Duties of the squad leader charter Sun. Commander of a motorized rifle squad (MSV). What are the duties of the commander of the department: fire department, Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, army

158. The commander of the department in peaceful and war time Responsible for: successful completion of combat missions by the squad; for training, education, military discipline, morale and psychological state and security of military service, combat bearing and appearance subordinates, their performance of military service duties; for the correct use and preservation of weapons and military equipment, equipment and uniforms and their maintenance in order and serviceability. He reports to the platoon commander and his deputy (team foreman) and is the immediate head of the squad personnel.

159. The commander of the department is obliged:

train and educate the soldiers (sailors) of the squad, and when performing combat missions, skillfully command the squad;

know the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, nationality, personal qualities, occupation before military service, marital status, successes and shortcomings in the combat training of each subordinate;

monitor the implementation of the daily routine (regulations of official time), cleanliness and internal order in the department, demand compliance by subordinates with military discipline;

know the material part, rules for the operation of weapons, military equipment and other military property of the department, monitor their availability, daily inspect and maintain in order and serviceability, as well as ensure compliance with the safety requirements of military service during their operation;

to instill in the soldiers (sailors) of the squad respect for service, as well as a careful attitude to their weapons and military equipment;

to develop military bearing among the soldiers (sailors) of the squad and develop their physical endurance;

take care of subordinates and delve into their needs; monitor the neatness and serviceability of uniforms of subordinates, the correct fitting of equipment, their observance of the rules of personal and public hygiene, wearing military uniforms;

daily monitor the cleanliness of uniforms and the drying of footcloths, socks, as well as timely current repairs uniforms;

make sure that after training and firing, subordinates do not have live and blank cartridges, grenades, fuses and explosives;

report to the deputy platoon commander (team foreman) about all the sick, about the requests and complaints of subordinates, about their misconduct, violations of military service safety requirements and the measures taken to prevent them, about encouraging soldiers (sailors) and imposed on them disciplinary action, as well as cases of loss or malfunction of weapons, military equipment and other military property; always know where subordinates are.

Responsibilities of a Platoon Leader.

152. The commander of a platoon (group, tower) in peacetime and wartime is responsible: for the constant combat readiness of the platoon (group, tower) and the successful completion of combat missions; per combat training education, military discipline, the morale and psychological state of the platoon personnel and the safety of military service; for maintaining internal order in a platoon (in a group, tower); for the condition and safety of weapons, military equipment and other military property of a platoon (group, tower). He reports to the commander of the company (combat unit) and is the direct head of all personnel of the platoon (group, tower).

153. The commander of a platoon (group, tower) personally trains and educates subordinates. He is obliged:

conduct combat training sessions with the personnel of a platoon (group, tower) and monitor the correct training of soldiers (sailors) by squad commanders (commanders), and when performing combat missions, skillfully manage a platoon (group, tower);

know the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, nationality, occupation before military service, marital status, successes and shortcomings in the combat training of each serviceman, his business and moral and psychological qualities; constantly carry out individual work on military education; maintain a personal list of platoon personnel (groups, towers);

take care of the life of subordinates and delve into their needs; at least once a week to be present at the ascent and evening verification in a platoon (in a group, tower);

demand strict observance of military discipline by the personnel of a platoon (group, tower), monitor its appearance, compliance with the rules for wearing military uniforms, proper fitting of equipment, uniforms and compliance with personal hygiene rules;

constantly improve the physical fitness of the personnel, systematically conduct physical training classes with them;

know the material part, the rules for the operation of weapons, military equipment and other military property of a platoon (group, tower) and personally check their combat readiness;

monitor the correct operation of weapons, military equipment and other military property and at least once every two weeks personally inspect and check their availability;

check the preparation of weapons and military equipment for the exit to each lesson or exercise, as well as their availability and condition upon returning from a lesson or exercise;

take measures to ensure that subordinate personnel comply with the requirements for the safety of military service in the classroom, shooting and exercises, when working with weapons and military equipment, as well as when carrying out other activities of daily activities;

keep records of the combat training of a platoon (group, tower); report to the company commander (combat unit) about the needs of subordinates, as well as about their incentives and disciplinary sanctions imposed on them.

Responsibilities of a Company Commander.

144. The commander of a company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat) in peacetime and wartime is responsible: for the constant combat readiness of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat) and the successful completion of combat missions by the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat); for combat training; education, military discipline, the moral and psychological state of the personnel and the security of military service; for maintaining internal order in the company (on a ship of the 4th rank, a combat boat); for the condition and safety of weapons, military equipment and other military property of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat); for the management of the company (ship) economy. He reports to the commander of the battalion (battalion of ships) and is the direct head of the entire personnel of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat).

145. The commander of a company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat) is the direct organizer of the training and daily education of personnel. He is obliged:

organize combat training in a company (on a ship of the 4th rank, a combat boat), draw up a weekly schedule of classes, conduct classes with officers, ensigns (midshipmen) and sergeants (foremen), as well as with company units (a ship of the 4th rank, a combat boat); when performing combat missions, skillfully manage a company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat);

to check, in accordance with the combat training program, the knowledge and practical skills of officers, warrant officers (midshipmen), sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors) of a company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat);

know the military rank, surname, nationality, length of service, position held and specialty, marital status, business and moral and psychological qualities and characteristics of all military personnel of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat), constantly conduct individual work with them on military education;

to select candidates for admission to military service under the contract, as well as for entering the military educational institutions vocational education;

present soldiers (sailors) and sergeants (foremen) for the assignment of regular military ranks, nominate worthy replacements vacancies;

organize the placement of personnel, maintain internal order and military discipline in the company (on a ship of the 4th rank, a combat boat); to monitor the appearance and combat bearing of the servicemen subordinate to him, for their compliance with the rules for wearing military uniforms, for the correct fitting of equipment and uniforms;

organize the training of persons assigned to the daily (ship) outfit from the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat), and control their service;

sum up on a weekly basis the combat training of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat), the state of military discipline and internal order, internal and guard services, as well as the safety of military service;

periodically be present at the ascent and evening verification in the company (on a ship of the 4th rank, a combat boat);

know the material part, the rules for the operation of weapons, military equipment and other military property of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat);

organize the timely receipt, proper operation and repair of weapons, military equipment and other military property of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat); check at least once a month their presence, condition and accounting (on a ship of the 4th rank, a combat boat, at least once a month, conduct a review, respectively, of the ship, boat, inspection of weapons, ammunition, technical means and make a daily round of the ship, boat); the results of the inspection (checking) of weapons, military equipment and ammunition shall be entered in the book of inspection (checking) of weapons, military equipment and ammunition (Appendix No. 10);

check the preparation of weapons and military equipment of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat) before each exit to classes (exercises), as well as their availability upon returning from classes (exercises); take measures to prevent breakdowns of weapons and military equipment and disasters, accidents with them (the commander of a ship of the 4th rank, a combat boat), in addition, is obliged to ensure the survivability and safety of navigation, respectively, of the ship, boat); ensure that personnel comply with the requirements for the safety of military service during classes, firing, exercises, work and other activities of daily activities;

timely provide the military personnel of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat) with the prescribed allowances, take care of the life of their subordinates and delve into their needs, monitor their compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

monitor the maintenance and proper operation of all the premises allocated for the company, keeping the area of ​​​​the territory assigned to the company clean (on a ship of the 4th rank, a combat boat), inspect residential and service premises, constantly monitor the good condition of the hull of the ship, boat, and also for carrying out fire safety measures in the company (on a ship of the 4th rank, a combat boat);

keep records of the personnel of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat), always know exactly its number according to the list, available and in consumption, availability, condition of weapons, military equipment and other military property of the company (ship of the 4th rank, combat boat); compare once a month the data of the company (ship) records of personnel, as well as materiel, with the credentials of the regiment (division of combat boats, ships of the 4th rank); manage the company (ship) economy.

Defines the rights and obligations of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the relationship between them, the duties of the main officials of the regiment and its subdivision, as well as the rules of internal order.

Determines the purpose, organization and performance of garrison and guard services, the rights and obligations of garrison officials and military personnel performing this service, and also regulates the conduct of garrison events with the participation of troops.

Determines the combat techniques of movement with and without weapons, the formation of subunits and military units when moving on foot and in vehicles, the procedure for performing a military salute, holding a drill review, the position of the battle flag, the duties of military personnel before building in the ranks.

Determines the essence of military discipline, the duties of military personnel to comply with it, the types of incentives and disciplinary sanctions, the rights of commanders (chiefs) to apply them, as well as the procedure for submitting and considering appeals, proposals, statements, complaints.

158. The commander of the department in peacetime and wartime is responsible: for the successful completion of combat missions by the department; for training, education, military discipline, morale and psychological state and safety of military service, military bearing and appearance of subordinates, their performance of military service duties; for the correct use and preservation of weapons and military equipment, equipment and uniforms and their maintenance in order and serviceability. He reports to the platoon commander and his deputy (team foreman) and is the immediate head of the squad personnel.

159. The commander of the department is obliged:

train and educate the soldiers (sailors) of the squad, and when performing combat missions, skillfully command the squad;

know the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, nationality, personal qualities, occupation before military service, marital status, successes and shortcomings in the combat training of each subordinate;

monitor the implementation of the daily routine (regulations of official time), cleanliness and internal order in the department, demand compliance by subordinates with military discipline;

know the material part, rules for the operation of weapons, military equipment and other military property of the department, monitor their availability, daily inspect and maintain in order and serviceability, as well as ensure compliance with the safety requirements of military service during their operation;

to instill in the soldiers (sailors) of the squad respect for service, as well as a careful attitude to their weapons and military equipment;

to develop military bearing among the soldiers (sailors) of the squad and develop their physical endurance;

take care of subordinates and delve into their needs; monitor the neatness and serviceability of uniforms of subordinates, the correct fitting of equipment, their observance of the rules of personal and public hygiene, wearing military uniforms;

daily monitor the cleanliness of uniforms and the drying of footcloths, socks, as well as the timely current repair of uniforms;

make sure that after training and shooting, subordinates do not have live and blank cartridges, grenades, fuses and explosives;

report to the deputy platoon commander (team foreman) about all sick people, about requests and complaints from subordinates, about their misconduct, violations of military service safety requirements and measures taken to prevent them, about rewards for soldiers (sailors) and disciplinary sanctions imposed on them, as well as about cases of loss or malfunction of weapons, military equipment and other military property;

always know where subordinates are.

16) Duties of a soldier (sailor).

160. A soldier (sailor) in peacetime and wartime is responsible: for the accurate and timely performance of the duties assigned to him, the tasks assigned to him and the observance of the requirements for the safety of military service, as well as for the good condition of his weapons, the military equipment entrusted to him and the safety of the issued him property. He reports to the squad leader.

161. A soldier (sailor) must:

be deeply aware of one's duty as a soldier of the Armed Forces, exemplarily perform the duties of military service and observe the rules of internal order, master everything that commanders (chiefs) teach;

know the positions, military ranks and names of their direct superiors up to and including the division commander;

to show respect to commanders (chiefs) and elders, to respect the honor and dignity of comrades in the service, to observe the rules of military courtesy, behavior, wearing military uniforms and performing a military greeting;

to take care of maintaining one's health, to temper oneself every day, to improve one's physical fitness, to observe the rules of personal and public hygiene;

to know perfectly and always have serviceable, serviced, ready for battle weapons and military equipment;

comply with the requirements for the safety of military service in classes, shooting, exercises, when handling weapons and equipment, serving in daily duty and in other cases;

know the regulations Russian Federation, the norms of international humanitarian law within the legal minimum established for soldiers (sailors), the Code of Conduct for a serviceman of the Armed Forces - a participant in hostilities, as well as insignia and signals corresponding to internationally recognized means of identification;

neatly wear uniforms, timely carry out its current repairs, clean it daily and store it in a place designated for this;

if necessary, leave to ask permission from the squad leader for this, and after returning, report to him about the arrival;

when outside the location of the regiment, behave with dignity and honor, do not commit administrative offenses, to prevent unworthy acts in relation to the civilian population.

162. For exemplary performance of the duties of military service, success in combat training and exemplary military discipline, a soldier may be awarded the military rank of corporal, and a sailor - senior sailor.

The corporal (senior sailor) is obliged to help the squad leader in the training and education of soldiers (sailors).

In order to control the discipline of military personnel, coordinate their actions in daily activities, as well as during the performance of combat missions, the army has established job hierarchy. The position of squad leader is one of the lowest in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as in the armies of other countries, but still includes many rights and obligations. More details about this are described in this article.

Who is the squad leader

Branch is the smallest military formation, which, depending on the type of troops, may include from five to eight people. This formation always has a full-time commander, who is the direct head of all personnel of the department. In army jargon, the squad leader is abbreviated as a "chest of drawers".

Although this position is not very high, it is very responsible, therefore the position of the squad leader should be occupied by a trained soldier who has a certain amount of knowledge, service experience, as well as proper combat and political training.

In most cases, the position of squad leader is a sergeant, however, as an exception, it can also be occupied by the most trained soldier.

What is the squad leader responsible for?

As noted above, a considerable responsibility falls on the shoulders of the squad leader. He not only must set an example for the soldiers, but also monitor the performance of their duties.

The squad leader in peacetime and wartime answers:

  • for the successful completion of combat missions by the detachment;
  • for training, education, military discipline, moral and psychological state and security of military service;
  • for drill bearing and appearance of subordinates;
  • for the performance by subordinates of the duties of military service;
  • for the correct use and preservation of weapons and military equipment, equipment and uniforms, as well as for their maintenance in order and serviceability.

The squad leader is the immediate supervisor of all squad personnel. In turn, he reports to the platoon commander, as well as his deputy.

Duties of the squad leader

The duties of the squad leader are regulated by Article 159 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which it is compiled. job description. So, the squad leader must:

  • train and educate the soldiers (sailors) of the squad, and when performing combat missions, skillfully command the squad;
  • know the surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, nationality, personal qualities, occupation before military service, marital status, successes and shortcomings in the combat training of each subordinate;
  • monitor the implementation of the daily routine (regulations of official time), cleanliness and internal order in the department, demand compliance with military discipline by subordinates;
  • know the material part, rules for the operation of weapons, military equipment and other military property of the department, monitor their availability, daily inspect and maintain in order and serviceability, as well as ensure compliance with the safety requirements of military service during their operation;
  • to instill in the soldiers (sailors) of the squad respect for service, as well as a careful attitude to their weapons and military equipment;
  • to develop military bearing among the soldiers (sailors) of the squad and develop their physical endurance;
  • take care of subordinates and delve into their needs;
  • monitor the neatness and serviceability of uniforms of subordinates, the correct fitting of equipment, their observance of the rules of personal and public hygiene, wearing military uniforms;
  • daily monitor the cleanliness of uniforms and the drying of footcloths, socks, as well as the timely current repair of uniforms;
  • make sure that after training and shooting, subordinates do not have live and blank cartridges, grenades, fuses and explosives;
  • report to the deputy platoon commander (team foreman) about all the sick, about the requests and complaints of subordinates, about their misconduct, violations of military service safety requirements and measures taken to prevent them, about encouraging soldiers (sailors) and disciplinary sanctions imposed on them, as well as about cases of loss or malfunction of weapons, military equipment and other military property;
  • always know where subordinates are.

History and modernity of the post of squad leader

If you go a little deeper into history, you can find out that the position of squad leader existed in the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army during 1918-1940. Then, as now, the department was led by junior military personnel. After the collapse of the USSR, the post of squad leader has been preserved in the RF Armed Forces to this day.

In conclusion, I would like to add that any soldier who conscientiously serves and wants to grow as a person can become a squad leader in the army. If you have to serve in the army, or you are already doing it, do not be lazy - learn the duties of a squad leader, and, perhaps, you will be chosen for this position. Who knows, maybe you will decide to continue to connect your life with the army, and, as the well-known proverb says: "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." Good luck!

146. The commander of a platoon (group, tower) in peacetime and wartime is responsible: for the combat readiness of a platoon (group, tower) and the successful completion of combat missions; for combat training, education, military discipline and the moral and psychological state of personnel; for maintaining internal order in a platoon (in a group, tower); for the safety and condition of weapons, military equipment and other property of a platoon (group, tower). He reports to the commander of the company (combat unit) and is the direct head of all personnel of the platoon (group, tower).

147. The commander of a platoon of a group, tower) personally trains and educates subordinates. He is obliged:

Conduct combat training sessions with the personnel of a platoon (group, tower) and monitor the correct training of soldiers (sailors) by squad commanders (commanders), and when performing combat missions, skillfully manage a platoon (group, tower);

Know the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, nationality, occupation before military service, marital status, successes and shortcomings of each serviceman in combat training, their business and moral

psychological qualities; constantly carry out individual work on military education with them; maintain a personal list of platoon personnel (groups, towers);

Take care of the life of subordinates and delve into their needs; at least once a week to be present at the ascent and evening verification in a platoon (in a group, tower);

Demand and strictly monitor the observance of military discipline by the personnel of the platoon (group, tower), its appearance, the observance of the rules for wearing military uniforms, the correct fitting of equipment, uniforms, shoes and the observance of personal hygiene rules;

Constantly improve the physical fitness of the personnel, systematically conduct physical training classes with them;

Know the material part, the rules for operating weapons and military equipment available in a platoon (in a group, tower), and personally check their combat readiness;

Monitor the correct operation of weapons, military equipment and other materiel and at least once every two weeks personally inspect and check their availability;

Check the preparation of weapons and military equipment for the exit to each exercise or lesson, as well as their availability and condition upon returning from the exercise or lesson;

Ensure compliance with safety requirements in the classroom, shooting, exercises and when working with weapons and military equipment;

Keep records of the combat training of the platoon (groups, towers);

Report to the company commander (combat unit) about the needs of subordinates, as well as about incentives and disciplinary sanctions imposed on them.

Question 11

152. The commander of the department in peacetime and wartime is responsible: for the successful completion of combat missions by the department; for training, education, military discipline and moral and psychological state, combat bearing and appearance of subordinates; for the correct use and preservation of weapons, military equipment, equipment, uniforms, footwear and for their maintenance in order and serviceability. He reports to the platoon commander and his deputy (team foreman) and is the immediate head of the squad personnel.

153. The squad leader is obliged:

To train and educate the soldiers (sailors) of the squad, and when performing combat missions - to skillfully command the squad;

Know the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, nationality, personal qualities, occupation before military service, marital status, successes and shortcomings in the combat training of each subordinate;

Monitor the implementation of the daily routine, cleanliness and internal order in the department, demand compliance with military discipline by subordinates;

Know the material part, the rules for the operation of weapons, military equipment and other property of the department, monitor their availability, daily inspect and keep in order and serviceability;

To instill in the soldiers (sailors) of the squad respect for service, as well as careful attitude to their weapons and military equipment;

Develop military bearing and physical endurance among the soldiers (sailors) of the squad;

Take care of subordinates and delve into their needs; monitor the neatness, serviceability of uniforms and shoes of subordinates, the correct fitting of equipment, their observance of the rules of personal and public hygiene, wearing military uniforms;

Daily monitor the cleanliness of shoes, uniforms and drying footcloths, socks, as well as the timely repair of shoes and uniforms;

Ensure that after shooting and training, subordinates do not have live and blank cartridges, grenades, fuses and explosives;

Report to the deputy platoon commander (team leader) about all the sick, about complaints and requests from subordinates, about their misconduct and measures taken to prevent them, about incentives and disciplinary sanctions imposed on them, as well as about cases of loss or malfunction of weapons and other material means;

Always be aware of where subordinates are and what they are doing.

mobilization readiness of the military unit (subdivision) entrusted to him; for the successful performance by a military unit (subdivision) of combat missions; for combat training, education, military discipline, the moral and psychological state of personnel and the safety of military service; for internal order; for the condition and safety of weapons, military equipment and other materiel; for technical, material, medical, financial, social and legal and domestic support. The commander is obliged to firmly and consistently implement the policy of the state in the field of defense, constantly improve personal vocational training and methods of managing a military unit (subdivision), to skillfully work with personnel, to manage scientific, inventive and rationalization work.
73. The commander (chief) is obliged to maintain the combat and mobilization readiness of the entrusted military unit (subdivision):
- plan measures to maintain and improve combat and mobilization readiness and achieve their implementation, timely make the necessary changes and clarifications to the plans;
- to achieve complete provision with weapons, military equipment and other materiel, to organize their proper operation;
- to improve field training, to conduct classes and drills in actions to bring units to various degrees of combat readiness, to achieve knowledge and performance by personnel of their duties;
- comprehensively know the actual state of the entrusted military unit (subdivision), constantly have accurate information about its payroll and available composition, as well as the availability and condition of weapons, military equipment and other materiel;
- take measures to ensure the preservation of military and state secrets.
74. The commander (chief) is obliged to directly supervise the combat training of subordinates:
- plan and timely set tasks for the organization of combat training;
- constantly improve the professional knowledge, methodological skills and pedagogical culture of subordinate commanders;
- personally conduct exercises and exercises, achieving full coverage of personnel in combat training; organize and supervise the training of class specialists;
- exercise control and provide subordinates with the necessary assistance in the course of combat training, introduce competitiveness into combat training, everything new, advanced, contributing to an increase in the effectiveness of training and education of subordinates, carry out measures to create training conditions that are as close as possible to combat reality, improve the training and material base .
75. The commander (chief), on the basis of the tasks solved in the state and the Armed Forces, is obliged to constantly educate his subordinates:
- to form and maintain their moral and psychological readiness to defend the Fatherland, pride and responsibility for belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, develop in military personnel the qualities necessary for the performance of military duty, awareness of the sanctity and inviolability of the Military Oath, courage, endurance, resourcefulness, vigilance , a sense of military comradeship and mutual assistance, actively use for these purposes a personal example of good breeding, a zealous attitude to service, as well as military rituals (appendices 1, 2, 5 - 9);
- improve the culture of interethnic communication, take care of uniting the military team and strengthening friendship between soldiers of different nationalities, take into account and respect their national feelings, traditions and customs;
- show sensitivity and attentiveness to subordinates, avoid tactlessness and rudeness in relationships, combine high demands and adherence to principles with respect for their personal dignity, take measures to resolve everyday issues and ensure legal and social protection military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, create conditions for the development of technical and other types of creativity, cultural growth and recreation, health promotion and physical development, if necessary, intercede for them with senior commanders.
76. The commander (chief) is obliged to constantly maintain strong military discipline and high morale and psychological state of the personnel, guided by the provisions of the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. When conducting an inquiry, the body of which is the commander of a military unit, he is guided by the criminal and criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation.
77. The commander (chief) is obliged to take measures to prevent the death and injury of personnel, to establish necessary requirements security on combat duty (combat service), when working with weapons and military equipment, when marching, during exercises, live firing (launches), flights, cruises of ships, special classes or work, when carrying guard and internal (duty and watch keeping) ) services, communicate these safety requirements to subordinates in a timely manner and require their strict implementation. Before the start of classes, work or other activities of official activities, the commander is obliged to personally make sure that for this purpose safe conditions; subordinates have learned the safety requirements brought to them and have sufficient practical skills in their implementation. Measures taken by the commander (chief) to prevent the death and injury of personnel should not lead to a disruption in the performance of a combat mission.
78. The commander (chief) is obliged to ensure a firm internal order in the subordinate unit (unit):
- to direct the activities of the headquarters and subordinate commanders (chiefs) to the organization of in-depth study and compliance by all military personnel with the requirements of military regulations;
- organize the correct placement of units in the military camp and military personnel in the premises;
- provide for the expedient distribution of time in the daily activities of the military unit;
- conduct comprehensive training of personnel for the service of the daily duty;
- organize control over the performance of the internal service, personally participate in the inspection of the guards, and also develop recommendations for improving the state of the daily duty service;
- establish and demand compliance with the procedure for visiting military personnel, their dismissal from the location of the military unit and access control;
- organize and maintain internal order in the park, at the training ground and in other places where units are temporarily located.
79. The commander (chief) is obliged to maintain weapons, military equipment and other materiel in good condition and safety, organize technical, material, medical, financial, social, legal and household support:
- organize the acceptance and commissioning of weapons and military equipment entering the military unit (subdivision), personally check the readiness of personnel for their acceptance and operation;
- plan the operation of weapons and military equipment;
- organize and exercise control over the technical condition and operation of weapons and military equipment, take measures to prevent incidents and accidents;
- organize accounting and storage of weapons and military equipment; promptly demand and organize the receipt, storage and accounting of materiel, their transportation and issuance to subordinates, prevent losses, shortages, damage and theft of military property, bring the perpetrators to justice;
- ensure the completeness of bringing to the personnel the prescribed monetary and other types of allowances, economically and expediently spend material and monetary resources, observe staff and financial discipline;
- take measures to preserve and improve the health of military personnel, improve medical support for personnel; send military personnel with mental developmental disabilities for a psychiatric examination, and, if necessary, upon the conclusion of a psychiatrist, for treatment;
- constantly take care of improving the commercial and consumer services of subordinates, while observing the principles social justice and publicity;
- organize the military economy and manage it personally, through the headquarters, his deputies, heads of military branches and services;
- take measures to protect environment in the area of ​​activity of a military unit (subdivision), target and rational use fixed land plots.
80. The commander (chief) is obliged to improve personal professional training and methods of managing a military unit (unit):
- improve their military, pedagogical and legal knowledge; know weapons, military equipment, their order combat use(operation), repair and evacuation;
- firmly know the laws relating to their official activities, the provisions of military regulations, act in strict accordance with them and require subordinates to comply with them;
- to develop efficiency in oneself and in one's subordinates, a scientific approach to solving the tasks set, a critical attitude to the results of one's work, to take into account the proposals of subordinates in the work;
- skillfully distribute work and responsibilities between subordinates, exercise control over the execution of orders; develop purposefulness, personal responsibility, a sense of foresight and foresight, maintain an inextricable relationship with the personnel;
- act within the limits of the rights granted to him independently, in close connection with the authorities state power and local self-government, public associations, enterprise teams, veterans of the war and the Armed Forces, supporting and enhancing the traditions of the military unit (unit). For this purpose, meetings, military rituals, sports festivals and other events are held with the invitation of workers, members of the public and members of the families of military personnel;
- to strengthen unity of command in every possible way, rely on the Officers' Assembly, jointly with it direct the efforts of the personnel towards the active and creative fulfillment of the assigned tasks;
- organize competitions among personnel and subordinate units, manage them in order to mobilize military personnel for the successful fulfillment of tasks solved by a military unit (unit);
- systematically summarize with subordinates the results of combat training, the state of military discipline, maintaining internal order and determine measures for their improvement; regularly consider these and other issues of life and life on general meetings servicemen, to take into account the proposals worked out on them when solving the corresponding tasks in the military unit (subdivision).
81. The commander (chief) is obliged to skillfully work with personnel:
- comprehensively study the personnel through personal communication with them, know the business and moral and psychological qualities of subordinates, daily engage in their education;
- to carry out the selection, placement and certification of officers, warrant officers and midshipmen, involving their deputies, heads of military branches and services, taking into account the opinion of the Officers' Assembly and the conclusions of the permanent attestation commission;
- manage the selection of candidates for military service under a contract and for admission to military educational institutions of vocational education;
- ensure publicity of the planned movements of military personnel, create personnel reserve and conditions for leadership succession through a combination of experienced and young staff;
- personally conduct conversations with their subordinates;
- encourage subordinates for exploits and shown reasonable initiative, diligence and distinction in the service and strictly punish the negligent.
In addition, the commander of a military unit must, at least twice a month, at the time established by the daily routine, receive military personnel and members of their families on personal matters, and the commander of a subunit of his subordinates during the time free from combat duty, performing duties in daily attire and classes.
82. The commander (chief) is obliged to manage scientific, inventive and rationalization work:
- define tasks, organize and control the implementation of plans for scientific, inventive and rationalization work, ensure their implementation in logistical terms;
- direct the creativity of military personnel to solve problems that arise in the performance of tasks facing the military unit (unit);
- take personal part in scientific, inventive and rationalization work, study, generalize and disseminate best practices, organize conferences, meetings, reviews and exhibitions and participate in their work;
- Encourage servicemen who have achieved the best creative results.
83. The commander (chief) when resolving issues related to labor activity civilian personnel, is obliged to strictly follow the current labor legislation, issued orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. He is responsible for proper organization labor of civilian personnel, creating conditions for the growth of labor productivity, ensuring labor and production discipline, observing labor protection rules, improving working and living conditions.
84. In case of temporary departure, the commander (chief) leaves a deputy to perform his duties. In the absence of a full-time deputy and if the deputy was not indicated by the commander (chief), the command is taken by the senior in position, and in case of equal positions, the senior in position military rank. The one who takes command reports this to the senior commander (chief).
85. The newly appointed commander of a military unit takes command on the basis of an instruction or order of a senior commander (chief). The commander of the military unit announces the assumption of command in an order and reports to the senior commander (chief). The newly appointed commander of the military unit (unit) is introduced to the personnel of the military unit (unit) by the senior commander (chief).
86. Newly appointed commanders of military units (ships), subdivisions, starting from the company commander (ship of the 4th rank) and above, upon accepting a position, conduct a survey of the military personnel of the military unit (ship), subdivision in order to identify their statements and complaints and their subsequent resolution ( appendix 8).
87. The deadline for accepting and handing over cases and positions of commanders of a regiment and a separate battalion (ships of the 1st and 2nd rank) is set no more than 10 days, deputy commanders of a regiment for armaments and logistics no more than 20 days, a battalion commander and a company commander (ships 3 and 4 rank) no more than 5 days, heads of services no more than 15 days. Other officials the deadline for accepting and handing over cases is determined by the senior commander (chief). The end of the acceptance and delivery of cases and positions is the approval by the senior commander (chief) of the relevant act.
88. The commander of a military unit accepts and surrenders cases and positions personally in the presence of a representative from the senior commander (chief). In addition, for the acceptance and delivery of cases and positions, a commission is appointed by order of the senior commander (chief), which checks the general condition of the military unit, separately the presence and condition of weapons, military equipment, ammunition and their accounting, as well as separately the military and financial management of the military unit and draws up acts. The act on the acceptance and delivery of cases and positions indicates: the list and cash composition of the military unit; state of combat and mobilization readiness, combat training, educational and material base; the moral and psychological state of the personnel and the state of military discipline. The act on the acceptance and delivery of weapons, military equipment and ammunition indicates: the amount that is listed on the documents, the actual presence; quality and technical condition of weapons, military equipment and ammunition; conditions of their maintenance and storage. The act of acceptance and delivery of the military and financial facilities indicates: living conditions, the presence and condition of buildings, structures, inventory and equipment; availability, condition, legality of spending, accounting and storage of fuel, food, clothing, technical property and other material assets of both current allowances and emergency supplies, as well as Money. The acts are signed by the receiving and surrendering commanders, as well as members of the commission, and submitted for approval to the senior commander (chief).
89. The unit commander accepts (surrenders) cases and positions personally on the basis of an order from a military unit. On the acceptance (delivery) of cases and positions, the unit commander reports in writing on command to the commander of the military unit. The incumbent, together with the report, submits an act on the admission of the unit, which indicates: the list and cash composition of the unit; state of combat readiness, combat training; the moral and psychological state of the personnel and the state of military discipline; availability and condition of weapons, military equipment and other materiel; the state of housing and living conditions of servicemen. The act is drawn up and signed by the accepting and handing over the position.