Social needs of employees in the organization. Motivational personality profile as a basis for ensuring job satisfaction and motivation. Need for creativity

Personnel management for managers: tutorial Spivak Vladimir Alexandrovich

Sources of meeting the need for staff

The organization may use internal and external sources recruiting staff.

internal source are the people who work for the company. In a number of countries, for example in Japan, when vacancies appear in the administrative apparatus, it is customary to first announce an internal competition for filling a position and only then, in case of negative results, invite outside specialists to participate in the competition. It is believed that this improves the moral climate in the team, strengthens people's faith in their organization 6 .

There are the following recruitment methods from internal sources:

internal competition(when striving to minimize the number of staff);

combination of professions(to perform a small amount of work or if the contractor is required for a short time);

rotation- periodically carried out change of production functions performed by the employee (to eliminate unilateral overloads, strengthen the relationship of people).

Recruiting from internal sources has both pros and cons. To benefits relate:

Knowledge of professional and personal qualities the employee being moved, reducing the likelihood of error (however, one should not forget that the employee moves to a new environment and situation for him, and situational factors can radically affect his behavior, as shown by the experiments of S. Milgram and F. Zimbardo);

Emergence at workers of chances for service growth;

Low recruitment costs;

Saving a level wages established in the organization;

Fast filling of vacant position without long-term adaptation;

The possibility of growth of young personnel of this organization;

The ability to carry out a chain of movements: to the place vacated during the movement of an employee, appoint his subordinate;

Transparency of personnel policy;

High degree of manageability of the current personnel situation;

Possibility of purposeful professional development of personnel;

Solving the problem of employment of own personnel;

Increasing motivation and job satisfaction.

To shortcomings Recruitment from internal sources can include:

Insufficient manifestation of innovative potential in a new place, since the general environment seems to be quite familiar and comfortable;

Limitation of opportunities for selection of personnel;

Tension and rivalry in the team in the case of several applicants;

The manifestation of familiarity in the decision business matters, since only yesterday the applicant for the position of manager was on an equal footing with his colleagues;

Unwillingness to refuse anything to an employee who has work experience in this organization;

A decrease in the activity of ordinary employees applying for the position of a manager, since the deputy manager is an automatic successor, etc.

To external sources Recruitment includes the following:

1. public service employment. Helps to find personnel for work that does not require highly qualified– simple, routine or part-time. As a rule, people who have lost their jobs due to the bankruptcy of enterprises and have been retrained to master a new specialty are employed through this service.

2. Recruitment agencies. The agency submits an application for specialists indicating the position, salary, content of the activity, and it proposes several candidates so that the employer can make a choice on his own.

3. Job fairs. You can choose from active job seekers or want to change it.

4. Announcements in the press, on radio and television, on special stands and billboards. Enables broad search, although this source can be expensive.

5. Graduates educational institutions. You can find people with modern knowledge, as well as take a closer look at the candidates, inviting them to practice.

6. Applicants who applied to the company on their own. As a rule, these are the most active and targeted candidates.

Main dignity external sources - the possibility of obtaining an employee with a fresh look, with innovative potential and other advantages necessary for the organization. There is also a chance to join innovations and even trade secrets organization in which the newcomer worked, which is especially valuable if the previous place of his work is a competitor organization.

disadvantages external sources of staff replenishment can be considered:

The inability to get a complete picture of a new employee based on acceptance tests and even probationary period(you can get a "pig in a poke", a conflict personality);

Higher costs;

Increasing trend towards staff turnover;

Deterioration of the socio-psychological climate in the team;

High degree of risk during the probationary period;

Poor knowledge of the organization by new people;

Long period of adaptation;

Difficulties in terms of career growth for employees of the organization.

In modern Western firms, it is becoming more and more common secondary hire, that is, the recruitment of personnel among the employees of the organization in temporary divisions and creative groups. It is carried out either directly by the head, or on the basis of internal competition. As a result of the temporary attraction of people for additional work, their vertical and horizontal redistribution in large organizations, there is a domestic market labor. Its functioning, according to experts, reduces costs, creates for the staff additional incentives, allows you to close the most important vacancies by fast moving, retain valuable employees and maintain the stability of the team 7 . Let's take a closer look at some sources and methods of attraction.

This text is an introductory piece. From the author's book

From the author's book

8.3. Consider not only needs, but also opportunities. (The needs of your customers) The customer is always right! This truth is known to all. And if you strictly follow it, then success is not far off. Marketing theory claims that a client buys a certain product or service

From the author's book

Chapter 6 Analysis of the need for personnel. Recruitment planning Analyzing the need for personnel will not only find out what positions and how many employees are required, but also answer two questions. ? What are the reasons for staff turnover? ? What are associated

From the author's book

Needs Satisfaction Concept Looks simple. I have found an unsatisfied need in the market in a segment with effective demand and I offer my product or service as the best way meet the needs of consumers in this segment. You need to find on

From the author's book

7.2. Staffing needs assessment Obviously, staffing needs planning is part of the overall planning process in an organization. Ultimately, successful workforce planning is based on knowing the answers to the following questions: how many employees, which

From the author's book

From the author's book

Chapter 5 Planning the need for personnel, organization, regulation and working conditions 5.1. Strategic planning and personnel planning process5.2. Forecasting the need for human resources5.3. Determining the need for personnel5.4. Concepts

From the author's book

5.3. Determining the need for personnel The need for personnel, as in other types of resources, depends on many factors. Since personnel is a special and most important type of resource, and the qualities of employees cannot be accurately measured, insofar as planning

From the author's book

6.3.3. Sources of meeting the need for personnel An organization can use internal and external sources of personnel attraction. Internal sources include people working in the organization. In a number of countries, such as Japan, when vacancies appear in

From the author's book

Determining the need for personnel The need for personnel, as in other types of resources, depends on many factors. Since personnel is a special and most important type of resource, and the qualities of employees cannot be accurately measured, then planning and especially

From the author's book

25. Methods for determining the need for personnel 1. A method based on the time of the labor process. where Кв is the coefficient of compliance with the temporary norm 1 unit. products / actual production time 1 unit products; n - the number of nomenclature products in the production

From the author's book

28. Marketing approach to determining the need for personnel, ways and sources of its coverage The choice of methods for covering the need for personnel is associated with two directions marketing activities– developments professional requirements to staff and definitions

Features of employee motivation

Currently, the factor of human motivation at work is rapidly increasing its role. The productivity of his professional activity, and hence the success of the organization, directly depends on how many motivators are actualized in the motivational system of a person.

In this regard, the need for managers and employees of HR departments to master theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of various methods of motivating employees, which contribute to improving their efficiency, is quite relevant at the present time. professional activity.

In this article, we will get acquainted with one of the many theories that consider the features of the motivational-need sphere of a person, which belongs to Abraham Maslow.

A. Maslow put forward a theory according to which a person works in order to satisfy his internal needs. Need - a feeling of scarcity accompanied by a desire to eliminate it. It is the basis of human activity. Human needs are different in nature and have a special hierarchy or order of actualization (turning into a need that directs this moment labor behavior). Once a need is satisfied, it loses its relevance. For workers with higher level needs, these elements will not have a stimulating effect. As the primary needs (physiological needs and security needs) are satisfied, the needs of the following, higher levels become dominant: social (desire for contacts), then recognition (desire for prestige and respect), then development (desire for self-expression). Thus, gaining a livelihood (satisfaction material need), a person begins to strive to gain respect from others, self-realization.

To build an effective motivational system that meets organizational culture institutions, it is very important to know what motives guide the staff, and what incentives the organization can provide to realize these motives and meet the needs of employees:

Physiological Needs - these are the needs that ensure the existence of a person as a biological organism (the need for food, water, air, clothing, a roof over his head).

It is clear that hungry or sick workers will not be able to contribute to the prosperity of the organization, therefore, in order to meet the most important physiological needs of the organization, it is necessary to provide workers with acceptable working conditions and wages that allow them to satisfy their needs for food, clothing, etc., as well as a sufficient number of time needed for rest and recuperation. Since the health and fitness of an employee is as much an organization's resource as his qualifications, it would be reasonable for the organization to devote sufficient attention to the development of programs aimed at improving the health and fitness of employees. This includes paying for insurance policies, renting gyms, a swimming pool for employees.

Security Needs - in this category we can include such needs as the need to be protected from physical or psychological danger, to have a reliable place of work, job security, confidence in the stability of the future.

Satisfaction of this category of needs is facilitated by systematic work to improve safety in hazardous industries, as well as the company's policy to preserve jobs in a crisis.

Social needs - the need for communication and maintaining friendly relations at work.

To help employees meet this category of needs, it is necessary to organize collective events that allow uniting and rallying the work team - common celebrations of significant events and dates for the organization, field trips, sports holidays. Any collective events, including sports, provide an excellent opportunity to establish and maintain friendly relationships. If employees have to work alone for a long time, they begin to experience significant discomfort, which negatively affects their work results, worsens their attitude towards work and causes high staff turnover.

Needs for recognition and respect - in this category we can include the need for self-esteem and professional achievements, the desire to succeed, to have a prestigious and respected job by others and in obtaining approval, recognition from the organization, management, workmates or subordinates.

To meet this group of needs, the existing remuneration system in the organization, the system for evaluating work results, the system of official or professional growth and career planning can serve. Also, to meet the need for respect, the organization can arrange celebrations that celebrate the merits of the most distinguished employees. Forms of expression of recognition can be very different - from endowing individual people certain privileges up to press releases or valuable gifts.

Development needs – in this category we can include the need for self-expression and self-actualization, i.e. the desire to maximize one’s professional and personal potential.

People with self-actualization needs strive to perform at their best, making them the organization's most valuable resource. Creating the necessary conditions for the use of this reserve is the most important step in improving the competitiveness and efficiency of the organization. To encourage employees who this category needs, it is important to have created conditions for learning and development, providing them with important, responsible work, as well as encouraging their creative abilities.

Thus, the meaning of management, according to A. Maslow, is that in the same situations different people behave differently, depending on the prevailing value orientations, and the art of a manager in management is to clearly represent the needs of each person and create the necessary conditions to satisfy them.

Against the background of the existing variety of methods for stimulating employees, the authors (E. Shane, A. Maslow) identify some generalized rules for building incentive systems in an organization:

There cannot be an incentive system that motivates all employees equally. A specific incentive system must be designed for a specific person or a specific group of people with similar dominant needs, or the overall system must be individualized.

In a system focused more on non-financial incentives (state institutions) in without fail stimuli corresponding to primary physiological needs, as well as security needs, must be present, if this is not present, then stimuli corresponding to higher order needs will not work.

If any factors (external or internal in relation to the activities of the organization) prevent the satisfaction of primary needs, then in the regulation of the employee's behavior, these needs come to the fore, and incentives that meet the needs of a higher order cease to operate.

Today, no one needs to prove that of all the resources of an organization that ensure the success of its functioning, the main resource is people. But you can get a high return from people only when certain conditions. An employee can be forced to do a certain job, but if he himself does not want to do this job well, he will do it poorly. The reasons why a person tends to start each new day with a desire to work productively can be very diverse, so it is advisable for a manager to have an idea of ​​​​the factors that motivate an employee to work more, faster, more efficiently and with more enthusiasm. The experience of the best Western and domestic leaders shows that success is achieved by those who not only set tasks for subordinates and achieve them by any means, but have the ability to interest and inspire the employee.

head of development department human resources organizations and enterprises

Omsk Career Center

What is the key for a leader to be able to manage labor behavior employee, direct the employee to perform the most important tasks?

In conditions when employees are not the property of each individual manager, when employees can choose the place of application of their labor, change enterprises and organizations in which they work, the result obtained from an employee depends on whether his needs are met.

If an employee has the opportunity to satisfy his needs precisely through work at a particular enterprise, then his labor potential can be realized here with maximum efficiency.

The work of the manager is connected with motivating the employee to achieve the results that the organization faces.

In management, two groups of theories of motivation are distinguished: content and process. Content theories of motivation are primarily focused on identifying the needs that motivate people to act, especially when determining the scope and content of work.

Process theories of motivation imply that employee behavior is determined and shaped not only under the influence of needs, but also strongly depends on perceptions and expectations.

Since both of these groups of theories are based on the concept of need, we will briefly dwell on it.

The Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet (S.G.V.) mention a number of needs, as well as the conditions for their occurrence. And the important point here is that the needs of employees are constantly changing and any leader must constantly monitor whether the incentives of the leader affect the motivation and realization of the labor potential of the employee.

The Qur'an (2:58) gives an example of the fact that human needs are growing: And then you said: “O Musa! We cannot tolerate the same food. Call on your Lord for us, let him bring out to us what the earth grows from its vegetables, marrows, garlic, lentils and onions.

Those. here is an example of the fact that people, even having the best food from Allah, begin to want other food, even worse, but if only not the same.

In hadith No. 1717, Bukhari mentions that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “If the son of Adam had two wadis full of money, he would certainly wish to have a third ...”. Here, as we see, the Prophet (peace be upon him) links the appearance of a person's need for something with what he already has and what becomes habitual for him (it is after the second wadi of gold that desire becomes indispensable).

Many hadiths say that with the development of each person, his love for this world and its benefits increases. In hadith 425, Bukhari gives an example that the essence of a person is such that his needs are growing. This hadith describes a man who, having been in hell, only asks to be taken out of hell, promising not to claim anything more.

But after a while, this person asks: "O my Lord, bring me closer to the gates of Paradise." Then Allah will say to him: “Have you not taken oaths and promises that you will not ask for anything except what you have already asked.” And after a while, the same person will ask: “My Lord! Take me to Heaven!" Then Allah will say: “Woe to you, O son of Adam, how treacherous you are! Didn't you take an oath and promise not to ask for anything other than what was given to you? …

But also in the hadiths it is explained that the satisfaction of the needs of one person should not be accompanied by infringement of the interests of other people, and this is the guarantee of the safety of life and property of other members of society (hadith No. 1360 Bukhari): “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If people were given (what they claim) on the basis of (only) their claims, then the lives and property of (many other) people would be lost.”

Since the needs of each person are constantly changing, and the manager (leader), in order to effectively manage, must know the most urgent needs of each member of the workforce, management distinguishes such a concept as the rule of manageability. It implies the number of employees who directly report to this manager. Depending on the purpose and scope of the organization and the type of organizational structure organization, the manageability rate can be from 5 to 17 people.

It depends on how correctly the rule of manageability is established in each division of an enterprise or organization, whether each manager will have enough time to study the needs of each of his subordinate employees and effectively stimulate their labor activity.

A person's needs change with age and with the satisfaction of one need another arises, and the needs also depend on family upbringing, the psychotype of a person, the scenario of behavior he has learned, on achievements, failures and emotional trauma received in life.

The need to maintain life and health. The needs for food, sleep, shelter and health are vital for all people. But there are employees for whom these needs are paramount. They usually lead a healthy lifestyle, follow a diet, have regular check-ups, do fitness, etc. The need for housing is especially typical for young employees, so this need must be clarified. If an employee says that he has a housing problem, you need to find out if he can solve it himself. And if he expresses hope that the company will help him buy an apartment, it is necessary to assess the financial possibilities and set the terms for issuing a loan.

Organize hot meals for staff;

Express a negative assessment if employees neglect lunch;

Set a personal example, regularly and fully dine;

Discuss principles at informal events healthy lifestyle life;

As an incentive, issue subscriptions for successful employees to gyms, swimming pools or sports clubs;

Organize sports activities.

Publicly express a positive assessment of an employee who has successfully solved a difficult task;

Express gratitude for Good work in a timely manner;

Develop and implement a system of titles for successful employees in the company;

Develop and implement in the company a stand with information and photos of successful employees;

Organize an exhibition of achievements.

Need for communication. Depends on the nature and age of the person. Recommendations for motivation:

Dedicated time should be set aside for informal activities;

It is necessary to introduce a coffee break so that employees can communicate for 10-15 minutes;

Organization corporate holidays or field trips with family members.

The need for belonging to a reference group and teamwork. In any company, except for the official one, there is an informal structure of relations between employees, arising on the basis of mutual assessments and sympathy. The need is expressed in the desire to become an accepted member of the team, to have a positive relationship with colleagues and employees who cause sympathy. The desire to belong to the reference group is present in all employees. Motivators:

Delegate important professional tasks to informal leaders;

Direct informal leaders to regulate conflicts between employees;

Allocate separate rooms for team work;

Express satisfaction with the successful work of the team at official meetings;

Send the whole team to training, exhibitions, conferences for successful work.

The need for reliability and security. Usually these are cautious people who prefer order and comfort. As a rule, such people value their word, show commitment, responsibility, do not like to be late and are often pedantic. Physical security is ensured by working conditions that have minimal risk or complete lack of risk to life. The need for emotional security is manifested in the fact that employees are sensitive to the accepted in the company or division. Need in economic security expressed in the desire of people to have the reward promised by the contract. Motivators:

Ensure safety in the workplace;

Organize a good ecology of the room;

Need for prestige. If an employee dresses fashionably, has a new model car, works in famous company, and on his desk is a computer of the latest generation, then you have in front of you the one for whom the need for prestige prevails. Motivators:

Create stylish corporate symbols;

Give employees diaries, pens, calendars, etc. with corporate symbols;

Choose prestigious restaurants and boarding houses for corporate events;

Stimulate such employees with the help of image conditions: updating the office environment, replacing the company car with a more prestigious one.

The need for stability. Motivators:

Say more often that your company is reliable and stable;

Always keep your promises;

Do not allow the threat of unmotivated dismissal or reduction of staff;

Strive in the company to implement a clear work planning;

The introduction of the necessary changes must be preceded by careful preparatory work;

Clarification of the need for changes;

When introducing an innovation, always also talk about what has remained stable and unchanged in the company.

The need for novelty. Motivation:

Formulate new tasks;

Send such employees on frequent business trips;

As a reward, release such employees for training;

Create conditions for new professional experience.

The need for creativity. The solution of new non-standard problems, the development of creative projects, the birth of new ideas - all these conditions stimulate employees who have this need. Such employees very often refuse promotion. Such employees need a free schedule, the opportunity to receive up-to-date information and work in a team, performing creative tasks. Motivators:

Formulate creative non-standard tasks;

Create conditions for a free work schedule;

Listen to creative projects regularly in the meeting.

The need for emotional stress and risk. Such people choose extreme professions. Motivators:

Formulate complex tasks for them, set goals that will make them work with tension and effort;

Give employees assignments in which you need to show endurance;

Organize extreme recreation for employees;

Record the extreme rest of employees on video and distribute them in the company;

Thematic corporate evenings.

The need for social status. This need is manifested in the desire to exercise influence, control and control over the situation and other people. This need is associated with the presence of leadership potential and organizational skills. Motivators:

Show perspective when hiring career development;

Delegate complex tasks with personal responsibility to an employee;

Create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the organizational abilities of the employee;

Be interested in new ideas and initiatives of employees.

The need for competition. The engine of development in many Russian companies. Motivators:

Highlight active employees who get outstanding results;

Develop objective criteria for evaluating the performance of competing employees and compare their success;

Take into account the factor of fairness in evaluating the work of competing employees, back up your assessment with facts and figures;

Ask career prospect for these employees;

Be objective and fair and reduce the level of conflict between competing employees.

The need for submission. Motivators:

Praise the employee for professional achievements, form his self-confidence in his abilities and try to scold him less;

Send such an employee into submission to a strong and decisive leader;

If the opinion of this employee is required, call him and ask, since he himself very rarely takes the initiative;

Tell how you need to perform a certain task and how you will evaluate and control the work;

The need for achievement. Associated with the need for self-affirmation by obtaining a high result in work. The manifestation of this need depends on the psychological type of the employee. When getting a high result, it is important for introverted people to feel inner satisfaction. For extroverted employees, recognition of success from management and colleagues is significant. Motivators:

At reporting meetings, announce the list of successful employees and list their achievements;

Encourage everyone who takes responsibility for doing production tasks;

Regularly conduct motivational trainings for employees of your company;

If an employee performs work of a lower rank than he was assigned, then the following violations and inconsistencies occur:

    the professional growth of the employee slows down and his creative activity decreases;

    the principle of social justice in wages is violated;

    there is a misuse of the employee and a violation of his legal status;

    the effectiveness of the use of personnel in the organization decreases.

It is advisable to reflect the results of studying the use of personnel in the listed and other areas on a map of the distribution of employees by workplace, where you can find information that answers the questions:

    how each profession (position) of an employee at the enterprise is arranged to perform organizational processes;

    whether all the listed jobs in which employees are employed are necessary and appropriate;

    how busy employees are at their workplaces a) by time, b) by purpose (profession) and c) qualifications.

On the staffing map, it is possible, with the help of conventional signs, to mark the state of the use of workers by time (T), purpose (H), qualifications (K), indicating the number of workers by profession (position), where there are low rates of use of human labor. After studying the use of personnel in the listed areas, the stages follow. analysis and status assessments ending with the development of measures to improve the quality of personnel and increase the efficiency of human labor. It should be emphasized that, along with the study of the use of personnel, assessment of its quality by the previously considered parameters in order to get a more complete picture of the personnel in several sections. Here the spatial model is complemented by a quantitative characteristic.

As a result of studying and analyzing the worker placement map, the following shortcomings can be identified:

    some jobs are redundant with the rational structuring of the organization;

    some professions (positions) of employees are occupied with the work of 50% of the shift fund of time;

    in some workplaces, employees perform up to 30% of unusual work;

    at certain workplaces, specific professions of workers do not have job descriptions with the establishment of a range of duties;

    at specific jobs, the professions of workers perform work of a lower qualification than assigned to them.

Personnel quality analysis can reveal:

    irrational ratio between different groups of personnel (production and managerial; production main and production support together with production service);

    low rate of manageability for employees (managers and specialists);

    high average age teams;

    non-compliance in some cases with educational and probationary requirements for holding a position;

    the predominance in the collectives of places occupied mainly by men or women.

Combination of professions. Among the measures to improve the efficiency of the use of personnel, an important place is occupied by the combination of professions or officials, when two related professions separately do not have a full load and for the benefit of the case can be combined into one. The decision to combine two related jobs into one with the registration of a combined profession must be comprehensively thought out and weighed so as not to damage economic practice.

Examples of combined professions can be: a driver of a vehicle - a loader; picker - storekeeper; secretary of the head - archivist; foreman - agronomist; garage manager - mechanic, etc.

When combining professions, the organizational and economic conditions of this event are stipulated, related to the release of one employee each time and his employment, training job description for a combined profession (position) and the determination of a wage supplement for combining.

The combination of professions should be preceded by a large and painstaking work to identify jobs and the professions of workers employed in them, which, according to certain characteristics, can be combined without complicating the course of the technological process. The decision to combine professions must be fully justified.

3. Staff needs and their satisfaction

initial idea, underlying management production of goods and services is idea of ​​human needs.

Need - a sense of a lack of something.

Needs include:

    physiological needs (food, clothing, warmth, housing, security);

    social needs (in spiritual closeness, influence and affection);

    personal needs (in knowledge and self-expression).

If the need is not satisfied, the person feels destitute and unhappy. And the more this or that need means to him, the deeper he worries. A dissatisfied person will do one of two things:

    will search for an object that can satisfy the need;

    will try to silence it.

The second initial idea of ​​control is the idea of ​​human needs.

Need - a need that has taken a specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the individual.

Needs are expressed in objects able to meet the need in a way that is inherent in the cultural structure of a given society.

A need is something that satisfies a need.

Bread for man → need;

Feeling of hunger → need.

Car → need;

Movement → need.

Needs are changing, need remains unchanged.

There is a huge variety of needs of a person, family, social groups, entrepreneurs, organizations (enterprises, firms), cities, regions, population, state, country.

So in relation to a person, a family, it is necessary to highlight the needs for food, clothing, housing, services, spiritual values, communications, means of communication.

Organizations experience (production) needs for labor, material, fuel, energy, financial resources, buildings, structures, machines, equipment, information.

Public, state needs are divided into needs for management, defense, protection environment, security, culture, education, healthcare, science, transport, international relations.

Most needs fall into the category saturable. A person does not want to eat beyond the limit when he feels full. It is good to have one refrigerator or TV at home, two are better, maybe three, but then saturation, excess, overstocking sets in. The enterprise does not need to receive raw materials, materials that production needs, in excess of the limiting volumes. The state does not need to have missiles and tanks beyond what is required for defense. In relation to such needs, it is good to know their limits, the level of saturation.

But there is also unsaturable needs. These are most often the need for money, wealth, power, fame. Remember Pushkin's tale of the fisherman and the fish. Unfortunately, insatiability to a certain extent is characteristic of people and families, and enterprises, and states that live by the principle: "The more I have and consume, the better."

The needs of the employees of the enterprise. It is very important for us to focus on the diversity of needs of employees, whose ability to work is used by the employer in the enterprise, and to reveal a not so obvious idea for the sake of which it is necessary to manage the production of goods and services and, in particular, personnel, i.e., living labor. The latter, as already mentioned, is the purposeful activity of a person aimed at satisfying his needs. Therefore, labor management helps to meet the needs of employees in a timely and more complete manner.

An employee who came to an employment organization (contract) and received workplace, begins to experience various needs associated with the production (technological) consumption of labor. It is possible to name groups of needs almost always taking place at any enterprise.

    Physiological Needs- in food, water, air, housing, warmth, short rest, personal safety, overalls.

    Technical (technological) needs- in corrected modern equipment, fixtures, tools, new technology, vehicles, objects of labor.

    Economic Needs– in fair remuneration, reasonable norms of labor costs and assessment of labor contribution, in production management, co-ownership of the enterprise, participation in profits.

    Social needs– in advanced training, acquiring new knowledge, a prestigious team, professional growth and career, in communication, legal protection, love and friendship.

    Psychological Needs- in content and interesting work, favorable psychological climate, respect and recognition, sympathy and support of others.

As you can see, the listed groups of needs of the enterprise's employees cover all the main blocks of human labor, which serve as elements of the economic mechanism and objects of management (Fig. 3.1).

human needs

Needs Satisfaction

Organization of production

to meet the needs




Labor specialization

Rice. 3.1

Economic mechanism - ways and forms of combining the efforts of people in solving the problems of ensuring the growth of their well-being.

Staff satisfaction. If there were no human needs, there would be no organizations that satisfy the various needs of people with their production. The latter is created solely for the sake of satisfying needs. It can be said that needs are the engine for the development of production, but production also gives rise to needs, offering customers new types of goods and services. For example, people didn't have a need to record TV shows on tape until the VCR was invented.

However, we are not interested in meeting the needs of people in general through the markets for goods and services, but in the employees of organizations (enterprises) that are sellers of their labor force in the process of its technological use. An employee of an organization engaged in a specific work process does not buy any goods or services for money to satisfy his needs during his stay in the enterprise. An exception can only be the satisfaction of needs for food and products, or employees of markets and shops, combining production and personal needs.

In other words, we are talking about the satisfaction of the needs of each employee not by him, but by the leaders-managers, in whose subordination the employees are. These are the production needs of workers or living labor, without the satisfaction of which all other needs (persons, families, cities, regions, states, countries) cannot be satisfied (Fig. 3.2.).

Satisfaction production needs employees characteristics personnel goals organizations. quality characteristics: - capabilities...

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    Determine as strong by the following characteristics: - clearly formed and shared by all ... B. Adaptation methods personnel//Control staff.-№12, 2006. Gorchakova V. Aspects management staff in organizations//Control staff.-№24, 2006 ...

  • Control staff in organizations small business and way his improvements (2)

    Abstract >> State and law

    ... personnel(workers). Staff enterprises are his hired personnel with quality characteristics... 5. Kibanov A.Ya. Control staff organizations. M.: Progress, 2008 6. Kokhanov E.R. Selection personnel and introduction to...