Do-it-yourself gas from manure. Biogas plant on your own. Features of the manufacture of containers

The modern world is built on ever-increasing consumption, which is why mineral and raw material resources are depleted especially quickly. At the same time, millions of tons of stinking manure are accumulated annually on numerous livestock farms, and considerable funds are spent for its disposal. Humans are also not far behind in the production of biological waste. Fortunately, a technology has been developed that allows simultaneously solving these problems: using biowaste (primarily manure) as a raw material, obtaining an environmentally friendly renewable fuel - biogas. The use of such innovative technologies has given rise to a new promising industry - bioenergy.

What is biogas

Biogas is a volatile, colorless, odorless, gaseous substance. It consists of 50-70 percent of methane, up to 30 percent of it is carbon dioxide CO2 and another 1-2 percent - gaseous substances - impurities (when cleaned from them, the purest biomethane is obtained).

Qualitative physico-chemical indicators of this substance are approaching the usual high-quality natural gas. According to scientists, biogas has very high calorific properties: for example, the heat released during the combustion of one cubic meter of this natural fuel is equivalent to the heat from one and a half kilograms of coal.

The release of biogas occurs due to the vital activity of a special type of bacteria - anaerobic, while mesophilic bacteria are activated when the environment is heated to 30-40 degrees Celsius, and thermophilic bacteria multiply at a higher temperature - up to +50 degrees.

Under the action of their enzymes, organic raw materials decompose with the release of biological gas.

Raw materials for biogas

Not all organic waste is suitable for processing into biogas. For example, litter from poultry farms and pig farms in its pure form cannot be used categorically, because they have a high level of toxicity. To obtain biogas from them, it is necessary to add diluting substances to such waste: silage mass, green grass mass, as well as cow manure. The last component is the most suitable raw material for obtaining environmentally friendly fuel, since cows eat only plant foods. However, it must also be controlled for the content of heavy metal impurities, chemical components, surfactants, which in principle should not be in the raw material. A very important point is the control of antibiotics and disinfectants. Their presence in manure can prevent the process of decomposition of the raw mass and the formation of volatile gas.

Additional Information. It is impossible to completely do without disinfectants, because otherwise mold begins to form on the biomass under the influence of high temperatures. It is also necessary to follow and timely clean the manure from mechanical impurities (nails, bolts, stones, etc.), which can quickly damage biogas equipment. Humidity of the raw materials going to obtain biogas should be at least 80-90%.

Mechanism of gas formation

In order for biogas to be released from organic raw materials during airless fermentation (scientifically called anaerobic fermentation), appropriate conditions are necessary: ​​a sealed container and elevated temperature. If done correctly, the produced gas rises to the top where it is selected for use, and what remains is an excellent bio-organic agricultural fertilizer, rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, but free from harmful microorganisms. For the correct and complete flow of processes, the temperature regime is very important.

The full cycle of converting manure into ecological fuel is from 12 days to a month, it depends on the composition of the raw material. About two liters of biogas are obtained from one liter of useful volume of the reactor. If more advanced modernized installations are used, then the biofuel production process is accelerated to 3 days, and biogas production increases to 4.5-5 liters.

People began to study and use the technology of extracting biofuels from organic natural sources since the end of the 18th century, and in the former USSR, the first device for producing biogas was developed back in the 40s of the last century. Nowadays, these technologies are becoming increasingly important and popular.

Advantages and disadvantages of biogas

Biogas as an energy source has undeniable advantages:

  • it serves to improve the ecological situation in those areas where it is widely used, since, along with a reduction in the use of polluting fuel, there is a very effective destruction of biowaste and disinfection of effluents, i.e. biogas equipment acts as a cleaning station;
  • the raw materials for the production of this fossil fuel are renewable and practically free - as long as the animals on the farms are fed, they will produce biomass, and, therefore, fuel for biogas plants;
  • the acquisition and use of equipment is economically beneficial - once purchased, a biogas plant will no longer require any investments, and it is easy and cheap to maintain; for example, a biogas plant for use in a farm begins to pay off already three years after launch; there is no need to build engineering communications and power transmission lines, the cost of launching a biostation is reduced by 20 percent;
  • there is no need to bring such engineering communications as power lines and gas pipelines;
  • biogas production at the plant using local organic raw materials is a non-waste enterprise, as opposed to enterprises using traditional energy sources (gas pipelines, boiler houses, etc.), waste does not pollute the environment and does not require a place for its storage;
  • when using biogas, a certain amount of carbon dioxide, as well as sulfur, is released into the atmosphere, however, these amounts are minimal compared to the same natural gas and are assimilated by green spaces during breathing, so the contribution of bioethanol to the greenhouse effect is minimal;
  • compared to other alternative energy sources, biogas production is always stable, the activity and productivity of biogas production plants can be controlled by a person (unlike, for example, solar batteries), by assembling several plants into one or, conversely, splitting them into separate sections to reduce risk accidents;
  • in exhaust gases when using biofuels, the content of carbon monoxide is reduced by 25 percent, and nitrogen oxides - by 15;
  • in addition to manure, some types of plants can be used to obtain biomass for fuel, for example, sorghum will help improve soil conditions;
  • When bioethanol is added to gasoline, its octane number increases, and the fuel itself becomes more knock-resistant, its auto-ignition temperature is significantly reduced.

Biogasnot an ideal fuel, it and the technology for its production are also not without drawbacks:

  • the rate of processing of organic raw materials in biogas production equipment is a weak point in technology compared to traditional energy sources;
  • bioethanol has a lower calorific value than fuel from oil - 30 percent less energy is released;
  • the process is rather unstable, it requires a large amount of enzymes of a certain quality to maintain it (for example, a change in the diet of cows greatly affects the quality of manure raw materials);
  • unscrupulous producers of biomass for processing stations can significantly deplete the soil with increased sowing, this violates the ecological balance of the territory;
  • pipes and tanks with biogas can depressurize, which will lead to a sharp decrease in the quality of biofuel.

Where is biogas used?

First of all, this ecological biofuel is used to meet the household needs of the population, as a replacement for natural gas, for heating and cooking. Enterprises can use biogas to start a closed production cycle: its use is especially effective in gas turbines. With proper adjustment and full combination of such a turbine with a biofuel plant, its cost competes with the cheapest nuclear energy.

The efficiency of using biogas is very easy to calculate. For example, from one unit of cattle, you can get up to 40 kilograms of manure, from which one and a half cubic meters of biogas is produced, sufficient to generate 3 kilowatts / hours of electricity.

By determining the farm's electricity needs, it is possible to determine which type of biogas plant to use. With a small number of cows, it is best to produce biogas at home using a simple low-capacity biogas plant.

If the farm is very large, and a large amount of biowaste is constantly generated on it, it is advantageous to install an automated industrial-type biogas system.

Note! When designing and commissioning, the help of qualified specialists will be required here.

Construction of a biogas plant

Any bioinstallation consists of the following main parts:

  • bioreactor, where the biodegradation of the manure mixture takes place;
  • organic fuel supply system;
  • unit for mixing biological masses;
  • devices for creating and maintaining the desired temperature level;
  • tanks for placing the resulting biogas in them (gas holders);

  • containers for placing the formed solid fractions there.

This is a complete list of elements for industrial automated plants, while a biogas plant for a private house is much more simply designed.

The bioreactor must be completely sealed, i.e. oxygen access is not allowed. It can be a metal container in the form of a cylinder, installed on the surface of the soil; former fuel tanks with a capacity of 50 cubic meters are well suited for these purposes. Ready collapsible bioreactors are quickly mounted / dismantled and easily moved to a new location.

If a small biogas plant is expected, then it is advisable to place the reactor underground and make it in the form of a brick or concrete tank, as well as metal or PVC barrels. It is possible to place such a bioenergy reactor indoors, however, it is necessary to ensure constant ventilation of the air.

Bunkers for the preparation of biological raw materials are a necessary element of the system, because before getting into the reactor, it must be prepared: crushed into particles up to 0.7 millimeters and soaked in water to bring the moisture content of the raw material to 90 percent.

Raw material supply systems consist of a raw material receiver, a water pipeline and a pump for supplying the prepared mass to the reactor.

If the bioreactor is made underground, the raw material container is placed on the surface so that the prepared substrate flows into the reactor on its own under the action of gravity. It is also possible to place the raw material receiver at the top of the hopper, in which case a pump is required.

The waste outlet is located closer to the bottom, opposite the raw material inlet. The receiver for solid fractions is made in the form of a rectangular box, where the outlet tube leads. When a new portion of the prepared bio-substrate enters the bioreactor, the batch of solid waste of the same volume is fed into the receiver. In the future, they are used on farms as excellent biofertilizers.

The resulting biogas is stored in gas holders, which are placed, as a rule, on top of the reactor and have a conical or domed shape. Gas holders are made of iron and painted over with oil paint in several layers (this helps to avoid corrosive destruction). In large industrial bio-installations, biogas tanks are made in the form of separate tanks connected to the reactor.

To give the resulting gas combustible properties, it is necessary to rid it of water vapor. The biofuel is wired through a pipe through a water tank (hydraulic lock), after which it can be fed through plastic pipes directly for consumption.

Sometimes you can find special bag-shaped PVC gas holders. They are located in close proximity to the installation. As the bags are filled with biogas, they open, their volume increases enough to receive all the produced gas.

For the efficient flow of biofermentation processes, constant mixing of the substrate is necessary. To prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the biomass and slow down the fermentation processes, it is necessary to constantly actively mix it. To do this, submersible or inclined stirrers in the form of a mixer for mechanical mixing of the mass are mounted on the side of the reactor. For small stations, they are manual, for industrial ones - with automatic control.

The temperature required for the vital activity of anaerobic bacteria is maintained using automated heating systems (for stationary reactors), they start heating when the heat drops below the norm and automatically turn off when the normal temperature is reached. You can also use boiler plants, electric heaters, or install a special heater in the bottom of the container with raw materials. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce heat losses from the bioreactor, for this it is wrapped with a layer of glass wool or other thermal insulation is carried out, for example, from expanded polystyrene.

Biogas do it yourself

For private houses, the use of biogas is now very relevant - from almost free manure, you can get gas for domestic needs and heating houses and farms. Having your own biogas plant is a guarantee against power outages and rising gas prices, as well as a great way to dispose of biowaste, as well as unnecessary paper.

For construction for the first time, it is most logical to use simple schemes, such structures will be more reliable and last longer. In the future, the installation can be supplemented with more complex details. For a house of 50 square meters, a sufficient amount of gas is obtained with a fermentation tank volume of 5 cubic meters. To ensure a constant temperature regime, necessary for proper fermentation, a heating pipe can be used.

At the first stage of construction, they dig a trench for the bioreactor, the walls of which must be reinforced and sealed with plastic, concrete mix or polymer rings (preferably with a blank bottom - they will have to be replaced periodically as they are used).

The second stage consists in the installation of gas drainage in the form of polymer pipes with numerous holes. During installation, it should be taken into account that the tops of the pipes must exceed the planned filling depth of the reactor. The diameter of the outlet pipes should be no more than 7-8 centimeters.

The next step is isolation. After that, it is possible to fill the reactor with the prepared substrate, after which it is wrapped in a film to increase the pressure.

At the fourth stage, the domes and the outlet pipe are mounted, which is placed at the highest point of the dome and connects the reactor to the gas holder. The gas tank can be overlaid with bricks, a stainless steel mesh is mounted on top and covered with plaster.

A hatch is placed in the upper part of the gas tank, which closes hermetically, a gas pipe with a valve for pressure equalization is taken out of it.

Important! The resulting gas must be removed and consumed constantly, since its long-term storage in the free part of the bioreactor can provoke an explosion from high pressure. It is necessary to provide a water seal so that the biogas does not mix with air.

To heat the biomass, you can install a coil coming from the heating system of the house - this is much more economically profitable than using electric heaters. External heating can be provided with the help of steam, this will exclude overheating of raw materials above the norm.

In general, a do-it-yourself biogas plant is not such a complex structure, but when arranging it, you need to pay attention to the smallest details in order to avoid fires and destruction.

Additional Information. The construction of even the simplest bio-installation must be formalized with appropriate documents, it is necessary to have a technological scheme and equipment installation map, and it is necessary to obtain the approval of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, fire and gas services.

Nowadays, the use of alternative energy sources is gaining momentum. Among them, a very promising sub-sector of bioenergy is the production of biogas from organic waste such as manure and silage. Biogas production stations (industrial or small home) can solve the problems of waste disposal, obtaining ecological fuel and heat, as well as high-quality agricultural fertilizers.


"Mad Max 3. Under the Thunderdome" everyone watched? Then we read another copy-paste taken from here:

Biogas. Getting methane at home.

What is biogas?

Recently, non-traditional, from a technical point of view, energy sources have attracted more and more attention: solar radiation, sea tides and waves, and much more. Some of them, such as the wind, were widely used in the past, and today they are experiencing a rebirth. One of the "forgotten" types of raw materials is biogas, which was used in ancient China and "discovered" again in our time.

What is biogas? This term refers to a gaseous product obtained as a result of anaerobic, that is, occurring without air access, fermentation (overheating) of organic substances of various origins. In any peasant farm, a significant amount of manure, plant tops, and various wastes is collected during the year. Usually, after decomposition, they are used as organic fertilizer. However, few people know how much biogas and heat is released during fermentation. But this energy can also serve the villagers well.

Biogas is a mixture of gases. Its main components are methane (CH4) - 55-70% and carbon dioxide (CO2) - 28-43%, as well as other gases in very small quantities, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

On average, 1 kg of organic matter, 70% biodegradable, produces 0.18 kg of methane, 0.32 kg of carbon dioxide, 0.2 kg of water and 0.3 kg of indecomposable residue.

Factors affecting the production of biogas.

Since the decomposition of organic waste occurs due to the activity of certain types of bacteria, the environment has a significant impact on it. Thus, the amount of gas produced largely depends on the temperature: the warmer, the higher the rate and degree of fermentation of organic raw materials. That is why, probably, the first biogas plants appeared in countries with a warm climate. However, the use of reliable thermal insulation, and sometimes heated water, makes it possible to master the construction of biogas generators in areas where the temperature drops to -20 ° C in winter. There are certain requirements for raw materials: they must be suitable for the development of bacteria, contain biodegradable organic matter and a large amount of water (90-94%). It is desirable that the environment be neutral and free of substances that interfere with the action of bacteria: for example, soap, washing powders, antibiotics.

Plant and household waste, manure, sewage, etc. can be used to produce biogas. During the fermentation process, the liquid in the tank tends to separate into three fractions. The upper one is a crust formed from large particles carried away by rising gas bubbles, after a while it can become quite hard and will interfere with the release of biogas. Liquid accumulates in the middle part of the fermenter, and the lower, mud-like fraction precipitates.

Bacteria are most active in the middle zone. Therefore, the contents of the tank must be periodically mixed - at least once a day, and preferably up to six times. Mixing can be done by mechanical means, by hydraulic means (pump recirculation), by pressure from a pneumatic system (biogas partial recirculation), or by various self-mixing methods.

Plants for biogas production.

In Romania, biogas generators are widely used. One of the first individual plants (Fig. 1A) was put into operation in December 1982. Since then, she has successfully provided gas to three neighboring families, each with a conventional three-burner gas stove and oven. The fermenter is located in a pit with a diameter of about 4 m and a depth of 2 m (volume of approximately 21 m3), lined from the inside with roofing iron, welded twice: first by electric welding, and then, for reliability, by gas. For anti-corrosion protection, the inner surface of the tank is coated with resin. Outside the upper edge of the fermenter, an annular groove was made of concrete approximately 1 m deep, which acts as a water seal; in this groove, filled with water, slides the vertical part of the bell that closes the reservoir.

The bell is about 2.5 m high - made of sheet steel of two millimeters. Gas is collected in the upper part of it.

The author of this project chose the option of collecting gas, unlike other installations, using a pipe located inside the fermenter and having three underground branches - to three farms. In addition, the water in the groove of the water seal is flowing, which prevents icing in winter. The fermenter is loaded with about 12 m3 of fresh manure, on top of which cow urine is poured (without adding water. The generator starts working 7 days after filling.

Another setup has a similar layout (Fig. 1B). Its fermenter is made in a pit with a square cross section measuring 2x2 and a depth of about 2.5 m. The pit is lined with reinforced concrete slabs 10-12 cm thick, plastered with cement and covered with resin for tightness. The groove of the water seal about 50 cm deep is also concrete, the bell is welded from roofing iron and can slide freely on four "lugs" along four vertical guides mounted on a concrete tank. The height of the bell is approximately 3 m, of which 0.5 m is immersed in the groove.

At the first filling, 8 m3 of fresh cow manure was loaded into the fermenter, and about 400 liters of cow urine was washed on top. After 7-8 days, the installation already fully provided the owners with gas.

A biogas generator designed to receive 6 m3 of mixed manure (from cows, sheep and pigs) has a similar design. This was enough to ensure the normal operation of a gas stove with three burners and an oven.

Another installation is distinguished by an interesting structural detail: next to the fermenter, three large tractor chambers connected to it with the help of a T-shaped hose and connected to each other (Fig. 2) are laid. At night, when the biogas is not used and accumulates under the bell, there is a danger that the latter will topple over due to excess pressure. The rubber tank serves as an additional container. A fermenter with a size of 2x2x1.5 m is quite enough for the operation of two burners, and with an increase in the usable volume of the installation to 1 m3, you can get enough biogas to heat your home.

A feature of this installation option is the construction of a bell 138 cm and 150 cm high made of rubberized fabric used for the manufacture of inflatable boats. The fermenter is a metal tank 140x380 cm and has a volume of 4.7 m3. The bell is introduced into the manure located in the fermenter to a depth of at least 30 cm to provide a hydraulic barrier to the release of biogas into the atmosphere. At the top of the swellable tank there is a tap connected to a hose; through it, gas flows to a gas stove with three burners and a column for heating water. To ensure optimal conditions for the operation of the fermenter, the manure is mixed with hot water. The installation showed the best results at a raw material moisture content of 90% and a temperature of 30-35 °.

The greenhouse effect is also used to heat the fermenter. A metal frame is constructed above the container, which is covered with a polyethylene film: under adverse weather conditions, it retains heat and allows you to significantly speed up the process of decomposition of raw materials.

In Romania, biogas generators are also used in state or cooperative farms. Here is one of them. It has two fermenters with a capacity of 203 m3, covered with a frame with a polyethylene film (Fig. 3). In winter, manure is heated with hot water. The capacity of the plant is 300-480 m3 of gas per day. This amount is quite enough to meet all the needs of the local agro-industrial complex.

Practical advice.

As already noted, a decisive role. temperature plays a role in the development of the fermentation process: heating raw materials from 15? up to 20° can double energy production. Therefore, generators often have a special raw material heating system, but most installations are not equipped with it; they use only the heat released during the actual decomposition of organic matter. One of the most important conditions for the normal operation of the fermenter is the presence of reliable THERMAL INSULATION. In addition, heat loss during cleaning and filling of the fermenter hopper must be minimized.

It is also necessary to remember the need to ensure biochemical balance. Sometimes the rate of production of acids by bacteria is higher than the rate of their consumption by bacteria of the second group. In this case, the acidity of the mass increases, and biogas production decreases. The situation can be corrected either by reducing the daily portion of the raw material, or by increasing its solubility (if possible, with hot water), or, finally, by adding a neutralizing agent - for example, milk of lime, washing or drinking soda.

Biogas production may decrease due to an imbalance between carbon and nitrogen. In this case, substances containing nitrogen are introduced into the fermenter - urine or in a small amount of ammonium salts, usually used as chemical fertilizers (50 - 100 g per 1 m3 of raw material).

It should be remembered that high humidity and the presence of hydrogen sulfide (the content of which in biogas can reach 0.5%) stimulate increased corrosion of the metal parts of the plant. Therefore, the condition of all other elements of the fermenter should be regularly monitored and carefully protected in places of damage: best of all with red lead - in one or two layers, and then with two more layers of any oil paint.

Both pipes (metal or plastic) and rubber hoses can be used as a pipeline for transporting biogas from the outlet in the upper part of the plant bell to the consumer. It is desirable to conduct them in a deep trench in order to exclude gaps due to freezing of condensed water in winter. If the gas is transported using a hose through the air, then a special device is required to drain the condensate. The simplest scheme for such a device is a U-shaped tube attached to the hose at its lowest point (Fig. 4). The length of the free branch of the tube (x) must be greater than the biogas pressure expressed in millimeters of water column. As condensate flows from the pipeline into the tube, water flows out through its free end without gas leakage.

In the upper part of the bell, it is also advisable to provide a branch pipe for installing a pressure gauge in order to judge the amount of accumulated biogas by the pressure value.

The operating experience of the installations has shown that the use of a mixture of different organic substances as a raw material gives more biogas than when loading the fermenter with one of the components. The moisture content of raw materials is recommended to be slightly reduced in winter (up to 88-90%) and increased in summer (92-94%). The water used for dilution should be warm (preferably 35-40 °).

Raw materials are fed in portions, at least once a day. After the first loading of the fermenter, it is not uncommon to first produce biogas, which contains more than 60% carbon dioxide and therefore does not burn. This gas is removed to the atmosphere, and after 1-3 days the plant will begin to function normally.

Biogas is a substance that contains a large amount of methane. It is obtained as a result of the decay of various organic waste. Biogas produces a large amount of energy, which allows it to be used for heating or fueling vehicles. The use of manure as an alternative energy source has often been of interest to farmers lately. Do-it-yourself biogas plant perfectly cope with the task.

When choosing the type of installation for gas extraction, you need to rely on the weather and climatic conditions of the region. For Russia, the following types are offered:

Biogas plant with manual loading of raw materials

(Mixing and heating of raw materials in the reactor is not carried out)

This version of a do-it-yourself biogas plant is the simplest of all. Approximately 1 to 10 cubic meters should be placed in the reactor. Such an installation processes quite a lot of raw materials per day - from 50 kg of manure or more. There are no unnecessary parts in the installation: a reactor, a container for raw materials, a device for the selection and use of biogas, a device for unloading waste.

Such a device is great for use in hot areas, then you can not heat or mix the processed raw materials. It is used in industrial mode when heated in the range of 5-20 ° C. It is convenient that the resulting biogas is immediately sent for use in household appliances. All processed raw materials exit through a specially made outlet.

Using the drawings, you can create a similar biogas plant with your own hands without significant effort and cost. Even the most inexperienced beginner can do it. There is absolutely nothing complicated here, but there are some nuances that should be discussed in detail.

First you need to clearly know: how much manure do you have on the farm? That is, how much your installation will be loaded. The volume of the future reactor will depend on this. Next, we determine: where will the installation be located? You need to choose a place according to the principle: safe and convenient.

Then you can start looking for details for a future source of alternative energy. Let's deal with the installation of pipes for loading and unloading raw materials. We arrange the device reactor into the pit and well fix the loading tank and the gas outlet itself. Let's start the final part, we mount the upper part, the cover.

It is imperative that the reactor be sealed so that nothing superfluous enters it. To do this, it is necessary to check after its assembly. The installation must be painted and insulated. Everyone can finally get to work. It is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the manufactured device. The best way to do this is to use a sunscreen.

Biogas plant: manual loading and mixing of raw materials

This option is also very convenient and does not require significant financial investments. But if we talk about the usefulness and efficiency of work, then this model with manual loading and the possibility of mixing raw materials wins significantly.

A manufactured installation of this type is more suitable for small farms. The recommended volume of the reactor is within 1-10 cubic meters. m. The device will be able to process from 50 to 200 kg of manure per day.

Self-made installation with mixing, heating and manual loading of raw materials

For greater efficiency and better fermentation of raw materials, it is best to consider a heating system. The device can operate at temperatures up to 35°C in mesophilic mode and up to 55°C in thermophilic mode.

To heat the raw materials, it is best to use hot water boilers, which is also economical, since it runs on the produced biofuel. The raw material that remains after production is great as a fertilizer. It is stored in a special container. Also, this indispensable substance is suitable for breeding worms.

Do-it-yourself biogas plant with a gas holder, pneumatic mixing of raw materials and heating it in a reactor (manual loading)

A home biogas plant can be equipped with a gas tank, which is designed to store the generated fuel. A device for automatic gas pumping is also installed. In this case, the loading, as in the previous types of installations, remains manual.

In the reactor, it is possible to carry out the mixing of raw materials in a pneumatic way, using the resulting biogas. It can be equipped with anything to facilitate the work, the process can be fully automated. A feature of this model is the ability to work at different temperatures of manure fermentation.

Installation with a gas holder, manual preparation, pneumatic loading, mixing of raw materials and its heating in the reactor

Such a device is perfect for both small and medium-sized production. During the day, it will be able to process up to 1.5 tons of manure (the minimum amount is 0.3 tons). The proposed volume of the reactor is 5-25 cubic meters.

The pneumatic system is used to load and mix raw materials. But the preparation is carried out in a manual way. The heating carried out in the reactor occurs due to heat exchange with a water-heating boiler. The latter also runs on the resulting biogas. Waste is unloaded in two ways: through one pipeline, raw materials are fed to the storage facility for collection, and through the second - for loading onto vehicles and transporting them directly to the field.

The extracted biogas is taken automatically, a gas holder is provided for storage. The installation has no temperature restrictions.

Mechanical preparation of raw materials (which is a feature of this model) is carried out using a compressor that supplies material to the loading hopper from a special container. The reactor is fed with compressed biogas, which is also used for heating. The selection of gas occurs automatically in the gas tank. Such a do-it-yourself biogas plant can be used in large and medium-sized farms at various fermentation temperature conditions.

How to make a biogas plant with your own hands - video

To get a visual representation of the process of obtaining gas from manure and the operation of industrial installations, you can watch the presented video.

Here in Serbia, and in Europe as a whole, people do not want to depend on energy and gas companies, so they seek to purchase alternative energy sources. Whether it's solar panels, thermal collectors, or biogas plants.

I once talked about biogas plants for industrial production in my magazine, now my story is about a home-made plant that can produce gas for your home or summer cottage. The principle of operation is clear from the figure. I will only make explanations and report the purpose of some elements.

To make the installation you will need:

* Two plastic barrels of 200 liters each (in Serbia, cabbage is salted in such barrels), but there may also be metal barrels from diesel fuel.

* Five adapter fittings for connecting elements with a hose with a thickness of at least 13 mm.

* Plastic hose (length depending on installation needs).

* Plastic bucket.

* Plastic canister 3 - 5 liters (from car oil with screw cap) for emergency valve.

* Two plastic tubes with a diameter of 5 cm.

Element 1 - in the figure, BIO gas generator

It consists of a sealed shaft, two plastic pipes and a biogas outlet.

In the generator, the organic matter will decompose as it rots, releasing 60% methane and 40% SO2.

Through the first plastic tube with a funnel, finely chopped biomass waste is poured, mixed with water in a ratio of 10% biomass and 90% rainwater (soft water).

It would be nice if we could also add a natural mixture of fresh manure from cows, pigs and poultry, in order to introduce the microorganisms on which the production of biogas depends. If not available, you can add some mud from a river or pond to speed up the process.

The process takes about 3 weeks for the gas to form. Early on, you will notice that gas is being released, but be aware that it is SO2 - carbon dioxide, which is not combustible. Only after 3 weeks have passed does the formation of methane - biogas - occur.

At the bottom of the container, over time, a residue appears, which is an excellent natural fertilizer for vegetables in horticulture.

The ideal temperature is between 12 and 36 degrees, protect the barrel from direct sunlight in the shade, and from freezing in winter. Keep in mind that this is a "live" barrel, meaning it contains billions of microorganisms working on the biomass decomposition process.

If you "overcook" or "freeze" the BIO Gas Generator, microorganisms will disappear, so the whole process will have to be started again.

Element 2 in the figure is a container for collecting biogas and a water seal

It consists of an open plastic barrel, a bucket and two fittings. (valve) for gas flow and weight (tags).

In this container - a barrel of 200 liters, gas is collected, as shown in the figure. Provides a simple and flexible solution without wasting gas. In addition, water also acts as a filter, purifying methane from impurities.

Note that the gas has lifted the water container and this indicates the amount of gas collected.

The weight of the weight will help to make the pressure of the gas sufficient, which is then sent to the emergency valve, element number 4.

Keep this container filled with water and protected from freezing.

Element 3 - burner

Element 4 - Emergency valve

The emergency valve consists of a plastic water canister with a screw cap and two adapters.

Empty oil cans for a car are a good improvisation.

The safety valve is designed to intercept the flame in order to stop the backfire. The safety valve is located between Element 3 - the burner and the gas collection container, Element 2.

It is imperative that you install an emergency valve to prevent the possibility of the gas container being ignited, resulting in an accident or explosion.

Anyone can create biogas on their own. This does not require special knowledge and special skills in the field of renewable energy sources. If each person thinks about the world around him, the situation with the ecology on Earth will improve significantly.

Manure gas is a reality. It can indeed be obtained from manure, which in one way or another fertilizes the earth. But you can put it into circulation and get real gas.

To get gas from manure with your own hands at home, a farm biogas plant is used. You can extract natural gas using a digester right on the farm. This is how many farmers do it. For this, you do not need to purchase special fuel. Enough natural raw materials.

The bioreactor should include from 1 to 8-10 cubic meters. waste of private production, chicken manure. The production and processing of raw materials on a device with such a volume will be able to process more than 50 kg of manure. To make a biogas plant, you should find the drawings according to which the equipment is made, and you also need a diagram.

The operation of the installation is carried out in several stages:

  • Mixing of raw materials;
  • Heating;
  • Isolation of biogas.
  • A home-made installation will allow you to get gas from manure in a matter of time. It can be assembled independently, having diagrams and drawings. For the heat generator, you can choose boilers for heating water. To collect gas on the site you need a gas tank. It collects and stores gas.

    Remember that impurities and debris in the tank should be cleaned from time to time.

    You can get gas from manure using a biogas plant. It can be designed by hand. Determine the volume of processed raw materials, choose a suitable container in which the raw materials will be processed and mixed - this is how the production of gas saturated with methane in biofuel occurs.

    Making biogas at home

    There is a stereotype that biogas can only be obtained at specialized industries and farms. However, it is not. Today you can make biogas at home.

    Biogas is a collection of various gases that are created by the decomposition of organic matter. It is worth knowing that biogas is flammable. It ignites easily with a pure flame.

    We note the advantages of a biogas plant at home:

    1. Obtaining biogas without expensive equipment;
    2. Using your ;
    3. Natural and free raw materials in the form of manure or plants;
    4. Caring for the environment.

    Having a biogas plant at home is a profitable business for the owner of a summer cottage. To make such an installation, a small amount of funds is needed: two barrels of 200 liters each, a barrel of 50 liters, sewer pipes, a gas hose and a tap.

    As you can see, to do the installation yourself, you don’t even need to buy additional tools. Barrels, faucet, hoses and pipes can almost always be found on the farm of cottage owners. The gas generator is a concern for the environment, as well as your opportunity to use an alternative source of energy and fuel.

    Why do you need a biogas plant for farming

    Some farmers, summer residents, owners of private houses do not see the need to make a biogas plant. At first glance, it is. But then, when the owners see all the benefits, the question of the need for such an installation disappears.

    The first obvious reason to make a biogas plant on a farm is to get electricity, heating, which will allow you to pay less for electricity.

    Using your energy is cheaper than paying for its supply to the farm.

    Another main reason for the need to create an installation is the organization of a complete cycle of non-waste production. As a raw material for the device, we use manure or droppings. After processing, we get new gas.

    The third reason in favor of a biogas plant is the efficient processing and environmental impact.

    3 advantages of a biogas plant:

    • Getting energy to keep the family farm running;
    • Organization of the completed cycle;
    • Efficient use of raw materials.

    Having an installation on a farm is an indicator of your efficiency and concern for the world around you. Biogenerators save a huge amount of money by making production zero waste, efficient allocation of resources and raw materials, but also your complete self-sufficiency.

    A heat pump is easy to assemble with your own hands from old home equipment. The whole process is described in the following article:

    Question for an efficient economy: how to get methane correctly

    Methane is the main component of biogas. Biogas itself is a mixture of various gases. Among them, methane is the most important.

    Let's highlight the factors that affect the production of methane:

    • Environment;
    • Quality raw materials;
    • The frequency of mixing of raw materials in the installation tank.

    Mix the raw materials in the container with a pitchfork and at least once a day, ideally - six times.

    The production of methane is directly related to the production of biogas. The better you treat the process of obtaining biogas, the better you will get biogas at the output. To do this, you need to use only high-quality raw materials, monitor the place where the installation is located, and mix the contents of the tank. Then you will get methane correctly.

    DIY biogas plant (video)

    There are more and more supporters of preserving the environment in its original form. Without emissions and environmental pollution. Biogas plants solve this problem. In addition, the owner of the biogas plant personally receives direct monetary benefits from its use.