Start a new life with a clean slate wish. How to start a new life and change yourself: advice from a psychologist. How to start a new life from scratch? Watch the video: a film that changes lives

Humans are the only creatures on the planet who know that they are destined to die. This is one of the most significant circumstances that distinguish us from the smaller brothers. Is it bad or good? Rather, it’s good, because a person is thus constantly motivated to move forward. The thought that sooner or later he will leave the mortal world makes him strive for the better and change.

It is for this reason that almost every person sooner or later asks himself the question of how to start life from scratch. Do not be afraid of this desire.

What can be gained from a life change?

People love consistency. After all, what happens on the thumb is the best evidence of well-being, stability. Everyone dreams of a comfort zone, but if you stay in it for a long time, you get bored. This is where our craving for travel and adventure comes from, and new emotions are, in fact, even more desirable than constancy. That's what you get if we talk about how to start life from scratch - a new self, new impressions, experience. In addition, you, as if from an old snake skin, will be able to get rid of everything old and sore. For example, you have bad neighbors, unpleasant colleagues, a failed marriage - a new life will allow you to forget about unpleasant people forever.

Sometimes the reason to strive for a new life is very sad, for example, the death of a loved one. Helps to cope with grief the new kind activities that will fill your thoughts and time.

Where does the desire to change everything come from?

So, you suddenly realized that it's time to change something. Or you have been feeling this for a long time, but you have only just come to the decision to take action.

What might motivate a person to make such a decision? Here are a few factors:

Constant dissatisfaction with one's existence or certain regular circumstances (unpleasant work, troubles in personal life, being overweight);

An event that has changed the measured course of your life and made it unpleasant (divorce, dismissal, accident, death of a loved one);

The sudden realization that everything was in vain, and you need to start over (such a feeling can come on its own, for no apparent reason).

Let's be honest: the desire to change something comes to everyone at any age, but not everyone decides to radically transform being. If you want to take this step, then boldly move forward without fear and reproach. It's not scary at all!

When is it too late to start a new life?

This question is asked by everyone who cares ... When is it appropriate to start your life over? It is easy to imagine a second or third start for a person who is not yet twenty years old, but if you are thirty, forty, fifty? In any case, the first rule is: do not be afraid and do not think that it is too late for you to act. If you feel that something is not going well, that you have the wrong environment, the wrong place of residence, the wrong job, feel free to go on the offensive! Aren't we amazed when we learn that a ninety-year-old woman entered the institute in order to finally get higher education? Or that an octogenarian grandfather went to conquer Everest? It is these brave people who turn the planet and rule their lives. Trust that you are no worse.

Change your place of residence!

What is the best way to start life from scratch? The answer depends on what exactly is causing your desire for change. But there are some general recommendations. The first one is to change your place of residence. The new environment will allow you to look at the world differently.

It's great if you have any preferences. For example, if all your life you have dreamed of living on the seashore or in the countryside. Do not be afraid to completely change your being - sell your old housing, get rid of your personal car if it does not belong in a new life. There are many admirable examples when very wealthy people threw all their fortune and moved to the bosom of nature. Involuntarily, you recall the words of one of the heroes of the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” from his story about a Roman ruler who was not afraid to start life anew, refusing all blessings. And then, when they came to persuade him to return back to the rule of the empire, he answered: “You should have seen what cabbage I grew! Then you would stop trying to persuade me." Human happiness is not money, houses, cars or power. This is something that is not measurable quantitatively, but tangibly qualitatively. Figuratively speaking, this is when the heart is at peace, and the soul sings. Give up everything that prevents you from achieving this feeling.

It is not necessary to move to another country. Sometimes, in order to get off to a good start, you can just start renting an apartment in another part of the city. If for some reason you cannot move, you will be given a second wind by repairing and rearranging furniture. Change the wallpaper (give preference to bright colors, unusual patterns), make a panel in your room with the image of the city where you always wanted to live, buy new furniture. It will be very successful to acquire a fluffy pet if you have not had one before. New life - new rules!

Change your look

Do others perceive you in the same role? Would you like to fix it? There is nothing more effective than a change of image. Start by visiting a beauty salon. A new hairstyle and hair color, recommendations of a beautician about personal care, manicure-pedicure will not only refresh you visually, but will also inspire you. new life. If you are used to pastel colors in makeup, you might want to consider incorporating bright colors into your traditional makeup. If you are a holiday woman with evening make-up in the morning, think about it, is it time to pay tribute to the naturalness that is fashionable today?

Healthy appearance is just one step to feeling happy

The second recommendation regarding the change appearance- transform your figure. According to statistics, about fifty percent of people who are wondering how to start life from scratch have complaints about their own appearance.

Excess weight is the problem of every fourth inhabitant of the Earth, and with age there are more and more such people. You can change your life by getting rid of the hated kilograms, because you will feel completely different! Sign up for gym, choose the right diet, and forward to the changes!

Met by clothes

Not to mention a wardrobe change. Remember Alisa Freindlich from the movie "Office Romance"? It was worth the "gray office mouse" to change clothes and put on makeup, and she appeared in a completely different form. Why not take an example from her? We all love constancy, and therefore most of us have our own style of dressing. It can be a strict classic, a comfortable casual or a sporty look. Mark the next stage with a change of style! Most easy way to start a new life is to forget about your previous preferences. Visit shopping center and choose something that is at the height of fashion, or, conversely, not in trend, but you like it. Let this thing you like, but will not match the usual style of clothing. The start of a new life is just around the corner! You just need to look at yourself from the other side.

New life - new people

Sometimes we do things to please public opinion forgetting about your loved ones. There are many examples when a woman endures a tyrant husband just for the sake of preserving a mythical marriage.

Upon closer examination of the situation, it turns out that she was inspired from childhood: you need to be with your husband. Having grown up on stereotypes, she says to herself: “Who needs me at forty? And so, okay, I’ll be patient, it won’t be long now.” It is also quite common that a single mother constantly repeats to her child that she did everything for him, refused everything, and therefore he must be with her, obey her in everything. Such children grow up and do not start their own family, they lead a life of a closed and shy person, like obedient indoor plants. There are so many situations...

Now remember: you were born to be happy. So do not put your life on the altar of someone's hopes or desires. This is not about sick egoism, but about healthy, when you respect others, but think about yourself first of all. Do not try to please someone, follow your desires, and then you will have a completely different life.


We have reviewed the most effective ways how to start over.

Remember that the easiest way to start a new life is to strive to feel your own happiness. It doesn't necessarily have to do with wealth, marriage, or other stereotypical values. Everyone has their own happiness, and no one will offer you a ready-made script. Therefore, follow your desires, and be happy and free at the same time!

By nature itself, we have a desire for renewal, which wakes up every spring. It is enough for someone to replenish the wardrobe with the actual things of the season or change the haircut, but there are also many who would like more - to get rid of discomfort in relations with themselves and the world. The reasons for this dissonance, internal and external, can be very diverse, so the tips below on how to easily start over again cover various aspects of life.

But before you begin the path to your ideal self, remember: first, acceptance of the past must be the foundation of your improvements. Everything that was and once caused you a strong emotional experience, you do not need to deny, try to forget or blame yourself for what happened. Accept difficult situations as a lesson, as an experience that has made you wiser, and insurance against new similar mistakes. Secondly, implement any changes smoothly, gradually, in portions. The English have a good expression babysteps, that is, literally “baby steps”. It is used when it comes to small changes that, one after the other, eventually lead to a significant improvement in something. Good luck in all your endeavors! We hope that the suggested tips will help you with this.

Misunderstanding on any issue that you have with your child, husband, colleague, parents, girlfriend can grow like a snowball and lead to a serious conflict. If you value a person, then, of course, you strive to regain his trust and disposition, to again feel like you are in a relationship with him on an equal footing. Psychologists advise in this case a simple trick - mentally get out of the situation and look at it from the side, as if you are a third party, an outside and disinterested observer. Such “directing” of circumstances will help you see them in a new light and better understand your opponent: what is he right and what concessions are required from you, and where do your arguments outweigh and how to correctly convey them to your counterpart.

#food: replacing “harmful” with useful

In the spring, the body, exhausted by the low-sunshine and vitamin deficiency winter with its SARS attacks, requires unfashionable strict diets that promise minus N kilograms by the beginning of the beach season. A balanced, wholesome diet will help you feel in good shape and enjoy your reflection in the mirror. To smoothly transition to it, we repeat, you do not need to sit down on celery smoothies and germinated wheat grass from Monday. Implement small but effective improvements in your diet: for example, replace sausage with boiled meat, mayonnaise with natural yogurt without additives or sour cream, white bread with whole grains, and sweets and sugar with fruits, dried fruits, frozen berries or honey. Another effective technique is a small portion reduction. Nutritionists have proven that a 10-15% reduction in the usual volume of food on a plate per year helps to quietly and easily part with 3-5 kilograms of excess weight. And at the same time, you do not need to starve or drastically change your menu.

#walking: more outdoor activity

Everyone has heard about the benefits and necessity of daily walks lasting at least an hour. How to make your time outdoors, especially on weekdays, up to the norm? For those who have a child or a pet that needs to be walked, the dog, of course, is easier: you just need to increase the walking time, learn new, longer routes. The rest can be advised not to use the car every day and the service of delivering groceries to the apartment, part of the way from work to go home on foot (at least three stops). Many, by the way, are disciplined by a pedometer - you can install it as an application on a smartphone, buy it as a separate gadget, or find it among the functions of your wrist watch. Walk to health!

#dream: the correctness of Sleeping Beauty

We earn chronic fatigue syndrome and the effect of burnout not only by living in a busy rhythm of affairs, tasks, obligations. The habit of skimping on sleep contributes to increased stress levels, weight gain, and even premature aging because the body does not have time to restore strength. The recommended 7-9 hours in the arms of Morpheus will do a miracle for you: do not be surprised where the energy and desire to change everything around for the better come from, a smile and a radiant look, inspiration and, one might say, a brilliant approach to work duties.

The golden hours for appearance and health for falling asleep is the interval between ten in the evening and midnight. If you're used to staying up late, move your bedtime towards your ideal plan gradually, each time going to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual. It is better to devote a couple of hours before going to bed not to TV and social networks that clog your mind with unnecessary information, but to take a walk (see the previous tip) and a good book.

#house: rearrangement of interior components

Changes in the house will help you and your loved ones feel in a new way. If the family's budget does not yet allow spending on major repairs, major household appliances, facilitating housekeeping, and fashionable furniture, inexpensive changes will give the effect of novelty. For example, rearranging interior items, replacing textiles - curtains, bedspreads, pillows, transplanting flowers into pots of the same color and design, acquiring a stylish set of dishes to replace scattered cups, plates and saucers, easy repairs and similar improvements pleasing to the eye.

#house: getting rid of excess

We continue to help the house and ourselves to “feed” with the pure energy of spring and be open to positive changes. It's not just about the principles of feng shui, one of which involves regularly ridding your living space of unnecessary things, both old and new, but not useful. However, those who do not share the fashionable Eastern teachings will be convinced by the arguments of psychologists. Experts confirm: unorganized, buried in papers, folders and stationery workplace or a room in which too many things and furniture, especially old and broken ones, latently provoke irritability, internal discomfort, loss of strength and a desire to leave an uncomfortable territory.

So let's part with the unnecessary more boldly: toys, clothes and shoes will be happy in shelters, books - in community centers, libraries, bookcrossing points (free book exchange); waste paper, glass and plastic will be accepted at recycling points. Let the principle be your guide: if a thing is not needed within a year, then you do not really need it.

Gel Sanfor Universal; Sanfor WC Gel; Sanfor for pipes; SANFOR Whiteness gel 3 in 1 #home: cleanliness is the key to comfort

Of course, no life starts from scratch without a clean space for it in every sense. Remember the proverb “What is at home is like that yourself”? Cleaning is an important and regular necessity. It cannot be canceled, but you can and should change your attitude towards it. How to make home care easier, modern and efficient? Start saving time and energy by hiring the right helpers!

For example, gel Sanfor Universal is able to replace ten (!) cleaners for different surfaces and applications throughout the house. The tool will easily and quickly clean plumbing, ceramic tiles, household appliances and other floor and wall coverings that allow wet cleaning.

Means Sanfor WC Gel Helps bring shine to your bathroom. It effectively dissolves water and urinary stone and prevents its formation in toilet bowls, removes rust, plaque, mold, grease and other difficult contaminants.

The water in the pipes, like the energy of the house, must circulate without interference. Active gel formula Sanfor for pipes it is able to quickly eliminate even a strong blockage in sewer drains, dissolve not only grease and dirt, but also hair. The gel completely neutralizes the unpleasant odor that often accompanies blockage.

Another universal remedy necessary for bringing spring gloss to your home is SANFOR Whiteness gel 3 in 1. It is a thick gel with an innovative formula for whitening and removing impurities. It is added when soaking laundry, used to clean drains and drains of pipes, to bring shine and cleanliness in the bathroom and toilet.

Let your seasonal arsenal of struggle for the cleanliness of the house be the most effective means and helpers!

#new experience: going beyond the usual

We often feel tired from Groundhog Day - a familiar routine by heart, but at the same time we are afraid to change anything in our lives. Let your inoculation against the fear of change be a good new tradition - to regularly do something unusual for yourself. Have you always preferred yoga or Pilates? Take a trial class in step aerobics or strip plastic. Trouser suits and jeans predominate in your wardrobe? Buy the iconic fashion item of all time - a little black dress, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the ocean of compliments from colleagues and loved ones. Do you only order sushi and sashimi at a Japanese restaurant? Discover other dishes: miso soup, chicken or salmon with teriyaki sauce, yakitori skewers and other gourmet delights. Expanding the scope of your life experience, we acquire new knowledge and skills, enrich our erudition, make interesting acquaintances - in a word, we grow as a person.

#dreams: a sorceress herself

No matter how old we are, our inner child stays with us. It is she, our princess, who dreams of a trip to sedate Europe or exotic Asia, a swing in the country or a basket of roses for no reason, a sheath dress or boats displayed in the window of a luxury boutique. Pamper yourself as much as possible, without postponing big, but quite feasible dreams for an unknown period. It's great for boosting your mood, self-confidence, and self-esteem!

#self-development: exercises for the mind

By training your memory, you keep a clear head for years to come. No special effort or time is needed for this: add up the amount of purchases in your mind if there are no more than two to five items in the check while you are waiting in line at the checkout; memorize the numbers mobile phones loved ones; solve crosswords; memorize your favorite aphorisms and poems. Desire to master foreign language is also a great exercise for the brain. No one forces you to cram grammar like at school: listen to films without dubbing, sing along to musicians, find a pen pal in the country whose language you are learning. Be in great shape, not only physically, but also intellectually!

No wonder it is considered that Big world in many ways affects our inner self-awareness and, conversely, what is in the soul determines the external picture. And we will support your desire to start everything from scratch by talking about the rules for quickly restoring order in the house, ways to deal with pollution, universal home cleaning products and other secrets of perfect cleaning.

Light and pleasant spring changes to you!

On the life path Each person has certain moments that I would like to avoid. No one is immune from such psychological blows. Foreseeing all situations in advance is subject only to clairvoyants, and even then not always. Sometimes a person wonders how to completely change his life, due to the fact that the previous alignment does not meet his ideas about happiness.

The reasons

The most common situations or circumstances that force you to reconsider your views include:

  • Unloved work or occupation not one's own business. Often a person becomes a hostage to his own professional employment, although it does not bring a decent material income and personal growth. Sometimes the fear of changing something is so great that it is better to let everything remain the same.
  • Exhausted relationships. When a partner stays around more out of habit than of their own free will.
  • Unsettled personal life. It seems that by age it is high time to start a family, but only there is no suitable candidate. However, the relationship is not built as smoothly as we would like.
  • lack of a normal way of life.
  • Serious illnesses, one’s own, one of the relatives or friends, as well as the loss of one of the loved ones due to a tragedy or an incurable diagnosis.
  • Overweight, which is becoming a problem every day.

How to start a new life and change yourself?

To give practical advice on this matter, you need to remember that a lot here depends on the initial state of the person, his current situation and psychological mood. Many people are pushed on the path of change by their close environment. Some seek advice on how to change themselves from professional psychologists. The solution to the problem directly depends on the starting point at which the person is in this moment. Much also depends on age.

What should a teenager do for the better?

The first rather difficult psychological period begins around 11 and ends at 17-18. How to start a new life for a teenager if something went wrong on his way. There can be many reasons for such a decision. For example, often in adolescence, children experience a divorce of their parents. If a child was very close to a father who suddenly leaves the family, this can cause deep psychological trauma. During this period, adolescents are highly susceptible to negative influence society. Sometimes at this age they try for the first time drugs or alcohol.

To understand how to start a new life and change yourself, you should honestly look the problem in the eye. During this period, the teenager will need the support of someone close or the help of a psychologist. After the "debriefing" you need to maximize your free time with useful activities. Psychological pain is useful to treat physical labor or loads. So, most of the great athletes, as well as famous people became so thanks to life's difficulties that forced them to show their will. A person who finds himself next to a teenager at a difficult moment for him should help him not withdraw into himself, perceive the world positively, and also figure out how to start a new life from scratch.

Changing life in 30-35 years

At any other age, people are no less susceptible to the influence of difficult psychological periods. That is why the change of job most often falls on the interval of 27-30 years, until the age of 35 a person tries to realize himself, his ambitions. If the reality is at least a hundredth of the same as the expectations, there is a chance that the age waves will pass quietly.

If, nevertheless, a person realizes that the circumstances in which he lives do not suit him, the question arises of how to start a new life and change himself. The advice of a psychologist on this matter is very diverse. Let's consider the main points.

Action plan

Effective method: you need to become what you want

Many psychologists advise using this method: in order to be who you want, you first need to become like such a person. Here's how it works. A person chooses a behavior pattern. For example, having bad habits, he accepts completely. The person behaves like an athlete, attends appropriate events, dresses appropriately. Over time, he begins to feel physically developed, healthy person. Subsequently, this is what happens. Everything works on the power of self-hypnosis.

What to do at 40?

This age is a rather difficult period. It has to do with many things in life. How to start a new life at 40? You should assess the situation, find positive moments, reconsider your actions and just calm down. The first step is to let go of your past, whatever it may be. You should tell yourself - what is not there is no longer worth anything. If memories bring only negative emotions, you need to protect yourself from them. A person must make it clear to himself that:

  • all responsibility for actions lies solely on him;
  • All events in life happen for a reason. If we cannot change the outcome of the case, then we must try to accept it;
  • he himself is a powerful source of vitality. No one except the person himself can influence changes for the better.


How to start a new life at 40? There are also simple ways:

  • find your own hobby, for which there was not enough time before;
  • meet new interesting people;
  • make repairs to your home, update the situation;
  • rethink your habits.

Parting phrases

We figured out how to start a new life and change yourself. Summing up, consider the list once said by the greats. May they bring confidence to everyone:

  • Starting the path anew, you need to understand that all changes will not happen at once.
  • In order to successfully take a hundred steps, you must dare to take the first. Everything happens in life, but with a positive attitude to everything that happens, it seems that the sun shines brighter.
  • Man is the greatest creation of the universe. Realizing your uniqueness, you can be sure of your own high self-esteem and success that awaits beyond the horizon of the future.
  • You cannot return the moment, but you can live it here and now.
  • When people meet along the way, they are given to a person in order to see himself from the outside. Some give an image of the past, others - the mistakes of the present, others - the possibility of the future.
  • All the troubles in life must be translated into attempts to gain experience, and this is priceless.
  • Gratitude is the greatest feeling that opens closed doors, indicates the right way, soothes the spirit.
  • Observing the purity of thought, a person brings it into his actions.
  • We show the world what we have in abundance inside, and others look at us as well.

That's how you live and it seems that everything is in order. No matter how good, no matter how good. And then all of a sudden it hits ... all these unpleasant memories, terrible resentments, gnawing feelings of guilt. Looking back, you see that life is a chain of bad and very bad events. I want to cross it all out, as if turning the page and starting life from scratch. And it seems to even work out, though until the next roll of unpleasant memories. Is life all about suffering?

  • Why, no matter how much you want, but you never manage to forget the past, turn the page and start life from scratch?
  • What's stopping you from starting from scratch?
  • Where to find the strength to start over - to live from scratch?

The desire to start all over again from scratch does not arise in every person. And this is not due to how many mistakes and misdeeds people make in their lives. No, this desire is directly related only to the human psyche, which for some of us is directed entirely and completely into the past.

How to start life from scratch? The question is not for everyone

Only 20% of the planet's inhabitants are more focused on the past with their thoughts and desires. It is there, in the past years, that they see the best in the life of mankind in general, and, unfortunately, their most offensive mistakes and misdeeds. But the future, on the contrary, seems completely unattractive to them. Therefore, they often say this: either " Eh, people used to be simpler, the trees were taller, the prices were lower. And now where are we heading? Everything just gets worse and worse." Either " How could I be so wrong? You didn't have to do that! Now I regret it all my life ... How to turn the page, how to start living from scratch?

We are talking about people who by nature have an anal vector (terminology of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, read more about the system of vectors in the article "8 vectors".

It is the gnawing feeling that mistakes have been made in the past that engenders in the mind of the anal person the idea of ​​taking all this and forgetting it all at once. After all, in fact, the question is “how to start life from scratch?” - this is not a question, but simply a desire to cross out past oversights.

Subconsciously, we understand that it is impossible to “start from scratch”, because it contradicts the nature of the anal vector. Aspiring to the past, possessing an excellent memory, he cannot turn around at one moment, neglect everything that was and go forward without looking back. That doesn't happen. And even if it happened by some miracle, it would bring incredible suffering, much more than a person feels from the remorse of what he did in the past.

Start the year with a clean slate? Is it necessary?

Of course, you always want to get rid of what hurts. But in the case of the anal vector, the mistakes of the past are only a seeming reason for heartache. The real reason is that the past does not provide analytical experience, looping a person on the same mistakes. It is because of this that there is a feeling of some kind of constant, incessant dance on the same rake, and the future life is seen exclusively in pessimistic colors. Yes, occasionally there is a glimpse of the thought “to start living from scratch”, but this does not change anything. Everything stays the same year after year.

The only way to stop suffering from your own past is to become aware of it, analyze it, draw correct conclusions from it., that is turn the past into useful experience. Most often, this does not work for us due to the elementary reason for not understanding ourselves and our desires, and to the same extent - the desires and characteristics of other people, conflicts with which cause the most pain.

Only an accurate, reliable, verified analysis of why something is happening in our lives gives relief. This is how experience is created, and at the very moment when we apply it to life, it gives tremendous relief and fulfillment. Even more - when we share experience with other people, transfer to the future.

By correctly applying the past as a good experience (and there is simply no bad experience, by definition), we get a colossal fulfillment of our desires. And then the thought will never even enter your head - how to turn the page and start life from scratch, all over again.

Life cannot be started from scratch, but much more can be

Not a single person in the world can mark his past, forget it, cross it out and just start life from scratch. This happens only with brain damage and amnesia, but such a scenario of life causes nothing but sympathy.

You should not be afraid of your past or deny it. On the contrary, you need to make a 180-degree turn and boldly look into your past. Take it apart piece by piece, remember all the grievances and feelings of guilt, all the troubles and punctures, but not from scratch, but with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology. This knowledge has already provided a foothold for thousands of people around the world. Read and watch their reviews at this link.

System-vector psychology is now available to everyone in the form of very interesting lectures accessible to literally anyone. Introductory part - absolutely free, to pass it, you just need to register and receive an invitation for the next dates. It can be done

AT New Year I want to enter, not only freed from work debts or unfinished business, but also starting life as if from a clean slate. At the same time, in order to “reboot” yourself, it is not at all necessary to quit your job or radically change your image. All you have to do is listen to our advice.

On this topic

Before you start life from scratch, you need to understand that the "past" life does not suit you. This is what will be the main impetus for change - the irrepressible desire for these changes. It may arise due to the fact that you feel uncomfortable in the environment in which you live. You can name more local reasons that make a person feel the need to change his life. It can be an unloved job that only pumps out a resource without replenishing it in return with the joy of goals achieved, plans fulfilled, or the process itself. Relationships in which you no longer feel loved, which it’s time to break off, but you can’t decide because of certain fears, can also be the reason for the desire to change own life. Together with the psychologists of the Secrets family and sexual education center, we made sure that your transition to a new life was done correctly.

Step One - Desire

We have already said that the path to change is based on the desire to change. In order to start life from scratch, you need to understand that this desire is stronger than all the fears that can go hand in hand with life changes. For example, dismissal from an unloved job may be accompanied by a long search and a temporary (perhaps quite long) absence of a new job; the termination of a relationship in which you have been a member for several years may be associated with a fear of loneliness; moving from one city to another may be associated with financial problems. There is always something we are afraid of. And this fear very often acts as a limitation for our desire, preventing us from taking the most difficult step on the path to change - the first step.

Step Two - Ask yourself what will get you started on the path to change.

- Complete all unfinished business. You can not start a new life, leaving the old things unresolved. Finish the book that you haven’t finished reading for a long time, fulfill all the promises you made - in general, do everything that is unfinished that is in your “past” life.

- Do the cleaning. This is the most banal, but very valuable advice, which implies that you have to put things in order not only at home, but also in your own head. Get rid of all old and unnecessary things (clothes can be handed over to second-hand, furniture can be returned to the store and get a discount on buying a new one). All things that cause you negative emotions, memories or that you do not want to see anymore, will need to be removed from the apartment. And do not put it somewhere on the balcony or on the mezzanine - this will only create the appearance of change.

- Leave the past in the past. Whether it's an ex-partner who regularly calls you, or a colleague from work who stuffs herself into girlfriends and whispers behind your back. All the people that you would not want to see next to you in a new life must be left in the past: stop answering calls, go into open ignoring mode, stop thinking about these people.

- Define a clear goal that you want to achieve in the course of change. Highlight the most important thing that you want to get from these changes. It could be new job, new relationships, it can be a guide to certain values ​​​​- love, a sense of happiness, restoration of physical or psychological health.

- Visualize the dream. You must not only understand what you are going to, but also see it, imagine it in the brightest colors. This is one of the methods of neuro-linguistic programming - to tune in to a deliberately positive result and move towards the goal with complete self-confidence.

New Year's Eve and new year holidays- this is a great time for a change. Psychologically, we perceive the offensive next year as a worthy occasion for setting global goals, completing old cases and emotional “zeroing”. In order to really change your life, do not put off the first steps, start acting immediately, do not be lazy and believe in yourself.

Exercises to help you get started:

    Summarizing. Very often a person has a desire to take stock of the "past" life before starting a new one. This is a good technique that will help not only find unnecessary reasons for change, but also set new goals and plans.

    Wish collage. This technique helps in the process of visualizing a dream or goal. First, make a list of wishes that you want to fulfill. Then, armed with whatman paper, paste on it pictures, clippings or articles from magazines that you associate with a specific desire. The collage must be hung in a conspicuous place so that it is constantly in front of your eyes. This will help you remember what you want to strive for.

And finally: in any business, attitude is very important. Approach change with determination, courage and confidence. You should feel the joy of change and the sense of fulfillment that comes with completing tasks and achieving goals.