Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Do what you can, with what you have, where you live Roosevelt do what you can

Wise Thoughts

(October 27, 1858, New York, USA - January 6, 1919, Oyster Bay, New York)

American politician, 25th Vice President of the United States, 26th President of the United States in 1901-1909, representative of the Republican Party, Nobel Peace Prize winner for 1906. Theodore Roosevelt is the sixth cousin of his colleague, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Franklin's wife is Eleanor Roosevelt - was Theodore's niece.

Quote: 18 - 34 out of 70

Ninety percent of the work done in this country [USA] is done by people who don't feel well.

Do what you can with what you have and where you are.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. (Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.)

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Only that person is worthy of happiness who is ready at any time to risk his body, his well-being, his life for a great cause.

Fools learn from their mistakes, smart people learn from others.

If failure befalls him, then, in any case, it will befall him when he takes upon himself the courage to do great things, which means that he will never be destined for a place among cold and timid souls who have not known either victory or defeat.

If a person honestly lives and works in such a way that those who depend on him and are attached to him live better because he lives in the world, then we can say that such a person has succeeded in life.

There are worse things than war.

Statement for the press May 11, 1915, after the sinking of the Lusitania by the Germans with American citizens on board
Theodor Roosevelt Cyclopedia. - London; New York, 1989, p. 583

A healthy body is wonderful; a healthy mind is even better; but the most important thing - both for a person and for a nation - is character, the sum of those virtues that make a man a good man, and a woman a good woman.

When you play, it's hard to play, when you work, don't play for everyone. (When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all.)

It is far better to dare great things in order to achieve a brilliant triumph, even at the cost of trial and error, than to look up to those poor people in spirit who never experience either great joy or great suffering, because they live in a gray twilight and know no victories. , no defeats.

The leader acts openly, the boss - behind closed doors. The leader leads and the boss controls.

The best reward in our life is the opportunity to do something that is worth it.

It is better to dare mighty things, to achieve glorious triumphs, albeit punctuated by failures, than to stand on a par with weak spirits who can neither enjoy from the heart nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight where there is neither victory nor defeats.

The best leader is the one who leads common sense, picking up worthy people who will do what he needs, and can control himself without interfering until they complete the task.

Yes, we can not be responsible for everything in the world. This is impossible! If we think so, then it is very...

This phrase at one time was very supportive for me and continues to be so now.

This phrase is about the fact that we cannot influence everything that happens, but there are definitely things in our life that we can and should influence if we do not want to be victims of circumstances.

About the sphere of influence and will be discussed.

It often happens that we give up, getting into situations when everything around is not the way we want: either the plans fell through, or the promise was not fulfilled, or it suddenly started to rain, but we are not ready, etc. These kinds of events can and often do knock us out of our usual rut and make us feel irritated, angry, desperate. We seem to fall into a funnel of negative experiences because everything did not go according to plan and everything is not the way we want.

How to act in such situations?

First, you need clearly define for yourself what in a particular situation is subject to you, and what is subject only to the Lord God. Believe me, if we start to nag ourselves for the fact that the rain came at the wrong time, then at least it's stupid, at most it's very arrogant. As if we compare ourselves with the Almighty and assume that we can somehow influence the weather. Yes, we can not be responsible for everything in the world. This is impossible! If we think so, then it is very arrogant! Moreover, if we do not accept deep inside the presence of rain, then this speaks of a terrible resistance to life itself, such as it is. After all, the most stupid thing is to resist what is.

It is another matter to determine that in such weather we can take an umbrella, and then, most likely, we will not be so wet. In any situation, we can determine our measure of responsibility, we can find our sphere of influence and concentrate our efforts on making the maximum amount of efforts that, if not change the situation, but certainly make it as comfortable as possible for living.

How can this be done?

In every situation you find yourself in, it is advisable to ask yourself the question:

"What can I do in this situation?",

"What depends on me?"

After receiving the answer, it is advisable to repeat the question:

What else can I do in this situation?

"What else is up to me?"

Thus, you can find the place where the spheres of influence are divided into the sphere of your influence, where you can control something and the sphere where your control is inappropriate and not because you are not good enough, but because this is not your sphere of influence. and never will be! Well, you can't control the weather! You can not! Humble yourself!

It rains regardless of your desire, control, regardless of your mood and even regardless of your education. He doesn't care how you studied at school and how many languages ​​you know. Rain is independent of you and many things in life are very similar to rain.

Analyze events carefully for where your sphere of influence begins and ends. After all, it is foolish to try to change the presence of rain, it is foolish not to accept that it is coming, it is foolish to close your eyes to the gray sky. It is wise to put your efforts into taking an umbrella or staying at home. This is your choice. This is your responsibility.

A famous prayer goes like this:

Lord, give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change. And give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other. published


Here, according to such a simple principle, Alexander Tenkov, the head of the municipality of the village of Sukhaya Buffalo, has been working for almost 10 years. And the result, as they say, is obvious. At the beginning of November, the results of the All-Russian competition "The most comfortable urban (rural) settlement in Russia" for 2010 were summed up. Among the winners is the Stavropol village of Dry Buffalo in the Petrovsky district. The diploma of the government of the Russian Federation of the first degree was presented to the head of the village by the Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin.
It should be noted that this is not the first such award for Dry Buffalo. In 2008, the settlement received a bronze award, taking third place in all-Russian competition, and in 2009 the head of the administration was awarded a special diploma of the annual competition of the Ministry of Defense "For best practices municipal government". And this is not counting the victories in the regional competitions for the title of "The most comfortable rural settlement of the Stavropol Territory", in which the village in 2007 and 2008 took an honorable second place. This is how, by his own example, Alexander Tenkov proved that it is possible to improve the standard of living in the countryside if purposeful efforts are made for this, and the interests of people, the interests of a particular person, become the main priority of activity.
I think that the inhabitants of Sukha Buffalo did not fail when they entrusted their village ten years ago to the young 29-year-old Alexander Tenkov. Indeed, over the past 20 years since the collapse of the USSR, the country has lost 23 thousand settlements, of which at least 20 thousand are villages and villages. According to the latest All-Russian population census, only 27 percent of the country's citizens live in villages today. And who knows what fate would have awaited Dry Buffalo if not for Alexander Ivanovich. He also selected a team to match: energetic, thinking, responsible people, ready to make decisions, rooting for their native land, able to listen and hear those who are nearby, own example to convince fellow villagers of the necessity of the plan.
- Everyone knows the saying: “The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is looking for where it is better,” says Alexander Ivanovich. - For ten years, every day I have been thinking about what needs to be done so that the inhabitants of Dry Buffalo do not rush, like half of the villagers across the country, to big cities to earn money, but remain in their homeland. I understand perfectly well that the quality of life of people born and living on this earth depends only on the local authorities. From her initiative, from her masterly approach to business, from her quickness, finally.
The first thing to learn was to use financial resources rationally. today's budget rural settlement formed by land tax, property tax individuals, transport and income tax. Of course, this is only a small part of the money needed to ensure the normal life of the village - to pay utilities, street lighting, repair of socially significant facilities, landscaping, putting roads in order and clearing them of snow, holding cultural events. And if it were not for subsidies from the region, this burden for the local authorities would be unbearable.
- Well-being of the village develops, as they say, brick by brick, - says the head of administration. - Therefore, we actively participate in various regional programs for co-financing.
Here is an example: Dry Buffalo, participating in the regional target program "Energy Saving, Development of Renewable Energy Sources in the Stavropol Territory for 2009-2013", received 100 street lamps from the regional government for free, and they will be installed at the expense of local budget. Although the street lighting in the village can be envied: there are already 400 lanterns for 1500 houses!
And this is not the only achievement of the village administration. Last year, little residents received the 12th playground as a gift. Swings, slides, horizontal bars, funny animal figurines - there are children's towns on almost every street. Local children can play and play sports to their heart's content - there is enough space for everyone.
In general, the younger generation is given increased attention here, especially patriotic education. A monument was opened in the school yard for the anniversary of Alexander Suvorov, for the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war overhauled the "Monument to fellow villagers who died in 1941-1945." Another important point: the Eternal Flame burns in the Dry Buffalo constantly.
- Today in the region, and in the country there are few settlements that can afford such a luxury, - they notice in the administration. - But we were able to agree with Gazprom. The eternal flame burns around the clock, 365 days a year. Thus, we not only pay tribute to the fallen fellow villagers, but also teach the younger generation to honor the defenders of the Motherland.
In 2004, a museum was revived in the village. Now both children and their parents will be able to learn the history of their native village not only from the stories and memories of the older generation, but simply by visiting the village museum. Black and white photographs, yellowed by age. Painfully familiar faces look at visitors from the walls of the museum. There are no strangers here, but only those who lived in Dry Buffalo and made history with their own hands. Today the museum fund has 1500 exhibits. Here you can see household items, clothes and shoes, utensils, tools, books - everything that our ancestors used. And, probably, schoolchildren no longer need standard history lessons, because it is enough to walk around the hall, plunge into the atmosphere of past centuries, where history speaks for itself.
And what a beautiful building of the House of Culture in the center of the village! The administration was not limited only to painting the facade. Cleanliness and comfort in the room itself. All festive events, registration of marriages, circles work here. To be honest, I was very surprised to see pensioners playing chess and dominoes in the lobby. According to the director of the House of Culture, they are always crowded, the villagers are happy to spend their leisure time here.
- We try to do everything so that young people stay here. Of course, let them leave, get an education, become specialists. But then - be sure to go home, - says Tenkov. - After the presentation of the award, we attended a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of local self-government. I made a proposal: the youth who remain in countryside, allocate subsidies in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. Nose prerequisite- You have to work in the village for 5 years. I don’t think that many people will want to leave for the city later. Families, housing, households will appear. I think it's a great incentive.
The initiative is really good. It remains for those to whom Alexander Ivanovich addressed to hear.
One more innovation that appeared in Dry Buffalo a year ago cannot be ignored. This is a bath.
- I am often asked the question: why do you need it? - says Alexander Ivanovich. We think it's necessary. Firstly, not all of our fellow villagers have the opportunity to take water procedures at home, and secondly, by repairing an abandoned building, we thereby improved the architectural appearance of the village.
And it is right. You can break up flower beds and flower beds as much as you like, plant trees, equip squares with fountains and benches, but, you see, if there is an abandoned, dilapidated building nearby, then it’s somehow unpleasant to relax.
The inhabitants of the village do not stand aside, and everyone, from young to old.
- 5 days after my election to the post of head of the village, I organized a subbotnik, - recalls A. Tenkov, - which had not been held before, probably for 15 years. And now we conduct subbotniks all the time. In general, fellow villagers do not remain indifferent to the problems of the village. All recreation areas are equipped with their own forces. People understand that the budget is small, there is no money to hire a contractor. Therefore, many of the works are done by the residents themselves. And again, it has long been known that everything that is done by one's own hands is valued much more. Every year, on the Day of the Village, we announce a competition for the most comfortable farmstead, street and organization. This not only stimulates people, but also helps to maintain cleanliness and order.
But if it is possible to bring such a flower-lawn gloss on your own, then the housing and communal services require serious financial injections. In the village, in 2005, they created the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Sukhobuyvolinskoye, which is engaged in the removal of solid waste, water supply to the population and provides funeral services. I do not want to bore the reader with numbers, but I will note: roads are being built and repaired here, the village is fully gasified, almost 90 percent of the population is supplied with water.
In general, everyone with whom we spoke that day noted that life in Dry Buffalo had changed in better side. They remembered the holidays: either Village Day, International Women's Day, or Maslenitsa. They were glad that all the specialists were in the clinic and there was no need to go to the regional center with sores, that the streets were lit and cleaned to the conscience, that with the advent of winter they flooded the skating rink where you can play hockey, which they opened fire station. That young leaders do not forget veterans and pensioners, but in kindergarten there are places.
There are many things in the village, but there is no place for sports. And this is not the fault of the village administration. Three years ago, it was decided to buy the old building, put it in order and open a sports complex there.
- We began to put the building in order, - says Alexander Ivanovich, - they replaced the roof, inserted plastic windows strengthened the foundation. And then the economic crisis broke out in the country, and all work had to be suspended. Money has ceased to be allocated. Wherever we have gone. And to the regional center, and to the federal, and to the deputies. There is only one answer - there are no funds, finish building at the expense of your budget.
You should have seen how Alexander Tenkov's eyes burn when he talks about what was planned to open there Gym and a hall for martial arts, put a billiard and tennis table. But, unfortunately... The issue price is 4 million rubles. The administration of Dry Buffalo does not have that kind of money. But, you still believe that with such a leader in the village there will definitely be a sports complex, Alexander Ivanovich will try.
By the way, the honorary title "The most comfortable settlement in Russia" is accompanied by a cash prize in the amount of 4 million rubles, but this money can only be spent on further improvement of the village in the housing and communal sector. In Dry Buffalo they already know how to dispose of a well-deserved bonus.
- There is still a lot of work ahead, - says Alexander Tenkov. - We need to complete the water supply of the village, buy a new tractor (by the way, equipment is constantly updated here as far as possible). Improve pumping stations so that water can flow to residents uninterruptedly. We want to equip two more playgrounds and repair sidewalks. In a word, the bar must be kept.
Here is a village. The usual, one of the tens of thousands that are in Russia. It's just that life is different. Here, the village administration, together with the residents, is slowly, step by step, moving towards one goal - to make their village even more beautiful, cozier and more comfortable.

I did not mess up papers, writing on the topic of the day,
I carved these words on my heart life
I went my own way, losing and searching
There, where the air was torn by kilohertz.

I went into darkness, into discord with myself
And cursed his fate, envious of someone else's fate
But as soon as the sun rose above my head,
I got up and told myself

With a song for life
Looking at the world easier
Not forgetting the will and honor,
Do what you want
With what you have
Wherever you are!

I did not invent distant islands
I always knew that happiness is somewhere nearby
Just be open to him, just be ready for him -
It will find you by itself!

I was not looking for rhymes or red words,
No image to intimidate the cowardly,
No ideal forms, no smart face,

With a song for life
Looking at the world easier
Not forgetting the will and honor,
Do what you want
With what you have
Wherever you are!


And every new day was like a lesson to take a hit
And I learned to sing in advance
Burning bridges behind me is my misfortune and gift,
Given to me to keep moving.

With a song for life
Looking at the world easier
Not forgetting the will and honor,
Do what you want
With what you have
Wherever you are!


F.P.G. lyrics - Wherever you are

I do not deer securities, wrote on the topic of the day,
Me life has carved these words on the heart
I have been going their way, losing and searching
Where the air tore kilohertz.

I went into the darkness, in discord with itself
And cursed his fate, envying someone else's fate
But only the sun rose over my head,
I went up and told myself

With the song of life
looking at the world easier,

Do what you want
From what you have
Wherever you are!

I did not invent distant islands
I know that happiness is always somewhere nearby
Only whether it is open only be ready for it -
It is itself looking to find you!

I "m not looking for no rhyme or witty,
No image to catch up on the abject fear,
No ideal forms or clever person

With the song of life
looking at the world easier,
Not forgetting the will and honor
Do what you want
From what you have
Wherever you are!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And each new day was like a punch lesson
And I learned to sing ahead of the curve
Burn the bridges behind them - and the gift of my trouble,
I present to continue the movement.

With the song of life
looking at the world easier,
Not forgetting the will and honor
Do what you want
From what you have
Wherever you are!