Bakery income. What equipment to choose for a mini-bakery. Stages of opening a mini-bakery

When the question arises: “what business is better to invest in?”, we start looking for the best ways with minimal costs and high financial returns.

Today we will consider such an area of ​​investment as your own bakery.

Ready-made bakery business plan will give you a clear understanding of what this production is.

Why is a bakery a profitable business?

General consumer products are always in demand. As they say, bread is the head of everything, and therefore it is almost impossible to remain without customers.

Reasons to invest in the bakery business:

    For the production part does not require highly qualified personnel.

    Employees receive all knowledge within 2-4 days of practice.

    Quick installation and setup of bakery equipment.

    To establish the production process, 25-30 calendar days are enough.

    Installation companies will help you set up your equipment and train your staff before you even get started.

    Constant demand for bakery products.

    The rise in prices for the maintenance of large enterprises makes large plants unprofitable.

    They are being replaced by small and medium-sized businesses that can fill this niche to the fullest and provide the market with high-quality goods.

  1. Most bakeries are located close to the point of sale, because products arrive on the shelves “only from the oven”, which increases its demand.
  2. A small number of points of sale will allow you to study and adjust the demand for products, and it is also easy to change the assortment of the bakery depending on the indicators by quarter.
  3. Direct supply of raw materials without extra charges.
  4. Bread is a socially significant product, because you can get government support.

    In the event of a shortage of raw materials or other problems, you can rely on.

    High rates of trade, due to the short terms of the sale of bread, will allow receive payment from buyers within 5-10 calendar days.

    Retail sales give you a steady stream of cash.

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation for LLC, the amount of cash in the cash desk of the enterprise should not exceed 2,000,000 rubles.

    Given the constant turnover of funds and payment for raw materials, the business plan of the bakery provides for complete control and exemption from unnecessary financial transactions to withdraw cash from the current account.

Bakery business plan in detail

Average profit per year: 180 000$
The level of profitability of the bakery business plan: 620%
Payback period: 5-6 months.

Where to begin? From the analysis of points of sale and features of food products for which there will be maximum demand.

To determine the type of goods and production volumes, spend 1 - 2 weeks researching the location and nearby competitors.

Development tactics in the bakery business plan should pursue the following goals:

  • Improving production by realizing the potential of equipment and personnel.
  • Affordable prices without significant damage to the bakery's profits.
  • Taking into account the wishes of ordinary consumers regarding the variety of bakery products.
  • Increase in sales volumes.
  • Search for a bakery.
  • Employee training and customer feedback.
  • Advertising campaign.
  • Development of the competitiveness of production by adjusting price indicators and the quality of products.

For your bakery business plan to be successful, all of the above conditions must be met.

Today, the price of the product has become an important competitive condition. The tactics of conquering the market must follow the trends to increase the profitability of your business.

1. Marketing tactics.

Any business begins with determining the directions in which production lines and product range will develop.

It is important for a bakery to analyze the growth / decline trends in demand for various types of bakery products throughout the year.

A marketing analysis of a bakery business plan should:

    Find out which products are in high demand among buyers.

    How much does quality affect the sale of a product?

  • Determine the average sales volumes of different varieties of the product at your potential outlets.
  • Consider the sales volume of the product by competitors located in your area.
  • Determine the criteria for ordering products.
  • Find out the strengths of your competitors.
  • Take into account trends in demand for bakery products throughout the quarter.

Information about buyers will make it possible to occupy your segment of the product sales market, and data on other firms will make it possible to adjust the product to the most competitive indicators.

General knowledge of the sales market is aimed at improving the position of the bakery in the future and providing favorable economic conditions for business development.

What methods to apply:

  1. Identification of the pain points of the business and the strengths of the bakery.
  2. Market segmentation.
  3. Positioning of manufacturers and product lines.
  4. Methods of statistical calculations.

Research should be limited to the territorial factor. The analysis of nearby areas of the product sales market is considered optimal.

In the course of the analysis, it is necessary to find out which aspects buyers give more importance to.

The data graph should contain (%):

  • freshness;
  • taste qualities;
  • external indicators of the product;
  • the benefits of the product;
  • price;
  • availability of packaging.

The information will allow you to highlight the main points that you should pay special attention to attract the maximum number of customers.

It is also necessary to take into account the place where customers prefer to buy bakery products. If this is a kiosk, then a reasonable solution would be to conclude contracts with just such points of sale.

For a total advantage in the bakery business plan, as many market research factors as possible should be taken into account.

Practice has shown that the priorities are such areas as advertising and pricing policy.

The expansion of the range of bakery products will also have a positive impact on business. Much attention should be paid to the types of pastries that are in high demand in other cities, but so far little mastered in the bakeries of your locality.

2. Production calculations for the business plan of the bakery.

Work planning cannot be imagined without a production component.

Although the methods of making bakery products are not a secret, it is worth taking a very detailed look at each component.

The quality of raw materials will affect both the product itself and its demand. The correct definition of proportions will make it possible to appropriately distribute the financial flows allocated for the raw material base.

The main stages of the technological process of the bakery:

  1. Sift the main component - premium flour.
  2. Throw all the ingredients into the dough kneading machine.
  3. Keep the mixture.
  4. Cut into portions.
  5. Add special components to improve product quality and send to the seaming machine.
  6. Build a product.
  7. Let the test stand.
  8. Bake items.
  9. Distribute into trays.

Depending on the type of pastry that the bakery produces, the production plan may vary slightly. All components must be of the best quality.

a) Accounting for bakery equipment in a business plan

The best option would be to hire a specialist who will help you choose high-quality equipment at an affordable price.

*The table above shows the average cost of equipment by country.

The information in the table is presented in foreign currency for convenience. Inflation is constantly changing, so prices in dollars will give more accurate data on upcoming expenses.

Installation and configuration are usually free. Some supplier companies conduct training courses where your employees will learn how to operate the equipment. The cost of classes, as a rule, is symbolic.

b) Bakery space

Depending on the scale of the enterprise, the size of warehouse and other premises may vary upwards.

Arrangement of equipment, taking into account the possibility of its maintenance in the future, will increase the occupied area to 60-70 m 2 .

The data in the table shows the average size with a margin of 10 - 20 cm 2. The preferred width and length of the workshop is 7 m × 10 m. Height - within 3 - 4 m.

In addition to the production line, you will face the problem of storing raw materials and finished products. Dough components must also be kept separate from flour.

Total + 3 rooms.

Additional storage areas of the bakery:

    flour storage.

    A small bakery should have at least 7 days of raw materials in their business plan.

    To meet these needs, a room with a total area of ​​​​more than 22 m 2 and a height of 3.5 m is required.

    Bakery bakery storage.

    Depending on the mode of operation and the daily amount of finished products, a room of the required size is selected.

    Minimum 10 m2.

    Blend Item Storage(seasonings, cereals, dry yeast, etc.).

    An area of ​​​​7 - 8 m 2 will completely accommodate a weekly supply of additional raw materials for production.

Taking into account all the premises, yours should be focused on 90-100 m 2 of production space.

In addition to size, attention should also be paid to the requirements of the SES. Without their approval, further business development may stall for 1-2 months.

SES requirements for the production areas of the bakery:

  1. It is forbidden to equip a bakery in basements or places with high dampness.
  2. The floor must have a layer that does not allow water to pass through.
  3. Walls should be lined with ceramics or paint.
  4. Availability of hot / cold water + sewerage.
  5. Utility rooms for employees and raw materials.
  6. Correct ventilation.

By taking care of the above conditions in advance, you will save a lot of time in the future and get rid of problems with sanitation services.

c) Documents for the production part of the bakery

Documents that are necessary for equipping the premises and starting production must be collected after the purchase / lease of the premises and repair.

You will be pointed out the shortcomings and given 1 month to correct.

Terms are floating, it all depends on the number of problematic issues that arise during the verification process.

What documents are needed:

  • An act authorizing the conduct of activities from the SES;
  • Fire inspection permit;
  • Admission to activities from the environmental commission.

Terms of receipt - from 2 weeks to 2 months.

If all checks were passed successfully, the bakery business plan can be implemented as quickly as possible.

3. Financial plan for the bakery.

An essential component of your business plan.

Where the costs go, how to bring production to a high level of profit, where to find raw materials at the lowest price - all these calculations should make your bakery a highly profitable business.

a) Organizational costs

To get a plus, you will need to draw up an optimal work schedule that will not contradict sanitary requirements.

It is better to focus on increasing the productivity of equipment, which can lead to additional expenses.

Optimal bakery production plan:

  1. Work in 3 shifts with a rotating schedule for employees.
  2. Shift 1 is an 8-hour work day.
  3. In 1 working day, 2 shifts are allowed according to the plan.
  4. A floating schedule will allow you to use the equipment 30 calendar days per month.
  5. The average baking rate is 6,000 units.
  6. The mass of 1 unit of production (bread) is 400 grams.

Thus, the annual plan for the manufacture of goods will exceed 120 tons.

The calculations did not take into account the production of other bakery products, such as buns, rolls and more.

b) Major items of expenditure

is a costly business. Payment for the work of employees, the purchase of equipment, certificates for trade are far from all the expenses of an entrepreneur.

Full set of equipment was considered above and in its value reached 72,000 conventional units.

If you take into account additional elements, such as knives and special clothing, the final amount will increase to $ 73,000 - $ 74,000.

In addition to technical equipment, 3 more documents will be required:

  1. Quality certificate.
  2. Hygienic certificate for the goods.
  3. Permission of production activity for business.

To obtain a hygiene certificate, you will have to give several samples for examination to the nearest state laboratory. Product analysis will take no more than 3 calendar days.

The price for this package of documents is about $80. Please note that you will need to update permissions at least once a quarter.

Another important cost item in a bakery's business plan is raw materials.

The cost of flour, yeast, seasonings and other baking ingredients should be included in the calculations of the financial plan.

More detailed information can be seen in the table below:

TOTAL cost of raw materials per 1 ton of finished products287,8 $

Type of raw material

Consumption of raw materials per 1 ton of products, kg

Cost of 1 kg of raw materials, USD

The cost of raw materials per 1 ton of products, USD

Premium wheat flour760 0,30 228
Pressed yeast31 0,8 24,8
Salt16 0,15 2,4
Sugar16 0,6 9,6
Margarine9 2 18
improver5 1 5

The average cost of raw materials per 1 ton reaches $220 - $270. It is better to take indicators with a margin of 2 - 3% and focus on high-quality raw materials to obtain the appropriate product.

Compensation of workers of the enterprise depends on the quality of work and calculations included in the business plan of the project.

To support the production process of the bakery in 2 shifts and on a 30-day schedule, a minimum of 27 employees will be required.

The amount of salary should not be lower than the subsistence minimum established by the state.

Fig.1 - Monthly labor costs.

The monthly deductions include taxation. The bakery will have to deduct 38% to the Pension Fund and to pay the single social tax.

This will be: 0.38 * 3620 \u003d $ 1375.6 per month

Equipment that works around the clock, sooner or later will become faulty. Fund depreciation takes into account these factors and allows you to prepare the ground in advance for solving such problems.

Calculated as 9% for 1 year of the total cost of purchased equipment.

This will be: 0.75% * $72,000 = $540

Property tax provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation for all manufacturing enterprises, which include a bakery.

Currently, this fee is 2.1% per year of the cost of equipment.

This will be: (2.1% / 12) * 72,000 / 100% = $ 126 for 1 month

Quality certificate What you received at the beginning of work should be updated quarterly. This expense item should also be taken into account in the financial part of the bakery business plan.

This will be: 180/3=60$ every month

In addition to the specified expenses, you should take into account transport and other petty expenses for running a bakery that need to be mapped to enterprises in advance.

Below you can see a list of all monthly expenses:

Putting everything together, we get a tidy sum of $ 36,000. This is how much you will have to pay per month for the maintenance of the bakery.

Of course, enterprising people will find how to save money, but the operations performed should not affect the quality of the product. The level of sales will fall - business income will decrease.

c) Calculation of sales revenue and total profit

To calculate the amount of revenue, we turn to the average cost of bread in the country - $ 0.22.

Working according to the standard schedule, the bakery produces more than 5,500 products per month (only bread is taken into account).

Revenue will be: 5,500 * 2 * 30 * $ 0.22 = $ 66,000

Given the diversity of the range of goods, production costs will increase, but income will also increase proportionally. It all depends on the priority areas of production lines, which are determined in the marketing component of the bakery business plan.

    Gross profit of the bakery.

    The indicator is the difference between revenue and cost of goods.

  1. All organizations are required to pay to the country's treasury 1% of payroll fund your business.
  2. Taxable Income, which decreases due to the deduction of fees on the gross profit of the bakery.
  3. General income tax of 25% on the amount of funds received.

As a result, we will get residual profit, which is most rationally spent on improving the equipment and technological processes of the enterprise, especially at its start.

The financial plan of the bakery business plan should provide for a clear distribution of residual funds from the bakery's income.

Many private bakeries prefer to transfer residual funds to current bank accounts at a rate of 2 - 3% per annum. It is necessary to consider all possible options for capital growth.

d) Efficiency study

How quickly the business will pay off is the main question of every entrepreneur before. Previous calculations were the basis for calculating this particular indicator.

In addition to the main indicator of business growth, there are 4 secondary ones. They should be taken into account in the business plan of the bakery to adjust and correct problematic production lines.

Additional profitability criteria:

    Product profitability.

    Indicates the ratio of net financial return to one currency unit.

    Thus, the financial plan of the bakery business plan will show information on the quality of the use of financial resources.

    Formula: Profitability \u003d Net profit / Cost of goods

    In our case: 17,000/36168.67= 0.47

    Capital productivity.

    It is expressed in relation to the quantity of goods to the price per 1 currency unit.

    The value gives an idea of ​​the amount of profit from each ruble spent in your business plan.

    Formula: Return on assets \u003d Revenue from the sale of goods / Total price of funds

    In our case: 66,000 / (72,000+100) = 0.915

    For every dollar invested, we get $0.915 in profit.

    Capital intensity.

    Inverse rate of return on assets.

    Indicates how much funds from funds must be invested to receive 1 currency unit.

    Formula: Capital intensity \u003d Total price of funds / Revenue from the sale of goods

    In our case: (72,000 + 100) / 66,000 = 1.09

    Spending for 1 currency unit of the product.

    Display in the business plan of the bakery the amount of money spent on getting $ 1 from the product.

    Formula: Cost per unit = Cost of goods / Revenue from the sale of goods

    In our case: 36168.67 / 66,000 = 0.548

Additional components of the financial plan will help you evaluate the correctness of decisions and suggest potential options for the development of the business as a whole.

To see a visual result, use an iterative formula that displays the difference between the funds spent and received for 30 calendar days.

Interest charged by the banking system for taking out a loan0,02

Months of operation of the enterprise

Net income USD

Business income, USD

0 0 72 100 -72 100
1 17000 73 442 -56 442
2 34 000 74 911 -40 911
3 51000 76 409 -25 409
4 68 000 77 937 -9 937
5 85000 79 496 5 504
6 102 000 81 086 20 914

According to the table above, we will be able to assess the profitability and payback of the bakery business plan.

If you did not take out a loan, but invested yourself, you can get rid of the extra 2% deposit rate, reducing the payback by almost 1 month.

Fig 2. - Payback business plan for a bakery.

According to the schedule, the first predominance of profit over costs falls on end of 5th month. This means that our bakery in a fairly short time will allow you to get back the money invested and get a profit.

If the amount of money spent in the business plan still seems too large for you, you can use an alternative option - renting a bakery.

You will reduce costs by 2-3 times due to the availability of equipment and ready-made premises that meet sanitary standards. The payback of such a bakery business plan will be 2 months.

4. We take into account the environmental component and risk factors in the business plan of the bakery.

The approval of environmental services is an important part in organizing the work of a bakery.

The commission report should indicate the main advantages of your business compared to large analogues - this will simplify the process of obtaining a certificate and save you time.

What is the burden on the environment:

  1. Electricity consumption for stable operation of equipment and lighting of production areas.
  2. The use of fuel for the transportation of finished goods to points of sale.
  3. Utilization of secondary raw materials and other industrial waste.

Unlike large-scale production, the bakery does less harm to the environment on all of the above points. Rational placement allows to reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere by 50-70% compared to other large enterprises.

Always consider risk factors.

The business plan of the bakery should contain a separate financial section, which will provide for the allocation of 2 - 3% of monthly profits to secure possible problems in the future.

Risk factors for a bakery business plan:

    Rising prices for raw materials.

    To prevent problems, long-term contracts with suppliers on favorable terms should be concluded.

    High competition.

    No one can forbid building another bakery 50 steps away from you. The struggle for points of sale will begin.

    To prevent the loss of the customer base, it is necessary to constantly expand the range and monitor the quality of bakery products.

The expansion of the bakery and the opening of new outlets will strengthen your position in the market and make your business even more profitable.

Not always the concept of "bakery" is limited to the production of bread.

An excellent example of this is the Bulki institution:

Whatever area of ​​investment you choose, having a business plan is the most important component of the successful implementation of the project.

Planning items of expenditure and activities will prevent unpleasant surprises that may await you in the future.

We hope reviewed bakery business plan will help you in opening a personal business which will bring a stable income for many years.

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Bakery products remain one of the most sought after food products on the market. Although over the past decades, for a number of reasons, the share of bakery products has slightly decreased. Nevertheless, bakeries will not disappear anywhere in the near future, and the demand for their products can be predicted to be stable.

Before you open a mini-bakery, it is advisable to pre-calculate and draw up a business plan. The choice of one or another concept depends on the specifics of the situation. Predominantly, the business is profitable, as it primarily refers to the consumables business. Consider the main features of the industry.


The existing features of this area are associated with a change in the product line, a change in the need for these products, directly with the production and distribution of products.

Product line

Recently, the range of grocery products has grown significantly. This could not but affect the decrease in the share of bakery products. In addition, there is a steady trend towards a healthy lifestyle, which also contributed to the reduction in bread consumption. According to statistics, the level of consumption of bakery products from 2011 to 2013 decreased by 5%.

Along with this, new products appear on the market: combined products, products with various additives. Because of this, the product line is expanding significantly.

Download a ready-made bakery business plan, current for 2019, you can from our trusted partners "Biplane". Download link.


The share of large producers of bakery products in the market in such a situation will gradually decrease. Already at the moment, the capacities of large manufacturers are loaded by 30-50%.

There are several reasons for this:

  • less flexible process, designed for large volumes;
  • distribution of mini-bakeries, the cost of producing small batches in which is much lower;
  • organization by large grocery chains of their own production of medium capacity;
  • the emergence of by-products and home-made equipment.

All this leads to the fact that large manufacturers increase costs and the total cost of production increases. They are forced to apply various measures, one of them is additives to products in order to extend their shelf life. Such measures also do not contribute to the promotion of goods on the market. Positive feedback loop. Demand decreases - quality is forced to decrease - demand decreases.

Based on such an analysis, it can be assumed that in the future the competitiveness of mini-producers with greater flexibility will increase.


In connection with the above, it is necessary to initially work out the issue of competitiveness. A business plan for a bakery with calculations in almost any case will show the profitability of opening an enterprise. The whole task in the success of the enterprise is to find a sales niche. That's why before drawing up a business plan in this area, it is enough to work out points of sale. When such points are found, it makes sense to work out other aspects.

Competition in the market for the production of bakery products is traditionally high:

  • large manufacturers;
  • own production of trade shops;
  • mini-bakery;
  • semi-finished products are substitutes for finished products.

There are several ways to solve the problem of promotion in the market:

  1. Sales agreement. The easiest and most reliable way. When finding customers for a certain volume and set of products, the calculation of other indicators is quite simple;
  2. Finding a free niche. Those. By analyzing the product market, it is possible to detect its insufficient filling with certain types of products. There is a risk of error - the products may simply not be in demand in this market. Either marketing flaws;
  3. Marketing policy. Creation of conditions, products better than those of competitors. Generally requires a sufficiently large financial airbag;
  4. Creating demand for products. The most difficult path. Requires an understanding of sociology and psychology, or the involvement of relevant specialists;
  5. Online store. A point of sale that is gaining more and more popularity. It needs to be calculated. As delivery of plain bread is likely to be unprofitable, and various confectionery products and additionally accompanying food products are well worth considering.

Types of mini bakeries

Depending on the specialization, organization of production, the following mini-bakeries can be distinguished:

  • universal;
  • specialized (confectionery, bread from the oven, national bread, expensive bread boutique, etc.);
  • bakeries-shops (direct sale of products is carried out right there).

The organization of this or that type of bakery is somewhat different. Specialized ones require special equipment. For a bakery shop, the organization of a trading floor, or, as an option, the preparation of an order directly in front of the client. Universal bakeries are equipped with standard bakery equipment. This will also be reflected in business plans, for example, the business plan of a confectionery bakery will differ significantly from the business plan of a bakery store.


The location of the mini-bakery significantly affects only if it is a mini-bakery-shop. In this case, the requirements for its location are similar to the requirements for the location of grocery stores, taking into account the presence of competitors in the immediate environment: residential areas of cities, shopping centers, railway stations, airports, crowded places, etc.

There are no special requirements for the location of other bakeries. General recommendations - reduce production costs. Those. finding the best option in terms of logistics costs and the cost of maintaining the premises.

Requirements for the bakery itself:

  • not allowed to be placed in basements and semi-basements;
  • waterproof floor;
  • walls up to 1.75 meters must be tiled or painted with light paint, the rest and the ceiling must be whitewashed;
  • availability of cold and hot water;
  • the presence of sewerage;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • separate rooms: warehouse, shower, wardrobe, sink, toilet.

Besides it is undesirable to place a bakery in a multi-storey residential building. Although there are no direct prohibitions on such placement. But in case of disturbance for other residents (noise, smells, etc.), serious problems can arise, up to a stop in production, or additional costs for equipment (noise insulation, smell absorbers, etc.).

In terms of area, it all depends on the chosen format and production volume. For the smallest industries, premises from 50 square meters are suitable, in some exceptional cases even less.


Equipment for a bakery also depends on the format, type, volume and range of products planned for release.

In general, you will need:

  • furnaces;
  • dough kneading equipment;
  • proofing cabinet;
  • flour sifter;
  • tables for working with dough;
  • fridge;
  • sheets and forms;
  • washing equipment.

In addition to the basic equipment, special equipment may be required for the preparation of specialized products. Also, the equipment may have to include freight transport.

Part of the equipment is quite used (tables, sheets, forms), part is convenient to purchase under leasing schemes. Also it makes sense to pay attention to Russian-made equipment. Even before the start of the crisis, the difference in cost reached 3 times, after the start of the crisis it only increased. Quality, service life and reliability at the same time do not differ at times. But the repair of domestic equipment will again be cheaper and faster.


The activity does not require licensing. But a number of regulatory documents are required:

  • certificate "sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production";
  • certificate "sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products";
  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission of ecological expertise;
  • certificate of conformity of the Federal Agency for Metrology and Technical Regulation.

The organizational and legal form is chosen according to convenience, the benefits of taxation, documentation and contractual activities. In the vast majority of cases, IP is sufficient.


  • a package of constituent documents (depending on the legal form);
  • certificates and permits;
  • a package of external documentation (lease, supply, sales, agency agreements, etc.);
  • a package of internal documentation (documents of analytical, synthetic accounting, accounting documents, personnel documents, etc.).


In the bakery business, the most important specialist is the technologist. This will be especially true if a specialized bakery is planned. Compliance with technology and the ability to produce high-quality, tasty products that meet customer needs are the second basis of this business after points of sale.

There are no special requirements for the rest of the staff. The number of employees is calculated based on the volume of production and the format of the enterprise.

May be required:

  • baker;
  • sellers;
  • loaders;
  • drivers;
  • cleaners.

Part of the work can be organized on a piece-work basis, or under outsourcing agreements (delivery of products, accounting services, etc.).


A ready-made business plan for a mini bakery includes a standard marketing plan. There are no special marketing and advertising moves here. The business is mostly traditional and conservative, over-creativity is more likely to lead to negative consequences. It is unlikely that performance buns will find a wide response in an inert social environment. But, having earned a bad reputation on an unsuccessful performance, it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

  • advertising and hidden advertising (word of mouth methods “spreading rumors about a quality product”);
  • discounts and bonus systems for regular customers;
  • holding various actions and presentations at various national festivals.

Approximate costing

For an indicative example, consider the calculation of a small mini-bakery.

The room for placing the equipment is about 50 square meters. We produce 5-10 items of products. Personnel: technologist, baker, auxiliary worker.

The average price of products is 50 - 60 rubles / kg. The average daily sale is 100 - 200 kg. Those. revenue per day: 5 - 12 tr., which will give a month: 150 - 360 tr. Or net profit: 30 - 150 tr. Payback will be from 2 to 5 years. If the premises are rented, the payback period for the equipment will be somewhat lower: from 0.5 to 3 years.

How much does the equipment cost and how to choose it - analytics from the company "Khleb Oborudovanie"

In principle, starting a mini-bakery is possible even with a little over a hundred thousand rubles. This is a combination of the cheapest oven and a Russian-made dough mixer, but everything else will have to be done by hand. And, nevertheless, such “startups” are justified when it comes to the need to bake up to 200 kg per day. Under the conditions of the market situation, such an enterprise can provide bread not only for a small settlement, but also for the work of two or three people. But the imperfection of technology in one bakery cannot guarantee a stable quality of baking. If we are talking about a larger number of products and a wide range, the amount of investment in such production increases significantly. One of the recent projects of Khleb Oborudovanie is a small bakery with a cafe in one of the major cities of Kazakhstan. The maximum desire of the owner is 1000 kg of products per day, but at the first stage. To launch the bakery, it took about 600,000 rubles of investment in equipment, which should provide the main assortment - pan bread, long loaves, baguette, bakery products and pies. At the second stage, the order of specialized equipment - dividers and equipment for puff pastry - will be ordered.

When choosing equipment, the “first price” factor has long been the main argument for mini-bakery customers. The cost of entering the market is extremely important, especially for "small chains". Often this equipment is of very low quality, with a low resource and high operating costs. Such bakeries, as a rule, are constantly transported from one rented premises to another, which reduces the already low resource of equipment. Mini-bakeries built on the principle of “one-man business” are formed in a completely different way. Equipment for such bakeries is selected according to the principle of strength-functionality-price. Such enterprises may need re-equipment in 15–20 years, while operating costs are fully covered by the benefit of equipment depreciation.

“The truth, as a rule, is somewhere in the middle,” Leonid Rabchuk comments on this idea. “If you imagine a bakery as a person, then, of course, the heart of the bakery is the oven, the skeleton is the dough mixer and the baker is the head.” As in the body, the resource of the heart guarantees it long life, so in the bakery, the design and reliability of the oven guarantee success. At the same time, not only the thickness of the metal or the "survivability" of the electronics is important for success, but also the availability of service and spare parts for the entire life cycle of the furnace. Today, no more than 10-15 manufacturing companies can guarantee this. Among them are FINES from Slovenia, Cimav from Italy, Irtysh from Russia. High-quality dough science is also a fundamental condition for the production of excellent products, and here, alas, the domestic manufacturer has practically nothing to offer those who wish to open a mini-bakery. In the segment of dough mixers with a load of 2 to 40 kg of flour, Italian companies are unambiguous leaders, but their quality varies greatly. The price cannot be a marker of reliability either, there are examples of highly overvalued equipment. “We are able to supply almost any equipment for dough making,” Khleb Oborudovanie says, “but we give preference to several companies with which we have dealer agreements, these are the Italian MacPan and Sunmix. Here we can offer the client not only very competitive prices, but also high-quality support and service. In the segment of small dough-cutting equipment, the situation with inexpensive domestic equipment is even sadder. Our industry still ignores this part of the market, this niche is occupied by European manufacturers. The catalog of the Perm company Khleb Oborudovanie presents several middle-class manufacturers - a large selection of Italian MacPan equipment: dividers, rounders, seamers, dispensers that provide excellent results for relatively little money. Those who wish to purchase more serious equipment can be offered equipment from the Dutch company DAUB. In its class, this equipment has practically no equal in quality, and even more so in price. Not without reason, many technological solutions of this company received major awards at major international exhibitions.”

“For more than 15 years we have been painstakingly forming our catalog, some companies are added, some leave the market, but the main set remains practically unchanged,” says Alexey Savitsky. – We know all the pros and cons of this technique and are able to extend its service life. The main difference between the companies we represent is the passion for the business they do, the passion for bread. This is in tune with us. We operate in the most competitive and yet most human market, because bread is the main food of mankind.”

More details about the turnkey mini-bakery projects can be found on the website

I welcome everyone to my site! Today I have a rather controversial topic of the article, it refers to.

I want to talk about income and expenses of this business. I will say right away that the article is not a dogma and in each individual case the calculation will be different, since a lot of factors affect this, but the main points can still be distinguished.

Consider the expenses and incomes of a mid-range mini-bakery.

Mini-bakery expenses in 2015

I will divide the costs of a mini-bakery into several main points:

  1. Temporary expenses. These will include one-time expenses that will definitely appear in the course of your activities;
  2. fixed costs. You will incur these costs monthly and they will change only with small adjustments.

Time expenses of a mini-bakery

First in line, of course, are production (one-time) expenses:

  • Oven for mini-bakery. It’s not worth saving here and you need to buy a quality oven. On average, the cost of such a furnace will cost 600,000 rubles. There are, of course, cheaper options, here you already look at the amount of money that you are going to invest in your business;
  • dough mixer. The cost of such a middle-class car is about 250,000 rubles;
  • proofing cabinet, the purchase of this equipment will cost you 40,000 rubles;
  • Dough cutting table. There are a lot of options, the average price is 40,000 rubles;
  • dough sheeter- its price is about 20,000 rubles;
  • For flour sifter you will have to spend about 10,000 rubles;
  • Baking trolley will cost approximately 13,000 rubles.

The next in line will be the purchase of commercial equipment:

  • KKM(cash machine) price from 17,000 rubles;
  • Money box- from 1,000 rubles;
  • Safe from 12,000 rubles;
  • Showcases and storage cabinets so varied and the price range is so wide that it's hard to say. The price starts from 8,000 rubles.

Also, the temporary expenses of a mini-bakery include redecoration of the premises that you rent (most likely rent) and a sign for it. Getting permission from the SES and from firefighters also costs money.

Let's now look at what fixed costs your business will incur:

Fixed costs of a mini-bakery

  • Raw material. In the first place I put raw materials, it is on it that the lion's share of expenses will go; their size depends on your turnover;
  • Premises for rent. If you do not have the money to purchase the premises, then you will have to rent it, the rent is paid monthly and its size will depend on the size of the rented area and the cost of sq.m.;
  • taxes- Of course you need to pay taxes for your activities. We have already decided that taxation will be chosen by you, of course, make calculations which is more profitable;
  • Wage. Whatever one may say, you will not be able to cope with the production at your mini-bakery alone and naturally it will be necessary to hire employees who need to pay salaries;
  • Deductions for your employees in the PFR, MHIF and FSS, personal income tax (having employees, you are obliged to pay contributions for them by the 15th day of the month following the reporting month);
  • If you have chosen individual entrepreneurship, then you will also have to pay for the activities of the individual entrepreneur;
  • Metroves. Perhaps this organization will be called differently for you, this organization serves cash registers and by concluding an agreement it is necessary to pay them monthly contributions;
  • Transport. It is necessary to make monthly expenses and transport will bring raw materials and take away finished products;
  • Advertising. I have previously mentioned in other articles that advertising is the engine of trade, especially for production. Monthly it will be necessary to allocate a certain amount of money in order to (image advertising);
  • Checking account. Monthly money will be withdrawn from you for maintaining a current account, depending on the bank you choose from 500 to 2000 rubles.
  • Internet and phone. I combined this group into one because in our time they are inseparable; the amount of payment depends on the operator;
  • Electricity and water, most likely, when concluding a lease, the landlord will highlight this as a separate item due to the fact that production consumes a lot of energy and water.

That seems to be all that concerns the expenses of a mini-bakery, as you can see, there are quite a lot of them. It is also possible that this is not a complete list yet and some positions may appear. As I said before, this is the basis and both the cost and the types of expenses may vary.

Income mini-bakery in 2015

Now we have come to a more pleasant moment of this business - this is to sum up the earnings (income) that you can get by having your own mini-bakery.

The income of a mini-bakery is also influenced by many factors, from the location of the bakery itself to the products it produces.

One of the most cost-effective products that you should produce at your mini-bakery are buns, in this case, profitability can reach 50%. As for the simple production of bread, then the profitability is an order of magnitude lower and amounts to about 20%.

Let's make an approximate average calculation of income in the production of buns:

For example, let's take such an indicator that a mini-bakery processes 1 ton of flour per day and produces buns weighing 120 grams. at a cost of 45 rubles. PC.

  • Total turnover for the year - 21,895,000 rubles;
  • Expenses - 12,000,000 rubles;
  • Net profit of a mini-bakery with a simplified tax system of 6% = 11,280,000 rubles. in year;
  • Net profit of a mini-bakery with a simplified tax system of 15% = 11,480,000 rubles. in year;
  • mini-bakery in this case about 52%.

Full payback of business 1.5 years.

In the end, I want to say that 90% of the amount of revenue and the rate of return on business depends on you.

First of all, develop a dealer network (if you can call it that), look for trading partners. Might be worth hiring a couple sales reps.

Over time, the business will develop and you will already be contacted to purchase your products.

Highlight your main ones, as well as take care of the quality of your products, this is what will most strongly affect the promotion of the business itself.

Don't forget to do market research to know the weaknesses of your competitors.

That's all! You can ask questions in the VK group "

People will always eat. Therefore, some businessmen consider running their own business exclusively in the field of catering. Fast food outlets are growing like an avalanche. There are two options for development in this direction: buying a ready-made franchise or implementing your own concept.

The second option is preferable. The "raw" business model will require a lot of effort from the entrepreneur, but it also has advantages. For example, there is no need to pay a lump-sum fee and royalties. A good idea for your own business is to open a mini-bakery.

Is it profitable to run a bakery?

Yes, it's profitable. This business is distinguished by profitability at the level of 50-60% and constant demand. Bonus - mobility. The owner of the enterprise can change the range of products and adapt to demand. This will allow you to quickly meet the needs of customers without incurring additional costs. With a decrease in public interest in baguettes or exotic types of bread, it is necessary to refocus on the manufacture of confectionery and puffs.

The diagram is based on information from Rosstat. At the same time, industry experts predict an increase in the share of bakeries in supermarkets and small private enterprises to 20 and 16%, respectively. Another trend is also noticeable. The population of Russia is increasingly interested in "European" bakery products: ciabatta and baguettes.

Stages of opening a mini-bakery

Starting a business goes through several stages. This applies to entrepreneurs developing their own model. When buying a franchise, most of the organizational tasks are shifted to the shoulders of the partner. A dilemma arises: on someone else's project or still "untwist" your own? It's better to go the second way. Before launching his own model, a businessman must draw up a clear step-by-step plan. It must be strictly followed. It looks like this:

  • Business registration.
  • Room selection.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Personnel search.
  • Purchase of raw materials.
  • Establishment of distribution channels.

Business registration

There are many ways to run your own business. For start-up entrepreneurs who do not operate with large capitals, two are suitable:

  • limited liability company;
  • individual entrepreneurship.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Weigh the pros and cons beforehand. This approach will help to avoid a lot of mistakes and problems in the future.


This form of doing business is especially suited to those who work in partnership with other citizens. Future preferences are distributed depending on the share of participation of each founder in the authorized capital of the company. Registering an LLC is more difficult. To register with the tax authority, you must provide:

  1. Charter.
  2. Establishment agreement (if the company has 2 or more founders).
  3. Minutes of the founders' meeting.
  4. Application for state registration.

It is necessary to additionally open a current account and form an authorized capital. Registration authorities also require documentation to be submitted to the legal address of the company, such as a letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises. The state duty for opening an LLC is 4 thousand rubles. On average, the registration time (taking into account the collection and preparation of documentation) takes 1 month.


Everything is easier here. A businessman needs to fill out an appropriate application in the form P21001, pay a state duty (800 rubles) and provide a copy of his passport. After obtaining a certificate of registration, the next step in the plan is to choose a taxation system. For individual entrepreneurs, a simplified system is perfect. There are two options:

  • 6% of income.
  • 15% of the difference between income and expenses.

The first type is easier to calculate, but in the case of large monthly costs, the second is also applicable.

Important: the difference between sole proprietorship and LLC lies in the form of liability. An entrepreneur, in case of problems with activities, risks all his property, and a limited liability company - only the size of the authorized capital. For newcomers to business, it is recommended to open an IP.

Premises selection

For a mini-bakery, the right choice of premises is a key step in the plan. The main criterion is permeability. The turnover of the enterprise directly depends on traffic. There are 3 accommodation options for this type of business:

  1. Rent in a shopping complex.
  2. Pavilion at the stop.
  3. Apartment on the first floor of a residential building.

Each type has advantages and disadvantages. A detailed comparison will help determine the final choice.

Rent in TC

There are many advantages. For example, a businessman does not need to be checked by the fire inspectorate, since this has already been done by the owner of the premises. The rental fee (from 300 rubles / m 2) directly depends on the popularity of the shopping mall and the location of the bakery inside the hall. This is what is considered the most affordable for start-up entrepreneurs. The disadvantages include:

  1. Adjustable operating mode.
  2. Competition within the TC itself (sometimes several individual entrepreneurs of the same direction are located in one complex).
  3. Future expansion issues.
  4. Limited power supply.

The low price eliminates these shortcomings. Therefore, often merchants place their business there.

Pavilion at the bus stop

This type of activity requires serious investments. The price for the manufacture of the pavilion reaches 6-12 thousand rubles / m 2. The problem lies in coordinating the location of the mini-bakery with the city administration. It will not be possible to simply install production at a bus stop with high traffic. The entrepreneur independently obtains permission from the SES and the fire inspectorate, negotiates with the power engineers about the allocated capacities and connection to the network. The advantage is the self-adjustment of the operating mode. Some malls open only from 9 am, while the schedule of the pavilion can be set independently, taking into account the intensity of the flow during the day.

Ground floor apartment

For newcomers to business who do not have great financial resources, this way of doing business is not suitable. The advantages are the same as those of the pavilion at the stopping point, the disadvantages include the high cost of doing business. In a city with a population of over one million, the rent of premises on the first floor of a residential building does not fall below 30,000 rubles. This negatively affects the profitability of the business.

Important: from personal experience, entrepreneurs advise to be accommodated in pavilions at a bus stop, at the start of work, renting in a shopping center is also suitable.

Purchase of equipment

A mini-bakery will require different equipment. You can make a choice only after setting the baking nomenclature. Basic set includes:

  1. Convection oven.
  2. Rack cabinet.
  3. Mixer.
  4. Flour sifter.
  5. Stainless steel tables.
  6. Dough shaping machine.

Conventionally, all equipment is divided into two types: domestic and imported. The difference between the two lies in price and functionality. Showcases, refrigerator, cash register are not included in the list. In this case, we are talking only about specific equipment for the preparation of bakery products.


Italian convection ovens are popular in the bakery business. They differ in build quality and variability of operating modes. Manufacturers offer extended warranties for many models. The equipment is expensive. When drawing up a financial plan, this item of expenditure will become the main one.


Often, bakers have complaints about the build quality of the equipment. The final functionality of domestically produced equipment also raises doubts. A small cost will allow you to open it, but in general, over time, the furnaces will have to be replaced with imported ones.

Important: You can save additional money when looking for used equipment. Sometimes such a decision is the only way out for beginners in the baking business.

Personnel attraction

Cadres decide everything. The phrase is hackneyed, but relevant for any business. The mini-bakery was no exception. The success of an enterprise directly depends on the quality of staff training. All bakery workers must have health books and periodically undergo a medical examination. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in fines and business closure.

Who to hire?

To organize a bakery you will need:

  1. Manager.
  2. Technologist.
  3. Minimum 4 bakers with sales functions.

The entrepreneur himself often becomes the manager. It is economically unprofitable to hire a separate accountant for reporting. It is better to transfer the solution of these tasks to outsourcing companies.

Important: It is impossible to use the services of third-party specialists without concluding contractual obligations.

Where to look?

There are many options for finding employees. These include:

  1. Labor exchange.
  2. Internet.
  3. Acquaintance.

It is recommended to act in several directions at once. To reduce costs at the initial stage, workers without experience are sometimes considered. Such a technique is possible if the entrepreneur himself understands the main technological processes. Often, bakeries are the second stage of a simple - making cakes to order.

salary fund

Important: with a fixed salary, the financial fund is formed with a margin of 2-3 months.

Purchase of raw materials

The purchase of products for further processing must be carried out taking into account the capacity of the mini-bakery itself. It is impossible to save on quality, in the future this will directly affect the demand among the population. Customers will appreciate the drop in taste characteristics quickly and simply stop buying products. The preparation of bakery products is carried out in two ways:

  1. From basic raw materials.
  2. From semi-finished products.

Each business model has advantages and disadvantages. Both options must be taken into account and considered when drawing up the opening plan.

From basic raw materials

This method is cheap, since the entrepreneur independently searches for suppliers and selects the terms of the contract. The added value is maximized. When prices fluctuate in one wholesale base, cooperation with other companies should be started. The quality of bakery products directly depends on the established technological process and recipe.

From semi-finished products

When opening a mini-bakery, beginners often choose ready-made semi-finished products as raw materials. This is especially true for enterprises focused on the production of puffs. With this approach, businessmen save on equipment (the need for a dough mixer, a flour sifter and a dough-forming machine disappears by itself). Reduce the cost of starting a business. But there are downsides too. The technologist cannot control the quality of the product. Suppliers do not warn about changing the recipe for the preparation of semi-finished products. The dissatisfaction of buyers will result in a decrease in demand and profitability.

How to open a bakery - step by step video instruction

How to establish distribution channels?

The formation of sustainable demand is the basis for the success of any business. The statement is also typical for a mini-bakery. The main flow of customers is formed by natural traffic. Therefore, it is important to choose the right location for the enterprise. Non-standard moves will also help to increase speed. For example, some start-up entrepreneurs enter into contracts for the supply of finished bakery products directly to the addressee. In the future, such a clientele will bring a significant share of income. Therefore, contacts with contractors should be maintained constantly. Properly drawn up will help to reach customers.

Do not forget about outdoor advertising. The placement of the sign on the facade of the building is consistent with the administration of the shopping mall. The owners of their own pavilions have much more freedom of action in this matter. Some cities have strict requirements for architectural appearance. The nuance is taken into account without fail.

An increase in demand is also observed in trade via the Internet. To form such a distribution channel, you will need to develop a website, hire a manager to receive incoming applications and conclude an agreement with a courier service. Delivery is sometimes carried out independently - in this case, the purchase and maintenance of the car should be included in the expenditure part of the plan. help reduce the cost of contacting web developers.

Bakery business plan

Drawing up the final financial model is a complex and responsible process. Prices for opening a mini-bakery vary greatly. In case of insufficient funding and the need to strictly monitor all costs, it is recommended to use only equipment from local manufacturers and rent premises directly from the shopping center. The main total costs will look like this:

  1. Production equipment:
    • convection oven - 30 thousand rubles;
    • proofer - 32 thousand rubles;
    • dough mixer - 32 thousand rubles;
    • flour sifter - 25 thousand rubles;
    • dough-forming machine - 92 thousand rubles;
    • stainless steel tables (2 pieces) - 4 thousand rubles;
    • refrigerator - 10 thousand rubles;
    • other (knives, etc.) - 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Retail store equipment:
    • cash desk - 12 thousand rubles;
    • acquiring - 20 thousand rubles;
    • refrigerated confectionery showcase - 57 thousand rubles;
    • ordinary showcase - 5 thousand rubles.
  3. Design and advertising:
    • street pillar - 2 thousand rubles;
    • signboard - 2 thousand rubles;
    • decoration, staff clothing - 7 thousand rubles.
  4. Premises renovation(without hiring third-party organizations) - 20 thousand rubles.

These costs are basic. It is also necessary to take into account the monthly rental costs (for shopping malls). The minimum price of retail space is 300 rubles/m 2 , the construction of the pavilion will cost from 6 thousand rubles/m 2 , while the lease of land is agreed with the administration of the settlement in advance. The salary fund of employees is not included in the base values, since a piece-rate payment system is implied. For individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to take into account the need to make annual payments to the FIU.

Summing up

Business at a mini-bakery is costly. The average payback of the enterprise comes in 6-8 months of work. The final figure depends on the patency, range and quality of products. Marketing policy also plays a key role. Entrepreneurs select carefully and carefully, but this is far from a panacea.

Success will come with an established customer feedback system. The manager is required to clearly control all business processes - up to identifying the needs and preferences of customers. This approach will allow you to reach a confident plus and scale up your activities (for example, by increasing the number of outlets).

Opening a mini-bakery without experience in this area is a bold decision. This business attracts with profitability and stability at all times, but to start a business, you need to solve a lot of issues. In this case, it is best to learn from experience, but not your own, but someone else's. We will tell you how we opened the Sdobushka mini-bakery, what issues we encountered, how we solved them and created a successful business. This information will help you make a decision and better understand how to start a bakery business.

How the Sdobushka bakery was opened in the apartment

It was decided to open a new bakery in a two-room apartment on the ground floor. To do this, it was necessary to redo it a little: organize a separate entrance, arrange it, change the layout. Since it was supposed to make a bakery shop, a place was immediately planned for the placement of production and commercial equipment.

The necessary minimum, selected by a professional technologist, was chosen as equipment. Main set:

  • Convection oven PK-10 with a capacity of 50 loaves of bread up to 600 g with a baking time of 40 minutes;
  • Proofer ShR-41;
  • Testomes MTM-65M;
  • For confectionery, additionally installed:
  • Mixer for biscuit and sand dough V-30V;
  • Planetary mixer for V-5 filling.

One of the most important conditions for the assignment to technologists was to place the bakery in a small area, so the optimal ratio of compactness and productivity was selected. As a result, the convection oven is installed on a proofing cabinet, which, in addition to saving space, ensures ease of use. Thus, in a small two-room apartment, a bakery shop is easily located, the assortment of which includes both classic bread and a variety of sweet pastries.

How profitable is a mini-bakery?

One of the main advantages of the bread business is its stability. People eat bread in any economic situation, and in times of crisis they begin to consume it even more, thus compensating for the inability to buy expensive products.

Equipment for a mini-bakery requires relatively low costs, which quickly pay off. This is easy to verify if you compare the cost of raw materials and the cost of finished products. So a 100-gram cabbage pie costs 4 rubles 54 kopecks, and the price in stores is at least 20, a French baguette costs 4 rubles, and is sold for 30, loaf 600 gr. It requires raw materials for 7.5 rubles, and is put up for sale for at least 35. (For calculations, the average purchase prices are taken: 19.5 rubles for flour, 58 rubles for margarine and 36 for cabbage).

What to look for:

A mini-bakery is a fairly new business format, but practice has already shown the nuances of such an enterprise:

  • Production + point of sale is the most profitable solution, as it reduces transport costs and looks more attractive to buyers.
  • As an assortment, it is better to choose more expensive varieties of bread. Standard "bricks" can be bought everywhere, and the price for them is fixed. People are happy to pay more when purchasing whole grain bread, pastries with seeds, original (for example, national) pastries, because this is an easy and healthy way to diversify the daily diet.
  • The optimal location of such a bakery is sleeping areas, or near markets, shopping centers and large bus stops. People do not buy bread in the city center, but do it closer to home or on their way home from work.
  • Having promoted one store, you can safely open a network, delighting residents of other areas with delicious fresh bread near the house.

How not to burn out by making a mistake in the equipment?

Modern manufacturers offer many options for each node of the bakery. At the same time, they are important not only individually - it is necessary to understand how it will work in combination. Therefore, the best option is to equip the bakery with the help of an experienced technologist who understands theoretical issues and sees in practice how the process proceeds with different equipment.

From the many options, it is better to choose equipment that has various settings, and in addition, can be supplemented at little cost and reoriented to a wider range over time.


The easiest way to determine the demand for certain bakery products is to analyze the business of competitors. See what types of bread sell out the fastest, find types that are not represented in the city at all or are baked, but not enough. At the same time, you can start with relatively standard options, and then gradually expand the range.


As you can see, opening a mini-bakery is not a difficult task, although it involves solving many issues. Careful step-by-step work necessarily leads to success. In order not to make a mistake in the main resource of the bakery - equipment - it is important to choose a reliable supplier.

The Khleb Oborudovanie company is engaged not only in the supply of equipment, but also solves the complex tasks of equipping mini-bakeries, providing comprehensive support to the new business. When professionals get down to business, you can be sure that the technical part will not cause trouble, so you can focus on other issues. Make an application on the Khleb Equipment website or call the company, and managers will present options for finished projects with a calculated cost and help you decide what is right for your business!