Presentation on the topic all professions are needed. Presentation for the class hour on the topic: "All professions are important, all professions are needed." Watch the stars move

1. Game "Let's say hello" in order to relieve muscle tension, switch attention to educational activities.

At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to randomly move around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way (and it is possible that one of the children will specifically seek to say hello to the one who usually does not pay attention to him). You need to say hello in a certain way:

1 clap - shake hands;

2 claps - greet with shoulders;

3 claps - greet with backs.

For the completeness of tactile sensations and the mood for the upcoming lesson, it is desirable to introduce a ban on talking during this game.

2. Definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson. _To determine what our lesson is about, listen to the song. So what is our job. What professions are mentioned in the song?

Read the topic of our lesson, the epigraph to it. Today we have a general lesson on the topic: "Professions". We have been talking about professions for several lessons. Completed projects, made drawings.

What is a profession? (Profession - kind labor activity, an occupation that requires special theoretical knowledge and practical skills and is usually a source of livelihood. - The choice of a profession depends on how your future life will turn out. The hour is not far off when you will have a choice - what profession to get. The world of professions is huge and has more than 40 thousand, and many of them appear and disappear or change at the same time every year. - What do you need to get a good profession? Today, while you are sitting at your desk, the main thing for you is to gain knowledge, which will be your base and capital for your entire future life. Now we will find out what conditions must be met in order to choose the right profession. four. Training "Hand of fate" ( slide 3)

Purpose of the training: show the participants the consequences of a random choice of profession.

In the last lesson, you wrote on the slips of paper what professions you would like to choose. I put these leaves in this box yesterday. They got mixed up. We take the leaves and read what profession you got. (Look at emotions.)

So, we all see that the random choice of profession is not so pleasant for you!

So let's think about what is needed for a good choice?

This is very important, because often the choice of a profession occurs at the level of intuition, and even under the influence of mood, superficial impressions, parental whims, through trial and error.

Teacher: So what should be the conditions for choosing a profession?

Conditions for choosing a profession slide 4)

I want ————my desires

Can————-Abilities and Opportunities

It is necessary————–the demand for the profession


5. Game "Is it true?" (If it's true, we clap; if it's not true, we stomp.)
Now tell me, is it true...
– that an agronomist milks a cow?
– that the taxi driver transports people?
- that the stoker heats the stove?
- that a pig farm treats piglets?
– that the painter paints the walls?
– that the conductor sells tickets?
- What does the stewardess do manicure?
– that a plumber fixes faucets?
– that the clown works in the shop?
– that the model demonstrates clothes?
- that the confectioner bakes cakes and pastries?
– that the accountant performs drawings?
– that the tour guide delivers the mail?
– that the gardener takes care of the garden?
- that the policeman catches the bandits?
What does a carpenter do
- that the beekeeper breeds rabbits?
- that a grain grower grows bread?

6. Practical part.

In the last lesson, you drew what you dream of becoming. Someone comes to me who dreamed of becoming a cook, florist, builder, music teacher, doctor, hairdresser. Now they will try to fulfill their dream. A cook prepares a salad, a florist takes care of flowers, a builder builds a house out of blocks, a music teacher has to learn a song with a student, a doctor puts on a bandage, a boy has a sprained knee, a hairdresser does his hair. While they work, we will play with you.

Now we will game "Who knows more professions?".

How many professions do you know! And, of course, you know that the profession over time leaves some kind of imprint on appearance man, his behavior, even his character. But on the other hand, there is a calling that is given to a person from birth. They say that artists, teachers and doctors are not made, but born.

Now let's play "Guess the profession."

Those who wish, I will distribute cards with the profession indicated there. You cannot show the contents of the card to classmates.

Exercise: it is necessary to depict the profession indicated in the card using gestures and facial expressions, without words. Children must guess what profession they are shown.

( Carpenter, juggler, plasterer, milkmaid, seamstress, doctor, artist, singer, hairdresser, photographer)


"If you want it, then do it!"

1. If you want to be a guitarist, do this...

If you want to become a pianist, do this...

2. If you want to become a painter, then do this ...

If you want to be a chef, then do so ...

If you like it, then show others

If you like it then do it...

3. If you want to be an athlete, do this...

If you want to be an artist, do this...

If you like it, then show others

If you like it then do it...

And now you will answer questions with elements of humor. (Slides 7-14)

Name professions:

7. The most sociable (journalist, tour guide, coach, teacher, mass entertainer ...)

8. Tree of success.

Teacher: There is a tree of success on the blackboard. You have papers on the tables. Write in them what you want to earn in the future. We go out to the board and stick our leaf on the tree and say that you want to earn money.

- What do you think, in order for your dream to come true, what words will help us.

Choose words: Labor, laziness, work, boredom, profession, need, activity, poverty, business, success, diligence, hunger, diligence.

Lesson summary .

Teacher: Guys, our acquaintance with the world of professions within the framework of the lesson is coming to an end. It's time for the last task.

Choose a leaf according to the color of your mood at the end of the lesson: red - like it, green - no

Teacher: See with what good mood we've finished the job! Summing up, I would like to say:

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky :

“If you choose your work well and

put your whole soul into it,

then happiness will find you.”

This concludes our lesson. Huge Thanks, you guys Tell me guys, what is your most main job now? (study)

, , . .

This class hour will introduce children to the diversity of the world of professions, assist in professional self-determination, help avoid mistakes in choosing a profession, and involve them in a discussion in order not to leave indifferent to the topic. How do people choose their future profession? What helps them in this? What should serve as a guide in the complex world of professions? What value orientations and personality traits are necessary when choosing a profession?

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "Choice of profession". The event is held in middle and high school. The class hour is held to help students decide on the choice of their future profession.

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "Choosing a profession is a serious matter." This event is for 9th grade students. The purpose of the class hour is to give students an idea of ​​the basics of professional self-determination.

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "All professions are important, all professions are needed." The event is held in 8th grade. The purpose of the classroom hour is to show students the value of work activities.

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "In search of a future profession." The event is held in high school. The class hour is held in order to help schoolchildren decide on their future profession, to tell what human qualities are necessary for which profession.

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "You and your future profession". The event is held in middle and high school. The purpose of the classroom hour is to give students an idea of ​​various professions, to help identify abilities for a particular type of activity.

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "Vocational Guidance of Students". The event is held in middle and high school. The class hour is held to tell students about modern professions.

One of the main tasks preschool education- the formation of a positive attitude towards work and primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person. For this, it is very important for a preschooler to develop interest in various professions. It is necessary to acquaint children with the professions that are in demand in modern society.

Modern information and communication technologies make it possible to expand the scope educational process. Children in preschool age have involuntary attention; they cannot consciously try to remember this or that material. And if the material is bright and meaningful, the child involuntarily pays attention to it. And here the presentation is simply indispensable. Information is presented in an attractive way, and the presence of a surprise moment in the form of animation speeds up the process of memorizing the content, making it meaningful and long-term. Computer presentation provides an opportunity to present visual material in a new way.

The computer, being the most modern instrument for information processing, can also serve as a powerful technical means in learning and contribute to the development of the child's integrative qualities, such as: curiosity, activity, the ability to solve intellectual and personal tasks that are appropriate for age. The presentation can be used directly educational activities and in joint activities teacher with children.

Target: Clarify and summarize children's ideas about professions.


  1. Understand the importance of the profession in people's lives.
  2. To cultivate respect for the results of people's work different professions.
  3. Development monologue speech children (speech-reasoning; speech-proof).
  4. Development of elements of logical thinking.
  5. To consolidate the ability of children to perform sound-letter analysis of words.
  6. Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Preliminary work:

  • Reviewing the albums "Professions of parents".
  • Consideration of illustrations about professions and the results of the work of people of different professions.
  • Poem learning and reading fiction about professions.
  • Didactic and plot-role-playing games on the topic.

Materials: a computer; screen; multimedia projector; presentation; shoulder bags; chips for sound-letter analysis of words.

Lesson progress

Educator: “Look, children, our guest is the mouse Pro. He has an unusual name. Name words similar to the name of a mouse.

Children's answers: "Profession, professionals."

Educator: “Why do you think the mouse is called Profi?”

Children's answers: "His name is similar to the word profession, and he probably knows how to do everything well."

caregiver: "What sound does the name Pro begin with?"

Children's answer: "From the sound<П>».

Educator: "The names of what professions begin with this sound?".

Children's answers: "Postman, hairdresser, baker, programmer, teacher, cook."

Educator: “Profi Mouse invites you on a journey through the world of professions. The people of what profession are the images that you see now on the screen.

Slide #3- Profession driver.

(After the children name the profession, by clicking the mouse, a photograph of a person of this profession appears on the screen).

Questions for the slide:

What is the driver doing? What qualities should he have? (Children explain what you need to know and be able to be a driver)

Slide #4- the profession of a teacher.

Slide #5- Profession ship captain.

Slide #6- Profession programmer.

Slide number 7- Profession astronaut.

Educator: “Profi Mouse invites us to play a game: “Guess the profession by movements.”

Game progress:

Children are divided into two teams, each team chooses a profession for itself and shows some actions by which the other team guesses the hidden profession. Then they change places.

Educator: The next task of the mouse Pro: “What is superfluous?”.

Slide number 8.

(Together with the mouse Pro, children examine objects and find an extra one. On mouse click on the screen, this item disappears..)

Educator: “Profi Mouse offers to solve a crossword puzzle about people's professions. The pro has prepared riddles for you, and I will read them! You guess the riddles, and if the answer is correct, it will appear on the screen!

Slide number 9.

(The answer to the crossword puzzle appears on the screen with a mouse click..)

Tell me who's so delicious

cooks cabbage soup,

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? ( Cook)

Brushes, paints and easel:

I'm painting a portrait of my mother

For the art gallery

Guess me soon! ( Painter)

Who teaches children to read and write,

Love nature, respect the elderly? ( Teacher)

Who lifts dumbbells

Runs fast, shoots well?

What is one name for all of them? (Athletes)

He is not an artist, but paint

Smells invariably

According to the pictures, he is not a master -

He is a master of walls! ( Painter)

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And how to be treated, he tells everyone,

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk! ( Doctor)

All roads are familiar to me

I feel at home in the cockpit.

Traffic lights bother me

He knows that I... ( Chauffeur)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He is not driving a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who say it? ( Astronaut)

We build a house out of bricks

To laugh the sun in it.

To higher, to wider,

There were rooms in the apartment! ( Builder)

Educator: “Mouse Profi painted pictures, but mixed up the professions of people. Find these mistakes and tell what he mixed up.

Slide #10

Educator: “The pro drew tools for people of different professions, but did not finish some details. Determine what is missing from each item.

Slide #11

Educator: “We talked about different professions, which profession did you like the most and why?” (Answers of children).

Teacher: What would you like to be when you grow up? (Answers of children).

Educator: "Take the chips from your purse and make a sound-letter analysis of the profession that you have named."

Educator: “Well done, you all did a great job.

Lots of work on the ground
Everyone try hunting.
To have a profession
You have to overcome laziness.
It's very good to study."
To be proud of you.

Mouse Profi thanks you for all the tasks you have completed and says goodbye to you.

Application: Presentation "All professions are important, all professions are needed" (with animation)

Educator MBDOU

"Selective Kindergarten"

Lgovsky district, Kursk region

Project on

All professions are needed

All professions are important

in the group of senior preschool age

All professions are important!

All professions are needed!

There are many professions in the world

They are impossible to count.

Many people are needed today

Both relevant and important.

And you better grow up

Master the profession!

Try to be the first in business

And to benefit people!

Project type: creative, informational, short-term;

Project participants: children senior group, educators, parents

Children's age: 5-7 years old

Deadline: 2 months (April-May)

Project relevance:

Familiarization with professions already at preschool age ensures the further entry of the child into the modern world, familiarizing him with values, satisfaction and development of cognitive interests.

The formation of children's ideas about the world of work and professions is a necessary process that is relevant in the modern world. And it is necessary to start acquaintance with professions from the family: from mom and dad, grandparents. It is very important to introduce the child to professions, to talk about the characteristic qualities that this or that profession requires. An in-depth study of professions through the professions of their parents contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work. Right choice profession determines success in life.

Objective of the project.

Expansion of ideas about professions, tools, labor activities. Formation of cognitive interest in various professions, in particular, in the professions of parents and their place of work. To expand ideas about the work of people of different professions, to show the results of labor, their social significance, to cultivate respect for working people, the desire to work.

Project tasks.

To expand children's understanding of the variety of professions, specific labor activities.

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

Determine the importance of professions.

To form a generalized concept of "profession", to enrich the active vocabulary.

Develop attention, memory, thinking.

To cultivate positive motivation for learning, respect for the work of adults.

To create conditions for expanding children's ideas about professions.

Encourage children to interact with adults.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage.

1. Setting goals and objectives.

2. Development of a card index of didactic games, finger games on the topic "Professions".

3. Selection of fiction, poems, riddles, albums with illustrations about professions.

4. Selection board games on this topic.

5. Preparation of information for parents.

6. Development of class notes.

7. Preparation of presentations on the topic.

Main stage:

Conducting NOD.

Playing out didactic and outdoor games on the topic.

Speech development: conversations, work on pictures, work with a dictionary, with proverbs and sayings about work.

Reading fiction about professions, highlighting the main meaning of the work, the ability to ask questions about the text.

Productive activities: drawing, designing, modeling, applique.

Joint activities of the educator with children: the production of educational and didactic aids (didactic games, demonstration material, folders).

Replenishment and updating of game zones.

Tour of the kindergarten.

Conversations about the professions of parents: "All work is honored".

Compilation of stories on the topic "Professions".

Memorizing a poem: Mayakovsky "Who to be?"

Finger games: "The circus", "Postman", "Professions",


Review of albums on the topic.

Role-playing games: "Score", "Salon",


Viewing presentations "Professions".

Outdoor games: "Airplane", "Border guards".

Compilation of stories about the professions of parents.

Reading Literature: "Where did the table come from" Marshak,

V. Lifshits "And we will work",

"Let's go to work" M. Poznanskaya,

I. Turchin "Man is sick",

S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa is a policeman".

Solving riddles on the topic.

The final stage.

Album art "Professions of our parents".

Interview children "What I Dream of Being".

Image Library "Professions".

Exhibition of children's works What do I dream of being»

Interaction with parents

Questionnaire for parents "Me and my profession".

Replenishment of play areas (doll house, study area).

Preparation of a presentation on the topic "Profession".

Advice for parents.

Estimated outcome of the project:

Children will become more deeply acquainted with such professions as: doctor, cook, baker, policeman, seamstress, driver, veterinarian, military professions.

Understand the meaning of the word "profession".

The quality of children's speech will improve through the formation of the ability to independently talk about people of different professions.

They will be able to independently organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about professions.

The respectful attitude towards parents, as representatives of different professions, will increase.

Internet resource:

  • boy with a book
  • world of professions
  • profession picture
  • profession picture 2
  • girl