as well as motivate employees to perform their work effectively. They provide legal and social protection of civil servants, a stable staff. Their purpose is to make the civil service more attractive in the eyes of civil servants and potential employees, as well as ordinary citizens.

The main state guarantees include:

equal conditions for remuneration and comparability of assessments of the performance of civil servants;

the right to timely payment in full;

awareness of comfortable working conditions: provision of working space, furniture, appliances, etc.;

normal working hours: normalized working hours, the right to a lunch break, rest, weekends, annual paid leave (35 calendar days for higher and chief positions, 30 calendar days for other positions) and other holidays (vacation without pay no more than 1 year), including for length of service (the sum of days of paid leave and leave for length of service for higher and chief positions is not more than 45 calendar days, for other positions this number should not exceed 40 days), upon dismissal of a civil servant, he is paid all unused vacations;

medical insurance for civil servants and family members;

state social insurance in case of illness or disability during the period of civil service;

payments under obligatory state insurance;

reimbursement of travel expenses;

reimbursement of expenses associated with the relocation of a civil servant and his family in connection with the transfer to another place of work in the public service;

protection of a civil servant and his family from various manifestations of violence, threats, etc. in connection with the performance of their official duties;

state pension provision

housing subsidy.

There are also other state guarantees provided to civil servants in accordance with federal laws. For example, the preservation of the place of work, wages during the period of professional retraining, internships and other activities, transport service, as well as a one-time subsidy for the purchase of housing once for the entire period of civil service. Work experience can also be considered a kind of guarantee, because. the higher the seniority, the higher the seniority bonus to the monetary content. There are also incentives for excellent service, compensation for unused vouchers. Federal Law "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ; Bahrakh D.N. Public service of Russia; textbook allowance. - M. Prospekt, 2009. - 152 p.; Grazhdan VD State civil service: Textbook. - M.:: Yurknigayu 2005. - 480s.; Cherepanov V.V. Fundamentals of public service and personnel policy: a textbook for students - 2nd edition, revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2010. -679 p.

Guarantees are a system of positive incentives, because they provide proper working conditions for workers. Ideally, if all conditions for work are created, then the responsibility lies with the employee: what are his skills, abilities, qualities.

This element of civil servants' motivation is consistent with Mayo's view that non-material motivation is as important as material motivation, and Taylor's view of daily output (normal work schedule).


The pay of a public civil servant is a more specific incentive. And it is the main means of its material support and stimulation of its activities.

The financial allowance of a civil servant consists of 3 parts: monthly salary in accordance with the position held, salary for class rank and other payments. The official salary is established by Decrees of the President, for individual positions it can establish a single monetary content, which takes into account all payments (for class rank, for length of service, for special working conditions, for working with state secrets), except for bonuses and monthly cash incentives.

Additional payments include:

seniority bonus from 10% to 30% for service from 5 to 15 years;

bonus for special working conditions in the amount of up to 200% of the monthly salary;

bonus for working with state secrets, as well as for working in a body for the protection of state secrets, then he additionally receives a bonus for the length of service in such bodies (with an experience of 1-5 years, the bonus is 10 percent, 5-10 years, then 15 percent, further - 20 percent This length of service also includes the time of work of these employees in structural subdivisions of similar bodies, other state authorities, local self-government bodies);

bonuses for especially important and complex tasks;

monthly promotion (from 1 official salary to 14 depending on the position);

lump-sum payment upon granting leave (in the amount of two monthly salaries) and material assistance.

district coefficient (for regions of the Far North and hard-to-reach regions);

Salaries are annually indexed in accordance with the inflation rate in the country. Federal Law "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ; Bahrakh D.N. Public service of Russia; textbook allowance. - M. Prospekt, 2009. - 152 p.; Grazhdan VD State civil service: Textbook. - M.:: Yurknigayu 2005. - 480s. Sufficiently flexible remuneration has been introduced, depending on the effectiveness and efficiency of performance, and the remuneration structure itself has been improved. Now the base salary makes up an insignificant part of the remuneration, a significant share falls on additional payments based on the performance of a civil servant, which stimulates the civil servant to improve the quality of his work.

The system of remuneration of civil servants corresponds to Taylor's view in terms of various allowances (for overfulfillment of daily output). There is also a correspondence between the theory of expectations and the theory of justice, since the remuneration system is transparent, civil servants declare their income (a civil servant knows how much his colleagues get), the employee knows what remuneration he will receive for his efforts. There is also an indirect relationship with the theory of the psychological contract.

Encouragement and awards

Incentives and rewards are an important element of the motivation of civil servants. They allow employees to be motivated to perform their work, to increase loyalty to the executive authority in which they serve. They also have an impact on office discipline. Their application is based on gratitude for a job well done or a job well done.

Rewards and awards are of the following types:

announcement of official gratitude and payment of monetary incentives in accordance with this;

awarding a certificate of honor and payment of monetary incentives in accordance with this;

other types of incentives and awards;

payment of a one-time incentive in honor of retirement;

encouragement of the Government or the President of the Russian Federation;

awarding honorary titles;

awarding badges of distinction or orders.

It is noteworthy that this element of the motivation system combines not only material methods, but also non-material ones. Non-material incentives should not be ignored in the civil service, because remuneration and payment of various incentives are made from the federal budget, and it is not rubber, it is limited. Also, people are pleased when they are valued not only from the material side, when they are tritely respected, for example. Ovsyanko D. M. Public service of the Russian Federation: Textbook. - 4th ed. Revised and additional - M.: Jurist, 2008. - 447 p.

This element of motivating civil servants, as well as the provision of government guarantees, is in line with Mayo's view that non-financial motivation is just as important as material motivation.

In general, state guarantees, remuneration, incentives and rewards correspond to substantive theories of motivation, they have a strong impact on various groups of employee motives.

Competitive selection

Competitive selection has an indirect effect on motivation; it can rather guarantee that a qualified and responsible employee will come to the civil service. This is the main way to fill positions in the civil service. The competition for filling a civil service position is a selection from among the candidates that best meets the requirements of the position (competition conditions). There are the following selection principles: professionalism and competence, the principle of equal access of citizens to civil service

Competitive selection is not applicable when appointing to the categories of "leaders" and "assistants (advisors)", when concluding a fixed-term service contract, when appointing a citizen who is in the personnel reserve formed on a competitive basis to a civil service position. Federal Law "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ

Passage of the civil service and career opportunities

Civil service is a dynamic official position civil servant, his career growth or decline. This process is also a motive for entering and passing the civil service or for improving the performance of the employee. The main elements of the civil service are admission to the civil service, the period of adaptation, certification, transfer to another position, assignment of ranks, promotion, prosecution, termination of service. Motivate an employee to work in this case, an increase or decrease in career ladder, encouragement and responsibility, as well as performance appraisal to some extent.

Career promotion is one of the most effective non-material incentives, because. as a result, material incentives increase, the need for involvement in the adoption of more important decisions is satisfied, interest in the activity increases, and hence the efficiency of the employee.

Career growth is a non-material incentive in accordance with meaningful theories of motivation, and is also one of the ways to "enrich labor". Zankovsky A.N. Organizational Psychology: Textbook for universities in the specialty "Organizational Psychology". -- 2nd ed. - M.: Flinta: MPSI, 2002. - 648 p.

From the point of view of motivation, the rotation increases the employee's knowledge base, in this way it is possible to increase the employee's interest in his work activities. The rotation is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of the civil service, helps in combating corruption. It is carried out within the same group of positions, taking into account the level of qualification, education and length of service in the civil service.

Positions in the order of rotation are replaced for a period of 3 to 5 years.

A civil servant has the right to refuse to fill a position in rotation if he has a disease, according to which the proposed position is contraindicated, as well as if it is impossible to live in another place in accordance with the proposed position.

Rotation is also one of the ways to "enrich labor". Federal Law "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ


Certification is the process of determining whether an employee meets the requirements for him in accordance with his position. Allows you to increase the sense of responsibility for the work performed, as well as get into personnel reserve which is a stimulating factor.

It is held every three years, maybe extraordinary. Certification is carried out earlier than the specified period for two reasons: there was a decision to reduce staff or change working conditions (for example, the transition to electronic document management).

Certification is not subject to employees of the category "leaders" and "assistants" ("adviser"), if a fixed-term service contract has been concluded with them, who have worked in their positions in the civil service for less than one year, employees who have reached the age of 60, pregnant women who are on leave for pregnancy and childbirth and on maternity leave until the child reaches the age of three years (their certification of these civil servants is possible no earlier than one year after leaving the leave), within a year from the date of passing the qualification exam.

Based on the results of certification, one of the decisions can be made: a person needs professional retraining, inclusion in the reserve to fill a vacant higher position, or it can simply be confirmation of compliance with the position held. A month after the certification, a regulatory legal act is issued, which may indicate which employees are demoted, which ones go to professional retraining which are to be included in the personnel reserve. If a civil servant refuses to go for advanced training, then the representative of the employer's service may release him from his position and dismiss him from the civil service. Federal Law "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ; Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the certification of state civil servants of the Russian Federation" dated February 1, 2005 No. 110; Bahrakh D.N. Public service of Russia; textbook allowance. - M. Prospekt, 2009. - 152 p.; Grazhdan VD State civil service: Textbook. - M.:: YurknigaYu 2005. - 480s

Another form of personnel assessment is the qualification exam. It is handed over by civil servants who indefinitely occupied positions of the category "leaders", "specialists", "providing specialists". The exam is held when the question arises of assigning a class rank to a civil servant. It is noteworthy that an extraordinary qualification exam can be held only at the initiative of an employee.

This exam is also a kind of incentive to move up the career ladder. For example, if a civil servant passes an exam, he is assigned a class rank, he starts earning more, his status rises. Federal Law "On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ; Grazhdan VD State civil service: Textbook. - M.:: YurknigaYu 2005. - 480s


The process of promotion is closely related to learning. If promotion is a motivating factor, then learning is indirectly related to motivation too. So than better man educated, the more likely they are to be promoted. Here you can also judge the satisfaction of the need for self-realization.

There are two types of training - at the place of work, outside the place of work.

Despite the effectiveness of teaching in special place, this method is associated with a large amount of time and financial costs. This type of training takes the employee away from work. But at the same time, this method most satisfies the needs of employees in personal and professional growth. Zankovsky A.N. Organizational Psychology: Textbook for universities in the specialty "Organizational Psychology". -- 2nd ed. - M.: Flinta: MPSI, 2002. - 648 p.

On-the-job training can take the form of job complication and rotation. Also, this method is known to be less expensive.

Training corresponds to the satisfaction of secondary needs according to various substantive theories of motivation, and can also act as one of the ways to "enrich" labor.

A responsibility

Labor motivation of civil servants, like any other modern system motivation is a system consisting of positive and negative incentives. Responsibility is just a negative incentive. This incentive is expressed in the application of various kinds of sanctions established by law for committing misconduct and committing crimes in the course of public civil service. So far, positive incentives to work have been mainly described, which can be applied, for example, to a type “y” person in McGregor's theory of motivation.

There are four types of responsibility.

Disciplinary responsibility. It is expressed in the application of a disciplinary sanction for violating the rules of civil service. This may be a remark, a reprimand, a severe reprimand, a warning about incomplete compliance, dismissal from a position, and dismissal from public service. The employee may also be required to provide a written explanation, the refusal to provide which only worsens the situation. When determining sanctions, the degree of guilt and the severity of the offense are established. A disciplinary sanction is applied within a month from the date of discovery of the offense. A distinctive feature of disciplinary sanctions is that if within a year after the application of the disciplinary sanction there were no new disciplinary sanctions, then the first sanction "burns out". If, upon dismissal of a civil servant from his position due to a disciplinary sanction, he is subject to inclusion in the personnel reserve on the basis of general competition. This type of responsibility equalizes civil servants before the law, on the one hand, and also takes into account the specifics of their activities, on the other. Today, due to the decline in the motivation of civil servants (work through the sleeves, delays in the execution of instructions), disciplinary responsibility is resorted to more and more often, however, despite the application of penalties, the rules continue to be violated (corruption and abuse flourish). All this does not contribute to the creation of a positive image of the state apparatus.

Administrative responsibility. Its civil servant bears on a general basis with compliance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This type of liability occurs in connection with administrative offenses. Administrative responsibility can be established by all authorities, and not only by the body where the civil servant is registered. The imposition of this responsibility is carried out by special bodies, incl. courts. Its onset does not depend on the degree of harm, but only on the very fact of the violation, it is more formal. It can be applied to entire organizations, not just to an individual. There are the following measures of administrative coercion: administrative preventive, administrative suppression and administrative penalty. The Code of Administrative Offenses regulates in detail the process of administrative responsibility, the rights of the injured party and the rights of the offender.

Material liability. Coming for the infliction material damage state or legal entity. Along with material compensation for damage in the event of liability of this kind, a civil servant is also imposed disciplinary action. It comes in an administrative order, or by a court decision. Unfortunately, no rules have been developed for the application of such responsibility specifically to civil servants, so it is regulated by labor legislation.

Criminal liability for civil servants occurs on a general basis.

As can be seen, the system of negative incentives in the form of various types of responsibility is highly developed. It is an educational and preventive element of the behavior of civil servants. Bahrakh D.N., Rossinsky B.V., Starilov Yu.N. Administrative law. 3rd ed., revision. and additional - M.: Norma, 2008. - 816s.; Bahrakh D.N. Public service of Russia; textbook allowance. - M. Prospekt, 2009. - 152 p.

The system of negative incentives corresponds to the sanctioning of a type "x" person in McGregor's theory. But there are no clear types of people "x" and "y", so in real life, positive incentives are used along with negative ones.

Having considered the main aspects of the system of labor motivation of civil servants, it is possible to analyze them and identify the problems of motivation of civil servants. They will be described in the next part of this chapter.