Competitions and events at the enterprise. Why are internal competitions held in the company? You wrote that in the process you had to finish the mechanics. Was there any negativity due to changes on the part of the participants

THEN. Serous

The magazine spoke in detail about the introduction of the system "Ordering" in the Group of Companies "Status" (Tyumen) 1 . However, it was not possible, of course, to cover this multifaceted and extensive experience in an exhaustive way. The proposed article is an attempt to fill a gap regarding such an important and urgent problem as the involvement of personnel in the implementation of improvements, in particular, through competitions held in the process of deploying the "Ordering" system.

During the three years of implementation of the system at the enterprises of the Status Group of Companies (hereinafter referred to as the State Corporation "Status"), eight corporate competitions (between the enterprises of the State Corporation) and more than 40 internal competitions directly at the enterprises were held. Why and how they were organized, and what did it give the Group of Companies as a whole, individual enterprises and every employee?

First of all, it should be noted that the competitions differed from each other in their purpose: when they were held, different goals were set, which determined the frequency and forms of organization of competitions.

1. Summing up the interim results of the work on the deployment of the "Ordering" system as a whole and on individual aspects. Corporate contests for the best results in the implementation of the system, which were a fairly large-scale event, were held at the first stages 2 once every six months, then annually.

Similar internal competitions at the enterprises of the State Corporation "Status" are held on average once a quarter.

In addition, creative competitions are held: for the best symbolism of the "Ordering" system, for the best solution of the working group - once a year for the Civil Code, as well as for the best solution of complex technical problems - as needed - within the enterprises of the Civil Code.

When summing up, it is important to correctly identify nominations in which working groups similar in terms of production focus can be evaluated, as well as determine the criteria for evaluating nominees, taking into account the stages of implementation of the "Ordering" system. Thus, the enterprises of the State Corporation "Status", which started implementing the system at different times (two enterprises - since February, the rest - since November 2003), at first were evaluated differently: competitions between "pioneers" and "newcomers" were held separately. Then, when the enterprises of the "second wave" achieved significant results, comparable to the results of the two plants that started work on "Ordering" first, it was decided to combine the tenders. This made it possible to increase the efficiency of the exchange of experience between all enterprises of the Group of Companies (since certain competitions created some barriers), as well as to create additional incentive both for the enterprises of the "second wave", and for the "masters of the "Ordering", since they needed to prove themselves at a decent level, to meet the expectations of other enterprises.

2. Assessment of the prospects for the organizational development of the company(in particular, determining the degree of readiness for the transition to the next level). For example, based on the results of a corporate competition in October 2005 and based on experience in preparatory stage implementation of a more complex system - TPM (general productive services) 3 - it was decided to postpone the start of a large-scale deployment of this project.

3. Analysis of errors and determination of further directions of work on the implementation of the system in order to promote a more intensive exchange of experience and the development of methodologically successful moments in the implementation of the implementation of the system in enterprises.

Orders on the results of tenders, as a rule, contain a list of activities that need to be carried out when introducing the "Ordering" system in the GC "Status" at the next stage. Among the main decisions taken following the results of the competitions and subsequently implemented, the following can be distinguished:

    introduction to the practice of curating working groups;

    revision of the composition of the Councils according to the "Ordering" system at some enterprises;

    distribution of responsibility between members of the Councils (in the form of a matrix of responsibility or regulations on the Council);

    introduction to the practice of cross-excursions of working groups of various GK enterprises;

    the beginning of the circle on the "Ordering" system (the circle unites members of the Councils of all enterprises of the State Committee and was created to jointly develop decisions related to the implementation of the "Ordering" system);

    introduction to the practice of self-assessment of enterprises and working groups according to the "Ordering" system;

    creation of the NOVIK Catalog ( effective solutions, found by the working groups during the implementation of the "Ordering" system) and conducting training on the Catalog;

    creation of the Catalog on labor protection;

    introduction into practice of thematic inspections according to the "Ordering" system: on labor protection, the condition of amenity premises, inspection of cleaning equipment, etc.;

    development of an introductory booklet on the "Organization" system for new employees;

    continuous improvement of competition criteria;

    development of regulations on competitions and inspections according to the "Ordering" system in accordance with the decisions developed at the "Ordering" circle;

    improvement of documentation forms for the "Ordering" system (work plans, self-assessment sheets, evaluation sheets for inspections);

    improvement of visual materials on the "Ordering" system (information for stands and methodological leaflets on the "Ordering" system);

    carrying out activities to obtain feedback from working groups;

    coordination by the Council for the "Ordering" of the applications of working groups for subsequent execution by the services of functional, technical and logistics support.

4. Training and exchange of experience: during corporate competitions, members of the Councils of enterprises lagging behind in the implementation of the system accompany the competition commission during its stay at the leading enterprises in order to use their experience.

5. Increasing the motivation of employees and the level of their involvement in the implementation of the "Ordering" system.

This is facilitated by:

    friendly atmosphere of the competition;

    awarding the winners in a solemn atmosphere, in the presence of the company's management and representatives of the Councils and working groups of all enterprises of the Group of Companies;

    consecration of events and results of the competition in corporate publications and on the company's website;

    organization of excursions to the winning working groups;

    dissemination of ideas found by the winners of the competition at the enterprises of the Group of Companies.

Types of competitions according to the "Ordering" system, held in the GC "Status", nominations and applied evaluation criteria are presented in the table.

Criteria for evaluating working groups in the corporate competition for the best implementation of the "Organization" system for the period 2003-2005. have been revised several times and the following criteria are currently used.

1. Practical results of the working group, its progress since the previous competition and following the results of inspections. The progress in the implementation steps of the "Streamlining" system is taken into account, as well as the activities implemented over the past period as part of the implementation of the "Streamlining" program.

2. The quality of the development of plans by the working group. The content of the work plans, the specificity of the activities, the breakdown of the plan into logical blocks, the relationship between the plans and the steps of the system on which the working group, distribution of responsibility for activities, the degree of participation of all members of the working group, the specificity of the timing of the work.

3. Implementation of plans by the working group. The timeliness of the work, the presence of postponements of the work, as well as the fact of the implementation of measures based on the results of the inspection of the territory of the working group are assessed.

4. The level of involvement of members of the working group in the implementation of the system. Evaluated based on the results of a conversation with members of the working group and an analysis of the degree of participation in the implemented activities. With a high degree of employee involvement, the leaders of the working groups in a conversation with the members of the commission should not dominate. All members of the working group should take part in the conversation, talk about how they understand the system, what each of them did as part of the work on the "Ordering" system. And the leaders of the groups - only to supplement their story, giving each member of the working group an opportunity to speak out, to express their attitude to the work done and the system as a whole.

5. Use of self-assessment in the working group. The fact that the working group is conducting a self-assessment indicates a certain degree of "maturity" of this working group, that it has achieved serious results in terms of discipline and self-control. Evaluated use step by step self-assessment(on evaluation forms for the step, the activities of which are performed by the working group), thematic self-assessment(based on self-assessment sheets developed by the working group in order to overcome existing difficulties), and pre-competitive self-assessment- according to the evaluation sheet of the competition in the relevant nomination.

The advantage of these criteria is that they are applicable to the assessment of work groups of both office and production / auxiliary departments, moreover, for all steps of the "Ordering" system, and allow you to combine into general competition different working groups at different stages of work on the "Streamlining" system. In addition, they allow you to accumulate statistics on progress in the "Ordering" system and analyze individual aspects of work.

When evaluating the work of the Councils on the implementation of the "Ordering" system the following criteria are used.

1. Coherence in the work of the Council. The regularity and stability of the work of the Council in all necessary areas (training of working groups, inspections, activities to involve and agitate, etc.), the share of participation of each of the members of the Council in the implementation of the plans, the distribution of responsibilities between members of the Council, the organization of teamwork in Council.

2. The quality of planning the work of the Council. As in the analysis of the plans of the working groups, the quality of the work planning in the Council is assessed.

3. Introduction to the practice of self-assessment in the enterprise. Assesses how actively self-assessment is used in the work groups of the enterprise as a whole, as well as

4. Visibility of displaying the results of activities in the "Ordering" system in dynamics. The condition of the stands and folders of the working groups, the visibility of the presentation of the results of competitions, inspections, and the display of the results in dynamics are assessed.

5. Implementation of the decisions of the Council and the progress of the enterprise as a whole. The implementation of the measures outlined by the Council is assessed, as well as the degree of mastering the "Ordering" system at the enterprise as a whole over the past period.

6. The level of work of the Council with the working groups. The regularity and quality of conducting educational and explanatory, involving events, inspections, receiving feedback from working groups is assessed.

7. Rating of the enterprise based on the results of thematic inspections and participation in the work of the circle on "Ordering". According to the results of monthly thematic inspections on the Civil Code and the results of the work of the representatives of the Councils at the circle on "Ordering", ratings are awarded to enterprises. The total rating for the past period significantly affects the assessment at the end of the competition. Thus, the stability of work on the "Ordering" system is ensured, in contrast to the "pre-competition fever", which was observed before such a decision was made.

Competitions within enterprises, creative and individual competitions are evaluated on the basis of those criteria that are specially developed before each competition and are discussed at the circle according to the "Ordering" system.

The prize fund of the GK competition and the amount of rewards for winning in each nomination are determined on the circle according to the "Ordering" system and, along with the rules for holding competitions, are approved in the Regulations on contests and inspections according to the "Ordering" system. Contributions to this fund are made in the same amount by all GK enterprises. Prize funds of other competitions are determined separately, these expenses are planned by the Councils for the implementation of the "Ordering" system within the framework of the budgeting system in force at the enterprises of the State Committee.

As prizes for winning competitions, both cash prizes and valuable gifts, commemorative symbols (transient and permanent), diplomas and certificates can be issued. An interesting fact is that about 50% of employees (according to the results of surveys conducted by the Councils of Enterprises of the Group of Companies) want to know what the valuable prize will be for the winner (it is better if a photo of the prize is posted on the company’s stand), and this increases their incentive to participate in the competition, and the rest prefer "surprise", i.e., learn about the prize at the end of the competition. When it comes to decisions about how to spend cash bonuses, about 90% of work groups use these funds to purchase something for public needs(for example, a kettle, a microwave oven, a Christmas tree, stationery, etc.), or celebrate a victory with a collective trip to the theater, cafe, bowling, etc., and only 10% prefer to divide money among themselves and spend it on own discretion.

The annual organization of the Week of "Ordering" in the GC is also a significant incentive for the working groups. Another corporate competition ends forum"Open Space - Streamlining", where the solemn summing up and awarding of the winners takes place 4 .

At the end of the forum, surveys of participants are conducted. All respondents note the usefulness of this event, its value for the exchange of experience and the development of new ideas.

In addition, it was noted that the form of the event was well chosen: the playful tone allowed the employees to “free themselves up”.

The main conclusions on the results of the competitions, which were made in the "Status" group of companies, are as follows.

    Since the results of the competition have a serious impact on the motivation of employees when implementing the "Ordering" system, it is necessary to achieve maximum objectivity of assessments. Constantly improve the evaluation criteria, following the results of the competitions, give the most detailed comments, remarks and recommendations of the competition commission. With regard to the appointment of the competition commission, in order to achieve maximum objectivity, the nominees of corporate competitions are evaluated only by representatives of the management company.

    If an enterprise manages to create a cohesive team (Council for the implementation of the "Organization" system and curators of working groups), in which everyone does what he does best, such an enterprise succeeds in relatively short term make significant progress in the development of the "Ordering" system. At the same time, the accumulated base makes it possible to maintain continuity in work, even if there is a radical change in the composition of the Council (in connection with the start of the implementation of the TRM concept).

    The enterprises that started implementing the "Ordering" system later than "VZKSM" CJSC and "Leader" CJSC managed not only to catch up with them, but also to get ahead of them in some aspects, since they had the opportunity to use the achievements of their "pioneer" colleagues.

    The production specifics of the enterprise is reflected in the work on the implementation of the "Ordering" system, which, in our opinion, is a sign of the involvement of employees. So, for example, workers representing the security agency "Association of Security", in the implementation of step 4, developed rules similar to this army charter (accuracy of wording, detail).

    If the proposals of the working groups as part of the implementation of the "Streamlining" system are accepted and recognized, then the number of employees participating in innovations increases, and their ideas receive further development. Thus, the solutions published in the first volume of the NOVIK Catalog were improved by other working groups by the time the second volume was published. In addition, working groups manage to find solutions that exceed the traditional level in terms of depth of study (for example, based on the principle of color coding with the rational placement of objects in one of the office working groups, the principle of double color coding was implemented).

    If the indicators for the implementation of the "Ordering" system significantly decrease at the enterprise, then the reason is most often a decrease in the effectiveness of interaction with working groups and the formalization of the work of the Council: in this case, the Council needs to pay more attention to activities to involve personnel in the implementation of the system, meetings with working groups, their training and exchange of experience.

The experience of holding competitions turned out to be very useful for Status Group, and we intend to develop it. We encourage our colleagues from other enterprises to share their experience in organizing events to involve employees in innovation.

    On the implementation of the "Ordering" system at the enterprises of the "Status" Group, see: Deryabin P.M. Why is it necessary to introduce the "Ordering" system // MMK. - 2004. - No. 2; Deryabin P.M., Govorukhin D.V. Small groups in the "Ordering" system // MMK. - 2004. - No. 2; Medvedev S.V., Serous T.O. "Ordering": "Open space" // MMK. - 2005. - No. 1, 2; Pshennikov V.V. "Ordering": Day open doors// MMK. - 2005. - No. 7; Melnikova E.V. "Our Experience to Everyone and Everyone" // MMK. - 2005. - No. 9.

    The implementation of the "Ordering" system in the State Corporation "Status" is carried out according to the 12-step procedure described in the book by Ratimeshin V.E., Kupriyanova T.M. "Organization. The way to create a quality workplace." Practical guide / Under the general. ed. Dr. tech. Sciences V.N. Shlykov. - M.: RIA "Standards and quality", 2004.

    In our publications, TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is translated as "productive maintenance of equipment with the participation of all personnel" - Approx. ed.

    Medvedev S.V., Serous T.O. "Ordering": "Open space" // MMK. - 2005. - No. 1, 2.

Contests are a way we have known since childhood to express ourselves and evaluate the strengths of others. During the competition, we learn to communicate, understand each other, be a team or be a leader.

We learn to win, participate and participate. Competitions also provide one of the important HR components – employee engagement.

How to use the advantages of competitions for internal communications, we discussed with the experts and share with you in this article.

Competition goals

Internal competitions in our company are always held as part of large motivational projects, which usually culminate during corporate parties, because attendance at them is not mandatory, and therefore requires active action to attract participants to them. This is a kind of PR-component of the event itself, pursuing several goals at once:

1. Non-financially reward an employee by publicly declaring his abilities, achievements or contribution to the common cause of the Bank.
2. Involve as many people as possible in the life of the Bank, broadcast the values ​​of the company, draw the attention of the audience to important information or involve the team in the problem and search for its solution.
3. Encourage colleagues to unlock their potential.
4. Create excitement before the final event of the competition, which takes place at a corporate event, by combining informational occasions (details of the competition and details of a future event)
Alexandra Popova, Leading Specialist in Internal Communications at JSCB RUSSLAVBANK (CJSC), spoke about the role of internal competitions in RUSSLAVBANK.

“This year, the FSUE SCSS turns 75 years old, in honor of this holiday, several competitions were held within the company - a quiz, a photography competition, a literary competition, as well as a competition for the best exhibit for the Museum of Special Communications. This activity was implemented in order to familiarize employees with the history of the enterprise. By participating in the quiz, it was necessary to find out Interesting Facts, find information, raise archives and communicate with more experienced workers to give the right answer. We have very talented people who not only excel as special communications operators, but also write well and are also fond of photography, so we decided to announce a literary and photo contest for them. Since the enterprise has existed for a long time, whole dynasties and many veterans who have worked for several decades have developed inside it. Everyone has a huge story behind them, as well as unique things related to the work that could be demonstrated in our museum, so we organized a competition for the best exhibit. The main task of holding such events is the desire to pay attention to employees, to give them the opportunity to express themselves not only in work, but also to reveal their talents, rally the team and encourage them to actively participate in corporate life,” says Tatiana Parfenova, head of the training and methodological center of the FSUE GTSSS .

Sofia Semyonova, Head of Internal Communications and Employer Branding at Volvo Group Russia, says that the goals of internal competitions at Volvo Group Russia are different. Thus, the collection of innovative ideas is aimed at improving the business, the competition of commercial teams is aimed at solving commercial tasks, competitions for best project in the field of quality/safety/environmental protection/technology are aimed at promoting the corporate values ​​of the Volvo Group, competitions for mechanics are aimed at improving the skills of employees. There are so-called motivational competitions, which are part of the internal awards system. "We also spend inside corporate contests, the purpose of which is internal branding. Competitions also allow us to solve recruitment tasks - we fill 75% of managerial positions in the company on the basis of an internal competition,” Sofia adds.

By organizing corporate competitions, you can achieve the following goals: increase the level of loyalty and involvement, motivate employees to work better and more efficiently, encourage and recognize the merits of employees, unite the team, broadcast corporate values, develop the competencies necessary for the company and employees, draw the attention of the younger generation to history and prospects for the development of the industry, to form interest and respect for any profession. - Nadezhda Usova, senior manager for internal communications at X5 Retail Group, argues. – The topics of competitions can be very different: photo contests, a contest for the best creative idea on a given topic, a contest for the best employees, contests unusual entertainment etc. Participation in competitions sometimes reveals people from an unexpected angle: for example, we can see a strict pedantic accountant in the role of an extreme travel lover, a solid sales director in the role of a miniature car collector, etc. Contests allow employees to get to know each other more and better, which contributes to team building and building more effective personal relationships and communications between departments.

Thus, competitions are of interest to both management, employees, and the personnel department, because With the right setting of goals and implementation of the project, several diverse tasks can be solved. But at the same time, competitions held “for show” are ineffective both for the company and for employees.

Inescapable success

Give examples of the most successful competitions in your practice, and what did these competitions give the company?

The most successful competition in RUSSLAVBANK was last year's "Employee of the Year 2013". The essence of the competition was to identify and encourage the best employees of the bank based on the assessment of their colleagues, i.e. only those employees who were nominated by their colleagues were represented in the nominations. The competition was held in 3 stages: from September to October 2013, colleagues anonymously nominated the most suitable person in their opinion in previously known nominations, substantiating the reason for their decision. Then, from among the names sent in the nomination, only the 3 most common ones were selected. From October to November, the final stage of voting took place, in which it was necessary to give preference to one of the 3 finalists. In early December, during a corporate evening in honor of the company's birthday, the names of the winners were announced and prizes were awarded. - Recalls Alexander Popov.

As a result of the competition, we received incredible results. Firstly, a maximum of regional offices and representative offices were involved in the race for the main prize - a trip to Moscow at the expense of the company for the presentation of statuettes + a paid 3-month internship in the capital in any department of the winner's choice with a further opportunity to get a job at the Bank's head office. It was the regional employees who were most often among the finalists. Secondly, labor efficiency has increased and communication between colleagues has improved, because. employees nominated each other as nominees based on the results of their work and the quality of service. Thirdly, we identified talents and helped the career development of "gray mice" - employees who performed their work with high quality, but were not previously noticed by management due to their personal qualities- modesty, shyness. They more often than others ended up on the list of the most hardworking and responsible, which we certainly told their leaders about. Thus, 4 nominees were promoted, and one girl from Kaluga got a job in Moscow. Fourthly, thanks to the active communication strategy of the competition, which included a teasing PR campaign for the corporate evening (newsletters, a special section in the corporate magazine, flyers and invitations, Internet banners on the internal website, creating an understatement effect and provoking further news tracking), an absolute record was set for the number of people present at it - 550, which is 137% of target audience(Initially it was planned to attract 400 people). It was, dare I say it, a colossal success!
In general, with the help of this competition, we managed to make it so that 3 months before the company's birthday and a month after it, everyone was talking only about participation in it, and some managers even called "Employee of the Year" the biggest event in recent times, dreaming of receiving the coveted prizes and his moment of glory.
It is worth noting that the competition formed the basis of the concept of celebrating a birthday, turning it into an Oscar-scale ceremony with a red carpet and other attributes of the life of the rich and famous. Everyone was very pleased!

Confess in love

For St. Valentine's Day, we held a contest "Confess your love X5". The main goal of the competition was to increase the level of employee loyalty to the company and create a positive image of X5 Retail Group as an employer. Employees with different lengths of work in the company shared their impressions about why they chose X5 Retail Group as an employer, what they like about the company, what are the advantages and what they value in our organization. The competition was held on the intranet, so the coverage was wide: for best recognition employees from different cities, offices, shops and distribution centers competed in love. They expressed their love for the company in the form of short phrases, poems and even prose. All declarations of love during the day were published on corporate portal, and online voting took place at a predetermined time. Employees themselves determined the winners, who received certificates for the best restaurants in their city for two persons. In Moscow, we chose the Pushkin restaurant. As a result, more than 3,000 X5 declarations of love were submitted to the competition, which reflected the advantages of the company. Thus, through the competition, we managed to form a positive attitude towards the company, increase loyalty and strengthen the X5 Retail Group HR brand.

As a rule, staff turnover in retail is higher than in other areas. This situation has a negative impact on employees' knowledge of the company's history: key dates and development milestones, key figures and achievements. We faced this problem and developed a communication plan that would increase the level of knowledge of the company's employees. One of the tools was the "Learn more about X5" quiz. On the one hand, we identified the best experts, on the other hand, we motivated employees to learn more about the company. The week during which the quiz was held was very active: employees found out, clarified certain facts, shared their knowledge, sources of information, etc. So, with the help of the competition, we managed to increase the interest of employees in the history of the company. - says Nadezhda Usova.

Tatyana Parfenova: “In the year of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the company, all competitions were successful, now we are summing up the results. However, the most successful can be called a quiz. In order to win, people needed to gather information and familiarize themselves with the activities of the enterprise. It was not easy, because in 75 years there have been many changes and events. As a result - good awareness, understanding of the processes, knowledge of the history of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GTSSS and showing interest in the company. When you learn the story, you begin to delve into not only the work, but also notice other processes. You get to know your colleagues better, you understand how the work of the entire SCCC works, what important decisions were made, and then you see the result of these decisions. This helps a lot in the work, because knowing the history, you can predict the future, offer new solutions. At our enterprise, such an initiative is very welcome, so all employees are involved in the process and take part in competitions with pleasure, perhaps this is what distinguishes the FSUE GTSSS from other companies, because first of all they pay attention to the needs of people, they try to make the work process as comfortable as possible and exciting."

Prizes, praises and laurels

How to encourage and reward the winners? What place should be given to tangible and intangible rewards?

Alexandra Popova: “Incentives should be comprehensive and depend on the competition itself. For example, for winning the competition for the best corporate song, it is enough to write about the winner in the corporate media and present souvenirs with the organization's logo. If the competition is aimed at increasing profitability and labor indicators, then here beautiful mug you can’t get by, you also need a material component - a premium or a serious prize (tourist ticket, expensive equipment, car). The contribution of the employee received as a result of the competition should be correlated with the reward for which he will have to fight.

Parfenova Tatyana: “All people are different, someone is pleased with material rewards, and someone wants to prove themselves and demonstrate their talents for the recognition of colleagues. The ideal option is a combination of material wealth and recognition. With us, all winners receive cash prizes, the results of competitions and works are published in the corporate newspaper, and a general mailing list is made. Our employees receive both attention and a nice bonus in the form of extra money.

Sofia Semenova: “Depending on the competitions, incentives can also be material, such as, for example, a prize for best idea or a paid trip for the winning team, a certificate for training, souvenirs with the company logo, prizes. But, in my opinion, recognition from colleagues or management is an obligatory part of encouraging the results of the competition. Recognition does not cost money, but it makes the employee understand that he is valued and respected at work, his ideas are significant.

Nadezhda Usova: “The choice of a prize largely depends on the size of the company and the budget for the competition. At the same time, it is best to study the needs of your employees, identifying certain factors that motivate them. Generally speaking, a tourist voucher or a vacation certificate combined with an internship in foreign country, where there is a division of the company, certificates for the study foreign language with carrier, gold badges with company logo. For thematic contests, you can choose promotion in the appropriate style: for example, a photo contest - a high-quality camera, flash drive, etc. In order to add value to the gift and encouragement in general, awards are best done in the presence of management and the majority of employees. For regional employees, a trip to Moscow for a general meeting can be a motivating gift. corporate party. This is especially true when the number of invitations is limited and / or the list of event participants is formed based on the position level. As a rule, such an unexpected gift for an ordinary employee is a strong motivating factor for further work and increased involvement.

Not all contests are created equal

When choosing an idea for a competition, you need to think first of all about its potential benefits for business, and not about entertainment. The idea may be bright, but completely “idle” in terms of business tasks. In order not to waste time and energy in vain, let's figure out which ideas of contests are still better to refuse.

“You should not hold contests that do not solve business problems or will be too difficult to take part in them. Wasted budget and low returns are only part of what you get as a result of such work. Everything that an internal communicator does should be subordinated to 2 things - broadcasting the mission and values ​​of the organization in which you work, and solving business problems, which ultimately affects profits, ”says Alexandra Popova.

Here is what Tatyana Parfenova says about what not to do: “There is no need to hold contests that do not make any sense. Competition for the sake of competition is completely useless and will be of no interest to employees. When starting some kind of activity, it is always important to understand what result you want to get and focus on people and their interests. No one will waste time just like that, a valuable prize is also not the most important motivation. In addition to material values, there are such important points as recognition, the desire to convey information to colleagues, demonstrate their talents, attract attention, and stand out. If the competition does not give anything except wasted time and, moreover, is implemented obsessively, most likely the result will be negative.”

“It is better to abandon the idea of ​​the photo contest “How or where I spent the summer”, “Favorite cat/Cute kittens,” adds Nadezhda Usova.

We wish you successful competitions!
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One of the components non-material motivation employees are dashboard. These are the boards on which, among other things, the results for each employee are posted.

Dashboard types:

  • Electronic
  • Information Table

Such boards are placed in sales departments or even in trading floors shops. This is a good motivation for employees. Nobody wants to be among the last, especially when all the indicators are on public display.

Employee motivation: fines

The company should have a clearly defined system of demotivation - fines. Under the law, there can be no financial penalties. We are talking about any other form of punishment. For good motivation, fines should not be material in nature in the form of deprivation of part of the salary.

Compose such internal document, where you clearly describe what is considered a violation and what threatens the employee, for example, for being late, missing the deadlines for the project, if he did not work on the errors by calls, etc. Employees must clearly understand in which cases punishment is applied.

Examples of fines:

  • Buying pizza for all employees
  • Put 100 rubles in a common piggy bank
  • Deprivation of the opportunity to work with a certain client
  • Restriction in working with warm leads, etc.

We are not supporters of fines in the context of the motivation system. Deprivations should be applied for administrative violations, and not for indicators. If the employee has not reached the targets, then he simply does not receive a bonus.

The system of competitions is one of the components of the internal culture of the company, an element of non-material motivation of employees. The prize for winning is a material value. But still, the competition stimulates excitement, interest in competition and victory, rather than the prize itself.

If you understand the motivation of your managers well, you know who has what “button”, such competitions will be a great solution for you. For example, you can use titles/nominations " The best seller of the month”, “Best Seminar Seller”, etc.

Examples of prizes to motivate managers:

  • Medal, photo on the board of honor,
  • Trip to a trendy restaurant for two,
  • hot air balloon flight,
  • Certificate for the purchase of something.

The fantasy of prizes is limitless. This creates the motivation to sell better in order to win. Such motivation works even better than financial incentives.

The daily routine makes its own adjustments to the workflow. Such competitions revive interest in work.

The principle of creating competitions

  • They shouldn't be repeated.
  • They should be aimed at improving a specific indicator,
  • The effect of the competition must be evaluated.

Types of competitions

  • short-term
  • medium-term
  • long-term.

Medium and long-term are usually aimed at improving the overall sales system, overall indicators. Short-term - to improve some specific indicators.

Contest examples

Depending on the goals of motivating employees, competitions are aimed at obtaining different results.

1. To pull up the results at the end of the month (competition short-term week)

The bottom line: whoever completes the plan in the last week, he receives a certain material prize, or an intangible one (going bowling, for example). It is better to make it collective for the entire department.

2. To balance the results at the beginning of the month (50% of the plan and a super prize). It can be done continuously.

The bottom line: 80% of sales departments have a situation where the department swings for half a month, then begins to resolve issues in order to fulfill the plan. It is necessary to create a competitive motivation for employees at the beginning of the month: those who complete 50% of the plan at the beginning of the month should be awarded a prize.

3. For additional focus on intermediate indicators, work with zigzags (conversion/meetings).

Essence: used to raise some indicator. For example, you need to focus on a meeting. You say that the one who makes the XX% conversion rate will receive a certain prize.

4. For collective responsibility(team game for a week), it is aimed at team building.

The bottom line: to motivate employees to help each other in customer service. Prevent customer theft. The prize is assigned if the manager sold something to the changer's client, replacing him.

5. For hunter managers

Meaning: The prize is given to the sales manager who visited the most potential clients per certain period(month, quarter).

Prize options:

  • Tablet for personal use
  • A trip to the exhibition according to the profile at the expense of the company with travel expenses,
  • A trip to the supplier (for the promotion of a new product - who will be the first to sell a new product),
  • Additional paid day off.

6. Extended competition

The bottom line: you give the employee a prize that can be constantly improved through additional details. For example, for the first month of an overfulfilled plan, you give an employee a smartphone. Next month - a headset for him, then - something else. Those. you create motivation for the employee to work even better, while the binding also goes to the prize, which he is already satisfied with.

7. For managers-farmers who work with regular customers.

The bottom line: it creates motivation to first learn, and then increase the share in the client. For example, who will sell more new products to old customers. Prize can be anything. Until going to a restaurant and so on.

Our experience confirms that it's not about prizes at all! Even such simple things as medals, certificates, photos on the board create good motivation for employees to achieve their goals better and faster. Introduce contests into your business and you'll be surprised how it will increase your revenue.

Employee motivation: components

The system of employee motivation should be based on the principle of components. Only a fixed salary should be permanent - not a very large amount, which should be enough to rent a living room in an apartment with a neighbor or hostess and the simplest food. Everything else the manager must earn, fulfilled the plan.

The soft salary directly depends on the achievement of performance indicators, for example, the number and quality of calls made, meetings, management, etc.

Bonuses are paid for the fulfillment of the sales plan. And here it is important to observe the principle of large thresholds. That is, those who underfulfilled, fulfilled and overfulfilled the plan should have a significant difference in the calculation of bonuses. For example, less than 80% of the plan - was left without bonuses, 80-100% - ½ salary, more than 100% - full salary.

Among the basic principles of motivation, it is also necessary to designate transparency, the Darwin principle and the principle of 3 times more.

A well-organized internal competition is very effective tool formation personnel reserve, staff loyalty to the company, development of employees necessary competencies and many more. Let's consider what types of competitions exist and how they are held at Sady Pridonya OJSC.

Depending on the purpose of the competition, competitions are divided into three types: motivational, corporate and targeted. (Table 1).

In accordance with this, three main goals for holding internal competitions at Sady Pridonya OJSC can be distinguished:

  • encouraging employees to achieve optimal results;
  • development of competencies necessary for the company;
  • increasing the level of employee loyalty to the company.

Types of competitions and features of their conduct

Motivational contests

Competitions for the title of "Best in Profession" are held in order to encourage employees to achieve high performance in professional activity. Rewardable performance (usually quantifiable) has an impact on the growth of a company's profits. Such events are especially popular and effective in trade. For example, the title of "Best Sales Representative" is awarded for achieving specific targets set in a sales plan.

Company information

Company "Gardens of Pridonya" - Russian manufacturer vegetable-based juices and purees on a full cycle (from growing seedlings of fruit trees to the production finished products). Part of JSC "National food group"Gardens of Pridonya", which unites agricultural branches and enterprises, ten of which specialize in horticulture, one - in vegetable growing and dairy farming. The number of personnel is more than 2000 people.

program non-financial incentives employees, agreed with the production service and the planning and economic department, is implemented by the personnel department. On a monthly basis, a working group of representatives of the relevant departments (head of personnel service, line managers) determines the "Best Employee" of the production service.

The program of non-material incentives is aimed at the following categories of employees:

  • service of the chief technologist (operators, shift technologists (students));
  • employees of the physical and chemical laboratory;
  • microbiological laboratory workers;
  • Customer Service.

The names of the selected employees are submitted for approval to the head of the division participating in this competition in the form of a draft order “On issuing gratitude” and a draft order “On declaring gratitude”. After signing these documents, the head of the personnel department at the general production meeting informs all employees of the gratitude received and, together with the heads of production services, awards the winners with small prizes (cake, juice products, sweets, tea set).

Another type of rewarding employees is based on the results of the unit's activities for the quarter (three months). Rewarding takes place in the unit and depends on the planned tasks for a given period of time. To improve the quality of the work performed by the production unit, the results of each shift are evaluated quarterly according to the following criteria:

fulfillment of planned shift tasks for the production of products, the utilization rate of production lines, carrying out a technological operation on equipment. These results have an impact on many performance indicators of the entire production, including the reduction of production costs.

The working group draws up a draft order "On issuing gratitude to employees for quality work." After signing the order, its content is communicated to all employees on general meetings and through the bulletin board, and rewarded employees are given a small gift prize (for example, a gift certificate for a certain amount, a box of chocolates).

Based on the results of six months (first / second half of the year) and the processing season (May - early December), the working group is preparing a draft order "On issuing gratitude and conferring the title" Best Worker Juice Production” / “Best Shift in Juice Production” (the entire shift consisting of employees of the chief technologist service, laboratories, and auxiliary departments is presented for the award). After signing the order, the head of the personnel department informs all employees of the gratitude received and sends certified extracts from the order to the encouraged employees.

By decision of the President of the company, for a period of six months and / or three months (quarter), a valuable prize is determined for employees with a budget of at least 3,000 rubles per person.

At the end of the processing season, a more valuable prize is provided - from 10,000 rubles and the title of "Best Employee in the Processing Season".

Corporate contests

Holding thematic competitions in the company are timed to coincide with certain events or holidays (anniversary of the foundation of the company, professional holiday, traditional holidays - February 23, March 8, New Year etc.). Employees of the personnel department approach participation in these celebrations creatively, not limited to the usual festive feast, and involve other employees in organizing a bright, memorable event. The employees of the divisions create it themselves: they prepare creative numbers, poems and songs. The atmosphere that arises during the preparation of the event and during its holding helps employees to open up (sometimes from a completely unexpected side for colleagues), the whole team is charged with positive energy. Comic contests, in which winners in various categories are determined, complement the scenarios for the corporate celebration of the New Year (for example, "Best new year presentation department”, “Best New Year carnival costume" etc.)

Team events are held in the company to strengthen and develop the corporate culture, team building, and revitalize the working atmosphere. Employees of the personnel department organize an annual field event for the company's team - "team building", within the framework of which various competitions are held. Their goal is team building. This type of competition helps to form a tradition of holding joint events in the team, helps to create a friendly atmosphere, and strengthen relationships. To achieve maximum efficiency, the essence and technique of the "team building" itself is organically integrated into a variety of plots of active games. For example, solve the "Secrets of Sherwood Forest" with Guy of Gisborne and the Sheriff of Nottingham. Or together, with one team of 200 people, approve the "Recipe for Real Juice". Each team, according to the selected criteria, presents its most useful and best recipe:

  • product presentation (image name, slogan, positioning, functional features);
  • product design;
  • compliance with the technical regulations (name according to the technical regulations, composition of the product, documentation support);
  • product quality (recipe, method of preparation, organoleptic);
  • raw materials used (characteristics of raw materials);
  • product cost, profitability.

Creating a gaming reality allows participants to more easily immerse themselves in the competition process. All this provides a great mood and a lot of positive emotions. But the main thing is that the task can be completed only by applying a team effort.

Target contests

Target competitions are held in order to solve a specific problem or actual problem standing in front of the company. There are three types of such competitions: innovative, informational and personnel.

An innovation competition is held to encourage employees to offer new ideas or find a non-standard approach to solving a complex problem. It also helps to identify initiative people, innovators: the realization of their potential can bring great benefits to the company in the future. For talented employees who, due to various circumstances, are "in the shadows", this is a great opportunity to prove themselves. To date, in the company JSC "Gardens of Pridonya" this species competition is under development.

A task information competition - inform all employees about the changes taking place in the company or draw their attention to important event (standard means communications are not always effective).

Let us give an example of an information competition held in a company. Before the release of the first corporate publication, employees were asked to come up with a name for the corporate newspaper. This competition contributed to the involvement of employees in the creative process, gave them the opportunity to feel their involvement in what is happening. The best name was chosen by the general vote of employees. The winner was awarded a valuable prize and a letter of thanks.

A personnel competition is organized and conducted by the relevant service in order to select employees for open vacancies or to form a personnel reserve. The mechanism for its implementation is as follows: the requirements for the vacancy are determined, a few weeks before the competition, HR managers notify employees (using corporate mailing lists or other means of internal communications) about the vacancy and the conditions for the competition (Table 2).

Depending on the requirements for the vacancy, either all employees or target groups receive information (only a certain profession, working in a particular department or region, etc.). All those wishing / having the right to take part in the competition send an application to the personnel department. The manager responsible for the vacancy analyzes the submitted documents and selects those who are admitted to the competitive procedures. The competition, as a rule, consists of several stages: the implementation of a practical task, its defense before the commission, testing and interviews on competencies. For example, in the last internal competition for the replacement vacant position was also evaluated personal plan professional and service development”. Depending on the level of the vacant position, the procedure is simplified or complicated, but its main task is to make sure that the candidate who has shown the best results will successfully cope with the work in the new workplace.

Always drawn up calendar plan competition for a vacant position.

Thanks to such competitions, on the one hand, it is possible to reduce the cost of recruiting specialists, and on the other hand, to increase the motivation of employees interested in career growth.

Internal competitions can and should be used in professional activities - this is a powerful and effective tool to increase staff motivation and loyalty to the company. A clear statement of the purpose of the competition, careful preparation for its implementation, compliance with business ethics will definitely pay off, and regular competitive events will lead to positive changes in the company.

A creative competition is a competition in the creative performance of a task. "Creative competition" also means that the participants do not compete in "doesn't care what" activity, but only in one that has a touch of creativity. The adjective "creative" here should be considered as "non-standard", "original", "unparalleled". Creative contests are not just entertainment, they help to reveal the creative potential of the participants, to reveal their hidden talents. Even coming up with such contests and tasks for them is an exciting and creative process. I hope you enjoy my ideas and have a good time.

Good manners

Number of players: any. Props: pens, paper.

The task of the players is to come up with various rules of "good behavior", which explain in detail what can and cannot be done away. Required condition These rules should be fun and original. As an example, I give comic tips “How to behave on a holiday”:

  • To avoid being considered boring and uninteresting, constantly laugh out loud, and also participate in several conversations at the same time - in this case, you will definitely be noticed and remembered!
  • When laying a treat on a plate, know your rate firmly, otherwise you can inadvertently put less!
  • You can reach the dish you like very much in a simple way- just pull the tablecloth towards you a little.
  • The most important rule: at the end of the holiday, persuade yourself to go home, even if you are overcome by a passionate desire to stay at a party for at least another day ...
  • If the owners look suspiciously at the clock, sit quietly further, but when they remove the clock from the wall, shake it and bring it to their ear, then you can slowly get ready to go home.
  • A polite guest is not the one who eats a lot, but the one who does not notice that there is nothing left to eat.
  • How to cheer up other guests at the party? Shake a bottle of soda a few times and kindly offer water to your guests - a fountain of foam and enchanting emotions is guaranteed!
  • and so on.

The winner is the one who came up with the most interesting (cool, unusual) "rules".

(In real life, it’s better not to follow these tips!…)

Joke bulletin board

Ads are one of the main sources of information these days. As soon as a person has a need to buy or sell something, meet someone or go somewhere, he immediately puts an ad in a newspaper or on the Internet. Composing a good ad is not so easy, because in a few sentences you need to convey a large amount of information. And the more unusual this information, the more difficult it is to express it in a concise form. Try to make sure of this and compose the text of a comic ad ...

  • about the sale of a collection of candy wrappers
  • about the loss of a box of matches
  • about renting out your balcony
  • about opening a shop of magical things
  • about selling a guide to taming naughty children
  • about the loss (loss) of conscience
  • about the exchange of rheumatism for sciatica
  • about the offer of services for the repair of slippers
  • about targeting damage to cockroaches
  • about recruitment for a 2-week course on "framing" men, etc.

It is desirable that the title itself be cool, for example: “I forge happiness and iron while it’s hot”, “I teach playing on my nerves”.

The winner is the one who makes the most intriguing, tempting and at the same time funny ad.

fairy kingdom prosecutor

Number of players: any. Props: pre-prepared task cards, pens, paper.

As a rule, the prosecutor delivers an accusatory speech, explaining to the court how dangerous the actions of the criminal are, what material and moral damage he has caused to others and society as a whole. Preparing an accusatory speech is a laborious creative process. Try to see for yourself: imagine that you are the prosecutor of a fairy-tale kingdom and prepare an accusatory speech that could be delivered if a trial of some fairy-tale characters took place. Make accusations against...

  • Carlson - for living without a residence permit
  • Emelya - for parasitism
  • Koshchei the Immortal - for the illegal abduction of beauties
  • Babu Yaga - for aggressive behavior
  • Karabas-Barabas - for the exploitation of the labor of minors, etc.

Players are given a certain time to complete the task. The author of the most cheerful and convincing "accusatory speech" wins.

Come up with a new road sign

It is difficult to imagine a modern city without road signs: warning, prescriptive, prohibiting, etc. Road signs inform about the state of the road, help to regulate traffic, and also warn of possible danger. And, although there are a lot of road signs, there are still situations that are not reflected in the “road alphabet”. Help the traffic police: think up and draw new road signs that may someday appear on our roads.

Task options - to come up with and draw a road sign that means:

  • "Caution: deaf old women"
  • "Caution: bad odors"
  • "Caution: drunk people"
  • "Caution: women of easy virtue"
  • “It is forbidden to argue with the employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate” (“It is forbidden to give bribes to the employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate”), etc.

Non-standard solution

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare various items; it would be nice to use them as prizes right away. For example: pencil, mirror, lighter, toothpicks, paper napkins, etc. All guests can participate in the competition. Their task is to come up with as many uses for each item as possible. You can think up to 10 seconds. Whoever fails is out. The most persistent and savvy wins, it is he who takes the item as a prize.

funny adjectives

Participants are divided into small teams of 2-4 people. Each group is given the task to write a story in 10-15 minutes on some topic (“How I rested”, “My personal life”, etc.), while empty spaces should be left in the story instead of adjective definitions.

Then the teams get together and take turns writing adjectives into their stories, which are randomly spoken to them by representatives of other teams. It is desirable that adjectives are fun and original.

Then the resulting stories are read out and the funniest "work" is determined.

An old fairy tale in a new way

In advance, you need to print a small text of any fairy tale - several copies (according to the number of expected commands).

Guests are divided into 2-4 small teams, and each team receives paper, a pen and a card with the text of a fairy tale. The task of the players is to “translate” the fairy tale into the language of modern youth jargon. The team with the most interesting and funny fairy tale in a new way.