What companies do marketers work for? Who is a marketer and what does he do? How is a career usually built?

Everyone has long known such specialties as a marketer or manager. There are a lot of such "professionals" now. Almost every university has specialties in this area. However, not everyone knows what is included in the main responsibilities of a marketer. Today, our task is to explain to you absolutely all the functions of a marketer, his personal qualities and show the job description of this specialty as an example.

Job Responsibilities of a Marketer

A marketer is a rather laborious profession that requires a strategic mindset and no small mental stamina. Let's say right away that if a marketer works in a large company, his job responsibilities may differ from those of a marketer working in a medium-sized enterprise. The fact is that in large companies there are special marketing subdivisions, each of which deals with its own tasks. For example, there are marketing departments that deal exclusively with the study of the market price of goods. Next, we will describe everything in order job responsibilities of a marketer both in a large company and in a small enterprise. For each function, we will try to give illustrative examples.

Market analysis

Trends are constantly changing in absolutely any market. And this must be followed. This is one of the main functions of a marketer - to follow the movement of the market. It is worth noting here that the more inert the market, the more difficult it becomes to adapt to it and accept new conditions.

What can happen if you didn't see the general trend of the market and didn't analyze everything correctly? It's simple, the company can easily fly out of the market. It is also worth considering that market analysis must be carried out on time. If it is too late, no analysis will save you.

Example: imagine a huge factory that is engaged in the smelting of iron products. The marketing department analyzed the market and realized that it was urgent to change machines and upgrade production facilities. The fact is that this task cannot be completed so quickly, since it is a very laborious work (it is necessary to remove old machines, put in new ones, train staff how to work with new equipment). For this reason, the analysis of any market must be carried out on time and smoothly.

The main tools of this function of a marketer include: tracking periodicals, analysis of market competitors, social surveys. In fact, there are a lot of tools for this duty.

Cooperation with clients

Yes, the most important thing is not to “work”, but to “cooperate” with clients. You might think that only the manager should have a relationship with customers, but this is not so. The manager must be able to communicate with clients, and the marketer must understand what exactly each client needs. The analysis of each client will open many doors for you.

You need to understand the main difference between your company and competitors. Here it is necessary to have an objective assessment. That is, to understand how you differ from others in the eyes of the client himself, and not what you yourself invented there.

Example: a person can go to the same cafe all the time. Cafe employees may begin to think that a client comes to them because of the friendly staff, delicious food, or something else. In fact, this person just came because of the free wi-fi.

Analysis of the competitive environment

Another primary responsibility of a marketer is to analyze the company's competitors. Of course, you need to communicate with customers, but you need to devote even more time to the competitive environment, since this is your main rival. It is necessary to understand exactly what is the pricing policy of a particular company that works with you in the same segment. Why are they better than you?

There are a lot of tools for analyzing competitors: company press releases, customer reviews about their products, mystery shoppers, news, and more.

Finding new ways to attract customers

The responsibility of a marketer in an enterprise is to look for new customers, and the more the better. What does this mean? You can look for new niches where your company can show itself. There are simply no limits in this area.

Do not forget that one of the most effective ways to attract new customers is an advertising campaign. If you are a marketer, then you must understand good advertising and be able to do it. Analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and develop strategies for conducting promotional activities.

Cash analysis

And the last duty of a marketer is to work with cash flows. A really good marketer will be able to calculate the turnover of the company, as well as the turnover of competitors and the market as a whole.

In this case, we want to advise you to always carefully follow the following points:

  • Market dynamics (busts and booms)
  • Growth dynamics of competitors
  • Company profit by different segments
  • Profit per unit of production
  • The response of competitors to your manipulations with product prices

It must be clearly understood that your main goal is NOT financial analytics, this is the task of other departments. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't use them. The marketer's job is to keep track of the company's successes and failures.

Personal qualities of a marketer

We have already said about the most important duties of the job responsibilities of a marketer. Now we should move on to the personal qualities of a person who can work in this specialty. Perhaps most importantly, a marketer must have a mathematical mindset. Such a person simply must easily use the methods of induction and deduction.

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that a marketer must be able to think, both logically and creatively. Oh yes, this profession implies creative skills, because you will have to come up with new approaches to achieve a particular goal (for example, to conduct a bright advertising campaign).

No one said that this type of profession is very easy work. Just imagine, in one day you may have to come up with a creative advertisement, including all your creativity, and on the same day make clear calculations on the effectiveness of this idea.

As a result, to become an excellent marketer, you will need knowledge in many areas of different directions. If you are promoting a product, this does not mean at all that you will not need mathematical calculations.

Example job description for a marketer

Below we give a sample of an example of a job description for a marketer at one of the companies (We took a sample instruction from one of the large retail chains). And so, a person working as a marketer is obliged to fulfill the following points:

  • The marketer should conduct research on the main factors that may in one way or another affect the dynamics of the consumer dispute on the company's product.
  • Based on the research, the marketer must develop an overall marketing strategy for the company.
  • Calculate the budget of the marketing plan and manage the allocated funds.
  • Do a categorization. Identify groups of potential consumers.
  • Assess the prospects of the market in which the company operates. Assess the company's future prospects for entering new markets.
  • Establish a pricing policy and determine the required range of goods.
  • Make new proposals for the individualization of goods for further transmission of information to manufacturers.
  • Establish various distribution channels. Be able to develop dealer and distribution networks.
  • Organize the collection of information from potential customers about the quality of goods, complaints, suggestions. Come up with ways to eliminate the shortcomings of the product.
  • Develop strategies for all types of promotional activities.
  • Develop client incentive strategies (active and passive measures).
  • Be able to prepare proposals for the design of a new style of the company and products.
  • Summarize the effectiveness of the activities carried out.

Experts' words about the responsibilities of a marketer

Zingfin founder Balaji Vishwanathan on marketers:

A marketer is that person who answers the questions “who is the client?”, “What does he want?”. A marketer develops a pricing policy, and creates a so-called "bridge to the client."

The companies have never sold services or products. They always sell profit. The main responsibility of the marketer will be to determine the difference between the sale of the product and the benefits that the consumer can receive with the help of it.

Another main function of a marketer is the ability to distinguish a company's product from the crowd. And in order to make your product stand out from the rest, you need to make the buying process convenient, sell at the right time, and work on the product so that it differs from all competitors.

And the last thing worth mentioning is branding. This is the marketer's most powerful weapon. Agree, as soon as you hear the phrase “Just Do it”, you immediately remember high-quality sportswear and Nike. This is a tool that directly connects the product with the consumer.

The most obvious example, perhaps, would be the eternal rivalry between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Companies sell sugary sodas that are very similar to each other. As a result, each company makes a profit through the development of a brand management strategy.

Bernd Harzog on Qoura about marketing goals

About 99 percent of the people who claim to understand marketing have little to no understanding of it. Each of them is well aware that the main task of marketing is to bring to a common denominator the benefits provided by the company's product or service. At the same time, each of these people misses a few very important things.

  • Customers who buy a company's product now may NOT buy it in the future.
  • Not the fact that in the future the company will solve the same problem as now.
  • There are no such products that could overnight adapt to the changing tastes of the audience.
  • It is necessary to be able to focus in time both on current tasks and on future prospects.
  • The task of a marketer is to simultaneously support products, study market conditions and plan strategic development.

The most important thing for beginner marketers is to be able to communicate with customers and understand what they want. After all, the profit growth of the company in which you work depends on them.

  • In no case do not gently prove to the management that your position occupies a very important position in the company. Show your abilities in practice.
  • It is very common for many new marketers to complain that the sales manager's opinion is more important than his opinion.

Probably the most common mistake new marketers make is trying to change something. About 90 percent of newly minted marketers, when they come to work in a company, immediately want to improve something, do a strategy, while management bombards them with simple tactical tasks that, according to the marketer himself, he is not supposed to do.

This is wrong thinking. It seems that before your arrival the company was simply falling apart, and you came here and know how to save it. This is wrong. A company is a system that could have worked perfectly for many years before you. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation, and not simply rush into a working adventure that can only lead to bad consequences.

If you do not see what you expected, this does not mean at all that the company's management is incompetent in your work. You are far from the best versed in the life of the company here. A lot of people have worked here before you. Let's say you have found some element in the company that definitely needs to be fixed. Now think about it, do you really think that only you noticed this error? Maybe in fact, this element is made incorrectly on purpose.

Despite all this, a marketer who is well aware of his responsibilities can definitely come in handy for a company. The main thing at the initial stages is not to climb ahead of everyone. It is necessary to carefully analyze everything and become part of the company in order to perfectly understand how it lives and breathes.

What are the responsibilities of a marketer?

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Good afternoon Rimma Belyakina is in touch. Today we will talk about such an important profession as a marketer. We will find out who it is, what is included in its duties, how you can become a marketing pro from scratch, how much a remote marketer earns and much more. Don't go anywhere, it will be interesting.

How many words borrowed from other languages ​​appeared in Russian! And how to understand them all and not get confused in all these “trading”, “leasing”, “outsourcing”? How to figure out who a merchandiser, supervisor, promoter is?

Every time a foreign word is encountered in everyday life, I remember our notorious politician (let's do without naming), who in every election campaign promises to cleanse the Russian language of foreign rubbish.

In the meantime, he is in search of the proper tool for large-scale cleaning (oh, I got carried away) - general cleaning, let's figure out who a marketer is, because this is also a borrowed word. And I hope you will like the description of the profession and my story about it, because I tried very hard, as always. And in the end, again, as always, I am waiting for your assessments, suggestions, comments. So, let's begin.

Who is a marketer and what does he do?

Have you ever wondered why, for example, you drive a certain brand of car, have a brand new phone, buy one brand of tea, prefer to drink a certain brand of coffee, wear famous brand sneakers? Most likely, you often saw them or heard about them in advertising, which means that we are talking about goods promoted by advertising.

Today we can no longer imagine our life without advertising. She is everywhere: on television, radio, in magazines and newspapers, on billboards, in stores ... Just some kind of dominance! And all why? Because it is a part of marketing, if not the main one, then one of the fundamental ones.

The word marketing comes from the English "market", which means "market" and involves the organization of activities in the process of creating and promoting a product or service.

The main tasks of marketing are the study of demand, the definition and satisfaction of human needs.

Information about the needs of the client, the expected quality and the price that the consumer is willing to pay for a product or service is needed by every manufacturer and company providing services to the public.

In order to stay afloat, manufacturers also need to monitor the state of affairs of competing firms: monitor the quality of their products, pricing policy. To collect all this data, as well as to think over the strategy and tactics of promoting goods and services in the consumer market, and the marketer is called upon.

Marketer is a specialist engaged in the study of supply and demand in the consumer market of goods and services, an expert in marketing the company's products.

The functions of a marketer are defined by different companies. Some focus on advertising their product, doing brand promotion, others are more focused on market analysis, studying market prices, others are throwing all their efforts on detuning from competitors. But all are one in one:

The main functions of a marketer are to ensure the most effective work of the company, increase the efficiency of its activities in promoting the product in the consumer market.

Here the specialist, as they say, has “a free hand” and all means and methods are used. History knows a lot of impressive, sometimes amazingly simple, but so effective, sometimes contradictory, and sometimes curious cases of marketing moves that brought companies dizzying profits. Here are some examples. Assess the scope of the “flight of thought”.

Story 1. The American company that spawned the fast food industry applied the principle of transparency to attract the population to eat the hamburgers they make - the food was prepared right in front of consumers - everything is clean, no deception.

To enhance the effect, a non-standard marketing ploy was put into action: hired people in white coats, who could be seen in the queue every now and then, strengthened the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcleanliness of the company in the minds of the population, because even “doctors” bought hamburgers.

The company began to develop rapidly, and for many years has been a leader in the consumer industry.

Story 2. Alka-Seltzer, known for its effervescent hangover pills, doubled its revenue with a simple trick: In an ad, they dropped not one, but two pills into a glass of water.

Just. That's really all ingenious is simple. Or, here's my favorite story.

Story 3. At the dawn of the formation of the profession, the owner of a certain Milanese window glazing company, in commemoration of the anniversary of his company, presented all the local boys with ... a slingshot, and even with a note: “In gratitude for cooperation.”

How do you like this marketing ploy? I remember the proverb: “In war, all means are good!” How creative can be the work of a marketer, isn't it?

Marketing - is it a modern profession?

In our country, the need for marketers in the broadest sense of the profession arose in the 90s. With the transition to a market economy, a huge number of goods appeared and manufacturers began to fight for consumers.

Specialists were needed to study the market of goods, determine the needs of the population and those properties that a product must have in order to be wanted to be bought, as well as suggest ways to sell it.

The profession turned out to be in great demand, it began to develop rapidly. In 1998, only 20% of domestic companies had their own marketing department, and already in 2001 - 60%.

However, in Europe, trading companies began to use the services of a marketer already in the 17th century. The merchants sent their clerks around the cities and villages so that they would find out what the population needed, what goods they liked best. But there was no such name in those days.

What are the responsibilities of a marketer?

Marketing today is not only the creation of a product and its promotion on the market, it is the identification of the values ​​of the consumer and the creation of such a system in which the process of purchasing a product or service would fully satisfy the basic values ​​of the consumer.

“Marketing is the art of creating true value for the consumer, the art of helping consumers live better lives.”

Philip Kotler (creator of the modern school of marketing)

The world is rapidly changing. The consumer has become more legible, more demanding, more sophisticated in their requests. He needs coffee no longer just as a drink, in order to quickly move away from sleep in the morning, he needs pleasure; a dress is not just a piece of clothing, it is an image, style, image; a car is not only a means of transportation, it is speed, comfort, prestige.

Today, the so-called Marketing 3.0 system works in three directions:

  1. Attracting a client.
  2. Customer service.
  3. Retention and return of the client.

What should a specialist be able to do so that work in all these three areas is carried out at the proper level? A good marketer is a marketer-analyst, his main responsibility, as noted earlier, is to research and analyze the market: what goods and services are presented, what are missing, at what price and who buys, why buys, why does not buy.

Other responsibilities, in relation to the priorities of the company, may be:

  • forecast and modeling of possible fluctuations in supply and demand;
  • development of product promotion plans;
  • organization and holding of events, advertising campaigns, promotions;
  • compiling a list of consumer goods;
  • budgeting and pricing;
  • managing the workflow of other specialists in the marketing department: advertising agents, designers, copywriters, etc.

And what is the responsibility of an Internet marketer, you ask. After all, we are here, discussing the possibility of working remotely. Yes, almost everything is the same, but only online.

Internet marketer must:

  1. Expand client base.
  2. Supervise project activities and prepare monthly reports.
  3. Analyze the attendance of the resource and the work to promote the project.
  4. Provide responses to incoming customer inquiries.
  5. Develop plans and strategies for the development of the project and ensure their implementation.
  6. Ensure compliance with contracts.

Simply put, an Internet marketer, also known as a web marketer, is responsible for managing online sales, attracting as many visitors as possible to the website of a manufacturer or trading company, and developing strategies and methods for selling goods via the Internet.

Here, no matter how many tools are invented to help him, because Internet technologies do not stand still! Here are just a few of them:

  • selling website,
  • site-one-page Landing Page,
  • SEO promotion,
  • SMM promotion,
  • advertising (, targeting, teaser, banner, viral, native),
  • mailing list,
  • messengers, etc.

Want to know more about it and how it all works? Here is a video about modern marketing tools.

What Qualities Will Help You Become a Marketing Professional?

It's not easy to become a professional. You need to be an extraordinary person and combine a sufficient number of both professional and personal qualities.

  1. A marketer needs to have the makings of a psychologist, because the outcome of the sale of the company's products depends on his ability to influence the mind of the buyer. He knows how color, package size, smells, font size, product position on the shelf, etc., affect the consumer, and he knows how to manipulate it.
  2. He must have the desire, interest and desire to work with a large amount of new, primarily iconic information: analytical data, sales data, consumer survey results, reports.
  3. Creativity: the ability to come up with new ideas, non-standard moves.
  4. Communication and verbal skills: networking, negotiation / presentations, communication with clients, the ability to convince.
  5. Good analytical, mathematical skills (ability to work with numbers, graphs, charts).
  6. Humanitarian abilities (ability to work with texts).
  7. Attention and focus to engage in analytical activities.
  8. Organized (ability to plan work and clearly follow the set goals).
  9. Stress resistance, because you need to be prepared for large volumes of work and a rapidly changing market situation.

And the main quality, the presence of which is mandatory (and not only in the profession of a marketer, as I see it) and without which neither success nor advancement in terms of career growth is possible, is, no matter how trite, love for the business you are doing. Do you agree?

Pros and cons of the profession

  1. Demand. The prevalence of the marketing profession is increasingly scaling in the field of consumer demand. Business is growing. A person will always need something.
  2. High salary. Internet marketers with high performance indicators can boast of large fees.
  3. Opportunity for career growth. There is a chance to get a position immediately after graduation, because the demand for competent specialists is high. At the start, however, you need to be prepared for the position of marketing assistant or assistant.
  4. An interesting creative profession. There is an opportunity to show their talents, to realize their ideas.
  1. Low starting position without work experience and portfolio.
  2. Along with the fact that this is creative work, it is also painstaking work (this is described above).
  3. Great responsibility to the leaders of companies. You always need to be “on the alert”, “competitors do not sleep”.
  4. Nervous work, albeit interesting. Large psychological stress - the amount of work is not sickly.
  5. Often an irregular work schedule, again, due to heavy workload.
  6. Possible risks in conditions of remote work: you can “run into” an unscrupulous employer; informal employment and, as a result, unpaid sick leave and vacation.

Here, as they say, “think for yourself, decide for yourself, to have or not to have”, that is, “to be or not to be”.

Where are professions taught?

You can study at higher educational institutions at the faculties of sociology or management in the areas of "Advertising and Public Relations", "Marketing", "Applied Methods of Sociological Research". But, unfortunately, there are not so many universities that teach in these areas.

However, this specialty can also be obtained in other educational institutions (colleges, technical schools), where courses and trainings are held. There are online universities teaching modern Internet professions.

If you wish, you can try to learn on your own, since there is plenty of material on the Internet on this topic. We'll have a marketing course review article coming soon.

How to find a job

As the saying goes, “if there is a desire”, there are many job search options:

  • on job search sites, primarily: job.ru, rabota.ru, hh.ru, superjob.ru;
  • on numerous;
  • in social networks, after correctly and competently filling out your account;
  • through commercial offers with your resume sent directly to recruiters of companies where you would like to work;
  • it has become fashionable now to use multifunctional messengers (Telegram, WhatsApp), there also do not forget to set up the profile correctly, starting with the status;
  • on professional forums, where, like job seekers, employers also drop in.

As you know, there are no easy ways, and "the road will be mastered by the walking one."

How much does a marketer cost?

Depending on the regions and the functions assigned by the company to a specialist, according to the research center of the Superjob.ru portal, wages vary from the lowest at 23,000 to the highest at 58,000 rubles.

The Trud.com website provides approximately similar statistics, where the average salary of a marketer is clearly visible - 30,000 rubles.

Your professional abilities, accompanied by a trump card in the form of a solid portfolio, your rich experience and an irresistible desire to work in the field of PR for the benefit of satisfying human needs will be faithful companions in your search for employment.


What is the result? The realization that the profession of a marketer is a field of activity for creative, extraordinary personalities, but with a commercial streak, who are not afraid of difficulties, ready for development and professional growth. Learn more about the marketing profession in this video.

Did you recognize yourself in the description? There was a desire to occupy this niche? Then go ahead! And may good luck accompany you!

For now, for now. And yes, feel free to rate the article “5 stars” if it was useful and interesting to you. I look forward to your comments.

Have you ever wondered on what basis stores buy goods for subsequent sale? Maybe their assortment is replenished with everything that is offered by the manufacturer, or do they select goods only to their liking? No! Before the store shelves are filled with this or that product, a serious marketing research is carried out. Its purpose is to study the existing demand in the consumer market. If an enterprise is interested in increasing sales, then it cannot do without such a specialist as a marketer who conducts such research.

Main functions

There is no single answer to the question of who a marketer is. The fact is that the functions of this specialist in different companies can differ significantly. So, one firm pays more attention to the organization of advertising of its product, while the other focuses on the study of competitors and consumers.

In this regard, it is impossible to briefly answer the question of who a marketer is. But this position is very responsible. In general, the functions of this specialist are to ensure the most efficient operation of the company and to increase the return on its activities. In this case, the whole complex of marketing techniques should be applied.

Main responsibilities

Marketers must:

Market capacity assessment;
- industry analysis;
- demand forecast;
- comparative analysis;
- development

As you can see, the responsibilities of this specialist are very extensive. It is very difficult to cope with such a volume of work alone. In this regard, large enterprises create entire departments to promote goods. In small firms, there is a position of "marketing manager". This employee, in parallel with his main duties, is engaged in sales and

A successful specialist has the prospect of career growth. Over time, he may be appointed marketing director or commercial director of the company.

Required knowledge

Who is a marketer? First of all, he is a specialist with a good theoretical base. Anyone who does not fully understand the principles of marketing will not be able to conduct research and develop the necessary concept for an advertising campaign. For such a position, in addition to higher specialized education, knowledge of psychology, sociology and the legislative framework will be required.

A good marketer, among other things, must have an analytical and at the same time creative thinking. He should easily establish contacts with different people, be sociable, have emotional stability and diplomacy.
A marketer needs to be and also know the basic package, which includes office and special programs. Mathematical abilities will allow a specialist to master this volume. Knowledge of the basics of programming will not interfere with him.

Almost all marketers are required to speak a foreign language. This is especially important if the company operates in the international market.

Internet Marketer

Some specialists study sales markets and promote advertising on the Internet. They are called differently. They are internet marketers. In addition to the above, their responsibilities include:

Attracting visitors to the corporate website;
- development of Internet projects.

As a result, a high return on investment in the World Wide Web should be ensured. An Internet marketer is a specialist who knows not only the basics of marketing. He must have knowledge in the field of network technologies, as well as web design and have practical skills that allow you to quickly find the information you need on the World Wide Web.

An internet marketer is a specialist who creates advertising images and texts, who is well versed in electronic payment technologies and who knows how to communicate with customers. As you can see, this position requires a lot. Internet marketing is a painstaking work to collect the necessary information, which must be further systematized and analyzed. Further, on the basis of the data obtained, the specialist develops a certain strategy for promoting the product.

Marketing Analyst

The task of this specialist is to analyze the market structure and evaluate the possibilities for promoting newly created insurance products. A marketer-analyst must be proficient in all the tools of his profession. This will allow the company to constantly develop and work successfully.

What is a Market Analyst? This is a specialist who monitors all newly emerging market trends and knows how to navigate in conditions of uncertainty.

What are the responsibilities of a marketing analyst? This list includes:

Conducting field research focus groups;
- where competitors are present;
- research of consumer preferences;
- formation of assortment policy;
- reporting, etc.

A marketing specialist, who is on the staff of a large company, is also engaged in research of the regional sales market. This is a specialist who is able to generate ideas, find the right information, manage events and people.

At the moment, it is on the lists of the most promising and prestigious. Therefore, it is not surprising that the employer imposes increased requirements on applicants for this position. As a rule, the candidate is tested on knowledge of sociology and economics, jurisprudence and statistics, current legislation and the history of the development of production and trade.

An applicant for the position of a marketing analyst must be sociable, have analytical and structural thinking, constantly strive for self-improvement and have an excellent memory, organizational and analytical skills.


At present, it is difficult to find a company in the state of which there would be no position of a marketer. The main advantages of this profession, in addition to its great popularity, is that it is highly paid. At the very start of his career, a university graduate with no experience yet has an income of thirty thousand rubles. After his earnings grow to fifty or sixty thousand rubles a month. But this amount is not the limit. However, it should be borne in mind that only attentive and hardworking employees make a rapid career.

The choice of the profession of a marketer can be influenced by its demand not only by manufacturing companies. Specialized consulting firms also need the services of this specialist.

Where to go to study?

So, you already know what a marketer is, and have firmly decided to acquire this specialty. The skills of this profession are successfully mastered by people who have received a higher sociological or higher degree. In addition, many universities have already introduced such a direction for preparing students as "Marketing". Similar specializations are available in almost every university in the country. However, marketers in Moscow, as a rule, are people who graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, the National Research Institute "Higher School of Economics" or the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. These universities are especially quoted among the employers of the capital. A person with a diploma from such an institution opens the doors of the most prestigious consulting companies that specialize in marketing.

How to write a resume and get a job?

In order to fill the vacancy available in the company of your choice, you will need to write a resume. A marketer will be hired only by one who, in terms of his education and personal characteristics, will be suitable for the employer. This will need to be taken into account when compiling your biography.

First of all, demonstrate your own knowledge of the company you are applying for. This will characterize your Focus on your experience and knowledge. This will allow the employer to understand what you can do and whether you meet their expectations. List your accomplishments in previous jobs. Don't hide any information.

Pay special attention to the section containing additional information. Here it is necessary to note the knowledge of one or more foreign languages, the presence of a driver's license (if any), the level of knowledge of various PC programs. If you have a hobby, it should also be mentioned on your resume. A marketer whose life passions are in some way related to the internal corporate culture or the vacancy in question will be hired faster.

Next, you will have to go through one or two interviews. If there are a large number of applicants for a free vacancy, a test for stress resistance is possible. The staff of the company will take the most purposeful, uninhibited and ready for active work.

The next step is testing and final interviews. It is at this moment that the selection of the best of the best takes place.

Career building

With the successful passage of all stages of the interview, you find yourself in the starting position of the profession. University graduates who do not have practical experience are taken to the position of "Marketing Assistant". You will have to carry out small assignments and bear the brunt of routine work.

The next stage of career growth is the position of a marketer. This will increase your wages. In this position, you should show yourself as a creative person. This will help create a foundation for future professional growth.

The first serious step in your career will be the position of head of the marketing department. The duties of this specialist include managing a whole staff of specialists and monitoring their work. However, this is far from the limit. Many companies appoint highly qualified marketers as CFOs or offer them a senior management position.

Right choice

The marketing profession is one of the most promising. By choosing it, you will get a large number of opportunities that allow you to work both in simple positions and in the management of the company.

An important advantage of this profession is the need to acquire a huge amount of skills, abilities and knowledge. This will allow you to find yourself in a number of other specialties if you wish.

In fact, a marketer is an interesting profession that requires both a creative look at the situation and an analytical mindset. Marketers are studying the market, buyers, trying to find out exactly what services and goods will be in demand by buyers. Based on the research, new products are developed that are brought to the market by specialists. It will be quite interesting for people with the profession of a marketer. Its description can be found on the website of any university that trains bachelors or specialists in the field of marketing.

How did the profession of marketer begin?

Marketing is a relatively young profession that appeared in the middle of the last century. At some point, it became crowded for enterprises within the existing territory, where everyone who wanted to became clients of a particular company. Entering a company on a national or international level is not an easy task. So there was a need for specialists who could collect information and analyze the current economic situation in the regions, assess the population.

What is the job of a marketer?

What does a marketer do? The marketing specialist works in several directions. Searches for free market niches that are attractive to the company, brings products to the market, manages the life cycle of products. In large companies, there are various specializations: art manager, analyst, brand manager, BTL manager, marketing research specialist, marketing director, event manager, and others. Professionalism comes with experience in this field. Therefore, any marketer needs to engage in self-education: take part in forums, conferences, read specialized literature. Then the marketing specialist will be able to be even more useful to the enterprise, and therefore, count on the appropriate payment for his work.

Consumers sometimes get lost in the store when they see a showcase in front of them with a large amount of a similar product from different manufacturers. The selection process will be less difficult if the consumer knows any information about the brand, has friends' reviews about the quality of the product, and has seen advertising. In this case, perhaps even on the machine, a decision will be made to purchase a particular product. The marketer also deals with issues of the product range and pricing.

Marketing is a profession for freelancers. They usually offer their own consulting services or carry out individual, one-time projects for customers. The main clients of freelancers are commercial, individual entrepreneurs, startup developers.

Profession type

A marketer whose profession belongs to the type of “man is a sign” associates his work with sign information. These are all kinds of calculations, tests, tables, figures. Logical abilities are required, there must be an interest in working with information, the ability to concentrate must be present in a specialist in the field of marketing, perseverance and developed attention, the ability to operate with numbers. Also, the practice of a marketer will show that this work also belongs to the “man-to-man” type, since it is associated with interaction and communication with people. Therefore, it requires the ability to establish and maintain contacts, to be an expert in human relationships, to show contact, sociability and activity. Belongs to the class of heuristic profession "marketer". Its description is as follows: work is supposed to be related to research, analysis, management of other people, control and planning. It requires a fairly high erudition, the desire for development, original thinking, constant learning.

Job Responsibilities

The main marketer - meeting the needs of consumers with maximum benefit for the company. To do this, it is necessary to study and identify the unsatisfied needs of the potential target audience, after which - to create a product that will best suit the buyer in terms of its characteristics.

What does a marketer do

  • Develops a set of measures for the production of goods, services that find a market and the maximum possible demand. Interesting work for extraordinary people. A marketer performs many tasks and jobs, both in and out of the office. Due to this, there is no feeling of routine and monotony.
  • Promoting the harmonious development of both the service sector and production, if it takes place. Preparation of reasonable proposals for choosing or changing the direction of development of the entire enterprise as a whole or any individual element of the marketing mix.
  • Participation in the development of the enterprise, creating conditions for the systematic sale of goods or services.
  • Forecast of sales volume and formation of consumer demand.
  • Studying the market for similar goods and services, analyzing demand and consumption, motivation, activity of competitors, market development trends.
  • Analysis of the competitive environment, taking into account ongoing changes in the customs, tax, price policy of the state, competitiveness, speed of implementation and other factors.
  • Ensuring the efficiency of business activities, growth of income and profit.

Qualification Requirements

The employer has a number of fairly stringent requirements for the applicant for the position of marketer. As a rule, a completed higher education in the field of marketing, economics, sociology, information technology or statistics is required. It's a difficult job that requires perseverance. A marketer must have an excellent knowledge of the basics of statistics, have analytical skills, skills in working with special programs for collecting and processing information, large amounts of information. To the professional qualities of a marketer, recruiters include sociability, attentiveness, dedication, structural and analytical thinking, observation, initiative, good memory.

A marketer needs to be able to collect, process and analyze the information received. Sociologists are good at this. This includes collecting information about the market on the Internet, conducting focus groups, customer surveys, observation, testing a package or a running commercial, and more. The study of competitors can be carried out with the help of special technologies of market analysis, which economists are well versed in. To be a successful marketer, you need to have a special type of mindset. Some call it business philosophy. A commercial enterprise, which sets itself the main task - meeting the needs of consumers, implements the marketing style of doing business. This is what a marketer does in an enterprise.

Marketing salaries

Data from Russian recruitment agencies suggests that, on average, a novice specialist with little or no work experience earns from 300 to 500 dollars a month, a marketer with experience already from 500 to 2,000 can expect a salary of 1,500 to 5,000 dollars, and a marketing director - 3,000 - 10,000 dollars a month.

Medical contraindications

There are some medical restrictions for people who want to work as marketers. These are diseases of the nervous system, mental disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system.

Modern society dictates its own rules. With the advent of new technologies, new professions are also emerging. One of them is a marketer.

Why do you need a marketer?

A marketer is a specialist who studies market demand and supply for certain services or products.

Any company that produces any product or offers various services needs an assessment of consumer demand. Management needs to know what potential customers need, what price they are willing to pay, what quality of product the buyer of the product or service expects.

In addition to direct demand, the enterprise needs information about competing firms, their products, the quality of goods produced and pricing policy.

The job descriptions of a marketer require mandatory adherence to all regulations and laws approved by law.

Thus, the position of a marketer is always present at a large manufacturing enterprise or a company engaged in the provision of services.

As it was before?

But it turns out that marketing is not a modern invention. Back in the days of merchants, there were special people who traveled to villages and cities and found out information about what exactly people in a given area lack.

So the merchants could protect themselves from excessive spending and not carry the goods that people do not need. Isn't this a modern marketing ploy? And when the necessary goods were still brought, and praised with suitable words, then no one could resist.

This is how modern businessmen operate. Collect data about needs and compose appropriate words. Everything, the goods are not stale on the shelves.

Responsibilities of a Marketer

The main and main task of any marketer is to study the situation on the market.

In addition to the immediate current state of supply and demand, it is necessary, through analysis, to predict the future situation and possible steps for the successful operation of the company. But this is not only what the marketer does.

His duties are not too extensive, but the responsibility for the success of the organization is great.

So, the direct responsibilities of a marketer include:

  • Calculation of forecasting demand for goods.
  • Tips, recommendations for improving product characteristics to increase sales, as well as development of product recognition by a large number of segments of the population.
  • Participation and coordination of effective advertising of the product.
  • The marketer's area of ​​responsibility includes merchandisers, to whom he gives instructions on the layout and correct placement of the product on store shelves.
  • In addition to studying and forecasting the market, marketers develop sales strategies and put it into practice.

In addition, people of this profession take part in presentations and exhibitions of products or services produced by the enterprise. They also participate in the preparation of articles for newspapers and magazines.

If the company has its own website on the Internet, a marketer also contributes, whose job responsibilities include advice on how to properly and profitably present the product on the network.

I will go to marketing

If you want to promote goods and services, have a sharp mind and flair, then you should think about a career in marketing.

To be eligible for this position, it is desirable to have a higher economic education. Sociological studies will also do, but most likely courses in economic disciplines will be needed.

Sociologists have the skills to communicate with people, study and collect information, put it on the shelves. But the position of a marketer involves the calculation of sales forecasts. And this requires some economic knowledge.

Now, many universities, focusing on the market, have introduced a direct direction for the training of marketers, after graduating from which, students have all the necessary skills and knowledge.

But even if there is no higher education, the path to marketing is not closed. If you do not have the opportunity to study, but there is a desire to work on this path, you can get a job in any advertising agency.

Of course, at first you will be, so to speak, on errands. But having got into this world of advertising and product promotion, helping in projects and feeling the first successes, you will very soon know and understand a lot. And there is not far from career growth.

Large enterprises with dynamic development will willingly take a marketer, even without the appropriate education, but with extensive experience in product promotion and knowledge of all the intricacies of advertising services. In addition, such a specialist is familiar with advertising, so to speak, from the inside.

Basic requirements for applicants

  • Good market orientation of the researched product.
  • Analytic mind. Ability to collect and analyze information, compiling competent reports.
  • Knowledge of basic PC programs and knowledge of the basics of working with office equipment.
  • Clear, fluent speech. Both oral and written.
  • Presentable appearance.
  • Higher economic education or experience in advertising agencies is desirable.

Some organizations, depending on their specifics, may put forward additional requirements.

What else is useful?

Since often the tasks of a marketer include attending presentations and exhibitions, often held in different cities, the applicant must be prepared for frequent business trips.

If the company works with foreign partners, the marketer is required to speak a foreign language. Knowledge of English is often required, but there may be other options.

In addition, due to frequent trips, a driver's license is required. But a company car is usually provided.

Personal qualities

If you want to take the place of a marketer in a large developing company, then in addition to direct education, some personal qualities are required. Without them, it will be difficult to promote the product and, accordingly, make a career in this field.