How to write a business case for a project example. Feasibility study - what is it and how does it differ from other similar documents. Financial component of the project implementation

There is a common misconception that a feasibility study is nothing more than a condensed version of a business plan with a greatly truncated or missing marketing section. In fact, this is not true. What then is the feasibility study of the project? Example in this article.

The essence of the term

A feasibility study, or feasibility study, is a printed confirmation of the technical viability of the project and its feasibility from an economic point of view. Such a formulation seems logically complete and understandable. EFT is an idea put on paper.

For clarity, the designation of the term "business plan" can also be given. A business plan is a detailed document containing the following information: who will implement the project and with what tools, in what period of time and in what markets the goods or services will then be presented. At the same time, a feasibility study is a component of a business plan, since the implementation of any project is preceded by its technical and economic evaluation. In other words, if a feasibility study is a document that contains a business plan, then a business plan is a step-by-step plan for its implementation.

When creating a feasibility study for the construction of an enterprise, it is necessary to take care of its content. This will be the basis of the project. The content of the feasibility study, as a rule, includes the following items: name, project goals, basic information about the project, economic justification, additional data and applications. At the same time, the economic justification is supported by sub-items, namely: the cost of the project, the calculation of the expected profit, as well as economic efficiency indices.

The given content of the feasibility study of production is indicative and includes only the main sections. If they are not enough, then you can use other additional ones that will help in the implementation of the project.

Name and purpose

The title should be short but informative. In addition, an attractively formulated name of the feasibility study of the project will help to hook the investor. An example is the Center for Precision Instrumentation. The purpose of the project should also be succinctly stated. The main purpose of these two parts of the sample feasibility study is to make a good impression and interest the investor. Too much text can discourage the desire to read the project.

Basic information. Project cost

The feasibility study of the project is considered successful, an example of which includes the types of activities of the company, as well as a list of products. In addition, a description of production capabilities and planned production volumes must be included in the basic information. In the section on implementation costs, there should be a list of works that will be required to complete the project, as well as their cost.

Next, you should indicate the expected amount of income and expenses, provided that the project enterprise will operate at a planned load. Based on these data, the profit is calculated. It should be noted here that depreciation should be a separate item. Often this indicator is regarded by investors as one of the sources of profit.

Competent is the feasibility study of the project, an example of which includes the main indicators of investment efficiency. These include the amount of investment, net profit for the year, internal rate of return (IRR), (NPV), payback period of the project and BEP for the year - the break-even point.

Additional information and applications

Any materials that will help enhance the impression of the project and emphasize its positive and beneficial aspects should be included in the additional information section. In addition, such information should be aimed at revealing the main objectives of the project, as well as emphasizing its economic efficiency and benefits for the investor. Additional information, moreover, appropriately designed, will add weight and solidity to the project. In addition, these materials will not overload the main points of the feasibility study, as they are displayed in a separate section. But at the same time, it should be emphasized that there is no place for little useful information here. Any information and data must be of value to the investor.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that a document that is concise and specific can be called a good and competent example of a feasibility study. From it, the main idea should be clearly understood. The feasibility study does not need a detailed description of the project implementation process itself, but is intended only to attract the attention of the investor. But after achieving this goal, you will need a business plan.

The business case is the reason that motivates an organization to undertake a particular project. This concept includes consideration of the benefits that the enterprise will receive from the results of the project. In addition, the business case considers various alternatives and also analyzes the project from a financial and economic point of view. The latter allows assessing the investment attractiveness of the project. How to write a business case? An example is in this article.

The essence of the concept

The business case is similar to the kind of analysis we do when planning a major purchase. For example, your own car. Suppose that we can allocate 35 thousand US dollars from the family budget for this purchase. The first step is to find out exactly which automobile concerns produce cars of the class we are interested in. Then we determine the main technical characteristics and agree on the final price with the company that sells these products. But that's not all. How to write a business case? An example in the question of choosing a payment scheme.

At the same time, there may be another situation when, first of all, the buyer is interested in the total amount that will have to be paid for a new car. This is especially true in a situation where the final price is affected by the amount of interest when it comes to buying on credit. In this case, it is advisable to choose exactly the option that provides the lowest interest rate. Another way is to find the offer with the lowest monthly payment. Such an acquisition will allow you to stretch payments for as long as possible. At the same time, the monthly amount of such a payment will not hit hard on your pocket. When carrying out a financial and economic justification, attention is paid to similar aspects.

Components of a business case

There are no clear rules for documenting the business case. Its main task, as in the case of the feasibility study of the project, is to determine the tangible or intangible results of its implementation. Material outcomes are those that can be measured.

Below is a list that gives an idea of ​​those material components that are important in the process of formalizing the financial and economic justification of the project. It would be nice to say that not all of them require mandatory documentation. The need to fix them on paper depends on the complexity of the project, the cost and the number of risks for the enterprise.

Tangible Elements of the Business Case

In summary, the main tangible components of a business case are savings, cost savings, the likelihood of ancillary income, gains in market share, customer satisfaction, and cash flow estimation. In addition to the material components of the economic justification, it must also contain non-material components.

Intangible Business Case Elements

Among them may be probable, but not planned in advance costs of the company. Key intangible elements of the business case include transition costs, operating costs, business process transformation, and employee reorganization. In addition, recurring benefits are among the intangible components of the business case. How to write a business case? An example is below.

Other components of the business case

It should be emphasized that, along with the benefits and the assessment of the cash flow in the EA, attention must be paid to alternative approaches and methods for implementing a particular project in practice. How to write a business case? An example in the following situation.

It is known that a large number of manufacturers of different products are represented on the market. However, each of them sets its own price for its own products. What to choose? An option that is a $2 million turnkey solution. Or an alternative solution that provides for partial acquisition from a third-party manufacturer and, to some extent, the use of its resources?

Actually, aspects of just this nature often have to be considered when compiling the economic justification of an enterprise. Any of the proposed options should include the previously listed tangible and intangible components. At the end of the business case, it is necessary to indicate proposals and conclusions. In addition, additional materials can be added to it.

How to write a feasibility study (feasibility study)? Yes, elementary, just open GOST 24.202-80 System of technical documentation for automated control systems. Requirements for the content of the document "", although it does not operate in the Russian Federation, and then stupidly and formally follow the text, since there is (most likely) no full-fledged replacement for it, but no one has yet canceled the feasibility studies. It's better that way than to drive all sorts of gag as a feasibility study. Edition dated 06/20/2018.

How to write a feasibility study (feasibility study)?

Created on 12/19/2016 13:08:53

The absence of a full-fledged replacement for many Soviet standards that have ceased to operate is, to put it mildly, a diversion from the outside. So, for example, GOST 22352-77 Manufacturer's warranties. Establishment and calculation of warranty periods in standards and specifications. General provisions, also lost force in the Russian Federation. So what should the developers do, because no one canceled the warranty obligations, as well as the feasibility studies?! Only use those that have expired, But without mentioning them directly in the texts of the developed documents .

But let's get back to the topic and open GOST 24.202, let's start with general provisions. According to clause 1.1 of GOST 24.202-80, the document "Feasibility Study for the Creation of an ACS" (feasibility study for an ACS) is intended to justify the production and economic necessity and the feasibility of creating or developing an ACS (hereinafter referred to as the creation of an ACS).

Thus, the purpose of the document becomes more than obvious. For specifics, it makes sense to turn to electronic document management systems, which include almost any, be it accounting, personnel records, and the like. It is quite clear that accounting in its classic “paper” form is not very effective - this is when aunts with fat asses or uncles in armlets rush about, passing them to each other, fill out a bunch of all kinds of accounting journals, while doing a lot and creating a complete organizational confusion.

As we have indicated in previous articles, any organizational problems must be solved (by technical means, by automation, thereby reducing the share of manual labor), - this is the production and economic necessity. Now about the technical and economic: any competent and intelligent automation of any activity always leads to an increase in the economic activity of this activity, minus, of course, all kinds of costs. Everything is simple.

Further. According to clause 1.4 of GOST 24.202-80, for newly designed and under construction, the initial data necessary for writing a feasibility study for automated control systems are determined on the basis of analogous objects. It is now fashionable to name analogue objects, their analysis is necessary, since it is always easier to create something not from scratch, but on the basis of existing experience, domestic and (or) foreign.

And, finally, one should not be embarrassed that GOST 24.202-80 is talking about a feasibility study for the creation ACS. ACS is just one of the subspecies, so the feasibility study on the ACS is quite applicable to any AU.

On the composition and content of the feasibility study (FS)

According to clause 2.1 of GOST 24.202-80, the ACS feasibility study document should contain the following sections:

  • introduction;
  • characteristics of the object and the existing control system;
  • , criteria and limitations for the creation of automated control systems;
  • and created ACS;
  • expected technical and economic results of the creation of automated control systems;
  • conclusions and offers.

What might not be obvious about this requirement? Yes, everything is obvious, you just need to create the sections listed above, and with the style of the 1st level, if someone else uses the Word. Style, by the way, is defined differently by different standards - and here it is.

The basis for the work (on the development of a feasibility study - feasibility study)

The basis for the work (on the development of a feasibility study - feasibility study) - what to write here? The grounds for carrying out work can be different: an order during implementation, an agreement with the customer, documents, an operational and technical note, and much more. Remove unnecessary.

Name of the customer organization (feasibility study - feasibility study)

Name of the customer organization (feasibility study - feasibility study) - if any. If the development is proactive, then the customer will most likely be the top management of the performing enterprise (or the management of some related division of the same enterprise).

Name of organizations participating in the work (on the development of a feasibility study)

The name of the organizations participating in the work (for the development of a feasibility study) - can be, and all of them must be listed. Well, it is also a member organization.

Start and end dates of work (on the development of a feasibility study - feasibility study)

The source is either the customer, or the state budget, or the performer himself - self-financing. Funding volumes are usually arranged according to the stages and stages of work (completed a stage or a stage - get a piece of financing in a certain amount), which, in fact, is the order of financing.

List of regulatory and technical documents, methodological materials used in the feasibility study - here is a list of standards and guidelines. For any kind of automated systems, these will be GOSTs of the 34th complex and (as guidelines), as well.

About Reference Standards

Reference standards in GOST and RD 50-34.698-90 are not always explicitly indicated. So, for example, in the subsections "Requirements for reliability" and "Safety requirements" of the technical specifications in accordance with GOST 34.602, they are not indicated, but these subsections should be developed in accordance with GOST and GOST, respectively. But the men don’t know, and therefore they ask, what to write in these ?!

The subsection "Requirements for the quality of software" should be developed in accordance with GOST 28195, "Requirements for system diagnostics" - in accordance with GOST 20911.

In other words, to any section (subsection, etc.) of the terms of reference, the corresponding reference standard or set of standards can and should be “attached”, but this was not done initially, and then the entire set of standards for automated systems from the moment it began to operate so plainly it has never been reviewed (this is from the words of Mr.). This is understandable, the 34th set of standards dates back to the 89-90s of the last century, when the perestroika Gorbachev mess almost led to the collapse of the country and everyone was no longer up to standardization, if only they could survive ...

Characteristics of the object and the existing control system

According to clause 2.3 of GOST 24.202-80, the section "Characteristics of the object and the existing control system" should contain:

  • general characteristics of the object;
  • characteristics of production and economic activities, organizational and object;
  • a description of the existing management system and its structural, indicating the distribution of management functions between the elements;
  • characteristics used and controls;
  • a list and description of shortcomings in the organization and management of the facility (in management methods, organizational structure of management, performance of management functions, provision of information, etc.);
  • assessment of production losses arising from shortcomings in the organization and management of the facility as a whole and its parts (deterioration of the technical, economic and social performance of the facility and its parts);
  • characterization of the object's readiness for the creation of an automated control system.

Note - For objects with developed automated control systems, the characteristics of the automated and non-automated parts of the existing control system are given in the section.

We still stupidly and formally create the corresponding subsections by copying, not forgetting to competently “decline and conjugate” them.

General characteristics of the object

General characteristics of the object - in relation to the general characteristics of the object, you can at least pour Solovyov. It is most reasonable to go to the official website of the customer and copy the section “About the company” or similar in meaning from there. Here is a simple example:

OOO Gazprom dobycha somewhere there is a powerful, highly profitable company whose activities include:

  • search and exploration of new deposits of oil and gas;
  • intensification of active fields;
  • extraction of gas, condensate, oil;
  • preparation of hydrocarbon raw materials;
  • provision of services for the preparation of raw materials from third-party suppliers;
  • transportation of gas, condensate, oil and products of their preparation;
  • providing the region with gas and liquid fuel;
  • ensuring industrial and environmental safety in the operation of hazardous production facilities;
  • environmental monitoring.

OOO Gazprom dobycha somewhere out there produces highly liquid competitive products:

  • dry gas;
  • liquefied gas;
  • stable condensate with oil;
  • a broad fraction of light hydrocarbons;
  • propane-butane technical;
  • ethane;
  • helium (gaseous, liquid);
  • odorant;
  • sulfur (liquid, lump, granular);
  • liquid oxygen;
  • a liquid nitrogen".

And in that spirit.

Characterization of production and economic activities, organizational and production structure of the object - this is more difficult. In order to characterize all of the above, one should open the material and With special attention refer to steps 1.1 and 2.1. In fact, this is a pre-project survey, which was described in the article.

They will tell you reluctantly and inconsistently about organizational and economic activities in terms of its current state, but they will tell you. Suppose everything is about the same workflow. About the organizational structure of the object - perhaps, but at the level of the organizational structure of the organization, about vertical and horizontal links between departments.

But they can keep silent about the production structure. When examining one power supply organization, information was required on the scheme for laying underground power cable networks with reference to a map of the area, but this information was immediately denied, since it is simply secret. The example may not be very successful, but it captures the essence.

Characteristics of the existing management system and its structural elements, indicating the distribution of management functions between elements of the organizational structure

Description of the existing management system and its structural elements, indicating the distribution of management functions between the elements of the organizational structure - this subsection largely repeats the previous one.

Characteristics of control functions, methods and means of control used

A description of the management functions, the methods and means of management used - this one too, but just at a more detailed level. All this is signed according to the results of the pre-project survey. This paragraph and both previous ones are “three boots - a pair”.

List and characteristics of shortcomings in the organization and management of the facility (in management methods, organizational structure of management, performance of management functions, information provision, etc.)

The list and characteristics of shortcomings in the organization and management of the facility (in management methods, organizational structure of management, performance of management functions, provision of information, etc.) - you can talk about these right things for a long time

About the shortcomings of the organization - who remembers, during O but it was necessary to stand in line for the sausage until the seller weighs it and announces the price, then, already knowing the price, stand in line at the cashier and punch the check, and then return to the counter with the check and pick up your sausage. Or what happened in all kinds of communal organizations before the introduction of “one (single) window” - you had to queue for each piece of paper in each separate window, and then to others in order to transfer this piece of paper there and get another one.

In this subsection, it is necessary to describe all the nonsense that is taking place at the present time, and we are all much to criticize

Separately, about providing information. Under the Union, BNTI-bureaus were always present in more or less serious organizations. And then the departments - ONTI. What they did: They sent out paper cards to the heads of departments containing the topics of the department or its specific head. This was not very effective, since it was carried out manually on formal grounds - and not on semantic content - this became possible relatively recently with the advent of powerful automated ones.

Estimation of production losses arising from deficiencies in the organization and management of the facility as a whole and its parts (deterioration of the technical, economic and social performance of the facility and its parts) - let's take as an example the line at the cash desks in Shesterochka or other similar establishments. People go nuts and get angry when two out of ten cash desks work, many simply throw baskets or carts and leave without purchases. Direct losses - a decrease in sales and revenues, i.e. economic indicators. And social ones too - a furious buyer leaves with the thought "Yes, so that I come here again ...". The image of the organization is lost and the "loyalty" of customers is reduced.

Characteristics of the readiness of the object to create an automated control system

A characteristic of the readiness of an object for the creation of an automated control system - there must be some initial prerequisites that simplify the creation and implementation of an automated control system at the object. If, for example, the object has a local network, wired or wireless, then the object is MORE ready, and if not, then LESS

There is a staff capable of operating the AU - MORE ready, no - LESS. Well, and so on.

Goals, criteria and limitations of the creation of automated control systems

According to clause 2.4 of GOST 24.202-80, the section "Goals, criteria and limitations for creating an automated control system" should contain:

  • formulation of production, economic, scientific, technical and economic criteria for the creation of automated control systems;
  • characterization of restrictions on the creation of automated control systems.

Note - The goals and criteria for creating an automated control system should be set in the form of a change in the corresponding ones.

Formulation of production, economic, scientific, technical and economic goals and criteria for the creation of automated control systems

The formulation of production, economic, scientific, technical and economic goals and criteria for creating an automated control system - we will not bother about the goals, we will give a link to one of the previous articles, everything is clearly described in it and it makes no sense to repeat it. With the criteria, everything is also obvious, this is the Ratio that characterizes the degree of achievement and takes on different numerical values ​​depending on the impacts used on or specific performance results [from p. 6 of app. 1 GOST 34.003-90].

Characteristics of restrictions on the creation of automated control systems

Characteristics of restrictions on the creation of automated control systems - for example, the estimate for a banquet on the occasion of the approval and approval of a feasibility study should not exceed such and such an amount. Why not limitation? Those. decrease from such and such an amount to another amount - and this is already changes values ​​of the relevant indicators .

Functions and tasks of the created automated control system in the feasibility study (feasibility study)

According to clause 2.5 of GOST 24.202-80, the section "Functions and tasks of the created automated control system" should contain:

  • substantiation of the choice of the list of functions and complexes of tasks (tasks) of management with an indication of implementation;
  • requirements for the characteristics of the implementation of management functions and tasks in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents that determine the general technical requirements for a particular type of automated control system;
  • additional requirements for the ACS as a whole and its parts, taking into account the specifics of the control object and the ACS being created.

We continue to act in the spirit of detailing, see Fig.

Justification of the choice of the list of automated functions and complexes of tasks (tasks) of management, indicating the order of implementation

Justification of the choice of a list of automated functions and complexes of tasks (tasks) of management, indicating the order of implementation - here we must return to the other. Characteristics of production and economic activities, the organizational and production structure of the facility and the underlying ones, they tell everything what is bad and where, so the list of everything that needs to be automated immediately becomes clear.

For the order of implementation, see.

Requirements for the characteristics of the implementation of functions and control tasks in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents that define the general technical requirements for a particular type of automated control system

Requirements for the characteristics of the implementation of management functions and tasks in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents that determine the general technical requirements for a particular type of automated control system are nothing new, see the List of regulatory and technical documents, methodological materials used in the feasibility study.

Additional requirements for the automated control system as a whole and its parts, taking into account the specifics of the control object and the created automated control system

Additional requirements for the automated control system as a whole and its parts, taking into account the specifics of the control object and the automated control system being created - for example, an automated control system -. You can safely add something about her and measures to maintain secrecy, according to.

Expected technical and economic results of the creation of automated control systems

According to clause 2.6 of GOST 24.202-80, the section "Expected technical and economic results of creating an automated control system" should contain:

  • a list of the main sources of economic efficiency resulting from the creation of automated control systems (including savings in production, improvement, increase in labor productivity, etc.) and an assessment of the expected changes in the main technical, economic and social indicators of the production and economic activities of the facility (for example, indicators for nomenclature and volumes of production, production costs, profitability, contributions to economic incentive funds, the level of social development);
  • assessment of the expected costs for the creation of an automated control system with their distribution by order of creation of an automated control system and by year;
  • expected summarizing indicators of the economic efficiency of automated control systems.

Note - The section indicates only those indicators of the object's activity that will undergo changes as a result of the creation of an automated control system.

Here, probably, comments are superfluous. Although...

Let's open another Assessment of production losses arising from shortcomings in the organization and management of the facility as a whole and its parts (deterioration of the technical, economic and social performance of the facility and its parts). How much does the turnover decrease if only two cash desks work out of ten? Economic losses? Undoubtedly! This is also the expiration of the shelf life of products (with their subsequent disposal), excessive loading of storage facilities - and they should be emptied quickly enough - the goods should scatter as quickly as possible.

Conclusions and offers

According to clause 2.7 of GOST 24.202-80, the section "Conclusions and proposals" should consist of the following subsections:

  • conclusions about the production and economic necessity and technical and economic feasibility of creating an automated control system;
  • proposals for improving the organization and management;
  • recommendations for the creation of ACS.

According to clause 2.7.1 of GOST 24.202-80, the subsection “Conclusions on the production and economic necessity and technical and economic feasibility of creating an automated control system” should contain:

  • comparison of the expected results of creating an automated control system with the set goals and criteria for creating an automated control system (by target indicators and regulatory requirements);
  • a fundamental solution to the issue of creating an automated control system (positive or negative).

It's also simple. The goals are to improve something, and the expected results are such and such. Are we on the plus side? Great! We accept a positive principled decision on the issue of creating the AU.

According to clause 2.7.2 of GOST 24.202-80, the subsection “Proposals for improving organization and management” should contain proposals:

  • to improve production and economic activities;
  • to improve the organizational and functional structures of the management system, management methods, to develop types of ACS support, etc.

Note - Proposals should be specific and reflect the main directions for improving the organization and management.

Everything repeats again and again - documentation should close on themselves Suggestions for:

  • to improve production and economic activities - see Characteristics of production and economic activities, organizational and production structure of the object;
  • to improve the organizational and functional structures of the management system, management methods, to develop types of ACS support, etc. - see the same link.

What needs to be done as part of the improvement? Reduce queues at cash desks, create an electronic document management system so that accountants do not rush with papers, etc.

According to clause 2.7.3 of GOST 24.202-80, the subsection "Recommendations for the creation of automated control systems" should contain recommendations:

  • by the type of automated control system being created, its compatibility with other automated control systems and the non-automated part of the existing control system;
  • on the organizational and functional structure of the created ACS;
  • on the composition and characteristics of subsystems and types of ACS support;
  • on the organization of the use of existing and the acquisition of additional computer equipment;
  • on the composition of development organizations that need to be involved in the creation of automated control systems;
  • on the rational organization of the development and implementation of automated control systems;
  • to determine the main and additional, external and internal sources and types of funding and material support for the development of automated control systems;
  • to ensure the production conditions for the creation of automated control systems;
  • other recommendations for the creation of ACS.

And here the comments are definitely unnecessary.


to the draft federal law “...”


draft federal law “On benefits for travel on intercity transport for certain categories of students in state and municipal educational institutions”

The calculation of financial costs for the introduction of additional benefits provided for by the draft federal law “On benefits for travel on intercity transport for certain categories of students in state and municipal educational institutions” was carried out for each of the four categories of students.

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the structure of passenger transportation by public intercity transport in 1995 is as follows:

rail transport - 28.9%;

road transport - 65.8%;

air transport - 4.6%;

maritime transport - 0.2%;

river transport - 0.7%.

At the same time, the average fares for one trip on each type of intercity transport are:

in railway transport - 126.0 thousand rubles;

in road transport - 20.0 thousand rubles;

in air transport - 850.0 thousand rubles;

in maritime transport - 350.0 thousand rubles;

on river transport - 30.8 rubles.

Based on this, the average cost of one trip on one of the types of intercity transport in 1996 will be:

in railway transport - 36.41 thousand rubles;

in road transport - 3.91 thousand rubles;

on sea transport - 700 rubles;

on river transport - 216 rubles.

The average cost of one trip on one of the types of intercity transport calculated in this way in 1996 will amount to 54.4 thousand rubles.

Based on the above calculations, the costs of implementing the draft federal law “On benefits for travel on interurban transport for certain categories of students in state and municipal educational institutions”, if adopted, will be expressed in the following amounts:

1. For persons receiving full-time education in state and municipal educational institutions of general education (21.52 million people in 1995), granting the right to pay for travel on one of the types of intercity transport once a year to the destination and back within the territory of the Russian Federation, subject to payment in the amount of 50% of the ticket price, will require in 1997, excluding inflation, costs in the amount of 1.17 trillion. rubles.

2. For persons receiving full-time education in state and municipal educational institutions of primary vocational education (1.59 million people in 1995), granting the right to pay for travel on one of the types of intercity transport once a year to the destination and back within the territory of the Russian Federation, subject to payment in the amount of 50% of the ticket price, will require in 1997, excluding inflation, costs in the amount of 86.55 billion rubles.

Providing the specified category of persons with the right to pay for travel from October 1 to May 15 on railway transport within the Russian Federation, subject to payment in the amount of 50% of the ticket price, taking into account the fact that each student will use this benefit for travel to and from the destination three times in the academic year (during the spring, autumn and winter holidays), will require in 1997, excluding inflation, costs in the amount of 173.81 billion rubles.

3. For non-residents receiving full-time education in state and municipal educational institutions of secondary vocational education (482 thousand people in 1995), the right to free travel by rail or by road (intercity) transport in the absence of rail communication once a year to the destination and back within the territory of the Russian Federation will require in 1997, excluding inflation, costs in the amount of 35.1 billion rubles.

4. Persons receiving full-time education in state and municipal educational institutions of general education (1.7 million people in 1995), the right to free travel by rail once a year to their destination and back within the territory of the Russian In 1997, the Federation will require additional expenses in the amount of 61.9 billion rubles, without taking into account inflation, instead of the existing benefits for paying for railway transport in the amount of 50% of the fare.

5. For persons studying in doctoral studies at state and municipal educational institutions of higher professional education and scientific institutions (2.19 thousand people in 1995), the right to pay for travel on one of the types of intercity transport once a year to the destination and back within the territory of the Russian Federation, subject to payment of 50% of the ticket price, will require in 1997, excluding inflation, costs in the amount of 119.0 million rubles.

Thus, in 1997, the total amount of federal budget expenditures with the introduction of the above benefits for paying for intercity transport within the territory of the Russian Federation, excluding inflation, will be in addition to the existing 1.53 trillion. rubles.

It should be noted that the assessment of the final result was carried out according to the upper limit, since it does not take into account the fact that approximately 30% of full-time students in state and municipal educational institutions of general education, according to the rules for transporting passengers, are given the right to travel on intercity transport on a children's ticket (children up to 10 years old - by rail and road transport, children under 12 years old - by air and water transport).

Subject of the right of legislative initiative (signature)

What is a Feasibility Study - Feasibility Study

Feasibility study or project feasibility study is, perhaps, one of the most important documents in the creation and development of any modern company. Most often, a feasibility study of a project (or project feasibility study) is necessary if a company or an enterprise is going to introduce some new technology, to receive any funds for the implementation of production goals.

Many entrepreneurs confuse the concepts of "Business plan" and "feasibility study", believing that the development of a feasibility study is no different from writing a regular business plan. In fact, draw up a feasibility study and writing a business plan are somewhat different things, the main difference is that the preparation of a feasibility study is not as complex and detailed as a business plan.

Feasibility study of the project(feasibility study of the project), as a rule, is devoted only to part of the overall business of the company and, as a result, should not contain sections describing the entire business as a whole. That is, the feasibility study of the project includes only those data and calculations that will describe future changes in the company's activities directly related to this project.

feasibility study, unlike a business plan, does not contain details in the form of a marketing promotion strategy, a description of goods or services, or risk analysis. A feasibility study is compiled precisely in order to be able to calculate the results of innovations, to see all the possible problems of this process.

Why do you need a feasibility study

In order to visually see the situation developing at the enterprise after any changes in its work (whether quantitative or qualitative), as a rule, a feasibility study (feasibility study) of the project is developed. At drawing up a feasibility study The project carefully takes into account a variety of factors that have a direct or indirect impact on the enterprise, as well as all changes in financial indicators.

A well-written feasibility study allows you to see how effective investments are in the development of new or refinement of old types of enterprise activities, whether the company needs mergers or acquisitions, and whether there is a need for lending. Also, the feasibility study of the project will help to select the necessary equipment, select and implement appropriate production technologies, and properly organize the activities of the enterprise.

Feasibility Study ( feasibility study) is mandatory included in the package of documents that are submitted to the bank for a loan. In this case, the feasibility study allows you to show the profitability of lending, the increase in the level of activity as a result of lending, as well as the guarantee of the return of the loan to the bank.

How to make a feasibility study

When developing a competent feasibility study The following provisions should be included in the feasibility study:

  1. Project Summary
  2. Project idea. What is the idea of ​​the feasibility study of the project, what is it for. Project feasibility study plan with step by step explanation.
  3. Rationale. Why such solutions are offered, the reason for choosing this particular material, type of activity or equipment. It is also necessary to include all possible calculated risks in the calculation of the feasibility study.
  4. Calculations of needs for production (financial, raw materials, labor, energy). It is necessary to calculate how much funds will be required to launch this project. If you are preparing a feasibility study for obtaining a loan, you should also indicate all possible sources of income
  5. Economic justification (calculations that show the result of the enterprise's activities after changes)
  6. Conclusions and suggestions (summarizing, conclusion, evaluation)

At the same time, a feasibility study (project feasibility study) can later serve as the basis for drawing up a business plan, the main document that serves to make decisions about the introduction of new technologies or equipment into the production of an enterprise.

Sergey Pankratov