Questions for advanced training. What does professional development provide? Free distance courses for teachers

Training Center "Specialist" at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman has been training certified specialists since 1991. Every year, thousands of representatives of various specialties contact us: accountants, programmers, system administrators and engineers, designers, 3D artists, managers, etc.

Our students receive not only a good theoretical base, but also valuable recommendations based on the practical experience of experts - university professors, well-known business consultants, managers and leading experts successful companies. We guarantee 100% quality of education, which is achieved by a combination of Bauman teaching methods and a unique teaching staff.

Professional development programs will allow in a short time and with minimal cost gain new knowledge and skills necessary for your career development. We offer a wide range of professional development programs for employees and managers. In addition, as part of a corporate order, we can implement any individual educational project. All programs are specially adapted to the requirements of the customer. More than 35,000 Russian and international companies trust the Specialist Center to improve the skills of their staff!

According to clause 12 of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499, the duration of the advanced training program is from 16 ac. h.

You can study in professional development programs in a traditional face-to-face, online or part-time format. The order of the courses in the program can be any, minor breaks in training are allowed. Refresher courses are available not only to residents of Moscow. If you live in another city or country, online learning in broadcast mode will be the ideal solution for you. Thanks to modern technologies You will learn at your own pace educational materials remotely. The patented inClass® technology will provide a connection to a real class and the ability to freely communicate with the teacher.

Our programs are based on professional standards Ministry of Labor and social protection, as well as taking into account the new Russian system skill levels.

Important! Since July 1, 2016, professional standards have become mandatory for most employers. We recommend that you take a refresher course to meet the new requirements. It's your extra bonus for successful employment or certification in the workplace!

What is a professional development program in the "Specialist":

  1. Full-time or part-time education format.
  2. Innovative technique using modern technologies.
  3. With part-time education - distance learning at a comfortable pace according to the records of online training, 1 face-to-face consultation per week according to the schedule (at least 1/3 of the total training time).
  4. Installment payment: down payment - 25% from the cost of the advanced training program.
  5. Prestigious graduation documents: certificate of advanced training upon completion of the entire program, certificate of the Center of international standard (if provided), international certificate of the vendor after each authorized course.

True professionals are lifelong learners. Technology is developing very quickly, and new methods are constantly appearing in almost any field of activity. To remain in demand in the labor market, it is necessary to regularly attend refresher courses. We will talk about the available forms of education, programs and the cost of courses, as well as the features of choosing a center for additional vocational education.

Who and why to improve their qualifications

First of all, it is worth mentioning that advanced training courses and professional retraining are different things, although many people confuse these concepts. Professional retraining involves mastering new profession, often adjacent to the main one. Such courses are usually long-term (up to 6 months or more) and culminate in the issuance of a diploma state sample.

Unlike retraining, advanced training courses are not held to acquire a new profession, but to expand and improve existing knowledge and skills. Advanced training takes less time than retraining (from several days), and after completing the course, not a diploma is issued, but a certificate or certificate.

In most cases, refresher courses are voluntary. They increase the value of workers in the labor market, allow them to master modern techniques and work more efficiently, which is why many employers send employees to such courses - this benefits both the employee and the company.

However, it should be remembered that in some areas, advanced training is a mandatory measure, which is prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Employees of internal affairs bodies, doctors, pharmacists, civil servants, lawyers, auditors, chief accountants, teaching staff, railway transport workers, city transport drivers, crews aircraft, workers employed in underground works and in the production of chemical weapons, judges, etc. These professionals need to take advanced training courses at a certain frequency: teachers - once every three years, chief accountants - once every 5 years, etc.

It is optional, but desirable to take such courses even after a long break in work, as well as in cases where an employee wants to increase his category or rank, take a position with a higher rank, master new technology or learn to work with the most modern equipment.

It is obvious that additional training courses open up excellent opportunities for the employee. career prospects- they provide an opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge, increase the chances of a quick career advancement and allow you to apply for a higher salary.

Forms of study

Since advanced training courses are designed for employed people, as a rule, they are held on the job. Although in some cases an employer may send an employee to study at working time- of course, with the preservation of wages for the entire period educational process.

However, most often refresher courses are held on weekends, in the evenings or even remotely.

Full-time advanced training courses is a time-consuming option. Face-to-face courses allow you to interact directly with teachers and clarify all difficult points, make new professional acquaintances and exchange experiences. In addition, face-to-face training suggests a more systematic approach to professional development. However, face-to-face courses are expensive and require careful planning of your schedule. For best results, it is advisable not to combine them with professional activity Otherwise, either work or study may suffer.

Part-time form involves a combination of self-study and expert-led learning. You will also meet with faculty and colleagues, although less frequently than with face-to-face teaching. The cost of such courses, as a rule, is slightly lower than full-time courses and they will be a good option for those who want to study without significant interruption from the work process.

Distance learning full-time and part-time, part-time requires maximum responsibility and organization, since you will study mainly according to an individual curriculum. After paying for the course, you will have access to Personal Area on the website of the organization and all the necessary materials in in electronic format. However, this also means a certain level comfort. The convenience of distance learning is that you yourself can adjust the intensity of classes and choose a comfortable schedule for yourself. Distance learning can be used for any form of courses, including face-to-face, when videoconferencing provides direct interaction between the student and the teacher. This is also its great advantage. Among the shortcomings, one can note the need to keep the chosen pace, which requires a high level of self-discipline. Nevertheless, for busy people who know how to plan their time, remote training courses will be very convenient.

Refresher course programs

There are three main types of advanced training programs - short-term programs, long-term programs and thematic seminars.

Short-term programs. The duration of such courses is usually 72 hours, at the end of the course, students receive a certificate of short-term professional development.

Long-term programs. Their duration is 100–500 hours; after the course, students receive a certificate of long-term professional development.

Thematic seminars. Usually they are devoted to a specific narrow topic. The duration of the seminars is 72–100 hours, upon completion a certificate of short-term professional development is issued.

At the end of any advanced training course, certification is carried out - it can be either a written or an oral exam or test. Long-term courses also involve intermediate certification - for example, tests at the end of each training block.

When choosing advanced training courses, you need to understand exactly what you need them for, what skills and knowledge you expect to receive in the end, how much time and money you are willing to spend on them.

clear and specific purpose will allow you to choose a course with certain disciplines and not waste time studying what you do not need. Equally important are sober ideas about the form and duration of the course, this will allow you to correctly plan your time and prevent conflict between work and study. And finally, the price of the issue matters: you should not trust organizations that offer advanced training courses very cheaply. The work of experienced professionals and teachers is worth a lot. And if the cost is below the market average, this is a sign that the courses are conducted by people who are ready to work for very little money. Think for yourself whether it is worth trusting their competence.

Professional development courses are a profitable investment in your career and in the potential of the company. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right center that provides really high-quality educational services.

How to choose a center for retraining and advanced training?

“It can be difficult to immediately determine the level of educational services offered by a particular center for advanced training, - says the rector of the modern scientific and technical academy ANO DPO SNTA. - It remains only to pay attention to the key features that speak about the organization better than any laudatory speeches. The first and most important thing is the availability of a license, which gives the center the right to conduct learning activities. This document is often forged, so check the license number on the official website of Rosobrnadzor. Only a valid license permits the issuance of government-issued documents. We publish all our licenses on our website. You can familiarize yourself with them at any time - this is open information.

The site can say a lot about the level of the center. Do not trust organizations that provide too little information about programs, sometimes limiting themselves only to their names and offering to clarify everything by phone or e-mail. What is the point of such a trick? With a high degree of probability you will be "processed" during telephone conversation. Therefore, we have made our website as informative as possible so that a person can decide for himself what courses he needs and why. On our website you can find out everything about the programs - their duration, a brief description, a complete curriculum. You can also immediately familiarize yourself with the sample documents that you will receive as a result.

Another reason for minimalism in terms of information may be the fact that you have landed on a scam site - this is not uncommon in our time. Check the site using the Whois service - so you can definitely find out the date of creation of the domain and the name of the organization to which it belongs.

Of course, the reputation of the center is very important. Do not be too lazy to find reviews about the courses, information about the specialists of this educational institution(for example, leading lecturers of Lomonosov Moscow State University and recognized experts from various fields work with us), the term of work on the market, as well as a list of companies cooperating with it.

P.S. Autonomous non-profit organization additional professional education is one of the largest Moscow organizations engaged in distance professional retraining and advanced training.

License No. 034268 dated October 23, 2013 for educational activities issued by the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

Editorial opinion

When choosing an organization of additional professional education, find out if the center of excellence has been certified according to European ISO quality standards. The presence of such a certificate means that the courses correspond to the international level. And when signing an agreement with the center, be careful - carefully study everything written: from the subject of the agreement to the terms of termination.

Today, to all who are looking for a training center for themselves, to go there professional retraining, it is difficult to make a quick and correct choice.

Let's try to identify several parameters by which you can select centers of additional professional education (CVE). Let's figure out what training centers are, how they differ from each other.

Types of training centers

Not all users understand the types of educational organizations that teach under the programs of additional professional education (AVE).

First parameter: government center or non-government learning center. We will discuss their differences below.

Second parameter: organizational form training center

Autonomous non-profit organizations (ANO) operate on the basis of Law No. 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations". Also, their activities are spelled out in article 123.24 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. As stated in these documents, ANOs can be created to carry out activities in the field of education, healthcare, and culture. Such organizations can create both state and non-state organizations. training centers. Very often you can find a situation where a federal state university has training unit- Autonomous non-profit organization. Here the university offers retraining and advanced training courses. ANOs can also create non-state legal and individuals. Despite the name "non-profit", this form of organization allows the provision of paid educational services. All profits from the activities of these organizations are used to improve and maintain the activities themselves: salaries for teachers, technical staff, for the purchase of technical equipment, updating the educational and methodological base.

Charity organisations. Very close with ANO charity organisations who are obligated to spend all their money on maintaining the activities for which the organization was created. The second difference between ANO and other forms is that all the property of such organizations cannot belong to any of the founders. That is, all property rights are assigned only to the organization itself, and the founders (the state, private individuals) have no rights to this property.

Society with limited liability : these training centers are focused exclusively on the commercial component.

The same applies to individual entrepreneurs

Third parameter types of centers according to implemented curricula and forms of education


  • special and narrow-profile, for example, pedagogical, engineering, legal, etc.
  • wide-profile, where curricula of different directions and specialties are presented.


  • Full-time centers
  • Centers with part-time education
  • Centers with full-time and (or) part-time education using distance learning technologies (DOT).

Face-to-face learning can be distance learning

According to the legislation, full-time education is a form of organization of the educational process, where communication between the teacher and the student is expected. This communication can be personal or indirect through special means: internet, skype. Thus, distance learning is a way of organizing full-time education. When choosing an educational center, many students have rich experience of interaction with state and non-state educational institutions (EI). Citizens who once tried to study in a private center no longer return to state educational institutions. And there are several reasons.

Pros and Cons of Public Learning Centers



Issued diplomas

Retraining diploma with the name of a well-known university

In form, this diploma is the same as that of non-state institutions - the established form.

Features of study programs

Retraining programs comply with professional standards and GEF

Few study programs, not a lot of choice, you can not find the right program

Forms of study


No distance learning, need to travel to class


Untactful communication of staff, can be rude



Can't call, they don't answer emails


In different ways from 50 thousand rubles to 140 thousand.

The price must be added to the cost of travel, accommodation and meals, that is, the price rises by 30-40%


Cashless and cash

Sometimes you need to pay extra for additional classes or retake tests. Although private training centers also sin with this

Unlike state institutions, non-state educational institutions are free from disadvantages:

  • The form of the diploma is exactly the same as that of the university - the established sample. According to the Law on Education for diplomas on completion of programs of additional professional education, a diploma of the form established by the educational organization is issued. That is, both the university and the private retraining center independently establish a sample diploma.
  • A wide choice of programs. You can find the curriculum you need.
  • There is distance learning. That is, you can not come to classes, you can study from home or from work via the Internet.
  • Tactful communication, respectfulness of the staff of the center to the audience.
  • Some have a round-the-clock support phone, for example, in Moscow there is only one such Academy - this is SNTA.
  • You do not have to pay for accommodation, travel and meals, as you can study remotely.

Let's list 5 main parameters by which you can choose a place of study.

Tip one: Check if the center has an educational license?

If there is no such license, then look for another center. Why? Because diplomas issued by institutions without a license are not legitimate, they are fake.

It is necessary to check the relevance of the license on the Rosobrnadzor website. Just enter in the field " registration number» the number that appears on the license you are checking.

On the website of the institution in the section curricula approved by the organization must be available educational plans where the number of teaching hours is clearly indicated. If you see that you are offered a program of less than 250 ac. hours, then immediately leave this site.

According to the law, the retraining program cannot be less than 250 hours. Anything less than this figure is already a refresher course. The number of hours must be written on the diploma itself. And if this figure is less, then the diploma of retraining is considered false.

Recall that according to departmental regulations(orders of the ministries) for some professions and specialties, special requirements for the number of hours are established. In some - up to 1000 hours. Keep in mind that mastering the program for more than 1000 hours allows you to get not just a diploma of vocational retraining, but also to get a qualification.

Tip three: Check the statutory, organizational and other documents

Pay attention to the year the training center has existed. The older he is, the better. That is fewer options that you will fall for scammers. Specify the address of the institution, whether this center is actually located there. The address must be found out not on the website of this center itself, but through the search services for PSRN and TIN. If you did not find confirmation of the location address, it means that these are scammers.

The most important thing is in the contract with the center itself. The address, PSRN, TIN are registered there. They must match.

You don't have to pay anything without signing the contract. Then just do not return the money if they are scammers.

Tip #4: Check the Availability of Center Staff

Call by phone, write in the chat. Talk to employees and ask uncomfortable questions. If the employee is not ready to answer, then this is a bad signal.

There are times when, after paying under the contract, communication with the center disappears. No one picks up the phone (they blocked the phone number), do not answer letters. Check if the organization has a page in in social networks and from what period.

Today, there are practically no centers with round-the-clock telephones. The exception is the Modern Scientific and Technological Academy (SNTA) in Moscow, which has a round-the-clock Call - Center, where you can call for free at any time, even on holidays.

Read the contract carefully. There should be no mention of additional payments. There are cases when even in the contract itself they write one amount, and in the “Other conditions” section they write that you need to pay extra for retaking the exam. Or for the delivery of one module - you have to pay separately. It shouldn't be. The maximum that is permissible is the division of the tuition amount into 2 parts: prepayment and payment after the fact. But it is best to pay at a time, because some make the price of a retraining course dependent on the exchange rate.

The results of the audit of training centers for professional retraining programs

So let's check out the 7 retraining centers that the search engine gave us.



Learning programs and timed plans

Statutory documents, contract


Full accessibility


Modern Science and Technology Academy (SNTA), Moscow

No surcharges

around the clock

Meets the stated requirements, distance learning, diplomas are sent by mail and courier

Interregional Center for Additional Education, Moscow


Department of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MGPU)


Interregional Academy of Construction and industrial complex(MASPK)

No surcharges


There is no 24/7 access to the center.

Department of professional retraining RANEPA


Face-to-face training in groups, which is very inconvenient. No 24/7 access.

Branch of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov


Face-to-face training in groups, which is very inconvenient. No 24/7 access.

Institute of Vocational Education (IPO)


Registered address is different from residence address


Face-to-face training in groups, which is very inconvenient. No 24/7 access.

No approved curricula

Additional professional education today, during progressive technologies, it is very important. The need for training can arise for two reasons: at the initiative of the employer or at the request of the person himself.

Types of advanced training

Advanced training by the amount of knowledge, by the period of study is organized by the following types:

  1. Short-term thematic training lasting at least 72 hours. This training is carried out at the place of the main work, issues of a specific production are touched upon, and ends with an exam, a test.
  2. Thematic or problematic seminars, duration 72 - 100 hours. Training takes place on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic problems already at the sectoral, regional level, in an association, and so on.
  3. Long-term training, over 100 hours, in educational institutions with in-depth study of problems in the profile of professional activity.

Additional professional programs require self-organization, the desire to improve professionalism. Educational programs designed to improve skills, how to combine the special wishes and needs of the customer.

Forms of advanced training

The advanced training of employees is carried out in the following forms:

  • away from work, production,
  • without interruption from work, production,
  • with a partial separation from production, work,
  • individual form of education.

Regardless of the types of advanced training, according to Article 187 Labor Code RF, the employee is retained for the duration of his studies workplace and average earnings. An employee studying in another locality receives travel allowance in the amount that is required for business trips. In addition, according to Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, average earnings are paid on a business trip.

If advanced training occurs without interruption or with a partial interruption from production, then wage calculated on the actual hours worked or for the products produced. If there is a combination of work and study, then the duration should not exceed the daily norm of working time.

Refresher courses

If you need to improve your knowledge in the field of your activity, work, then there is no need to enter universities. It is enough just to take courses on the required topics. These courses can be at large institutes, universities.

The training program usually includes exclusive, author's programs for these courses. The courses consist of lectures, workshops, individual consultations. The course duration is 72 hours. At the end of the course, students receive a certificate and an information kit in their specialty.

Distance professional development

Distance learning is very convenient for those who want to study but have little free time. This training allows you to improve your skills, regardless of where you live, at convenient hours and terms. In the process of studying:

  • materials for this training are provided in electronic form,
  • the term of study is not limited as in full-time education,
  • provides individual training and supervision,
  • distance teacher can conduct video training, answer questions on the Internet, can answer questions by e-mail.

Where to improve your skills

Further training, depending on the type of retraining, can take place:

  1. in the organization itself
  2. in educational institutions: institutions for advanced training or improvement (regional, sectoral),
  3. centers, courses, advanced training schools,
  4. from specialists with qualifications (Article 21, Clause 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”).

All educational institutions must be licensed to educational activities. A license is not required in the following cases:

  • when conducting one-time seminars, lectures, internships, where a document on advanced training is not issued,
  • at individual training from a qualified professional.

Inside the organization, so-called “informal training” is carried out, when a new member of the team is paired with an experienced employee to perform the same job. Or when a newcomer spends some time in each department in order to have an idea about the work of the team, the organization. Also, new members of the organization can improve their professional level by self-education, reading certain literature for this.

By law, teaching staff must undergo advanced training at least once every three years. However, the administration of the educational institution has the right to establish its own “quality standards”, sending employees to courses, for example, once every two years - in this case, this should be reflected in local regulations.

At the same time, professional development is not only a duty, but also a right of a teacher. In other words, educational institutions should “create conditions” for the professional growth of employees - organize the training of teachers, send them to courses with or without work off-duty, pay travel expenses if the courses included in " mandatory minimum are held in another city, and so on.

The form of passing advanced training courses is not regulated by law. They can be:

  • full-time,

  • part-time,

  • correspondence,

  • using remote technologies.

Until 2014 minimum duration courses for the teacher was 72 teaching hours. Now this requirement is no longer relevant - "to offset" the passage of short-term courses can be programs, the development period of which is from 16 hours.

Who should pay for advanced training courses

Costs for additional education teachers are included in the budget and to oblige the employee to independently pay for the courses included in the prescribed “minimum”, the administration of the educational institution is not entitled.

The only exceptions are long-term (from 250 hours) retraining programs, when it comes to essentially getting an education “from scratch”. This issue has become relevant in connection with the introduction of new professional standards for teachers, according to which, for working with children in without fail education required. Therefore, graduates of, for example, biology departments of "academic" universities who teach biology at school, or engineers leading children's technical circles, are faced with the fact that their education no longer corresponds to their position. In this case, pedagogical retraining is carried out at the expense of the employees themselves - educational organization has the right to fund courses in whole or in part, but is not obligated to do so.

If an employee has a pedagogical education, but the school administration wants him to “expand his profile”, master a related profession and start teaching new subjects, it should be at the expense of the educational organization.

How to take advanced training courses at a budget expense

The most common option for taking advanced training courses is in the direction of an educational institution. In most cases, these are full-time or part-time courses that are held:

  • institutes for advanced training of teachers,

  • departments of continuous education of universities,

  • city ​​methodological centers,

  • educational institutions that have the status of resource centers or experimental sites.

As a rule, an educational institution has a quota within which they send teachers to study at the budget expense. Sometimes the teacher is asked to choose a course from the list, sometimes a specific program is offered. In most cases, teachers have the opportunity to "take the initiative" - ​​having read the list of programs in advance, choose something interesting for themselves personally and ask to be sent to this particular course.

Courses can be devoted both to the teaching of individual disciplines, and to more “universal” things - for example, project activities, inclusive education, interactive teaching methods, activation creative activity students, work on GEF and so on. For young teachers, special courses are usually provided that introduce them to the specialty.

Free distance courses for teachers

Free-courses are another option for improving the qualifications of a teacher, which is gaining more and more popularity. When choosing a distance course, you should pay attention to whether a certificate of the established form is issued, which will be “recorded” in educational institution or during certification. In some cases, distance learning itself is free, but you will have to pay for the preparation of "crusts" about the training you have completed (as a rule, we are talking about small amounts that are not comparable to the cost of commercial courses).

Online courses can be permanent or take place in certain periods time - in this case, the registration for them opens in advance. Training may consist of self-study of text materials, watching video lectures, preparing term papers and so on.

Free distance courses can be taken, for example, on the following resources that issue state diplomas to successful students:

  • Educational portal "My University"(, where both paid and free courses on modern teaching technologies;

  • Foxford Online Learning Center(, offering big choice courses on olympiad preparation in various subjects, the specifics of preparation for the Unified State Examination and the State Academic Examination;

  • UNESCO Institute for information technology in education(, which specializes in courses in new educational technologies and open educational resources.