Universal script for teacher's day concert. The main event for Teacher's Day is a concert dedicated to the professional holiday. Against the backdrop of beautiful music, two presenters come out

Teacher's Day

Musical number - Little country

1. Good afternoon!

2. Hello!

1.Today we are hosting a special issue of "Everyday School No. 3"

2. The work of a teacher is hard and difficult, but it happens once a year, when, having discarded all worries, anxieties and problems, meeting with colleagues in a cozy atmosphere, he sings, dances and jokes about himself.

1. It's Teacher's Day.

2. From A to Z, to any discovery

The path starts with you.

Praise be to the work of the teacher,

May Teacher's Day be glorious...

(together: Your day, teachers!)

1. What we will tell you today

Everyone should know how to:

After all, the history of our school

Part of the history of our country.

Musical number - Chastushki

2. So, we bring to your attention such festive “Teacher's gatherings”.

Leading TV shows are out.

1. Hello, my name is Madest, and this is my colleague and co-host Evlampy Degenerateovich!

2. Good afternoon!!

1. We welcome you to the channel Botan-TV

2. The most informative, most entertaining and funniest channel in the world.

1.Aaaaaaa you will find out all the details immediately after the advertisement

Game "Explainers"

Student - teacher

  1. I was not at school, because babysitting younger brother
  2. I was not at school, because I went to the doctor, I got vaccinated
  3. I was not at school, because the door slammed shut and I could not leave the apartment
  4. I was not at school, because my own aunt came to me

teacher teacher

1. there will be no lessons tomorrow, the whole school is going to the cinema

2. you won first place in the Olympiad in my subject

3. tomorrow urgently to the director with parents

4. Tomorrow, take your work clothes with you to clean up the area.

Musical number - Modern girl

1. Our dear teachers! We heartily congratulate you on the holiday!

2. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your enthusiasm, dedication and endless patience!

1. Agree that our school is a ship sailing on the sea of ​​knowledge, and it is led by experienced navigators-teachers. If you knew how difficult it is to navigate this ship in our difficult times.

2. Let there be happiness and health,

Let there be enough strength for everything

And every day of ordinary life,

To bring only joy.

1. We are in the classroom, maybe infrequently,

We welcome you with a show of hands,

But on this day there are many beautiful words

The students want to tell you.

2. Let the years pass in succession,

With teachers, life is always new,

And serve as a guiding star

We have your wise words in our lives.

Musical number - First love

TV show hosts:

1. Once upon a time there was a small, small school at number 3.

2. So small that it is not visible even from a bird's eye view.

1. And she was born at a prosperous time and only began to flourish - but it wasn’t there.

2. The winds of perestroika flew over it, they wanted to destroy it - it didn’t work out. 1. Then the storms of democracy swooped down on her, they wanted to shake her up - it didn’t work out. 2. They left school in search of a better life for the teacher - she experienced this too. 1. She was left alone, no one needed with her problems - we think she will survive this too.

2. Thank God, this small school at number 3 has withstood all the tests, has not faltered in the face of time and difficulties.

1. How is our school doing now?

2. Let's find out now!!

1. Program "Maximum" Scandals, Intrigues, Investigations. Show everything that is hidden behind the doors of the classrooms during the lessons.

  • The skeleton in the laboratory of Valentina Grigoryevna! Who is it?

Send an SMS with the correct answer to 4242.

  • The students of Svetlana Ivanovna have long been tormented by the rhetorical question - Whom does she talk to in the laboratory? Perhaps the reason for this is the chemical compounds that act on cockroaches. They spoke...
  • Few people know that Gulnara Khairulinovna's first love is Eugene Onegin.
  • Lyudmila Alekseevna has been unable to find her office all September, apparently she has lost her card. Now she probably comes to class at night, guided by the stars.
  • And you know, in order to better understand the life of schoolchildren, Natalya Nikolaevna works part-time as a psychologist ...

2.Aaaaaaa you will find out the rest of the details immediately after the advertisement


Everyone knows that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Your task is to show off your culinary skills. But let's not deviate from the school theme. Make a recipe for cooking a dish in accordance with the proposed name

- Crib under a fur coat;

- Chop from the literature textbook;

– Stuffed briefcase;

– Stew from the natural sciences;

- Sandwich from foreign language dictionaries;

– Chemical cocktail;

- Diary jellied;

- Globe with ink sauce.

Musical number - Warm summer song

1. What a huge heart you need to have in order to generously distribute it piece by piece to children day after day, year after year!

2. And what a kind, patient and ageless soul should be!

1. Your experience, knowledge, generosity and participation

Leave a good mark in our souls.

Teacher's happiness builds up

From our student victories.

2. And let the years fly ahead,

You don't have to be afraid of age.

May you have many years of experience,

But in your heart - only 20!

1. You are always young in soul,

Sharing work and joy with us,

Our strict, our relatives,

Patient teachers!

2. You give us a lot of strength

And love, no matter what.

How do you believe in us! - and, perhaps,

Nobody can believe like that.

Musical number - Barrel organ

TV show hosts:

  • Not everyone knows that Marina Borisovna leads a railway line to the house. The fact is that one student owes her a carload of sweets.
  • But Irina Nikolaevna does not stand aside either, leading the tram line to her.
  • Few people know that Natalya Alekseevna bought the third set of pens in a week. The fact is that she loves to disassemble and assemble them during the lessons.
  • We are all surprised by the multi-level training of Yulia Alexandrovna - Russian language, literature, history, social science.
  • The increased modesty of Irina Viktorovna is alarming ... What if someday it will open back side medals.

1. Program "Maximum" Scandals, Intrigues, Investigations.

2. And now the special correspondent is in touch with his video material:

Cheerful scene for the holiday "Teacher's Day"

Sounds like a bright musical introduction. A group of students run onto the stage. They line up and in turn begin to speak with inspiration, elation:

- Our dear ones!

- Beloved!

- Dear!

- Revered!

- Adored!

Enthusiastic (cont'd). Beloved, unforgettable, wrapped up, muzzled, stuffed ...

Leading (interrupts, covering the mouth of the Enthusiastic hand). What are you carrying? (Strokes him on the head and explains to the audience.) Totally stunned, poor thing. Started talking.

The group of students, nodding sympathetically, continues:

Our dear teachers!

- We love you!

- We respect!

- We appreciate it!

- We love it!

Enthusiastic (continues with inspiration). We bow, we admire, we admire, we wonder...

Leader (interrupts). Maybe stop being silly?

Enthusiastic (persistently and stubbornly). No-ma-eat!

Group of students (continues in turn):

Yes! We understand. How difficult it is for you!

- With us, ne'er-do-wells!

- Unassembled!

– impolite!

- Careless!

- Undisciplined!

Enthusiastic (interrupts and continues alone). Lazy, noisy, talkative, rabid ...

Leader (indignantly). Well, tired! (Clamps the mouth of the Enthusiastic.)

Enthusiastic (continues to delve into something incomprehensible with a clenched mouth). Po, ti, ka, lu, si, ... etc.

The enthusiastic one is “calmed down” with an inflatable club on the head. He sags in the arms of two comrades.

Host (continues). We understand you, we sincerely sympathize and want to help you. We invite you to the store of amazing inventions "To Help Dear Teacher", and there ...

A group of students together: Oh, the box is full and full - a lot of good stuff!

Come, my zazno ... bush ... ka, ... (ends confused, looks at each other): Something wrong…

Teacher (timid, nervous, insecure, glasses on the tip of her nose which she corrects all the time; she shudders from everything, constantly turns around in fright, fiddling with something in her hands, speaks quietly and politely). Hello. Excuse me, did I go to the store?

2nd salesperson (helpfully). Happy to serve! What do you want?

Teacher. I would like something ... in ... for ... help ...

1st seller (broad gesture towards the items.) Please! The widest selection.

1st seller (vigorously). Here! Especially for you: neat tweezers ( shows) for pulling out chatty tongues.

The teacher recoils.

2nd seller. And here is the kit (shows): hammer and nails for crucifixion on the desks of the most obnoxious...

Teacher (rolls her eyes, screams). No. No.

1st seller (to another). Look, I think she's too impressionable.

2nd seller. There is nothing to do in school...

Teachers? ^ pleadingly). Please…look…something more modern…

1st seller (confident;. Then you need a "student manager"!

Teacher. What is it?

2nd seller. O! This is an irreplaceable thing - the dream of every teacher!

Teacher. Can you demonstrate?

1st seller. Demonstration: Go button (presses the button and the students participating in the "experiment" begin to move), stop button (students freeze). Go Button, Stop Button, Go Button, Stop Button (pupils then go, then freeze in funniest poses).

And here is the "Speak" button

(students begin to obediently chatter: “Five five - twenty five, six six - thirty six, Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, in an equilateral triangle all sides are equal, ...”), the “Be quiet” button (students get stuck in mid-sentence: “Rav, rav, rab…”).

2nd seller. Oops, sorry, stuck (Trying to turn it off with the remote - it doesn't work). Wait a minute! (slams the remote control on the table; students slide into chairs).

Teacher (excitedly). Awesome!!! But... it's probably expensive? Our salary - you know ...

1st seller. Do not worry, the product is experimental, we give out for free.

Teacher. Wonderful! Give me three, please, no - four is better, no, no, please give me ten grand (confidentially) I will share with colleagues. Tell me, are there any side effects when using "Student"?

2nd seller (confidently). None! True, a month later, the students begin to become slightly insane, and a year later - a general psychosis, but they are all abnormal anyway: a little more, a little less, what's the difference?

Teacher (with doubt). No ... Something is not very good for me ... Maybe you can offer something else?

2nd salesman (helpfully, but with a touch of condescension). Please please!

TEACHER (looking around, looking around). Give... me... this little pillow.

1st seller (with doubt). This one is unlikely to suit you, it is suffocating ...

TEACHER (with horror, pushing away, throwing away the pillow). Ouch, No no!

Seller (reassuringly). Take another one, this one, it's just soothing. Give students a pillow. Like this (demonstrates)~ students fall asleep. Do you see? They fell asleep, and you can go about your business - read a book, knit a blouse ...

Teacher (with doubt). But what about studying proccess? How to execute the program if everyone is sleeping?

1st seller. Yes ... not finalized! (pulls out pillow; students look around dumbfounded) Okay, let's think.

Teacher (in desperation). What to do? Should I leave empty-handed? Do you have anything else?

2nd seller. Here, just for you (begins to get out from under the counter)."Robe of restraint"! True, it comes with two riot police. But they were not lucky at school number 3. In this moment they are in traumatology. Here! It is better! You see, gags of various modifications, for example, a dummy gag. Acts like this (begins to demonstrate): the student sucks it in and can no longer talk - only hums (students mumble and choke).

Teacher (horrified). Oh, they will choke! Stop it!

1st seller. Don't worry! (slaps the students on the back, they spit out the pacifier). See, it's all right. Here is another “Laxative Water”, “Healing Noose” ...

The teacher can no longer speak, only mumbles and shakes her head.

2nd seller. Well then we don't know. You will not please ... Maybe a set "to help a novice teacher"?

Teacher (hopefully). What's in this set?

1st seller (inspired). A gun for shooting the most arrogant, a grenade for neutralizing the most obnoxious, a gas spray for self-defense, a fishing rod for catching ...

Teacher (begging). Or maybe this is the last one on the list.

2nd salesperson (willingly). Fishing rod? Please! It comes with a sandwich. It is used to remove the most impudent from the class.

Teacher (timidly). And ... a sandwich, sorry, why?

1st seller. This is bait. See how it works - flawlessly! We put a sandwich on a hook, bring it to the student's nose (shows) and he follows you, as if hypnotized!

Teacher. Very tempting, very... I think I'll take it... What about sandwiches?

2nd seller. For every taste! With sausage, ham, salmon, red and black caviar...

teacher gradually settles into a chair. Mommy (faints).

1st seller. Listen, what's wrong with her?

2nd seller. I say very impressive. (fans the teacher with a newspaper).

Musical number - Star calendar

1. Yes, the school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood.

2. An adult will never return to it, only teachers on this island have a permanent residence permit.

1. After all, the school is their home, and all the students are their children, helpers, friends.

2. Let the sun shine more generously for you!

And from all who are near and far,

We send you greetings - from all pets

And a bow from heaven to earth!

2. Teacher!

Even after many years

The light you lit will not go out,

And the heart, I know, will be young,

While the fire is sacred in friendship with him.

TV show hosts:

1. Program "Maximum" Scandals, Intrigues, Investigations. 2. Show everything that is hidden behind the doors of the classrooms during the lessons.

  • Ladies and Gentlemen. A session of magic, mind reading, secrets of the past and future. Lyubov Vladimirovna is ready to discover all this and much more for you at home economics lessons.
  • Only the elite know that Vladimir Viktorovich has decomposed into factors ...
  • teachers foreign language they begin to forget the Russian language, and in order not to show it, Marina Konstantinovna says - English please.
  • Not everyone understands why Pyotr Borisovich travels around competitions most of the time. Probably better working conditions there ...
  • It remains a mystery to everyone why the high humidity in the school does not affect Olga Anatolyevna's vocal cords. Maybe she has gills...
  • Do you know that for several years now Irina Pavlovna has been waking up at night in a cold sweat with the same question - The hero of Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot" is - Myshkin - Koshkin - Pushkin

1.Aaaaaaa you will find out the rest of the details immediately after the advertisement

Musical number - Lunar path

"Funny Questions"

    According to Talleyrand, this drink "should be as strong as a Negro, black as the night and sweet as the first kiss." Name it. ( Coffee)

    It is with these tools that the glutton digs his own grave.

(fork and teeth)

    Everyone from childhood is familiar with this instructive story about a long journey. bakery product to the consumer. (" Kolobok") Potpourri).

    Which, according to the Polish satirist, opens any mouth. ( Bread)

    In ancient Judea, this harmful insect was considered edible, because. it tastes like shrimp ( Locust)

Musical number - White Gull

  1. Here are our teachers sitting in front of us - smart and beautiful.
  2. kind and strict
  3. Talented and hardworking
  4. Pride of our school
  5. Our school is rightfully proud of its teachers, students, graduates, traditions and holidays. You can talk about this endlessly.
  6. You did not become a model, a business woman, or a lawyer.

    School, children and family became your calling.

    Learn and teach, educate, love.

    Laugh and never cry.

1. And let the work be difficult, there is no money,

But you still see light in the tunnel.

You firmly believe, hope for the best.

And let everything in life work out

There are so many roads, but you have one

TogetherSchool family.

TV show hosts:

  1. Teachers of a small school number 3 will make every effort to educate and educate worthy citizens of Russia. After all, the future is in the hands of a simple school teacher.
  2. Dear friends. And in conclusion, we wish you all, all, all earthly blessings - be healthy, live richly.
  3. We begin the ceremony of awarding medals for work, patience and care.

Musical number - No time for teachers to grow old

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Purpose of the event: the formation of personal results of students by involving them in creative activities.


  • fostering respect for the work of the teacher, for teachers;
  • uniting the school team, rallying teachers and students;
  • development of creative abilities of students, communication skills, the ability to speak to an audience;
  • expanding children's perception of their classmates and teachers as talented people.

Form of organization of students' activities: concert.

Location Events: concert hall of DK "Chulkovo".

Members: teachers and students from grades 1 to 11.

Equipment: screen, projector, computer, sound and light equipment, two cubes with a face of 60 cm, presentation, magician's costume.

Event progress

On the stage is a choir of students in grades 4-5.

Fanfare. Leading students come to the fore from the left - grade 9 students.

Lead 1. Hello, friends!

Lead 2. Good afternoon, dear students, guests and our infinitely beloved teachers!

Lead 1. We are pleased to welcome you to a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day.

Lead 2. He gathered the whole school together in this hall: both the youngest pupils of the kindergarten, and already almost students - eleventh graders.

Lead 1. Another moment and the sonorous voices of childhood will sound on this stage to congratulate our wonderful, unusually talented and surprisingly sensitive, sympathetic teachers on their professional holiday.

Lead 1. For you, who every day surrounds us with care and attention,

Lead 1. Gives us the warmth of his smiles,

Lead 2. Makes our life at school useful, pleasant and comfortable - the warmest words and congratulations on the holiday!

Together: We love you very much!

The hosts go backstage.

Song "Sing the best songs with us" students sing 4-5 cells.

Grade 5 leaves the stage, grade 4 remains on stage, the guys read poetry.

Teacher's day has come
I've been waiting for this day for a long time
Need to start soon
Holiday for teachers!

We congratulate today
Teachers from the heart
We wish you happiness, joy
You are good today.

Give your heart to children
Don't feel sorry for yourself
In school you give us knowledge,
You are our best friends.

So let the children more often
They give you joy and light.
So that you, to our joy
Worked for 100 years.

Good luck and patience
You health and love,
inspiration and luck
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

Please accept our congratulations
With such a wonderful holiday!
You, without hiding respect,
We sincerely thank you.

For the fact that souls have been invested in us,
Wanting to make us human
You opened the way to the world for us,
Love for knowledge instilled,
Devoting our lives to us.

What remains for you to wish:
Love, care and warmth,
May luck smile upon you
For your good deeds.

We wish you good health
And to teach us everything
We invite you more
Don't retire!

To the music, 4th grade students go into the hall, 3 leading 9th grades (two boys and a girl) enter the stage

Lead 1. What do you think could please our teachers on such a wonderful holiday?

Lead 2. Sea of ​​flowers!

Lead 3. Excellent study!

Lead 2. Good behavior…

Lead 1. It seems to me that on this wonderful day, our teachers should have a little rest. Imagine: warm sun, blue sea, golden sand. Let's give them… a cruise!

Lead 2. Cruise?! What is it: all the teachers will go on a voyage, and we will stay here alone to study?

Lead 3. What a good idea!

Lead 1. Well no! The cruise will be virtual. We will go swimming together without leaving this hall. Mentally! Teachers will feel calm, relaxed...

Lead 2. No, we can't do this alone. So that after the school noise, din, fuss and to be transported to the warm sea ... Here you can’t do without medical intervention. We'll have to call the hypnotists again, like last year. Where are they? Call!

Lead 3. Oh, the specialists were good, Anton and Mikhail, they had a calming effect on the teachers ... Yes, they parted, on tour, to other schools and universities ... But I have one magician in mind, just passing here, from Germany to Ostrovtsy. They say it works wonders...

Lead 1. So invite soon.

Lead 3. Welcome. The great magician of hypnosis from sclerosis Rahman ibn Samuel!

Rahman Samuil enters the stage in a dressing gown and a turban.


Crible, crable, Chulkovo, paridable..
Is this Cherepovets? Not?
The glorious city of Ostrovets? Not?
And the Lomonosov school ...
I walked along the fence for a long time ...
There will be 5 buildings here, you can’t go around on a camel ...
And I was tired from the road, I was in a hurry to you, oh, teachers!
To relieve stress, fatigue
I'm starting my session!

Calm music sounds. On the screen - views of the tropical coast ... The noise of the surf ...

Samuel. You are calm, you are completely calm. Your legs are relaxed. Your hands are relaxed. The fingers of the right hand unclenched. They no longer clutch the red pen and the Loser's diary. Your left hand is relaxed. She no longer clutches a magazine and calendar-thematic planning to her chest. Your head is light and free. You already passed work programs. A voice from the speaker announces the beginning of self-training somewhere far, far away. The silhouettes of Fillipov, Kamenshchikov, Kopiska dissolve in the rays of the warm tropical sun. The sound of the surf is heard louder, the smell of the sea lulls. You are completely calm. You are embarking on an unforgettable sea voyage in the midst of the school year... school year... school year... (mag and he himself gradually falls into a trance ... makes movements with his hands, as if he is swimming ...)

Lead 1. Thank you, dear mage!

Mage. (coming out of trance) Islanders there?

Lead 2. There!

Mage. Well, goodbye gentlemen. ( The magician leaves the stage)

Lead 2. So, dear friends, we are going on a cruise on the warm sea directly from the village of Chulkovo. Attention! Everyone, take your seats! Our ship is sailing!

A piece of music "Ah, white ship" ... The whistle of the ship.

Presenter 1. And so that on the way you, our dear passengers, have good mood, 6th grade student Alina Mezhueva is dancing for you!

Dance Mezhueva A.

Lead 1.(Looking through binoculars) There is an island on the horizon. Do you know this place?

Lead 2. Yes, this is the Island of Little Stars. They happily wave their hands to us. We go to the port.

Dance 1st grade and kindergarten"We are little stars."

Thereafter Kindergarten leaves, grade 1 stands on the stage for reading poems.

More recently in kindergarten
We went guys.
And they called us, everyone called us:
"Funny Preschoolers"

Now we are first graders
It's very easy to remember:
We are future geniuses
And future stars!

All why? We will answer you:
Thanks to the teachers!

Care, tenderness and love
You give to kids.

All students:

They want to congratulate you today
Girls and boys.

We want to say thank you
And give congratulations
For teaching us
School lessons to love.

And in the middle classes they say
So many homework assignments!
And the head teacher of them, they say,
Lyubov Vitalievna's name is ..

But we are not afraid!
We can learn everything.
So that the Lomonosov school
You could be proud of us!

There are many different professions in the world -
Many creative, complex, dangerous,
But there is one of the most important -
Primary school teacher.

This is very right choice
Open the way to knowledge for children,
We will thank you for this
We wish you all the best in the world.

Elementary school loves you all very much!
For your attention, for your kindness
Please accept our gratitude from the heart.

Today, on your holiday, we want to congratulate
And together, with love, we tell you:

Together: Thank you teacher for your kindness,

We wish you many years
You gave everyone your affection,
Teacher, you are not more beautiful,
Let your life be like a fairy tale!

The music turns on 1 verse of the “Engine”, the 1st class leaves the stage into the hall, at this time three soloists from the 1st class sing:


When living together
What could be better?
And there's no need to fight
And you can love everyone.
You are on a long journey
Take the teachers
They will always help
and have fun with them.
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
Our school is beautiful!
We read books
We sing songs,
Yes, and all of you guys
We invite you too!

Presenter 1. And you know, these kids reminded me now of myself in the first grade. Then everything around was so unfamiliar, so exciting ...

Lead 2. Yes, everyone in life had the first class, the first lesson, school childhood. Even our teachers. Let's flip through the pages of the photo album and try to find out who is depicted on them ...

To lyrical music on the screen are photos of teachers in childhood. The assistant is with a microphone in the hall, the hall guesses, a photo of the teacher appears on the screen at the present time.

Presenter 1. Yes, we have made a wonderful journey through time. But don't forget that our cruise continues.

Lead 2. Yes, yes, we continue our walk along the warm sea. But what do I see? On the course - a desert island, and on it someone is rushing about. It seems that this is the homeroom teacher of the fifth graders trying to find peace and quiet ...

Svetlana Vyacheslavovna enters the stage, reads a poem.

Svetlana Vyacheslavovna's monologue at a literature lesson in early September

Sit down, children, hush, hush.
The bell rang.
Tsypliagin, have you heard?
So get off your desk and sit on a chair!

Arthur, be quiet.
Take an example even from brother Misha.
Oh, Misha fell asleep ...

Wake up! It's autumn already!
And time: eight - forty-eight,
Literature, brother, we have.

Wake up, listen to all the advice
After all, an essay about summer
You have to write now.

Write, Egor. What? Need to go out?
Ah, is there a tornado in your stomach?
And a terrible rumble in the head?

Probably the wind is walking in it
And there he sings songs about summer,
You write at least two lines.

Where is Shumakov? Sitting under the desk?
And not alone? With whom? With a firecracker?
Taisya wants to scare?

Oh, Shumakov, how bad it is.
What? Have you been waiting for Taisya all summer?
So write about it in your notebook.

Kondrattsev, what? Problem again?
Already forgot what topic?
Rezinko will tell us now.

Well, Zaitsev, what? Is the notebook on fire?
Would you like to make an antibody?
We don't have a physics lesson.

Go to the blackboard, write with chalk
What a busy summer he was.
Oh, finally the bell rings!

I'm kind of tired today.
Oh, how I now hunt
In July, at least for a day.

Lead 1. Dear Svetlana Vyacheslavovna! We invite you to take a seat on our cruise ship. There is unique opportunity plunge into summer again, relax, smile and see everything in a new pleasant light.

Lead 2. And your fifth graders have also changed. See for yourself how wonderful, cute and funny guys they are!

S.V. sits in the hall, on the stage5th grade dance "Retro".

Lead 1. Yes, fifth graders are young, nimble and restless people. I can imagine how hard teachers sometimes have to deal with them. Another thing is the sixth grade. These guys are not the first year in high school, they are gradually acquiring wisdom, caution and observation. Understand who is in charge at school.

Lead 2. And now we invite students of the 6th grade to this stage.

To the music of "This is what our school is like," students of the 6th grade come out.

1 sixth grader.

We taught in childhood, friends,
Our alphabet from A to Z...
There is great power in letters,
when we can read them.
It's all about where and how
Each sign is placed in the word.

2 sixth grader. You teachers teach us the ABC of life

A - accuracy
B - nobility,
B - attentiveness, fidelity,

3 sixth grader.

G - citizenship,
D - kindness, dignity,
Zh - love of life,
Z - care for the neighbor,
And performance...

4 sixth grader. And we thought and compiled an explanatory dictionary for a schoolboy. And now we invite you to look through it together.

On the screen are photos from school life, 4 sixth graders voice them.

Self-training - mission impossible

Magazine - X-Files

Palm - pocket guide

In the lesson before the survey, the daisies hid, the buttercups wilted ..

Challenge to study on Saturday - the jumping dragonfly summer sang red

Diary - a book of complaints and suggestions

A race in physical education - there were only three of them out of 18 guys ...

An excellent student in the lesson - a lonely sail turns white

The student who went for the chalk is missing

At a geography lesson - for a long time I wandered between the rocks, for a long time I was looking for Europe.

Presenter 1. Yes, sixth-graders drew interesting conclusions from their student experience.

Lead 2. This is something else. Look how Russian literature affects a person. Here you are. A ninth-grader read Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's story "Vanka" and what came of it?

Lead 1. What?

Lead 2. And now we'll see...

Dramatization based on the story by A. P. Chekhov "Vanka"

On the stage there is a chair, a table, on it a stack of books. A. Kamenshchikov is sitting at the table. Sounds of nature? Leaders stand next to the table.

Lead 1. It was warm September days outside, only a few weeks of study had passed at the Lomonosov boarding school. There was self-training in the 9th grade. Andrei Kamenshchikov, a young man of about 14, dreamily looked out the window. The boys played football on the school playground...

Kamenshchikov acts according to the words of the leader. The presenter, as it were, reads over Andrei's shoulder what he wrote ...

Lead 1. (referring to the host2) A letter to the head coach of the CSKA football team?

Lead 2. Yes, that was his last hope...

Andrew. Dear Victor Mikhailovich! I have no strength to wait for the 2018 World Championship, I am writing to you now ...

Lead 1. Andrey glanced furtively at Elena Viktorovna, sighed, and continued:

(at this time, the presenters move to the left edge of the stage)

Andrew. No one here understands me, no one listens, I have only hope for you. Take me from here to your team.

I have no more strength to endure! Every day seven lessons! And after the lessons of dopa and self-training until the night. And everywhere teachers ask, they don’t give a pass, and if something goes wrong, they put deuces mercilessly. And in my head all the formulas got mixed up: which in algebra, which in physics - I can’t make out. I remember your 3-5-2 lineup very well! I have a talent for football. I’m Lyubov Vitalievna, I’m the head teacher of ours, and I said so. Let me go, I say, from self-training to football. And she told me: “In history, everything repeats itself! Sit down, Kamenshchikov, repeat the nineteenth century!” And she forbade wearing sneakers for a shift. This is embarrassing, you know?

And so in school uniform forced to walk. I'm in a new suit - like a wooden one. And then they took away the boots.

The phone is not allowed to be used. How should I watch offline games? The other day I didn’t even get to my legitimate football lesson - I was sent to the tourslet. They put on the helmet, attached it to the rope and come on, Andryushenka-darling, stomp on the rope in the rain. As if not in private school I am studying, and I am preparing for special forces ...

Geography - teach, chemistry - teach, biology - teach. What am I, Darwin? Moreover, there is no rest on weekends. Every Saturday is a theater or a museum, a theater or a museum. I won't last that long. Another thing is dribbling, feints, sparring ... Well, this is my element! Take me to your team, Viktor Mikhalych, you won't regret it. Do not doubt my competence and personal results. You know how many of these results were developed in me? I’ll stand at the gate better than Akinfeev, I’ll play in midfield that your Dzagoev will play, if only I don’t go to sampo. Well, for starters, I can also be a line judge - I can smell any injustice from a mile away!

Victor Mikhalych, do not delay, I can no longer endure my strength. Submit a challenge to the team. I am as firm as a stone in my intentions. I will not fail. I'm sorry for the sim.

Presenter 1. Andrei put the sheet into an envelope, wrote the address, and suddenly a magical voice sounded somewhere far above: “Self-preparation has come to an end! Today he reports for the past week ... "

Lead 2. His hands were still clutching the envelope, but his fate had already been decided...

Presenter 1. Andrey Kamenshchikov! finished the almighty voice.

Lead 2. Friday at the Lomonosov boarding school was coming to an end ...

Andrei and the presenters leave, the props are taken away. They are replaced by another pair of presenters.

Lead 1. Yes, class teachers with such different, restless students have a hard time.

Lead 2. I think they are the wisest people in the world. Who else can reassure, support, restore hope with one word? Inspire us to study?

Lead 1.

Sometimes we are stubborn and windy,
But there are second mothers for each of us.
They give us their love without demanding in return.
And every day they tell us:
"Learning is Light"
Stronger than all ropes is an invisible thread.
Our second mothers! We can't live without you!

Lead 2. This song is for you, our dear, beloved, irreplaceable class teachers and educators of the boarding school. It is performed by the youngest students of the school. Who better than them to know what mother's care and love is.

The song "Mom" performed by soloists and a kindergarten.On the screen at this time is a photo of teachers.

Lead 1. We continue our journey and ahead of us is the Island of Great Expectations.

Lead 2. How much patience and work teachers give us, how much hope they place on us, their students. Today, again and again, we want to thank our teachers for their selfless work.

Presenter 1

Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us.
Everything related to youth, childhood,
We owe teachers!

You give us a lot of strength
And love, no matter what.
How do you believe in us! And perhaps
Nobody can believe like that.

Lead 2

Life tells you to teach, we - to learn.
Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.
Everything that was taken from you will come in handy
And it will become a hundred times more significant.

Lead 1. A duet is for you. Teacher Golovneva Tatyana Vladimirovna, piano, and 7th grade student Alena Lapteva, violin.

Duet Golovneva T.V. +Lapteva A.

Lead 2. The choreography teacher Kosheleva Alexandra Yurievna continues our concert with her students.

Waltz dance. Kosheleva A.Yu. and soloists.

Our school is one big family. Here everyone will guide, you know everyone - and everyone knows you. If someone has a holiday, then everyone celebrates together. And today our talented teachers also prepared a gift for their beloved students. A wonderful romance will be performed by the principal of the school and music teachers.

Romance "White Acacia".

Lead 1. This is the end of our cruise. Of course, it's great to relax, swim in the sea, travel to warm countries. But our school is also a small country. And let's make sure that we all feel warm, comfortable and joyful in it to travel the seas and oceans of knowledge.

With these words, the choir of grades 7,8 and 9 begins to enter the stage.

Lead 2.

Teachers! Today we give you
A little affection, mood, warmth.
We forget every day
About these small good deeds.

How often do we forget thank you
To tell you in the turmoil of school days
And you need this word, kind and beautiful,
Complete lessons daily!

Lead 1.

The moment has come and we are from the school scene
Thank you teachers.
We are proud of you, love you and appreciate you!
Good luck, happiness and good wishes to you.

The final song performed by 7th, 8th, 9th grades. To the song, grade 6 gives souvenirs to teachers, grade 4 - balloons.

The script of the festive concert for Teacher's Day

Target: to lay the foundation for the formation of a favorable climate between the teacher and students.
The form: holiday
Methods: joint creative work
Preparatory work: choose presenters, invite guests, prepare students' performances, organize a concert.

The course of the holiday

Ved.1: Hello, dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Ved.2: Dear lovely teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day! But there is no teacher without students. And this means that today's holiday is not only yours, but also all those who studied and study at school. And all our grandfathers and grandmothers, mothers and fathers studied at school. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.

Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month,
Today it suddenly blew in the spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday.

The path of the teacher is not a mistake,
After all, this is not a job, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!

Ved.1: The profession of a teacher is very difficult, it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. Basically, it consists of difficult, but interesting everyday life. However, today our dear teachers have a professional holiday, and they, of course, deserve the most sincere and warmest congratulations and wishes addressed to them.

Ved.2: We want to congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work you make us smart people ready to enter life path. Happy holiday, our dear teachers!

Excellent routes of knowledge
We're on the journey of life
From the primer to the mystery of the universe,
From school desks to sunny heights.

And in this ceaseless ascent,
As a conductor, attentive and strict,
Leads through work and inspiration
Comrade and mentor - TEACHER.

1. Musical composition

1. You will not find, more beautiful time ...
Rustling linden alleys,
Ringing blue enters the holiday __________________________________
My friends are teachers.

2. They burn and worry again,
Again, everyone is a master and creator,
Giving away your wealth again, __________________________________
Wealth of thoughts and hearts.

3. You need to learn - that's the point!
Step! Roads are good.
There is no more joyful thing in the world, __________________________________
Than education of the soul!

4. Mentors - poems and songs;
The sparkle of inspirational lines -
The wisest of all professions, __________________________________
With the name of the proud Teacher!

5. There is no more beautiful position in the world
Labor is more courageous and dear.
Shining blue. It is a holiday today __________________________________
My friends are teachers!

6. You are always young in soul,
Sharing work and joy with us,
Our strict, our relatives, __________________________________
Patient teachers.

7. You give us a lot of strength,
And love no matter what.
How do you believe in us that, perhaps, __________________________________
Nobody can believe like that.

8. Soul beautiful and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!
You managed to find the way to the children, _________________________________
May you have success along the way!

2. The song sounds

And now we have a television studio in touch, today your students have prepared wonderful congratulations. We hope that they will please you this autumn day and will be remembered by you for a long time! Well, we give them the floor.

School years... They are really the happiest, funniest and most wonderful.

Vedas. one:
Teaching is not work, but renunciation.
The ability to give everything
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this to see the light and grace.

Teaching - when in the eyes of cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: you tried not fruitlessly
And knowledge scattered not in vain. Readers:
1. On this day, we congratulate
The best of people -
Our dear, fair, _____________________________
Dear teachers!

2. Your work is an everyday feat,
To put it bluntly, without embellishment.
Honor and respect to you, _____________________________
We love you endlessly!

3. We know that light is learning.
Knowledge is power, let's confirm!
For care and patience _____________________________
We say thank you!

4. Today is teacher's day in Russia,
And so we want to congratulate you
You are our dear teachers, ______________________________
We thank you very much for your work!

5. Let everything that has long been dreamed of
No problem, easy to do!
And let salaries keep rising, _____________________________
So that you go on vacation abroad in the summer!

6. The teacher knows his stuff -
Bring a bright light into the world of knowledge.
So unobtrusively, skillfully ____________________________
Able to give advice to children.

7. And on this day, rightfully important,
We wish you a sea of ​​flowers.
"Thank you" let everyone say to you, _____________________________
Who are you giving love to?

3. Musical number

We learn at school to appreciate kindness,
How to overcome rudeness and evil.
And how hard it is sometimes for you -
This we do not know with you.
How much patience, affection and strength,
The teacher invested in you and me! Characters
Anya, girl
Vanya, the boy next door
Anna on the stage.
Anya. Many children and some adults often use unnecessary slang words in their speech. Here, for example... (Vanya appears, whistling.) Hello, Vanya.
Vania. Hello.
Anya. Well, tell me, Vanya, how are you?
Vania. Oh, the deeds of power!
Anya. I'm sorry, what?
Vania. Cool, I say. SchA one wick is froze. Rolls up to the cage. Give, he says, great to drive. Sat down and scratched. And here is the teacher. And he let's show off. Broke the mitten. Yes, how shaky. Himself with a black eye. The teacher almost went off the rails, but the bike hooted. In rzhachka. Cool, right?
Anya. What, was there a horse?
Vania. What horse?
Anya. Well, who was crying. Or did I not understand anything?
Vania. Well, you didn't understand anything.
Anya. Well, let's start over.
Vania. Come on. So one wick...
Anya. Without a candle?
Vania. Without.
Anya. And what is this wick?
Vania. Well, one guy, long, rolled up to the box ...
Anya. What did he ride, a bike?
Vania. No, there was a kid's bike.
Anya. What kit?
Vania. Well, shibzdik one. Yes, you know him, he walks around here with such a schnobel.
Anya. With whom, with whom?
Vania. Yes, not with whom, but with what, his nose is in the form of a schnobel. Well, let's go, he says, it's great to drive. Sat down and scratched.
Anya. Was he itching or something?
Vania. No, he drank.
Anya. Well, how did you cut it?
Vania. What did you cut?
Anya. Well, is it big?
Vania. How?
Anya. Well, this very schnobel.
Vania. No, the little girl had a schnobel. And at the wick - a black eye, a bzig struck him in the head, and he began to roam. He opened his mitten, so he twitched.
Anya. And why the mitten, did he twitch in the winter?
Vania. Yes, there was no winter there, there was a teacher.
Anya. Teacher, what do you mean?
Vania. Nuda, with a black eye, that is, with a great one, no, with coils. But the very rolling, that great whooped.
Anya. How did you stumble?
Vania. Attack, covered. into small pieces. Now I understand?
Anya. I realized that you do not know Russian at all.
Vania. How do I not know?
Anya. Can you imagine if everyone spoke the way you do, what would happen?
Vania. What?
Anya. Now listen to how it sounds in your bzik language: “Cool Dnieper in sticky weather, when wandering and showing off, sawing its cool waves through forests and mountains. Doesn't bend, doesn't cover. You hatch your zenks, you open the mitten and you don’t know if he saws or doesn’t saw. A rare bird with a schnobel combs up to the middle of the Dnieper. And if he finishes combing, he will hoot so much that he will drop his hooves. Do you like?

Words of recognition we say
And thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
With this song we congratulate you
We appreciate and praise our teachers.

4. Dedicated to our dear teachers: Musical number

You give everything to great work,
You wake up a dream in children's souls.
Thank you for living
For your deeds and thoughts beauty!

Today we congratulate not only teachers, but also all educators, all teachers working with children.

The teacher knows everything, everything is possible,
Though affection from life does not expect.
Will stop the children on the run
He will enter the thundering hall.
He writes poetry, draws,
She cooks and knits and sews
Playing on stage, dancing
And even, imagine singing!

Dear teachers, it is time to hear congratulations from those for whom this year at school will be the last. In a year, having met your former students, you will be proud of their successes, worry about them and rejoice in their victories as if they were your own. For now, meet.

5. Musical number

And so our concert comes to an end. Once again, we sincerely congratulate all the teachers of the school on the holiday.

No matter how life flies.
Do not regret your days.
Do a good deed
For the happiness of the children.

No matter how hard it is,
Stand up, keeping the faith
In the tenderness of the new morning
Into the glory of a new day.

For the heart to burn
And not smoldering in the mist,
Do a good deed
That's how you live on the ground.

And so our concert came to an end. Once again, we sincerely congratulate all the teachers of the school on the holiday.
We wish you both peace and goodness!
Good guys, and more!
We wish you great work
And the school to live and not grow old longer.

(development of the class teacher of the 5th grade Plaskin A.G.)

The hall is decorated with wall newspapers, balloons.

Leadingout to the audience.

Leading1. Hello, dear teachers, veterans of pedagogical work, students and guests of our holiday.

Host 2:Today is an unusual day! Today is an amazing day! It is a holiday today!!!

Glad! Long awaited! Today is Teacher's Day!!! Happy holiday!!!

Presenter 1:Lovely teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day!

Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month,

Today it suddenly blew in the spring,

Flowers bloom today in every heart:

Teacher - today is your holiday.

Lead 2:

My friends! Friends of my friends

There is no holiday more worthy and beautiful!

We honor our teachers whom he knows

She loves school!

We love you strictness, simplicity,

For knowledge, for humor, for skill,

For human kindness

For your selfless burning!

Congratulations! Earth bow to you!

All good songs are sung to you.

And together with you like a wunison,

The hearts of the guys are beating so selflessly!

Presenter 1: Our dear teachers, for you a sketch from students in grade 7

Lenochka : Hello!

Vovochka: Len, oh Len!

Lenochka :What do you want?

Little Johnny :What are you doing?

Lenochka : Lessons, of course!

It’s like you don’t know that tomorrow is a lot of work!

Once, Vovka, I have to talk to you.

For me, the Russian exercise has not been completed and the verses have not yet been learned

Little Johnny : Yes, a godly exercise and with poetry too!

Lenochka :Why?

Little Johnny : You forgot - tomorrow is Teacher's Day! Teachers will all be kind, kind!

Lenochka : Well, in your opinion, you don’t need to learn anything? Do you think they won't?

Little Johnny : Yes, you listen to what I came up with! If they call me to the board, I’ll say that I didn’t sleep all night, I composed congratulations in verse!

Lenochka : Do you think they will?

Little Johnny : Believe, believe!

Lenochka : Do you write poetry? You are able to?

Little Johnny : What is there to know? A couple of rubbish!

Lenochka : I doubt it - you'll get a deuce again!

Little Johnny : But no! Let's meet - you'll see how I can do it!

Lenochka : Well, come on, compose!

Little Johnny :Now…

Lenochka :Well!

Little Johnny :Now…

Lenochka : You said that, it's a couple of trifles.

Little Johnny : Couple, couple! Spoke!

Lenochka : Well, come on, write something about the director,

Little Johnny :Now...

Lenochka : You said it was a trifle.

Little Johnny : Couple, couple! Spoke!

Lenochka : Well, come on, compose something ... About the director.

Little Johnny :Now…

Our director is very nice

And a kind person.

If you came without a shift,

Or late in the morning

Or didn't wash my hands

He will wash your hands for you

Yes, and the neck at the same time,

And in general will comb you

On the hero's head!

Our director is very nice

And a kind person!

Lenochka : Yes, this one! Yes, you are a real poet!

Host 2:You opened the whole world before us,

And it's impossible to put into words

The love with which we think of you!

You always serve as an example for us

Just like you, we want to become

Health, joy for many years

Let me wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Now we will give the floor to the smallest representatives of our school, primary school students.

BUT! Let's go through the alphabet together
B! We will sing it like a song.
AT! We'll sing it merrily!
G! Louder than thunder, louder than thunder!
D! - Today is a musical day,
E! - We have vocal talent,
AND! - It was boring to live without knowledge!
3! - Knowledge is our strength!
AND! - And the paths are open,
TO! - Who will make friends with the alphabet.
L! - Horse, llama, lily of the valley, spoon,
M! - Blizzard, subway, matryoshka.
N! - Sky, seine, thread, bride,
O! - Gadfly, cloud, orchestra!
P! - The parrot sings from the notes.
R! - A swarm of bees builds honeycombs.
FROM! - Dragonfly chirps in the garden,
T! - Dachshund paws stomping.
Wu! - Duck listens to records,
F! - Fantu is trying flamingos!
X! - The choir is not bad, the choir has a hearing!
C! - The king of beasts is his support!
Ch! - We honor him, he growls cleanly!
Sh! - He will replace six soloists!
SCH! - The song gives us a generous world.
E! - This day brought us together:
YU! - Comedians, optimists,
I! - Nursery-Sadovski artists.

Song: "Learn at school" (primary grades)

At the end of the song, first-graders run to the teachers and give them balloons, flowers, fakes ...

Lead 1.For you, the scene "Ryaba Hen" performed by students in grade 5

Granddaughter and Hen Ryaba.

They lived, did not grieve.

Rusk was washed down with tea,

They chewed sausage once a month.

And everything would be fine

yes little hen

She took and laid an egg.

The testicle is not simple,

Golden egg.

And now for our prices.

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Gathered Granddaughter with Grandma Grandfather.

Grandfather.Anyway. Such a thing.

What to do with the egg?

Maybe eat? Or to sell?

Or change to dollars?

Maybe for the walls to fall

Will we buy a modern music center?

Grandmother.What are you, Grandpa?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

Better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter.Can we buy me some perfume?

Grooms are smitten!

Or French lipstick?

I'll be happy for her too!

And worldly noisy dispute.

That's not it, that's not right.

Grandfather. You are a badass!

Grandmother. You are an idiot!

The world did not see this!

Only the Hen is silent,

It is near the table.

Hen. Well, I didn’t expect at all

Be the cause of a scandal.

To stop it

I need to crack an egg.

And, gently waving the wing,

Dropped an egg on the floor

Smashed him to bits!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying ...

Granddaughter and grandmother.

What have you done, Ryaba?

Turned out pockets with holes.

Grandfather.I don't have money, so what?

Peace in the family is the most precious

Presenter 1:Ah, the holiday in our school hall.

We invited all teachers

To say kind words.

And congratulations to all!

Know teachers here in Russia

Source of kindness and strength.

The power of knowledge is given to them all

Know that she is the main thing in life!

They introduce us to the world

When we get to first grade.

On "100" childish "Why?"

Find an answer for you and me

Remember or write down:

All the warmth of your soul

We are given teachers

That's why I love them all!

Who teaches us?

Who is torturing us?

Who gives us knowledge?

This is our school teacher.

Host 2:With you it is clear and bright,

Always warm in my heart

And sorry if on time

The lesson was not learned.

Where to find worthy words

Make it clear without unnecessary phrases,

We are grateful to all of you

That we love you very much!

We heartily congratulate you

And on this holiday we wish

You are friends with the kids

be happy here at school

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate

All of our teachers.

And we wish you all good health

From pranksters of children!

Presenter 1:For all teachers as a gift - a scene from students in grade 9

Uncle Fedor: I'm off my feet today

How can I go to class?

I lost my pencil case

And Galchonok told me ...

Galchonok: I didn't touch your pencil case.

Matroskin, maybe you saw it somewhere?

Uncle Fedor: I asked the cat sternly:

“Matroskin, didn’t you touch the pencil case?”

Answers me awake...

Matroskin: I am a kitten, not a child

I don't need your pencil case

I didn't write in my notebook!

Would you go to Sharik

I would ask about the loss.

Uncle Fedor: Sharik, my dear friend,

I will give you a pie

Find you my pencil case:

He disappeared somewhere!

Ball: Woof! I'll find him in an instant.

Just answer my question:

Where did you put your nose yesterday?

Where did you go with the pencil case?

There you forgot it!

Uncle Fedor: I drew on the table

The essay was written

I went to visit Pechkin,

And with a cow in the meadow

Solved the problem. Uh-huh!

Cow: Moo! I didn't see the pen.

I lay in the sun

sunbathing, relaxing

Flies neighbor drove away! (Pechkin rings a bell)

Pechkin: Jing la-la! Jing la-la!

Fedor, it's time for us to go to school.

Uncle Fedor: I lost my pen.

Haven't you seen him, Pechkin?

Pechkin: So I forgot my pencil case:

I wrote congratulations.

He unfolds a roll of wallpaper with a congratulatory inscription: “Congratulations to our beloved teachers!”

Galchonok: Only leaf fall will spin

In the midst of autumn days

Anyone will be happy to congratulate

Your teachers!

Matroskin: Let's sing the song out loud

And congratulations to your favorite teachers!

Host 2:Dear teachers! For you, the song "Birthday" performed by 5th grade students.

1. Let them run clumsily

Five-graders in the puddles:

Children rush to school for a lesson.

Even the rain does not scare

If you are invited to the class

Best friend is our cheerful call.

Chorus: We have matured over the summer

And tired of resting

Everyone grew up, tanned -

Don't know right away.

2. Our books, notebooks

in perfect order

How long can you rest!

It's boring at home!

But school is great.

Chorus: We love to learn everything,

We don't sleep in class

We answer questions:

We all want to know

3. Let them run clumsily

Five-graders in the puddles:

Children rush to school for a lesson.

Congratulate teachers

And leave a memory

What each of us could do.

Chorus: Children are happy to congratulate you,

And believe me: from the heart

We sing and dance to you

Even if they are babies.

Presenter 1:Today at our holiday there are teachers who have given the warmth of their hearts to the students of our school all their lives, and now they are on a well-deserved rest:

Oh, how much sadness in the word "Veteran"!

But how much honor and warmth here!

After all, human honor was given only by labor,

And the best years have passed at school

Host 2:Dear teachers! Dear veterans! May joy and good luck accompany you today, as always.

Presenter 1:For the vassenka "Grandma" performed by girls of the 8th grade.

Two grandmothers come out: one is “cool”, the second is rural

1st: Vovanovna: Are you wearing a gas mask?

2nd: Uneducated: you, Petrovna, this is my make-up, I'm going to a symposium of new Russian attendants! In our yard, on a bench.

1st: Well, I don’t have time to go to symposiums, I need to write an essay for my granddaughter: “Comparative characteristics of Masyanya and Larina Tanya.”

2nd: No, the new Russian grandmothers don't take care of their grandchildren! They have shaping, visage, make-up…

1st : No, grandchildren need help, you know how much they ask! Every day I write three essays, but I compose two essays!

2nd: And your granddaughter, a healthy dylda, what does she do?

1st: She has this night library every day.

2nd: And I think that these new Russian children should be kept in a black body

1st: Oh, they are looking at how grandmas would sit on their necks!

2nd: Here my granddaughter came yesterday: “Grandma, when will you buy me new shoes?” And I tell her: “When you take down your skis!”

1st: No, I don't regret anything for my granddaughter. As I went to first grade, I bought her felt boots, she has been wearing them for 11 years!

2nd: Would you buy her galoshes!

1st: So, thank you! My granddaughter says to me: “I will grow up, I will enter the veterinary institute, I will treat you, grandmother!”

2nd: Oh, you are a fool, Petrovna, you are a fool! Veterinarian, he treats dog sores! Got the hint?

1st: You yourself are a fool, Vovanovna, a veterinarian, he treats veterans like you and me!

2nd: Nothing!

As they say, we look into the optical sight with optimism! Life is just beginning!

Host 2:Teacher's Day is a holiday not only for our teachers, but also for all school employees. Today we say a big thank you to the chefs, technical staff, and the librarian for their good attitude towards us. We sincerely congratulate them and wish them happiness, health, and prosperity!

Poem: "Teacher's Day" (Surkova A.-8th grade)

I walk on fallen gold, on gold

And under the feet of puddles fragile glass,

Summer surrenders, gives way to cold,

And in my heart everything is light in spring

Today is a quiet day and exceptionally bright,

And in the waltz the leaves fall on the asphalt.

Today is Teacher's Day

Warm greetings will relieve your stress

Smoothes out fine wrinkles

And with an equally happy expression

The stars of your stern eyes shine.

For work honorable, and sometimes painful

The whole Russian land is grateful to you

The rebellious souls of the guys are the smartest rulers,

Sorry if we offended you in any way...

God bless you, God bless you teachers!

Presenter 1:You opened the whole world before us,

We are interested in you every hour,

And it's impossible to put into words

Love, with what we think ovas!

You always serve as an example

Just like you, we want to become,

Health, joy for many years

Let the breathers wish!

Scene from 8th grade students

A girl is sitting, doing her homework, dad is reading a newspaper

Daughter. (talking as if to himself)
Load more of us
For some reason they did.
5th grade in our school
Like an institute.
Write an essay
They gave us a task.
Who do I want to be in life?
That's the punishment!
It would be nice to be a singer
And I sing with Kirkorov.
No, it doesn't suit me
A bear fell into my ear.
Or maybe become a pilot?
These are the dreams...
to fly the plane,
Yes, I'm afraid of heights.
Maybe I should become a doctor?
It's important to heal everyone
All diseases do not matter
It's just scary.
Maybe I should choose
Without anything in the world
Nobody manages -
Adults and children?
If I think so,
Here's what happens -
The life of each of us
It starts at school.
You already have an hour
Blank page.
Maybe you have some advice
Will dad be useful?
And what is the whole day about
Are you thinking, baby?
Our mother is a teacher.
This is very bad?
I answer the question,
Dear baby:
Mom is often not at home
This is very bad.
If he checks notebooks all night long,
And over the ear, the student suddenly slammed a cracker,
That is not very good, yes, perhaps bad.
And I'll answer like this
You listen to me:
Our mother is a teacher.
That's a special case.
The institute was completed by her with a diploma in red -
This is very good, it is clear to all of us.
Gives knowledge to children - Masha, Mityam, Petya -
This is very good, the best in the world.
And wherever they lead
All roads in life
So I will say: the most important thing,
Daughter, teachers.
Let her not sleep at night, let the work be difficult,
Even at home, school care is in my head.
We'll take pity on her, we'll cook dinner.
Remember! In school, children need a teacher.
They keep the country, children grow up,
And for each of them the teacher is responsible.
Humanity, goodness is taught. You know baby
This is very good, but not bad at all.
Draw, write, count and read decently
Mom is a teacher. Badly?
Not! Excellent!
Every year the students
They come to her with flowers.
Songs, tender poems
Give to our mother.
Only you are right - tired
Very much our mother.
Things are always unfinished
Let's help ourselves here.
We will clean everything in the apartment,
Let's wash it, period.
Likewise for you later
The husband will help with the daughter.

Mom enters
Dear you,
What are you making noise here?
Did I come back late?
I am your teacher.
At the meeting was
Class in the theater drove
All business, business, business.
I forgot to buy bread.
You sit down and rest
We are preparing dinner.
With dad, we decided:
Your work is very much needed.
I decided that when
Grow up a little
Not a pilot, not a doctor,
I will be a teacher.

Host 2:Who teaches us? Who is torturing us?

Who gives us knowledge?

This is our school teacher.

Presenter 1:A lot of words have been invented about teachers,

But we want to reiterate:

Teacher for children - the beginning of fate!

The time has come to give you a dance

Dance number. Performed by girls

Host 2:

The guys go to school in the morning,

Life can be lived in different ways

It is possible in sorrow and in joy.

There is in time. Drink early.

Do stupid things right away.

And you can, like you: get up at dawn

And, thinking of a miracle,

Reach out the sun with your bare hand

And give it to people.

September is coming and it's time for school.

The guys go to school in the morning,

And with them, of course, the teacher is in a hurry,

And the wind turns the autumn leaves.

Lesson, change and again a lesson,

First call and last call.

And between them - the whole life lay,

Which was often difficult, disturbing.

Waltz spinning and tears from the eyes:

Here the senior classes are leaving us,

But you come to school again in September,

And again you are happy mischievous kids.

And every autumn again and again

You will celebrate your holiday with your friends,

Sad and laughing for the umpteenth time

And listen to the autumn teacher's waltz,

Quiet, autumn teacher's waltz.

And let the years fly by

Don't be afraid of age

May you have many years of experience,

But in your heart - only 20!

Presenter 1. Song: "Our School", performed by students of grade 5.

(to the motive of Chung-Chang's song)

1. How we live together, have fun,

We learn notes, we sing songs.

Our school is our dear home,

And we can't live without school.

Chorus:Our school is amazing

It's so fun for everyone

It's so great for all the people

Let it be so? (Repeat chorus twice.)

2. Every student knows for sure

That without school, the world grows dim in an instant.

Our kids love school.

School, school is the best time.

3. Let the teacher be very strict with us,

I'll try to learn my lesson.

I will not be silent at the blackboard,

Give me a five star rating!

Host 2:Dear our teachers!

Words of recognition are spoken

Thanks for the love and kindness

Care, tenderness and warmth.

When you are near, life is like a fairy tale,

And light on the darkest day.

We want to congratulate you today together -

Words cannot convey everything to us.

Take care of us, dear you all need

This is what we wanted to tell you!

And now girls of grades 8 and 9 will perform in front of you with their ditties

1. In our school, I'm not lazy
Practice every day.
For the top five for work
I'll be there on Sunday!
2. I teach mathematics
Three hundred and forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
Just thinking about her!
3. I study science,
I get a lot of knowledge.
Here I blew up the floor of the school!
What a chemistry!
4. At the drawing lesson
Drawing a ship.
I did not hear the task
It turned out to be a lunar rover!
5. I love physical education,
I can walk on my hands!
Only here's the trouble
My legs won't carry me!
6. I love to read
In hearing a poem.
It's just hard for me to understand
Pushkin's creations!
7. I know the laws of physics -
I will tell you without a doubt.
Prevent me from waking up
Laws of attraction!
8. I bawl all day
Without any hesitation.
Tomorrow I'll sing everyone
In singing class!

9.I am a mother tongue
I will dedicate my life to the grave.
I need to know for sure
The word "crisis" how to write.
10. They say Pythagoras
Pants are weird
We don't study geometry
That's all the pantsless!
11. I am in the textbook alone
Looked at the pictures.
Finally I saw
Pistil and stamens!
12. I want to go on vacation
Go on foot to Bulgaria.
I study all day now
Science Geography!
13. I know Napoleon
He discovered America!
I should teach history
No more strength!
14. How many years before Andromeda
Will I have to fly?
Astronomy - science
It's hard for me!
15. We sang ditties to you
All of them are cool.
From the bottom of my heart I wanted to joke
About school sciences.
16. We rush teachers
Happy holiday!
Maybe someone wants
"Five" in the diary to put!

Song: "We wish you happiness!" (All)

1. In a world where crazy snow is spinning,

Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,

Where we sometimes wait for good news for a long time,

To make it easier in difficult times,

It is very necessary for each of us,

Everyone needs to know that happiness exists.

Chorus: We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world!

Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house

We wish you happiness, and it should be like this -

2. In a world where there is no rest for the winds,

Where there is a cloudy dawn,

Where on the long road we often dream of a house.

It is necessary both in a thunderstorm and in a snowfall,

To someone's very kind look,

Someone's very kind look warmed with warmth.

Presenter 1:For your sincere smile

Both the student and each student

In an instant, he will correct all his mistakes

And will not repeat them in the future.

You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,

The one that will never go out.

May all your wishes come true

And the cherished dream will come true.

After all, you share your experience with us,

Let bad weather not touch you,

And forever let it burn over you

A bright star of success, fame, happiness.

Host 2:Today we are on behalf of every heart (1, 2, 3 together).

We say thank you!

Presenter 1:Our holiday is over

What else can you say

Allow me to say goodbye

Wish you good health

Host 2:Don't get sick, don't get old

never get angry

So young

stay forever

Presenter 1:Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter

For a smile, understanding

This is our big success.

Host 2:Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say "Goodbye!

Until happy, new meetings "

concert script,

dedicated to Teacher's Day

Presenter 1:

We can't contain our excitement and joy
Listen to us, Motherland! Listen Earth!
Our greeting! Hello!
Hello dear teachers!

Host 2:

Each of us is ready to give you
A thousand kind and affectionate words
From your yesterdays
From your current

Presenter 1:

Today we are on behalf of every heart
We say "Thank you!"

(The song "Good teacher" is performed by students of grade 2-A)

Host 2:

We have gathered here in a cozy hall to congratulate dear teachers on their professional holiday! We say “Thank you!” to you! for your work, patience for the care that you show to each of us.

And we give the floor to the director of the school!

(Word of the director)

Presenter 1:

Dear teachers! May joy and luck always accompany you! Let the warmth, care and attention of your family and loved ones warm you! May all your wishes come true!

(Poems are read by students of grades 1-A and 1-B)

1. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For kindness and patience!

2. We wish you great joys,

In the work of your inspiration,

3. Diligent students,

Notebooks of the most accurate,

4. And in the classroom every day of flowers,

And more happy holidays!

5. On a beautiful day with all my heart

Let me congratulate you!

We wish everyone to reach the top!

Good luck in your work!

6. Happy, bright, bright days!

Good students!

Let new creative ideas

It's getting bigger!

7. Let there be more holidays in your life,

Smiles, happiness, bright mood!

And let the students make you happy more often

Deservedly high marks!

Host 2:

Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - they are already there, you leave school - they are still there. But each of them has a family, their own children, finally. And how do they even manage to educate them?

Presenter 1:

What a huge heart you need to have in order to spend it so generously on us day after day, year after year!

presenter :

And what a kind, patient and ageless soul must be.

Host 2:

And in gratitude to you, our dear teachers, the song "Teachers" will be performed by Anna Shvedova, a student of grade 11.

(The song "Teacher" is performed by Shvedova Anna)

Presenter 1:

In aviation, they strictly consider
How many hours did the pilot fly.
Few people know about the teacher
How long did he stand at the board!

Host 2:

How many notebooks I checked at night
How many plans for life wrote.
How many times did you believe a person
And he punished himself for it.

Presenter 1:
For wisdom and knowledge
For restless patience

Host 2:
For charm and beauty
For amazing optimism,

Presenter 1:
For principledness and exactingness,
For dignity, for faith...

Praise you, teacher!

(Scene performed by students of grade 3-A)

Teacher: Petrov, go to the blackboard and write down short story which I will dictate to you.
The student goes to the blackboard and prepares to write.
The teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then made a promise to improve.”
The student writes from dictation on the blackboard.
Teacher: Great! Underline all the nouns in your story.
The student underlines the words: “dad”, “mother”, “Vova”, “behavior”, “Vova”, “promise”.
Teacher: Ready? Decide what case these nouns are in. Understood?
Student: Yes!
Teacher: Start!
Student: "Dad and Mom." Who? What? Parents. So, the genitive case.
Scolded whom, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. So, the case is nominative.
Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has an instrumental case.
Vova was silent guiltily. So, here "Vova" has an accusative case.
Well, the "promise", of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!
That's all!
Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest to give yourself?
Student: What? Of course, five!
Teacher: So five? By the way, in what case did you call this word - "five"?
Student: Prepositional!
Teacher: In a prepositional? Why?
Student: Well, I suggested it myself!

Presenter 1:

We have gathered today to glorify the work of teachers, your work.

Host 2:
And we really hope that today's holiday will decorate your everyday life filled with hard work, worries and concerns.

Presenter 1:

Today we praise teachers,
Devotees, dreamers, poets,
Worthy daughters and sons
The country of labor, my native country.

Host 2:

The word for congratulations is given to a student of grade 4 "A" ...

(The poem is read by a student of grade 4-A)

Dear our teachers!

On this holiday - Teachers' Day -

Forget all your worries

And look at the world more cheerfully.

You are always a source of light for us,

And the guys are all, as if by agreement,

They bring you beautiful bouquets.

And for them the radiance of your eyes -

Best reward for hard work

Better than any of the accolades.

And they have one desire:

Just to bring joy to you.

For your sincere smile

Both the student and each student

Instantly correct all his mistakes

And will not repeat them in the future.

You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,

The one that will never go out.

May your wishes come true

Let trouble not visit your house!

Presenter 1:

Dear teachers, meet the students of 3-B class.

(Scene "Control" performed by students of grade 3-B)

Host 2:

Autumn is such a variety of colors! Autumn is such a riot of nature! Autumn is one of the most favorite seasons of many people because it is the most colorful time of the year! This is the blue of the sky, and the yellowness of the crowns of trees, and the red crowns of mountain ash. Poets dedicated their poems to autumn, and artists dedicated their paintings. Autumn is sung, autumn is expected. Autumn will always be the most unpredictable and most desirable time of the year, as our beloved teachers celebrate their professional holiday in autumn.

Presenter 1:

Accept congratulations from students elementary school from 4-B class.

(Congratulations 4-B class)

1. Accept congratulations on Teacher's Day!

How can respect be expressed in words?

Students and even their parents

Everyone in our school is interested in you!

So much you know and know

May all your dreams come true!

Good luck! Be happy, healthy!

2. Teacher's Day is a special holiday,

Full of light, kindness and warmth!

On this day, I really want to

For a moment, forgetting about business,

Putting aside both the magazine and the pointer,

You lit up the class with a smile.

Being a teacher is great!

Be happy! Happy holiday to you!

Host 2:

My friends! Friends of my friends!
There is no holiday more worthy and beautiful!
We honor our teachers who
We love our school!

Presenter 1:

We love you for rigor, simplicity,
For knowledge, for humor, for skill,
For human kindness
For your selfless burning!

Host 2:

Congratulations! Earth bow to you!
All good songs are sung to you.
And together with you, as if in unison,
The hearts of the guys are beating so selflessly!

Presenter 1:

And for you, students of class 2 A will perform ditties!

(chastushki are performed by students of grade 2-B)

We composed ditties
We tried very hard.
We only ask that you
We were not offended.

Happy Teacher's Day
We have come to you today.
Wish you great success
To teach better than us.

Please, please explain
Where is the north, where is the south,
And then we'll go to Africa -
There will be a skiff for all of us.

How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You mix it up a little
Can eat a crocodile.

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes
Mom will give me
Yoghurts with additives.

Train our muscles
Harden them like steel
Relatives are surprised
I became stronger and taller.

And Irina Nikolaevna
He loves silence very much.
Why doesn't he like to make noise?
Well, I don't understand.

And our school principal
Issued the following decree:
Who will get a hundred fives;
She will give awards.

We sang ditties to you -
Is it good, is it bad
And now we ask you
For you to give us a clap.

Host 2:

You opened the whole world before us,
We are interested in you every hour,
And it's impossible to put into words
The love with which we think of you!

Presenter 1:

You always serve as an example for us
Just like you, we want to become
Health, joy for many years
Let me wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Host 2:

Ah, the celebration in our school hall.
We invited all teachers
To say kind words.
And congratulations to all!

Presenter 1:

A lot of words have been invented about teachers,
But we want to reiterate:
Teacher for children - the beginning of fate!
The time has come to give you a song

Host 2:

For all teachers, congratulations from Shvedova Anna as a gift.

(Song "Teachers")

Presenter 1:

Lovely teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day!
Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month,
Today it suddenly blew in the spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday !!!


Happy holiday, our dear and beloved teachers!!!