Employee feedback models. Feedback culture: from an HR bow to a powerful tool

It happens that an important employee or an old loyal client suddenly leaves, and you do not understand why. You do not understand, because there is not enough feedback - there is no dialogue between you. If you work with feedback correctly, you can avoid such situations.

What is feedback for?

Feedback provides additional information and helps to better understand each other in order to avoid surprises and surprises. Without her, everything falls apart.

They thought that the employee understood you, but did the wrong thing and would have to redo it. They wanted to write to the client tomorrow, and he asks for an answer today and a conflict has turned out. They left a request on the site and are waiting for confirmation, but the letter ended up in spam and mom will not receive a gift for the New Year.

Feedback is any reaction to an event or action. It is present everywhere: they pressed the button - they heard a characteristic click, they broke the rules - they received a fine, they let the client down - they lost it, offended the cat - they found a surprise in slippers. Answering a question is also an example of feedback. They asked a question, received the necessary information, a clarifying question or rudeness in response. Any of the options is a feedback that you can work with. In the article we consider work with clients, subordinates and management.

Feedback principles

Feedback is a tool in the hands of the performer and manager. If you use the tool incorrectly, at best, nothing will change, but you can do harm. Therefore, before giving and accepting feedback, look at the principles of working with it. Benefit Feedback is based on a goal - what needs to be improved. All participants must understand it in the same way. Without a goal, you will waste time.

The client left a request - show that the request has reached and it will be processed.

concreteness Dialogue will not work if the participants do not understand something or the information is not verified. Therefore, feedback must be clear and precise.

The client asked a simple question, and the manager answered with technical terms and concepts - the information is accurate, but the dialogue will not work.

Productivity It is not enough to understand the goal, you need to strive for it and remove distracting, counterproductive factors. There are two of them: the transition to personality and emotions. Timeliness If you rush or be late with feedback, you can devalue it. There is no general rule when to give it - it depends on the situation, it can be constantly, instantly, in advance or later.
  1. At the traffic lights, the countdown to the green signal is needed constantly.
  2. If you run the program on a smartphone, it should open instantly.
  3. Explain to the child in advance that stealing is bad, at 30 it will be too late.
  4. Do not rush to punish the employee - you need to understand the situation, check the facts and wait until you are alone.
Regularity Feedback does not work if you do it from time to time. For it to work, people must develop the habit of receiving and giving feedback.

The intern for training made ten mistakes, you discussed and eliminated only two - eight stuck.

Marat Akhmetzanov technical support manager

In onlinePBX technical support, I went from a simple specialist to a manager. I worked on the first and second lines, I was a senior specialist, for the last two years I have been the head of the department. Since 2015, he has conducted hundreds of interviews with candidates, participated in the creation of a training program, built quality control and implemented KPIs. vk.com/another_generation

Five rules of feedback

The principles answer the question “what kind of feedback should be”, in this chapter we will analyze the basic rules for how to give. 1. Check the information Before giving feedback, check the accuracy of the information from the original source, check the facts, recalculate the numbers. Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose. 2. Control your emotions It is important to control your emotions and not get personal, and also take care of who you give feedback to. Do not run into and do not make others feel like fools, in stress a person ceases to perceive information. 3. Ask questions Feedback is a dialogue, you need to involve the interlocutor in the conversation. During the conversation, constantly clarify: they still understand you, agree with you what the interlocutor thinks. You may have missed something and need to go back. 4. Suggest the next step Remember the goal and what you want to improve. Therefore, the result of feedback is the appointment of the next action or solutions. If this is not done, uncertainty arises. 5. Summarize So that everyone has the same understanding, sum up: what was the goal, what was discussed, what is the next action. It happens that they discussed together, but understood differently, a brief summary at the end helps to avoid such situations. Now let's practice giving feedback on the client Zhanna, employee Igor and manager Anatoly Borisovich. Consider from the point of view of the one who receives feedback: let's see what is important to him, how he thinks and what he expects.

Customer Feedback

Jeanne's Internet is gone and she calls the provider. She needs to host a weight loss webinar, so it's important to get the internet fixed as soon as possible.

1. Check the information

A technical support specialist should first check for failures on their part before advising to reboot the router. No need to waste Zhanna's time and annoy her with memorized phrases.

2. Control your emotions

If the router still needs to be rebooted, the specialist must patiently and in detail explain how to do this. You may have to repeat the same thing over and over - do not get annoyed. Zhanna knows everything about weight loss and doesn't have to know anything about twisted pair, DHCP broadcast requests, and the router's firmware version.

3. Ask questions

In the process, you need to explain your actions and ask questions. What did you do, what Zhanna sees in front of her, whether the green lights go out or not after the power is turned off. This helps to solve the problem consistently, not to miss anything, and to keep the client informed.

4. Suggest the next step

Zhanna is important that her problem is solved and will be solved further. If the specialist does not see failures, it is necessary to suggest a reboot. If it does not help, suggest calling the wizard. If the problem cannot be solved here and now, you need to offer an alternative: go to the neighbors, visit or cafe.

5. Summarize

At the end of the conversation, the specialist should sum up: say what they did to solve, why it didn’t work out over the phone, remind when the master will come and what to do now. If Zhanna is still dissatisfied, she will not be able to reproach the specialist - he tried to help, was helpful and took care of her.

Feedback to employees

Designer Igor made the site layout not according to the brand book, it needs to be redone. If you delay, the team will not have time to hand over the project on time and will lose the bonus. The manager needs to “talk” about this with Igor.

1. Check the information

Before the conversation, the manager should double-check all brand books, style guides, and interface style sets. Write down the most critical errors. Igor needs to be explained with specific examples, otherwise it will be difficult to convince him.

2. Control your emotions

Igor is an experienced and respected designer, although he made a mistake. In order not to lose a valuable specialist, you need to think about his feelings in advance. The manager should talk to him in private, it is not known how he will react, if criticized in front of colleagues, he may be offended and leave for another department or company.

3. Ask questions

The task of feedback is to understand the causes of the error and eliminate them, and not to reprimand the designer for "hack work". If you ask Igor about the reasons, it turns out that he is overloaded with projects and there is not enough time to check everything. The Superman Syndrome didn't let me say that before.

4. Suggest the next step

To resolve the situation and deliver the project on time, there are many options: work overtime, attract another designer, outsource work, abandon non-priority tasks, renegotiate deadlines with the client. The leader and Igor must choose the appropriate solution and agree on the next step.

5. Summarize

In conclusion, the manager should talk about both problems - the workload of the designer and the layout not according to the brand book. Repeat the decisions for each of them and remind them of the next step - what the designer should do when he leaves the office. So, Igor has two options: confirm the agreements and go to work or discuss them again.

Feedback to managers

Director Anatoly Borisovich canceled the annual bonus due to the company's low performance. But one employee has a mortgage and recently had a son, so he came to the director to agree on an exception.

1. Check the information

Anatoly Borisovich is an experienced businessman, he speaks to employees in the language of numbers and facts. Therefore, you need to prepare for the conversation: choose the right time, raise the performance of the department and calculate the contribution to the company's profit, remember overtime and additional tasks.

Zeltserman K.B.
Office file #85 February 2006

A well-coordinated tandem "manager - subordinate" is the key to the success of many things in the company. And good leaders know how to organize this coherence. A constructive dialogue helps to remove all misunderstandings and disagreements between the leader and his subordinates. One of the components of such a dialogue is feedback from the leader to the subordinate. A leader who does not talk to employees, does not use feedback tools, will no longer understand what his subordinates think and feel and may miss a critical moment and the situation will get out of hand. In this article, we will talk about what feedback is, how to properly organize a “feedback session”, where it is important and how to effectively apply it to a manager.

What is feedback to subordinates?

Feedback to a subordinate is the voicing of a reaction to certain actions of an employee. Why is this needed? First, it is a simple display of attention, which, as various studies show, often has a beneficial effect on the relationship between people working together. Secondly, timely feedback allows for preventive, preventive work on the employee's mistakes. Thirdly, feedback has a motivating function, it allows the employee to find out what is expected of him and what are the criteria for evaluating his work. And, most importantly, feedback allows you to achieve the desired results from the employee.

Feedback shows the employee how his work is evaluated. Therefore, not only a direct (oral or written) assessment of an employee's performance can be considered as feedback, but also various incentive tools as an indirect assessment tool.

These indirect instruments include:

  • thanks or accolades
  • rewards or deductions
  • promotion or demotion

All these tools show the employee whether his work is generally assessed as good or bad. However, sometimes it can be difficult for a subordinate to figure out what exactly he was rewarded or punished for. Therefore, feedback is effective only when the manager explains in detail to the employee what is good and what is not very good in his work. Therefore, the most effective feedback tool is a conversation between a manager and a subordinate, when the subordinate not only learns about the assessment of his work, but also has the opportunity to ask questions and clarify incomprehensible points.

There are various situations in working life when the use of feedback is not only appropriate, but also necessary, such types of feedback include:

  1. Feedback, as an assessment of the current activities of the employee.
  2. Feedback on employee suggestions.
  3. Feedback on employee plans and reports.
  4. Feedback about the attitude of the employee to what is happening in the company.

Let's dwell on the above points in more detail.

« Execution cannot be pardoned” or feedback, as an assessment of the current activities of the employee.

This type of feedback is the most commonly encountered by managers. Evaluation of an employee's performance occurs almost always when a manager accepts the work of a subordinate. And since the manager is directly interested in improving the performance of the employee, simply assessing the categories “Good” or “Bad” is not enough. You need a rationale for where it is good, why it is bad and how it should be corrected.

Studies confirm that when analyzing the behavior of other people, the majority overestimate the influence of a person's nature and his personal capabilities and underestimate the influence of the specific circumstances in which his real activity takes place. For example, the manager is likely to attribute the reason for the unproductive work of a subordinate to the lack of personal capabilities of the employee, and not to the current situation at his workplace. This phenomenon is known as the fundamental attribution error. That is why it is very important, when evaluating an employee, to talk with him, finding out his situation, in what context of events he was, and what influenced the results presented by him, etc. It is this approach that will allow you to avoid mistakes in assessing the work of an employee and be objective.

Purpose of feedback on current activities: evaluate the work of the employee, show what has been done well and it is necessary to do the same in the future, isolate the shortcomings and discuss ways to correct them. In addition, it is important to show the employee the significance of his work for the company, to motivate him.

Basic rule: Feedback should be constructive and factual.

You can’t turn feedback into scolding or praising an employee: “What a great fellow you are!” or “Well, you give, who does that!”. Feedback ideally should contain the highlighting of the strengths in the activities, behavior of the employee and weaknesses - places that require correction, reserves in the improvement of the employee.

“I shout, and in response - silence!” or Feedback on employee suggestions

From time to time, enterprising employees come to managers with their suggestions for improving the way they work or the situation in the company. It is very important to support such initiatives, to demonstrate that such behavior is welcome (even if the proposals themselves, for some reason, are not accepted).

Employees made a lot of suggestions on how best to build a non-material motivation system and were looking forward to seeing how their proposals would be translated into reality. The approval of the document lasted three weeks, the employees "caught" the leader in order to make their proposals again and again. However, the changes proposed by the staff were not made. All sorts of rumors, speculation, discontent spread throughout the company. Only the speech of the head explaining why the proposals of employees cannot be used at the present time, removed the tense situation in the company. However, further suggestions from the manager to discuss something in the company were met with “interrogations” in the style of “what can we expect?”.


  • To support an initiative that contributes to the development of the company and its employees.
  • Preservation of optimal, working tools, systems, traditions; increasing their importance in the eyes of the employee.
  • Increasing the motivation of the employee / the formation of an adequate self-esteem of the employee.

Basic rule: If you are collecting employee suggestions, then you need to give feedback on all of them and take at least some action to show employees that the situation is changing or explain why their proposals are not accepted and nothing is changing yet.

After two or three proposals left without any attention, the employees give up. The absence of a “corrective” component of feedback on the proposal or initiative of the employee leads to the fact that a sensible proposal may be missed, or vice versa, the employee will consider himself a “super-hero”, although his proposal is not adequate to the needs, strategy and values ​​of the company.

Conversations with the provision of feedback are held as suggestions are received from employees. Depending on the complexity, strategic significance of the proposal (for example, a proposal to issue corporate pens, this is not at all the same as a proposal to develop a new motivation system, or even open a new line of business) and the elaboration of the proposal (voiced idea, pre-collected information, or a ready-made business -plan), its discussion can take from 5 minutes to 1 hour. In rare cases, well-researched but highly ambitious or non-trivial strategic proposals can take up to 2 hours to discuss.

In preparing for such a conversation, the leader should:

  • Examine the employee's proposal (written document, conversation).
  • As a first approximation, evaluate it: relevance, novelty, timeliness, necessity, adequacy, etc.
  • Make a decision and prepare arguments for refusal or, conversely, give the go-ahead to the employee and determine what needs to be further developed.

If the employee himself does not say something, then you need to ask leading questions. It is important that the employee speaks all of the above himself, then he will be more realistic and critical about his proposal.

Feedback on the employee's proposal should be built as follows:

  1. What is interesting, well thought out, presented
  2. What and where can be improved
  3. Dot the "i" in terms of relevance, feasibility, adequacy, etc.
  4. Issue a general verdict: accepted / not accepted; now / after a certain period of time.
  5. Agree on next steps.

« Just because I didn't say anything doesn't mean I don't appreciate your work. » or Feedback on employee plans and reports

Feedback is present where there is control. The manager must control the implementation of plans by employees, but before control, this plan must first be discussed and approved. This can and should be done using feedback.

Feedback on the discussion of the employee's plans

Feedback on the plans is provided to the employee as often as the plans themselves are prepared. It is better to discuss weekly plans, for example, sales managers every week (5-10 minutes): for control, motivation, prioritization. And monthly plans are discussed, respectively, every month.

The structure of the meeting to discuss and approve the plan can have two scenarios. In the first case, if everything in the plan suits you, you need to inform the employee about this, and if he has questions or needs to discuss some important details, help him.

If the presented plan requires adjustment, then the manager needs to decide:

  • That he gets tired in this regard and can be left.
  • Clearly decide what exactly does not suit the plan and needs to be changed, finalized (for example, the formulation or setting of goals, measures to achieve them, prioritization, availability of indicators and deadlines).
  • Then the leader must initiate a discussion on issues that cause difficulties for the employee, or suggest sources of information, set the direction of “thoughts”.
  • Agree on the timing of the submission of the revised plan.

Feedback on discussing employee reports

Reports should not be a bureaucratic atavism, at least they should not be perceived as such by employees. Yes, indeed, the manager does not always have time to talk in detail about the report with the employee, but simply “collecting them on your desk or in the closet” is also not the case. Moreover, if the employee “reporting” does not hear anything in response, he may decide that “everything is bad”, even if he is a very good employee, or vice versa, that “everything is fine”. The minimum that should be done is to notify the employee that the report has been successfully accepted, to note the most outstanding achievements and achievements of the employee.

If the report requires adjustment, then feedback on the employee's report is given according to the following scheme:

  • The manager tells the employee that he is tired of the work done during the reporting period, which was done well.
  • The manager tells the employee what he is not satisfied with and needs to be changed (what goals, indicators have not been achieved; what tasks have been prioritized incorrectly; where deadlines have been missed; where the quality of work is not satisfied; level of responsibility, initiatives, etc.)
  • The manager discusses with the employee what is the reason that he did not complete this or that task (not qualitatively; not on time, etc.); what helps, what hinders in solving the tasks; how he will correct the situation, achieve his goals; what will he do in the future so as not to repeat such mistakes, situations.
  • The manager sets priorities in solving problems, misses of the employee.

After providing initial feedback on plans and reports, the manager and subordinate need to do a few more:

  • The employee corrects or supplements the plan or report, taking into account the feedback from the manager.
  • The manager studies the corrected documents.
  • The manager provides final feedback (written or verbal) to the subordinate.

Feedback on the attitude of the employee to what is happening in the company (changes and innovations)

Target: to avoid misunderstanding by the staff of the tasks assigned to them, the strategy and corporate values ​​of the company.

Usually, in order to implement changes in companies, employees are informed. "We have decided to live in a new way." In order for the changes to be implemented the least painlessly (as you know, not everyone wants to change), it is very important to ask employees what they think about this, what concerns and objections they have. For these purposes, they use employee surveys, the "suggestion box" method, personal conversations with employees. As in the situation with the proposals of employees, in no case should the concerns of employees be ignored. Thus, feedback to employees should include:

  1. “Joining” to the situation of employees “I understand that the upcoming changes bring a lot of new things for all of us and …………”
  2. Praise employees for justified concerns and named risks “It is very good that you noticed that in this situation this will change, and we will have to ………”
  3. "Dispelling Myths". Next, you should answer the objections of employees known to the manager, while giving additional information, because, as you know, the roots of almost all objections lie precisely in the lack of information.

In conclusion, let's outline the basic rules for providing feedback:

  1. Feedback must be! You should not hope that the employee himself will understand everything just by the look of the head or meaningful silence.
  2. Feedback must be timely. It makes no sense to discuss a year later that “that project was failed because of you, because you then provided the wrong data and did not deign to check it. Of course, we didn’t tell you, because you wouldn’t have had time to fix anything anyway ... "
  3. Feedback should be both positive (for good - to praise) and negative (for bad - to scold). But even when giving negative feedback, it is important to find something to praise the employee for. And you need to start with an assessment of what is good in the work of an employee.
  4. When providing feedback, it is important not to get personal (“how badly you did, because you are lazy and mediocre”), but to talk about actions (“I evaluate your work badly, because the deadlines were violated and the information was presented haphazardly, unstructured”).
  5. To be constructive, feedback should be more specific. Contain facts, not opinions or generalities. Not "I got the impression that you began to work without enthusiasm", but "I observe that you have stopped making suggestions."
  6. To give effective feedback to a conversation with a subordinate, you need to prepare.
  7. No need to immediately expect that immediately after the feedback everything will change dramatically “I told you yesterday!”. Unfortunately, the feedback session doesn't work like a magic wand. Change is a long and complex process, sometimes it is necessary to repeat many times and the same thing, because the habits of doing something in a certain way go away only with time and with the right reinforcement of the desired behavior.

Providing feedback to subordinates is one of the most powerful HR tools. If feedback is organized correctly and systematically, then this allows the subordinate to achieve a positive attitude towards comments addressed to him, understanding and acceptance of criticism, as well as a willingness to correct shortcomings. Subordinate, ready and striving to correct his shortcomings, isn't such an employee the dream of any leader?

In order for employees to understand you and want to achieve results with you, it is important to competently discuss their strengths and weaknesses with them and set goals for them. In this manual you will find techniques, recommendations and examples for giving feedback to sales managers.

Feedback Goals

  • help the employee recognize their strengths and weaknesses;
  • support actions that improve performance;
  • help to learn from the mistakes made.

What does good feedback mean?

  • evaluation parameters are transparent, understandable and known to employees;
  • the evaluation procedure is objective, not based on personal likes / dislikes - for this, an outside specialist is often invited;
  • situations that have occurred recently, for example, within one reporting week, are subject to analysis;
  • criticism should be justified by the results of the evaluation;
  • criticism should be constructive, that is, suggest ways to solve problems;
  • there should be a system of rewards for distinguished employees;
  • statistics should be kept by which progress can be tracked.

The service "Quality control of sales departments": who will need it, and how we do it

How to give feedback to managers

Model "Sandwich"

The error parsing block (developing feedback) is located between the positive feedback blocks. It is used in conversations on setting goals, adjusting results, developing employees:

Manager Sergey corrected the mistakes of the last week, but has not yet fulfilled the sales plan. We give Sergey feedback.

Let's start with the positive. “Sergei, this week you succeeded and corrected the mistakes that we met in your conversations for a month. Now, while talking on the phone, you address customers by name, engage in a dialogue with interest, and set the next sales step.”

We will discuss what needs to be adjusted, we will discuss the improvement plan. “At the same time, there is room to grow. Pay attention to the presentation of the product, company. Our clients apply to dozens of companies, we need to stand out among them, to interest the client with our offer. Let's discuss what you can do about it." There is no open criticism, we discuss with the employee a plan to improve his performance.

We end the conversation on a positive note. “Great, the action plan has been agreed, let's get to work. Try calling current clients using the plan we discussed. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch."

SOR model

Suitable in cases where an employee violated the company's work standards, committed a misdemeanor:

Manager Aleksey did not respond to the client's request within the set time, the client terminated the service contract.

We remind you of the standard (Standart). “Aleksey, our company has a rule - an application for a service must be processed as soon as possible, within a maximum of 30 minutes. The client must know within 30 minutes that we have accepted the application and started working.”

We state the facts and observation (Observation). “Yesterday at 10:15 a request was received from our client, but you only called back at 15:00. The customer waited a long time and tried to fix the problem himself.”

We discuss the impact on the business, the result of the employee's action (Result). “As a result, the customer decided to terminate the service contract because he did not receive assistance at the specified time.”

The next step is the employee's awareness of his act and the acceptance of obligations for the consequences of his behavior.

Boff model

The new manager, Irina, regularly violates the standards of quality service: she communicates impolitely with clients, processes applications late, forgets to call back on time, and stays late during lunch breaks.

Behavior. Tell Irina your observations about her work. Specifically, in the language of facts, preferably with details, dates of observations. Discuss the reasons. Sometimes it happens that the employee is not fully aware of what is expected of him.

Result (Outcome). Discuss with Irina how her behavior (irritability and rudeness in communicating with clients, ignoring applications, a long absence from the workplace after a break) affects business results, the number of clients served, and the number of complaints received from clients.

Feelings. Talk about how you feel knowing Irina works this way. You are upset, upset, not very happy, it is unpleasant for you to realize. Discuss how other managers feel when Irina is away from work for a long time and they have to handle additional calls. By doing so, you will help Irina realize the unacceptability of her behavior.

Future (Future). Discuss with Irina how she can change her behavior. It is best to ask questions and get answers from a co-worker. This will allow her to take responsibility for future decisions and actions. At the end of the conversation, agree on specific actions and deadlines, outline a plan of action for the future. It is advisable to schedule a date for the next meeting to monitor and discuss Irina's progress.

  • listen to the call together;
  • ask the operator what he generally thinks of this call;
  • ask the operator what he thinks he did best;
  • ask the operator what he thinks about the customer's experience and whether the customer will use the company's service or products again;
  • ask the operator what he would like to improve in this call;
  • now express your opinion about this call, using, for example, the “sandwich” model;
  • choose one narrow area to focus on using the SMART technique. Do not take the topic "customer service" - it is too extensive for one session;
  • play the situation again: you are the client, and the manager will try to take into account his mistakes and build communication based on the comments.

Feedback: what is the signal?

From an evaluative point of view, feedback (FC) can be positive (compliment) or negative (criticism). Criticism and compliments are something we cannot live without. No, seriously, these are the two most important components of professional life. Compliments strengthen self-confidence, allow you to express sympathy, to understand who likes what we do. Criticism, however unpleasant it may be, is often very timely and helpful if it is seen not as a malicious attempt to offend or belittle, but as a signal to adjust behavior, style or direction of work. In general, criticism and compliments help us to ensure that we do not fall below the achieved level of development.

All of us periodically do not know how to regard criticism: is it on the case or not - and what's next? And it is not always clear how to treat compliments - they praise in order to get something or sincerely.

Most of us take criticism too personally and lose confidence in ourselves, and from compliments, without noticing how, we begin to relax a little and a little more. But we also cannot help but criticize and praise each other - this is one of the basic communication traffic that allows us to continuously update the coordinate system and our position in the space of life and work.

If you think about it, the topic of receiving feedback is one of the most painful: right and wrong reactions over time shape the landscape of life, communication, career and development.

What does right and wrong mean? Adequate situations and not corresponding to it. That is, the task for the leader is to learn how to give feedback in a way appropriate to the situation, and the task of the employee is to learn to penetrate the meaning of the feedback and respond productively to it. Is there a risk of replacing the natural relationships of people and making them "plastic" by working exclusively according to schemes? Fanaticism realizes any risks in general, and if you maintain adequacy, then tools - schemes, models and matrices - will only help to bring rationality and general semantics into working feedback, to make team relationships healthier.

You can endlessly discuss the topic of feedback in teams, both between equal employees, and between subordinates and managers. The conclusion is always the same: feedback is either there or it is not. And this can be seen from the results of the work.

What is feedback?

Communication in the company is distributed not only from top to bottom - the boss came up with it, said it, employees did it. Nothing like this. Any task requires two-way interaction: vertical, when a subordinate is given a task, he asks questions and receives clarifications, and horizontal - with neighboring departments and colleagues. The interaction of structures during the growth of the company and the expansion of the staff requires special attention.

Why is feedback needed?

The leader clearly and clearly sets the task and presents the result of its implementation. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the subordinate understood everything as it should. The employee paints a picture in his head based on his knowledge and ability to decipher the language of the leader.

It is important to make sure that you are understood correctly, and - most importantly! – that you see the same end goal. This can only be clarified in a dialogue, having received questions from employees and speaking out points that are unclear to them.

Neglecting the questions of subordinates is dangerous. Not getting questions or ignoring them, you run the risk of not seeing the result you wanted. Imagine that your subordinate is in charge of a department. He handed over the task to his employees as he understood it himself. His people will also understand the task to the best of their ability. As a result, the initial information is distorted beyond recognition.

It is useless then to shout at the workers, accuse them of incompetence and demand telepathy from them. Unfortunately, not everyone can read the minds of leaders.

How to organize competent interaction of employees and systematize work?

Enter a rule in the company: everyone who receives a task from the manager asks questions, clarifies the rules and the order of work. The likelihood of achieving the result you want will greatly increase.

Further, all typical tasks are described after they have been done once or twice. A kind of instruction or regulation is drawn up with an understandable algorithm for the execution of work. This will save you time on further explanations.

Intermediate points of the task, especially in long-term work, are also very important. They need to be recorded in the work schedule and checked. Otherwise, you let everything go by itself. The task has been set, time is running out, you will not get the result soon - but what do people do? In order not to ask yourself such questions, not to be nervous and not to create tension in the team, enter a work schedule with intermediate results.

Result as feedback

The most important point of feedback is the end result. Now the manager asks questions, fixes and analyzes the result of the work. This will be the correct completion of the algorithm for completing the task - effective employees are encouraged, the necessary adjustments are made for the future.

Remember: the lack of feedback causes confusion in companies. Managers and subordinates do not know what to think about their work, and compose tall tales. Remember what comes to mind when your call or request is not answered by people important to you. Remembered? The same is true for your employees.

Create a schedule, think about how you communicate with the team, on what issues and at what time. Do not neglect this right and rule.