Formation of coherent monologue speech of elementary school students with speech disorders. Teaching Dialogic Speech Presentations Dialogic Speech Development in Primary School

Mastering dialogue speech occupies an important place in the system of work on the development of children's communication skills. How to develop a desire for communication in a child, which the teacher needs to pay special attention to when teaching children how to conduct a dialogue - says the author of the article.

Today it has become commonplace to say that children need to develop general educational skills (or universal learning activities (ULA), key competencies), among which communicative ones are especially distinguished. The presence of well-formed communication skills means well-developed speech, the ability to enter into a dialogue, work in a group, express one’s point of view and defend it, accept someone else’s point of view, etc. Much attention is paid to this in the learning process, but the fact remains that graduates Most schools do not have these skills.

In order for the listed skills to be formed in the child, teachers work hard on the development of speech. They are convinced that if this activity is successful, then the ability to listen, argue, make arguments, distribute roles in the group will arise by itself. The teacher is sure that by working on the vocabulary and development of coherent speech of children, he will be able to bring them to the level of free communication in dialogue. At the same time, the teacher hopes for the active participation of children in the dialogue, independence in judgments, reflection, but, alas, we observe the opposite. Why? Probably, the objective reasons lie in the inability of children to interact with each other, to participate in a dialogue, to adequately evaluate themselves and others.

Consider and compare the concepts of "development of speech" and "development of speech activity", so often identified by teachers.

Speaking about the formation of communicative skills and having in mind primarily dialogic skills, let us recall that dialogue is the primary, most natural form of speech in primary school age. But is it included in the concept of "speech development"? First, let's give definitions of the concepts "speech" and "speech activity".

Speech is a way of formulating and forming thoughts through language. speech activity- a form of communicative and social activity (verbal communication), which is the interaction of people through speech. Any human activity has the following structure: needs and motives; goals; conditions and means of achieving goals; actions, operations included in the methods of achieving goals; result.

Consequently, speech activity can be called an active, purposeful, motivated, substantive (meaningful) process of issuing and (or) receiving thoughts formed and formulated through the language, aimed at satisfying the communicative and cognitive needs of a person in the process of communication.

Under speech development implied: vocabulary enrichment (increasing the active vocabulary, working on the use of synonyms, antonyms, etc.); development of coherent speech (learning to build various types of text, both oral and written - descriptions, narratives, reasoning).

Each teacher is engaged in this, organizing his pedagogical work and the activities of children. Note that the task of developing the child's dialogical speech is not even set. It is understood that the child must first acquire certain verbal knowledge in order to participate in the dialogue, and then enter into it. For the most part, teachers hope that if they enrich the child’s vocabulary, teach the appropriate use of synonyms, give a scheme for constructing a text (statement), then with further training, he will be able to participate in a dialogue, freely and masterfully master the skills of conducting it.

But where does the confidence come from that everything should turn out automatically? How will the dialogue arise by itself? Why do we forget about dialogue as a special - primary - form of a child's speech?

Subsequently, middle-level teachers are indignant at elementary teachers - they did not teach them to discuss, express their point of view, interact with peers in an elementary way (not to mention productive cooperation) and try to immediately impose a dialogue in the 5th and subsequent grades. But, unfortunately, there are no "ready-made" dialogic children. They should not be confused with children who can simply keep up the conversation "about the weather" and answer questions of a frontal nature.

Imagine that the child has a rich vocabulary, he knows what and how to say, he knows how to pick up synonyms, build a sentence, a text. But stubbornly silent, does not enter into dialogue. What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to remember the motives, the need of the child to speak. Unfortunately, we do not support or develop this need. Adhering to thematic plans, we do not take into account the needs of children in dialogue.

Then we are faced with the fact that children do not want to participate in a dialogue, they really have forgotten how (paradox!) With developed speech, to speak out in a group, class, to defend their opinion, they do not want to enter into debates, because no one has ever talked about them before. asked. It turns out that we develop only the speech of children (as a means of speech activity), with the help of which, as it seems to us, they will speak, but it is necessary to develop speech activity. And this is the most important task of an elementary school teacher.

For the development of speech activity, it is necessary to: support the motivation of communication; assistance in achieving the goal of speech activity - the impact of the speaker (writer) on the communication partner, which results in changes occurring in his information field (understanding - misunderstanding, verbal - non-verbal reactions - result); creation of conditions and means to achieve the goal; formation of skills to operate with methods (actions, operations) to achieve the goal; the formation of skills to create a "product" of speech activity - a meaningful conclusion (reading, listening), text (speaking, writing).

Thus, the development of speech is only a means and a way of implementing speech activity.

Communication Motivation Support- the most important thing with which the development of speech activity and training in productive dialogue begins. We emphasize that we are not talking about a conversation, not about frontal work, but about a dialogue in which children and the teacher solve certain problems.

It is well known that primary school age is the period of "asking" children's questions. And it is the stage of teaching children asking questions is a motivating moment for the child, and ability to formulate questions- the starting point in solving the problems of developing children's speech activity in an educational dialogue.

Children's desire to ask is naturally motivated, and this motivation must be strengthened. It is necessary not only to allow children to ask questions and encourage them to do so, but also to teach them to ask questions based on children's verbal subjective experience.

There is no need to cut short the baby, you need to support his natural, natural need to speak and educate the child not "answering well", but "asking well" (G.A. Zuckerman), and asking not only the teacher, but also a peer, and himself (expected us the skills of reflection, control, which are completely absent in our children). Then it will be possible to hope that we are educating an independent person, capable of making choices, working with information, taking responsibility for their actions, etc.

Let us give an example of the organization of work on the development of children by a teacher primary school initiatives in questioning and initiation of dialogue.

Teacher: Guys, I made a sentence of four words. I will call them: "wasp", "catch up", "bumblebee", "striped". Make my offer.
(The first time you need to explain everything.) The words are given as scientists write in dictionaries - the initial, initial form is called. You change the words the way we use them in speech. For example, there are the words "mother", "bath", "small", "daughter". Make up a sentence by changing the words as we say. I agree with you: "Mom bathes her little daughter."

Of course, we should not forget that in the lessons you and the children made up enough sentences until the moment you begin to complete this task.

If this is a period of literacy, then for reading children, words can be written in block letters on the board. For the rest, you can prepare subject pictures with a wasp and a bumblebee drawn; the word "striped" will no longer be forgotten - in the pictures it is in the image of the insects themselves, it remains only to remind about the verb if, when compiling a sentence, the children forget it.

Children offer options, but do not guess the teacher's suggestions. All proposals are accepted under no circumstances is it assessed(verbal, do not confuse with the mark): "wrong", "wrong sentence, think again", "can such a sentence be?" and etc.

In the absence of an assessment of the statements of children, your dialogism also manifests itself, children must once and for all feel that their opinion has the right to exist, it is as equivalent as the opinion of an adult, but their own, childish. Therefore, do not rush to evaluate, otherwise again all the work (starting with self-assessment - reflection, control), which should be carried out by the child, will be carried out by you. How can you then, having taken everything into your own hands from the very beginning, reproach children for lack of independence, lack of initiative? The teacher may use the following phrases.

Teacher: An interesting proposal, but my other ... Such a proposal has the right to exist, but it's not mine - I have a different one ... You made an unusual proposal! But still not the same as mine...
Teacher: Can you immediately guess my offer?
Children are convinced that it is impossible to guess the proposal of an adult.
Teacher: Yes, guys, it's probably not worth guessing. How do I know what offer I made?

If suddenly there is a child who himself will say that you need to ask something about the proposal you have planned, then you can applaud with joy! To kid. So there is an initiative! Let him speak illiterately, confusedly, but you will support him: "Yes, I agree, you can ask me about the proposal, ask me questions." If not…

Teacher: How can you ask me what my offer is? What am I asking you? (Questions.) And? (Pause.) I agree, you can ask me questions too.

Depending on the characteristics of the children, you can try to invite them to discuss in pairs, small groups, which you can ask the teacher about. We can all work together.

The teacher accepts and fixes all possible questions of children in any way accessible to children: schematic drawings, icons, etc. You can involve children in finding a way to fix opinions. After fixing each question, the teacher answers the question itself.

Possible questions from children to the teacher at his suggestion:

Children: In your proposal, who is catching up - a bumblebee or a wasp?
Teacher: I answer: "Bumblebee".
Children: Who is "striped"?
Teacher: I answer: "Wasp".
Children: Bumblebee alone?
Teacher: I answer: "A lot."
Children: And how many wasps?
Teacher: I answer: "One".
Teacher: Make my offer!
Children: Bumblebees are chasing a striped wasp!
Teacher: Right! Your questions helped me make it.

It is acceptable that children can ask in the same way as one asks: "Who is catching up with whom?", "Are there many of them, bumblebees?" etc. The main thing is that the rest of the children and the teacher understand the meaning of the question. In grades 2-4, the same questions will sound differently: "Who performs the action in your sentence?"; “The word “striped” is a sign of the subject?”; "Is the word 'bumblebee' in the singular or plural form?"; "The action is happening now or in the past (future) tense?" etc.

When teaching children dialogue, it is important to remember the single subject of dialogue, i.e., the objectivity of cooperation, to teach this to children, then dialogue will not only be a form of communication (dialogue for the sake of dialogue, the so-called question-answer form, often pseudo-dialogical), but precisely a dialogue productive, aimed at solving problems jointly with the teacher and peers.

In the minds of teachers, unfortunately, there is almost no idea that the child always has his own non-normative point of view on any issue discussed in the lesson, lesson. In a child's mistake, they usually see "undereducation, thoughtlessness, and not the age originality of thought, not a special, natural vision of the subject" (G.A. Tsukerman).

The appendix presents a lesson of the Russian language in the 1st grade, taken from real practice (according to experimental studies by G.A. Tsukerman and her collaborators). Using the example of this lesson, we can consider the process of preserving the objectivity of educational cooperation by the teacher. This situation can also arise in the classroom. kindergarten, and in the classroom primary school during the literacy period.

This lesson clearly shows how, materializing different points of view, the teacher helped the class solve four problems at once:

  • practice sound analysis;
  • see the difference between sounds and letters;
  • to catch the difference in the meaning and sound of the word (a non-trivial task for children with a naive, natural linguistic consciousness, for whom "the word is transparent to the object");
  • to discover that there are smart, correct thoughts behind different answers, that there are no wrong answers, but there are answers to unasked questions.

Speaking of dialogue, I would like to draw attention to the fact that children, as a rule, are oriented towards the teacher ("sunflower effect", according to G.A. Zuckerman). It is to him that they address their statements, they expect a response and assessment from him, in the lesson they do not hear the statements of their peers, and their opinion is not authoritative. Remember how the teacher builds his speech: "Tell ME ...", "All eyes are on ME ..."; the consequence of this is children's phrases: "And HE said ...". One has only to exclude the teacher from his speech the verbs in the past tense: "Stand up ...", "Get out the textbooks ..." and reflect in the words the fact of their participation in the study, joint cooperation: "Let's open notebooks ... Write down the number ...", as we discover that we have become closer to children, which means it is truly dialogic.

Of all the knowledge and skills, the most
important, essential
for life activities is,
of course, the ability is clear, understandable,
speak your language well
IN AND. Chernyshev

Speech development is becoming more and more topical issue in our society.
Coherent speech involves mastering the richest vocabulary of the language, mastering language laws and norms, the ability to fully, coherently, consistently and understandably convey the content of the finished text to others or independently compose a coherent text. slide 5
Coherent speech is a detailed, complete, compositionally and grammatically designed, semantic and emotional statement, consisting of a number of logically connected sentences.
On the screen is an exemplary scheme for assessing the level of performance of various types of tasks. We use this scheme to determine the level of the state of speech of children entering the 1st grade. slide 6

Monologue speech is a coherent speech of one person, the communicative purpose of which is a message about any facts, phenomena of reality. Monologue speech is the most difficult type of speech activity for primary school students. The child's monologue becomes understandable to listeners when all its parts are interconnected and interdependent.
The development of coherent speech is the first and most important condition for the success of a child's education in school.

Only with a well-developed coherent speech can one give detailed answers to complex questions. school curriculum, consistently and fully, reasonably and logically express their own judgments, reproduce the content of texts from textbooks, works of literature and, finally, an indispensable condition for writing program presentations and essays.
Survey results oral speech children entering the first grades of secondary school No. 9 are 112 people show that the quality of coherent oral speech in 46 people is low and below average, which is 41%. The main disadvantages of the development of monologue speech of children of primary school age are: distortion of the logic and sequence of statements, fragmentation, distraction from the topic, leading to the formation of side associations, rapid exhaustion of internal urges to speech, poverty and stereotyped lexical and grammatical structure, the presence of features inherent in situational speech (an unjustifiably large number of pronouns, jumping from one event to another, lexical repetitions). slide 6
Now the profiles of the state of oral speech of students in grade 1 are presented on the screen. the speech state of the children was analyzed according to the previous scheme; the children were offered different kinds assignments. According to the results of remedial training, positive dynamics was observed at the end of the year.

Mastering monologue speech, building detailed coherent statements becomes possible with the emergence of regulatory, planning functions of speech and is possible only if there is a certain level of formed vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. At the heart of the proposed system of work on the development of monologue speech on speech therapy classes lies A complex approach, aimed at solving in one lesson different, but interrelated tasks, covering all sides speech development and development of higher mental functions of schoolchildren with speech disorders. We pay attention to the development of a monologue statement in all speech therapy classes, this is a constant direction in the work on the development of speech junior schoolchildren.

The leading principle of the system of lessons in the development of speech is the relationship of speech, correctional and educational tasks. From class to class, the material of each task gradually becomes more complicated, the content of the exercises varies. The immediate objectives of the oral speech development lessons are:

  • Expansion of the range of ideas about the studied subjects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.
  • Constant increase in speech motivation of students.
  • Simultaneous development of all aspects of oral speech
  • Organization of connected statements of schoolchildren.

The system of work on the development of a monologue statement is focused on the complex nature of the development of all aspects of speech, taking into account the capabilities of schoolchildren at each level of education and provides for the following path. First, everyday vocabulary and motivating phrases of the simplest design are worked out. This provides elementary forms of communication. Gradually, vocabulary material is introduced, which is necessary for expressing concepts of a more abstract nature, and grammatical forms become more complicated. On this basis, the transition from dialogical speech to descriptive-narrative, and then to the compilation of oral and written coherent texts, i.e. monologue speech. slide 7

So in the 1st grade, the task is to form the need for communication, based on the development and correction of higher mental functions. The main attention is paid to working on the word, expanding the range of lexical groups, and developing the ability to accurately select words. slide 8

In the 2nd grade, priority is given to the development of skills and abilities of a coherent oral statement - descriptive and narrative texts with different connection options: lexical repetitions, synonymous replacement. Much attention is also paid to the formation of the communicative function of speech: dialogue (all options) and monologue utterance based on meaningful components. slide 9

3rd-4th grade is the final stage, given that students already have a certain level the formation of mental processes, they have accumulated life and language experience, the main attention is paid to the development of coherent dialogic and monologue speech. slide 9
The following table offers you the stages that we use in corrective work on the development of coherent speech.
At each age level, certain combinations of speech tasks are solved, due to the principle of continuity. The solution of each problem: takes into account the III stages: word, sentence, text.

Stage I - "Word". slide 10

In vocabulary work Special attention focusing on the semantic aspect:
. selection of synonyms and antonyms for isolated words, phrases;
. replacement of words in a phrase (clear air - fresh, clean);
. selection of the most accurate word in meaning: (despite ... the weather, the children went for a walk;
. drawing up sentences with words of a synonymous series (help - first, urgent, ambulance);
. compiling phrases and sentences with words related to different parts of speech;
. finding polysemantic words (homonyms) in proverbs, sayings, riddles.
There are several ways to explain a new word. Experience shows that in working with younger students with various speech disorders, the most productive is the use of various visual means: showing the relevant objects, their actions and signs. To do this, we provide students with various kinds of help: showing another, sharply different object when compared (protein , hare, crow); demonstration of an object, its image in a holistic or fragmentary form (drawing of a tree, grass bush) - to form general concept; observation plan record (watermelon color, melon color; watermelon shape, melon shape); specification of questions when comparing summer and winter clothes (what clothes are worn only in winter or only in summer. These tasks are easier to solve using multimedia presentations, computer games, algorithms for compiling a consistent story. slide 10

Stage II - "Offer". slide 11

Work on the proposal is being carried out in three directions. The first direction is the development of the content side of the sentence to ensure its semantic completeness and communicative expediency. The second is work on speech, which includes the formation of the skills of accurate and complete selection of words to express thoughts, the choice of the most successful syntactic construction, and the development of intonation skills. The third direction is the formation of the grammatical plan of the sentence, i.e. developing the skill of correctly connecting words, their correct placement. In speech therapy classes, all these areas represent a single whole. Work on a proposal begins with its semantic plan, with the creation of visual supports and an explanation of the connections in which objects and phenomena of the surrounding world enter. Work is also underway to develop the ability to think about phrases, correctly link words into sentences. Here are some examples of sentence construction schemes.
The method of visual modeling - a linear scheme for constructing proposals is presented in pictures. slide 12
Another option for working on a proposal is to make an offer. Here, using the words of the first column, you need to make a whole sentence. slide 13
In speech therapy classes, we improve the ability to use simple common sentences in speech. In addition, we carry out practical work over the advanced development of more complex syntactic constructions. As a result, we create a speech basis for subsequent study in high school of some theoretical information about complex sentences. For example, getting to know different lexical topics, on which we create basic presentations, 4th grade students can learn how to build a complex sentence with a clause of reason. For this purpose, the speech therapist teacher gives a sample question and answer: Why does a goose have membranes on its paws? The goose has membranes on its paws because it is a waterfowl, using part of the words from the question in the answer. Based on a recorded pattern, students answer a series of similar questions: Why do some birds fly south? Why does the sparrow stay for the winter? Why does the titmouse fly closer to people in winter? etc. slide 14
Next, I want to show the system of work on the proposal in graphical diagrams. In the first grade, we form the concept of a sentence, the spelling of words in a sentence. In the second grade - we reveal the various connections of words in a sentence. In the third and fourth grades, parts of speech, main and secondary members of a sentence, and the differences between a phrase and a sentence are worked out. slide 15
The next slide shows complex sentence schemes that are used by children in grade 4. These are sentences with pronouns, synonyms, homogeneous members of the sentence. Such schemes prevent lexical repetitions, help to build sentences with homogeneous members grammatically correctly.

Stage III - "Text". slide 16
Experience shows that working with text requires the use of additional techniques that ensure the semantic integrity and linguistic coherence of the statement.
The main methods of teaching children coherent monologue speech, the authors include:

I - learning to retell;
II - teaching storytelling by perception:
1. description of toys;
2. description of natural objects;
3. storytelling by picture;

III - teaching storytelling by presentation (from personal experience);

IV - teaching imaginative storytelling (creative stories).

After the children master the ability to consistently give the content of what they heard, we teach them to compose a retelling. This type of work requires the ability to highlight storylines in a story. Retelling is an easier type of monologue speech, because. he adheres author's position works, it uses a ready-made author's plot and ready-made speech forms and techniques. This is to some extent reflected speech with a certain degree of independence. The most difficult for students is a brief retelling, the purpose of which is to convey the content of what they heard briefly, choosing the most important thing. Any kind of story should be preceded by vocabulary work, text analysis, and a clear target setting. After that, we move on to compiling independent stories.

Each exercise, each task included in the lesson is aimed at developing coherent oral speech, so that students use words, phrases, sentences in a coherent text, statement. To eliminate monotony in the work of compiling the text, we use various types of plans, modifying them. This problem is solved in the first lexical lesson, in the work on written coherent speech. So, the picture plan of slide 17 can be presented in the form of separate subject pictures or a series of plot pictures. The symbolic plan can be completely executed graphically: several stripes of different colors will tell the child what needs to be told about the color; drawn geometric figures - about the shape of the object; large and small stripes - about its size, etc.

In grades 3-4, along with the picture-symbolic plan, work on the construction of a coherent statement is carried out based on the verbal plan in the form of interrogative or nominal sentences. An interrogative plan, as easier to compose an answer, is used when the description of an object or phenomenon presents a certain difficulty for students. Such a plan clearly limits the content of the statement.
In order to develop coherent speech of students, we use graphic schemes and subject pictures, algorithms for compiling a coherent statement. The scheme helps students to purposefully perceive, then analyze and reproduce the story. Here is an example of a connected statement algorithm.

We implement all these directions not only in oral speech, but also in work on independent written speech. Work on the presentation, essay takes place in 3-4 lessons. The lexical task is solved in the first lesson, spelling work takes place in the second lesson. On the third - the implementation of the acquired skills and abilities, i.e. writing; error correction - on the fourth.

We are working on interphrase means of communication in two directions: the selection of special words and word forms that ensure the connection of sentences in the text, and overcoming vocabulary and stylistic errors, developing students' ability to express their thoughts more accurately. In the process of working on the text, we compose a synonymous series (hare, animal, he, hare), using which students overcome a certain stereotype in the use of words that name the same object; learn to use the aspectual-temporal forms of the verb correctly, taking into account the simultaneity or difference in time of the course of the action (We were on an excursion. Fluffy snow was falling. All the trees were in hoarfrost. etc.); replace less accurate words with more accurate ones (the neck of a swan is long instead of large, etc.).

We work on the content and language aspects of the text simultaneously. Each item of the plan is collectively discussed and stylistic errors in the design of the text are also collectively corrected. In the course of compiling (by one student or several) individual sentences of the story, the rest of the children make stylistic and logical corrections. After working out the sentences for each picture, the students reproduce the entire story or description on their own, focusing on a series of pictures or strips as a plan. slide 18.

In the process of working on the plan, children learn to determine the topic of the statement, to separate the main from the secondary, to build their own messages in a logical sequence. At the same time, great attention should be paid to the development of various methods of mental processing of the material: dividing the text according to the meaning into separate parts, highlighting the semantic strongholds, drawing up a retelling plan, presentation. Experience shows that it is necessary to specifically teach children how to use the plan in their practical activities, in particular, how to respond according to the plan. The practice of teaching children with speech underdevelopment has shown that they master such a form of utterance as reasoning, especially slowly and with great difficulty. coherent learning statement. Reasoning requires thoughtfulness, reasoning, expressing one's attitude to what is being said, defending one's point of view.

In order to master reasoning, the student must learn to discover cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena and facts of reality. This skill is formed gradually, in a certain sequence. At first, it is advisable to invite children as often as possible to repeat after the teacher or student the wording of tasks, generalizing conclusions, rules, etc.

It is necessary to teach children to use the acquired speech skills in independent coherent statements on a daily basis. For this purpose, a number of special tasks are used to draw their attention to the composition of the sentence and the connection of words in the sentence. slide 18

A pictogram is a sign that displays the most important recognizable features of an object, objects, phenomena to which it points, most often in a schematic form. slide 19

Pictograms for stories and fairy tales are good to use for the development of coherent speech in children. This contributes to the development of higher mental functions. Using various schemes the nature of children's activities is changing: children not only hear their own speech or speech addressed to them, but also have the opportunity to “see” it. When compiling stories from pictures and pictograms, children more easily memorize new words not mechanically, but in the process of active use.
Working with deformed text. At first, these are simple tasks in which you just need to correctly compose a sentence, and then sentences are already offered and children need to establish their order in order to get a text. Set the correct order of sentences in a text or poem. slide 19

Thus, the main task of speech development is to bring students closer to the level of practical knowledge of their native language in the norm, that is, to teach them to use speech as a means of communication.

Atyrau region

Kurmangazinsky district

Abai Secondary School

Methodological material of the teacher

of English language

Tuyakpayeva Danna Askarovna

Work theme:

“Main Components of the Development Process

Dialogic Speech, in the Conditions of Early English Language Teaching"

Dialogue is a form of speech in which there is a direct exchange of statements between two or more persons. Any dialogue is based on various statements, the combination of which makes up its essence. Many teachers have long appreciated the wide possibilities, combined with minimal time and objectivity of the results. The main purpose of a foreign language as subject area school education is seen in the mastery of students the ability to communicate in a foreign language. Oral communication, the role of which has now become especially significant, is impossible without understanding the speeches of the interlocutor, since in the process of speech interaction everyone acts both as a speaker and as a listener. This is the relevance of the problem we are studying. The object of the study is the process of developing the skill of dialogical speech. Dialogic communication was chosen as the subject of the study, namely, dialogue-sample, which provides the highest efficiency in the development of speaking skills, that is, the creative use of dialogue-sample to improve the educational process in each method. The purpose of the work is to develop a system of exercises for teaching dialogic speech in foreign language lessons and to identify the conditions for its effective functioning at an early stage of learning. Tasks in working with dialogical speech: 1. Determine the scientific foundations and methods of the process of teaching oral speech, skills and abilities; to determine the most optimal ways of conducting training exercises in learning a foreign language through dialogues; 2. Develop the most effective system of speech exercises for teaching dialogic speech; 3. Experimentally test and evaluate the effectiveness of the developed ways and means of teaching dialogic speech; 4. Based on the results of the study, develop guidelines for improving the process of developing dialogic speech skills. Research hypothesis: if sample dialogues meet the requirements of the program in foreign languages ​​and correspond to the age characteristics of children, then the expected results of using dialogues for understanding foreign speech and the ability to communicate in a foreign language will be provided.

English language at an early stage of learning

Formation and



speech and



by developing





reading, writing and

speaking in


stage of learning.

Development in schoolchildren




country and culture in


foreign language



Use of effective

forms of work

in the study and consolidation of lexical and grammatical





to other nations

and cultures.

Development of intellectual

and creativity


1. Determine the scientific basis and methods of the learning process

oral speech, skills and abilities; determine the most

the best ways to conduct training exercises in

learning a foreign language through dialogues;

2. Design the most

effective systems of speech exercises for

teaching dialogic speech;

3. Experimentally check and

assess the effectiveness of the developed

ways and means of teaching dialogical speech;

4. Based on the results of the study,

develop methodological

the process of developing dialogic speech skills.

  • Work with the development of dilogical speech of students at the initial stage of education is possible using two main technologies:

1 . Gaming Technology .

In the process of teaching a foreign language, we have to create programs taking into account the interests of students. Based on standard program, which is complemented by thematic dialogues, texts, electronic presentations. In the work on this program, students are provided with audio fairy tales, music videos, sound presentations, where the speech of a native speaker is directly heard. This is a powerful motivation for language learning. In this case, groups can widely use various types of game technology - crossword puzzles, role-playing games. This is preceded by thematic preparation of students, the repetition of vocabulary, colloquial formulas, phraseological units.

A dialogue is played, which is compiled by the students on their own. In addition to the topic of vocabulary, colloquial formulas, greetings, thanks, suggestions, refusal are widely included. For a stronger assimilation of vocabulary, students of dialogue change roles. The level of knowledge, creativity is assessed.

2. Scenario-contextual technology .

To teach communication in a foreign language, in particular English, you need to create real real life situations, that is, what is called the principle of communication authenticity, which will stimulate the study of the material and develop adequate behavior. It is based on the principles of live communication, in conditions close to reality.

At the core modern methods teaching dialogue at the initial stage of teaching English are such categories of communication as: situation, role, position, commonality, type and scope of communication, which are considered in modern science as models of verbal communication. The most important of these teaching methods is the communicative (speech) situation. Communicative situation, as a method of teaching dialogue, consists of four factors:

When teaching English at the initial stage, an integration process is also carried out, which manifests itself primarily in the fact that the assimilation of various aspects of the English language, its phonetics, grammar, vocabulary does not occur separately, as some discrete components of the language, but integrated. Students grasp and assimilate them in the process of performing speech actions, the implementation of which may require the use of words, word forms, phrases, super-phrasal unity and, finally, text, due to communication situations. Taking into account this specific principle of teaching English at the initial stage, it is possible to formulate rules, the observance of which will help the English teacher to implement this principle.

Rule 4

Favorable conditions for

communication in English .

Rule 1

Situation selection.

Rule 2

Rule 5

Job communication.

Multiplicity and novelty.

Rule 3

Participation of everyone in communication

in English.

  • Principle of differentiation and integration Rule 1. Accounting for the specifics of each type of speech activity. Rule 2. Using the teacher's speech and sound recording for listening. Rule 3. Teaching monologue speech, based on the characteristics of each form. Rule 4. Teaching reading aloud in English and to oneself, taking into account the characteristics of each form. Rule 5. Working out aspects of the English language in speech units. Rule 6 Since younger students still have little experience in collective communication and they learn not only to communicate in English, but also to communicate in general, it is planned to rely on students' awareness of communication patterns in their native language, awareness of the communicative function of a particular language unit. The implementation of this principle is carried out through a system of cognitive tasks, solving which children "discover" the laws of their native language. Based on this awareness, children are introduced to the form and functions of the corresponding units of the English language. Based on this, it is possible to outline some rules - following which allows you to implement this principle in the educational process. The principle of relying on the native language: Rule 1. Showing commonality in Russian and English. Rule 2. Formation of general educational skills. Rule 3. Using similarities and differences in graphics. Rule 4. Use of similarities and differences in the pronunciation of Russian and English. Rule 5: Using Transference and Avoiding Interference in Learning English vocabulary and grammar.
  • It has been established that each type of speech activity is characterized by its own "set" of actions and even its own lexical and grammatical design. This made it possible to formulate the methodological principle of a differentiated approach in teaching English. In this case, differentiation is carried out as if on different levels generalizations - a clear distinction is made in teaching English: oral and written speech; in teaching speaking and listening, monologue and dialogic speech; in learning to read aloud and silently in English; teaching graphics and spelling. Based on the above, at their lessons at the initial stage, they identified the most acceptable forms of development of dialogic speech - these are: dialogic conversation and role-playing game. Any dialogical speech should be built according to the following sequence:
  • Introduction (beginning),
  • The development of the topic of conversation,
  • Ending.

Rule 5

Aspect development


language in speech units.

Rule 1

Accounting for specifics

each kind

speech activity.

Rule 2


teacher's speech

and sound recordings for


Rule 4

Learning to read aloud

in English and to myself

taking into account the characteristics of each form.

Rule 3

Teaching monologue speech,

based on the features of each form.

Rule 5

Using transfer and

avoid interference in learning

English vocabulary and grammar.

Rule 1

Showing commonality in Russian

and English.

Rule 2

Formation of common

learning skills.

Rule 4

Using similarities and differences

in Russian pronunciation

and English.

Rule 3

Using Affinity

and graphics differences.

  • Goals pursued in the preparation of the dialogue:

1) Teach children to talk - listen to the interlocutor, restrain yourself, wait until you can speak out;

2) The development of dialogic speech.

The most effective are the compilation of full-fledged dialogues on the topics: Greeting, Month of the year and birthday, Pets, Seasons, My address, My family, My hobby, and so on. Also, listening to audio fairy tales and watching cartoons with excerpts of dialogues, listening to and watching live speech of a native speaker is effective for the development of dialogic speech.

Role-playing games can be built according to this sequence:

  • Acquaintance with the situation
  • Setting goals
  • dramatization
  • Summarizing

Role-play learning opportunities are:

  • The role play has great opportunities motivational and incentive plan
  • Role play involves the efforts of personal involvement in everything that happens
  • Role play promotes learning collaboration and partnerships
  • Role play helps to expand the scope of communication

At lessons and educational events on these topics, role-playing games and theatrical mini-performances can be used: Animals, Numbers, Name of the objects - School, My family, Happy birthday, Description of animal, Country, Colors, etc.

The process of applying dialogical speech at an early stage of teaching English takes into account the following expected results:

  • Improving the language level;
  • Increasing the motivation of students and their interest in the subject;
  • Freely compiling a consistent dialogue, taking into account the age characteristics of the child
  • Replenishment of lexical knowledge

Building a conversation:

  • Acquaintance with the situation
  • Setting goals
  • dramatization
  • Summarizing

Learning Opportunities

role play

  • The role-playing game has great potential for motivational and incentive plan
  • Role play involves the efforts of personal involvement in everything that happens
  • Role play promotes learning collaboration and partnerships
  • Role play helps to expand the scope of communication

Building a conversation:

  • Introduction (beginning),
  • The development of the topic of conversation,
  • Ending.

Purpose of the conversation:

1) Teach children to talk - listen to the interlocutor,

restrain yourself, wait until you can speak out;

2) The development of dialogic speech.

Do you like to play badminton? – Yes, I do. – Can you play it well? – Yes, I can. Did you play it in summer? – Yes, I did. Is it difficult to play it? - No it isn "t. - Will you teach me to play it? - Yes, it" s my pleasure.

  • - Hello. My name "s Pete. What" s yours?
  • - Ann.
  • - Nice name. I like it very much.
  • - Thank you. You name's good, too.
  • - It was nice meeting you.
  • Thanks. It was nice meeting you.

  • S1. Olga, have you got a brother?
  • S2. Yes, I have.
  • S1. And has Sveta got a brother?
  • S2. I am sorry, I don't know, let me ask her.
  • S1. Ask, please.
  • S2. Have you got a brother, Sveta?
  • S3. No, I haven't, but I have got a sister.
  • At the initial stage of teaching English, there are certain successes in mastering the knowledge of the subject, in the form of monitoring success according to the principle of a five-pointed star.
  • Students can sequentially compose dialogues on the topics covered, using the simplest speech structures; Improved reading of simple sentences and words. On the this moment students already have 68 words in their vocabulary. 16 colloquial clichés can be freely reproduced. A certain number of children's poems and songs are read by heart.
  • Students can sequentially compose dialogues on the topics covered, using the simplest speech structures;
  • Improved reading of simple sentences and words.
  • At the moment, students already have 68 words in their vocabulary.
  • 16 colloquial clichés can be freely reproduced.
  • A certain number of children's poems and songs are read by heart.
  • In this way, unconventional methods teaching dialogic speech gives a strong motive for learning the language, they help to create a language environment that is close to natural. It becomes possible to activate on this basis almost the entire program lexical and grammatical material of the initial and subsequent stages of training. Students quickly master speech structures and formulas (within certain situations), then automatically operate with them when performing communicative tasks of a different kind. Pupils acquire a sense of language much faster. Such classes provide an additional opportunity for the development of listening skills: the children hear the speech of students from other classes, allow students to get acquainted with the literature of the country of the language being studied; contribute to the aesthetic education of students, familiarizing them with the culture of the country of the language being studied.

Expected results








taking into account age





students and their

interest in





  • Ariyan M. A. Use of the educational potential of speech etiquette in a foreign language// Foreign languages at school. - 1991. - No. 2.
  • Borzova E. V. Dialogical speech as a goal and means of teaching English in grades 5-6 // Foreign languages ​​at school. - 1985. - No. 2.
  • Budnichenko E. P. Teaching dialogic speech in English lessons// Foreign languages ​​at school. - 1991. - No. 3.
  • Gez N. I., Lyakhovitsky M. V., Mirolyubov A. A., Folomkina S. K., Shatilov S. F. Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary school. – M.: graduate School, 1982.
  • Gorskaya L. N. First stage teaching dialogic speech// Foreign languages ​​at school. - 1984. - No. 2.
  • Zholnerik L.I. Teaching dialogic speech// Foreign languages ​​at school. - 1985. - No. 3. -

Development of Dialogic Speech in the Practice of MADOU

Prepared by: speech pathologist

E.K. Sumina

Famous Russian linguist L. P. Yakubinsky: « Dialog - not only a form of speech, it is also a "variety of human behavior."

As a form of verbal interaction with other people, it requires the child to have special social and speech skills, the development of which occurs gradually. Dialogue is characterized by: “a relatively fast exchange of speech, when each component of the exchange is a replica and one replica is highly conditioned by the other. The exchange takes place without any preliminary deliberation; components do not have a special assignment;

there is no premeditated coherence in the construction of the lines, and they are eminently concise.”

Dialog skills

Group I - Own speech skills:

  • enter into communication (be able and know when and how you can start a conversation with a friend and a stranger, busy, talking with another);
  • maintain and complete communication (listen and hear the interlocutor); take initiative in communication, ask again; prove your point of view; express attitude to the subject of conversation - compare, express one's opinion, give examples, evaluate, agree or object, ask, answer, speak coherently;
  • speak expressively, at a normal pace, use the intonation of the dialogue

Group II - Speech etiquette skills :

AT speech etiquette include: appeal, acquaintance, greeting, drawing attention, invitation, request, consent and refusal, apology, complaint, sympathy, disapproval, congratulations, gratitude and others.

Group III - The ability to communicate in pairs, in a group of 3-5 people, in a team.

Group IV - The ability to communicate to plan joint actions, achieve results and discuss them, participate in the discussion of a specific topic.

Group V - Non-verbal (non-verbal) skills- Appropriate use of facial expressions, gestures.

Methodological techniques for teaching children dialogic speech in the practice of MADOU

  • teacher's conversation with children (unprepared dialogue)
  • conversations with children (prepared conversations)
  • taking verbal orders
  • reading literary works
  • reading poems by roles is one of the techniques
  • specially organized speech situations
  • games (plot-role-playing, didactic, mobile, dramatization games and dramatization games)

Modern methodological techniques and technology

triz games



Thank you for your attention!

Creative success to you!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

The development of speech of primary school students Smirnova Lidiya Alexandrovna teacher of primary classes KS (K) OU "Cheboksary special (correctional) comprehensive school№1"

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The development of the speech of younger students is one of the main tasks facing the primary school teacher. The child's speech is an indicator of the general development of his personality. Insufficient command of speech is an objective reason that does not make it possible to assimilate school items communicate freely with both peers and adults.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Students' speech Students' speech is often incoherent, logically inconsistent, inexpressive. Speech monotony, the poverty of linguistic means testify not only to poor verbal preparedness, but also to the inability to observe people and nature.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Developing children's speech means constantly working on its content, teaching how to build a sentence, choose the right word, competent design of thought. One of the main tasks of a teacher is to teach children to reason, to think. And only those who can speak can think. How to develop children's speech

5 slide

Description of the slide:

The main goal of all types of work on the development of speech is the ability to compose a text, that is, to express one's thoughts, knowledge, feelings in detailed statements. This goal cannot be achieved without the formation of various speech skills.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

In the development of speech, three directions can be distinguished: 1. work with a dictionary; 2. work on a phrase and a sentence; 3. work on coherent speech.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

The word is the main meaningful unit of the language A sign of human development is a rich vocabulary. Therefore, starting from early age, work with the dictionary is of great importance. In elementary school, vocabulary work is carried out in the process of all educational activities. In the course of vocabulary work, I highlight several areas: 1. vocabulary enrichment (learning new words); 2. activation of the dictionary (inclusion of new words in speech, making sentences, exact application of the word); 3. clarification of the dictionary (the difference between synonyms, the selection of antonyms, the ability to analyze the polysemy of words); 4. correction of erroneous expressions, stresses.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

The development of oral speech occurs when looking at pictures and other visual objects, in conversations with a teacher and peers, when reading literary texts. A variety of conversation topics, the nature of pictures and visual materials is an important condition for children to use a wide range of words and speech patterns.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

From the first days of schooling, purposeful teaching of coherent speech in oral and writing in the form of various exercises. phonetic charging. How do they blow into a pipe? (Doo-doo-doo ...) How does a bumblebee buzz? (F-f-f...) How does the donkey scream? (Eeyore!) How do they scream in fright? (Ow!) The plane takes off: woo. Cars go: w-w-w. The horses galloped: tsok-tsok-tsok. A snake is crawling nearby: shhh. The fly hits the glass: z-z-z.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Reading tongue twisters Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles. Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside. Lu-lu-lu - the chair is in the corner. Ol-ol-ol - we will buy salt. Ra-ra-ra - the game begins. Gi-gi-gi - Gene, help mom. Ha-ha-ha - My leg hurts. Gu-gu-gu - I can’t wash the dishes. Gi-gi-gi - Do not walk because of the leg. Gu-gu-gu - Here I can go for a walk Ga-ha-ha - My leg does not hurt anymore. (When reading the section “On work and diligence” Sho-sho-sho - I will do well. At-at-at - Help my mother at home. -rat-army - Never lie. Rit-rit-rit- Do not say rude words Xia-Xia-Xia - Study well (When reading the section “What is good and what is bad” Reading tongue twisters. Lena was looking for a pin, And the pin fell I was too lazy to climb under the bench, I was looking for a pin all day, Little Sleigh's sleigh goes by itself, Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache, I brush the puppy, I tickle its sides. until the dew, dew down and we're home.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Conducting the game "I'll start, and you continue ..." The pussy is crying in the corridor. She is in great grief. Evil people don't let poor pussy steal sausages! Kachu, I'm flying at full speed. I am the driver, I am the motor. I press the pedal And the car rushes into the distance ... Dad gave me a lion, Oh, and I chickened out at first. I was afraid of him for two days, And on the third he broke down.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Replace phraseological phrases with synonymous words. A teaspoon per hour (slowly) At your fingertips (close) Crook your soul (lie) Hang your nose (sad) On your own mind (cunning) Chase a quitter (idle) In all shoulder blades (quickly) Once or twice and miscalculated (little) Chickens do not peck (a lot) skin and bones (lean)

13 slide

Description of the slide:

Pick up words that are opposite in meaning Pick up words that are close in meaning Mind-stupidity. Courage is cowardice. Wealth is poverty. Sadness is joy. Weak is strong. Sweet - bitter. Healthy is sick. Small - large Freshness - coolness, chill. Guys - children, schoolchildren. Fight - battle, battle. Work is work, work. Heat - heat, stuffiness.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

Exercise “Say the other way around”: Pierrot has a sad face, and Pinocchio ... Malvina has blond hair, and Karabas Barabas ... Karabas Barabas has long hair, and Pierrot ... Malvina has curly hair, and Pierrot. .. Pinocchio has kind eyes, and Karabas Barabas ... Pinocchio has a long nose, and Malvina ...

15 slide

Description of the slide:

Solving riddles. The work on developing children's skills of evidence when explaining riddles develops the ability to operate with various and interesting arguments to better substantiate the guess, and contributes to the development of the skill of building complex sentences. Different riddles about one subject activate the dictionary, show how children understand the figurative meaning of words, figurative expressions, in what ways they prove, confirm the answer. Lying, lying Yes, he ran into the river. White flies sat on the field.

16 slide

Description of the slide:

Explanation of proverbs Cleaner wash - do not be afraid of water. He destroys himself who does not love others. It is bad for him who does no good to anyone. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils. The bird is red with a feather, and a man with his mind. January is the beginning of the year, and winter is the middle.