Is it possible to write articles and earn. How to make money writing articles? Article writing - The benefits of this type of income

Hi all! With you again I am Anna, a copywriter, freelancer, who has long said “no” to boring work. Today I suggest you learn about making money on articles. This is the easiest way to get into the freelance stream and become free.

I can't live on a rigid schedule, spend half my life commuting to work. Being someone's pawn is not cool at all. But you have to earn money.

During my searches, I managed to try various things on the Internet that supposedly generate income. many, but they must be carefully selected. Clicks, viewing ads, captcha are good as a hobby, fun. Buy ice cream there or a character in the game - no more.

One day I learned that you can write for money. It turned my life around. I was able to fly to Thailand, change my laptop, travel around Russia. How many of you can work and not be tied to a certain place? Don't be afraid, I'll help you get started.

Try it and tell us in the comments what you got. Any difficulties? Ask a question at the end of the post.

Who is this type of income for?

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to work - a small child, there are no good vacancies.

Who can earn on texts:

  • mothers on maternity leave
  • students,
  • pensioners,
  • travelers,
  • free-spirited individuals.

Do you think that only an uncle with a philological education can do copywriting? Wrong! You just have to love to write and do it beautifully. Grammar is important, but you can always improve it. In the meantime, to check for errors, use Spelling or others.

What you need:

  • laptop or PC
  • keyboard,
  • the Internet,
  • fingers and creativity.

I think most people have it now. Therefore, only you can prevent yourself.

What is this job?

When I tell someone that I write for money, they tell me something like this: “How? You don't have higher education, but is it possible?” Yes, it's real. In our age, it is not necessary to squander best years his life in universities, and then frantically look for a job.

Everything can be learned online. For example, we have interesting professional courses on copywriting, which will help to reach new level. You will really spend your time on education. AT short term learn what the teacher has been explaining for years. fast, distance learning- rules!

The main content of the sites is articles. When we're looking for something about sickness, linoleum, or tailoring, what do we need? Correctly - good stuff that will help solve the problem, teach.

If the site is empty and the article is not structured, we close the page and move on down the list.

So our task is to fill the Internet space with this information. Promote websites, sell products or services using text.

Webmasters, businessmen, content managers, blog owners are willing to pay real money for it. But how much depends on the quality of your work, volume, complexity.

What to do with texts? You can immediately write to order, following the requirements of the client, or put your creations on free sale - no one limits the choice of topic and deadlines.

Often pay for the size of the article. For every 1,000 characters without spaces, you get from 10 to 350 rubles.

There is also pay-for-performance. Your income will depend on how many subscribers you brought or the goods you sold. Here you need to know the basics of marketing, psychology, sales.

What should a copywriter do?

Remember how you were asked to write an essay from school? Nowhere to peek, the sources of words on paper are your thoughts, feelings, personal experience. Was it easy for you? If yes, then you are ready for, you just don't know about it.

Copywriting is writing texts from the head. For example, if you were doing repairs, you can easily tell how to hang wallpaper or putty walls. And young mothers can write about raising children.

Copywriters write not only informational articles for websites. They also do:

  • selling texts for online stores, advertisements, magazines;
  • description of goods, categories;
  • SEO articles to drive traffic to your website.

We come to the main question: “What should a copywriter be able to do?” You can start with a basic knowledge of the Russian language, the ability to clearly and clearly express your thoughts.

I advise you to work with your favorite, understandable topic. You came to copywriting for freedom, and not to be bored, right? Give hate articles to someone else. Take what you would be willing to write for free day and night. Success, money, happiness - provided.

Not confident? Do you want to earn over $500 per month? Then I propose. You will learn how to write sales texts, reach large customers.

Who is a rewriter and what is he paid for?

Remember how in class you were asked to read a text from a textbook and write a retelling in half an hour. Then you felt like you were wasting your time. It turns out not. Now you can write essays for money. In freelancing, this is called.

How it works:

  1. Enter the title of your topic or a subtitle from the structure into the search engine. For example, you need to write “how to make an owl out of felt”. Looking for a couple of articles about it, read.
  2. Make a plan for the article if it is more than 2,000 characters.
  3. Type the information you read in your own words.
  4. Check for errors, re-read.
  5. Rent to the customer or sell the article.

Need has forced me to plunge into freelancing. The amount needed at that time was large, and I came to the Etxt article exchange. I did not want to write masterpieces for 10-15 rubles/1,000 characters. I used one trick. She helped me get 100 - 200 rubles. per day even at this price.

Clearly proofread the text, correct the endings. It will take 15 - 20 minutes, but the work will look perfect.

How long does it take to write an article if you create it with a voice recorder? Let's count. I dictated a text of 2,000 characters without spaces in 10 - 20 minutes, edited 15. If you try hard, you can meet 30 minutes.

Then the customers went more seriously, it became more difficult to dictate. I started typing.

You can rewrite behind the keyboard in 2 ways:

Which way is more convenient is up to you. I am not critical of anything. I liked to write after reading the sources in a clean document.

How much can you write per day:

  • If you use the voice input method 5 - 7 articles, up to 3,000 characters in size without spaces. Only 15 - 21 thousand characters.
  • If you copy the source codes into a document and edit them in the same place, then 4 - 6 texts, up to 3,000 characters. It turns out 12 - 18 thousand characters.
  • If you write in an empty document, thoughtfully, then no more than 10 - 12 thousand characters.

You can dictate cheap articles, which are then resold. You will earn 20 * 15 = 300 rubles per day. Not thick, but better than nothing.

For high-quality rewriting they pay 20 - 45 rubles. kilosign. So even with a volume of 10,000 characters, you will receive more - 40 * 10 = 400 rubles. daily. This is 10,000 rubles. per month.

You think, who needs such articles, why do they pay for them. I will answer you. Search robots ban sites with plagiarism and lower them to low positions. Increasing uniqueness with the help of rewriting helps the page to get to the first lines of the search.

Rewriting is bought by webmasters, site owners. Why can't they write it themselves, since it's so easy? Lack of time, skills - the main reasons. They have other work, tasks and they are not able to deal with texts.

What to write about

When we fulfill orders, we do not think about the relevance of the subject. SEO specialists and webmasters think for us. Our task is to write interesting and competently.

With sales, things are different. You can write, put in the store anything you want. But will they buy the article? I do not advise you to dive into unloved, incomprehensible topics for you. In these wilds you will get lost, hate copywriting. Follow the golden mean between popularity and love for the topic.

What directions are popular now:

  1. Sport. There are few authors who write enthusiastically and are interested in sports games and competitions. The work is seasonal. More often, performers are sought during the Olympic Games and championships. But they are well paid. One condition - you must understand this, it is desirable to engage in at least some kind of sport.
  2. Erotica. This includes product descriptions for online stores, and erotic stories. Topic +18 takes 15 - 25% of all content. There will always be a job. One problem is that most exchanges do not allow selling articles for adults. You need to ask customers to create individual orders.
  3. Surveys, description of films, serials. If you like to sit in front of the TV in the evening or two, then this topic is for you. Retell the plot of your favorite paintings, write a description of the series and earn good money remotely.
  4. Repair and construction. People do their own repairs to save money. And how to learn it? Of course, use the Internet. Sell ​​articles about repairs - you will always find a buyer.
  5. Tourism. Where to go, what to see are hot topics that do not lose popularity over the years. You know how to beautifully and subtly paint the city, describe the sights. Then take note of “tourism” and start writing.
  6. Parenting. How to change diapers, what to do if the baby is crying - only part of the search queries. Thousands of young parents are looking for answers to these questions. So why not help them?
  7. The medicine. Long lines to the doctors, their incompetence make us refuse an unnecessary trip to the hospital. People prefer to look for answers on the Internet.

Now you know what topics to write articles for sale on, choose what you like.

Are you ready to scribble articles in full, but where can I find an order? There are so many deceptions all around. Don't worry, I'll show you text exchanges where you can write and earn real money.

TOP-5 exchanges of Runet:

  1. Etxt. This is where my career began. I collected a portfolio, learned to work with customers. You need to take a test, an essay is only necessary to increase prices, you can start without it. On Etxt you will find an article shop where you can sell your work.
  2. Text. Earn from 15 to 150 rubles. per kilosign. Look for customers, submit orders, grow your rating along with your income. Access is open to everyone.
  3. Advego. More than 1,000 authors have found their place here, who receive from $80 to $500 per month. The cost of orders is indicated in e. After registration, everyone can work, there are no restrictions.
  4. Turbo Text. The average price is from 50 to 300 rubles. for 1,000 characters. But in order to get into the golden ranks of authors, you need to pass an exam in Russian, write an essay.
  5. text sale. A hypermarket of articles where you can post your texts in batches. Beginners set a price of 0.3 - 0.5 $ per 1,000 characters. Experienced sellers sell everything for $1-3 per kilosign.

Check out the others, also in this article you will find more detailed description the above sites.

How to write for a magazine or newspaper?

Reading your favorite magazine and dreaming that your story would appear on its pages? Believe me, it's real.

Each magazine and newspaper has its own requirements for the material. Some are satisfied with the volume of 7,000 - 10,000 characters with spaces, while others are not averse to publications of 22,000.

How to find out the requirements of a specific edition:

  • Count the number of characters in the number. Multiply letters by rows, columns. Do for 5 minutes.
  • Read a few articles from the rubric you have chosen. Pay attention to style, words, structure. Many magazines forbid the use of the word "I" - keep this in mind.
  • See if there are quotes, callouts, highlights.

Send in .doc format to the e-mail indicated on the pages of the magazine. At the top should be a description of the article, in the middle - the content, and at the end - quotes and callouts.

Why not publish:

  1. Factual errors. For the wrong names of cities, dates, celebrities - your material will immediately fly into the trash.
  2. Style is not followed.
  3. The file format is not .doc.

For a small volume, there are chances that the work will simply be sent for revision. Good luck!

Your Own Boss - Selling Articles

I want to tell you right away - earnings on the sale of articles are fickle. It's like with a store - today a lot of buyers, and tomorrow cat's tears. But you can influence the choice of the buyer a little.

How to earn a lot and quickly:

  1. Publish your portfolio on the article exchange.
  2. Write on popular, interesting topics.
  3. Post ads on the site.
  4. Set a competitive price. I advise you to start with 15 - 20 rubles. for 1,000 characters, raising the bar after every 4-5 articles sold by 2-4 rubles.
  5. Communicate with buyers, thank them for the purchase, offer other works.

I advise you to write 3-5 texts a day. Sales will go better when the store accumulates at least 40 - 50 articles. Do not try to grab all the topics at once, take no more than 2 - 3. This way you increase the chances of bulk purchases.

Small business - reselling texts

Earnings on the resale of articles is a good extra income for the author, which requires a little time. Not copywriters can be engaged in this business. But it is better when you yourself understand which texts are good, do not contain errors. Get ready for the fact that sometimes you have to correct errors yourself.

Which is better: buying articles or ordering? There is no single answer here. When buying, you can save money, but get complete nonsense, and you will have to spend more on orders. When ordering, you have the right to send the text for revision until it meets the requirements.

I advise you to buy in bulk. Buy 50 - 100 articles without regrets. On average, one text will cost 30-45 rubles. (15 rubles per kilosign). Filling the store will cost 30 * 50 = 1,500 rubles. Too much? Let's count the profit.

For all articles we will help out 50 * 70 \u003d 3,500 rubles. Net profit - 2,000 rubles. Not bad? A with high rating you can release each text for 100 rubles. Then the benefit is already 3,500 rubles. And so we grow up to 100 - 150 rubles. per kilosign.

You can sell 1-2 texts daily. This is 140 - 280 rubles per day. For a month we receive 6,300 rubles.

Publish all articles at once in several stores. This way you increase your chances of a sale. More often they buy on Etxt (there are low prices) or on Advego.

We all come in as newbies. It's so good when there is a person nearby who directs you in the right direction.

I offer you some tips to help you work better, more productively:

  • Fill out a portfolio, a profile on the stock exchange - do not be lazy. Customers are not telepaths. They need to show the quality of their work.
  • Do not write a standard request for an order in the style of “Ready to perform with high quality, on time”. So write dozens of performers. Describe in detail why you will do it well, how much you understand the topic.
  • Don't underprice. There are no orders, I want to make prices pleasant for the customer - be patient. It is better to write articles for sale at this time.
  • Develop. Wrote more than 30 works, there are positive reviews, links to texts? Start writing for websites/magazines with serious fees.
  • Decorate your text nicely. Do not forget about subheadings, quotes, lists. Customers appreciate it.

The most important thing is to plan your time, do not break deadlines.

Hello, dear readers my blog! Can you write in Russian? Do you know how you can make money from it? You will be required to write articles for this. Oh, you haven't written articles yet? No problem. After all, you have to start somewhere! So, let's get down to business: let's talk about how to make money online with articles.

Be sure to try!

I generally consider it the best way make money online without investment! Writing texts for money is a real form of income for students and women on maternity leave!

Online resources for writing articles on the Internet are called copywriting sites. Copywriting is your author's work, rewriting is a retelling of the article you read in your own words. Copywriters, rewriters are.

Go to one of the copywriting resources, register and try to complete the order: no one will scold you or impose penalties for this. If you manage to scribble articles, you can earn money from it.

The most important thing here is the opportunity to improve. What does this mean? On popular Internet sites, copywriters, depending on their level of professionalism, are divided into categories. All categories have different rates for every 1000 characters in an article! The level of earnings depends on the category. Do you understand the meaning? Have you ever written articles?

So be sure to try it! Suddenly you have the talent of an eloquent copywriter!

You can earn good money!

Highly paid copywriters earn as much as writers and scientists.

I assure you, if you reach a high level of professionalism, then you will leave your factory or company where you work now and will only earn money on articles on the Internet, enjoying life! Tempting?! That's not all!

You can earn today from $2 per 1000 signs you write!

To do this, you need to write competently and pass a test on one of the popular copywriting resources (below I will recommend some of the ones I have tested).

And, for example, after a year of your fruitful work on the Internet (or earlier), you will gain enough experience that you will increase your status and will already receive 4 or 8 bucks per thousand ...!

And there is no limit! Grow and get rich! You don't write books? So it's not necessary! Write small articles that are constantly sold out on the Internet! Now, I think that being a copywriter is even better than being a writer. The author of the book is important: how the book is sold. It still needs to be sold, and a lot of money needs to be invested in it to issue a circulation. And here - earnings without a penny of investment! Plus, you don't have to sell anything! On the copywriting sites, the webmasters themselves give you an order and immediately pay you for it after checking the completion! Do you feel the benefits of this activity? You just have to invent literate texts.

Payment is guaranteed by the service: upon receipt of the task, the administration "freezes" the money received from the webmaster for the work and pays you when the work is accepted. There are a lot of applications. There are enough resources on the Internet! Write and earn.

Are you scared to take the first step? Take Natalia Odegova's courses Get knowledge and a new specialty!

I will advise you a few sites on which I myself worked and work at the present time. So, I checked this sphere from two sides! Believe me, it is equally beautiful on both sides! Webmasters order articles in order to place them on their sites to replenish content or on third-party Internet resources to promote their sites. It is better for a beginner to start his activity with low-paid resources, where they pay less, but the requirements are lower.

For example, I suggest starting with This is a fully functional, popular, tested site. Here is a simple, understandable interface, friendly technical support, meaningful instructions for using the service. So, you can easily deal with everything. To get started, you just need to pass an elementary test to show that you, after all, write in Russian, and write correctly, know how to express your thoughts clearly and understandably. After that, you can use the job search using the filter.

A similar resource It is not much different from the previous one, so I will not dwell on it. With the interface, I hope you can figure it out on your own.

They pay more here!

Let's take a better look at more serious resources for copywriters, with high tariffs payment. This is a famous, beloved by many service that has been successfully operating on the Internet for 8 years. When you register and enter the site with your username and password, you will immediately feel at home. Everything is well organized!

The site is equipped with tools for copywriters to check articles for plagiarism, for the number of characters, for counting keywords in the text, etc.
Just go to the top menu Job ->Job search » and select an order.

There is a convenient search filter. Here are acceptable assignments. Go down a little. To view article writing assignments, select " Type of work:-> TEXT / Article, review »

Payments - (rubles, dollars). This is a self-respecting resource that values ​​its reputation. I advise you to definitely include it in your list of used sources of your earnings on the Internet. If you are hesitant to take the article right away, then do a simpler task first, such as a comment. Here you will be pleasantly surprised by the intelligence of webmasters, compared to low-paid services of article specialization. If you decide to make copywriting your main type of income, then this Internet resource will become your workplace for you, and technical support and customers will become your work team. A good team at advego is the key to your success as a copywriter! Stop! It already looks like an advertisement. Although no one has paid me for it yet! Simply, I love this site.

Another online copywriting resource is Contentmonster ( The very name of the site speaks for itself. To receive the assignment, you will be asked to verify your phone number and take a test in Russian. This site is most likely suitable for high-level copywriters. If you have already reached this level, try your hand, prove your worth!

You ask, “Why do I need a resource with a strict selection of performers?” I will answer: “Firstly, it is a feeling of satisfaction that you were recognized as a competent specialist. Secondly, high payment rates. Third, more interesting job! Fourth, a high chance of getting a permanent "fat" customer.

Just earn your money!

And one more common advantage of all the copywriting resources I have indicated with high payment rates - these sites completely remove your “headache” on the subject of a scam!

Just work hard and get your money. For you - only your work! Enjoy your earnings and creative mood!

An additional type of income for you can be an affiliate program (services for writing articles offer performers and customers to receive income from attracted users).
You can read about this type of earnings on the Internet on my blog!

Who wants to learn more about the course Press here. From myself I will say that the video course is really useful, I personally learned a lot of information that was useful to me in the future.

Alexander Sergienko was with you, good luck to you!

Come to my group in VK -

Nowadays, networking is becoming more and more popular. Such types of earnings as freelancing are becoming more relevant, as people tend not to depend on bosses or on a rigid work schedule. What is the name of writing articles on the Internet for money? Many definitions immediately come to mind: copywriting, rewriting, translation, and others. Let's understand this abundance of terms!

Types of earnings on articles on the Internet

First of all, writing articles on the Internet for money is a reality. But in order to charge for your writing, you need to get certain basic knowledge, for example, the classification of these same works.

There are three types of rewriting, copywriting and translation. Now let's talk about each in more detail.

Rewriting or just rewriting - writing articles on the Internet for money. The text is based on an article previously published in This way of making money on the Internet is divided into simple and complex.

Simple rewriting - a unique article created on the basis of one article already available on the Internet. In other words, a simple presentation. You read an article and then retell it in your own words.

Complex rewriting is a retelling of material read from several articles on a given topic. That is, you select several articles, read them, and then retell the information in your own text.

Copywriting - writing articles on the Internet for money immediately, from scratch. It is understood that the text will have no analogues in the network. Copywriting - writing exclusive articles. When writing content, the author relies solely on his own life experience and his observations on the subject on which he writes.

Translation is available for those who know one or more foreign languages. In fact, this is writing an article based on the translation of text from foreign language. It is valued more than rewriting and copywriting.

So what is the name of writing articles on the Internet for money? It can be rewriting, copywriting or text translation.

Online Article Writing: Where the Trouble Begins

According to statistics, the vast majority of those who decide to devote themselves to earning money on the Internet, after writing one or two articles, are disappointed in this profession, after which they leave it.

After a little analysis, the reasons for this trend became clear. So, the two most common phrases among beginner freelancers are:

  1. "I am unable to write good text».
  2. "Copywriting can only earn a professional."

Both, in fact, illustrate the same problem: the author's inability to compose a good and competent text.

Quality text: instructions for writing

So how do you write good copy? Here are some tips for you:

First, after you have registered on the content exchange, you should choose topics that you are well versed in. Agree, it is much easier to write a text on a familiar topic than to understand an unfamiliar one, wasting both strength and time in vain.

Secondly, before proceeding with the direct writing of an article, it is better to draw up its approximate plan on a piece of paper - let it be several sentences divided into paragraphs. A detailed frame of the text will be an excellent support when writing it.

Thirdly, the text must have a clear structure: introduction, main body and conclusion.

Fourth, the article should have a capacious title. It is necessary to compose the title based on the very essence of the article. What is the function of a header? Grab the reader's attention and make them read the text of the article. The title plays the role of a kind of mini-advertisement of the content. The more interesting the title, the more likely it is that the customer will purchase your article.

Fifth, practice writing articles. How? Enter the working title of your article into the search engine. Read the first 5-10 texts. Analyze how they are built and in what style they are written. Build your text based on these observations.

It is better to write an article from the main part, and not from the introduction. The beginning of an article is generally best written last.

After you've finished writing an article, put it aside and do something else. After some time, re-read the text, checking it for typos and various flaws. So, with each new text you will find fewer and fewer errors. Train as often as possible.

Reasons why you shouldn't freelance

Freelancing, or rather, one of its subspecies - writing articles on the Internet for money - is gaining more and more popularity today. But for most, copywriting remains just a hobby or side job. Few people dare to engage in copywriting seriously. And if he dares, he soon ends up earning it, motivating this by the fact that he has urgent business or is too busy.

Therefore, now I would like to give reasons why you should not strive to make a career in freelancing. Perhaps this will save you from deep disappointment in this profession. Perhaps this will only spur you on to a feat, and you will be able to break into famous copywriters, even if you have 100,500 hobbies and sleep 12 hours a day.

Reason 1: You like to sleep for a long time

Are you a fan of sleeping until 12, and then lie in bed until 2, have breakfast, wash and swing until 4, view messages in in social networks until 5 and, finally, by 6 pm, remember the existence of such a thing as work.

Should upset you: freelancing categorically rejects those who like to sleep. Why? Yes, because with such a work schedule it is possible to write only two or three articles, and even then with the condition that there is someone to sell them to, or they will be bought on the same day.

The vast majority of customers draw up and lay out tasks in the morning. And get them, of course, the earliest freelancers.

Reason 2: There is an opportunity to be released early

This is the motivation, and the very essence of the work of a copywriter: as you stomp, so, of course, you will burst. Remind yourself of this as often as possible.

So, you won't be able to get out early. Why? Yes, because there are countless orders, and during the working day you want to complete as much as possible, because the more you write, the more you will naturally receive.

Reason 3: Freelancing Can Make Big Money

Before in the field of site building, website promotion, copywriting or web design, it will not be superfluous to think about the question of whether you know how to do it? If you don’t know how to do anything that is in demand on the World Wide Web, then is it worth it to take it at all?

If, nevertheless, you firmly decided to do, for example, copywriting, then know that in the first months writing articles on the Internet for money can only bring a penny. Yes, yes, at first you will get some miserable hundred rubles a month.

However, if at first you are ready to endure a beggarly salary, look for more profitable orders and customers, good luck to you!

But if the first hundred rubles brought you only disappointment and did not give you any incentive to move on and conquer the heights of copywriting, then perhaps the best option for you would be to find a job outside world wide web with better wages.

Reason 4: lack of desire to communicate with people

If you decide to take up writing articles on the Internet for money, or copywriting, then be prepared for regular communication with customers.

Who are the customers? First of all, ordinary people who, like you, sometimes have no mood, they also do not like boring people, they can sometimes slip through a strong word.

Therefore, if you do not have basic communication skills, then correspondence with the customer can result in conflict situation. In this case, the way to freelancers is ordered for you.

You need to learn to listen carefully, understand the interlocutor, be at his level, realize what they want from you and fully comply with the requirements. If you have no desire to learn this, then it is better not to think about copywriting. Otherwise, you will have conflict after conflict, constant bickering and swearing. Do you need it?

Reason 5: Children who need constant supervision

One of the most to refuse freelancing is children, especially if there are more than one of them and they are all under the age of 8.

It is good if during the day the child is in kindergarten or at school, and in the evening he is busy in any section. And if not, and it's still a long way off? If a one-year-old toddler, who has recently begun to walk, has the main goal in his life - to mischief somewhere, then it is very problematic to find time for cleaning and cooking, not to mention copywriting.

Naturally, many will answer that writing articles on the Internet for money can be spent at night, and dedicate the day to the baby. But imagine how mom will feel the next day?

Reason 6: you can ask for a higher salary

You have no idea how wrong you are! For novice copywriters, writing articles on the Internet for money will not bring real earnings. At first, you will have to work hard for 5-7 rubles per thousand characters without spaces.

You have to work hard to make a name for yourself. For those who have just started, no one will pay a lot for writing articles on the Internet for money - reviews, ratings, portfolios and regular customers need to be earned. Then there will be more. In the meantime, you will fill your hand, find more profitable customers and collect a portfolio, a lot of time will pass.

With the birth of a child, a woman, in a sense, falls out of her usual life. The office and the fitness room are being replaced by wheelchair rides and runs to the clinic. At first, it is difficult for a mother with a newborn in her arms to find even 5 minutes to eat normally or take a shower. But the baby is growing up, and the mother begins to have free time that can be spent effectively, for example, by spending it on making money on the Internet, namely on earning money by writing or rewriting articles for their further sale on the article exchanges, or writing to order. (This is a simple way to make money on the Internet, and anyone can do it)

Job for a young mother

There are a lot of options for how to manage the time that has appeared, but many women who are in maternity leave, they feel very uncomfortable without their own earnings, so they are ready to spend their free minutes on part-time jobs. The realities of modern life are such that before the birth of a child, a woman, as a rule, worked on an equal footing with her husband and had quite comparable earnings. It is not surprising that, left without her income, a young mother experiences some discomfort.

A woman on maternity leave also has more serious reasons for looking for a job than a simple lack of funds “for hairpins”. For example, loans and other financial obligations, the low earnings of her husband are also a reason for a young mother to be puzzled by finding part-time jobs.

True, it is not so easy for a woman on maternity leave to find a suitable income option. Office work, even part-time, is not very suitable for a young mother. It is a rare case when a family has non-working grandmothers at its disposal, ready to spend several hours every day with their grandson. It is not advisable to look for a nanny during my mother's part-time jobs, because the nanny will also have to pay. The ideal option is to do work at home, without a rigid schedule.

You should always start your job search with reflections on the topic “What can I do?”.

So, if you are “friends” with the word, love and know how to write about something, express your thoughts well and competently, you will be able to earn money by writing articles. In addition to literary talent for such work, you must have a broad outlook and the ability to understand topics that are new to you. ALTHOUGH! Even if you don’t understand something, the Internet is full of various materials, studying which you will write an article on literally any topic! Yes, and write an article, we believe, anyone can.

Who needs articles and why?

Briefly: Now the most popular source of information search is the Internet. Creating a website is not a tricky business, it is much more difficult to ensure that users go to this site, in other words, to ensure high traffic to the site. For ordinary users, the site is just pages on the network where you can find the information you need or stumble upon advertising. For a website owner, this is a business and a source of income. The more people visit the site every day, the more you can earn on it. main way to attract and retain those who visit the site - to make the site interesting and informative so that a person can get a full answer to his question there.

You need to fill the site with information daily. The more often and better the site is filled, the higher the chances that search engines will link to it on the first page of search results. Of course, it is simply physically impossible for the site owner to fill the Internet resource on his own. Moreover, the site owner does not have to be a “writer” at all. So, the work of writing articles can be given to third-party performers. You, a young mother on maternity leave, can become such a performer. Actually, this is what makes money on writing articles or rewriting them.

We invent, rewrite or translate

Text requirements vary.

What is a rewrite

In some cases, the customer needs the author to simply retell the existing material. Sometimes the source for such a retelling is provided by the customer, sometimes you need to find it yourself. Read the article, think about it and state the content in your own words. This is a kind of rewriting of the text so that it is perceived by search engines as original. Everyone did such work at literature lessons while still being a schoolboy. One way or another, when writing essays, one had to rely on some sources, examples of other works, articles of literary critics. Processing all the information in your own way, at the output you received the author's text. In the language of customers and authors, such work is called rewriting or rewriting

What is copyright

In some cases, the customer requires a completely author's text. It can be a review of something, your own experience in any field. Such work is called copyright which literally translates as "copyright". Copywriting does not involve the use of any sources for writing material. This kind of work costs more.

What is a translator, everything is clear here. Translate articles for money.

Pros and cons of making money writing articles

The opportunity to earn money by writing articles only at first glance seems easy and suitable for absolutely everyone. There is no perfect job, so there are positives and negatives to working remotely as an article writer.


  • You can work at home. To organize a workplace, you only need a computer, the Internet and inspiration.
  • You can work in a bathrobe, not made up with a cup of coffee.
  • The work schedule is completely free. You can work during the sleep of your beloved child or even at night.
  • The degree of workload and the amount of work you choose. There is time - you take more orders, there is no time - you refuse to work.
  • You also choose the topics for writing articles. If you are not interested in writing about concrete slabs, you can simply not take such orders, but choose only those orders on which you have something to say.
  • Payment is quite fast and for each completed order, and not once a month, as is the case with a permanent office job.


  • If you want to write only on narrow topics, be prepared for the fact that there may not be many orders or they will not be regular.
  • It is very difficult for beginners who have not yet developed a portfolio to get an order, the competition among copywriters is very high.
  • Good management skills are required to work in a flexible schedule own time and self-organization.

How to become an author on ContentMonster

You can search for orders for writing texts both on freelance sites and on special exchanges for copywriters. It is much safer to work through the exchange, since it essentially mediates between the customer and you and gives guarantees that the work will be paid. One of the famous exchanges is ContentMonster.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Searching for orders on ContentMonster is possible only after some mandatory steps: you need to go through the registration procedure and fill out your profile page on the site.

  1. Make sure you register as an author. Then you need to come up with a login, enter the address Email in a special field and come up with a password.
  2. The link, clicking on which activates your registration, will be sent to your e-mail within a few minutes.
  3. After Account is activated, you need to take a few more steps: confirm your phone number, take a test in Russian, write an essay.
  4. If the certification as an author is successful, you will get access to orders on the exchange.

Before proceeding to the search for orders, it is advisable to fill out your profile and provide potential customers with some information.

  1. If you want, you can indicate your real name and surname, upload a photo, add information about your education (this will be a plus, because the customer will see who he is working with).
  2. “About Me”: Here you can briefly describe yourself in a free form. It is better to focus on your professional qualities and writing experience. In this section, it is important to present yourself as a performer. Your hobby or family members are unlikely to be of interest to a potential customer.
  3. "Prices": specify your minimum price per 1000 characters for rewriting and copyright (you will see these prices on the exchange).
  4. Be sure to indicate the topics on which you are ready to write.
  5. Don't forget to specify your Webmoney e-wallet number. If you are not yet connected to this payment system, you need to register, since the fees for completed orders from the internal account of the exchange are withdrawn to the electronic wallet.

We are looking for orders and arrange work

After registering and filling in information about yourself, you can proceed to the search for orders. In the search filter, you can select the topics of interest (on which you want to write. There are many topics), the type of task (copyright or rewrite) and the price per 1000 characters. However, newcomers may not respond to all orders. Before the search for orders will be available in full, it is necessary to complete 5 rewriting works worth less than 30 r / 1000 characters.

For each order, a kind of tender is held. If you, as a performer, submit an application to fulfill an order, this does not mean that the customer will approve your candidacy. There is a time allotted for the tender, so you can easily follow the fate of your responses. If your candidacy for the execution of the order is approved, you need to accept the order for work by pressing the appropriate button.

There is also a limited amount of time for accepting an order. If you plan to leave and are not sure that you will not miss the moment of taking the order, it is better not to respond to offers. The fact is that an overdue acceptance of an order for work is fraught with negative reviews and penalty points that accumulate and can lead to a limitation of the functionality of your account, or even to its blocking.

The term of the order is set by the customer. The time for execution begins to count from the moment you accept the order for work. This information is open immediately, and it is better not to ignore it. It is better to read the detailed description of the order, the terms of reference (TOR), to delve into the deadlines and the price in advance, while you have not yet responded to the project. This will help to avoid refusals to complete work and other misunderstandings. If you have any questions for the customer, it is better to ask them in advance too.

Responding to orders, calculate your strength and time. High-quality and timely execution of work is a guarantee that you will be included in the white lists of customers, and orders for writing articles will become regular. And this means that earnings will be regular and will only grow!

If they are satisfied with your articles, some of the customers may offer to work on a regular basis. Cooperation can be continued outside the content exchange. It is more convenient to work directly with customers, since you can choose different payment methods, negotiate more flexible terms cooperation. Such work will be based only on confidence in each other, therefore, before agreeing to transactions outside the exchange, make sure that the risks of fraud are minimal.

How much do they pay and how much can you earn

Doing this job 4-5 hours a day newbie for a month on writing articles you can earn from 3000-5000 rubles. Such a “run-up” of earnings is due to the fact that orders may differ in price per 1000 characters. average price for 1000 characters - about 30 rubles, but there are more expensive and cheaper offers. Also, experience matters. The more you write, the better the texts become, the easier it is to find words and build sentences. The most successful copywriters on ContentMonster earn over 150 WMZ per week.

WMZ is the title unit of the Webmoney system, equal to the US dollar. Payment for the order can occur both with the help of these conventional units, and in rubles. Money for the order goes to the internal account of the exchange. You can withdraw them to your electronic wallet after accumulating a certain amount. The minimum amount for withdrawing funds in rubles is 150 rubles, in WMZ - 5 WMZ.

A couple of last words

For beginners, it is better to take simple and small orders. In parallel with the execution of the order, it is worth taking training at the School of Copywriting. This feature is available on the site for free. Reading the lessons and doing simple quizzes will help you navigate the basic concepts and climb up the rankings.

For young mothers, earning money by writing articles is a great opportunity to improve their financial situation without prejudice to their main "work". Who knows, perhaps the decree will help you awaken and actualize your hidden talents and the content exchange will only be the first step in your career. Well, if this does not happen, let it be just a temporary way to make money. It's never too late to try yourself as an author, there would be time and inspiration.

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Hi all! Today we'll talk about this popular form earnings as a writing of articles in the Internet for money. Here, unlike other types of earnings, the rule “ career development”, i.e. over time, you will be able to receive much more rewards for the same work. On the other hand, in order to start earning, you do not need any special knowledge and skills, all you need is to more or less competently express your thoughts (remember essays at school) and a desire to work.

FROM what to start? Exchanges of articles (copywriting)

To begin with, we register on any exchange of articles. There are a lot of them on the Internet, and almost every month new ones appear. We take only popular and proven ones. For beginners, I advise you to opt for.

After registration, you will have two options for earning.

Writing articles to order. The customer gives you a topic for the article, its approximate size (number of characters), keywords, which must be inserted into the text. Then you write this very article and get paid for your work. That's all.

The second option is to expose your own texts for sale. You can stamp multiple articles on any topic, set a price, and wait for someone to buy it. First of all, you need to understand which articles are in demand. Usually these are topics, earnings, travel, animals, etc.

Copywriting and rewriting

Some theory and definitions.
Copywriting is writing your own unique article.
Rewriting- Retelling a text in your own words.

In principle, the fundamental difference between these two concepts is rather blurred. No one will immediately say that you have your own article in front of you and rewritten in your own words.
The most important thing when writing is the uniqueness of the article. What does uniqueness mean? This means that your article has not been published anywhere on the Internet before and is only in your possession in a single copy.

This parameter is necessarily checked by the customer, and by the exchange itself, so I do not advise you to cheat and copy someone else's content from other sources. Will not work.

To whom need articles?

Articles are mainly ordered by site owners to fill them with high-quality and unique content. Nowadays, in order to promote a site in the top search engines, it is necessary to constantly update the content and add information. Search engines love unique content. As a result, the position of the site in the issuance of search engines is growing, it is gaining popularity, its attendance is growing.

Why order articles? Why not write them yourself?

There may be several factors here why owners commission articles rather than write them themselves. I will list the main ones: there is no time, no skills, many articles are needed in a short time, which alone one person is not able to write, and many others.

How to write articles?

Everything is simple and clear here. Choose a topic for yourself (by yourself or to order), then find similar articles in the search engine similar to yours, read several of these texts and ... .. retell in your own words. That's all. It will take you a maximum of 20-30 minutes to write such an “essay”.

Advice. Take light and small tasks at the beginning, perhaps even just feedback and comments. So you will get your hand on writing texts, and you yourself will notice how each time the article will be written easier and faster. In the future, we move on to more complex and higher-paying tasks.

Earn by writing articles. How much can you earn?

On average, an article of 1000 characters will get you paid $2-3 . Everything will depend on the subject and complexity of the article. 1000 characters is half an A4 sheet. Many, communicating in social networks, write many times more. In an hour, you can easily write 1-2 articles. Here also consider.

Moreover, each time you gain experience, receive reviews and increase your rating on the stock exchange, you become a more experienced copywriter and can then safely increase your rates. Perhaps you will find yourself a permanent customer (or several customers). Good copywriters are highly valued on the stock exchanges, and they are ready to pay good money.