Universities tourism and hotel business. Tourism and hotel business abroad

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Social studies - a profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

The popularization and mass expansion of tourism in the world, cooperation with foreign partners and other factors require qualified specialists who are well versed in the hotel business and tourism business management in general. That is why this specialty attracts many applicants who (subject to good training) are guaranteed to be successfully employed.

The most common entrance exams

To enter the specialty "Hospitality", applicants are invited to take exams or count the results of the Unified State Examination in three subjects. The profile exam is social science, since training involves the study of a large number of social disciplines.

Other required exams are Russian and History. Some universities are replacing history with computer science and ICT. At the discretion of the school, a foreign language exam may be offered.

Brief description of the specialty

A specialist in this area can be engaged in organizational and managerial or production and technical professional activities. Students study a number of disciplines that allow them to form professional competencies. However, an important role in the training of specialists is given to the formation of the culture of the future hotel employee. Therefore, among the disciplines you can find conflictology and the psychology of business communication. In the process of learning, students participate in various trainings, undergo several practices, including abroad (depending on the particular university), study two foreign languages.

Major universities

The most famous educational institutions that train specialists in the specialty 43.03.03 "Hospitality"

  • Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism;
  • Voskresensky Institute of Tourism (branch) of the Russian International Academy of Tourism;
  • Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. Senkevich;
  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service.

Terms and forms of training

Training involves the following forms: full-time, part-time and part-time. The duration of full-time study is 4 years, on other forms - from 4 years 4 months to 5 years. After receiving a bachelor's degree, you can continue your studies in this specialty in the master's program.

Subjects studied by students

In the process of learning, students master six cycles of disciplines and separately physical culture.

These are the following cycles:

  • humanitarian,
  • social,
  • economic,
  • mathematical,
  • natural science,
  • professional.

Each of the above cycles includes the base and profile parts. The disciplines of the basic part of the cycles include philosophy, logic, history, psychology, life safety, economics, marketing, a foreign language, computer science and others.

Thanks to the profile part, the student receives good professional training and the opportunity for successful further education. Such disciplines are determined by the university depending on the specific profile of education.

Profile disciplines can be the following:

  • logistics, hotel industry technologies,
  • hotel animation,
  • public relations in the industry,
  • basics of entrepreneurship,
  • hotel personnel management,
  • business planning and others.

A number of disciplines are offered to students to study to choose from, depending on what directly interests them in the hotel business. These can be the basics of service science, sales management, marketing in the hotel and tourism industry, and others.

Acquired knowledge and skills

A bachelor in the field of hotel business during the training acquires the following knowledge and skills:

Whom to work

Bachelor graduates are employed in various organizations and companies in the hotel and tourism industry and hold the positions of director, department manager, specialist in sales, planning, development, marketing and advertising departments. Also, the specialty implies a successful entrepreneurial activity.

The next direction of employment is hotels, hotels, sanatoriums, recreation centers, health and resort complexes.

Here graduates can take the following positions:

  • supervisor,
  • administrator,
  • manager,
  • head of booking, accommodation, service maintenance,
  • personnel manager, etc.

You can find a job both in the resort or large cities of our country, and abroad. The choice of country may depend on the second foreign language studied. Salaries start from 30,000 rubles for service managers and from 40,000 rubles for hotel managers. For large hotels and popular tourist destinations, these numbers almost double.

There is the prospect of building a career vertically (from HR manager to manager) and horizontally (with a transition to larger and more popular hotels).

Tourism and Hospitality Course Program

Hotel business organization

  1. Introduction to the hospitality industry.
    • 1.1. Fundamentals of marketing in the hospitality industry. Definition of the hospitality industry. The main purpose of marketing in the hospitality industry. The concept of "service" and its main specific feature.
    • 1.2. Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation. The concept of "hotel". Hotel classification. Number fund. European standard.
    • 1.3. Management structure of a modern hotel. Services, departments, division of the hotel. The relationship between them.
    • 1.4. The emergence and development of the hotel industry. Hotel and tourism business, its place and role in the economy. Its influence on the development of industries. The most unusual hotels in the world.
  2. Booking and accommodation service.
    • 2.1. The role and place of the reservation and accommodation service in the overall management structure of a modern hotel. Service organization. Job descriptions of the personnel of this service.
    • 2.2. Technical means of ensuring the work of the service (fax, telex, computer, copier, etc.) Office equipment.
    • 2.3. Four cycles in serving guests.
    • 2.4. Reservation (booking). Reservation types. Ways and technology of reservation. Confirmed Reservation. Reservation fee.
    • 2.5. Reception and accommodation of guests (check-in).
    • 2.6. Registration and its procedure. Registration of documents. Features of registration and registration of foreign citizens, citizens of Russia and citizens of the CIS.
    • 2.7. Room rates. Published and corporate prices. Discount systems. Methods of payment (cash, bank transfer, payment by vouchers). Payment documents. Work with credit cards.
    • 2.8. Key economy. The procedure for issuing keys. Ensuring the safety of guests' property. Organization of storage of valuables.
    • 2.9. Guest service during the stay (mini-bars, laundry). Provision of additional and personal services for catering, transport and excursion services.
    • 2.10. Familiarization with the work of the business center, service bureau, health center, hairdresser, room - service, restaurants, bars in the hotel.
    • 2.11. Settlement of guests (preparation and execution of the settlement operation).
    • 2.12. Payment for accommodation, additional services, telephone conversations.
    • 2.13. Charging fees for damage and loss of hotel property by customers. Methods to eliminate the shortfall in income by the hotel. Documentation (invoices, registration books, forms, etc.).
    • 2.14. The work of telephone operators. Communication norms.
    • 2.15. Ensuring the safety of guests. Doorman service and security service. Night audit at the hotel. Non-standard situations, control over them. Behavioral models of people in stressful situations. Organization of medical care for guests.
  3. Administrative - economic (floor) service of a modern hotel.
    • 3.1. Service composition. Service personnel job descriptions. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the maintenance of rooms and public premises.
    • 3.2. The latest trends in floor-to-floor guest service technology.
    • 3.3. Various types of cleaning: current, intermediate, evening, general. Cleaning sequence. Cleaning technology.
    • 3.4. Key economy. Abandoned and lost things. Storage. Return procedure.
    • 3.5. Hospitality items of one-time consumption in branded design, promotional materials, their placement, quality control of cleaning and technical condition of the rooms.
    • 3.6. Work with linen (storage of clean linen, collection and accounting of used linen, sending it to the laundry, work with personal linen of residents).
    • 3.7. Serving high-ranking guests (VIP-guests).
    • 3.8. Maid's working trolley, equipment, equipment, cleaning mechanisms, inventory, detergents, their characteristics. Consumption rates of household materials, requirements for their rational use.
    • 3.9. Complaints from guests (questionnaire survey cards on the quality of service).
    • 3.10. Occupational safety, safety, fire safety rules in the fire service.
  4. Internal regulations for hotel workers.
    • 4.1. Requirements for hotel workers. Recruitment for the hotel business. Legal bases. Rights and obligations of hotel employees.
    • 4.2. Recommendations regarding the writing of resumes, questionnaires. Practical advice, analysis of the questions most frequently asked at interviews in the personnel department of hotels.
  5. Test (interview).

Tourism business organization

  1. Legal aspects of tourism business
    • 1.1. Regulatory framework for ensuring the quality of service in the tourism business. Law on Consumer Protection". Federal law "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation". Other normative acts, rules, recommendations.
    • 1.2. Basic terminology of the tourist services market.
    • 1.3. Bodies of state management of tourism.
  2. Participants in the tourism process
    • 2.1. Contractual relations with foreign partners (travel agency, hotel, restaurant, tour agency, etc.). procedural questions. Reception of objects.
    • 2.2. Tour operator company. agency network.
    • 2.3. Travel agency as a travel agency - an intermediary. An agreement between them (travel agency agreement). Rights, duties and responsibilities.
    • 2.4. The client is the central figure in the tourism process, the consumer of the tourism product.
  3. Types of travel in international, inbound and domestic tourism
    • 3.1. Tourism is a branch of the national economy.
    • 3.2. Cognitive types of tourism. Education.
    • 3.3. Travel as an active holiday and recreation.
  4. Development and selection of tourist programs
    • 4.1. Tours abroad, Excursion routes, Leisure tours, Combined trips, Bus tours, Cruises (sea, river), Winter tours, Tours for schoolchildren, Business tours: Shopping tours, Educational tours, Individual trips (special programs), Inbound tourism, Features of reception and service of foreign tourists in the Russian Federation (Main routes, Business tourism), Domestic tourism.
  5. Tourist Service Agreement
    • 5.1. A package of documents. Tourist ticket.
    • 5.2. The content of the contract with the client. Voucher.
    • 5.3. Mandatory and additional services.
    • 5.4. Penalties.
  6. Relationship with the client
    • 6.1. Professionalism, moral and psychological aspects of communication.
    • 6.2. Awareness, the right to choose.
    • 6.3. Consideration of claims, comments and complaints. Protection of the rights of the tourist and the interests of the company.
    • 6.4. Medical insurance. Other types of insurance.
  7. Service quality and service safety
    • 7.1. Safety of life, health, environment; safety of property.
    • 7.2. Security of the process of performing tourist services (planned and additional).
    • 7.3. Service quality system. Sociological research.
    • 7.4. Forms and methods of control.
    • 7.5. Control bodies.
  8. Compliance with the laws of the host country, rules and customs
    • 8.1. Legal and moral and ethical aspects. General provisions. Specificity of a particular country. Tourist responsibility.
  9. Hotel service
    • 9.1. Classification of enterprises providing accommodation services.
    • 9.2. Technological scheme for servicing tourists in a hotel.
    • 9.3. Rules for the provision of hotel services (ordered and additional).
    • 9.4. mode and security.
    • 9.5. Responsibility of the parties under the contract (complaints, claims).
  10. Catering
    • 10.1. Technology and catering for tourists. Types of food.
    • 10.2. Requirements for food quality and safety.
    • 10.3. Responsibility of the parties under the contract (complaints, claims).
  11. Transport service for tourists
    • 11.1. Classification of transport travel and vehicles (air, railway, buses).
    • 11.2. Ticket booking procedure. Charter flights.
    • 11.3. Transfers. Meetings - seeing off tourists.
    • 11.4. Travel safety.
  12. Excursion service
    • 12.1. Types of excursions.
    • 12.2. Technology of preparation and organization of excursions (scheduled and optional).
    • 12.3. Safety rules for excursions.
    • 12.4. The quality of excursions (accounting for clientele, content, intelligibility, etc.).
    • 12.5. The role of the tour guide, group leader. Consideration of claims.
  13. Passport and visa issues
    • 13.1. General foreign passport (OPP).
    • 13.2. The order of registration, important "details".
    • 13.3. Responsibility for the power of attorney of the firm's and the client's ORP.
    • 13.4. The procedure for issuing and obtaining exit visas. Schengen visa. Visa-free or simplified entry into the country.
    • 13.5. Customs control at the entrance and exit.
    • 13.6. Customs formalities (peculiarities of countries).
    • 13.7. Favorable regimes.
    • 13.8. Carriage of luggage, delivery of goods by "cargo".
    • 13.9. customs restrictions. Sanitary and epidemiological control.
  14. Competitiveness of a travel company
    • 14.1. Preparation of a tourist product for sale.
    • 14.2. Pricing, calculation of tourist services. Profitability and profit.
    • 14.3. Tourist advertising. Types of advertising, rules for conducting an advertising campaign. Advertising requirements.
    • 14.4. Questions of taxation.
  15. The procedure for the formation of a travel company
    • 15.1. Development of constituent documents. Company registration. Company charter.
    • 15.2. Licensing of types of activity.
    • 15.3. Tourist product certification.
    • 15.4. Liquidation of travel companies.
  16. Staffing of tourist and excursion services
    • 16.1. Civil law relations. Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation.
    • 16.2. Rights and obligations of employees. Inner order rules. State structure. Job instructions. Qualification requirements. Working conditions and wages. Operating mode.
    • 16.3. Organization of the technological process of the travel agency. Office work.
    • 16.4. Reporting to higher authorities (tax office, other government services).
  17. Features of tourism business management.
  18. Prospects for the development of tourism
    • 18.1. International and domestic tourism in the conditions of market relations. Trends.
  19. Review of computer programs used in the practice of travel companies.
    • 19.1. Acquaintance with the program "Mastertravel agent".
    • 19.2. Practical lesson. Booking tours: the procedure for on-line booking on the example of a separate site.
    • 19.3. Practical lesson: tour designer.
    • 19.4. Tourist search engines.
  20. Test (interview).
Ac.h. base price Discount Final cost Pay
88 ac.hours
76 ac. hour.- Auditory lessons
12 ac. hour.- self-study
32230 rub. 19340 rub.

The unprecedented demand for services in the hospitality sector has led to the fact that a qualified and truly skilled tourism specialist is worth its weight in gold in Russia and abroad. To get a higher education that meets international standards, you should carefully study the offers of European and American universities.

A future tourism manager needs to be trained in an international environment. The national composition of the participants in the study programs of foreign universities just meets this requirement.

Russian universities are not able to compete with Western universities, which have been preparing professional managers in the field of tourism for several decades. Higher education abroad is the quintessence of theory and practice, because each program is based on real experience and the latest developments of specialists in the field of tourism. In addition, traditionally successful and innovative client models are used to build the skills needed in this area.

Undergraduate students of the Hotel Institute Montreux at a lecture (Switzerland)

Tourism Education Abroad: Key Points

Tourism education is complex. In most cases, students work according to the case study method, that is, they are immersed in specific situations that are typical for working in their chosen specialty. Students learn to analyze and easily adapt to changing situations in order to find the most rational and effective ways to solve problems. Analysis of "cases" allows you to train your skills and abilities, studying in an unusual, productive and interesting format of classes.

Especially prestigious tourist can be obtained in Switzerland. This country has ideal conditions for creating and promoting a hospitality business, which means that unique programs are ready here for in-depth study of the features and prospects of this industry. Switzerland offers the largest selection of specialties, and their list is constantly expanding in accordance with the requirements of the times.

Practical classes at the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (Switzerland)

  • preparatory courses for applicants
  • undergraduate
  • magistracy
  • refresher courses

Each of these areas is designed to train modern and success-oriented specialists who are able to bring creative and popular ideas to the tourism business.

Education in Switzerland is a program that develops time management skills, corporate responsibility, discipline. All this is the key to success in the future.

Work experience as a tourism specialist

Top universities in Switzerland are equipped with special classrooms, for example, by analogy with reception desks. They also work closely with both small and very influential hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers. More than 50% of the study time is devoted to practicing skills in practice, because education in the field of tourism provides for numerous internships both in the country of study and abroad.

MBA course at the Glion Institute of Higher Education - a bright period of life (Switzerland)

Among Swiss universities offering to study tourism and hotel service, Glion Institute of Higher Education, Cesar Ritz Hotel School, Hotel Institute Montreux, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management are especially popular. These are recognized giants of the industry, producing truly qualified personnel who are ready to work anywhere in the world. Education at the Swiss Hotel Management School, School of Hotel Management IHTTI, Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality is also in high demand among foreigners. The competition for their branches is very high.

Prices for education in the field of tourism

Education in Switzerland depends on programs, number of internships and other factors. The cost varies from 35,000 to 70,000CHF (Swiss francs) per year.

A wide range of prices is due to the high status of some universities, studies in which are much more expensive, but will be a huge plus for employment.

If your dream is to study in England or the USA, study tourism and graduate in these countries, then the choice of universities is almost as impressive as in Switzerland. In the US, the influence of Colorado State University, Oregon State University and the University of South Florida is worth noting.

In England, you can achieve mastery in any specialty related to the hospitality industry by graduating from the University of Exeter, Regent's University London, the University of Surrey or London South Bank University.

More and more managers decide to get a second higher education in the field of tourism, as this provides a brilliant opportunity to improve their chances of success in this promising industry.

Hospitality, culinary arts, hotel and restaurant management, as well as sports, entertainment and event management can also be studied as part of additional education, for example, in courses for management. StudyLab recommends tourism education to sociable, positive and purposeful people who dream of finding their calling in working with people.

300 hours 23500


4.1 Classification of hotels

12. Fundamentals of hotel management

18. Recruitment of hotel staff

18.3 Leadership styles

Apply for training and get free access to a demo lesson on 11 secrets from successful hoteliers to increase hotel sales right now!

Profession in the field of hotel business - promising and relevant

The tourism business in Russia and around the world, despite certain economic instability, is actively developing today, and this mainly contributes to the emergence of hotels of different levels and quality of service. Unfortunately, not all hotel owners understand how important it is for the hotel's reputation to be able to professionally and competently manage the hotel's departments and services. To do this, it is necessary not only to have an understanding of the successful examples of the management of well-known hotel chains and the structure of hotel services, but also to understand in detail the quality standards, staff requirements and additional services that the hotel can provide.

The position of a hotelier is the highest rung on the career ladder in the hotel business, it requires high competence and is associated with extreme responsibility. Only a true professional with an appropriate education in this field can hold such a high position. And you can get such an education in the hotel business at the courses of the International Academy of Business.

The program of the full course "Hospitality" especially for hotel managers

The International Academy of Business has developed an effective training program for the hotel business especially for the heads of hospitality enterprises.

The program "Hospitality" at the International Academy of Business is aimed both at training "from scratch" and at improving the skills of hotel or hotel managers.

The International Academy of Business uses modern approaches and technologies in the field of education. Gone are the days when you had to attend classes at fixed hours and spend time on the road. To study at the International Academy of Business, it is enough to have Internet access to get the necessary knowledge at any time and from anywhere in the world. Try and feel how easy and productive distance learning can be, thanks to an understandable form of presenting the material, provided with illustrations, tables, diagrams and videos. In the process of studying hotel business and business, professional specialists of the Academy will always be in touch with you, ready to answer all your questions. Our main task is to help you master the specialty most effectively and efficiently. Distance courses of hotel business at the International Academy of Business are high-quality educational services for your future!

Modern and promising education at the International Academy of Business

The International Academy of Business has been specializing in providing qualified training for owners, managers and employees of the tourism and hospitality industry for over 15 years. More than 5,000 students have already entrusted the Academy with their professional development and career growth.

After completing distance learning courses in hotel business at the International Academy of Business, graduates receive a state diploma with an international supplement on the completion of the professional course "Hospitality".

License for educational activities No. 038379

The program of the training course "HOTELS"

1. Introduction to the subject of the hospitality industry
1.1 History of development and place in the economy of the hotel and tourism business
1.2 Global hospitality brands and brand success story The Ritz-Carlton, Hilton, Kempinski, Holiday Inn, Marriott

2. The hospitality industry in the 21st century
2.1 Structure and development factors of the hospitality industry
2.2 Seasonality and current state of the hospitality industry
2.3 Basic models of hospitality and hotel business organization
2.4 Classification and specificity of hotel services and hotel product

3. Classification and structure of hotel enterprises
3.1 Classification of hotels in different countries by category, category, comfort level
3.2 Types of hotels and functional purpose of hotels
3.3 Requirements for hotels of different levels and life support

4. Features of the development of the domestic hotel industry
4.1 Classification of hotels
4.2 The hotel industry system and hotel chains in Russia
4.3 The system of the hotel industry in Moscow and St. Petersburg

5. The main features of the services of the hotel enterprise
5.1 Hotel services and their functions. Interaction of hotels and travel companies
5.2 Working methods and room reservation systems. The structure of the reception and accommodation service
5.3 The structure of the engineering, technical and administrative services of the hotel
5.4 The structure of the security service and job descriptions of hotel staff

6. Theoretical foundations of international standards of hotel service
6.1 The concept of a quality service standard and the application of service standards as a success factor
6.2 Appearance and behavior of hotel staff
6.3 Telephone conversation standard. Booking, check-in, check-out procedure

7. Basic requirements for employees of hotel enterprises
7.1 Compliance with professional ethics and personal qualities for work in a hotel
7.2 Factors influencing guest choice of hotel
7.3 The most common types of customer behavior and the rules of communication between hotel staff and guests
7.4 Key principles for successfully dealing with difficult guests and how to deal with complaints

8. Organization and basic principles of the hotel restaurant complex
8.1 Hotel restaurant complex system and waiter standards
8.2 Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing in the hospitality industry
8.3 Room-service and compliment system for hotel guests
8.4 Document flow rules, accounting for restaurant service dishes and minibar products

9. System of additional hotel services
9.1 Hotel booking, transfer and excursion services
9.2 Typology, types and functions of hotel animation services and programs
9.3 Catering for tourists in hotels

10. Licensing and certification of the hotel business
10.1 Definition of standardization, hotel standards and licensing
10.2 Indicators of the quality of hotel services
10.3 Confirmation of the hotel's compliance with international requirements (certification) and international certification

11. The role and economic significance of competition in the tourism market
11.1 Effective management of the hotel business. Formation and key factors of competitiveness
11.2 Types and basic strategies of competition in the hotel services market

12. Fundamentals of hotel management
12.1 Classification of hotel management forms: contract, franchising, lease, joint-stock companies, syndicates, consortiums
12.2 Structure and methodology of hotel business management. Quality management
12.3 Leadership and motivation of hotel employees
12.4 Methods and functions of planning, management functions

13. Management decisions and procedures and developments
13.1 Types and conditions for the effectiveness of management decisions
13.2 Process, decision styles and approach to decision making
13.3 Organizational plan and follow-up

14. Financial management of hotel enterprises
14.1 Economic planning and analysis of the financial condition of the hotel enterprise
14.2 Components of the hotel product and calculation of the cost of hotel services
14.3 Hospitality revenue management, accounting and reporting
14.4 Indicators for assessing the movement and condition of the fixed and working capital of the hotel

15. Drawing up a business plan for opening a hotel
15.1 Business planning, budgeting and costing
15.2 Interactions of hotel management systems
15.3 Preparation process for hotel expansion

16. Marketing management in the hotel business
16.1 Major booking systems
16.2 Cyclicity in the marketing of hotel services. The need to monitor competitors and action plan
16.3 Internet promotion and program organization

17. Security and security system
17.1 Integrated security and fire protection system
17.2 The concept of modern hotel security

18. Recruitment of hotel staff
18.1 Features of hiring staff in a hotel, rules for conducting questionnaires and interviews
18.2 Features of recruitment for line and managerial positions, leadership qualities and organizational skills
18.3 Leadership styles

19. Professional development of hotel staff
19.1 Training, internships and professional adaptation of new employees
19.2 Evaluation of the work of hotel employees
19.3 Training and certification of hotel staff

20. Hotel personnel management
20.1 Forms and methods of personnel management, recruitment
20.2 Rules for concluding employment contracts and remuneration
20.3 Fund formation and payroll

21. Fundamentals of taxation of a hotel enterprise
21.1 System of taxes and fees, VAT calculation
21.2 What are the taxes on the net profit of the enterprise and on the cost of production
21.3 Features of hotel taxation and income tax

The course "Hospitality" of the International Academy of Business will teach you to understand the trends in the hotel business, tell you about the nuances of the services provided by the hotel, and introduce you to the standards in the hotel industry. You will learn all the subtleties of hospitality management. You no longer need to look for where to study hotel business and hotel business - the most effective correspondence course in hotel business at the hotelier school courses at the International Academy of Business. Apply for the Hospitality course now and in just a few weeks of study you will acquire all the necessary knowledge to effectively manage a hospitality business and master the profession of a hotelier!

Send a request for training right now and get absolutely free access to the first lesson, where we will tell you about 11 secrets from successful hoteliers to increase sales of hotel services!

Leading experts in the hotel business are sure that in the coming years the profession of a hotelier, already popular abroad, will become one of the most popular in Russia. This is not surprising, because the position of a hotelier is a consistently high salary and a prestigious profession!

Therefore, the requirements for a hotelier are especially high... For successful work, it is not enough to have a clear knowledge of theory and practical skills, you also need to be able to perfectly manage personnel, understand the law, analyze offers and market needs.

You will be able to fully master the key skills and knowledge for success in the hotel business as soon as you complete the course “Hotelier” at the Institute of Hotel Business at the MBA CITY Business Academy!

In the full course "Hotelier", developed by the best specialists of the hotel business specifically for your training, every useful detail is taken into account: from job descriptions for hotel staff to the ability to understand the taxation system. These fundamental, as well as many other disciplines and knowledge important for success, will become indispensable both for the success of your business and for improving your personal professional competence.

Students of the “Hotelier” course at the School of Hoteliers of the MBA CITY Business Academy will effectively and quickly receive a quality education in the hotel business, get acquainted with the specifics of hotel services, get acquainted with the classification and categories of hotels, services for receiving and accommodating guests. You will learn the skills that are fundamental to the successful work of a hotelier, get acquainted with key service standards and learn the principles of assessing the work of hotel staff.

The general course of hotel business “Hotelier” at the Moscow Institute of Hotel Business MBA “CITY” is your real chance to study hotel business, get a diploma in hotel business and get closer to the world of successful hoteliers!

In order for you to get knowledge of the profession of "Hotelier" in the most comfortable way, the Institute of Hotel Business offers you to choose a personal form of training:

● Distance learning. A distance course at the Institute of Hotel Business from the MBA CITY Business Academy is the most convenient form for those who want to become a successful hotelier in the shortest possible time. The course program contains complete and up-to-date information sufficient for the successful management of the hotel business. . Future hoteliers in the course of distance learning in the hotel business get acquainted with valuable text lessons, supported by tables, graphs, diagrams, audio and video, dedicated to the key professional knowledge and skills for a successful hotelier. Thanks to a clear and detailed multimedia presentation of the material, you can effectively learn the knowledge yourself. Remote general training course “Hotelier” from the MBA CITY Business Academy is your opportunity to master the training program with high quality and become a professional in the hotel business in the shortest possible time!

● Face-to-face distance learning in a group. Combine business with pleasure by choosing this type of learning. In the effective program of the "Hotelier" course at the Institute of Hotel Business at the MBA CITY Business Academy, you will attend full-time courses in the hotel business. Classes are held in our training center, in specially equipped and comfortable classrooms. You will have an effective acquaintance with the material during practical exercises, trainings and role-playing games dedicated to mastering the profession of a hotelier. The course is conducted by an experienced teacher-practitioner who will share with you the professional secrets of the hotel business. Classes are held in groups of up to 10 people. For a more detailed study and repetition of the material, students through their personal account have access to the distance learning program for the general course of the hotel business “Hotelier” from the MBA CITY Business Academy.

Individual/corporate full-time distance learning. Do you value a personal touch? Especially for you, the most useful personal training program will be developed, which will include the disciplines that you need. A personal schedule and a training course for the “Hotelier” profession, drawn up on an individual request, will allow you to make the most efficient use of time, while also saving your money. Study the necessary disciplines remotely, at a convenient pace and rhythm. The corporate uniform will be the most useful for employees, motivating the whole team for professional and personal growth at once!

Whichever option you prefer, you can be sure: the specialists of the Institute of Hotel Business from the Business Academy MBA CITY will help you quickly and with pleasure to master all the basics of the fascinating and exciting world of the hotel business.

Due to the wide development of the hotel business, competition in this segment is especially high. In order to gain the right qualifications and become part of the rapidly developing, relevant and profitable field of the hotel business, it is imperative to complete the appropriate training.

That is why with the help of the general hotel business course “Hotelier” from the MBA CITY Business Academy, you can become a particularly valuable specialist. Learn the art of presenting your offer in a favorable light for the consumer, learn all the secrets of doing business in the hospitality industry and become irreplaceable!

At the end of the training, students receive a state diploma with an international supplement on advanced training in the hotel business and the passage of the “Hotelier” course.

License for educational activities No. 038379

The program of the training course "Hotelier"

1. History, role and global brands of the hotel industry
1.1 The history of the emergence of hotel services
1.2 Hotel and tourism business, its place and role in the economy
1.3 Major global hotel chains and brands
1.4 Ritz-Carlton, Hilton, Kempinski brands
1.5 Holiday Inn, Marriott, Hyatt, Best Western brands

2. Current state and development of the hospitality industry
2.1 Definition and structure of the hospitality industry
2.2 External and internal factors in the development of the hospitality industry
2.3 Seasonality factor in the tourism business
2.4 Main current trends in the hospitality industry
2.5 Four world models of hospitality
2.6 Hospitality organization models
2.7 Classification and specifics of hotel services
2.8 Features and structure of the hotel product

3. Classification and structure of hotel enterprises
3.1 Categorization of hotels and classification by category
3.2 Classification of hotels in different countries of the world
3.3 Classification of hotels by comfort level
3.4 Typology of hotels
3.5 Functional purpose of hotels
3.6 Functional requirements for hotels
3.7 Life support of hotels

4. Hotel industry of the Russian Federation
4.1 Features of the Russian classification of hotels
4.2 Hotel industry in Russia
4.3 Famous hotel chains present in Russia
4.4 Hotel industry in Moscow
4.5 Hotel industry in St. Petersburg

5. Characteristics of the services of the hotel enterprise
5.1 General characteristics of hotel services
5.2 Booking service practices and booking risks
5.3 Features of negotiating with representatives of travel agencies
5.4 Reception and accommodation service: role, structure, requirements, norms, calculations
5.5 Maintenance and operation of the room fund
5.6 Security Service: Crime Investigation and Emergency Management
5.7 Hotel engineering service
5.8 Job descriptions of hotel staff

6. International standards of service in the hotel
6.1 Principles for evaluating a quality service
6.2 Service standards as a factor in successful competition
6.3 Telephone etiquette standard for hotel employees
6.4 Appearance standard for hotel employees
6.5 Standard of Conduct for Hotel Staff
6.6 Check-in, check-out and booking as an important part of the hotel experience

7. Rules for successful work of staff with clients
7.1 Professional ethics of hotel workers
7.2 Required personal qualities to work in a hotel
7.3 4 types of clients: how to find the right approach
7.4 Considerations for clients when choosing a hotel
7.5 Features of contact of hotel staff with customers
7.6 Difficult guests and principles of competent work with them
7.7 Complaints in the hospitality industry and how to resolve them
7.8 "Tourist racketeering" and legal filing of complaints

8. Organization and operation of the restaurant service at the hotel
8.1 Infrastructure of the restaurant complex
8.2 Benefits and losses of outsourcing
8.3 Waiter procedures and standards
8.4 Organization of the work of the room-service
8.5 Organization of document flow and accounting of restaurant service dishes
8.6 Record keeping of minibar products
8.7 Classification of rewards (compliments) for hotel guests

9. Additional hotel services and ways to provide them
9.1 Types and technologies for the implementation of animation programs
9.2 Animation of resort hotels
9.3 Ways of catering tourists in hotels
9.4 Provision of ticket booking services
9.5 Provision of transfer and pick-up services
9.6 Features of the organization of excursion services for guests

10. State and hotel business: obtaining a license and certification
10.1 Hospitality Licensing Process
10.2 Definition of standardization and hotel standards
10.3 Schemes and documents for hotel certification
10.4 International certification and classification of hotels
10.5 Indicators of the quality of hotel services
10.6 International directions for the creation of quality services

11. Success and competition in the hotel business
11.1 Definition and evaluation of the performance of the hospitality business
11.2 Types of competition in the hospitality industry
11.3 Methods of competition: how to beat the competition
11.4 Building competitiveness

12. Forms and methods of managing a hotel enterprise
12.1 Forms of hotel management: contract, franchising, rent, joint-stock companies, syndicates, consortiums
12.2 Organizational structure of hotel management
12.3 Development of an individual style and method of management
12.4 Planning methods and functions
12.5 Creating an enabling environment to motivate employees
12.6 Management control and adjustments
12.7 Building management leadership
12.8 Hotel quality management

13. Making management decisions in the hotel
13.1 Content and types of management decisions
13.2 Decision-making process
13.3 Decision-making methods
13.4 Individual decision-making styles
13.5 Conditions for the effectiveness of management decisions
13.6 Organization and control over the execution of decisions

14. Finance and working capital of hotel enterprises
14.1 Economic performance of the hotel
14.2 Components of a hotel product
14.3 The work of the analytical service in the hotel
14.4 Fixed assets of the hotel enterprise
14.5 Essence and composition of working capital of the hotel
14.6 Financial resources and profits of hospitality enterprises
14.7 Estimating the cost of hotel services
14.8 Organization of accounting at hotel enterprises

15. Business planning and hotel budgeting
15.1 Development of a business plan and its implementation
15.2 Budgeting as a financial planning technology
15.3 Purpose and implementation of controlling
15.4 Process-Based Budgeting and Costing
15.5 Achieving excellence by eliminating waste
15.6 Production expansion planning

16. Marketing in the hotel business
16.1 GDS and ADS systems: meaning and benefits
16.2 Competitive monitoring and market analysis of hotel services
16.3 Effective hotel internet marketing
16.4 Formation of customer loyalty programs
16.5 Marketing cycle diagram

17. Hotel security system
17.1 Creation of a unified integrated security system in the hotel
17.2 Safety concept
17.3 Establishment of a fire safety system
17.4 Organization of fire alarm in the hotel
17.5 Maintaining good electrical systems in the hotel

18. Hotel selection and staffing
18.1 Recruitment: concept, types, methods
18.2 Conducting questionnaires and interviews
18.3 Selection rules for line and managerial positions
18.4 Methodology for diagnosing aggressiveness and self-control
18.5 Methodology for diagnosing self-esteem and personality orientation
18.6 Methodology for identifying leadership qualities and organizational skills
18.7 Methodology for determining leadership style

19. Training and evaluation of hotel personnel
19.1 Methods and techniques for training new employees
19.2 Professional adaptation of personnel
19.3 Training and exercise programs for hotel staff
19.4 Methods for assessing and questioning employees
19.5 Qualification and its methods

20. Hotel personnel management and remuneration
20.1 Principles and methods of personnel management
20.2 Basic principles of people management
20.3 Providing the enterprise with labor resources
20.4 Conclusion of employment contracts
20.5 Placement and distribution of workers
20.6 Forms and systems of remuneration
20.7 The procedure for accruing funds for wages
20.8 Hospitality payroll

21. Tax system and hotel taxation
21.1 Types of taxes and fees
21.2 Taxes on the net income of an enterprise
21.3 Value added tax
21.4 Taxes on cost of production
21.5 Taxes on the financial results of an enterprise
21.6 Features of taxation of hotel enterprises