Why is it necessary to value life in any situation! The most valuable thing in life What do I value in life ask

Hello dear readers of the portal site. Each person defines values ​​for himself. Each stage, even each age category of people highlights its values ​​in life.

And if today you ask a person what is the most valuable thing in his life, tomorrow his answer may change dramatically.

Time is changing, life is changing, we ourselves are changing, and with it our views and values ​​are changing.

Of course, everyone wants to be healthy - this is indisputable. But what else do people appreciate in life? For most, the values ​​in life are a decent amount in a bank account, own housing, a good job, success, universal recognition. For some, every day is a blessing.

The ability to walk independently or just look at the colors of the morning sky. We live by adapting to both the good and the bad. Therefore, for some, a spoiled expensive manicure can be a complete disaster and a bad mood for the whole day. And others do not exchange their life for such trifles and having poor health and a computer that is not so hot and constantly freezing, they create their own pages on the Internet, where they do not ask for help, but support faith in others from themselves. Because every day they have to prove that they deserve more than pity and sympathy.

Everyone has a soul, whether he is sick or healthy, with black skin or blue eyes. Each of us is an individual and each one, or with a cane in his hands, has the right to be understood and accepted by society, and therefore happy.

Stereotypes do not allow a modern person to perceive the same as him, only limited in his abilities, but equal.

It’s just that one needs to open up to society, take a step, show everyone that he also knows how to rejoice, love and enjoy life like healthy people. And others need to open their hearts and understand that a person with disabilities is the same person, and not an alien and not a leper.

If you live a day with a person with limited abilities, then what will we see. They appreciate every moment spent with their loved ones, tenderly escort children to school and they do not need expensive cars or chic mansions. Only that loved ones were nearby and the sun shone, at least through the windows. There are also situations when everything is there, but you want to get more and more, stepping over everyone and everything.

Undoubtedly, life is not easy, everyone wants to pull a tidbit for themselves. But maybe what is given to us today and what we cherish and value today will bring us expensive cars and prosperity. And true values ​​in life Each person will be determined by time, circumstances and fate.

Health to you and your loved ones!
See you soon on the pages, Alla

We have a lot to be thankful for. But, unfortunately, in today's crazy world, there is absolutely no time to appreciate what is happening to us and around us, and people take everything for granted. Here is a list of things that should not be taken for granted.

1. Health

This is perhaps the most important thing to appreciate in life. Even if you feel great now, in the near future your frivolous attitude to health can lead to disastrous consequences. Do your best for . Remember: the stronger your health, the happier you are!

2. Physical capabilities

Along with health, you should pay attention to your physical capabilities. For example, today you can work 25 hours a day and walk tens of kilometers on foot. But the aging process is inevitable. Remember this! Take care of your body.

3. Memory

Memory, like physical health, is not eternal. Over time, you realize that in adulthood, the memory is no longer as reliable as in youth. Train your memory, do exercises aimed at mental development.

Ask yourself: what is the most valuable thing in your life?

Possible answers:

1. Welfare (money, prosperity, abundance)

2. Warm, trusting relationships (man-woman, children, parents, friends)

3. Health (physical and mental)

4. I myself (I myself).

5. Time.

Let's explore these options together.

1. Welfare.

Of course, a very important aspect of our life.

It is important not to go to extremes here: poverty and, conversely, such wealth that completely subjugates a person - after all, this wealth must be managed, prevented from being squandered, think about its multiplication and protect from thieves.

Well, poverty needs no comment. Because poverty puts a person on the brink of survival, it doesn’t even occur to a person to think about high matters, about the soul - here you only need to think about how to survive and feed your family yourself.

The bulk of my readers, I hope, are not in these extreme states.

What is required in order to constantly maintain this well-being in your life?

First of all, our attention. What do you need for attention? - First of all, the presence of your desire (intention) and time. Welfare is rarely given to a person just like that. Often you have to work, and it’s good if work is a favorite thing. And you need to devote your time to what you love.

2. Warm, trusting relationship

(man-woman, children, parents, friends).

Most people dream of such a relationship, but often we stumble upon misunderstanding and even rejection.

An example (due to my age) is parents and children.

Think back to when we were young parents. Children demanded our attention, and we often wanted to take a break from the hassle - we gave them to grandparents for weekends or holidays. If there was no such opportunity, we tried to keep the children engaged in some kind of independent activity, where they would not touch us. And we could easily go about our business and just relax.

I don't complain about children - I have three of them and they are all wonderful.

But I observe that grown children - for the most part consider themselves smarter than their parents, do not consider it necessary to consult, and our opinion on any issue is most often ignored. Maybe that's how it should be. We ourselves did not listen to our parents and acted in our own way.

Those. if parents really want a friendly relationship with their child, first of all they spend their personal time communicating with their children and developing their abilities.

(In brackets, I want to note that excessive attention and full devotion of one's time exclusively to one's children - also, like everything excessive, harms both parties).

The same is true in the relationship between a man and a woman. At the stage of acquaintance, we are ready to happily spend our time on dates, we try to interest each other. And then in family life we ​​often move away from each other, because we stop paying our attention (synonymous with time) to our life partner.

3. Health.

When we are young, we have enough energy for all things, we usually do not think about our health and sometimes we manage it unwisely.

With age, warning bells begin - all people are individual - some have a frequent cold, some have periodic pains, some have pressure. Those. the body asks us to pay attention to it.

We address, but try to get rid of these insistent requests as quickly as possible - to visit a doctor first, feed the body with pills, injections, synthetic vitamins, we are even ready to spend part of our money (wealth) on all these events, sometimes we decide to lead a healthy lifestyle and even we begin to do gymnastics, running or other physical exercises, but gradually our enthusiasm disappears somewhere and most of us return to the old way of life again. As a result, our diseases become chronic.

Again, I repeat - health requires our attention, and attention takes time. Because You need to maintain health all the time - eat right, breathe right, give your body at least some physical activity and movement, maintain a good mood and think positive thoughts (i.e. set yourself up to receive positive thoughts). And this also requires our attention and expenditure of personal time.

4. I myself (I myself).

That's right, that's right. Of course, in my life the most valuable thing in my life is myself, and in yours it is you.

But what does it mean? Satisfy your ever-renewing desires? At the same time, do not pay attention to your companions and family members? Live pleasing your body?

I believe that if a person loves himself, he has already embodied all 3 previous points in his life and devotes time to his interests. Finds a job that interests him. Then we can say that a person really loves himself. We live as long as we are interested in living.

You just need to remember that no one, except ourselves, will present you with variants of your case on a silver platter. We must do this ourselves.

5. Time.

Come to the last point.

This time. It is an essential component of our life, our happiness.

We live as if we have an unlimited supply of this time, so we can refuse to play with the child once again, because we want to watch another film about someone else's life, saturated with passions and adrenaline, instead of information useful to our soul and body, we read another detective , instead of walking with children in nature, we can go to visit or receive guests with the obligatory abundance of dishes and alcohol, and then for several days we will put our health in order.

How often do I hear from friends, girlfriends, just acquaintances - "I don't have time for myself." "I don't have money for myself." "I have no…"

And indeed - look around - a person has nothing for himself. But not because it doesn't exist, just reality begins to correspond to our words, our beliefs.

What is persuasion? This is just a statement repeated many, many times.

I grew up in a poor family, at school I had a school uniform, and at home I had a dressing gown. For the summer, my godmother sewed a pair of cotton dresses for me. I had girlfriends who constantly discussed the style of the dresses that were sewn for them for the next holiday. These conversations made me uncomfortable. I just kept quiet.

Once I got a lesson, I watched how one woman - a pensioner complained about how poor we, pensioners, were, and complained to an employee of the institution that provided her a service with a salary 2 times lower than her pension. And this employee said - and we also work all day for 3,500 rubles, and spend money on travel there and back.

A long time ago, when I was still working at my favorite job, the favorite topic for employees was the topic of lack of money, and those who had a salary much higher than mine and who had wealthy husbands complained more.

I know how people who are provided with much less money feel, but at the same time they are somehow ashamed to complain about the shortage.

I didn’t like to complain before, but after this incident I stopped talking about the fact that I don’t have enough money.

And also I don't support the topic lack of time.

I somehow have enough, I do what I like, I read a lot, I wrote a book, I posted it on the Internet.

People from various countries come to my site, in LiveInternet statistics there is a list of more than 40 specific countries and one country under the mysterious name “Others”, from various continents - Europe, Asia, America, Australia, even recently there was a visitor from Africa.

When I first started running my site, I thought that people over the age of 45 would read me. It turned out that this is only one third of my readers, the rest are younger, and even very young people come to my site.

At the same time, my pension is enough to pay for the Internet and for the site and domain.

Although I will not hide, I had such an idea that you can earn on the product of your labor. But, apparently, there is some feeling in me that prevents me from doing this, in any case, I earned no more than 20% of the funds spent on the site and domain.

I don't have recipes for how to make the best use of our time.

Let's just remember the value of time and spend it on tasks, constantly appearing in our lives, while avoiding excess.

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What is the most valuable thing in life?

Each of us has an answer to this question. Someone first of all will call family, someone work, someone health. Ideas about the main life values ​​guide our actions, aspirations, determine our life path ... Have you ever thought about what is most dear to you?

The system of value orientations characterizes a person's worldview, determines his attitude to the world around him, to other people, to himself, and forms the basis of his "philosophy of life". As a person matures and develops, the hierarchy of his values ​​changes, just as he himself changes.

Briefly about the main

The list of the main values ​​of a person, as a rule, includes family, stable financial situation, career, confidence in the future, friendship, aesthetic and spiritual values, self-realization and personal development, love, health, youth. But everyone prioritizes differently. Which of them come to the fore depends largely on the age, social status and even gender of the person.

The “female” value system differs in many ways from the “male” one. If for men the dominant life guide is a career, then for the fair sex it is the family. This is largely due to the traditions and stereotypes that have developed in society. After all, women who managed to create their own “cell of society”, refusing to try to build a career, are perceived by others as a common phenomenon, but if the situation is the other way around, then this is already considered a kind of deviation from the norm. Failure to meet society's expectations causes a woman's overt or underlying sense of inferiority. Those around him also add fuel to the fire - friends, relatives, trying to instruct the "negligent" careerist on the "true path". As a result, a woman either, under pressure from her parents, starts a family, or goes her own way, but others look at her as a white crow and a loser. Thus, society can impose on us some values ​​that are not characteristic of us. However, life circumstances can do the same thing - in this case it is customary to talk about the so-called "forced values". For example, when a young girl by chance becomes pregnant and starts a family, although she is not mentally ready for this, the family becomes a forced value for her - at least until she adapts to a new role.

Health and youth also become forced values ​​- when a person reaches old age. While he is young and full of energy, he takes this state for granted, without thinking about how valuable it is, if an illness overtakes him (for example, a typically female mastopathy ) or the mirror begins to inexorably remind of the past years, then health and an attempt to keep the elusive beauty are at the forefront of the value system. By the way, beauty and youth as a value are also a typical hallmark of the female hierarchy of priorities.

Continue reading in the post "Age life crises" (page 2)

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