Tasks of the interdisciplinary Olympiad for elementary school students. Tasks of the interdisciplinary Olympiad for elementary school students Decipher the name of the fairy tale

Regional Olympiad for grade 1

Last name, first name: __________________________


1. Write the words in the plural:

table-____________ ear-_______________

chair-____________ person-____________

2. What can not be done firmly?

(A) keep; (B) kiss; (B) hug; (D) cry; (D) sleep.

3. Combine the words of the right and left columns so that you get new words.

hay stamp

4. The ancient word lop meant a wide flat leaf, the name of the burdock plant was formed from it, and the word lop-eared - a person with big ears. And what is the name of the garden tool, the name of which comes from this word?

5. Guess the well-known fairy-tale villains.

1. Someone by patronymic Gorynych. _________________

2. Toothy, fanged forest animal. ____________________

3. Immortal, but afraid of an ordinary egg. __________________

4. “In Africa, a robber, in Africa, a villain, in Africa, a terrible ...!” ___________

6. Who owns these things?

Golden Key?________________________________________

Glass slipper?____________________________

Walnut shell _______________________________

Broken trough?_________________

7. Answer the questions:

What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "Turnip"? ______________

How many sisters did Cinderella have? ___________________

The name of the girl with blue hair ________________

8. Decipher the name of the fairy tale.

KVOL AND ZAOK – ________________________ ___

KOROMOZ - _____________________________

9. Three puppies, two goslings and one chicken were walking in the yard. How many paws and wings do they have?

10. There are berries on a plate on the table. They can be divided equally among 2 or 3 guys. How many berries are on the plate if it is known that there are less than 10 of them?

11. Masha thought of a number. If you add 2 to it and subtract 5, you get 4. What number did Masha think of?

12. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs behind, 2 legs in front. How many legs does an animal have?

13. Read the words. Give a title to each column of words.

pine frog

rose elephant

dandelion ant

oak lizard

lilac bullfinch

14. Cross out relatives

Son, student, grandfather, girl, dad, mom, boy, aunt, uncle, old man,

niece, child, daughter, youth, brother, sister, grandmother, grandson, adult,

teenager, doctor, nanny, granddaughter, teacher.

15. Underline the odd word in each line:

a) December, March, January, February.

b) morning, night, evening, week, day.

16. Choose the correct answer:

Shortest month: March, February, May, September

Largest animal: elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus, blue whale

Answers. 1 class

Table - tables

Chair- chairs

Person people 4 points

(D) cry 1 point

Hayloft, fair, deposits, light room.

4 points

Shovel 1 point

4. Barmaley

4 points



old woman 4 points


3 points

wolf and goat

Morozko 2 points

18 paws, 6 wings 2 points

6 berries 1 point

Number 7 (1 point)

Solution: 4+5-2=7 (1 point) 2 points

4 legs 1 point

Plants Animals 2 points

Son, grandfather, father, mother, aunt, uncle, niece, daughter, brother, sister, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter.

13 points

a) March (1 point)

b) a week (1 point)

Blue whale

2 points

Maximum points:48 points

"2nd grade Olympiad 2nd round"

Olympiad in Literary Reading (Grade 2)

Surname________________________ First name__________________ School___________________________________

Literary reading

Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

From whom did all the dishes run away? ...............................................................................................................

What is the name of the fabulous girl who jumped over the fire and turned into a cloud? ..............................................................................................................................................

Who saved a fly from a spider that found a penny on the way to the market? ............................................

Who in the Russian folk tale had a bast hut, and who had an ice hut? ...............................

What is the name of the Pushkin prince who revived the dead princess? ................................

Whose daughter was Cinderella from the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault? ................................................

What animal in Russian folk tales is called Toptygin? …………………….

What is the name of the Kid's friend from Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale? .........................................

Task 2. Compare 2 tables. Match the letters from the right table with the following numbers in the left one, write down the resulting proverb.


Task 3 Draw a line between the concept and the text.

Warm in summer, proverb

It's cold in winter. fairy tale

No friend - look.

Found - take care tongue twister

Klim beat a wedge. mystery

"Wild Swans"

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

walnut shell


"The Snow Queen"

Paper boat


Russian language.

    Of the two, one.

(from each pair of words you need to make a third word, you need to use all the letters)

Whale, wound.____________________

Park, willow.________________________

Skin, raven. ____________________

    Guess four words.

WITH B I am a dentist, _________________

WITH M I eat fur, ___________________

WITH R the actor needs me, __________________

WITH WITH important to the chef. _____________________

    There is in the apple and plum, but not in the garden; there is in the onion and lettuce, but not in the garden. What is this?_________

End at the bottom of the pond

A whole in the museum

Find it easily. _____________________________

2. Beginning - note,

Then deer decoration,

Together, a place

Lively movement. __________________________

the world

1. Answer the questions:

    The name of this tree comes from the word "leaf", but there are no leaves on it.____________________________

    Can a spider be called an insect? Why?

    What is the name of the closest star to earth?

    Where is the grasshopper's ear? ____________________________________________

    For which bird is lard a delicacy? ______________________

2. Read the names of the animals. Underline in each row the name of the animal that is “extra”. Explain your decision.

1. Butterfly, ant, titmouse, dragonfly-…………………………………………………….

2. Nightingale, sparrow, bat, magpie-………………………………………………

3. Toad, already, frog, newt -………………………………………………………………

    What is in a soap bubble?

4. What is the meaning of the saying: “Mow the scythe while the dew; dew down, and we're home":

A) when there is dew, then it is cool and easier to mow;

B) grass from dew becomes elastic and easier to mow;

C) in the morning a person has more strength;

D) in the morning there are fewer mosquitoes and other midges;

D) in the morning the braid is sharper, and as it is mowing, it becomes dull.

Math assignments Grade 2

    How many grams does a cookie weigh if there is a weight of 200 g next to it on the right side of the scale, and 500 g on the left?

    Lyuba has 3 elegant skirts and 5 multi-colored blouses. How many smart clothes can a girl make? ________________________________

    Nikita has two watermelons of the same weight. Together with them, Nikita weighs 36 kg. And his own weight is 30 kg. How much does one watermelon weigh?

    For one horse they give 5 rams in exchange, and 2 rams are exchanged for 3 goats. How many goats can be exchanged for 2 horses?


Answers. Grade 2

Answers In Russian

    Picture, nettle, lark. (3b.) (for each guessed word 1b)

    Pain, mole, role, salt. (4b) (for each guessed word 1b)

    Letter l. (1b)

    Painting. Road. (2b) (for each guessed word 1b)

Exercise 1: tests the ability to analyze, find associations

For every correct answer 1 point Total - 5 points

    Larch, instead of needles leaves. 2. Arachnid, eight legs. 3. Sun. 4. On the paws. 5. Winter for the titmouse.

Task 2: checks the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions.

For each correctly selected "extra" object in the line - 1 point

    Tit. 2. Bat. 3. Already.

For the correct explanation of the reason for the selection of the "extra" object -

1 point for each object

Total 6 points

Task 3: tests the ability to analyze.

For answer - air - 2 points

Task 4: tests the ability to analyze, reason, navigate in their own knowledge.

For the answer - A - 2 points.

Total - 15 points

Math Answers

Job #


Literary reading

Answers. Evaluation criteria.

Task 1. Answer the questions.

Who did all the dishes run away from? (from Fedora)

What is the name of the fabulous girl who jumped over the fire and turned into a cloud ? (Snow Maiden)

Who saved a fly from a spider that found a penny on the way to the market? (Mosquito)

Who in the Russian folk tale had a bast hut, and who had an ice hut? ( bast in a hare, and in a fox - ice)

What is the name of the Pushkin prince who revived the dead princess? (Elise)

· Whose daughter was Cinderella from the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault? (lumberjack)

What animal in Russian folk tales is called Toptygin? (bear)

· What is the name of the Kid's friend from Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale? (Carlson)

Number of points: 0.5 b for each correct answer; total: 4 b.

Task 2. Compare 2 tables. Match the letters from the right table with the following numbers in the left one, write down the resulting proverb.

Performance: Without patience, there is no learning.

Number of points: 2 points. (spelling is ignored)

3. Connect the concept and text with a line.

L it warms, proverb

It's cold in winter.

No friend - look.

Found - take care. patter

Klim beat a wedge. mystery

Number of points: 1 b each for a correctly combined concept and text. Total: 3 b.

4. Remember, heroes, which literary fairy tale needed this item. Connect the name of the fairy tale and the subject with a line:

"Wild Swans"

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

walnut shell


"The Snow Queen"

Paper boat


For each correct connection -1 point (5b); for the correct definition of the author of fairy tales - 3 points. (total: 8b)

Total: 17b

Maximum points: 60b

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"Grade 3 Olympiad 2 round"

Olympiad for grade 3

F.I. participant, school____________________________________________________________

Russian language assignments

    Identify and underline the letters, how many times the sound (t) occurs in the sentence:

The director of the enterprise signed the document and gave it to the representative of the sponsored factory.

    Underline the words that have more sounds than letters.

Berry, earth, glade, spruce, forest, April, hare, pours, green, parrot.

    Replace the idiom with one word:

One teaspoon per hour

Wash your eyes ____________________________________________________________

Lead by the nose ________________________________________________

With a gulkin nose _______________________________________________

Poke your nose ______________________________________________

Nodding ______________________________________________

    Write the nouns (words objects) in the plural:

chicken - _________________, sea vessel - _________________________, miracle - ___________________, sky - _______________, child - ________________, person - __________________.

Math assignments

1. How will the area of ​​a rectangle change if its length is increased by 2 times and its width by 3 times? __________________________________________________________

2. Dragonfly flies at a speed of 10 m / s. How many miles does it fly in 1 hour?

3. Write down all two-digit numbers so that the sum of tens and ones of each number is 8.

4. A square with a side of 6 cm was bent from a piece of wire. Then the wire was unbent, and a triangle with equal sides was bent from it. What is the length of the side of the triangle?


W literary reading assignments


A. Fairy tale Ch. Perrault "Red ..................................."

B. Fairy tale by M. Maeterlinck "Blue ..................................."

V. Tale of D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Grey ………………………..”

G. Fairy tale by Ch. Perrault “Blue .................................”

D. The story of A. Kuprin "White ..................................."

E. Magic story by A. Pogorelsky "Black ......................."

2.Make 5 proverbs from these words.

Ruble, awl, courage, light, ignorance, business, take, fun, learning, hour, time, bag, hundred, hide, city, have, darkness, friend.


3. This writer created a huge variety of stories and stories about the life of animals. And even his fairy tales are very informative: “Who sings with what?”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Tails” ... and many others. And he is also the author of a forest newspaper. Write the writer's first and last name. _____________

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep,

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied up.

a) F. Tyutchev b) I. Nikitin c) S. Yesenin d) E. Trutneva

Quests around the world

    Underline the odd title on each line:

a) frog, hedgehog, viper, chameleon, already

b) leaf, soil, stem, fruit, root

c) nest, burrow, chicken coop, lair, anthill

d) bullfinch, nightingale, swan, thrush, swallow

e) granite, coal, paper, natural gas

f) Russia, France, Minsk, China, Japan.

    Divide these geographic concepts into groups. Give each group a name.

Mars, Paris, south, Venus, west, Mercury, Moscow, north, Kyiv, Earth, Novgorod, east.





3.Which of the animals are most adapted to life in nature: herbivores, carnivores or omnivores? Why?



4. What plant in the 18th century in Russia was called the "devil's apple"? __________________

Answers to the Olympiad tasks 3 CLASS

Russian language



1. Determine and underline how many times the sound (t) occurs in the sentence:

direk T op pre d priya T ia by d wrote a document T and gave it to d With T avi T ate by d boss factory.

9 sounds (t)

3 points

2. Write out words in which there are more sounds than letters.

Berries, green.

1 point for each correct answer (0.5 points are deducted for incorrect answers)

3. Replace the phraseological unit with one word:

A teaspoon per hour slowly, barely;

Soak your eyes - get bored;

Lead by the nose - deceive.

With a gulkin nose - A little.

Poke your nose to be curious.

Nodding - fall asleep.

1 point for correct answer

(6 points)

4. Write down the nouns (words, objects) in the plural:

chicken - chickens, sea vessel - sea vessels, miracle - miracles, sky - heaven, child - children, man - people.

(6 points)


17 points



    Will increase 6 times

2 points

    Solution: 1 hour=3600s 3600 10=36000(m) or 36 km

Answer: A dragonfly will fly 36 km in an hour.


3. Write down all two-digit numbers so that the sum of tens and ones of each number is equal to 8.

Answer: 17,26,35,44,53,62,71,80


4.Solution: 6 4:3=8(cm)

Answer: 8 cm.

3 points


16 points

Literary reading



1. What word should be put in place of the ellipsis?

A. Fairy tale Ch. Perrault "Red Beanie

B. Tale of M. Maeterlinck "Blue Bird»

V. Tale of D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Grey Neck

G. Fairy tale Ch. Perrault "Blue Beard»

D. A. Kuprin's story "White Poodle»

E. The magic story of A. Pogorelsky "Black chicken"

1 point for each correct answer (6 points)

2. Make up proverbs from these words.

You can't hide an awl in a bag. Business before pleasure. Cheek brings success. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

For every proverb

2 points (10 points)

3. This writer created a huge variety of stories and stories about the life of animals. And even his fairy tales are very informative: “Who sings with what?”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Tails” ... and many others. And he is also the author of a forest newspaper. Give the author's first and last name.

Answer: Vitaly Bianchi

2 points

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep,

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied up.

B) S. Yesenin

1 point


19 points

The world



c) chicken coop

d) bullfinch

e) paper

1 point for a correct answer.

(6 points)

2.Mars, Venus, Mercury, Earth - planets.

Paris, Moscow, Kyiv, Novgorod - cities.

South, west, north, east - the sides of the horizon.

1 point for a correctly assembled group and 1 point for a correctly named group.

(6 points)

    Omnivorous, because it is easier for them to find suitable food at any time of the year.

1 point for a correct answer and 1 point for a correct explanation of why. (2 points)


1 point

15 points

TOTAL: 57 points

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"Grade 4 Olympiad 2 round"

4th grade.

Multi-subject Olympiad.


F. I. _____________________________________________________________

Russian language

1. The boy replaced each letter of his name with the serial number of this letter in the Russian alphabet. Got a number 510141 . What was the boy's name? _______________

2 . Following the rule of Russian grammar, put a soft sign after the hissing ones.

3 .Write out all the phrases from the sentence:

A sharp wind tore the leaves from the trees and carried them through the forest.



4 . Which of the four words is obsolete?

A) carpenter B) guard C) security guard D) birthday boy


1 .Decipher the example for adding three two-digit numbers: 1 A + 2A +3A= 7A. All four letters A mean the same number.________________

2 . On one of the days off, three little pigs caught 32 minnows and began to boil their fish soup. Nif-Nif gave 4 fish for the fish soup, Naf-Naf - 7 fish, and Nuf-Nuf - 12. After that, they left the fish equally. How many minnows did each piglet catch?






3. How fast can schoolboy Vova walk home from school?

A) 20 m/s B) 1 km/min C) 4000 m/h C) 900 m/min E) 45 km/h

4. 300 kg of vegetables were brought to the school to feed the students. Potatoes and carrots 230 kg, and potatoes and onions 200 kg. How many kg of potatoes, carrots and onions were brought to school separately? ___________________________________________



The world

1. Solve the environmental problem

The hedgehog and the mole belong to the same order of insectivores. But the hedgehog hibernates, but the mole does not. What explains the differences in animal life?



2 . Write the concepts corresponding to the given definitions:

1) A reduced image of the earth's surface on a plane using conventional signs - ___________________.

2) The time it takes for the earth to complete one revolution around the sun

3) A special area in which plants and animals are protected - __________

3. “Propolis” text, i.e., cross out the name of the weed plant from each line. Then you can read the Tajik proverb about work:

MEOTSAOLTL _____________

VVAOSIGLENEK ________________


Põvrtruide ____________________________

FUCK YOU ______________________


4. What plants can be cooked from

a) barley porridge - _____________________

b) millet porridge -________________________

c) semolina porridge - _______________________

d) buckwheat porridge - ______________________________

Literary reading

1 . In what mountains did the “Stone Flower” of P.P. Bazhov? __________________________

2 . Write who turned into a lion, what is the name of the fairy tale, and who wrote it.

... he turned into a huge lion in an instant. The cat was so frightened when he saw a lion in front of him that he immediately rushed to the roof. ___________________________________________

3 . At the beginning of the work, determine its genre:

1) Sad time! Oh charm!

Your parting beauty is pleasant to me ... _________________

2) When I was little, I was taken to live with my grandmother...___________________

And she heard people

That this evil is not yet of such a big hand ... _________________________

4) In the summer of 1037, Yaroslav founded the great city, near the same city, the Golden Gate; he also founded the Church of Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia ...


5) In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant,

eminent person ... __________________________

6) And Sadko and went to Ilmen to the lake,

And he sat down on the blue on a combustible stone,

And how he began to play the gusli of the yarovchata,

And he played from morning like day now until evening. ___________________________

4. Guess the names. What unites them?




4th grade



Fifth kush, brown papalosh, meowing breeze, dormy delazh, spit-out vagach, zhelomny run.

“A sharp wind”, “tore off the leaves”, “tore off the trees”, “carried them”, “carried them through the forest”.



    4+7+12= 23 minnows given to the ear

    (32-23): 3=3 minnows left each

    3+4=7 minnows at Nif-Nif

    3+7=10 minnows at Naf-Naf

    3+12=15 minnows at Nuf-Nuf

1)300-230=70(kg) - onions were brought

2)200-70=130(kg) - brought potatoes

3)300-200=100(kg) - brought carrots


A hedgehog cannot find food in winter, but there is enough food for a mole underground.

Map, year, reserve.

Sow thistle (metal) Cornflower (on fire) Buttercup (human)

Wheatgrass (in labor)

Quinoa (cognizable)

Proverb: Metal is on fire, a person is known in labor.

For a proverb - 3 points

Barley, millet, wheat, buckwheat.

Literary reading

Ural mountains

Cannibal, "Puss in Boots", Charles Perrault.

Poem, story, fable, chronicle, fairy tale, epic.

Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets.


Total: 53 points.

Interdisciplinary Olympiad in elementary school. Tasks

Zhmurenko Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU d / s No. 18 "Ship", pos. Razvilka, Leninsky district, Moscow region
Description: this material may be of interest to primary school students, primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, parents.
Notes: The tasks of the Olympiad are compiled on the basis of the DOE Programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (Cognition, Speech Development, Artistic and Aesthetic Development). There are 15 questions in total. Tasks come with increasing complexity, aimed at: classification; establishment of a consistent order of actions, phenomena; separation of the particular from the whole; generalization on a common basis; isolating the excess.
One of the leading principles of modernization of modern domestic education is associated with the idea of ​​personal and mental self-development of schoolchildren based on the ability to learn. This ability of a person to independently initiate the search for something new and the ability to improve one's knowledge and skills at a new level, transforming it into a qualitatively new product, overcoming the limitations of the reproductive way of cognition, expanding the limits of mental, psychological possibilities, the way of perceiving and knowing the world and oneself in it, is the starting point for self-development, self-improvement. Based on these principles, the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education of the new Education Concept is built, which considers universal learning activities that form the ability to learn as an essential component of the content of education and its result.
It is obvious that the predominantly reproductive way of mastering experience by schoolchildren does not teach them to expand their knowledge and skills independently, without constant control and guardianship from the teacher, in accordance with new life tasks. Therefore, today the most relevant form of work with elementary school students is the subject Olympiad, aimed at cultivating the productive mental activity of students in the modern conditions of the Concept of Education.
I bring to your attention the tasks of the interdisciplinary Olympiad for elementary school students.
Assignments are given with answers.
1. Find two rows of numbers that differ from each other by "one" in ascending and descending order:
A) 2,4,6
B) 3,4,5
B) 3,4,6
D) 4,6,8

A) 10.8.6
B) 5,3,1
B) 8,7,6
D) 8.7.5

2. Find the extra:
bus, car, airplane, excavator, tractor

3. Define a series on a common basis:
A) watermelon, apple, pumpkin, ball
B) pear, zucchini, plum, orange
C) onions, carrots, beets, potatoes
D) cucumber, tomato, garlic, cabbage

4. Find the parts of the whole and name it:
A) roof, window, chimney, table
B) leaves, branches, trunk, root (Tree)
B) nose, eyes, ears, hands

5. Set the row from small to large:
A) mouse, cat, chair, cow
B) goose, wolf, elephant, mountain
C) sparrow, dove, goose, penguin
D) chicken, sheep, bull, camel

6. Find the extra:
Goat, cow, bull, sheep, wolf, horse

7. Choose a number of animals that come from Africa:
A) elephant, camel, hippo, deer
B) Elephant, camel, giraffe, rhinoceros
B) Elephant, giraffe, deer, elk
D) Elephant, elk, hippo, giraffe

8. Who eats what (set the pairs)
1) Monkey
2) Bear
3) Pig
4) Hare
A) raspberry
B) acorns
D) bananas
B) cabbage
answers to task 8: 1) and D); 2) and A); 3) and B); 4) and B)

9. Set the correct sequence:
A) morning, night, afternoon, evening
b) breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner
C) today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday
D) spring, winter, summer, autumn

11. Find not a couple:
A) Masha and the Bear
B) Dobrynya and the Serpent
B) Sivka-burka
D) Ivan da Marya

12. Find the extra:
Chicken Ryaba, Geese-swans, Ugly duck, Fox and Crane

13. Imagine that you are an artist. Draw a picture (choose the one you need to make a picture, and cut off the excess):
brush, paints, palette, chair, canvas, easel

14. What can Masha doll wear for a walk?
A) fur coat, felt boots, sled, scarf, trousers, T-shirt
B) mittens, tights, hat, sweater, boots, skirt
C) coat, jeans, sneakers, collar, cap
D) jacket, shoes, sundress, scarf, briefcase, socks

15. What can not be drunk (find an extra row):
A) tea, compote, butter, milk
B) juice, kefir, jelly, cream
C) coffee, lemonade, cocoa, fermented baked milk
D) water, yogurt, juice, chocolate

Olympic work"Erudite" 20 16 -201 7 G

Nomination "Mathematical caches".

1 .The gnome has 3 keys to three chests with different locks. How many trials will it take to be sure to pick up the keys to the locks?

Answer: ______________________________________________________________ 5 points

2 The cage of the rabbits was closed, but 24 legs were visible through the lower hole, and 12 rabbit ears through the upper hole. So how many rabbits were in the cage? Answer:__________________________________________________________________________________

3 points

3 . Vasya wants to write the word kangaroo. He started writing on Wednesday and writes one letter a day. On what day of the week will Vasya write the last letter? Emphasize.

a) Monday b) Tuesday c) Wednesday d) Thursday e) Friday f) Saturday g) Sunday

4 points

4 . From the numbers 21, 19, 30, 25, 12, 7, 15, 6, 27, pick up such three numbers, the sum of which will be equal to 50. Answer: ___________________________. 2 points

Nomination "I know Russian".

1 How many names of months in Russian, consisting exactly out of five sounds?
a) none; b) one c) two; d) three; e) four

Write down the name _______________________________________________________________5 points

2. . Finish the phraseological unit with a suitable word (phraseological unit is a stable combination of words):

Hungry like _________________________________________________________________________________
Quirky as _________________________________________________________________________
German as ________________________________________________________________________________________
Chatty as _______________________________________________________________________________
How wet ________________________________________________________________________________5 points

3. Put the sentences in the correct order:

1) The calf got scared and ran back into the forest.

2) Came out like- then once a calf on the edge.

3) This tractor started the engine.

4) And then what- then suddenly how it rumbles!

a) 4, 3, 2, 1; b) 1, 4, 3, 2; c) 3, 4, 2, 1; d) 2, 1, 3, 4; e) 2, 4, 3, 1. 4 points

4. Write down the synonyms from the same number of letters , which is the given word.

forest - _________________________________________________________________________________________________
sorrow - ________________________________________________________________________________________________
want - ______________________________________________________________________________________________

5 points.

Nomination "Amazing Nature".

1. Sea otters do not want to part even in a dream. They fall asleep holding each other by the front legs or wrapping themselves in seaweed.

Why do you think they hold their paws while they sleep? 5 points


2. Write down 4 "colored" seas. 4 points


3. Think and fill in the missing words: 5 points

    A man has hands, and a walrus has _________________________________________________________

    A person has lungs, and a crucian has ______________________________________________________________

    A person has lips, and a penguin has ___________________________________

4 . When Zhenya found herself at the North Pole in V.P. Kataev’s fairy tale “Seven-flowered Flower”, then “seven polar bears came out from behind the ice floe and went straight” to her. But in reality, she could not meet polar bears there, because:

a) bears are found only at the South Pole;

b) it is too cold at the North Pole;

c) they were all scared away by polar explorers;

d) it is difficult for them to find food there;

e) the ice at the North Pole is too slippery. 3 points

Nomination "In the world of books"

K. Chukovsky "Crocodile Gena and his friends"

S. Mikhalkov "Fedorino grief"

E. Uspensky "The Snow Queen"

A. Pushkin "Uncle Styopa"

G.H. Andersen "Humpbacked Horse"

P. Ershov "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" 5 points

2. Magic transformations

What unusual transformations occurred with fairy-tale heroes:

a) Prince Guidon; ____________________________________________________________________________

b) eleven handsome princes; _________________________________________________

c) Ayogoi from the Nanai folk tale? ___________________________________________________

(2 points for each correct answer)

3. Remember and writeName works known to you (at least two titles).

Fairy tale: _________________________________________________________________ Story: _________________________________________________________________ Poem _______________________________________________________________

5 points

4 Cross out the extra proverb that does not fit the meaning of the other two. (2 points for the correct answer)

a) Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

As it comes around, so it will respond.

What works, such and fruits.

b) Business is time, and fun is an hour.

Finished the job, walk boldly.

It's not a falcon, it won't fly away.

c) Do not cut the branch on which you are sitting.

Water will find a way.

Do not spit in the well: you will need water to drink.

Metasubject Olympiad

School Tour for Grade 3 Students

Surname, name _________________________________Class _______

While completing the tasks of this Olympiad, think about some environmental problems and rules of behavior in nature.

Exercise 1. 2b.

Decipher the proverb. For this, starting fromBe move clockwise in a certain order and connect the letters so that you get a proverb about caring for the world around you. Write down a proverb.

Answer:Without water, the earth is a desert!!!

Task 2. 1b.

How many soft consonants are in the proverb:

From og n I am water l Yu h ohm To And P it, but water th and wow n b for l b yo sh.

A.6 B.7 C. 8 D. 9

Answer: From fire[n ‘] i water cl[l‘] yuch[h‘] ohm to[To'] un[P'] um, but with water[y‘] and fire[n ‘] hall[l‘] yo[y‘ o]sh.

G. 9

Task 3. 1b.

Mark the word where there is a prefix:

B. Drives away.

V. Appealed.

G. Deceives.

Answer: B. Drives away .

Task 4. 1b.

In which pair of words do not correlate in meaning as in others:

B. Evil - cereal.

V. Kind - kind man.

G. Tolstoy is a fat man.

Answer: B. Evil - cereal.

Task 5. 1b.

Form 4 single-root words with the root "LIGHT" so that they are different parts of speech.

Answer: firefly, light, shine, light.

Task 6. 1b.+1b.

Read the text.

In spring and summer, all birds have many worries. Nests are made, then the chicks are taken out and fed, then they “walk” with the kids. And only dark red birds with dark wings and tails calmly fly from spruce to spruce in summer. Slowly, as if they have no worries, the bumps peel off. Crossbills do not build nests, like all birds. They hatch their chicks in winter. But why? Do babies need to be well fed? And the food of crossbills is spruce cones that ripen on Christmas trees at the end of the year, in winter.(according to Yu. Dmitriev)

Write out phrases from which you can learn about the cares of birds in spring and summer.

Answer: they build nests, take out and feed the chicks, “walk” with the kids.

In what month do crossbills breed chicks?

Crossbills breed chicks in December.

Task 7 . 2b.

Find in the text "hidden" mathematical terms (words that stand for numbers, action signs and geometric shapes). You can combine letters, syllables, but you can not rearrange them. For example: chione hundred ta - one hundred,about Val entine - oval.

Write down at least six words you found.

Again it was a beautiful autumn day. Philip, Lyusya and the Odintsov sisters were collecting garbage near the river. Children are very pleased that the coast will be clean.

ABOUTfive hundred it was a great autumn day. Philipplus me and sesthree glassesOne tsovs collected mufourty olo river. The children are very happyoval Oh, that the shore will be clean.

Answer: five, one hundred, plus, three, one, forty, oval

Task 8. 2b.

A family with four children came to the lake to rest. Their names are Anya, Roma, Katya and Natasha. They are 5 years old, 8 years old, 13 years old and 15 years old. How old is Natasha, if one girl goes to kindergarten, Anya is older than Roma, but younger than Natasha?


According to the condition “one girl goes to kindergarten”, then Roma is 8 years old or 13 years old, or 15 years old. According to the condition "Anya is older than Roma, but younger than Natasha", then Anya and Natasha are older than Roma. From here follows Roma is 8 years old. Anya and Natasha are older than Roma, so Katya is 5 years old. Anya is younger than Natashaso Natasha is 15 years old and Anya is 13 years old.

Task 9. 2b.

In one row there are 8 pebbles at a distance of 2 cm from one another. In another row there are 15 pebbles at a distance of 1 cm from one another. Which row is longer?

Answer: rows are the same.

Task 10. 3b.

Pumpkin, watermelon and melon weigh together 18 kg. A pumpkin weighs twice as much as a watermelon and melon together, and a watermelon weighs twice as much as a melon. How many kilograms do pumpkin, watermelon and melon weigh separately?

1+2+(1+2)*2=9 (h)

18: 9 \u003d 2 (kg) - melon.

2 * 2 \u003d 4 (kg) - watermelon.

(2+ 4) *2 =12 (kg) - pumpkin.

Answer: 2 kg - melon weight; 4 kg - watermelon; 12 kg - pumpkin .

Task 11. 1b

Water is the source of life. Complete the definition: “Conserve water means…”

B. ... cut down forests around water bodies.

G. ... pollute rivers, lakes, seas.

Answer:B. … to protect the life, health and beauty of the environment.

Task 12.

Answer the questions:

On the banks of which river was Voronezh built? What rivers of the Voronezh region do you know?2b.

On the banks of the Voronezh River. Rivers: Quiet Pine, Khoper, Crow, Bityug, Yelan, Ikorets, Veduga, Khvorostan, Usmanka, Don, Maiden, Boguchar.

What nature reserves in the Voronezh region do you know? For what animals were they created?

Voronezh State Biosphere Reserve. Peskov-beavers, moose, wild boars, European deer.

Khoper State Reserve - muskrat, elk, badger, marten . 2b.

What is the largest bird in the Voronezh region?

Bustard. 1b.

Task 13. 1b.

Which of the following forecasts are environmental? Emphasize.

    If the wind blows from the north, it will get colder.

    If you watch TV for a long time in the evening, you can oversleep in the morning andbe late for school.

    If hollow trees are cut down, the birds will have nowhere to settle, and they will leave the forest, which means tree pests will multiply.

    If you don't learn your lesson, you'll get an A, and your mom will scold you.. 1b.

Task 14.

What is an "environmental disaster"?

Irreversible changes in nature associated with the mass death of living organisms. Examples of major environmental disasters: Chernobyl, the death of the Aral Sea. 1b.

What would you do to improve the environmental situation in the city where you live?5 B.


You got the job done. Well done!

Interdisciplinary Olympiad for students in grades 3-4

Elizarova Maria Alekseevna Primary school teacher, Municipal state educational institution Galkinskaya secondary school, Kamyshlovskiy district, s. Galkinskoye
Purpose: for schoolchildren, teachers, parents, educators, for everyone who wants to know their level of knowledge. .
Material use: as conducting school-level olympiads, tests, repetition of the studied material.
Target: promoting the intellectual development of students.
- to awaken and develop a steady interest of students in academic subjects;
- to develop the skills and desires of students to independently acquire knowledge and apply it in practice.

Interdisciplinary Olympiad for students in grades 3-4

1) Which picture from the bottom row should fill the empty space?

2) Read an excerpt from the story "Mouse Peak" by V. Bianki.
A) They set up a sail, put the mouse in a dugout boat and let it go with the flow. The wind picked up the boat and drove it away from the shore. The little mouse clung tightly to the dry bark and did not move.

B) The duck began to sing to the mouse:
- Ha-ha-ha, sleep, baby!
After the rain in the garden
I'll find you a worm.

C) The hares smiled and gave the Mouse a carrot.
The Mouse ran to the squirrels. He said "good morning" to all the squirrels.

D) - I will gnaw you! - said the Mouse. - My teeth itch and I have to chew on something all the time. Like this! - And the Mouse bit the Pencil painfully.

3) Who can drink with their feet?
A) a snake
B) Grasshopper
B) Heron
D) Frog

4) What illustration refers to the story of K. Paustovsky "The disheveled sparrow"?

5) Read the excerpts from the poems. Which of them was written by S. Yesenin?
A) But, thin, breaking it,
They will be knocked out of strength ... She,
You see, the character is straight,
Someone third is true.

B) Sad birch
By my window
And the whim of frost
She is torn apart.

C) And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

D) If they gave a birch a comb,
Birch would change her hairstyle:
In the river, as in a mirror, looking,
I would comb my curly strands.

6) What time of day is this passage referring to?
This time is given to us
For a fun movie
For horseback riding
And on my dad's back.
The moon floats in the sky
Mom calls for dinner.
A. Morning
B. Evening
In a day
G. Night

7) Read the text. Answer, why does a tiger need such a color?

A. To attract the attention of their relatives
B. To attract enemies
B. To go unnoticed
D. To match their habitats

8) Read F. Tyutchev's poem "Spring Waters".
Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run, and shine, and say ...
They say all over the place:
"Spring is coming, spring is coming,
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead!
Spring is coming, spring is coming
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
Crowds cheerfully for her! .. "

What epithets does the poet use?
A. Sleepy breg, ruddy, light round dance
B. Spring is coming, spring is coming
V. Crowds cheerfully behind her
G. They run, and shine, and say ...

9) Match the riddles and their answers.

Write down in the answer the correspondence of numbers and letters (for example, 1 - A).

10) The first can contains a jug of water and 4 more glasses of water. And in total there are 15 glasses of water. The second can contains 2 of the same jugs of water, and the third can contains as much water as the first and second cans together. Count and write down how many glasses of water are in the third can.
A) 11
B) 22
B) 37
D) 43

11) Name the group in which only migratory birds are indicated.
A) heron, swallow, crow
B) swift, stork, wild duck
C) sparrow, tit, dove
D) mallard, hazel grouse, black grouse

12) How many triangles are in this figure?

A. 4
B. 6
AT 8
G. 12

13) 74 bags of potatoes must be transported from the field by car to the storage. How many trips should a car make if it can take 9 sacks of potatoes in one trip?
A) 9 flights
B) 8 flights
C) 10 flights
D) 7 flights

14) Look at the picture and indicate what is superfluous?

A) airplane
B) ship
B) rocket
D) Balloon

15) The last house on one side of the street is number 34. How many houses are there on this side of the street?
A) 17
B) 34
C) 32
D) 15

Answers: B, A, D, A, C, B, C, A, 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C, C, A, C, A, B, A.