Presentation of bad habits and the fight against them. Presentation on the topic: "Bad habits and the fight against them" - PowerPoint PPT Presentation. Presentation on the topic: "Bad habits and the fight against them"

What is a bad habit? A bad habit is automatically
repeated action, and
action is harmful from the point of view
public good, environment or health
the person himself.
Bad habits are not useful or directly
harmful. Such automatic actions
appear due to weakness of will. If a person is not
can exercise the willpower to commit
progressive action, then it falls under
force of habit that returns him to the old
rut, habitual action.

Bad habits include the following:

substance abuse;
addiction, or gambling;
shopping addiction - "obsessive shopping
addiction, or oniomania.

A bad habit can be seen as a disease
or pathological addiction. But along with
bad habits there are bad habits
actions that cannot be considered as a disease,
but which arise from imbalance
nervous system.
Bad actions include
such as:
bite your nails;
pick one's nose;
chew on a pencil or pen;
shake your leg while talking;
fiddling with the interlocutor's clothes, etc.


Alcoholism is a disease
type of substance abuse
to alcohol (ethyl alcohol),
mental and physical addiction
get rid of him Alcoholism
characterized by a loss of control
the amount of alcohol you drink,
increasing tolerance to alcohol
(increasing doses of alcohol,
required to achieve
satisfaction), withdrawal symptoms
syndrome (hangover),
toxic damage to organs, and
also memory lapses
specific events that took place in
period of intoxication.
People suffering from alcoholism
often referred to as "alcoholics". In XIX
century, it was found that
alcoholism is on the rise.

Prevention of alcoholism.

Prevention of alcoholism is a complex of measures,
aimed at eradicating people
pathological dependence on alcohol.
The main methods of such prevention are
explanatory work on the effect of alcohol on
body and the reasons for the development of alcohol
addiction, symptoms of alcoholism, and
the formation of negative attitudes towards
alcohol. Preventive measures include
limiting the production, sale and use
alcoholic beverages, as well as measures from
states, medical institutions, psychologists,
families and schools aimed at combating development

Consequences of alcoholism:


Drug addiction is a chronic progressive disease
caused by drug use.
Different drugs cause different addictions. Alone
drugs are highly addictive, but
do not cause physical dependence. Others, on the contrary,
cause strong physical dependence. many drugs
cause both physical and psychological dependence.

Prevention of drug addiction.

Prevention (prevention) of drug addiction is an activity,
aimed at preventing the initiation
to drugs and coping
drug use.
At the state level, drug prevention
dependencies are declared as a two-component system,
including measures to limit the spread
drugs and anti-drug propaganda,
funded mass media and
social institutions. The persons to whom they are directed
or other preventive measures are called targeted
prevention groups. Each one is high
susceptible to one preventive measures and less
or not at all receptive to others. Strategy
drug prevention is due to the complex
the etiology of this phenomenon. In the specialized literature
identify hundreds of factors of formation and development
addictions that act on the individual,
group and macrosocial levels. Preventive
measures are to counteract these factors.


Smoking - pyrolytic inhalation
(smoke inhalation) drugs,
predominantly vegetable
origin, smoldering in the stream
inhaled air, in order to
saturation with the active substances contained in them
substances by sublimation and
subsequent absorption in the lungs
airways. Typically applied
for the use of smoking mixtures,
with narcotic properties
(tobacco, hashish, marijuana, opium, crack etc.)
due to fast delivery
saturated with psychoactive
blood substances to the brain.
the word smoking or burning [ denotes
burning or evaporating incense and
aromatic substances used in
religious rituals, in aromatherapy and for
air aromatization.

Consequences of addiction:

Smoking prevention.

Numerous studies have shown that
that smoking damages almost all systems
human body and is a habit,
which is difficult to get rid of even with a professional
the help of a specialist. Smoking causes
physiological and psychological dependence and
has a close relationship with social and cultural
Smoking prevention is the most important
moment in the fight against nicotine addiction.
Because it's much easier to convince a person not to start
smoking than to wean a heavy smoker from harmful
habits. And the sooner you start prevention, the higher
will be its effectiveness. And, of course, events
smoking prevention should not be carried out for
"ticks", but be carried out regularly, and such
conduct classes from kindergarten and then in schools.
After all, it is known that life values ​​are formed
start in early childhood.

Consequences of smoking:

Substance abuse.

Substance abuse - collection
painful conditions,
characterized by passion and
addiction to medication
agents and other substances not included
to drugs. Are characterized
chronic intoxication, the presence
syndromes of mental and/or
physical addiction. biomedical differences between
substance abuse and drug addiction
A common type of substance abuse is
the use of household and industrial chemicals. This
species is more common among children and adolescents and is
social problem, sometimes called "children's
addiction." This type of substance abuse is usually
inhalation of fumes of varnishes, paints, ether, gasoline,
certain types of glue (popular among drug addicts
are adhesives containing toluene in their composition.

Gambling addiction, or gambling addiction.

Gambling addiction, ludomania, gambling addiction or
pathological gambling - these terms are called
mental disorder, which is based on
pathological attraction to gambling (casino games,
gaming and computer clubs, betting shops
sports betting, etc.). According to the international classification
diseases, the main symptom is constantly
repetitive gambling that is ongoing,
often deepens, despite the social consequences,
such as impoverishment, destruction of family and personal
Gamblers are people inclined only to easy money, but
it is not always so. The players are businesslike,
competitiveness. Their constant occupation
to assert oneself in one's own and other people's eyes, to prove
that they are better, stronger, more talented than others. Their self-esteem
determined by how capable they are of achieving
high results. Only success makes them feel
fullness of life, self-realization.

Shopping mania - "obsessive shopping addiction", or oniomania.

Shopping mania, shopaholism - colloquial synonyms
clinical term "oniomania". This disorder
every tenth person suffers big city. Women
among them more, while men often buy more
expensive and status things that are not used later -
gadgets, cars and even houses.
Like other addictions, this one regularly leads to
disappointments. Sometimes when you leave the store you feel
approaching the so-called post-shopping depression:
I am not happy with what I have purchased, I want to go back and buy something

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  • contributing to the prevention of the formation of bad habits in children;
  • development in adolescents of a conscious rejection of bad habits as a way of influencing their personality;
  • the formation of students' need for a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their own health.

Preparatory work: In a week, announce to students about the class hour and about the drawing competition on the topic “Say no!”

Equipment: presentation, handout, sheets of red and green colors.

Class hour progress

Main part. Guys, you all know that the most important need of every person in modern society is to strengthen and maintain health, well-being and mood, high performance, creative longevity.

Question: What factors do you think affect our health. (children's answers)

One of the most effective and affordable means of meeting this need is to comply with healthy lifestyle life, giving up bad habits.

A habit is something that we invariably repeat day after day, unlike our mistakes, from which we learn.

Habits are harmful, bad, unreasonable and sometimes dangerous. The first habits take their origins from childhood. The most unpleasant thing in our life is bad habits. We know. That they are bad, and often we can’t do anything with ourselves - we’re used to it!

What is a bad habit? ( guys give the concept of "bad habit")

A bad habit is an action that is automatically repeated many times, and this action is harmful from the point of view of the public good, those around you or the health of the person who has fallen under the bondage of a bad habit.

Bad habits are not useful or directly harmful. Such automatic actions are manifested due to the weakness of the will. If a person cannot exercise the will power to take progressive action, then he falls under the force of habit, which brings him back into the old rut, habitual action.

A habitual action is a habit. But, on the one hand, there are good, useful habits and manners, and, on the other hand, there are bad or harmful habits.

Good habits we can call such as:

  • observe daily regime,
  • do exercises in the morning,
  • wash hands before eating,
  • clean up after yourself all things in place,
  • brush your teeth every day
  • proper nutrition, etc.

Proper implementation of the regimen, the alternation of physical activity and rest are necessary. They improve performance, discipline a person, strengthen his health.

A bad habit can be considered as a disease or pathological addiction. But along with bad habits, there are unprofitable actions that cannot be considered as a disease, but which arise due to the imbalance of the nervous system.

Bad habits include the following:

Here is just a small list of bad habits that prevent us from living and sometimes create conflicts.

Let's characterize some of them.

Alcoholism- the most common bad habit, often turns into a serious disease, characterized by a painful addiction to alcohol (ethyl alcohol), with mental and physical dependence on it, accompanied by the systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages despite the negative consequences.

Question: Why is drinking harmful? (Answers of children: it has a detrimental effect on the brain; speech becomes fuzzy, incomprehensible; uneven gait; waking up after taking a large dose of alcohol, a person experiences weakness, weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, dry mouth and increased thirst; decreased performance, etc.) Drunkenness leads to car accidents, crimes, industrial accidents.

Addiction- a chronic progressive (development of the disease with an increase in symptoms) disease caused by the use of drug substances.

Different drugs cause different addictions. Some drugs cause strong psychological dependence, but do not cause physical dependence. Others, on the contrary, cause a strong physical dependence. Many drugs cause both physical and psychological dependence.

A distinction is made between positive attachment - taking a drug to achieve a pleasant effect (euphoria, a feeling of cheerfulness, increased mood) and negative attachment - taking a drug in order to get rid of tension and feeling unwell. Physical dependence means painful and even painful sensations, a painful condition during a break in the constant use of drugs (the so-called withdrawal syndrome, withdrawal). These sensations are temporarily relieved by the resumption of drug use.

Smoking- inhalation of the smoke of preparations, mainly of plant origin, smoldering in the inhaled air stream, in order to saturate the body with the active substances contained in them by sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract.

Question. Why do people try to smoke? (Children's answers: for the company, they want to seem like adults, etc.)

Gambling addiction is a supposed form of psychological dependence, manifested in an obsessive passion for video games and computer games, as well as gambling addiction - a pathological addiction to gambling consists in frequent repeated episodes of gambling that dominate a person's life and lead to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values, such a person does not pay due attention to his duties in these areas.

TV addiction. Television has become the most common way to escape from oneself into the world of illusions. It has entered the life of almost every modern person, has become a familiar companion of his life.

According to statistics, on average, each person spends about 3 hours a day in front of the TV. This is about half of his free time and about 9 years of each life.

Internet addiction is a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but its status is still at an unofficial level.

The main 6 types of internet addiction are:

1. Obsessive web surfing - endless travel through world wide web, search for information.

2. Addicted to virtual communication and virtual acquaintances - large volumes of correspondence, constant participation in chat rooms, web forums, redundancy of acquaintances and friends on the Web.

3. Game addiction - an obsessive passion for computer games over the network.

4. Obsessive financial need - online gambling, unnecessary purchases in online stores or constant participation in online auctions.

5. Addiction to watching movies via the Internet, when the patient can spend the whole day in front of the screen without breaking off due to the fact that you can watch almost any movie or program on the network.

6. Cybersex addiction - an obsessive attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex.

Question: Do you have any addictions: television, Internet, gaming (children's answers)

Nail biting habit. Science still doesn't know what makes people bite their nails. Although there are a lot of theories trying to explain why people bite their nails: from thoughtfulness to tension. One of the most common theories is that nail biting is caused by stress. They chew to relax, they chew to think better, they chew when they're nervous.

Technomania. The desire to constantly update existing phones, computers, televisions and household appliances, to buy more and more new and improved models. The constant need to purchase new phone models is not uncommon. As a rule, this is justified by several new features, updated menu design, etc. The same is true for other technology. This dependence has also become a disease that leads to depression, nervous breakdowns if there is no financial or any other opportunity to acquire the desired thing.

Question: What bad habits do you have and how do you deal with them? ( take turns naming their bad habits

Most importantly, try to find the reasons for this habit.

If you have already decided to give up bad habits, in no case give yourself concessions.

The fight against bad habits is a matter that almost every person should do (all of us, alas, are imperfect). Let's outline the basic principles for getting rid of unproductive patterns of behavior.

Wean yourself

  • Motivate yourself
  • Self-organize yourself
  • Motivate others to organize you (find yourself a “shepherd”)

Wean others

  • or wean him at all so that he does not do this anywhere and never,
  • so that he does not do something near you.

At the same time, it is one thing to wean strangers, another thing to wean loved ones, while weaning our children is another thing than weaning our parents.

After all, human health is a vital value, it consists of many interconnected components. What can and cannot be done to keep you healthy?

Practical part. Write down your bad and good habits on a piece of paper. Good habits must be written on green sheets, bad habits on red sheets.

Then sheets with bad habits crumple and throw in the trash can.

So we will take the first step from getting rid of habits.

Today we learned what bad habits a person has and how to deal with them. Be careful with bad habits, they often lead to adverse consequences, or are harbingers of serious diseases.

In the end, guys, I want to give you a healthy lifestyle scheme

Try to follow this health scheme, and you will keep your youth and beauty for many years. Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one will take care of you better than yourself.

Name: Presentation "Bad habits and their prevention."
Golubenko T.N.
Year: 2011
Slides: 44
Format: presentation in ppt format (rar archive)
Size: 4.05 Mb
Quality: excellent
Scope of application: class hours, prevention of bad habits - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, eating behavior deviations.

« Bad habits” are common actions that people repeat over and over again, despite the fact that they are not useful and even harmful.

Many bad habits are addictive in nature, that is, a person knows about the dangers of the habit, but cannot get rid of it because it brings short-term pleasure or relief.

Presentation "Bad habits and their prevention" content:

  • Alcoholism
  • Alcohol defeat internal organs
  • Let's talk about alcohol
  • Is it possible to warm up quickly with the help of alcohol?
  • Does alcohol increase appetite?
  • Does alcohol improve performance?
  • Does alcohol lower blood pressure?
  • Quality alcohol: harm or benefit?
  • Is alcohol a cure for a cold?
  • Smoking
  • Smoking is one of the worst habits.
  • The smoke of tobacco contains more; 30 poisonous substances
  • About the dangers of smoking
  • You should know it!
  • Public policy
  • Positive changes in smoking cessation
  • Proper Advertising
  • Food
  • Improper nutrition
  • Nutrition and varicose veins
  • Nutrition and Cancer
  • Diseases caused by digestive problems
  • Unnatural food ingredients
  • Nutrition and nervous activity
  • Trendy diets
  • Anabolic addiction
  • Addiction
  • Narcotic substances
  • Addiction
  • official statistics
  • Healthy lifestyle

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N. A. Guseva

The book discusses the theory and practice of psychological work with children of primary school age on the prevention of smoking and abuse of alcohol and drugs. A brief outline of the theory and history of development is given. preventive work, new ones are justified, modern approaches for preventive activities in educational institution. The author's program for the prevention of substance abuse is presented.

The book will be useful to psychologists, educators, social workers, as well as parents and all those who are interested in this problem.

G. G. Kulinich

Toolkit offers detailed developments of thematic class hours and parent meetings, focused on the prevention of bad habits and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren in grades 5-7. In addition to scenarios of events, the publication contains a variety of questionnaires, questionnaires, tests, thematic dramatizations; recommendations on psychological and pedagogical work with children and their parents; practical advice parents on competent coverage in communicating with children of the harm of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction.

The manual is addressed to class teachers, school psychologists, deputy directors for educational work, as well as teachers additional education and social educators.

Gambling addiction, ludomania, gambling addiction or pathological gambling - these terms are called a mental disorder, which is based on a pathological craving for gambling (games in casinos, gaming and computer clubs, bookmakers "sports betting", etc.). According to the international classification of diseases, the main symptom is the constantly recurring participation in gambling, which continues, often deepens, despite the social consequences, such as impoverishment, the destruction of family and personal life. Gamblers are people who are only prone to easy money, but this is not always the case. The players are businesslike, competitive. Their constant occupation is to assert themselves in their own and other people's eyes, to prove that they are better, stronger, more talented than others. Their self-esteem is determined by how capable they are of achieving high results. Only success gives them a sense of fullness of life, self-realization.

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Presentation on theme: "Bad habits and fighting them." The presentation was prepared by a student of the 8th "B" class Ivanycheva Olga. Bad habits. The main factors that negatively affect health are: Taking drugs. Alcohol consumption. Smoking. The consequences of smoking.

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Presentation on the topic: "Bad habits and the fight against them"

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Presentation Transcript

    Habits and the fight against them "The presentation was prepared by a student of the 8" B "class Ivanycheva Olga

    The main factors negatively affecting health are: Drug use Alcohol use Smoking

    Expressed changes in organs; Lungs' cancer; Violation of the cardiovascular system, etc.

    Smoke and its effects

    Alcohol abuse Systematic use of alcohol. Gender (women drink faster). Drinking parents. Age (every second alcoholic started drinking before the age of 14). Neuropsychiatric disorders: epilepsy, hysteria, neuroses. Risk factors Alcohol abuse Consequences In more than half of all homicides, the attacker, or the victim, or both, was intoxicated. Approximately two-thirds of cases of violence in the family are somehow related to alcohol abuse. The life expectancy of heavy drinkers is shortened by an average of fifteen years. Alcoholism dramatically reduces the quality of life of someone who suffers from this defect. About 10% of the annual number of deaths is related to alcoholism. Alcohol is involved in about half of all road accidents.

    Taking drugs Damage to the immune system - reduced immunity, metabolic disorders, a high probability of infection with infectious hepatitis and HIV (AIDS) Damage to the central nervous system. In this case, there are: mental dependence, depression, acute psychosis. Damage to the reproductive system: menstruation stops in women, infertility occurs, impotence develops in men. Disorders that appear after 3 months of use Effects of drugs on health Disorders that appear later High mortality from overdose. Shortening life by 20-25 years. Paleness, loss of skin elasticity, stratification of nails, hair loss, weight loss. Weakness of the myocardium with an increased likelihood of heart attack and stroke.