Find brown coal when growing wheat. The effectiveness of the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for agricultural crops in the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region Vasily Ivanovich prosyannikov. Influence of oxidized coals on soil properties

To revive the fertility of the soil, to grow a cow - care and time are needed.
The earth, like a cow, must be fed - otherwise there will be neither bread nor milk.

This is how we lived and live, not knowing about it. what care for the earth is. first of all, the creation of a food base for soil animals - the main reproducers of soil fertility, that is, for worms. Previously, intuitively (on a hunch), such a logical connection in the technology of cultivating the land is now consciously recognized. Awareness of this led to a new technology of reproduction and a sharp increase in soil fertility.

When sending out my "Biotechnology for cultivating worms" to customers, I ask them to inform me about achievements and failures, share their experience in cultivating land, crop yields, especially on lands fertilized with vermicompost Schervecompost). In response, hundreds of letters were received from them, which presented a wide range of methods and examples of improving the soil, increasing its fertility, using varietal seeds and methods of their preparation, sowing dates, plant care technologies, etc., etc. And this is from the entire territory of the former USSR.

From the letters, the following technology for the rapid revival of soil fertility emerges, which is practically acceptable for many regions.

In Rus', potatoes are the second bread. Therefore, peasants, farmers and summer residents pay much attention to its cultivation. The success of a business is different for everyone and the work expended does not always pay off, for others. on the contrary, the results are encouraging. This is easy to understand - after all, the conditions (land, its quality and labor) are different for everyone.

Many farmers, after harvesting, cover the land with improvised organic matter who has what; manure or compost, or straw, or hay, or sawdust, shavings, fallen leaves from the forest, or a mixture of these materials or other organic matter mixed with peat, sapropel, etc.). The success of the yield is directly related to the amount of such organic matter, it should be sent out on the ground for the first time with a layer of 5-10 cm. But this technique is not strictly required, but desirable. Under a layer of this mulch, the soil cools more slowly and the introduced organic matter continues to be processed by microbes and worms into humus fertilizer. This process continues in many regions even in winter, until the soil freezes completely. In the spring, after the snow cover melts, the soil warms up quickly and the process of decomposition of organic matter and its transformation into humus resumes. The earth remains loose, air- and water-permeable, the life of the soil community of animals, the main reproducers of soil fertility, is rapidly developing in it. As with other pets, you must prepare food for them not only for the whole winter, but also for the spring, until it reproduces naturally. So for soil worms, food must be introduced into the soil so much that it is enough until the next autumn. Only in this case the soil will be fertile, provided with the necessary amount of all plant nutrients.

Other farmers, instead of harvesting dry organic materials for their introduction into the soil, use the cultivation of green fertilizers - green manure. In autumn, after harvesting, they sow rye with oats and vetch. If the autumn is warm, then until November they are green, shoots can be quite plentiful, and in winter they contribute to snow retention. In spring, the entire herbage is embedded in the soil and the worms and microflora are thus provided with food for the whole summer, and the soil is enriched with humus.

And here is the advice of V. Alubin from the Ryazan region. Given the fact that potatoes are an indispensable crop, they are sometimes grown year after year in the same place. After a few years, the yield of potatoes drops significantly, despite the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

To keep the potato yield at a high level, he sows half of the plot with cereals (rye, barley, wheat). Planting potatoes in the second half. Then he swaps them. It turns out something like a mini-crop rotation. Cereals can be harvested for green fodder for livestock, they can be dug up. In this case, the yield of potatoes practically does not decrease, but remains at the level of the whole plot, as if it were not sown with cereals. In addition, potatoes are disease-free and resistant to soil pests. This method of planting potatoes not only allows V. Alubin to save the harvest, but also to get potatoes of excellent quality.

Still others prefer the production (harvesting) of a large amount of compost and biohumus (worm compost). The technique is given in this book. But many adapted it to their conditions and supplemented it with their own characteristics and agrobiological methods in order to obtain high yields of potatoes.

For example, I will refer to Vladimir Polikarpov, a vegetable grower. His note "Potatoes under the" cap "is published in the journal "New Farmer" since the spring of 1995.) He learned to grow unprecedented yields of tasty and healthy potatoes using a large amount of worm compost.

To obtain compost, he chooses a site with good approaches to it. The diameter of the site is 3 m. He harvests compost all year round. In winter, it mows down marsh vegetation (cattail, reeds, reeds and everything above ice), which, with a small weight, gives a large volume. In the spring, he lays the foundation; 50 cm layer of swamp vegetation, then a layer of turf, black soil, dolomite or chalk, ash, and even peat - all mixing. On top of this layer, he lays hay, grass, tree leaves, coniferous litter. moss, brushwood, sawdust, shavings and other organic materials. Then he pours a layer of sand up to 5 cm and, after watering, puts earthworms in there. Heap height by the end of summer reaches up to 2 m or more. Every 60 cm of height, the layers are repeated. The compost heap stands for a whole year, accessible to all winds, rain and sun. In his opinion, it is a fertilizer factory and a collection of all waste from the garden, kitchen, etc. The main producers of biohumus in it are worms. They are plant growth stimulants.

Now about the main thing, about potatoes. He recommends picking tubers for planting in the fall; by weight. form, quality, taste, attitude to diseases and pests. He tested many varieties (from Russia, America, Israel, Holland, etc.). He does not give preference to any variety, since each has its own characteristics.

In autumn, after digging, he washes the selected tubers with ash infusion (1 kg of ash per bucket of water). C Note; this alkaline solution is the best way to disinfect potatoes from a viral infection. A.I.). After that, he rinses the potatoes with plain water and lays them out for 7 days in the sun. Stores seeds in the cellar at 2-3°C.

In the spring, 30-40 days before planting, the tubers are laid out to warm up in the light.
He has been digging up the land since autumn. After harrowing in the spring, he makes a groove with a hoe into which he lays potatoes. The distance between the tubers is 10-25 cm and between the furrows is 20-50 cm. Each tuber falls asleep with one bucket of compost.

With this method, he gets unprecedented yields of potatoes (30-35 bags per hundred), unusually tasty, healthy, not losing their nutritional qualities until the next harvest. There is no need to fight the Colorado potato beetle - it is afraid of healthy plants like fire, its element is frail, unkempt plantings.

In Russia, there are basically two types of plots. The first one, where potatoes are planted for many years in a row due to the impossibility of crop rotation, is a small area. The second type of plot is recently obtained, still uncultivated.

At the first, the potatoes have already pulled everything out, and the harvest is low. On the second, the fate of the crop is generally in question. V. Polikarpov's method was tested by him and many others and is suitable in both cases and for many regions.

Among the letters there are also those that report on the revival of soil fertility in summer cottages using biohumus in combination with mineral (chemical) fertilizers. At the same time, routine work is added up in the following scheme. Since autumn, the soil is loosened with a rake and weeds are destroyed. On the land prepared in this way, it is necessary to apply 500 kg of humus from a greenhouse mixed with 10 kg of double superphosphate, 3 kg of potassium chloride and 2 kg of potassium magnesia by sieving for each hundred square meters of land. Then it is all plowed to a depth of 25 cm.

Repeat this operation in the spring. The soil becomes loose. Potatoes are planted from May 1 to May 10 in holes 22 cm deep, at the bottom of each hole it is advisable to give 1-1.5 cups of a fertilizer mixture consisting of 10 liters of humus, 0.5 liters of ash. 1 st. a spoonful of double superphosphate. 0.5 cups of nitroammophoska and 0.5 cups of potassium magnesia. landing scheme; row spacing 50-55 cm, distance between tubers in a row 20-23 cm. After that, fill the holes with humus by 3-4 cm.

Planting care, many of the farmers begin at a plant height of 10 cm. They spray them in the evening with a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate, and at the beginning of budding - with a 0.3% solution of ammonium nitrate. in which one tablet of microfertilizers per 10 liters of water is added.

Potato growers in Transcarpathia use an aqueous solution of superphosphate and potassium magnesia for foliar feeding of plants in order to accelerate the formation and maturation of tubers. During the growing season, 2-3 such irrigations are carried out from a hose with a sprinkler.

The results are excellent up to 1600 kg of selected potatoes per hundred.
Scientist - potato grower Alexander Korshunov (female Novyi gardener and farmer. 1996. N 1) also recommends adding the necessary amount of macro- and microelements to the soil in the form of organic and mineral fertilizers and ash to get a good potato harvest.

Directly under the potatoes in the spring when digging, he made compost at the rate of 500 kg per hundred square meters. Of the mineral fertilizers, the following were used: urea - 1.1 kg, double superphosphate - 4.3 kg, potassium chloride - 4.0 kg per hundred square meters. He applied fertilizers randomly, followed by embedding to a depth of 18-20 cm.
In his opinion, the gardener must firmly grasp; only on cultivated soil is a generous return on every kilogram of mineral fertilizers achieved. On poorly cultivated soil (for example, with high acidity), chemical fertilizers can even have a negative effect.

He planted prepared (sprouted and green) potatoes with row spacing of 85 cm at a distance between tubers in a row of 25-50 cm.

The planting density in this case is 470 pieces per hundred square meters. Plants in rows close quickly and suppress weeds themselves. And in wide aisles, the tops close later, the leaves work more productively for the harvest, and it is easier for the potato grower to carry out high hilling.

He harvested his crop at the end of the first decade of September. Using varieties of Soviet selection, in the conditions of the Moscow region, it was possible to collect 1575 kg of high-quality tubers from each hundred square meters of a summer cottage in 1995. The harvest was "self - 35", Potato marketability 95%.

Gardeners sometimes have a desire to make the land fertile in one or two seasons. Is it possible? It turned out - it is possible.

For example, for the formation of a winter wheat crop of 50 c/ha during its intensive growth, the daily requirement is more than 200 kg/ha of CO2. About 70% of this amount is provided by CO2 entering the surface air layer during the mineralization of humus, organic fertilizers and plant residues.

People's expert Pyotr Matveyevich Ponomarev (Tashkent) grew 250-500 centners of wheat and barley per hectare on his plot (of course, in terms of ha). But in order to grow such a super crop, it is necessary that there is a lot of humus and other plant nutrients in the soil. P.M. Ponomarev came up with the idea to use brown coal as a carbon fertilizer. It contains a set of nutrients that are essential for plants. A ton of such coal contains carbon -720-760 kg. hydrogen - 40-60, oxygen - 190-200. nitrogen - 15-17. sulfur - 2-3 kg. many humic acids and other trace elements.

Coal milled into flour is introduced into the soil, where it is successfully processed by bacteria and subsequently turns into a nutrient medium for plants. It is better to introduce coal dust from autumn along with rotted manure or other organic matter in a total amount of at least 1 ton per 100 square meters.

Instead of coal, slates can be used in the ratio of 200 kg of coal (shale) to 800 kg of compost (40% moisture).

Such use of coal and shale allowed Ponomarev to accumulate up to 2% of humus in the soil layer, which ensured high yields of not only cereals, but also vegetable crops, for example, potatoes collected 20 bags per hundred square meters of land (Yuri Slashchinin: "20 bags of potatoes from each hundred parts". S.P. 1995).

Vladimir Petrovich Ushakov, an agricultural engineer by education, has devoted more than 40 years to agriculture. He summarized the results of his research in the Moscow region in his brochures "Should Agricultural Technology Be Reasonable", Vladivostok, 1989? "Yields can and should be increased fivefold in one year." Moscow, 1991. They set out the basic rules of a new, reasonable (organic) farming technology developed by him. The author, on the basis of experimental data, convinces readers - farmers that the rejection of the vicious, currently used technology and the transition to a reasonable (organic) one in the first year gives a five-fold increase in productivity for all crops without exception. In the future, with proper care of the land, perhaps, in his opinion, a tenfold or greater increase in productivity. For example, the yield of potatoes on his plot has been 1,400 q/ha for many years.

On his plots, he did not contribute anything except manure and compost. He could not find the necessary mineral fertilizers (in particular, microelements and others), and for known reasons he did not use pesticides consciously. Therefore, the products turned out to be environmentally friendly, and potatoes, during the most common storage under the floor in ordinary bins from boards, of course, did not rot at all and were preserved until the new harvest. The reason is that the annual increase in humus in the soil of his plots was 0.5%. This surprises many scientists - no one has ever observed such an increase in humus per year, and there is only one reason for this; no one in our country has ever dealt with the living matter of the soil, which creates humus. Meanwhile, it is rapidly multiplying on his plots (and only on them) with reasonable (organic) technology. Here are just a few of the data he received from VIUA at the end of 1985: at the site where manure was scattered and work was carried out according to the old technology, there were 77,000 denitrifiers per gram of soil, nitrifiers - 16,000, fiber destroyers - 23,000; in the same places where reasonable technology was used and manure was applied in heaps, after eight years these microorganisms became many times more, namely, "920,000 denitrifiers, 260,000 nitrifiers, and 2,000,000 fiber destroyers. During the same time, the number of worms in the soil of these plots If before the start of work (in 1985) there were an average of 5 individuals per square meter of soil, and after the same 8 years there were already more than 200. Annually, the number of worms increased by 24 individuals per square meter. the reason for the sharp increase in the amount of humus in the soil up to 5 percent in 8 years.

But it also happened that V.P. Ushakov did not have manure. Then he prepared and applied compost, that is, a mixture of various organic waste (grass, leaves, tops, kitchen waste, etc.). Prepared compost like this; all the waste was grown in a layer 20 centimeters thick, in the form of a bed 1.5-2 m wide, watered the bed with water from a watering can and covered it with a film. Every 2-3 days, opening the film, loosening and watering, and then again covered with a film. I continued this work for about three weeks before starting the preparation of the soil. During this time, a huge number of worms appeared in the compost. They processed organic matter into humus - food for plants.

The basis of the compost was the waste from the garden and experimental plots. For example, corn produced a maximum of 28 kg of silage per square meter (that is, in terms of 900 centners of fodder units per hectare, and not 50, which are now obtained on collective farm fields); sunflower yielded a maximum of 22 kg/m2. The stalks of these crops, as well as corn cobs and sunflower baskets, after removing grains from them, were placed in a compost heap, as well as potato tops, which reached a height of up to 1.5 meters with an average weight of 6.5 kg / m2 - straw was collected up to 4 kg / m2 "As it turned out, this fully compensated for the missing organic matter in the soil and made it possible to increase the humus content of the soil from year to year.

V.P. Ushakov harvested cereals when the grain had a waxy ripeness and was easily peeled from the ears, but did not crumble. Grain yields varied; the highest was given by winter rye with a maximum of 1.88 kg/m2, barley - 1.6, wheat - 1.5 and oats - 1.4. From one plant - a bush, from 10 to 25 ears were collected, each of which gave about 3 g of grains; according to the usual technology, no more than three spikelets with lean grains were collected, the weight of which in one spikelet did not exceed one gram. That is why the reasonable technology gave yields from "CAM-450" to "CAM-700", and according to the generally used one, it was "CAM-16" as much as possible.

Each stalk of corn, which reached a height of three meters (annually), had 1-2 ears. The average weight of the cob was about 400 g, and the grains in it were about 175 g, about 3.5 kg of grains were collected per square meter.

The introduction of organic farming on their plots is now widely used by summer residents and farmers in almost all regions of Russia. Over the past four summer seasons, the yield of vegetables on their lands has risen 8-10 times (potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.). But they are especially pleased with the high quality of the grown vegetables (excellent shelf life and high resistance to diseases in potatoes, beets, carrots, etc.), berries and fruits. They believe in the power of organic farming and consider it unnecessary to use large doses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on their plots of land. The author wishes them further success in reviving and increasing the fertility of the soil of their lands and expresses confidence in the transition to organic farming of all farmers. Only this will improve the soil and water. feed and food, animals and people.
The author is very pleased with reports from the northern regions of the Tyumen region (Surgut, Megion, Langepas, Nefteyugansk), Tomsk region (Strezhevoi, Kolpashevo), Yakutia (Yakutsk, Mirny, Churapcha, Neryungri, etc.). Magadan region (Magadan, Yagodnoye), Kamchatka (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yelizovo). They say that the use of biohumus (worm compost) allows local farmers to grow almost all the necessary vegetables: radishes, salads, carrots, beets, potatoes, onions. many berries: blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.) and provide themselves with vitamin products until the new harvest.

From this it follows that agriculture with the help of organic fertilizers can and should be promoted to the northern regions of Russia and grow the necessary food and feed products in sufficient quantities there.

There is another interesting thought: the true polymineral fertilizer for plants is probably granite (ground into flour). This assumption comes from the idea of ​​V.I. Vernadsky about the granite shell as a region of former biospheres. According to Vernadsky, biogenic rocks undergo metamorphism from the biosphere. "The granite shell of the earth is the region of former biospheres." (Vernadsky V.I. Problems of biogeochemistry. - Proceedings of BIOGEL. GEOKHI. USSR Academy of Sciences, issue 16, p. 215).
It remains unknown how effective it will be. Another thing is known: on granite slabs, boulders, clear imprints of the plant root system are sometimes visible, which means that the enzymes of the plant root system are able to dissolve the structure of granite and use it as a source of mineral nutrition.

* Technology of the Sumerians, Indians - CARBON charcoal. It is carbon-coal, not ash, - it's burnt oxidized carbon = just lye - soap. These are vegetables without nitrates and diseases for 4000 years, make a layer of soil 70cm thick, a mixture of 10-30% charcoal with local soil. These are houses and barns for bacteria. And even in the tundra, apple trees will bloom. These are the best nanotechnologies of ancient civilizations.

coal genus - sugar for soil bacteria. *But the most important thing that soil scientists did not know is that when wood is burned in this way , at temperatures 400-500 degrees, wood resins do not burn out, but harden and cover the pores of charcoal with a thin layer. The same hardened resins have a high ion exchange capacity. Those. an ion of some substance easily joins them and then is not washed away even by rains. However, he may be absorbed by plant roots or hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi.

Numerous bacteria living on the roots of plants secrete enzymes that capable of dissolving soil minerals. The resulting ions quickly attached to cured resin charcoal, and plants can already, as needed, these ions from coal "shoot" with one's roots , i.e. eat. *Anthracite contains 95% carbon, hard coal 75-95% carbon, brown coal 65-70% carbon. Charcoal, oil, gas. * Stops Rotten Corruption of Teeth, if you clean them daily with linden charcoal powder and rinse with cold water. * Patent number - 2111195.- Carbohumic fertilizer contains brown coal and additive, which is used as a waste of biochemical production based on microbial synthesis in an amount of 1-10% by weight of brown coal. *But what to do when you need to get a super-harvest? It was then that Ponomarev had the idea to use as carbon fertilizer... coal . For example, a ton of Angren coal contains: carbon - 720 - 760 kg, hydrogen - 40 - 50, oxygen - 190 - 200, nitrogen - 15 - 17 kg, sulfur - 2 - 3 kg and a number of microelements important for plant life. The coal ground into dust is applied to the soil, where it is successfully processed by bacteria and then turns into a nutrient medium for plants. *Charcoal is to bacteria what sugar is to humans. * In the Moscow region, Vladimir Petrovich Ushakov, a follower and ally of Ponomarev, cultivated and collected per ton of potatoes per hundred . * Brown coal (carbon) will save Russia from starvation. Results: from one grain grew by 40-50 stalks of wheat. The leaves are almost two fingers wide, the stems are thick, strong. The ears are tightly stuffed with large grains. Here it is - a fantastic harvest. * Living matter lives in a thin layer of soil, deep from 5 to 15 cm. It is this thin layer 10cm created all life on all land, wrote V.I. Vernadsky. Why from 5 cm? Because the top layer serves as a kind of integumentary crust. There is little living matter in it - due to solar radiation and temperature difference. The upper layer of 8-10 cm provides life for aerobic bacteria, and the lower 10-15 cm for anaerobic, for which the air is destructive. *Booklet: V.I.Dianova " 672c potatoes per hectare in a dry year. 1947 edition. - "The number of bacteria in the soil is highly shrinks over the winter and especially in early spring recovers only by the end of June. The simplest bacterial fertilizer can be a small amount of good garden land (2-3kg per 100m2), taken for the winter at room temperature and kept wet. Under these conditions, beneficial bacteria not only overwinter, but also multiply. In the spring such land and scatter over the site and immediately close up. " * Nitric acid, reacting with the mineral compounds of the soil, turns into salts of nitric acid, which are well absorbed by plants. * Without oxygen and carbon, nitrogen is not converted into digestible forms(nitrification), acids that dissolve phosphorus, potassium do not work and other elements. B without channels of earthworms, into the soil water (internal dew) is not sucked in, microbes, worms and insects do not live. * Nitrification - transformation air nitrogen to nitrate. Do bacteria, nitric acid, in the presence of carbon. *Useful rock-eaters.- These microorganisms are so called because, literally words "eat" stones, coal, sand. And since you already know that microbes don't have a mouth and other digestive organs familiar to us, they “eat” due to the fact that they first secrete enzymes from themselves, which make stones, sand, concrete and, of course, any kind of organic matter their food. It is they who remain the most numerous on earth. Professor E.Ya.Vinogradov. Evgeniy Yakovlevich has been studying rock-cutters all his life and has developed a technology for fast, cost-effective and mass production of which animal protein. And before him, since 1940, professor V.G. Aleksandrov from the Odessa Agricultural Institute dealt with the problem of using "stone-eaters". And before them there were many researchers. Scientifically, these bacteria are called silicate. Because they create their own biomass by assimilating phosphorus, potassium and silicon from the corresponding minerals, and carbon and nitrogen from the atmosphere. In our soil, materials containing phosphorus will last bacteria for 600 years, potassium - for 200. The same applies to silicon. Silica is the most common material, it will last for billions of years. Propagate "stone-eaters" in your gardens, in orchards, on the fields of farms. Moreover, silicate "stone-eaters"", like Azotobacter (nodule bacteria), form and secrete a stimulant into the soil plant root growth - heteroauxin. In general, on the soil where "stone-eaters" breed, plants sprout together, differ in strength and height of growth and more accelerated ripening of the crop. * And I just watered the bed diluted sour milk, - admitted Nick, smiling slyly, - and the harvest received the most. It should be so. Because cellulose is destroyed lactic acid bacteria. And I already watered the beds with the remnants of the mash. What effect? Great! Everything grew - by leaps and bounds, now in the literal sense. Given that The main components of EO are yeast and lactic acid bacteria, which are already enough in the soil and around us, we suggest using the usual sugar-yeast mash.* In a 200-liter container (barrel) is placed, 1 liter of whey, 3 liters of mash, any organic matter, a shovel of sand, 300g of sugar. Leave for 1 week and use. * As a result, it turns out that on the earth "not the best" nitrogen will last for a period of 35 to 70 years. And on the black earth - from 120 to 260 years. Just don't think that nitrogen-fixing bacteria live only on the roots of legumes. They live wherever there is FOOD and conditions for them. And it contributes to the strengthening of the process of nitrogen fixation a large amount of light(do not shade plants) and application potassium superphosphate. As carbon compounds used to use coking coal, but already a quarter of a century ago it replaced cheaper oil and especially gas. *Chemical composition of "granulated sugar" per 100g.- Carbohydrates-99.8g, iron - 0.3 mg, potassium - 3 mg, calcium - 2.0 mg, sodium - 1.0 mg, water - 0.1 g ... Calorie content 374.3 kcal. * Top dressing with sugar. For a pot with a diameter of 10 cm 1-2 teaspoon of granulated sugar. Sand is poured onto the surface of the earth before watering. once a week. Referring to the experiments of the authoritative Michurinists M.P. Arkadyeva, K.V. Solovyova and others - home methods of fertilization. *Even the ancient Sumerians used coal ( but not ashes- this is already alkali) woody as a fertilizer and received a crop 5-10 times more than modern ones. *In 1921, crushed charcoal was used. However, the German cactus grower Rudolf Suhr observed that when rooted cacti are transplanted from charcoal into the ground, delicate species quickly lose their roots. The thought came to him that this could be prevented if the plants were left in the corner and skillfully feed them. *Charcoal is excellent antiseptic and natural natural fertilizer, prevents the process of decay, regulates soil moisture, absorbs salts. In addition, coal absorbs water and minerals, giving them to the plant as the soil dries. Also positive qualities are the fact that it is light, porous, neutral, inert. Using charcoal as drainage, it is laid on the bottom of the pot with a layer of 2 cm. A layer of 1 cm coals with a fraction of 2-5 mm is also poured on top. *Charcoal is classified in the system of standards (GOST) - GOST 7657-84. Charcoal is registered as a food coloring under the code E153. Coal is fine antiseptic for plant roots and carbon fertilizer. Blacksmith forges worked on charcoal. The most common methods of obtaining were heap and pit charcoal. The homeland of the industrial production of charcoal should be considered the Urals. Demidov iron foundry rose just on charcoal. All the famous gratings and other types of cast iron that adorned St. Petersburg were made in the Urals. Unlike firewood, with proper ignition, it does not give smoke and flame. *Depending on the raw materials used, charcoal of grades A (highest grade), B and C is produced. In order for wood to turn into coal, it needs to undergo a pyrolysis process, decomposition without air access. *During the Bronze Age, charcoal became one of the pillars of a developing culture. It was made from smoldering smut and used like a fuel which does not cause intoxication of a person . Today, around the world produce about 9 million tons of charcoal per year. The lion's share of production falls on Brazil, about 7.5 million tons. Russia, despite the large amount of timber, produces about 350 thousand tons per year. The offer does not cover the demand, That's why coal is imported to Russia from Ukraine, China, Belarus. Charcoal consumption per capita in Russia is less than 100gr in year. At the same time, the average European spends over 20kg coal per year, the Japanese - more than 60 kg per year. For example, in Brazil, thanks to charcoal, cast iron is produced. Such cast iron does not contain elements of phosphorus and sulfur, which fall into it during use. coal coke, and the consumption of coal is only 0.5 tons per ton of pig iron. Cast iron obtained from charcoal is stronger and indestructible. According to the requirements of GOST, there are several grades of charcoal: "A", "B" and "C". They differ in the type of wood decomposed without air access in special apparatuses. So, brand "A" is obtained from hardwood,"B" - from a mixture of hard and soft hardwood, "C" - from a mixture of hard, soft hardwood and softwood. *With proper temperature management, in such modern equipment 1 kg of charcoal can be obtained from 3-4 kg of wood.

*Birch charcoal is considered the most useful : it treats diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, including infectious ones, it is used for atherosclerosis, ischemia, arthritis and allergies. *Lime charcoal is used for colds, prostatitis and nephrolithiasis. * Oak charcoal treats diarrhea, normalizes intraocular, intracranial and arterial pressure. * Pine charcoal is used for diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and cancer. * Pine charcoal helps with arthritis, radiculitis, relieves muscle pain. *Aspen charcoal is used to treat colitis, inflammation of the appendages, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. *When rooting plant cuttings in water, it is very useful to throw a piece of charcoal into the water Coal inhibits the development of bacteria and reduces the likelihood of cuttings rotting.*Many growers add charcoal to the substrate when transplanting plants with tender roots that easily rot from damage. * Most pests avoid plants that have been treated with a solution of coal or fertilized with its ash: they do not like the smell of charcoal, and inorganic compounds have a detrimental effect on them reproductive ability. *Before the arrival of Europeans in South America, the Indians of the Amazon Basin made charcoal and fertilized their red and yellow infertile tropical soils. This, blackened (terra preta) earth, even now (almost 2000 years later) continues to be fertile. *The secret of fertility lies in the fact that charcoal, due to its porous structure, becomes a home for microorganisms, increasing their numbers in the soil, and providing them with a kind of protection.

*This figure shows samples of growing plants with charcoal (right) and without it (center). On the left - charcoal enriched with nitrogen. Grows well and adding lime to coal.

*In 1541 a detachment of Spanish conquistodors, led by Francisco de Orellana, set sail down the Amazon from a tributary of the river in what is now Peru. In total they sailed more than 5 thousand kilometers with stops along the banks of the river, sometimes moving inland. However, from numerous tropical diseases soon they almost all died. However, Orellana survived and returned to Spain. After his death, he left diaries in which he reported that on this expedition they saw a huge country, with a large population, huge cities, interconnected by good unmade roads through the jungle, with markets, abundant foodstuffs and numerous items made of gold. Orellana named this country El Dorado (Eldorado).

*** At first, the attention of soil scientists (and among them the first was Wim Sombroek from Holland) was attracted by patches of extraordinarily fertile land in Peru, which the Indians called Terra Preta, which in Spanish means Black Earth. The fact is that the lands in the Amazon (like all tropical lands) are very infertile. These are red and yellow soils with a large amount of oxides of aluminum and other metals (the so-called oxysols), where almost nothing grows(from agricultural crops), except for rare local weeds. However, the lands of Terra Preta were very black and were extraordinarily fertile. They gave (and still give) a good harvest even without any fertilizers. This land turned out to be so good that the local farmers began to export it like soil for flower pots. When Wim Sombroek came to Peru and began to explore this land, local farmers told him an even more amazing thing: that the top layer of earth that they removed from Terra Preta (about 20 cm) in 20 years is completely restored by itself. Sombroeck made measurements of the thickness of the earth (and this turned out to be an average 70 cm) and in the future this fact was confirmed: the land of Terra Preta itself is restored. Recovery rate - 1 cm per year. It is also surprising that this black earth is very fertile, and the red or yellow earth just a few tens of meters from it is almost completely barren. When a chemical analysis of these lands was carried out, it turned out that they are absolutely identical in chemical terms. composition. And geological analysis has shown that these soils have the same geological origin. There was only one difference: the black earth contained charcoal in abundance, from 10% to 30%. It has been suggested that these black soils are of anthropogenic origin. Radiocarbon analysis showed that the age of this coal is more than 2000 years. Therefore, an ancient civilization existed at this place! Later, in the Amazon basin, it was discovered 20 large plots of Terra Preta land, and many small ones, with a total area equal to squares of France.*According to scientists, about 3 million people. It was an advanced civilization with a complex social structure. Where has civilization gone? According to scientists, the expedition of Francisco de Orellana brought with him the Indians of the Amazon viruses,to which the Indians had no immunity, and therefore soon Indians died from a mass epidemic . Then the jungle quickly occupied this territory. Therefore, already 100 years after Orellan, the Europeans did not discover anything. However, modern photographs from aircraft made it possible to see that all these Terra Preta patches are interconnected by numerous roads, which the Indians laid in the jungle with the help of embankments, and which then, after the death of civilization, were quickly absorbed by the jungle. Radiocarbon analysis showed that some areas have for 4000 or more years. However, interest in Terra Preta is growing more and more all over the world. Why are these plots of fertile land even now, after 4000 years remain fertile even without fertilization, either organic or mineral? To date, it has been found out that the Indians added ordinary charcoal to the ground, which they received from trees growing in abundance in the jungle. Charcoal is chemically inert. Why does it give such a strange effect - makes the soil fertile for millennia, and even without any fertilizers? *Charcoal is produced by slow (cold) combustion of wood at limited access to oxygen. The coal obtained in this way has the following properties: 1. It is chemically inert and therefore can lie in the ground millennia without decay. 2. Has high absorption, i.e. Maybe absorb excess, for example, aluminum oxides, which are very abundant in tropical soils, and which strongly suppress plant root growth. 3. It has a large porosity and, as a result, a huge total surface area, if the surface of the pores is also considered. *But the most important thing that soil scientists did not know is that when wood is burned in this way , at temperatures 400-500 degrees, wood resins do not burn out, but harden and cover the pores of charcoal with a thin layer. The same hardened resins have a high ion exchange capacity. Those. an ion of some substance easily joins them and then is not washed away even by rains. However, he may be absorbed by plant roots or hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi. Numerous bacteria living on the roots of plants secrete enzymes that capable of dissolving soil minerals. The resulting ions quickly attached to cured resin charcoal, and plants can already, as needed, these ions from coal "shoot" with one's roots , i.e. eat. In addition, many substances necessary for plants enter the soil along with rains, and this is also a considerable amount. Especially a lot in nitrogen rains, which is also not washed out of the soil, but captured by charcoal. As a result, all together it turns out that such soil is able to feed all the plants on its own, without any fertilizers. The only fertilizer you need is charcoal. Numerous experiments have been done to study the effect of charcoal on soil fertility. These experiments are still going on. The results were stunning. * Taken, for example 3 plots tropical soil. 1, - control. 2,- chemical fertilizers. 3,- charcoal + chemical fertilizers. Yield on plot charcoal + chemical fertilizer outperforms on plot just with chemicals fertilizers 3-4 times. There is another important advantage: since coal does not decompose in the ground, then it is removed from the atmosphere for a long time. But there is another major advantage: Designed and patented method how to get charcoal enriched from wood and nitrogen. * A few pieces of charcoal can be crushed with a mortar into powder, poured into a small jar and use later as "iodine" for disinfection of sections in plants. *Intensive growth of wheat, potatoes, etc. 90-100 days during this time on every hectare about 20,000 kg of CO2 will be absorbed by plants, of which 70% or 14000 kg, must come from the soil. And who fertilizes 1 hectare of soil with 14 tons of carbon, only America, Europe, Canada, the Chinese are now teaching this to starving Africa. And in Russia, coal, oil, gas, charcoal, as fertilizers are used only for flowers, and the Chinese in Siberia surprise everyone with their harvests. * Carbon C (carboneum).- Occurs in nature in the form of crystals of diamond, graphite or fullerene and other forms and is part of organic (coal, oil, gas, animal and plant organisms, etc.) and inorganic substances (limestone, baking soda , and etc.). Carbon is widespread but its content the earth's crust is only 0.19%, in the air 0.0314%. * The very name "graphite", derived from the Greek word meaning "to write" proposed by A. Werner in 1789. *Amorphous forms of carbon that do not form crystals include charcoal. *Carbon has the unique ability to form a huge number of compounds that can be composed of a virtually unlimited number of carbon atoms. The variety of carbon compounds determined the emergence of one of the main sections of chemistry - organic chemistry. Carbon on the Sun is the 4th largest after hydrogen, helium and oxygen. *In order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, scientists suggest that plant residues generated as waste from the forest industry and agriculture should not be burned, but turned into charcoal, which can then be applied to the soil. Being very stable, it will remain there for centuries. The meaning of this operation is to remove the carbon removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis for a long time from the usual cycle. ***Soda is the common name for technical sodium salts of carbonic acid. *The name "soda" comes from the plant Salsola Soda, from the ashes of which it was mined. *Soda is the common name for technical sodium salts of carbonic acid. * Food soda (drinking)(sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, Natrium bicarbonicum - formula NaHCO3) - acidic sodium salt of carbonic acid. Aqueous solutions of baking soda have a slightly alkaline reaction. *Soda ash sodium carbonate Na2CO3. Soda ash occurs naturally in the form of minerals found in underground brines. Soda ash was called because to obtain it from crystalline hydrate it had to be calcined (that is, heated to a high temperature).*The bulk of carbon occurs in the form of natural carbonates ( limestones and dolomites), fossil fuels - anthracite (94-97% C), brown coal (64-80% C), hard coal (76-95% C). Oil shale (56-78% C), oil (82-87% C), natural combustible gases (up to 99% CH4), peat (53-62% C), bitumen, etc. Carbon is in the form of carbon dioxide CO2, in the air 0.046% CO2 by mass, in the waters of rivers, seas and oceans ~ 60 times more. *At atm. pressure and t-re above 1200K diamond begins to turn into graphite, above 2100K the transformation takes place in seconds.*Charcoal added to the soil, takes up all the nitrates both vegetables and potatoes are environmentally friendly without nitrates and disease. And 30% of charcoal into the soil and fertilize with ammonium nitrate, the coal will absorb all the excess, and the roots can extract all the fertilizer from the coal by suction, as much as they need. The coal here is A STORAGE FACILITY for digestible nitrates, which are issued to plants at THEIR first request automatically. These are houses and barns for bacteria. This is the best nanotechnology of ancient civilizations. *Linden- meat that begins to rot, being sprinkled with coal powder, loses its stench and gets the old Freshness. Linden ash counteracts putrefactive infection and tames even Anton's fire - gangrene. Stops Rotten Corruption of Teeth, if you clean them daily with linden charcoal powder and rinse with cold water.

- A.S. N1205915 of the USSR, patients with allergic diseases are offered to drink activated charcoal on an empty stomach, 1.5 g each. A series of animal experiments showed high efficiency intestinal cleansing using synthetic charcoal added to food. The result of these experiments is a sharp increase in the life span of animals, on average 43.3%!!! Microcrystalline cellulose ANKIR - B also cleans everything, and even the lymphatic and blood vessels. *Carbo activatus. Carboactivalis. Activated charcoal - coal of animal or vegetable origin (bone, from some types of wood, from hard shells of blackthorn seeds), obtained from fossils or charcoal. Special finely porous activated carbon is produced by heat treatment without air access from some polymers. * Kindle a fire from dry birch twigs. When the twigs turn into coals(but not into ashes), fill them with water or cover them with snow, dry them and put them in a jar with a lid. Then use instead of tablets. One tablet corresponds to a piece of coal the size of a cherry. Coals can be ground into powder. Then 1 teaspoon will correspond to three tablets. *Activated carbon (Activated charcoal). Application.- Dyspepsia, diseases accompanied by processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines (including flatulence), increased acidity and hypersecretion of gastric juice, diarrhea. Acute poisoning (including alkaloids, glycosides, salts of heavy metals), diseases with a toxic syndrome - food poisoning, dysentery, salmonellosis. ABOUT burn disease in the stage of toxemia and septicotoxemia, chronic renal failure, chronic and viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis. Activated charcoal is used for diarrhea, flatulence, food and drug poisoning, poisoning with salts of heavy metals, drugs and sleeping pills. *Activated charcoal is a wonderful drug, but abuse and using it daily for a long time means disrupting the processes taking place in the body, since activated charcoal can deprive us of the necessary hormones and enzymes, as well as dietary nutrients and vitamins.* Hippocrates treated with activated charcoal, they were saved from the poisoning of Alexander Nevsky, and the ancient Romans purified wine, beer and water with coal. *In Russian villages epilepsy was treated as follows: take from the stove some burning charcoal and a cup of water. First, blow the ashes into the water into this cup, and then put the coals themselves there. Then pray in front of the icon, reading "Our Father", and let the patient drink this water 3 times. After 11 days (on the 12th) it is necessary to repeat the treatment. The seizures will stop after the first time. The second time - for fixing. The recipe has been tested many times and works very well. * With impotence. burn linden firewood, crush the remaining coal into powder and use with tea 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. This Vanga's recipe.

*Take a pill activated carbon and start rubbing her teeth until they are completely covered in black. Wait a minute or two. Then rinse your mouth. ALL!!! Teeth are white and not a single black speck from coal.

*Folk recipes for teeth whitening. But fashionable today, photo whitening and laser whitening are not affordable for everyone. But remember that whitening procedures should be carried out no more than once a week. All whitening products wear away the surface of the enamel, and their frequent use leads to thinning of the enamel. Remember to rinse your mouth thoroughly after the procedure. *Baking soda. Hydrogen peroxide. Activated carbon. Salt. *Popular oriental recipe. It is enough to use it once a week. Dip a dry toothbrush in thick cream or yogurt and brush your teeth. Leave for 5 minutes and then rinse your mouth. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times during the day. *Dip wet brush in dry milk and brush your teeth. Hold and then rinse your mouth. Calcium contained in milk strengthens tooth enamel and together with lactic acid whitens teeth well.

Yu.I. Slashchinin

Yuri Ivanovich Slashchinin is known today in Russia as a consistent promoter of organic farming at its present stage, taking into account the latest achievements of world science and practice.

Scientists refer to his authoritative opinion, although he had nothing to do with agricultural science 11 years ago either by education or by occupation. An economist by education, a journalist and a writer by occupation, Yuri Ivanovich achieved a lot until 1991 - he published several stories and novels, and advanced in his career to the position of editor-in-chief of the journal Economics and Life. And he would continue to live, reaping the fruits of his career, but one day everything turned upside down. And the turning point in a sharp change in fate was a meeting with Pyotr Matveyevich Ponomarev, a people's expert, who set out to prove that a crop of 300 centners of wheat per hectare is real in our time. And he proved it on his backyard 4 acres. And at the beginning with him, and then with hundreds of people's experts in Russia, Yuri Ivanovich has been proving for 11 years the need for a transition to a new system of farming. He published the newspapers "Earthly Life", "Reasonable Agriculture", wrote letters first to the party bodies, and later to new Russian ones, incl. President and Government, spoke at the hearings in the State Duma on food security in Russia. While in vain.

Although how to look at it. Year by year the number of his supporters is growing, including in our region. We think that it will be not only interesting, but also useful for the farmers of Primorye to learn how the elements of the new farming system worked on the tiny plot of land of war veteran P.M. Ponomarev and what they eventually gave.

- WHY does this surprise you? - asks me people's expert Pyotr Matveevich Ponomarev. He laid out bushes of wheat in front of me, offered to count the ears, grains, and while I looked at them, he spoke passionately, assertively:

- Long before the new era, the inhabitants of the interfluve of the Tigris and Euphrates received 25-35 tons of barley per hectare of their fields, fertilized with silt and river microorganisms of the Daphnia species. So why do we, with our science, chemistry, technology, get less?

Yes, I did not believe that in our time, now it is possible to get wheat at 300 centners per hectare. It is too firmly imprinted in the memory that the average grain yield in the country is twenty centners per hectare. True, the advanced farms of the Kuban receive 50 centners or more of grain per hectare. Just in case, I look into the book "Achievements of Science and Practice in Plant Growing" edited by Academician I.S. Shatilov and read that on the variety plots of Academicians P.P. Lukyanenko and V.N. The craft receive grain yields of the Aurora variety at 85.5, the Kavkaz variety - 92.2, the Mironovskaya Yubileinaya variety - 100 centners per hectare. All this convinces us that in the future we will be able to harvest wheat at 100 centners per hectare. But 300?

“And you count,” suggests Ponomarev. - Husk the ears and count: how much grain, how many ears are on the bush? ..

Petr Matveyevich lives in Tashkent, down Astronomicheskaya street, house number 29. He is soon eighty.

He fought, was wounded many times, and the fragments in his body are still troubling him. Since 1948, he worked in the State Planning Committee of the Uzbek SSR, and after his retirement, as they say, he plunged headlong into his favorite business - the selection of wheat and barley. He cleared the yard, divided it into experimental plots. But why did he take up grain?

- Yes, because bread is the head of everything! Because we still get little grain from our fields,” he says passionately, like a young man excitedly.

And in the meantime, I peel the ears, count, weigh: there are 64 grains in the ear, their weight is 4.2 grams. Can't believe this could be! I pull new ears, count again, weigh the grains... And again I recheck my knowledge, I look into the book of A.A. Kornilov "Biological foundations of high yields of grain crops", where on page 71 the indicators of the structure of winter wheat of the "Ukrainka" variety on the variety plots of the state variety network are given. It shows that with a yield of 50.2 centners per hectare, the weight of the grains of the ear is 1.1 grams. And Ponomarev has almost four times more!

And here is another reason for surprise. Usually a wheat bush consists of 2-4 stems with an ear. And in Ponomarev's wheat varieties, each bush has 25-30 stems. And if there are 3 grams of grain in each ear, and 36 bushes per square meter, then how much will it turn out? ..

- Three kilograms of grain per square meter, - prompts Ponomarev. - In terms of a hectare, this will be 300 centners.

- So, the whole secret is in the bush? ..

- And in the bush ... - Ponomarev corrects. - But the bush is also not a novelty on earth. One grain can produce over seventy stalks with ears of up to eighty grains each. In the middle of the last century, Major Galet brought out one hundred and ten stalks of barley. So theoretically it is possible to get a crop of 5-6 thousand centners of grain per hectare. But now it's unrealistic. But getting a harvest of new bushy wheat and barley at 200-300 centners per hectare is already real not only in the plots, but also in the field. So what is the secret of Ponomarev's high yields? What of his experiments can and should be adopted by our plant growers?

First of all - new bushy varieties. Taking the pre-revolutionary wheat variety "Beloturka" as a basis, Ponomarev developed the "White spinous" variety through selection and purposeful variability, which yields from 2.8 to 3.2 kilograms of grain per square meter of plot. On the basis of the old variety "Egipetka", the same method was used to breed "Red awnless", giving a yield of 2.5 to 2.8 kilograms per square meter. The Central Asian variety of barley "Unumli-arpa" served as the basis for a new variety of industrial barley with a yield of 1.8 to 2.2 kilograms per square meter.

- And why are old, widespread varieties taken?

– That is why... They degenerate less, retain their hereditary characteristics better.

The starting point of Ponomarev's thoughts was a seemingly well-known truth: a plant forms in itself such an amount of organic matter that corresponds to the amount of absorbed solar energy.

Here is how K.A. Timiryazev in his work "The Sun, Life and Chlorophyll": "We can deliver to the plant as much fertilizer as we want, as much water as we want, we can, perhaps, protect it from the cold in greenhouses, we can speed up the cycle of carbon dioxide, but we will not get more than that amount of organic matter, which corresponds to the amount of solar energy received by the plant from the sun.

Specialists also know that solar energy is from 900 to 1000 watts per square meter of a grain field, and up to one percent is used by a plant. This raises the problem of increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis, which depends entirely on the area of ​​the leaf surface of plants. The larger this area, the more chlorophyll that assimilates carbohydrates, the higher the level of crop yields.

Considering all this, Ponomarev directed the development of bushy varieties to increase the leaf surface. Confidence in the correctness of the chosen path was confirmed by the evidence of historical monuments given in the book by S.N. Cramer's History Begins in Sumer. It says that when sown on an irrigated hectare (in terms of Sumerian) 120 kilograms of grain, the farmers of the interfluve received a crop of "Sam-200", and in harvest years "Sam-300". And the secret of such high yields was not only in fertile silt and bushy varieties, but also in the fact that “leaves on wheat and barley,” according to the father of the story, Herodotus, “were four fingers wide.”

I measure the leaves of Ponomarev's wheat varieties - two fingers fit freely on their surface. This is enough to get a leaf area per hectare of 200-240 thousand square meters, while official science has adopted the optimal norm of leaf area in the amount of 50-60 thousand square meters per hectare. And on collective farm fields it is much less.

However, breeding new varieties turned out to be half the battle for Ponomarev.

Numerous experiments have shown that his new varieties of bushy wheat and barley need new agricultural techniques that provide ultra-high yields. And the search is again from the well-known. For example, plants store as much carbon as it takes in as carbon dioxide. For the formation of low yields, there are no problems with carbon. But what to do when you need to get 200-300 centners of grain per hectare? And the idea was born to use coal as a carbon fertilizer. Inexpensive brown coal contains a set of organic substances that are essential for plants. For example, a ton of Angren coal contains: carbon - 720-760 kilograms, hydrogen - 40-50, oxygen - 190-200, nitrogen 15-17 kilograms, sulfur - 2-3 kilograms and a number of microelements important for plant life. Coal ground into dust is introduced into the soil, where it is successfully processed by microbes, turning them into a nutrient medium for plants.

But plants need more than just carbon. For their construction and formation of the crop, they take and “carry out” a lot of chemicals from the soil. Organic and mineral fertilizers should replenish their reserves in the soil. Unfortunately, this is not always possible due to lack of fertilizers. Considering the huge role of the agricultural background for increasing crop yields, our scientists nevertheless recommend the plant nutrition rate below the limit level. Moreover, these norms do not take into account the costs of feeding bacteria, invertebrates and other animal organisms of the soil and above ground. But on a hectare of a grain field, only the biomass of bacteria is 15-20 tons. This is the live weight of 50 head of cattle. Feeding these beneficial bacteria and invertebrates is just as necessary as plants, because they provide the necessary enzymes and amino acids, without which proteins cannot be obtained. Academician V.I. Vernadsky wrote: “Man is never interested in all the living matter of the soil. So, for cereals, their roots are not taken into account; in the latter case, the total organic mass should be doubled. Never take into account the world of microbes and animals of soils and supersoils. The amount of life he leaves unattended is probably no less than the organic matter that man uses for his needs; it is at least of the same order, probably much greater. In fact, all living organisms of the soil and subsoil, like green plants, consume "the same nitrogen, the same phosphorus, the same sulfur and transfer them into the organic matter of their bodies that is indigestible by green plants." And Ponomarev believes that having invested a minimum in land, do not expect to get the maximum. It stands for maximum fertilization.

According to Ponomarev's agricultural technique, a two-layer soil structure is created. The upper layer, 10-12 centimeters deep, provides the life of aerobic bacteria, and the lower layer - anaerobic ones. To this end, the first layer is made porous by introducing chopped straw, manure or sawdust into the soil. Straw tubes improve the aeration of the top layer. For the same purposes, you can use chopped reeds.

In general, the formation of soil structure, according to Ponomarev, boils down to the following: immediately after harvesting winter wheat, manure is scattered on the field mixed with lignite coal in ground form, chopped straw, and all this is plowed to a depth of 10-15 centimeters, and then the field pour water at the rate of 500-600 cubic meters per hectare. In mid-September (in Uzbekistan) the field is flooded for the second time at the same rate. All this makes it possible for aerobes to develop very quickly, and two to three percent of humus accumulates in the soil layer. In the preferred soil plowing at the beginning of the second half of October, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and, depending on the need, lime in the required amount are introduced according to the norm. The field is plowed to a depth of 18-20 centimeters with a half-turn of the layer to move the accumulated humus to the location of the root system.

What if the soil is bad? Leave to steam?

- There is no bad soil, - Ponomarev was indignant. - There are bad owners! .. And couples are wasteful. I dare to say so, because many farmers justify their negligence precisely by referring to "bad" soils. But here's an example for you: Holland, Denmark and Belgium are reclaiming land from the sea, their soils are sandy, and everyone envy their crops. But the fact is that they heavily fertilize these sands. This means that we also need not to keep empty fields under fallow, but to fertilize them, to increase the fertility of the soil.

– But with what?.. Like the ancient Sumerians, we don’t have river silt. And the chemical industry is not yet able to provide us with sufficient mineral fertilizers. Maybe it's too early for us to talk about super-yields? Agricultural technology is too expensive, we cannot afford it.

“It's not about being expensive. To some, it may seem a little expensive, but to others it is very cheap, because they will receive grain at their own price, which is much higher than the amount of investments. We already have a great many strong collective farms and state farms, which, no doubt, will want to get super crops if they realize that this is possible. And here it is just - in the psychological barrier - all the difficulties. The trouble is that modern farmers are used to being content with small crops - 20-30-50 centners per hectare, this is common to everyone. And the number 300 is scary. Now it is important to convince people that we can get extra high yields if we put the same extra high rates of fertilizers into the land. At first, we have many things that can nourish the soil - reeds, sawdust, cuttings of vines, leaves of gardens - everything that grew on the earth must return to the earth and thereby nourish it.

- Then one more question, Pyotr Matveyevich. Is it necessary to achieve super-yields in such an expensive way? Here in India, as far as I remember, they solved the grain problem not with bushy varieties, but, on the contrary, at the expense of undersized ones. They do not lie down, sow them thicker and collect higher yields.

“A convincing example,” he says, laughing. - There was a yield of seven centners per hectare, and it became fourteen. Is it a lot?

But the people got bread.

- I do not argue. From the point of view of solving economic problems, this is excellent and instructive. But we must go further. Both India and all countries need to look for ways to maximize crop yields in order to sow less fields and get more grain, and give the vacated areas for orchards, vineyards and orchards. The problem of supplying humanity with vegetables and fruits is second only to the problem of providing bread. And you will not get the maximum yield due to undersized varieties. The laws of nature apply here. It is impossible to milk a bucket from a goat, as from a cow. Similarly, plants need a certain mass to give an optimal yield. All organs of living organisms, including plants, develop in strictly proportional accordance with the natural constitution.

There are many other interesting and, most importantly, useful proposals in Ponomarev's system. The size of the article does not allow to state them. But in any case, it is necessary to answer the question: how did its bushy varieties of wheat show themselves under the conditions of an economic experiment?

Have you received 300 centners of grain per hectare in ordinary fields?

For complete clarity, we immediately make a reservation that Ponomarev's varieties need not ordinary fields, but cultivated according to his agricultural technology, fertilized as much as possible. And the cultivation of wheat should be carried out on irrigation. In such fields and on irrigation, Ponomarev's varieties were not tested.

An attempt to test them was in 1975 at the variety plot of the Central Asian Experimental Station of VIR. However, due to organizational "inconsistencies" (either there is no tractor, or a cultivator, etc.), the laying of experimental crops on an area of ​​0.5 hectares took 45 days instead of two or three days. As a result, the optimal sowing time was pushed back by 40 days. Instead of four irrigations, only one was carried out. There were other "flaws" that exclude the purity of the experiment. Ultimately, Ponomarev's varieties did not exceed 37 centners per hectare. But pay attention to this fact. Now we sow 1.8-2 centners per hectare and get 40 centners for irrigation. This is Sam-20. 1450 grams of seeds were taken from Ponomarev for sowing, and 196 kilograms of grain were received. And this is Sam-135.

So, are Ponomarev's varieties productive or not, even if under extreme conditions they are seven times superior to zoned varieties? Here is another advantage of bushy varieties: several full-weight ears will grow from one of their grains, and therefore less seed is required. Savings are easy to calculate using the figures given.

Now Ponomarev is looking for a collective farm or state farm that would test his varieties under economic conditions, and continues his experimental work on plots laid out in the yard. The work of an experimentalist should receive its logical conclusion. Apparently, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Uzbek SSR, its department of science should help Ponomarev propagate his varieties, check them properly according to the law, and give them a “ticket” to the collective farm and state farm fields. This is all the more important when the republic has taken upon itself the obligation to double grain production within a five-year period. It is necessary to help work out the agrotechnics proposed by him for obtaining super-yields - to do everything necessary for the wide application in agriculture of the results of many years of experimental work of the Man who accomplished it for people. And thank him very much for that.

(Publication 1991. Journal "Economics and Life No. 11").

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Prosyannikov Vasily Ivanovich The effectiveness of the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for crops in the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region: dissertation ... candidate of agricultural sciences: 06.01.04 .- Barnaul, 2007.- 125 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 07-6/262


Chapter I Use of oxidized coals as a fertilizer for agricultural crops 7

1.1 Use of oxidized coals in agriculture 8

1.1.1 Use of humic fertilizers 9

1.1 .2 Organo-mineral fertilizers based on coal waste 16

1.1.3 Use of oxidized coals as fertilizer for crops 19

Chapter II. Conditions, objects and methods of research 29

2.1. Physical and geographical conditions, climatic features and soil cover of the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region

2.2. Objects and methods of research 38

2.3. Meteorological conditions during the years of experiments 43

Chapter III. Influence of oxidized coals on the provision of soils with nutrients, productivity and product quality 47

3.1. Agrochemical properties of oxidized coals 49

3.2 Chemical composition and content of heavy metals in oxidized coals 53

3.3. Influence of oxidized coals on soil properties 64

3.4. Influence of fertilizers from coaly rocks of the Kuznetsk basin on productivity, quality of agricultural products 71

3.4.1. Influence of coal waste on the yield and quality of barley grain 72

3.4.2. Influence of coal waste on the yield and quality of oat grain 75

3.4.3 Effect of oxidized brown coal on yield, grain quality of spring wheat and nutrient intake in the "island" forest-steppe 78

3.4.4 Influence of oxidized coals on the yield, grain quality of spring wheat and potatoes in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression 84

3.5. Nutrient balance 91

Chapter IV. Energy and economic evaluation of the efficiency of growing spring wheat using oxidized coal 97

Conclusions, proposals for production 107

References 109

Introduction to work

In agriculture of the Kemerovo region, as a result of intensive land use, humus reserves are declining. Over the past two decades, there has been a negative balance of humus and nutrients in arable soils. The annual demand for organic fertilizers is about 3 million tons. It is currently not possible to satisfy it at the expense of traditional forms of organic matter.

The sources of obtaining additional organic matter as fertilizers for agriculture in the region are: oxidized brown coals of the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin, oxidized coals of Kuzbass; coal-containing wastes of flotation coal enrichment. Oxidized coals have a wide range of macro- and microelements and are a pantry of organic matter containing a large amount of humic acids, which are similar in composition to soil ones.

Both brown and hard coals oxidized in the seams are practically not used in the national economy as a fuel or raw material for other industries, and during open-pit mining, coal enters dumps along with overburden. The amount of oxidized coal is estimated for each deposit only during detailed exploration and development, but it is huge. At the Kuzbass open pits, the volume of oxidized coal entering the dumps is tens of millions of tons annually.

When coal is enriched, a large amount of coal-containing waste is generated. The annual output of flotation (wet) coal enrichment waste in Kuzbass is millions of tons. They are stored in tailings, where they are oxidized under atmospheric conditions and are practically not used at present.

The placement of oxidized coal and coal waste is a serious problem for Kuzbass. Oxidized coals stored in dumps burn,

4 causing air pollution, hundreds of hectares of fertile land are used for coal waste.

Oxidized coals contain up to 70% organic matter, including flotation waste 20-60%, the content of CaO and MgO in them reaches 30-40% of the mineral part. They are a good sorbent, have an alkaline reaction (pH-7.3-7.6). Due to these properties, oxidized coals can be used as fertilizers.

Therefore, studies on the use of oxidized coal as fertilizers for agricultural crops in the Kemerovo region are of particular relevance.

Purpose of research- study of the possibility and effectiveness of the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for grain crops and potatoes in the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region.


characterize oxidized coals as fertilizers;

to reveal the effect of the introduction of oxidized coals on the total content of heavy metals and their mobile compounds in soils;

to study the effect of various doses of oxidized coal on the yield and quality of crops;

establish the effect of various doses of oxidized coal on the accumulation and removal of the main elements of mineral nutrition;

determine the content of heavy metals in products when using oxidized coal;

to determine the energy and economic efficiency of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for the crops under study.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, on the basis of comprehensive studies, the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for agricultural crops in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region has been substantiated. The optimal doses of the introduction of oxidized coals for obtaining a crop with compliance of its quality with safety standards have been established.

5 products. The influence of oxidized coals on the consumption of nutrients and heavy metals by spring wheat was determined.

Practical significance. Practical recommendations have been developed for the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for agricultural crops. Recommended doses of oxidized coals for obtaining environmentally friendly crop products. The balance of the batteries is shown. The bioenergetic, agronomic and economic efficiency of spring wheat fertilization with oxidized coal has been determined.

Approbation. The main provisions of the work were reported and discussed at regional and district agronomic meetings from 1985 to 2006. At the all-Union scientific and practical conference "Socio-economic problems of achieving a radical change in the efficiency of the development of the productive forces of Kuzbass" (Kemerovo, 1989), at the All-Union scientific and technical conference "Environmental problems of the coal industry of Kuzbass" (Mezhdurechensk, 1989), at the interregional scientific and practical conference "Agrochemistry: science and production" (Kemerovo, 2004), at scientific and practical conferences "Trends and factors in the development of the agro-industrial complex of Siberia" (Kemerovo, 2005; 2006), at meetings of specialists of the agrochemical service of Russia.

Protected provisions:

    The use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer improves the supply of soil with mobile nutrients;

    Fertilization of grain crops and potatoes with oxidized coal increases the yield and quality of products;

2. The use of oxidized coal in the forest-steppe zone of Kemerovo

area energetically and economically beneficial. Publications. Based on the dissertation materials, 6 scientific papers were published, including 1 in the central press.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, conclusions and recommendations for production, a list of references. The content is presented on 125 pages of typewritten text, includes 53 tables, 7 figures. The bibliographic list consists of 190 titles, 12 of which are in a foreign language. When preparing the dissertation work, the possibilities of computer graphics and the Word text editor were used.

The author expresses his gratitude to the supervisor - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor L.M. Burlakova for valuable advice, constant support, and methodological assistance in carrying out this work. The author is grateful for the help and support of his colleagues FGU Center for Agrochemical Service "Kemerovo".

Use of humic fertilizers

Humic fertilizers - fertilizers that regulate the absorption of hard-to-reach calcium and iron phosphates; structure-forming fertilizers that favorably affect the water and thermal regime of soils (Dragunov, 1957). The main criterion for the choice of raw materials for the production of humic fertilizers is the content of humic acids in them, capable of becoming soluble in aqueous solutions of alkalis. Peat and brown coal (oxidized) are the main raw materials for the production of humic acids (Khristeva, 1957, 1968; Kukharenko, 1957). According to N.I. Nazarova, M.S. Kurbatov (1962), according to the content of humic acids, the types of solid fuels are not equivalent to each other. Their peat contains up to 50%, in earthy brown coals - 70-80%, in weathered coals - 80%) for organic mass. The oxidized coals of Khakassia contain 55-70% humic acids, 50-79% carbon and 32-45% oxygen (Antonov et al., 2001).

Humic acids are found in soil (up to 1-5%o in the upper 30-cm layer), manure (up to 5-15%o), compost, sewage sludge, sapropel (10-20%), peat (10-40% ), lignin (50-80%) (quoted by G.K. Pankratova, V.I. Shchelokov, Yu.G. Sazonov, 2005).

Of the organic fossils, according to chemical characteristics, peat is closest to humus, then oxidized brown and bituminous coals. The use of peat and oxidized coal in their natural state often does not give the desired result. This is explained by the fact that although peat and coal contain a fairly high percentage of nutrients, plants do not absorb them enough, since they are very strongly associated with the organic part of these substances. Therefore, for a biological effect, they have to be applied in large doses (20-30 t/ha or more) (Nazarova, Kurbatov, 1962).

E.A. Shipitin, V.L. Bulganin, Yu.I. Gerzhberg (1994) note that interest in humate-type fertilizers has increased dramatically around the world. This is due to the fact that more and more data are accumulating on the positive effect of humic substances on the growth and development of plants, as well as on the quality of agricultural products and soil fertility. Organic humic compounds, being physiologically active substances, regulate and intensify metabolic processes in plants and soil. It has been established that humic substances not only increase the yield, fruit weight and accelerate the ripening period, but also improve product quality by increasing the content of sugars and vitamins in it and reducing the amount of nitrates by 6-10 times.

Potassium, sodium and ammonium humates used in liquid or solid form (often coals treated with aqueous solutions of alkalis in certain proportions until a free-flowing state is obtained) are stimulants for plant growth and development (Nazarova and Kurbatov, 1962; Kukharenko, 1976).

L.A. Khristeva (1968) by experiments in 1957 on seedlings of barley and corn proved that the humic acids of both brown and weathered coals are biologically active, and the effect of the former turned out to be stronger. This is due to the content of organic matter, since the ash part in nature of a stimulating nature plays an insignificant role. She (1968) in experiments in 1959 with seedlings and plants of grain crops established that their ability to endure high temperatures, air and soil drought, and resist the toxic effect of high doses of fertilizers, is associated with oxygen supply. Humic acids are used by plants to activate respiratory gas exchange and reduce transpiration.

According to the conclusion of N.I. Nazarova, M.S. Kurbatov (1962), the stimulating effect of humic acids is manifested in the fact that they enhance the development of the root system and aboveground mass. The root system becomes longer and more fibrous. The chlorophyll content in the leaves increases and the leaf blade becomes larger. Plants bloom earlier, and fruits ripen faster on them (Fig. 1). Under the influence of humic acid in the plant organism, the metabolism is sharply activated, respiration and the processes of synthesis of substances are intensified.

The studies of the above scientists have shown that different plants react differently to the application of humic fertilizers at different stages of their development. Annual plants react most of all at the beginning of their development and at the time of the formation of reproductive organs, woody plants - after transplanting seedlings and seedlings, when the root system is injured. The same can be said about vegetable seedlings.

They found that the effect of humic fertilizers is different on different soils. The greatest effect of their application is observed on poor sandy and low-humus soils. The action of humic fertilizers also depends on environmental conditions: it increases with drought, elevated temperatures and other deviations of external conditions from the norm. The need of plants for humic acids is associated with the stage state of the organism. Various agricultural crops do not respond equally to humic acids: potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, sugar beets are the best; good - winter and spring wheat, barley, oats, millet, corn, rice, wheatgrass, alfalfa.

Researchers have been tested in experiments in 1960-1961. humic fertilizers in the form of liquid (ammonium humates, potassium humates and sodium humates) and solid combined fertilizers (humophos and a mixture of oxidized coal with defecation mud). They concluded that the effect of humic fertilizers on crops is effective. It has been established that the introduction of these fertilizers into the soil significantly increases crop yields. In addition, the maturation of tomatoes and early cabbage was noted earlier than the control by 10-15 days.

Meteorological conditions during the years of experiments

The meteorological conditions of the growing season in 1984 differed somewhat from the long-term average (Table 2.1). The amount of precipitation in May is close to the norm, in June 65.6 mm of precipitation fell - 36% above the norm, in July and August the precipitation was significantly below the norm. In May, July and August, the average monthly temperature was below the norm by 0.5, 0.9 and 3.4, respectively. From May to September, precipitation fell by 53.3 mm less compared to the average long-term data, and the average monthly temperature regime was 0.7 below the norm. Hydrothermal conditions during the growing season during the years of research varied widely. Reserves of productive moisture in 2003 and 2004 studies were less than normal. The amount of precipitation during the growing season was above the long-term average only in 2002. 2003 was especially dry. The air temperature in May and June, during the years of research, was significantly higher than the long-term average, in July and August - at the average level. The hydrothermal coefficient for the growing season was: 2002 - 1.90, 2003 - 0.86 and 2004 -1.17. The reserves of productive moisture in 2003 and 2004 were below the norm. The amount of precipitation during the vegetation period was above the long-term average only in 2002. The air temperature in May, June and August during the study years was above the long-term average, in July - below the average.

The hydrothermal coefficient for the growing season was: 2002 - 1.79, 2003 - 1.09 and 2004 - 0.94. Coals oxidized in the seams and coal enrichment wastes containing a large amount of organic matter are not currently used in the national economy and, as wastes from the coal industry of Kuzbass, go to dumps.

Oxidized coals - the upper part of the coal seams exposed under sediments during open-pit mining are not used as fuel and are stored together with overburden. The volume of oxidized coal in the dumps of Kuzbass is tens of millions of tons annually. According to Sibgeoproekt LLC, when designing coal mining at the Inskoy-2 site for 2006-2014. a small cut, the amount of oxidized coal that will go to the dump is determined in the amount of 1.7 million tons or 8.4% of the production volume.

The amount of coal enrichment waste in Kuzbass increases annually, in 1990 it was 15.6 million tons, including more than 5.1 million tons of coal flotation waste. At present, due to the increase in coal enrichment, the amount of coal flotation waste has almost doubled. The placement of oxidized coal and coal waste is a serious problem for Kuzbass. Oxidized coal, stored in dumps, burns, causing atmospheric pollution, hundreds of hectares of fertile land are used for coal waste. The possibility of using oxidized coal and coal waste as fertilizers in agriculture is predetermined by their composition: a high content of organic matter, similar in its properties to soil organic matter, a wide range of macro- and microelements, and high absorption capacity. At present, 97.3% of arable lands in Russia have a negative humus balance (Ershov, 2004). In the Rostov region in the 1970s, there was a decrease in humus by 91 kg per hectare on average per year (Shaposhnikova and Listopadov, 1984). A positive balance of humus was only in the fields of corn for grain, where an average of 15 tons of manure was applied per 1 ha, and under perennial grasses, with a slight excess - under barley. Especially high is the loss of humus under winter wheat and oilseeds - sunflower.

Over the past 100 years of agricultural use of ordinary chernozems in the Altai Territory, half of the percentage of humus in the upper horizon has been lost (Burlakova, Morkovkin, 2005). According to V.M. Nazaryuka (2002), the problem of maintaining the balance of organic nitrogen compounds (or humus) in the soil remains relevant and has not yet been solved, and over the past 100 years, a significant decrease in humus reserves has been noted in the soils of Russia.

In the agriculture of the Kemerovo region over the past two decades, as a result of intensive land use, a negative (deficit increased from 1.0 to 1.9 t/ha) balance of humus in arable soils has developed (Prosyannikova, 2005). The annual demand for organic fertilizers is about 3 million tons (Prosyannikova, 2006).

Influence of oxidized coals on soil properties

When studying the effect of oxidized coal on the yield and product quality, observations were made of changes in the agrochemical parameters of soils. Annually, the introduction of coal for wheat was carried out on a new plot of the same field of the agricultural company "Tisul" in doses of 0.2 - 1.2 t / ha with a step of 0.2 t according to the options. With the introduction of 200 kg of coal, 124.4 kg of organic matter, 9.95 kg of free humic acids, 1.7 kg of total nitrogen and insignificant (less than 1 kg) amounts of potassium and phosphorus. The change in the agrochemical parameters of the soil four months after the introduction of oxidized coal is presented in Table 3.13.

Humus content under control in 2002-2003. was 9.7-9.5%, in 2004 - 9.3%, hydrolytic acidity 3.16-3.14-3.80 meq. -5.3. The content of mobile phosphorus is 28, 25 and 23 mg/kg, exchangeable potassium is PO, 106 and 95 mg/kg. The sum of the absorbed bases and the absorption capacity are high 41.2-43.1-45.0 and 44.36-46.24-48.80 mg-eq/100g of soil, respectively. The introduction of coal had an impact on the agrochemical properties of the soil: hydrolytic acidity, content of mobile phosphorus and potassium. Compared to the control, the hydrolytic acidity of soils decreased in all variants in 2002–2004. studies, including on variants with the introduction of 1.2 t/ha - up to 3.06, 2.87 and 3.24 meq/100 g. the content of mobile phosphorus increased by 8-13 and potassium by 19-34 mg/kg relative to the control. In 2004, the content of mobile phosphorus increased by 19 mg/kg in variants with the introduction of large doses of coal. There is a trend towards an increase in absorption capacity. Changes in soil acidity and the content of humus, calcium, magnesium are unreliable.

In experiments with wheat, the same brown oxidized coal from the Tisulskoye deposit was applied as fertilizer annually at new sites. The change in the agrochemical parameters of the soil by the time of harvesting is presented by options in Table 3.14. The humus content in the control variants was 7.6 and 9.3%. The reaction of the soil solution is slightly acidic 5.4 and 5.1. Hydrolytic acidity - 4.26 and 5.14. The content of mobile phosphorus is 219 and 104 mg/kg, exchangeable potassium is 126 and 118 mg/kg. The absorption capacity of soils and the amount of absorbed bases is high and amounts to 57.66 - 43.64 and 53.4 - 38.5 meq. 100 g and magnesium -2.3 and 4.3 meq/100 g of soil. In the experimental variants of 2002, the introduction of oxidized coal increased the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil by 7–32 and exchangeable potassium by 6–15 mg/kg, hydrolytic acidity decreased. On the variants of the experiment in 2003, there is a decrease in hydrolytic acidity at high doses of coal application by 0.43–0.51 meq/100 g and soil acidity by 0.2 units. For other indicators, the changes are not significant.

In experiments with potatoes on the fields of CJSC "Beregovoi" with the introduction of oxidized brown coal, the agrochemical indicators of the soil by the time of harvesting are presented in Table 3.15. The humus content in the control variant is 7.9%. Soil acidity is slightly acidic, pHc is 5.4 and 5.5, hydrolytic acidity is 4.14 and 3.14. The content of mobile phosphorus in the 2002 site is very high, in the 2003 site it is elevated. The content of mobile potassium increased 122 and 153 mg/kg. The absorption capacity and the amount of absorbed bases are high and amount to 57.24-56.24 and 53.1 meq/100 g of soil. The amount of absorbed calcium is 21.3 and magnesium is 2.5 and 3.5 meq/100 g of soil. The introduction of oxidized coal under potatoes reduced the hydrolytic acidity and soil acidity in all variants. With increasing doses of coal, it decreased according to the variants of the experiment.

An increase in the content of mobile potassium is observed in all variants, but not in proportion to the doses of coal. In the variants with the application of 0.4 and 0.6 t/ha, the content of potassium in soils increased by 17 and 15%, respectively, compared with the control. In the experiment of 2003, an increase in the humus content was observed. Changes in other indicators are not significant.

Thus, the introduction of oxidized brown coal on chernozem soils has a positive effect on agrochemical properties: it reduces the acidity and hydrolytic acidity of soils and increases the content of mobile potassium in soils. These changes and their magnitude also depend on the weather conditions of the year.

Energy and Economic Evaluation of the Efficiency of Spring Wheat Cultivation Using Oxidized Coals

Economically profitable and energetically expedient measures for the use of fertilizers in agriculture are the basis of rational management and market relations. Calculations of the agronomic, economic and energy efficiency of fertilizer application allow the most accurate, objective and comprehensive assessment of the fertilizer system in the technological process of crop cultivation.

Without identifying indicators of economic efficiency, it is impossible to draw conclusions about the suitability of using fertilizers (Mineev, 1993, 2004). Many scientists (Kalugin, 1977; Sinyagin, Kuznetsov, 1979; Usenko, 2003) noted the high efficiency of organic fertilizers, in particular manure, when cultivating various crops in Siberia and which is established in all soil and climatic zones. Efficiency depends on the dose of fertilizer, its quality, soil and climatic conditions, crop and other factors. The increase in spring wheat grain ranges from 1.5-2.5 c/ha on chernozems to 7-10 c/ha on soddy-podzolic soils. The payback of 1 ton of manure with grain in the first year is 0.3-0.5 centners of grain, 2-3 centners of potatoes, 3-4 centners of corn green mass, in arid conditions the effect is lower. Since organic fertilizers have a long aftereffect, its efficiency is higher: 1 ton provides an increase in the yield of all crops per crop rotation up to 10 centners in terms of grain.

Conducted by G.A. Zhukov (1985) analysis of fertilizer systems recommended for various crop rotations in Siberia shows that the optimal application of organic fertilizers per 1 ha of crop rotation area in the steppe and southern forest-steppe zones is 5-6 tons, in the northern forest-steppe - 6-8 tons and in the taiga and subtaiga -7-12 tons

In the Tyumen region on gray forest soils from the introduction of organic fertilizer prepared on the basis of peat and liquid manure, the increase in yield in the crop rotation link corn - wheat amounted to 6.9-11.2 centners / ha of a unit. (Koltsov, 1983).

The main task of field experiments with fertilizers is a comparative assessment of their effect on crop yields. The effectiveness of various combinations and doses of fertilizers was determined by yield increase, payback, bioenergetic efficiency factor (COP).

The assessment of economic and bioenergetic efficiency was carried out in accordance with the instructions of the TsINAO (1987), methodological guidelines of the TsINAO (1974), methodological recommendations (Ermokhin, Neklyudov, 1994; Samarov, Logua, Baranova, 2000), methodology for determining economic efficiency (1984) and practical recommendations (Integrated application of fertilizers..., 2005) at standard moisture content of products, taking into account energy costs for fertilization.

In variants with the introduction of only oxidized brown coal, wheat gave an increase in grain of 2.2-4.2 c/ha. The largest increase was obtained on variants with the introduction of 800 and 1000 kg/ha of oxidized coal. The payback on these plots of experience was 4.2-5.0 centners of grain per 1 ton of oxidized brown coal, 24-25% of the crop was obtained due to organic fertilizers. The profitability of using oxidized brown coal on experimental plots varies from 17 to 47%.

The increase in energy is the highest (MJ/ha) in the variants with the introduction of 0.8 and 1.0 tons of coal and is 5395.7-5395.7. From 2.9 to 5.8 units of energy was received per unit of energy costs, contained in the yield increase from fertilizers. In the variants with the joint application of ammonium nitrate, the bioefficiency factor is greater than one when using 0.6-1.2 t/ha of coal, and the spring wheat cultivation technology is energy-efficient in the Tisul agricultural company, because energy efficiency exceeds unity.

Spring wheat Iren in variants with the introduction of oxidized brown coal in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk basin, using the example of CJSC "Beregovoi", gave an increase in grain of 3.4-11.3 centners / ha and the payback was 7-17 centners of grain per 1 ton of oxidized brown coal, due to organic fertilizers received 14.5-48.3% of the grain harvest.

The calculation of the economic efficiency of the use of oxidized brown coal in spring wheat crops in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression (in 2006 prices) is given in Table 4.7.

The profitability of using oxidized brown coal on experimental plots varies from 62 to 101%. Profitability in the experiment in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression is higher than in the experiment in the "island" forest-steppe, which is associated with higher increases in grain yield and greater payback. Let us give a calculation of the bioenergetic efficiency of spring wheat production and the use of oxidized brown coal during its cultivation in Beregovoy CJSC (Table 4.8). The increase in energy is the highest (16061.7 MJ/ha) in the variant with the introduction of 1 ton of coal. From 5.6 to 9.7 units of energy were obtained per unit of energy costs, contained in the yield increase from organic fertilizers. From an energy point of view, the technology of spring wheat cultivation in CJSC Beregovoy is effective in all options. Thus, the doses of oxidized coals in experiments in soil districts are determined by a complex of factors. The use of these fertilizers in the cultivation of spring wheat is economically feasible and efficient, which is confirmed by agronomic, economic and energy efficiency. 1. Oxidized coal from the Tallinn deposit is suitable for use as humic fertilizers in terms of agrochemical properties, as it contains a large amount of highly humus organic matter, total nitrogen and has a high absorption capacity. The increased content of mobile forms of copper, lead, nickel and chromium in them should be taken into account when calculating the doses of application. 2. Oxidized brown coal of the Tisulsky deposit contains 33.2% humic acids, has a high content of total nitrogen, and a very high absorption capacity. The increased content of manganese and chromium in them is not an obstacle to the use as fertilizers in doses up to 1.2 t/ha. 3. The introduction of oxidized brown coal on leached chernozems in doses up to 1.2 t/ha has a positive effect on soil properties, reduces acidity, increases the content of mobile potassium and phosphorus in soils, and reduces the concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals: cadmium, lead, zinc and chromium .

I am not an agronomist and not any agricultural worker. Simple journalist and writer. Then why did he undertake to recommend something that an army of candidates, doctors of sciences and academicians would not dare to do?

It is my duty to people, and also to the people's expert Pyotr Matveyevich Ponomarev, whose knowledge I am the heir, that obliges me to write and publish the following. For twenty years he grew in Tashkent, in his yard, turned into an experimental plot, 250 - 300 centners of wheat and barley per hectare in proportional terms, of course. I helped Petr Matveyevich not only physically, on the plots, but also in a journalistic way: I wrote all kinds of petitions and reports to Brezhnev, Kosygin, Rashidov and many other dignitaries endowed with power. He begged: adopt a new experience, feed Russia.

The result of my letters were the visits of various commissions. Looking at the thickets of wheat, the experts gasped enthusiastically. They promised to report where they should, to help, but ...

Pyotr Matveyevich did not wait for help, he died in poverty misunderstood, misunderstood. His house was immediately demolished, and the experimental plots, ironically, went under the asphalt of the expanding Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization. All that's left is my memory. And therefore, as a journalist, I am obliged to record what I saw, heard and understood from Pyotr Matveyevich and pass it on to people.

After the death of Petr Matveyevich, I continued his work as best I could.
Participating in the work of the North-West Analytical Center of the Internal Predictor of Russia-USSR (St. Petersburg), I could not ignore the problems of agriculture, began to record and accumulate facts, compare them, and finally saw the mechanism by which knowledge is hidden high yields from the peoples, realized the purpose of concealing this knowledge. It turned out that those in power do not need high yields. It is in their interests to keep the people in a state of constant threat of starvation. And in hunger. After all, the hungry are content with little. And those who are dying of hunger will give everything for a piece of bread...

Knowledge is simply withheld. They are not even hidden. They exist, they are set forth in books and articles, but they are published in a minimal edition and are stored in specialized libraries and archives that are inaccessible to farmers. They say that understanding this cultural heritage is the business of scientists. But scientists and rural specialists are being led away from comprehending this knowledge with the help of ... educational programs, i.e. predestination of what they can now know and what they cannot know. And if, for example, the World Government plans to turn Russia from a producer of agricultural products into its consumer, then in our educational programs "in an incomprehensible way" questions disappear why the soil cannot be plowed up and dig deeper than 15 - 20 centimeters. As a result, for the past fifty years, graduates of our agricultural universities and technical schools have forced machine operators to plow fields to a depth of 35-45 centimeters, and even with a turn of the formation. And this is at a time when our Western competitors not only do not plow like this, but also do not produce plows with shares to turn the layer at all. Why do they do it? More on that in the article below...

Fantasy or reality?...
Before moving on to potatoes, let's try to understand what Nature is capable of in order to ensure that the desired crop is obtained. What are the secrets? Why did the pensioner Ponomarev receive 300 centners of wheat per hectare on his plots, and the academicians of VASKhNIL, having at their disposal everything they wanted, could not exceed even 100 centners per hectare, with an average national yield of 17-20 centners per hectare.

First of all, I must inform you, dear reader, that super-yields are not new on earth. The book by S.N. Kramer "History begins in Sumer" contains evidence of historical monuments, which says that when sown on an irrigated hectare (in terms of Sumerian units of area) 120 kilograms of grain, the farmers of Mesopotamia received a crop of "sam-200", and in harvest years "self-300", which is equivalent to: 120x200=24000, i.e. 240 centners per hectare. and 120x300=36000, i.e. 360 centners per hectare. But this is the south. Irrigated agriculture.

Here is another evidence for you, northern. On September 7, 1764, our first Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov published a report on the verification of the experiments of the royal gardener Ekleben in the "Saint-Petersburg Vedomosti" for September 7, 1764. He received from each sown grain 43-47 ears with 2375-2523 grains in them. And this is no longer the Sumerian "self-200", but "self-2500"! So it's not about north and south. Maybe in varieties? At Ekleben, 43 - 47 ears grew from grain. He probably had bushy varieties?

Of course, it is good to have productive varieties. But this is private. The fact is that all grains have the property of bushing when they grow on well-fertilized soil. P.M. Ponomarev also received bushes of 40-50 stems from each sown grain. In the middle of the last century, the French major Galet received barley, giving 110 stalks. And in China, some experimenter grew a grain crop of such density that, putting a board on top of the stems, he could stand on it, posing for photographers.

So theoretically it is possible to get a crop of 5-6 thousand centners per hectare. But for us, this is a fantasy. Let's get back to the ground and think about reliable 100 centners per hectare and 500-800 centners per hectare of the "second bread" - potatoes. And it will be real for the first years.

Know the laws of nature
It is possible to grow high yields only if the laws of nature are observed. But before "observance" it is necessary to know them. And here the strange begins. There are hundreds of various agricultural institutes, millions of books and articles are published, but, alas, there is no abundance in the country.
From this we can conclude: our scientists do not know the laws of nature. Or... hide?

Let's think: how is it that the ancient Sumerians knew, the royal gardener knew, the people's expert Ponomarev knew, and the academicians of VASKhNIL still don't know? ... It turns out awkwardly ...

No, dear readers, many people know! But they do not tell the people the truth for various subjective reasons. After all, they were put in camps and prisons for the truth. And they shot. And the country hushed up the discoveries of those who tried to tell the truth to the people. One of them was our compatriot Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky.

What are these laws? What do you need to know and observe?

Soil fertility creates a "living substance" consisting of myriads of soil bacteria, microscopic fungi, worms and other living creatures. We remind those who forgot school lessons. Bacteria are microscopic, predominantly unicellular organisms of various forms. They feed using various ORGANIC substances (heterotrophs) or creating organic substances of their cells FROM INORGANIC (autotrophs). Moreover, bacteria live in the soil both in the upper layers, in the presence of atmospheric oxygen (aerobes), and in the lower layers, without atmospheric oxygen (anaerobes).
The rate of reproduction of bacteria in a nutrient medium is very high. Approximately every 20 minutes, the bacterium divides, giving rise to two daughter cells.

Consequently, 1,000,000,000 descendants can be formed from one cell in 10 hours. And in a day their mass would be about 400 tons. This is possible if they are fed, provided with everything necessary, which does not happen in nature. But after all, a person can DO something to increase the protein mass in the soil in his garden ...

Microscopic fungi are lower plants derived from algae. These fungi feed on decaying organic matter of plant or animal origin. Like bacteria, they destroy organic matter, contributing to the formation of soil humus. Bacteria and fungi process the root remains of plants, introduced manure, composts, etc., as well as dying organisms, converting their protein mass into organic "broths" digestible by green plants.

And how much living matter do I have in my garden? - the reader will think.
- Probably very little if you get small crops. And there should be a lot. At least as much as happens in nature, not spoiled by man. Be aware that on a hectare of virgin chernozem only bacteria is 15-20 tons. This is the live weight of 50 head of cattle.
Imagine what a "herd" lives in your soil in the garden and fertilizes it every minute! This is what determines the fertility of the soil! This is the main secret of super-yielding!

Plants store as much carbon as they get in the form of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). It can be said that carbon dioxide is the main food of plants. Plants take it in the soil, where it accumulates from the respiration of living matter - bacteria, microorganisms, worms.

There is ten times more carbon dioxide in fertile soil than in the atmosphere! What follows from this? Only one thing - you need to take care of it, keep it there and not let it out by senseless digging or plowing.

Under the influence of sunlight (photosynthesis) from carbon, carbon dioxide and water, carbohydrates are formed in plants. At the same time, plants absorb nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, potassium, sodium and other elements. As a result, not only molecules of carbohydrates are obtained, but also proteins, fats and everything else that forms the volume of the crop and the consumer qualities of the grown. Moreover, the chemical law of the minimum applies here, this is when the lack of any element is not made up for by the surplus of another.

Living matter lives in a thin layer of soil, 5-15 cm deep. And it was this thin layer of 10 cm that created all life on the whole land, wrote V.I. Vernadsky.

If we take a closer look at the soil layer from the point of view of the Habitat of living matter, we can see a clear, strictly marked by nature, order there. The upper layer of 8-10 cm provides the life of aerobic bacteria, which need air to live, and the lower layer - anaerobic, for which air is destructive.

It is not difficult to remember these distinctions, but they are extremely important for obtaining a super-harvest.

The main pest of the crop is man
Pyotr Matveyevich explained and proved this to me simply. Imagine, he suggested, that you became as small as an ant and descended into the soil. What would you see there? First of all, endless labyrinths of corridors made by worms. I would see underground thickets of blue-green algae, some grottoes filled with mushrooms, salt stalactites and stalagmites from various mineral water, I would see lakes - water supplies that provide moisture. And everywhere clinging or crawling creatures of the most bizarre shapes and sizes - bacteria, insects, worms, beetles, lizards ... A host of living and decaying organisms. Everywhere life! The total weight of a whole herd of cattle per hectare.

And suddenly this settled life is turned over by a shovel or a plow of a farmer... All carbon dioxide, so necessary for plants, is thrown into the atmosphere. Anaerobic bacteria, accustomed to living without air, are pulled up to their death, while aerobic bacteria rush into the depths where they will not have air, i.e., also to death. And when there are no bacteria, there will be nothing to feed the plants.

The inverted layer also buries all other soil living creatures. Few people will be able to get out of the rubble of the earth, a thousand times larger than the size of the body. And if someone succeeds in escaping from this human stupidity, then he becomes a victim of aggression of the second, third ... tenth ... their.

And now salts are pouring in or their solutions are pouring under a plausible pretext: to feed the plants, but in reality - to kill the remnants of a living being in the soil, which means lowering its fertility, condemning itself and the country to low yields. And doom us to dependence - from Western suppliers of bread and meat, and milk, and everything else that they grow and receive 3-5 times more than ours, because they have not used dump plowing for a long time and drive excess chemicals from the fields. This is how Pyotr Matveeevich explained to me, and this is how I now explain the state of affairs to the visitors of the editorial office.

The main "secret" of productivity
It must be remembered for life and passed on to your children, grandchildren, relatives and friends.

Life on earth was created in two forms: PLANT and ANIMAL. And by and large, animals exist due to the fact that they eat plants. And plants grow due to the fact that they feed on animals, use the decay products of their protein bodies, i.e. GNOEM. From here came the exact word born by the people - humus. In the soil, not poisoned with chemistry, there is a huge amount of bacteria: more than 20 tons per hectare. Approximately the same number of worms and other living creatures live in it. In terms of mass, this is equal to a herd of cows of a hundred heads. Since the life of bacteria is short, lasting an average of twenty minutes, after death, their protein mass enters the plants, forming a crop. The more bacteria and worms in the soil, the more humus, the higher the yield. That's the whole secret of high yields! Knowing nothing about bacteria and "living matter", the farmers of the ancient Sumerians did everything possible precisely for their reproduction. And our chemicalized and industrialized agricultural technology is doing everything possible to reduce the "living matter" of soils. We will not go into the question of why this happens: this is a special topic. And everyone can draw their own conclusions. To the extent of the accumulated experience and reading comprehension.

You also need to know: during the winter, soil bacteria freeze out so much that their usual mass is restored only by the end of June. Here it is the worst misfortune of Russian agriculture! It turns out that in the most crucial period of growth, plants lack nutrition: there are still few bacteria in the soil, which means there is little HUMUS. What to do?..

Prepare the soil for high yields
To obtain a super crop, the soil must be prepared, the content of "living matter" must be increased in it.

First of all, as you understood from the previous presentation, in no case do not dig up the site, as is usually done: the layer is turned inside out, turned over, and even smashed with a shovel. And then the roots are all taken out.

Ponomarev's main requirement is to return as much organic matter as possible to the ground.
“You understand,” repeated Pyotr Matveyevich. - Nature has no bad soil. There are bad owners!... In Holland, Denmark, Belgium, land is reclaimed from the sea, their soils are sandy, and the yield is 60-70 centners of grain per hectare. And the thing is that they heavily fertilize the sands.
- The Dutch are rich. They will buy everything.
- Mineral, or what? And we don't need her. Goodness is enough. Return everything that once grew to the earth: leaves, sawdust, straw and weeds in the form of cuttings, peat, manure ...

And we were doing it.
Soil preparation for the future harvest (and not only potatoes, but also other crops) begins in the fall, immediately after harvesting. Based on what was said above, the main concern of the gardener is to accumulate more protein mass in the soil. This can be done in one way - to create all the conditions for bacteria for rapid reproduction, to take care of "housing", food, warmth, water, air - everything that is necessary for normal living beings.

For the first time, you will have to dig up a garden, but you must do this, taking care not to harm living matter. Ponomarev did just that.
Along the front of the area allotted for planting, the first furrow is dug to the depth of the shovel bayonet. Then this groove is filled with straw or grass cuttings (5-6 cm in size) or sawdust, or fallen leaves - all the organic matter that was found. Further, this mass is sprinkled with crushed (to a powder state) brown coal.

For what? And remember the second law of soil fertility.
Plants store as much carbon as it takes in as carbon dioxide. For the formation of low yields, there are no problems with carbon. But what about when you need to get a super crop? It was then that Ponomarev had the idea to use ... coal as a carbon fertilizer. Inexpensive brown coal contains a set of substances that are essential for plants. For example, a ton of Angren coal, which we used, contains: carbon - 720 - 760 kg, hydrogen - 40 - 50, oxygen - 190 - 200, nitrogen - 15 - 17 kg, sulfur - 2 - 3 kg and a number of important for life micronutrient plants.

The coal ground into dust is introduced into the soil, where it is successfully processed by bacteria and subsequently turns into a nutrient medium for plants.
- Coal for bacteria, like sugar for people, - Pyotr Matveyevich liked to laugh, when we were doing dirty work - we crushed pieces of coal with hammers.
- Will it be expensive to convert coal into fertilizers?
- No, not expensive. Brown coal is the cheapest. One centner of an increase in grain will pay off all expenses.
- And what about those who do not have brown coal? Like in the Northwest?
- There are slates.
“They also need to be crushed into dust?”
- It is necessary to crush, Yurochka. And more. So that there is enough for this whole pile, - he nodded at the prepared straw and reed cutting, sawdust ... - And remember for the rest of your life: you will return little to the earth, you will take little. Everything that grew on the ground - return it to the place you need, in the garden, for example, and you will get a super harvest.

According to Ponomarev's agricultural technique, a two-layer soil structure was created. Since the top layer 10–15 cm deep provides the life of aerobic bacteria, it becomes porous by introducing chopped straw or sawdust into the soil, flavored with coal dust or, in the absence of coal, rotted manure. Straw tubes improve the aeration of the top layer. All this together makes it possible for bacteria and other living creatures to develop very quickly, and two to three percent of humus accumulates in the soil layer.

But what about gardeners who do not have coal and shale? Use rotted manure or mixed peat - manure, peat - compost. Pour rotted manure on the straw (grass) cut that is covered in the furrow, turn it over. This manure will serve you as "yeast": bacteria cultures that have become stronger on manure will switch to a food supplement and, subject to other conditions, which will be discussed below, will "work up" their protein weight in a short time. And it will become loose even with a lack of worms, which is extremely important in the first year of the transition to reasonable agricultural technology. And then the worms will appear. In extreme cases, they must be dug up somewhere and introduced into the soil of your garden.

And so we continue. You filled the furrow with straw or weeds, brought in rotted manure. Continue digging the area along the furrow. This should be done in such a way that each next layer of earth taken with a shovel is transferred to the furrow filled by you without turning over and traditionally breaking the coma. After all, now you know that otherwise you will destroy the multi-tiered habitat of living matter. Of course, some destruction will occur. But in general, this will serve to accelerate the development of life in the soil of your garden plot. And then try to carry out digging with an understanding of the essence of reasonable agricultural technology: to create a living substance in the soil.
The proposed method of applying fertilizer contributes to the improvement of the entire area of ​​​​the garden plot. If you have not done this since the fall, then you can achieve a lot in the spring, when planting or sowing crops, doing both at the same time.

The question arises, how much to put cuttings and manure? And as much as you have both. The bigger, the better. So don't be sorry.
Long-term practice of folk experts proves that the average rate of application of manure and other organic fertilizers for potatoes is at least 1 ton per 100 square meters. meters. It is better to apply organic fertilizers in the fall. Only rotted manure should be used. Especially rotted peat manure obtained by using peat for livestock bedding or simply mixed with peat. It is important that the manure and peat are moist.

It is also possible to improve this mixture - peat with manure - if the peat is first deoxidized by powdering it with ground limestone or lime. However, it is important not to overdo it here, since potatoes do not like excess lime in the soil. Low-lying, well-decomposed peat can be mixed with manure after two to three weeks of airing it in the air. Peat also does not need to be applied dry.

You can also use mixtures with feces, slurry, as well as all kinds of peat and earthen composts. Much has been written about how to prepare them. But more detailed information needed to ensure super-yields is given in the second issue of our series "People's experience" - "Do-It-Yourself Fertilizers".

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