The sky is still cloudy. Control dictations. The sky is still frowning, but a ray of the sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds like a sparkling sword. From the beginning of spring, nightingales settle in willow thickets and tirelessly sing their songs. Willow roots protect against erosion by spring water

Dawn breaks out in the sky. I make my way along a narrow path through thick rye. Heavy ears touch my face and seem to be going to hold me. A quail fluttered out of the roadside thickets and hid in the rye.

The sun rises, and its rays illuminate the distant fields, coastal bushes near the river. She shines brightly in the sun.
Here is the forest. I expected to pick a lot of berries here and look for mushrooms. My assumptions were justified. Berries literally covered forest glades. It was worth sitting down - you see how the heads of ripe strawberries, boletus boletus, are hiding in the grass.
I wandered through the forest for a long time. With difficulty I dragged home a full basket of sweet berries. During the day my face and hands tanned. After such a walk, it is good to bathe and lie down to rest on fresh hay. (109 words)

The first snow falls in late autumn. He transforms everything around. Fluffy snowflakes gently touch the ground, and she dresses in a dazzling outfit. Paths and roofs of houses turned white. Multi-colored sparks of hoarfrost light up, shine. Leaden water darkens among the whitish coastal thickets.
How beautiful is the white-trunked birch grove! The twigs are covered with flakes, but snowflakes crumble at any touch. In the spruce forest, the snow covered the trees so that you don’t recognize them. The Christmas tree becomes like a fancy snowman. Everywhere you can see traces of forest animals. On the husk of the cones, you can find the squirrel.
In the pre-winter days, one does not sit at home. People of all ages take to the hiking trails. Everyone wants to feel the freshness of the first frost, play snowballs.
"Hello winter!" people say happily. (107 words)

A blizzard broke out in the evening. She made a noise, and the forest was magically transformed.
Snowdrifts shining in the sun are blinding. Winter bewitched the silent hero in coniferous chain mail. Heavy branches of fir trees under the weight of snow almost touch the ground. The titmouse will sit down, but the branch will not flinch.
Tiny fir trees nestled under the birch trees. The blizzard dressed the young shoots in a fancy outfit. From the cold rays of the sun, a snow cover lights up on them. How good they are now!
The blizzard silvered the magnificent hairstyles of the enormous pines. Lush snow caps perched on their tops. Under the pines, the trail of a crafty fox snakes.
In the evening, coniferous darkness frowns in the thicket. Mysterious dusk envelops the distance. In the darkness of moonless nights, you only see birch trees in a dark forest. It is difficult to find a path or even a road here. (111 words)

(Based on the book D. Zueva "Seasons")


The hives come to life more and more, and now the nectar collectors are already spinning in endless clubs of airy yarn. A sunflower grows at the edge of the road. It attracts bees, but they love linden flowers most of all. In clear weather, the family of these hardworking fidgets collects up to five kilograms of honey. (119 words)

(Based on the book D. Zueva "Seasons")

Russian Winter

Here came a big owl and gave a voice. Other owls responded to her. A forest mouse squeaked softly, ran through the snow and hid under a stump in a snowdrift. (112 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


The tired summer sun goes to rest below the horizon. A narrow band of light disappears in the west. Fog falls over the smooth surface of a narrow river and envelops a shallow ravine, a sandy shore, low coastal bushes and a light green meadow. The fog thickens, and night dampness descends on the ground.
The first stars light up in the sky. The birds are silent. The nightingale whistled for the last time. Sleepy silence is not broken even by the rustle of leaves. Only sometimes you will see in the dark how a bat will fly by.
The flowers, heavy with dew, shriveled and bowed to the ground. Field ivy folded his parachutes. Impenetrable darkness spreads over the area. A sharp aroma of flowering plants spreads from the ground. At night, their scent is always stronger. Everything in nature is covered with sleep. What a beautiful summer night! (111 words)

The sun begins to bake, but it does not burn the face and shoulders that have already tanned over the summer. Everything around is transformed under its rays. The river sparkled brightly. A light breeze touched the coastal reeds, and they swayed quietly and bent slightly towards the water. (119 words)

July - top of summer

Bad weather is a rare occurrence in this wonderful summer season. Bluish clouds will appear on the clear azure sky, and suddenly a short rain will fall. Puddles will be covered with bubbles, silver drops will sparkle on the leaves and dry immediately. The last small clouds slide over the horizon, and again the immense blue of the majestic sky stretches overhead. Only the foliage shines brighter, the air is hotter.
The July sun on top of his throne. On a windless day, you can't step barefoot on the sandy bank of the river. In the shade of tall trees, motionless reed thickets hide. You don't hear bird voices. Everything went silent. Only the dove groans, but the bee buzzing haunts you all day.
In the forest, black mushrooms look at you from under the soft green grass, chanterelles turn yellow in the coniferous shade. (111 words

Input Diagnostics


The forest has already shed its leaves. Cloudy days came, but quiet, without wind, real days of late autumn.

On such a dull day, you walk along a forest path among young birches, oaks, aspens, among hazel bushes. You do not hear the birds singing, the rustle of the leaves. Only sometimes a heavy ripe acorn will fall to the ground. Drops of dew from the night mist hung on the bare leaves.

Visible all around. The chest breathes lightly with autumn freshness, I want to go further and further along the path yellow from foliage.

Suddenly, among the foliage you see a motley ball. This bird hit something hard during the flight.

“We must take her home, otherwise the fox will instantly find the bird in the forest and eat it,” I decide.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)


Option 1 - On bare leaves ...;

Option 2 - Suddenly among the foliage ...

2) Write out three words with different spellings, indicate the conditions for choosing spellings.

3) Analyze any two phrases.

Control dictation on the topic "Repetition of what was studied in grade 5"

The girl jumped out of bed. The house didn't move. The sun shone brightly through the window. Ellie ran to the door, flung it open, and screamed in surprise.

The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty. A green forest spread all around, trees with ripe fruits grew along the edges. The fields were full of pink, white, and blue flowers. Tiny birds, colorful butterflies fluttered in the air.


1) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 - The girl jumped out of bed.

Option 2 - The sun shone brightly through the window.

3) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - jumped off;

Option 2 - spread out.

4) Explain the punctuation marks in 7 (1st option) and 8 (2nd option) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Word formation"

Overnight stay in the forest

The boys were at the edge of the forest. Some ran to collect firewood, others chopped branches for a hut. The rest sorted things, took out food, bowlers, mugs, spoons.

Meanwhile, the dawn had faded. It was getting dark. Here from the forest are heard cheerful voices. In response, joyful cries of those waiting were heard. Large bundles of brushwood are unloaded in a clearing.

How many hunters make a fire! Children enthusiastically inflate the first sparks of lights. The smoke from the fire spreads in a thick curtain, and soon it flares up. Water gurgled merrily in the pot.

Soon everyone had supper and began to get ready for bed. But they do not forget to push, fight, argue. And you need to rise with the dawn! The command is given: "Everyone sleep!" The camp quickly falls silent.

(102 words)

(According to A. Zuev.)

1) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 - The smoke from the fire spreads in a thick curtain, and soon it flares up.

Option 2 - But they do not forget to push, fight, argue.

2) In any complex sentence, mark the grammatical foundations.

Option 1 - ran, edible;

Option 2 - had dinner, dawn.

4) Explain the punctuation in the penultimate sentence.

Control dictation on the topic "Vocabulary. Phraseology"

Place of execution

Execution Ground is the oldest architectural monument in Moscow. Initially, it was a rounded brick platform with a wooden fence under a tent canopy on carved pillars. It is located in the center of Troitskaya Square, from the middle of the 17th century it became known as Red Square.

The place of execution played an important role in the spiritual life of the people and the state. From this place, state decrees were announced. Here the people learned about the accession to the throne of kings, about the declaration of war and the conclusion of peace.

The boyars carried the heir to the Execution Ground on the shoulders when he was sixteen years old. And the people saw the future king in order to be able to distinguish him from the impostor.

From the Execution Ground, the patriarchs said prayers. From it, on Palm Sunday, the patriarch distributed the consecrated willow to the tsar, bishops, boyars, roundabout and duma clerks and read the Gospel to the people.

The place of execution was not the place of execution. Executions were carried out nearby on wooden platforms.


1) Find obsolete words in the text. Explain the meaning of 2-3 obsolete words.

2) In any complex sentence, mark the grammatical foundations.

3) Perform a phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 - boyars;

Option 2 - him.

Final dictation for 1 quarter

Russian forest is good in all seasons: in winter, summer, autumn and spring.

On a quiet winter day, you will go skiing into the forest, breathe and not breathe. White snowdrifts spread under the trees, and over the forest paths, young birches bent like lacy arches under the weight of hoarfrost.

The forest is good in early and late spring, when a stormy life awakens in it. Snow is melting. The voices of birds are heard more and more in the forest. In the forest glades, thawed patches appear, snowdrops grow like a carpet. On the bumps you see strong lingonberry leaves.

You will hear a lot in the spring forest. On the top of a tall spruce, a thrush sings. Fritillaries squeak thinly, cranes fumble in the swamp. Bees buzz over the yellow puffs of the willow. (101 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Parse the sentences:

Option 1 - Russian forest is good in all seasons: in winter, summer, autumn and spring.

Option 2 - On a quiet winter day, you will go skiing into the forest, breathe and not breathe.

3) Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of words:

Option 1 - spring;

Option 2 - forest.

Control dictation on the topic "Word formation. Spelling"

In adulthood, I have watched the sunrise many times. I met him in the forest, when before dawn the wind passes over the tops, when the black tops of the trees are clearly visible against the sky. There is dew on the grass. A cobweb stretched in the forest sparkles with many sparkles. It smells like resin on a dewy morning. Through the forest thicket you try to make a path to the river.

I saw the sunrise over my native fields, over dense thickets of bushes near the river. Pale stars, a thin sickle of the month are reflected in the transparent mirror of the water. The sun rises to the singing of countless birds and the whisper of reeds. Cool dew in the meadows shines like diamonds. You sit on the shore and wait for the birth of a new day.

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of words:

Option 1 - dewy, cool;

Option 2 - diamond, countless.

3) Write out the words with the spelling "Unstressed vowel checked by stress." Define the spelling. Choose a test word.

Dictation on the topic "Noun"

Russian Winter

Good snowy winters in Russia! Bad weather is replaced by clear days. Deep snowdrifts glisten in the sun, large rivers and small rivers have disappeared under the ice. Winter powdered the earth with a snow coat. The earth is resting, gaining strength.

The winter forest fills with life. Here a woodpecker tapped on a dry tree. Throughout the forest, a forest drummer beats a shot. A hazel grouse will fly by with a noise, a capercaillie will rise from the snow dust. A flock of cheerful crossbills perched on the branches of a spruce. You stand and admire how cleverly they stick their beaks into cones, choose seeds from them. A nimble squirrel jumps from knot to knot.

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Make a morphological analysis of words:

1 option - bad weather, on a knot;

Option 2 - life, on the branches.

2) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - river;

Option 2 - squirrel.

3) Parse 3 (Option 1) and 5 (Option 2) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Noun"

A ray of sun shone from behind the forest, touched the tops of the trees, found balls of green apples in the foliage. A tremor of light ran through the garden, and the dewdrops on the roadside grass sparkled with diamonds.

The sun flared up, and thick branches of trees flared up like a flame.
The first bee rang in the warm air of the quiet morning. Another followed, then a third. The blue dragonfly sat down on the hive, but the bees are indifferent to the carefree jumper. They don't have time. They make circles over the apiary, choose a direction and fly away to the forests, to the meadows.

The hives come to life more and more, and now the nectar collectors are already spinning in endless clubs of airy yarn. A sunflower grows at the edge of the road. It attracts bees, but they love linden flowers most of all. In clear weather, the family of these hardworking fidgets collects up to five kilograms of honey.

(Based on the book D. Zueva "Seasons")

1) Title the text.

1 option - on the beehive, sunflower;

Option 2 - pickers, (k) jumper.

1 option - a ray;

Option 2 - a bee.

4) Parse 1 (Option 1) and 2 (Option 2) sentences.

The final dictation for the 2nd quarter on the topic "Adjective name"

Last autumn I went to a distant forest lake. It is quiet and light in the forest on a clear autumn day. The leaves have fallen off and do not shade the ground. The wind does not rustle with its crown, and the birds are not heard. They have already flown south. Tree trunks prop up the sky. A soft carpet of dry leaves spreads between them. Rarely come across young oaks.

In such a forest, every sound is heard far away. Whether the hare jumps, the branch crunches, the fallen leaves rustle.

I sat down and watched. Suddenly, a wagon with leaves rolls right at me. "Hedgehog!" - I guessed. - Drags dry leaves into the hole on the litter.

It is very convenient for a hedgehog to collect leaves. He finds a place where there are a lot of them, spreads the needles and rolls, rolls over from side to side. A hedgehog will stand on its paws, but it is not visible under the leaves. So he runs in golden clothes into his hole.

(According to E. Nosov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Make a morphological analysis of words:

1 option - (to) forest (lake);

Option 2 - soft (carpet).

3) Perform a phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 - the lake;

Option 2 - cart.

4) Perform a punctuation analysis of 10 (1st option) and 13 (2nd option) sentences.

Control dictation on the topic "Adjective name"

In the early summer morning we go fishing. The dawn barely flares up, and nature is still calmly dozing. A milky-white fog spreads in the lowlands. Along a narrow path among the dark green thickets of hazel we make our way to a small river. Dew-covered grass touches our feet. Silver dewdrops shimmer in the rays of the sun.
The river is not wide, but deep enough. Every year its banks are more and more overgrown with reeds and bushes. Algae nailed to the water lie on the sandy shore. The wave gently laps against the sides of the fishing boat.

We climb into the reed thickets and settle down there with fishing rods.

The sun begins to bake, but it does not burn the face and shoulders that have already tanned over the summer. Everything around is transformed under its rays. The river sparkled brightly. A light breeze touched the coastal reeds, and they swayed quietly and bent slightly towards the water.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Make a morphological analysis of words:

1 option - early (morning), (on) sandy (shore);

Option 2 - fishing (boats), light (breeze).

3) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - calmly;

Option 2 - silver.

Control dictation on the topic "Numeral name"

The depth of Lake Baikal is 1640 meters. It is the deepest on the planet. It contains one fifth of the world's fresh water. 336 rivers flow into Baikal, and one flows out - the Angara.

More recently, residents of coastal villages calmly drank water directly from the lake. Now it suffers from industrial waste.

The surroundings of Baikal are dressed in winter attire before the lake itself. Already in October, winter coats rocky shores in sparkling snow-white armor and turns firs and giant Siberian cedars into brilliant ice figures.

January frosts cover the lake with thick ice. In places it is up to two meters thick. It looks like an uneven blanket.

In summer, even on a calm day, a squally wind can suddenly fly in, and then the lake becomes an unkind sea.

(According to the book "Encyclopedia of Natural Wonders")

1) Title the text.

2) Make a morphological analysis of words:

1 option - one thousand six hundred and forty;

Option 2 - the fifth part.

3) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - calmly;

Option 2 - windless.

4) Parse the last sentence.

The final dictation for the 3rd quarter on the topic "Pronoun"

The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of the sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds with a sword. Spring is picking up speed.

In the mornings, a slight chill is kept in the lowlands, and on the south side of the hillock, the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up. This is mother and stepmother. You can’t confuse the yellow baskets of her flower with anything.

Here is something flashed in the pink fan of rays. It gently merges with the brilliance of the waters and the remnants of the snow, the transcendental radiance of the sun.

Someone's singing comes from the bushes, like a silver bell is ringing. Oatmeal! In winter, they are lethargic, inconspicuous, but now they are talking in a full voice. Some week will pass, and the roar of the rooks and the songs of the larks will announce the victory of spring. Other birds will return. They will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to their native places, but no obstacles will stop them.

(According to the book "Encyclopedia of Natural Wonders")

1) Title the text.

2) Write out the pronouns, determine their category.

3) Perform a morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 - calmly;

Option 2 - windless.

4) Parse 2 (Option 1) and 5 (Option 2) sentences of the last paragraph.

Dictation on the topic "Verb"

Throw urgent matters, go out late in the evening to the sandy bank of the river. If you listen for a long time, you will hear incomprehensible rustles, incessant sounds in the reed thickets.

One night I was sitting at my desk. The night was quiet, windless, only some distant sounds were heard from the river. Suddenly, low voices were heard from under the floor. They were like the whispers of chicks that have awakened in the nest. I was seized by a desire to understand who was talking under the floor. Then I guessed that I heard the fuss of hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are useful little animals. They do not harm anyone, they are not afraid of anyone, they destroy harmful insects, they fight mice. For the winter, hedgehogs fall asleep. Their small lairs are covered with snowdrifts, and they calmly sleep in them all winter.

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1) Title the text.

2) Graphically explain the spellings -tsya (-tsya) in the verb that occur in this text ..

3) Make a morphological analysis of words:

Option 1 - hear;

Option 2 - they heard.

4) Outline 1 sentence of the last paragraph.

Control dictation on the topic "Verb"

In winter, hares feed on tree bark. During the night they make a deep track in the snow. If the hare walked straight, he would be immediately caught. Cowardice saves the oblique. He fearlessly walks through the fields and forests at night and lays straight tracks. When morning comes, he rushes from side to side with fear. It will jump forward, be frightened of something and run back in its wake. If he hears some rustling, he will jump to the side with all his might and gallop further from the previous track. If something hits, the oblique will again turn back and head to the side. When it gets lighter, it lies down in the snow.
In the morning, the hunters make out the hare tracks, get confused in them and are surprised at the cunning of the slanting one. And he does not think to be cunning. He's just afraid of everything.

(By L. Tolstoy)

1) Title the text.

2) Make a morphological analysis of words:

Option 1 - would be caught, brightens;

Option 2 - I would go, I'm afraid.

4) Outline 3 sentences of the first paragraph.

Final dictation for the 6th grade course

In the reflections of the evening dawn one can see the jagged palisade of fir trees. Twilight falls, and everything disappears into the darkness of the night.

But then the moon peeps out and drives the darkness into the thicket with soft light, floods a small clearing with a silver glow. Nothing breaks the silence.

Suddenly the snow crunched under someone's heavy feet. It's a smoky gray moose pacing. He calmly makes his way to the aspen and grabs the fragrant needles with his white-lipped mouth, snorts.

A white hare galloped up, nestled under a low, but branchy Christmas tree. Aspen interfered with the moose, he waved his head, and a branch broke off with a crack. The bunny perked up, rose gracefully on its hind legs. Appetizing twig attracts him. Hares always pick up aspen shoots for moose.

An elk stands among the snows shining from the moonlight, chewing on pine needles, and next to him a hare gnaws on an elk gift. The bitterness of the aspen is sweeter than sugar.

(By D. Zuev.)

1) Title the text.

2) Perform a phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 - firs;

Option 2 - aspen.

3) Perform a morphological analysis

Option 1 - any noun;

Option 2 - any adjective.

4) Parse

Option 1 - any compound sentence;

Option 2 - any complicated sentence.



I woke up early in the morning. The room was filled with a steady yellow light. The light came from the window and illuminated the ceiling most brightly. This dim and motionless light came from the autumn leaves.

During the long and windy night, the garden shed dry leaves. It lay in multi-colored heaps on the ground and spread a dull glow, and from this glow people's faces seemed to be tanned.

I saw different dry foliage: gold, purple, purple, gray and almost silver. Wet woods lit up with majestic crimson and gold fires.

It is now the end of September, and the sky is a combination of blue and dark terry clouds. From time to time a clear sun peeps through, and then the clear sections of the sky become even bluer, the narrow road even blacker, the ancient bell tower even whiter.

If you climb the wooden stairs to this bell tower, then the silver river and the distant forest will be especially clearly visible.

Grammar tasks:

  1. It lay in multi-colored heaps on the ground and spread a dull glow, and from this glow people's faces seemed to be tanned.
  2. : brighter illuminated; light came out.
  3. Perform morpheme parsing: motionless; lit up.



The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of the sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds with a sword. Spring is picking up speed.

In the mornings, a slight chill is kept in the lowlands, and on the south side of the hillock, the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up. This is mother and stepmother. You can’t confuse the yellow baskets of her flower with anything.

Here is something flashed in the pink fan of rays. It gently merges with the brilliance of the waters and the remnants of the snow, the transcendental radiance of the sun.

Someone's singing comes from the bushes, like a silver bell is ringing. Oatmeal! In winter, they are lethargic, inconspicuous, but now they are talking in a full voice. Some week will pass, and the roar of the rooks and the songs of the larks will announce the victory of spring. Other birds will return. They will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to their native places, but no obstacles will stop them.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Parse the sentence: 1 option - The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of the sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds with a sword.; Option 2 - In the mornings, a slight chill is kept in the lowlands, and on the south side of the hillock, the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up.
  2. Perform morphological analysis: option 1 - a slight chill; Option 2 - the chill keeps.
  3. Perform morpheme parsing: 1 option - lead, caught fire; Option 2 - inconspicuous, they spoke.

For the 6th grade, we offer control dictations with grammar tasks, compiled for the entire academic year for those teachers who work according to the textbooks of S.I. Lvova, R.N. Buneeva and E.V. Buneeva and other authors.

Texts are universal. They will fit all the thematic blocks studied. You can make other grammar tasks for them.

Control dictation following the resultsIquarters

Treasures of the pyramids

There are amazing mountains in the west of the Libyan Desert in Egypt. They seem to grow out of the sands and amaze with their size and severity of outlines. 4 These mountains of stone are the tombs of the kings of Egypt. It is hard to imagine that they were put together by people with their own hands.

The largest tomb is the pyramid of Cheops. It has been under construction for over twenty years.

Excavations speak of the unheard-of value of the treasures that lurked in the royal graves. They were kept in a special room. The Egyptians believed that they accompanied the king in his afterlife.

False galleries and passages were erected in the pyramid so that robbers could not find treasures. A person could wander around the gallery for hours, but never reached the hall with the sarcophagus of the lord. 4 Even in ancient times, almost all the pyramids were plundered.

(From the book by A. Neihardt, I. Shishova "Seven Wonders of the World".)

grammar task

1. Produce: A person could wander around the gallery for hours, but never reached the hall with the lord's sarcophagus. 4 (1 option);

They seem to grow out of the sands and amaze with their size and severity of outlines. 4 (2nd option).

2. Perform morpheme parsing with fishing: royal, plundered, crossings (1 option); afterlife, kept, valuables (option 2).

3. Perform a morphological analysis of the word: built (1 option), erected (2 option).


Lotus is a symbol of purity and nobility. It grows in silt and muddy water, but is not polluted by them. 4 With a lotus, you can compare people who have not stained themselves, have not submitted to evil and hard fate.

Lotus blooms in July, in August in quiet ponds. Crowds of surprised, admiring people do not leave the shores of reservoirs from morning to evening. The graceful outlines of white or pale pink petals, the characteristic rustle of leaves, the lotus makes an indelible impression.

“Lotus is a friend of the sun,” they wrote in the sacred books of India. Unfortunately, the wonderful flower enchants the audience for only three days. 4 But already on the fourth day lovely flowers wither. And only its leaves, like umbrellas, continue to stand on the water. (102 words.)

grammar task

1. Parse the sentence:

It grows in silt and muddy water, but is not polluted by them. 4 (1 option);

Unfortunately, the wonderful flower enchants the audience for only three days. 4 (2nd option).

2. Perform a morphemic analysis of words: wonderful, grows, umbrellas (option 1); sacred, polluted, purity (option 2).

3. Perform a morphological analysis of the word: blooms (1st option), produces (2nd option).

Control dictation with a grammar task following the results of the II quarter

Titmouse and snowflakes

I sat at the table in the upper room. I looked out the window and see that a titmouse is sitting on the wire. Sits and turns head around. At the same time, her small beak slowly opens and closes. 4 What is she doing?

I moved closer to the window. From above, white snowflakes flew smoothly. I looked closer and saw that the titmouse was catching snowflakes in its mouth.

Here's a lazybones! She did not want to fly to the river. She mistook snowflakes for midges and quenched her thirst with them. 4 No wonder people say: "White flies flew."

Summer is over. It's time to leave the village. This titmouse was the last of all the village living creatures that I met that summer. (According to V. Belov.)

(102 words.)

grammar task

1. Parse the sentence: At the same time, her small beak slowly opens and closes. 4 (1 option); She mistook snowflakes for midges and quenched her thirst with them. 4 (2nd option).

2. Perform a morphemic analysis of words: take a closer look, head, small (1st option); met, beak, rustic (option 2).

3. Perform a morphological analysis of the word: rural (1st option), small (2nd option).


The bluish-gray sky lit up above the central telephone exchange building. It was a misty afternoon in a late Parisian autumn. On a round, clean square, a cyclist, for the sake of rest from riding on slippery pavements, dismounted from his bicycle and went on foot.

In the round cap of the bicycle bell, the sun shone like a silver star over Paris. The cyclist passed the monument to Louis XIV. The horse lifted its front legs, tucked its hind legs in, and leaned with all its weight on its mighty tail. This made the monument look like a monument to Peter in St. Petersburg. But the equestrian statue of the French king stood on an ordinary, traditional rectangular plinth. And his royal brother - the Russian emperor - stood with his horse on a naturally shaped Finnish rock. (According to V. Kataev.)

grammar task

1 option

Option 2 is harder

Find in the text

Morphological analysis of the word



Morphemic parsing of words

bicycle, telephone

rectangular, traditional

Parsing a sentence

But the equestrian statue of the French king stood on an ordinary, traditional rectangular plinth.

The horse lifted its front legs, tucked its hind legs in, and leaned with all its weight on its mighty tail.

Winter in the taiga

The gloomy-gloomy silence of the winter forest is full of secrets. The soft-silvery light of the moon penetrates through the black-emerald crown of coniferous trees and quietly illuminates the white-blue snowdrifts of the taiga.

Under a snowdrift in its lair, a dark brown bear is dozing in the stillness of the night. He is not disturbed by the cold beam of the moon and the various rustles of the forest. Back in September, the bear overate on acorns, lingonberries, and now he is sleeping in a sweet-tender sleep.

Here the dry land rang, the snow crunched. It is through the snowdrifts along the lunar path that smoky-gray elks make their way. In search of food, they walk through deep snow in a southeasterly direction. It's hard to find food in winter!

Spring is coming, but the golden-red sun will come to the taiga only in April. (94 words.)

grammar task

1 option

Option 2 is harder

Find in the text

Write down 2 quality adjectives

Write 2 relative adjectives

Morphological analysis of the word


Word-building analysis of words

black and emerald, winter

Cold, southeastern

Parsing a sentence

Back in September, the bear overate on acorns, lingonberries, and now he is sleeping in a sweet-tender sleep.

The soft-silvery light of the moon penetrates through the black-emerald crown of coniferous trees and quietly illuminates the white-blue snowdrifts of the taiga.

Control dictation based on the results of the third quarter

Winter's end

We had April, but there were snowdrifts outside the window. Yesterday a drizzle ran down the road and soon became a real snowstorm.

By morning everything had changed. The tongues of the blizzard no longer hit the windows of the houses. The wind changed direction, turned from north to south. 4 Warmth came from the south, and the snow became soft and sticky.

When the sun rose over the village, it no longer caught the night storm. There was pure snow all around. He slightly melted, settled down and seemed even warm. And then on the sprawling branches of our gray willow I saw the first rooks.

The rooks were very black among the white snow and seemed large and heavy. 4 So the messengers of spring have come to us. (103 words.)

grammar task

1. Perform a morphological analysis of the word: everything (1 option); to us (option 2).

2. Perform a morphemic analysis of words: sprawling, arrived, messengers (1 option); heavy, rose, direction (option 2).

The wind changed direction, turned from north to south. 4 (1 option); The rooks were very black among the white snow and seemed large and heavy. 4 (2nd option).

Natural disasters

Mankind has always been plagued by natural disasters. Today we will remind you about individual natural disasters.

In one thousand four hundred and fifty five 60,000 people died in an earthquake in Naples. A hundred years later, in China, the number of victims reached eight to thirty thousand. In 1755, an underground storm destroyed Lisbon and carried off seventy thousand. 4

In 1920, terrible aftershocks shook Tokyo and carried away one hundred thousand human lives. 4 In 1948, the city of Ashgabat turned into ruins in seven seconds. perished eighty thousand Human. In Armenia, in 1988, an underground storm swallowed up one hundred and nineteen thousand people.

Natural disasters have caused enormous damage to people. (100 words.)

grammar task

1. Perform a morphological analysis of the numeral: in one thousand four hundred and fifty-fifth (year) (1 option); eighty thousand (persons) (option 2).

2. Write out 3 different numerals from the text (simple, complex and compound): from 2 paragraphs (1 option); from paragraph 3 (option 2).

3. Parse the sentence, draw a diagram:

In 1755, an underground storm destroyed Lisbon and carried off seventy thousand. (1 option);

In 1920, terrible aftershocks shook Tokyo and claimed one hundred thousand human lives. (Option 2).

The feat of Stalingrad

The last shots of the great Stalingrad battle died down on February 2, 1943. This battle lasted 200 days and nights. At certain stages of his battles, more than two million people participated simultaneously. 4

Later, the amount of fire and metal that the Nazis brought down on the city was accurately calculated. On each square meter of Mamaev Kurgan, for example, 1200 fragments were found. The Nazi invaders burned and blew up 41,685 houses in the city (85.5 percent of the housing stock) ...

In the battle for Stalingrad, the enemy lost up to one and a half million people killed and wounded ... 4

The victory of the Red Army in the Battle of Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and World War II in general. (100 words.)

grammar task

1. Perform a morphological analysis: the second (February) (1st option); up to one and a half million (persons) (option 2).

2. Write out 3 different numbers from the text (integer, fractional, and ordinal): from paragraphs 1 and 3 (option 1); from paragraphs 2 and 4 (option 2).

3. Parse the sentence, draw a diagram:

In the battle for Stalingrad, the enemy lost up to one and a half million people killed and wounded ... (1st option);

At certain stages of his battles, more than two million people participated simultaneously. (Option 2).


The leaden sky is still frowning, but in the gaps of the clouds on some time is pierced by a sword ray of the sun. Spring is picking up speed.

In the mornings, a slight chill is kept in the lowlands, and on the south side of the hillock, the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up. This is mother and stepmother. You can’t confuse the leaves and yellow baskets of her flower with anything. 4

Here is something flashed in the pink fan of rays. It gently merges with the brilliance of the waters and the remnants of the snow, the transcendental radiance of the sun.

Someone's singing is heard from the bushes, as if a silver bell is ringing. Oatmeal! In winter, they are lethargic, inconspicuous, but now they are talking in a full voice. 4 Some week will pass, and the roar of the rooks and the songs of the larks will announce the victory of spring. Other birds will return. They will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to their native places, but none obstacles will not stop them. (100 words.)

grammar task

1. Perform a morphological analysis of the participle: some (option 1); none (option 2).

2. Write out from the text 3 pronouns of different categories: from 1-2 paragraphs (1 option); from 3-4 paragraphs (option 2).

3. Parse the sentence, draw a diagram:

In winter, they are lethargic, inconspicuous, but now they are talking in a full voice. (1 option); You can’t confuse the leaves and yellow baskets of her flower with anything. . (Option 2).

tiger cub

We were playing in the back garden when the hunters returned. They shouted from the terrace: “Run quickly, look who they brought!”.

Around the yard, describing a circle in front of the porch, loaded 3 carts drove one after another. They wore animal skins, wild goat horns, and boar carcasses. Father was walking at the last cart, and on it sat, hunched over and looking around, a tiger cub. Yes, yes, a real tiger cub, covered with dust. When the horse stopped in front of the porch, he got scared, backed away and looked back at his father.

While father was unharnessing 3 tired horses, sorting things out and washing himself after a long journey, we took the tiger cub in our arms, carried it to the living room, put it in the most honorable place and stood around.

We tried to notice something special in him and looked closely at him.

The tiger cub was fed from a cup with warm boiled milk. Having drunk, he stretched out again on the sofa and squinted into the light of a large lamp. (110 words)

grammar task

1. Perform a morphological analysis of the participle: loaded 3 (option 1); tired 3 (option 2).

2. Morphemic analysis of words: hunched over, shouted, covered (1st option); describing , took apart , tired (option 2).

3. Parse the sentence, draw a diagram:

Around the yard, describing a circle in front of the porch, loaded carts drove one after another. (1 option);

Having drunk, he stretched out again on the sofa and squinted into the light of a large lamp. (Option 2).

Angry Dummies

The glade looked like a round table covered with a grass-woven golden tablecloth. Black teapots, puffing and gurgling with impatience, were placed 3 in the middle. There was a big tea party going on!

It's good that I didn't bask in a warm bed this early morning. As a reward, I saw such that since then I always get up at dawn.

The kettles gurgled and gurgled. Steam hissed from the black spouts. They were so bursting from the inside that they even jumped! And they rattled...

To what extent, in fact, kosachi on the current look like hissing teapots! On hissing, gurgling, sooty hunting teapots. The necks-noses are turned up, and the tail braids are curved with a handle. Hot coals of red eyebrows flash. And steam comes out of the spout! And they attack each other so much that only sprays fly!

You who love to sleep, when you start pouring tea in the morning, take a closer look at your black teapots. They will remind you of the scythe tournament that you so carelessly overslept. (109 words)

grammar task

1. Perform a morphological analysis of the participle: loving (1st option); arranged (option 2).

2. Morphemic analysis of words: nezhilsya , red-hot , early (1 option); jumped up , puffed , grass weave (option 2).

The glade looked like a round table covered with a grass-woven golden tablecloth. (1 option);

Black teapots, puffing and gurgling with impatience, were placed in the middle. (Option 2).

Control dictation at the end of the academic year

Artist's idea

One morning I got up a little early. I look - at the curtained window they are sitting together at the table - an outwardly severe fisherman and a boy trying to imitate him in everything. They are silent, immersed in their thoughts. Their relationship was so cordial, warm, in no way outwardly manifested, that it could not but sink into the soul.

Soft light, invisible to the naked eye, enveloped their figures. On the faces of a warm, loving look. In something barely perceptible, I felt that this was not father and son.

Dmitry Fedorovich is a very kind person, but he looked stern and reserved. Vovka is the complete opposite. This boy has an unusually spiritual face, glowing from within in the dawn twilight. And above all, I wanted to convey that warmth radiating from within, which was revealed in them for me this early morning. (According to V. Gavrilov.)

grammar task

1. Perform a morphological analysis of the participle: restrained (option 1); hung (option 2).

2. Morphemic analysis of words: trying, cordially, opened up (1 option); luminous, dawn, wanted (option 2).

3. Make a complete parsing of the sentence:

Soft light, invisible to the naked eye, enveloped their figures. (1 option);

This boy has an unusually spiritual face, glowing from within in the dawn twilight. (Option 2).

Russian language test 4th quarter

Grade 6 Dictation with a grammar task

The arrival of spring.

The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of the sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds with a sword. Spring is picking up speed.
In the mornings, a slight chill is kept in the lowlands, and on the south side of the hillock, the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up. This is mother and stepmother. You can’t confuse the yellow baskets of her flower with anything.
Something flashed in the pink fan of rays. It gently merges with the brilliance of the waters and the remnants of the snow, the transcendental radiance of the sun.
Someone's singing comes from the bushes, like a silver bell is ringing. Oatmeal! In winter, they are lethargic, inconspicuous, but now they are talking in a full voice. Some week will pass, and the roar of the rooks and the songs of the larks will announce the victory of spring. Other birds will return. They will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to their native places, but no obstacles will stop them. (118 words)

Title the text. Perform syntactic analysis of 1 sentence.

Disassemble words by composition: lights, gaining, chill.

The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of the sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds with a sword.

Grade 7 Dictation with a grammar task

By the sea

Petka and Mishka wearily trudged along the deserted seashore, dotted with pebbles polished by the waves. From the barely swaying sea, a strange peace and silence blew over the boys. The rays of the sun, which had not yet set below the horizon, glided over the light waves that ran ashore.
The long steppe road, impregnated with the smell of wormwood, stretching to the sea from a distant city, was left behind, and in front of all the distance and expanse stretched the open sea, which had no boundaries. And it seemed to the guys that they had reached the very end of the world, that there was nothing further. There is one quietly splashing sea, and above it the same endless sky, only in some places covered with pale pink clouds.
The boys, tired from their long journey, walked in silence. Their heads were hidden behind heaps of dry weeds, collected by them for the future fire. (117 words)

Perform syntactic analysis of the sentence, build a diagram.

The boys, tired from their long journey, walked in silence.

Find 3 participial phrases in the text of the dictation, highlight them.

Dictation grade 10

The Tushin battery was forgotten, and only at the very end of the case, continuing to hear the cannonade in the center, Prince Bagration sent Prince Andrei there to order the battery to retreat as soon as possible. The cover that stood near Tushin's guns left, on someone's orders, in the middle of the case, but the battery continued to fire and was not taken by the French only because the enemy could not imagine the audacity of firing four guns that were not protected by anyone.
All guns fired in the direction of the fire without orders. As if urging them on, the soldiers shouted to each shot: “Smart! That's it, that's it!" The wind-blown fire spread rapidly. The French columns, which had come out of the village, went back, but, as if in punishment for this failure, the enemy put up ten guns to the right of the village and began to fire at Tushin with them.

In the smoke, stunned by incessant shots that made him shudder every time, Tushin ran from one gun to another, now aiming, then counting the shells.
As a result of this terrible rumble and noise, the need for attention and activity, Tushin did not experience the slightest unpleasant feeling of fear, and the thought that they might kill him or hurt him painfully did not occur to him. On the contrary, he became more and more cheerful.

Perform syntactic analysis of the sentence, build a diagram. Indicate the types of connection and the type of subordinate clause.

The Tushin battery was forgotten, and only at the very end of the case, continuing to hear the cannonade in the center, Prince Bagration sent Prince Andrei there to order the battery to retreat as soon as possible.

11 grade test

TEST #1 (option I)

    Mark the number of the word in which a letter is written in place of the gap and:
    1) circle_in;
    2) lily of the valley;
    3) eclipse;
    4) thoughtful.
    2. Mark the number of the word where the spelling with is not continuous:
    1) did (not) so;
    2) I am (not) hot;
    3) a lot of (not) doing well in mathematics;
    4) a (not) known story to anyone.
    3. Mark the number of the sentence in which a comma is placed at the gap:
    1) Girls and boys_ and their young teacher got lost in the forest.
    2) The wind blew from a black cloud, carrying with it clouds of dust and the smell of rain_ and wet earth.
    3) Large white birds circle above the water_ or sit down to rest on the stones.
    4) A handsome face and a worthless disposition.
    4. Mark the number of the word, where a letter is written at the place of the gap, conveying a voiced consonant sound:
    1) cheer;
    2) sweet_ka;
    3) fearlessly;
    4) test.
    5. Mark the number of the word where the spelling is separate:
    1) (In) the morning I always feel better.
    2) Flowers stretch (to) meet the sun.
    3) Postpone an unpleasant conversation (until) tomorrow.
    4) (Because) I am here because I miss you so much.
    6. Mark the number of the word with a double consonant:
    1) ap(p)etit;
    2) number (l) of it;
    3) im(m)itation;
    4) makeup (m) ace.
    7. Indicate the number of the variant that does not correspond to the stylistic norms of the language:
    1) a kilogram of sugar;
    2) in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four;
    3) with three scissors;
    4) in spite of him.
    8. Mark the number of the compound word with a connecting vowel:
    1) cook;
    2) TV game;
    3) athletics;
    4) art studio.
    9. In which row is o missing in all the words?
    1) not dependent (b) those, blue (b) ka, worried (b) sya;
    2) take care (s), completely (s), swear (s) to read;
    3) do not cry (b), read (b) ty, back (b);
    4) nightingale (b) other, take (b) take, from pears (b).
    10. The text below refers to the following style of speech:
    1) official business;
    2) artistic;
    3) journalistic;
    4) scientific.
    The State Commission accepted the Novosibirsk Metro into operation. While he is the only one in all the Trans-Urals, Siberia and Far East. The high-speed transport highway connected the districts of the one and a half million city, located on both banks of the Ob. She is elevated to unprecedented short time: in just six and a half years. Domestic practice has not yet known such rates.
    11. In which example is nn written in the suffix?
    1) fried pie;
    2) inventions are patented;
    3) smart boy;
    4) the words of the girl are frivolous.
    12. In which sentence should a dash be placed at the gap?
    1) I trust those who love because they are generous.
    2) The earth is round_ you can’t hide secrets on it.
    3) I love the fun art of nature_ flowers, butterflies, tropical plants, waterfalls, fountains.
    4) I hear a tit ringing among the yellowing fields.
    13. A spelling mistake was made in the word:
    1) decorate;
    2) tongs;
    3) spotted;
    4) to protect.
    14. In which word is the letter t enclosed in brackets not written?
    1) crunch (t) whine;
    2) backwater (t) ny;
    3) dangerous (t) ny;
    4) furious (t) ny.
    15. When is only one spelling possible?
    1) (from) that;
    2) (until) tomorrow;
    3) take (e, and) take;
    4) oblique (t) ny.
    16. In which sentence is a comma not placed at the gap?
    1) There would be no happiness_ yes, misfortune helped.
    2) Life is given once_ and I want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully.
    3) Answer me_ otherwise I will worry.
    4) It was already completely dawn_ and the people began to rise when I returned to my room.
    17. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?
    1) shaft;
    2) deepen;
    3) dyeing;
    4) hardening.
    18. In what case is it not written separately?
    1) (not) invented by me;
    2) speak (not) with restraint;
    3) (not) friendly with me;
    4) a completely (not) thoughtful decision.
    19. In which sentence is someone else's speech framed incorrectly?
    1) The official did not answer, he covered his face with his hands, his chest was agitated, despair was visible in his abrupt words, he seemed to be sobbing, and finally he exclaimed: “No, I can’t, I won’t ruin her!” - And running.
    2) "Strange... - thought the deacon, not recognizing Laevsky's gait. - Like an old man."
    3) "Grandma," said Yegorushka, "I want to sleep."
    4) “What are they doing?” thought Prince Andrei, looking at them. “Why doesn’t the red-haired artilleryman run when he has no weapon? Why doesn’t the Frenchman prick him?”
    20. Mark the number of the word with the prefix pre-:
    1) cut;
    2) pr_ruchit;
    3) save;
    4) pr_road.
    21. Lexical meaning which word is incorrectly defined?
    1) Banality is an ordinary, hackneyed opinion.
    2) Factor - cause, driving force, necessary condition any process, phenomenon that determines its nature or individual features.
    3) Revelation - sincerity, sincerity, truthfulness, directness.
    4) Spectacular - making a strong impression, effect; calculated to produce an effect.
    22. In which word is the letter u missing?
    1) ve_t winds;
    2) frowning father;
    3) foaming wave;
    4) believers pray.
    23. In which example is it written neither?
    1) Who among us did not find a warm welcome in this house?
    2) It was none other than my faithful friend.
    3) No one other than a true friend will help you in difficult times.
    4) Who did not cry over this novel, everyone explained their tears in different ways.
    24. Need commas in place of numbers:
    The rain lashes the windows (1) the wind blows loudly (2) and (3) when (4) the glass dusk of the street is illuminated by flashes of lightning (5) the flowers from the window sills (6) seem to (7) fall.
    1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
    2) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.
    3) 1, 2, 4, 5.
    4) 1, 2, 5.
    25. In which word is the letter o missing?
    1) sh_loch;
    2) survive;
    3) railway;
    4) canvas.
    26. Mark the number of the sentence with a punctuation error.
    1) When on a moonlit night you see a wide rural street with its bends, haystacks, dormant willows, then it becomes quiet in your soul.
    2) The forest we entered was extremely old.
    3) How nice that it is snowing and that she has arrived, and that tomorrow I will take her to my favorite places.
    4) Empty never happens in the forest, and if it seems empty, then it's your own fault.
    27. Which word has the same number of letters and sounds?
    1) a carter;
    2) casual;
    3) birdhouse;
    4) cabin.

Grade 9 Presentation with essay elements

N 5


dog jealousy

They returned here late in the morning, but without taking a gun.

Since everything was perfectly visible (not like at that time at dusk), Bim began to act more boldly: he rushed through the forest to his heart's content, not forgetting to follow the owner. Everything was going as well as possible.

Finally, Bim smelled a faint smell of woodcock and made a classic stance. “Forward,” commanded Ivan Ivanovich, only he had nothing to shoot with. He ordered to lie down, as it should be when a bird takes off. It became unclear to Bim whether the owner sees or not? And he began to look askance at him, until he was convinced - he sees.

The situation repeated itself with the second woodcock. But in the movements of Beam now slipped resentment. Discontent was looking for an outlet in a wary look, running sideways, even in attempts to disobey. It was it that prompted Bim to chase after the third woodcock that had already taken off, as if he, Bim, were an ordinary mongrel. But you won’t pursue the woodcock: it flashed in the branches and disappeared in the next second. Now, in addition to the fact that Bim was punished, dissatisfaction with the results of the hunt was added. Okay, he stepped aside, lay down and took a deep breath.

Ivan Ivanovich stopped, looked around and sniffed the air. Then he took a step, sat down and gently stroked a flower growing near a tree, a tiny one (almost not smelling for Ivan Ivanovich, but terribly smelly for Bim). And what did he find in this flower? Sits and smiles. And, solely out of respect for the personality of the owner, Bim pretended that he was also having fun and well. In fact, he was very surprised. And the owner, meanwhile, told him: “Look, look, Bim,” and tilted the dog's nose to the flower.

Bim couldn’t endure this and turned away, immediately walked away and lay down in the clearing, expressing one thing with his appearance: “Well, smell your flower!” Such a discrepancy required an urgent showdown, but Bim's owner only laughed happily in his eyes. Bim was offended: “Me too, laughing!”

And the owner of the flower goes nowhere and talks to him: “Hello, first!”, - and “hello” is definitely not said to him, Bim. And it happened that jealousy began to creep into the dog's soul, so to speak. And although relations seemed to improve at home, Beam considered this day unsuccessful: there was game - they didn’t shoot, he chased a bird - they punished him, and even that flower.

Yes, after all, a dog has a dog's life, because it lives under the hypnosis of three "pillars": "No", "Back", "Good".

Discuss the relationship between humans and animals.

The sky is still frowning, but a ray of the sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds like a sparkling sword. Spring is picking up speed. The distances are clearing up. Fields are still turning white in winter, and pine forests are already turning green in islands.
Winter and spring meet in the forest. In the darkness of the spruce forest, aspens are silvering. Winding blue shadows appear from their gnarled branches on the March snow. Round holes melted around trees and stumps. Alder catkins blush on a green background of needles. Loquacious tap dances bustle about in its branches. The flute sighs of bullfinches are heard.
The border of snows recedes to the north, and behind it the birds return to their homeland. Soon the murmuring song of the lark and the hubbub of the rooks will announce the arrival of spring.
Farewell winter! Hello Spring! (105 words)

(By D. Zuev)


Meadowsweet is a semi-shrub with large carved leaves. You move in the forest through a stream or ravine and immediately see its thickets. They sometimes reach the height of human growth.
Meadowsweet chooses the quietest and most comfortable corners of the forest. The wind rustles through the tops of the pines, murmurs through the leaves of the aspens, and in the ravines where it grows, 5 there is silence.
You will wander in a hot forest and descend into a shady ravine. There are many bushes here: hazel, viburnum, bird cherry. Tenacious hop wraps around the trunks and forms an impenetrable green web. The bottom of the ravine is densely covered with meadowsweet and nettles. Smells like wet earth. A small stream makes its way along the ravine, overflows through the washed roots. You drink cold water. Green twilight stands in dense thickets. Such secluded corners are loved by forest birds: nightingales, warblers. (108 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Evening falls quickly in the dense forest. Dark shadows lie under the trees. Old pines rise motionless, dense spruces blacken. It smells of resin in the forest, pine needles, fallen leaves.
The evening sun has disappeared behind the distant trees, but the birds in the forest are not yet sleeping. You hear the hurried knock of a woodpecker. Nimble titmouses spin near the woodpecker, pick up bugs and worms. Soon a dark, impenetrable night will come in the forest. Only at midnight will the birds of the day fall silent and fall asleep.
Silent, silent night covers the earth. But a mouse rustled underfoot. And again it's quiet.
The fire crackles, and shaggy spruce branches sway over the fire. And by the fire, on a tarry bed, the hunter snores carelessly. (99 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

The sun rises, and the whole neighborhood is illuminated with a joyful light. It's time to hit the road. We collect backpacks, choose a route on the map. By evening we must reach the station.
The path winds in a narrow ribbon. Young birch trees grow on its sides. Even from a distance we see a huge oak tree, which spread its mighty branches wide. We approach him and settle down in his shadow to rest. Grasshoppers chirp, birds chirp. The wind gently sways the oak leaves and evokes sleep. Sleep sweetly under the whisper of foliage.
But we did not have time to enjoy the rest, as we heard thunder. They are getting closer and closer. During a thunderstorm it is dangerous to be under tall trees. We must quickly get to the nearest village and hide from the rain there. (108 words)

Nature was generous and gave warm days. But autumn has already settled in the forest. The trees have shed their luxurious attire, and the forest has noticeably thinned out.
Countless leaves cover the ground. They are of different colors: yellow, orange, red. The sun will dry them, and the wind will drive them along the forest paths. Only their rustling disturbs the peace of the forest kingdom.
But the forest is terrible in bad weather. Under the pressure of the wind, the trees moan plaintively and bend to the ground. They no longer fight him. The rain hits the leaves, and they become like miserable rags. Under the onslaught of autumn rains and the first cold weather, all plants surrender: flowers, herbs, bushes. Only brushes of mountain ash blush, and rose hips hang like shiny Christmas balls. 6 (102 words)

The hare lived near the village in winter. When night came, he raised one ear, listened, moved his whiskers, sniffed, and sat down on his hind legs in the deep snow. Then he jumped and looked around.
The snow lay in waves and glistened. Frosty steam stood over the head of the oblique, and through it one could see bright stars. The hare played with his friend, dug snow with him, ate winter and went on.
Brighter in the east. There were fewer stars, and even thicker frosty steam rose above the ground.
The hare crossed the road, went to his old hole, dug up the snow, made a new hole, lay down in it, put his ears on his back and fell asleep. (94 words)

(By L. Tolstoy)