Reading disorders tasks for prevention and correction. Topic: “Game techniques in speech therapy work with younger students with reading and writing disorders. Common Mistakes that Complicate Reading and Writing Skills

Isakova Evgenia Evgenievna,
teacher-speech therapist GBDOU kindergarten №38
Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

AT primary school some parents are surprised to learn that their child has a specific problem - dysgraphia: the child cannot write almost a single word without errors, while it would seem that he is fully developed and there are no problems with intellectual development.
Dysgraphia has definitely pronounced symptoms, but only a specialist, most often a speech therapist, can make an accurate diagnosis. Dysgraphia does not go away on its own and interferes with the child’s further learning: without eliminating the problem, master school curriculum even at a basic level it will be very difficult.
As a rule, parents and teachers learn that a child has problems with writing (dysgraphia) only when learning to write, that is, in elementary school. Dysgraphia is specific disorder letters when a child writes words with phonetic errors, errors in recording sounds. Instead of "p" he writes "b", instead of "t" - "d", forms syllables incorrectly, adds extra letters, skips the necessary ones, writes several words together.
Dysgraphia can be mistaken for simply not knowing the rules of grammar, but the problem goes deeper. Compare: "offer" - "breathing" and "offer" - "application". In this example, the difference between simple ignorance of the correct spelling (rule) and dysgraphia is clearly visible. Moreover, the handwriting of such children is often illegible, uneven. When writing, the child shows a lot of effort, but writes very slowly. If such a child studies in a class with ordinary children, then he may experience serious feelings due to his mistakes, slowness, and discontent of the teacher. In speech, a child with dysgraphia often cannot build long sentences and prefers to remain silent or speak briefly. Unfortunately, this is a rather serious problem that "does not walk alone": most often, dysgraphia manifests itself along with dyslexia, a reading problem, and a child may also have speech problems and impairments to other physical functions.
One of the main stages in the formation of grammatically correct oral and written speech is the work to prevent dysgraphia and dyslexia in preschoolers.
If before the child went to school and could not write and read, then this was considered the norm. But in our time, it is very difficult for a child who cannot read to navigate the world around him.
At present, it is generally recognized that there is a close relationship between speech underdevelopment and reading impairment. Children with speech disorders are a special category of preschoolers with insufficient prerequisites for learning to read. Educational programs in a mass school are complicated and saturated with a variety of material that must be learned through reading.
A child going to a public school from speech therapy group has great difficulty in learning to read and write. Difficulties and mistakes in children are primarily associated with insufficient mastery of the sound composition of the word, the mixing of similar acoustic sounds, and the inferiority of sound analysis and synthesis. This entails the inability to recreate the correct and accurate sound form of the word in terms of visually perceived graphic signs. For correct visual perception and recognition of a syllable or word when reading, it is necessary that the sound composition be clear enough and the child be able to pronounce them correctly.
At the letterless stage of education, it is necessary to develop interest in classes among preschoolers and form a conscious mastery of the phonetic system of the language. Various games and game techniques help to arouse cognitive interest.
Techniques that help children better remember the visual image of letters (according to I.L. Kalinina): modeling from plasticine; laying out of sticks, matches, ropes, mosaics; cutting out of colored paper; deletion of a given letter from the text; guessing letters from eyes closed(an adult writes in the palm of a child); letter recognition by touch; letter on snow, sand; drawing a letter in the air (the child writes with a pointer, and the adult guesses).
Exercise "Who is more attentive?"
"Reprint" letters from the canvas, which consist of: one element (O, C); from two elements (U, G, Z, R, etc.); of three elements, etc. “Reprint” letters from the canvas that “look”: straight (A, I, Y, M, H, O, T, etc.); to the right (B, C, D, E, etc.); to the left (Z, L, U, H, etc.); "open" (A, B, D, etc.); "closed" (B, O).
Exercise "Draw a path"
The child is offered to draw a route for a trip by car on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen; “We go straight, turn right, forward, turn left, etc.”
The game "Colorful Journey"
The child has a sheet with nine colored squares on the table. The movement starts from the central square. A signal is given: up - right - down, etc. The child moves the chip and names the square in which he stopped.
Entertaining tasks:
Color the letter in red (vowels), blue (consonants); Circle the letter by dots; Blind a letter from plasticine; Lay out the outline of the letter from sticks (matches, natural material); Draw a letter with a rope, wire; “Draw” a letter in the air (with the index finger of the right hand or with the whole hand). Determine what the letter looks like; Distinguish between correct and incorrect spelling of a letter (mirror image); Find a letter among others (without overlapping and overlapping each other). Circle the found letter (in red or blue); Restore the letter (in isolation in a syllable, word, sentence); Assemble a letter from two halves; Add the missing half of the letter in syllables, words, read them; Read the word letter by letter. Read words made up of letters of different fonts; Guess which letter is lost, read the word; "Collect" the letters and read the word;
As a result of such games in children: attention, perception improve; children learn to see, hear, reason; correct, meaningful reading is formed, interest in the process of reading and writing is awakened, emotional stress and anxiety are relieved; develops the ability to transfer acquired skills to unfamiliar material. Early diagnosis, prediction of school problems and correction of difficulties is the key successful learning children at school.

Topic:"Game techniques in speech therapy work with younger students with reading and writing disorders"

Teacher speech therapist

MBOU secondary school No. 9g. Penza

Lipovaya G.V.

Penza, 2012

Game techniques in speech therapy work with younger students.

AT recent times in connection with the search for the most effective teaching methods for teachers, speech therapists began to introduce elements of the game and entertainment into the lesson more and more boldly.

The game in the lesson is not an end in itself, not a means to entertain students. This is a common exercise, dressed in an entertaining form (story - a joke, a fairy tale, a riddle, a rebus, a chain word, etc.). Amusement is often achieved by increased difficulty, non-standard, and sometimes unusual task, which the student has to solve. The content of the game serves to fulfill the educational goal: to consolidate and deepen knowledge.

In the course of a game associated, for example, with the Russian language, children imperceptibly train in distinguishing between complex linguistic phenomena, imprint examples that correspond to one or another rule with great pleasure, practice writing difficult words, and as a result acquire stronger grammatical and spelling skills.

The educational side is also important in the game. The game requires quick wit, attention from the participants, teaches endurance, perseverance, develops their imagination, develops the ability to quickly navigate, find the right solution.

The younger the students, the more often elements of the game and entertainment are included in the lesson. “A child under ten years of age demands fun, and his demand is biologically legitimate. He wants to play, he plays with everyone and learns the world around him, first of all and most easily in the game, the game. He plays with words and in words. It is on the game with a word that a child learns the intricacies of his native language, learns its music and what philologists call the “spirit of the language” ” , - wrote A.M. Bitter.

N.K. Krupskaya. “The school devotes too little space to the game, immediately imposing an approach to activity by the methods of an adult. … The transition from games to serious activities is too abrupt, between the game and the regulated schoolwork resulting in an unfilled gap. Transitional forms are needed here,” she wrote in 1923.

And when, in 1931, preparatory classes (zeros) were created at schools, where seven-year-old children entered, N.K. Krupskaya considered "a combination of study with the game." “Somehow we take the guys very seriously,” Nadezhda Konstantinovna wrote, “and we forget that the game is also a study.”

It is natural, therefore, that the desire of teachers primary school to involve the game more widely in the lesson, to find new types of games and entertaining exercises, to make their use more valid.

Completing the study of a particular section of the program, such classes allow the teacher or speech therapist to avoid duplicating questions and tasks that usually arise when repeating a topic, and provide an opportunity to present material familiar to children in a new way. They differ from ordinary lessons only in the form of conducting and involve a variety of applications of didactic games and entertaining exercises.

Currently, a speech therapist teacher uses new grammar games and entertaining exercises in his classes: didactic games (“Lotto”, “Chain”, “Fourth Extra”, etc.), where you need to solve a spelling or grammatical problem on the ones proposed by a speech therapist examples, games for attention (“Who is more”, “Silent”, “Game with cards”, “Pick up words”, etc.), requiring participants to simultaneously complete a task based on knowledge, ingenuity and attention, or organized as a competition between rows of “Games for the winner” (“Relay race”, “Who is faster”, “Everyone has their own”, etc.), where it is necessary to select the necessary dictionary, give examples that correspond to certain conditions, at a strictly defined time, etc.

In speech therapy classes, a large number of poems, riddles, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, counting rhymes are used, on the basis of which various entertaining tasks are offered.

When preparing a lesson, a teacher-speech therapist can complicate or facilitate the nature of tasks for individual exercises, has the right to replace, if he deems it necessary, one game with another or include new exercises in the lesson.

I will point out some specifics of speech therapy classes.

Instead of the usual introduction of the teacher - the message of the topic of the lesson - the children may be offered a different beginning: to unravel (decipher the name of the topic). Here are some of the possible encryptions.

Topic. Syllable (grade 1)

Children will read the title of the topic if they arrange the matryoshkas by height.

Difficult words, 1st grade.

The letters that form the name of the topic are inscribed in circles placed on the drum. Starting with a capital letter and moving along the paths from one letter to another, the children will get acquainted with the topic of the lesson.

Capital letter, 2nd class.

Unchecked unstressed vowels, Grade 2.

By combining vowels and consonants from both pages of the book, you can guess the topic of the lesson.

Alphabet, 3rd grade.

Astra - a

Fox - l

Lantern - f

Watermelon - a

Grapes - in

Needle - and

Phone - t

The name of the topic is guessed by the first letters of the items that are depicted on the poster.

Prepositions, 3rd grade.

Fairy tale "Kolobok"

the plot of which is used

to encrypt the topic,

well known to children.

you have to follow the path from

huts to the fox: this is the way


This kind of beginning is the key to the whole lesson and creates a certain mood for the whole lesson.

Lessons based on game material should be well equipped with visual aids: illustrations for readable texts, game tables, plot pictures, etc.

Since the basis of a speech therapy lesson is a game, which is often organized as a competition between rows, students' answers are evaluated by points. Points are awarded to the row where the student sits. The sequence of answers in rows is controlled by a speech therapist. As a rule, one point is awarded for a correct answer. Reward points may be awarded for a very good answer. If the answer is not received or it is not correct, no points are awarded, and another row gets the right to answer. Row - the winner is awarded a passing pennant, which during the lesson can move from one row to another.

Despite the originality of speech therapy classes, they still remain lessons, and the written implementation of individual exercises is a necessary condition, especially since many of them are related to spelling.

Often, poems, fairy tales, and stories of considerable volume are used in game classes.

A necessary condition for working with large texts is to read them repeatedly. First, the teacher-speech therapist introduces the children to the whole work, and then reads it in parts or again in its entirety, offering to complete one or another task.

Speech therapy classes with game elements (or entertaining grammar lessons), in addition to consolidating knowledge and developing certain skills and abilities, activate the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, generalize their vocabulary, develop curiosity and ingenuity, arouse interest in knowledge and love for the Russian language.

Speech therapy centers often refer children who cannot master writing and reading during 2-3 years of schooling. This inability to write and read is known as dysgraphia (writing disorder) and dyslexia (reading disorder).

Dysgraphia and dyslexia often go hand in hand.

Analysis of writing errors of dysgraphics over a long period of time practical work in this area showed that these errors occur mainly due to the fact that the students have insufficiently developed phonemic hearing, as a result of which they do not imagine the sound composition of the word. These children cannot merge letters into syllables, and syllables into words, although the letters are already known to the students. They read, typing the words letter by letter, and when they reach the end of the word, the beginning is already forgotten and they pronounce a completely different word that is written in the book.

Often, a dysgraphian has phonetically correct speech, but he poorly differentiates whistling and hissing, voiced and deaf, r-l sonoras.

A careful study of the writing errors of dysgraphics showed the specificity of these errors, based on the insufficiency of sound analysis and synthesis, and in some cases also on insufficiently clear articulation and differentiation of sounds.

Children with late development of speech also poorly master the grammatical structure of the language: they do not agree on words in a sentence, skip prepositions, and do not know how to use gender and number correctly.

Quite often in our practice there is an optical mixing of letters similar in style.

Examples of dysgraphic writing errors.

    Missing vowels in a word. (fell - fell)

    Omission of consonants, especially when consonants are concatenated. (table - sol, took - sluggish, get up - stop)

    Permutation of letters in a word. (eat - eat, cranberry - beak)

    Rearrangement of syllables in a word. (butterfly - bobachka, on the sides - on stram)

    Word distortion. (horse - lies, skates - kuni, cranberries - kulva)

    Missing words. (growing - growing)

    Insert extra letters in a word. (sing - sing, stands - stands)

    Inability to indicate the softness of consonants in writing. (ball - match, Vanya - Van, skates - skates, spruce - ate)

    Inability to coordinate words in a sentence. (Vova is sitting on a chair. - Vova is sitting on a chair.)

    Mixing iotated i, e, u With a oh w. ( pit - yama, tree - tree, Yura - Yuura)

    Inability to use gender and number correctly. (The river was covered with ice. - The river was covered with ice.)

    A mixture of whistling and hissing, voiced and deaf, l - p.

    Optical mixing of letters similar in spelling. (b - e, m - l, t - p, etc.)

Reading disorder.

    Omitting letters, syllables and prepositions.

    Replacement, permutation of letters.

    Word distortion.

    Guess reading.

    Stringing letters.

The main specificity of working with dysgraphics and dyslexics is

    a purely individual approach to each student;

    development of analyzers (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) involved in the act of speech, writing and reading;

    development of clear articulation;

    development of a clear differentiation of oppositional sounds;

    systematic selection of material for exercises in analysis and synthesis, writing and reading, enriching the vocabulary and developing thinking.

A large place should be occupied by work with a split alphabet, with cards - syllables.

A child with defective pronunciation should not dictate to himself, but should write off the text.

Speech games help to overcome these difficulties and make classes attractive. In the game, children not only more easily master the skills of language analysis and synthesis, but also learn to evaluate their own answers and decisions, as well as the answers and decisions of others. Students get used to the fact that each task offered by a speech therapist is fraught with some kind of “cunning”, “focus”, requires them to self-control and self-esteem, active attention, mental and speech activity.

Although the proposed tasks are subject to a specific educational task, they have a bright game element, and, as expected in the game, the winner is determined each time.

Game situations captivate children, relieve tension, fatigue, a sense of constraint, often experienced by children in Russian language lessons.

The proposed system of games is compiled taking into account the stage-by-stage formation of the skill of language analysis and synthesis.

    Verbal analysis and synthesis.

At this stage corrective work games and game techniques are used to teach children to isolate sentences from the flow of speech; grammatically correct sentences; isolate words from a sentence; consolidate knowledge of the terms word, sentence.

    Finish the story.

Exercise. Listen to the story and add one sentence so that the story is complete in meaning. Of all the options proposed by the children, the funniest, saddest or most fantastic ending of the story is selected.


Two friends, Grisha and Yura, agreed that tomorrow they would go fishing early in the morning. Grisha set the alarm for five o'clock and fell asleep peacefully, while Yura didn't go to bed at all just in case. In the morning Grisha went for a friend, and both fishermen went to the shore of the lake. As soon as they got to the place and sat down on the log, Yura fell asleep. Fifteen minutes passed. Both floats twitched. "Pecking!" Grisha shouted.

End options:

    Friends pulled the fishing rods at once and saw two torn galoshes on the hooks - the right left one.

    From his cry, the biting stopped, and Yura did not even wake up.

2. "We are too."

Exercise. Walk in place while the speech therapist reads the story, stop at the end of each sentence and, if it makes sense, say in chorus: “We are too.”

Camping in the woods

One day the third graders went to the forest. They wanted to collect a lot of mushrooms and berries. The children took baskets with them. All the guys gathered at the edge of the forest and went into the forest together. He was thick, dense. The pines there were tall, tall. The guys began to shout to each other: “Ay!” The forest echoed back to them. Mushrooms and berries quickly ended up in the children's baskets. Satisfied, the children returned home.

3. Look what happened.

Exercise. Write individual words dictated by the speech therapist in notebooks, and sentences on leaflets. After completing the task, answer the questions.

October. Late autumn has come. Month. Second. There's a storm in the yard. It often rains. Autumn. Birds fly to warmer climes. People call this time sad.


    What did you write down on the sheets? (Sentence.)

    What came out of the proposals? (Story.)

    Read what is written in the notebooks? (The words.)

    Are these words united by a common thought? (Yes.)

    Can this be called a proposal? (Not.)

    How to get a sentence from these words? (Change the word autumn, change the word order.)

4. Answer with one sentence.

Exercise. Answer the question in one sentence (orally and in writing), try to keep the sentence short and understandable.

    The question may be related to the proposed text, for example:

“In the lesson of natural history, we studied vegetables. At the end of the lesson, the teacher asked: "Now let someone name their favorite vegetables from all the listed vegetables." Dima volunteered to answer: "I love peas, carrots, cucumbers and cabbage rolls." And everyone laughed." Why did everyone laugh?

    A comparison question may be asked, such as "How is a reading lesson different from a writing lesson, or from a math lesson?"

    You can use well-known questions - jokes, for example: "What can you see with your eyes closed?" (Dream.) “Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain?” (Under wet.)

You can offer students the game "Answer in one word", meanwhile asking questions that cannot be answered in one word. For example: is it possible to bypass the bus in front? (No. You can't.) What paper do schoolchildren use to write? (Lined.) Why do leaves fall from trees in autumn? (It is impossible to answer in one word.)

5. Or “no”, or “yes”, but you don’t know - trouble.

Exercise. After listening to the statement, answer "yes" if it is true, or "no" if it is false. The participant who gave the wrong answer "gets into trouble" - he is given a "penalty" flag. At the end of the game, "those in trouble" need to be rescued. This is done by a speech therapist or one of the participants in the game, asking a question or offering the loser a task that he must complete. For example, you need to come up with a sentence of five words or a word with a sound l etc. The game can be used to review previously learned material or at the end of the lesson when summing up.

Sample statements:

Sounds are what we hear. (Yes) Letters we hear and pronounce. (No) The dragonfly is a small bird. (No) In winter, the days are shorter, the nights are longer. (Yes)

6. The game "Conveyor".

Before the start of the game, explain what a conveyor is and why it is possible to call a game that the children will join in that way: the sentence will be collected, as on a conveyor - everyone will insert a word.

There are 3-5 plot pictures on the board. One student mentally chooses one of them, comes up with a sentence on it and names only the first word. The rest of the participants in the game add each of their own to the word they heard, so that they get a grammatically correct sentence corresponding to the plot. The controller pronounces the resulting sentence in its entirety and evaluates it. The student who started the game says his version. The used picture is replaced by a new one, the game continues.

7. The game "Switchmen".

Exercise. In this game, all participants will be switchmen, skipping "trains" - stories. After listening to the story, the switchman raises a card with a number corresponding to the number of sentences in the story. If this figure is determined correctly, the "train" safely passes the "station". If one of the switchmen made a mistake and incorrectly determined the number of sentences, it is considered that he led the "train" to the wreck, and, therefore, is eliminated from the game. The speech therapist reads 4 - 5 short stories, including sentences of various dramatic constructions. The participants who were able to stay in the game win.

Note. A game can also be built in which it is necessary to determine the number of syllables or sounds in a word.

8. Designate with a number.

Exercise. listen to suggestions; in each of them determine the place in which the word is located sun; write the number in your notebook. At the end of the game, add up the numbers obtained, the one who ended up with the number 20 wins.

in winter sun shines, but does not heat. Living in the south, we have seen how sun sits right in the sea. Sun generously pours its rays on the earth. Winter sun illuminated the tops of the pines. Climbing to the top of the mountain, we saw the setting sun.

9. Isolation of words from solid sentences, in a continuous text.

For example: Leaves are falling and it's raining. (Leaves are falling and it's raining.)

10. Come up with a proposal for a plot picture or a series of paintings.

    Determine the number of words in it;

    With a certain number of words (with 2, 3, 4, 5 words, etc.)

11. Working with deformed sentences. (by cards).

    Exercise: Make three sentences out of the words and write them down. Underline the prepositions and the words with which they are used.

Rooks, from, warm, in, March, return, countries.

They, on, loudly, trees, shout.

Cry, spring, oh, rook, heralds, the beginning.

    The game. "Succeeded - failed."

Exercise. Make a sentence from these words. Arrange the words in the sentence in the order of the given questions.

    Bees, honey, collect, in summer (when?, who?, what do they do?, what?)

    They work, workers, small, (what?, who?, what do they do?, how?)


    Proboscis, nectar, pulls, long, (what ?, what ?, who ?, what does ?,

bee, from flowers what?, where?)

c) Read.


Carp usually lives in ponds. Green slime covers the pond from above. But crucian loves such corners.

Write the beginning of the story. Make up sentences from these words and complete the story with them.

Crucian, in, mud, burrows, during the day.

He, at night, makes his way, to, the coast.

Crucian, reeds, young, there, gnaws.

12. Define the boundaries of the proposals.

Exercise. Read the text, defining sentence boundaries. Pay attention to the intonation at the end of the sentence.

Yellow water lilies have opened on the river, water porridge blooms over the water, a wild duck has brought little ducklings out of the sedge, dragonflies fly over the water, children run through the fragrant meadow.

How many sentences are in the text?

Write the text, correcting each sentence.

In the last two sentences, underline the subject with one line, the predicate with two lines.

13. Finish the sentence.

The ground is covered with snow, like ... . Ice glitters near the shore, like ... . Fog creeps over the lake, like ... . Raindrops run down my face like...

14. Distribution of offers.

Exercise. Complete the sentences with suitable predicates.

In winter, a hedgehog ... under a pile of brushwood. But now ... spring. ... young grass. Hedgehog ... from under brushwood. He ... to hunt.

Words for reference: came, slept, got out, went, appeared.

15. Graphic dictation.

|___.|___? |___! |___ ___ ___ _ ___. 5

Come up with proposals.

16. Reading sentences from the end.

Sample. Dear garden ... And the rose fell on Azor's paw.

A bison has a watermelon, and a lynx has cheese.

17. Write off the text. In a sentence, replace the picture with a word.

Sample. Lived in the forest ... (hedgehog). At night he came ... (to the garden). In the garden, the hedgehog found ... (apples). He pricked apples ... (for needles). Hedgehog stacked apples ... (in mink). He prepared food for the winter.

18. Find the mistake in the sentence.

The dog is eating cabbage. The hare is chewing on a bone. The bricklayer is building a nest. The stork is building a house. The fisherman spins a web. The spider weaves webs.

19. Raise the dotted card if the sentence is complete.

The audience is watching. . . . Clock stopped. The train has arrived. The kite grabbed ... . The astronauts have landed. The rain has wet...

20. The game "Who is faster!"

Exercise. Who will quickly compose a text from disparate sentences.

Title the text.

This is a very large animal. The polar bear lives in the north. It protects the beast from the cold. A bear has a very thick layer of fat under its skin. Scientists are closely studying the life of this predator.

21. The game "Guess yourself."

Exercise. Group the words. How? Guess yourself.

Warm, spring, sun, fun, green, shining, three, came, bright, grass, murmur, streams, fluffy, birds, seven, arrived.

How many groups of words did you get?

What is the key for each grouping?

Write the words in a column, answering the questions:

    Who? What?

    What is he doing?




Make sentences from these words. Check each other's assignments.

    Syllabic analysis and synthesis.

The game techniques used at this stage serve to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables; isolate a given syllable from a word; determine the number of syllables in a word; observe the syllable-forming role of vowels.

Work on the development of syllabic analysis and synthesis must begin with the use of auxiliary techniques, then it is carried out on the plane of loud speech and, finally, on the basis of auditory representations, on the inner plane.

When forming a syllabic analysis based on auxiliary means, it is proposed, for example, to clap or tap the word into syllables and name their number.

In the process of developing syllabic analysis in the speech plan, emphasis is placed on the ability to distinguish vowel sounds in a word, to learn the basic rule of syllabic division: there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowel sounds. The reliance on vowels in syllabic division makes it possible to eliminate and prevent such reading and writing errors as omissions of vowels, addition of vowels.

    Game "Telegrapher".

Clap or tap the word by syllables and name their number. By opening the mouth.


    Digital row.

Determine the number of syllables in the named words, raise the corresponding figure.

    "Sound Clock" (Grade 1)

Exercise: on the dial, indicate with arrows the names of the pictures, which consist of 1, 2, 3, 4 syllables.

    Fun train game.(1 option, 1 class)

Exercise. Arrange on the cars pictures, the names of which consist of 1, 2, 3 syllables. Determine the color of the car, indicate which car is on the left or right.

The speech therapist inserts plates with squares into the slots on the covers of the cars. Explains to the students that animals whose names consist of one syllable will go in the first carriage. The second carriage will carry animals whose names consist of two syllables, and the third carriage will carry animals whose names consist of three syllables.

    Pyramid game. (1-2 cells) 1 option.

Exercise. Build a pyramid (of squares in three rows). At the bottom there are 3 squares for three complex syllables, above - 2 for two-syllables and at the top - 1 for one-syllable words. At the bottom of the squares are pockets into which subject pictures are inserted.

    The game "Dress up the Christmas tree." (1 class) 1 option.

Exercise. Holiday is coming New Year. The speech therapist asks students to help decorate the Christmas tree. Hang toys on the Christmas tree, the names of which consist of 1 syllable, then - from 2 syllables, then - from 3 syllables and 4 syllables.

Option 2.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden have come up with an interesting task for you. They hung the numbers on the tree. Whoever correctly counts the number of syllables in a word (or sounds), he will hang a Christmas tree toy in place of the number.

Object pictures stand on a type-setting canvas.

    Work on the tables "Sounding word".(G.A. Tumakova) (1 - 3 cl.)

"Guess yourself" tab. #22

"Vegetables" tab. #13

"Naughty Kitten" tab. #7

"Fishing" tab. #15

    "Let's put things in order."(1 class)

Exercise. Dunno, as always, got it all mixed up. Help Dunno to compose words from cards - syllables.

Sample: chik, kuz, not (grasshopper).

    Game "Let's play puzzles"(1 - 2 cells)

The speech therapist divides the children into two teams. The first team guesses riddles, the other guesses. To guess the riddle faster, team 1 draws a word scheme (by syllables). Then the teams change places.

1 team 2 team

You walk - lies ahead,

Look around - running home. Road.

    Game "Chain of words" 1 option

Exercise. Think of a series of words so that the last syllable of one word becomes the first syllable of the next, for example:

fish - ram - wound - galoshes - tire, etc.

    Card work.(For individual work).

1 class - identify the missing syllable in the word using the picture.

2 cells - insert a syllable into a word with a colored pencil.

3 cells - write words in three columns using word schemes.

Desk book truck

    Finish the word.(2 - 3 cells)

Exercise. Write down the part of the word dictated by the speech therapist. Listen to word endings. Finish the word with one syllable. Read what happened.

Mo - (-st, -gu, -zhete); chi - (-hundred, -n, -tat); even - (-th, -ko).

    Get an estimate.(2 - 3 cells)

Exercise. Insert the missing syllables into the words, and then make a word from them that evaluates the result of this work.

    Cle -, zar -, ver - but.

    Cold \u003d - roses, lazy \u003d - holes, krinitsa \u003d colo-. Young.

    Went away to hunt, - zeroed his tail, sharp - zhik. Correctly.

    Coder game.(2 - 3 cells)

Exercise. Select a given syllable from a word, memorize or write it down. As a result, words are obtained from the selected syllables.

    Remove the first syllable from the word.

Orally: ferret, rumble, rustle - good.

Orally and in writing: answer, personality, rhinoceros - excellent.

    Highlight stressed syllables in words (in writing). Make a proposal out of them.

Mountains, pilots, owl, without, fishing rod, winter, cabbage, beauty, pit, drawing, small. A head without a mind is an empty scrip.

    Write out the third syllable. From the resulting syllables, make a word denoting a part of speech.

Teacher, road, kimono, singing, marshmallow, hospitality.


Equipment. A magnetic board with two lines drawn on it - paths, two small models of cars (or a turtle or a rocket).

On those tracks you can mark the finish line. The number of moves is not limited, for drivers the main thing is to get to the finish line faster, and this is possible when choosing words with a small number of syllables. Summing up: who got to the finish line faster?

    Game "Attention and counting".(2-3 cells)

The game is played in writing. Students are required to be attentive and able to quickly count syllables in words. The speech therapist reads the sentence, the children memorize it and write out all the owls, consisting of three syllables.

There was a wasteland around the school. The herd went past our house. There was a horse under the window. A white mouse sits in a cage. In spring, the birch comes to life.

If the task is completed, it’s true, a sentence will appear in the notebook: There was a white birch near our house.

    The game "Make no mistake!"(1 class)

Exercise. Write down suggestions. Instead of brackets, write those words that have only one syllable.

a. Mother bought (…). Melon, salt

b. The fisherman got a huge (...). Omul, burbot, ruff, catfish

With. (…) - pet. Goat, horse

d. (…) is a deciduous tree. willow, elm

e. (...) - a large cat. She hunts hares and birds. Can climb trees. Fox, lynx

    Rebuses.(2-3 cells)

draw slo with (dro - wa, slo - wa, owl - wa)

    The game "Put the stick."(1 class)

Target: training in syllable division, in setting stress.

visual material: each child has a set of strips for writing syllables, counting sticks.

The speech therapist shows toys, pictures, (on one topic), and the children must write down each word in strips according to the number of syllables and determine the stress in the word. If the stress is on the first syllable, they should place the stick over the first strip, if at the end, over the second.

    The game "Remove the syllable."(2 cells)

Exercise. Remove a syllable to make a new word. Write it down.

Rainbow, car, wolves, forester, road, bagel, currant, primers, butterflies, dragonfly, vegetable garden, handkerchiefs, deer, fence.

    The game "Guess what we have in mind."

Exercise. Insert the syllables zhi, shi to make words. Repeat the spelling rules zhi, shi.

Dru ma

pru on ti on

On on

(spring, squad, car, silence)

    Work with deformed sentences in which words are divided into syllables.

Sample: On, ma-shi-nah, re-re-vo-zyat, people, and, loads.

    The game "Who is faster!"

Exercise. Read the poem. The first team writes out words consisting of two syllables, the second team - of three syllables, the third team - of one syllable. Who will complete the task faster?

    Phonemic analysis and synthesis.

At this stage, children learn to determine the presence and place of a given sound in a word; isolate the first or last syllable from the syllable; determine the sequence of sounds in a word.

    Working with symbols, with articulation profiles.

Clarification of articulation and sounding of sound based on visual, auditory, tactile perception, kinesthetic sensation (sensation of the position and movement of organs).

    Game "Find the place of the sound in the word."

Exercise. Determine the place of sound in a word from pictures (1-2 cells), by ear (3-4 cells). (beginning, middle, end).

    The game "Guess how many sounds in a word?"

Exercise. Determine the number of sounds in a word (or what sound in a row) according to sound lines No. 1, 2 or a digital row.

The speech therapist names words (monosyllabic), children determine the vowel sound (or consonant sound in a word) and show the letter.

Sample: cancer - a, house - d.

    The game "I hear the sound."(vowel or consonant, hard or soft, voiced or deaf).

The speech therapist calls the words (or shows subject pictures), and the students raise signal cards.

    Silent game.

Clap their hands if they are correct (for example, they hear a vowel sound). Silence if wrong.

    Choose a word for the diagram.

a. Write down only the vowels of the given word (windows - about a).

b. Write down only the consonants of this word (table - st l).

c. Choose a word for the diagram using subject pictures (by topic).

d. Make a word scheme using color graphic designation.

e. Vocabulary graphic dictation.

8. The game "Who lives in the house?"(1-2 cells)

Target: exercise children in the selection of words with a certain sound.

Game material: cards (made of paper) in the form of flat houses with 4 windows. Under each window there is a pocket where a picture is inserted. On the attic window is a letter. Object pictures for certain sounds.

Speech therapist.“We built houses for animals and birds. Let's help the animals settle down, children. In the first house, those animals can live, in the name of which there is a sound C, in the second - those who have the sound Sh in the name. There are 4 apartments in each house. Find 4 animals and move to the house.

9. "Fun Train".(1 class) 2 option.

Exercise. Determine the number of sounds in words (or the presence of a specified sound in words).

The speech therapist inserts plates with circles into the slots on the roofs of the cars and offers to select passengers, focusing on the number of sounds in words.

Speech therapist.“The train for the birds and beasts has arrived. It has three wagons. Each animal can travel only in the carriage assigned to it. Animals whose names consist of 3 sounds will ride in the first car, 4 sounds in the second, and 5 sounds in the third.

10. The game "Pyramid".(1-2 cells) 2 option.

Exercise. Determine the number of sounds in words.

Speech therapist.“We will build this pyramid from pictures. At the very top, we should have pictures with short names consisting of only two sounds, below - from three, even lower - from 4 sounds. And at the base of the pyramid, pictures with names of five sounds should be placed.

11. The game "We decorate the Christmas tree."(1-2 cells) 3 option

Exercise. Hang on the tree Christmas decorations in the following order: first hang those toys whose names contain the sound З, then the toys whose names contain Zh.

But ended New Year's celebration, and the need to remove Christmas decorations until the next New Year. Arrange the toys in boxes, taking into account the number of sounds in words.

12. Game "Find a pair"(disk - clock) (1-2 cells)

Exercise. Find words that differ from each other in one sound.

Speech therapist. This disc is divided into two parts. The upper half contains various pictures. One arrow points to the picture, and the second arrow points to the empty circle below. On this circle you need to place a picture with an object whose name sounds similar to the name of the object pointed to by the upper arrow. Having picked up a picture, the student pronounces both names, emphasizing their similarities and differences (“goat - braid”) with his voice.

13. The game "What are their names?"(1 class)

Exercise. Determine the sequence of sounds in words, and also make names out of them.

The speech therapist invites students to find out the names of the girls and boys shown on the table. Explains that for this it is necessary to determine the first (second and last) sounds in words - the names of objects drawn in the pictures in the upper pockets. the students name: horse, watermelon, crayfish, aster - and come to the conclusion that the girl's name is Lara.

    Mail game.(1-2 cells)

Target: analysis of words, determination of the place of sounds Ch and Sh in words.

Game material: 2 houses (blue - with the letter H, yellow - with the letter W). In the windows of the houses, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are the numbers of the apartments.

The mail received letters with riddles and riddles. The postman Pechkin, as always, mixed everything up and put the answers in the wrong envelopes. Help Pechkin guess the riddles, find pictures for them - riddles, determine where the sound H or the sound Sh is in the words - riddles and take the envelopes "to the addresses" (insert the pictures into certain windows of the houses).

    The game "Going up and down the stairs."(2-3 cells)

Exercise. Come up with words where the sound (for example. 3) would be in 1st place, in second, in third.

2 2

1 1

16. Punched cards.(grades 1-4)

a) cards with the image of objects (for example, a snowman, fish, etc.)

b) cards with words and pictures denoting them;

c) cards with texts.

Exercise. Insert missing letter.

17. Cards for independent work.(grades 1-4)

a) Insert the missing letters into the words with colored pencils.

Sample: write the words of the tongue twister: t or t?

At the hemp again .. pya .. again .. .

b) write down. Fill in the missing words in the sentence according to the meaning.

We got red... heat

Katya started... ball

c) find certain letters in the text (Z-S, D-T, V-F, etc.).

Highlight them with different colors.

18. The game "Who is more attentive?"(1 class)

Exercise. Listen to the syllables containing different sounds. When you hear that the syllable contains the sound C, take one chip for yourself. The winner is the one who has as many chips as syllables with the sound C were pronounced (the syllables were recorded on a tape recorder with an interval of 2-3 seconds; the sound is pronounced a little longer than other sounds).

19. The game "Find my place."(1 class)

We use magnetic letters and a magnetic board. We offer the letters a, o, y, s, e and several letters C. Students make 2-3 syllables at the board, changing the letters C, putting it in first place, then in second place: SA-ac, co-os, su-us, and make the necessary explanations. Further syllables are written under the dictation of a speech therapist. A table of dictated syllables is shown for checking with a codoscope. Children check the correctness of the syllables written under dictation with the table.

20. The game "I order the word."(1 class)

The host calls the syllable containing the sound C (open, closed, with a confluence of consonants: sa, os, hundred). Students name the whole word, divide it into syllables and determine the place where this syllable is located in the word. If the task is completed correctly, the student receives a token. The one with the most chips wins.

21. The game "Confusion".(1-3 cells)

The word and individual letters are given on the magnetic board. We invite children to change one letter in a word so that they get a new word, read it and explain its meaning, make a phrase or sentence with it. If the student coped with the task, he receives an incentive prize. The one with the most prizes wins.

22. Crosswords, puzzles.(grades 1-4)

For example, solving a crossword puzzle that requires the ability to differentiate sounds.

The word ZH I V O T N Y E is written vertically in the cells. Names of wild and domestic animals must be entered in the horizontal cells. To make it easier for the children to complete the task, appropriate pictures are given next to them, which depict animals.

After solving the crossword puzzle, we invite the children to write the names of the animals and underline with a red pencil R, L - blue.

23. Charade.(1 class)

It is necessary to make up a word, for which the children are offered the following pictures in a certain order: ram, iron, cancer, watermelon, ax, willow, scissors, glasses. Having highlighted the first sounds in the names of these objects, students make up the word Pinocchio. A picture appears on the board with the image of the hero of the fairy tale "The Golden Key".

24. The game "Find the letter."(1-2 cells)

Students are offered a table with catches in which there are no vowels. Children read by putting in the missing letters. Then a conclusion is made: the letter O is missing in all the words. For some time, the table is closed, the students write down the words in notebooks under the dictation of a speech therapist, then they compare what is written with the table. (Performing this task, the children look for vowels, trying different options, and independently come to the desired conclusion).

25. Selective answer.(grades 1-4)

In elementary school, elements of programmed learning are used, in particular, selective response. Its essence is that when offering students a task (exercise, question), the teacher accompanies it with several answers, of which one is correct (or complete), and the rest are incorrect (or incomplete). Students must choose the correct (full) answer.

The words.


b ... tone



For example:

26. The game "Find out who you are"(2-3 cells)

The speech therapist explains to the children that as a result of completing the task, each of them will read something good about himself.

Exercise. After listening to a couple of words, determine what sound is in either word of the pair, write it down in transcription brackets. Next, from the sounds, collect the word and write it down according to the rules of spelling.

A fly is a bridge, a poppy is a garden, a puddle is a scrap, an aster is a closet, a day is a disk, an echo is a forest, a circus is a father. Solution:[malad’ etz] well done.

27. Sounds and letters.(2-3 cells)

Exercise 1. Isolate the last sound in the word, write in transcription brackets.

Kangaroo, ball, mugs, swan, walk, house, flight, winter, hoop, skates, bed.

Solution: [learn’t’ mind touch’it’] To teach is to sharpen the mind.

Task2. burn last letter each word (repeat the spelling of paired vowels at the end of the word).

I am writing, noise, frost, window, crocodile, cinema, bridge, broom, parade, glass, fire, sieve, knife, sea.

Solution: the mind is more precious than gold.

28. Game "Attention to the start."(2-3 cells)

The game consolidates the ability to isolate the first sound in a word, develops the skill of quantitative phonemic analysis.

On the type-setting canvas, a picture is displayed. Children need to identify the first sound in its name. Then the children select from the pictures they have the one whose name begins with the same sound. The winner is the one who finds the picture with the most sounds in the title. On command: “Go! Attention! March!" Pupils go to the blackboard and put their pictures on the typesetting canvas. After that, the game is summed up: all the names of the pictures must begin with one sound; determine how many sounds are in each word; called the winner.

29. The game "Guess - ka."(2-3 cells)

Children learn to determine the number of sounds in a word, to come up with words with a given number of sounds.

The student is given a card with a number written on it. The one who received the card, without showing it to his comrades, comes up with a word with the number of sounds corresponding to the specified number. The rest must guess what number is written on the card.

30. The game "Pendulum".(2 cells)

Exercise. What pairs make up these words? Write them down. Underline the letters that indicate the softness of the consonants in the letter.

ox led



a piece of chalk?


31. The game "Wonderful bag".(1 class)

Target: development of sound analysis, improvement of vocabulary.

The speech therapist puts subject pictures in the bag, in the name of which there are sounds С and Ш. Arrange the pictures in 2 columns (or write them down in 2 columns) according to the presence of sound in the word.

32. Game with throwing the ball.

"Say the other way around": goat - braid, heat - ball, etc.

"Finish the word": the speech therapist calls the syllable, the children add the second.

33. Work with words - paronyms.(grades 1-4)

a) The game "Who has a similar word?"

Children are given cards with words - paronyms. The student reads the word written on his card. The one who has a word that differs in one first sound should respond to him. Similarities and differences between words are established.

b) The game "Find the mistake."

The speech therapist reads a poem. Students determine the word pronounced correctly, correct the mistake. The quatrain in the corrected form is repeated by the speech therapist together with the children.

Sample. Lots of snow in the yard. Birds are hungry in winter.

Sasha and Yegorka, Our Yegorka came out

Taking a shovel and a bucket, And for the birds did not regret

We went out to make a crust of fresh ruddy slides.

c) The game "Guess the word!"

The following entry was made on the board: -points.

Exercise. Insert the letter P, then the letter B. What word will come out? Identify similarities and differences in words. Make up sentences with these words.

34. The word is a riddle.

The first letter of the word is written on the board, dots are put in place of the rest of the letters. If the word is not guessed, then the second letter of the word is written, etc. (n……….) curdled milk.

35. Write the letters in the circles.

For example, fill in the circles with the 3rd letter following words:

Ra O, eyebrows, su O kA, tr O va, sy O - mosquito.

36. Convert words:

a) add sound(mouth - mole);

b) change one sound of a word(catfish - juice - bough - soup - dry - dry - litter - cheese - son - dream);

Game "Chain of words".

c) name the word in which sounds are arranged in reverse order: nose - sleep, cat - current;

d) what sound escaped?(mole - cat, lamp - paw);

e) find a common sound in words: the moon is a table, the cinema is a needle;

e) what words can be formed from the letters of a common word: trunk (table, ox).

37. Dictation "This".

38. Work on the tables "Sounding word".(G.A. Tumakova)

Exercise: match the word to the diagrams, determine the number of sounds in the word.

"Sounding words" table No. 1

"Choose the word" tab. No. 3 "Sasha and the Snowman" tab. No. 10

    Violation of the optical perception of the graphic image of letters similar in spelling.

Work is carried out in the following areas:

    Development of visual perception, recognition of color, shape and size (visual gnosis).

    Expansion and refinement of visual memory.

    Formation of spatial representations.

    Development of visual analysis and synthesis.

Development of spatial orientations: orientation in one's own body, in the surrounding space.

    The game "For berries - for mushrooms."

Target: comparison of objects by size and relative position, further development of spatial representations.

The speech therapist arranges drawings on a magnetic board or a flannelograph and invites the children to go for a walk with Little Red Riding Hood in the forest - for berries, for mushrooms. On a magnetic board, he draws a wide and narrow path with colored crayons, changing their directions several times: left, right, up, down the playing field. Traveling with Little Red Riding Hood, children tell in which direction they are going, name the collected mushrooms, berries, trees met on the way, compare them in size.

    The game "Flowers and bees".

Target: the formation of relations "more", "less", "the same" between groups of objects, the continuation of work with color.

Content: a speech therapist fixes drawings of flowers and bees on a magnetic board or flannelograph. From each row, he calls students who will portray bees. At his signal, "The bees are flying!" they start buzzing and spinning. Then each of the students of the game removes a drawing of a bee from the board and fixes it over the drawing of one of the flowers - puts a bee on a flower. At the same time, he must give the correct name of the flower, indicate its color and size.

Having planted bees on a flower, the children are clearly convinced that one bee sits on each flower, i.e. There are as many bees as there are flowers. Then the number of bees is taken less than the number of flowers or more.

    Game "Help Olya".

Exercise. Match the shapes of the figures and real objects.

For example: a circle is a watermelon, an oval is a melon, a triangle is a carrot.

    Graphic display of directions(work in notebooks).

Sample: mark 4 points on the line. Draw an arrow from each point in the direction:. . . . 1-down




    Magic square.

The game "Where is the fly?"(Up, right)

To complicate the game, it is proposed not to move the hand, but to mentally imagine looking at the table. (Use ornaments, pictures, letters.)

The game "Make words yourself."

Exercise: make your own words using the magic square.

















    Stroke shapes, letters.

    Workshop game.

Exercise. Lay out letters from sticks, cut out from paper, lay out from braid, mold from plasticine.

    The game "Who is more attentive!"

a) Find the missing elements of the letters.

b) Find a given figure or letter among those correctly and mirrored.

c) Reconstruction of letters.

    Punch cards.

Exercise. Insert missing letters (e or b) into words.

    Card work.

Exercise. Copy the text, highlighting the mixed letters with colored pencils.

    Game "Find the mistake in the sentence."

Sample: Volodya caught the daddy. - Volodya caught a butterfly. (d - b)

A dusty bunch hung over the field. A dark cloud hung over the field. (t - p)

    Game "Hear the sound, identify the letter."

Exercise. Write out words with mixed letters from the sentence in the left and right columns.

    Letter from memory.

    Morphological analysis and synthesis.

At this stage of correctional work, work on the word continues. The word is considered from the point of view of its lexical meaning and morphological composition. The speech therapist develops in children the ability to understand the semantic meaning of the word contained in the root, to isolate the root and select a number of words with the same root. He teaches to form new words with the help of suffixes and prefixes. Games and game techniques help students to differentiate prepositions and prefixes, while relying on the semantic meaning of an owl; practically learn the topic "Unstressed vowels at the root of the word." Thus, relying on visual perception and memory, a speech therapist forms students' spelling vigilance and develops a linguistic flair.

    Game "Collect the word".(2-4 cells)

Exercise. Write down the word in which the root, as in the word COLOR, the suffix, as in the word BEREZKA, the prefix, as in the word WENT, the ending, as in the word RIVER. (PAINTING).

    Game "Find the word".

You will find the root in the name of our planet.

And the ending - you will find the gorge in the word.

If you highlight the prefix in the word suspension,

It means you have done your job correctly. (DUNGEON)

    The game "Listen to a fairy tale."

Exercise 1. Listen carefully to the story. Find all related words in the fairy tale. Write related words in a notebook, highlight a common root, draw a conclusion.

"The Tale of the Curious Christmas Tree".

“In a dense green spruce forest there lived a small Christmas tree. Like all little ones, she was very curious and often asked adults questions.

- Why, - Yolochka asked Yolka's mother, - cones grow on your branches, but not on mine?

"Don't worry," Mom replied. “Grow up, and beautiful hard cones will appear on your branches.

“Why,” Yolochka asked Grandmother Staraya Elya, “red squirrels often come running to visit you and woodpeckers and crossbills fly in?”

“And birds will fly to visit you, squirrels will come running,” the grandmother reassured the Christmas tree. - Spruce seeds are hidden in the cones. For squirrels, woodpeckers, crossbills, this is the most delicious food.

(Related words: daughter Yolochka, mother Yolka, grandmother El, spruce, spruce).

Conclusion: all words are close in meaning, all words have a common part.

Task2. Listen to a fairy tale. Find in each word that little word ROS from which they all grew. Write down words in a notebook, find a common part in these words, determine the common lexical meaning words, which is contained in this common part (growing means growing in size, stretching upwards), and highlight the common part with the sign of the root.

The speech therapist reads to the students the text of the fairy tale “The Miracle Tree”, at the same time attaching cards with the words grew, sprout, grew, grew, overgrown, grew, sprouted to the drawing of the tree.

“Once upon a time there was, a small word ROS. It was short, almost imperceptible, so short and imperceptible that other big words often forgot that it lives side by side: they were not invited to visit, they were not invited to birthdays. It was insulting to the word ROS, and it went with its insult to the Queen Grammar. He asks her: “Help me, Queen Grammar! The words “neighbors” began to be completely forgotten about me. Make me grow up and become big and long.

"So you want to grow up? said the Queen of Grammar. “Well, have it your way!” And she planted the word ROS in the ground, like a seed, watered it with water.

A little time passed, and a GROWTH appeared from the earth. Rostok grew and turned into a small tree. The sun warmed, the rain watered it, and the tree GROWN, GROWN, became more and more. And now a big tree GROWED, twigs and leaves sprouted on it. A miracle has grown - a tree, it has become lush, sprawling, and instead of fruits, words hang on its branches.

    The game "Pick the fruit from the tree."

Speech therapist reads a poem by E. Izmailov "How words grow."

Somehow many years ago Here from the garden

They planted a strange garden. Seedlings for you.

There was no fruit garden - Here's another planting nearby.

He was only a word. And here is the gardener

This word, the word is the root, The gardener goes with it.

It began to grow soon Very interesting

And it brought us fruit - Walking in the verbal garden.

There are many new words.

Equipment: a table with the image of a tree - apple trees, fruits - apples hang on the apple tree, the words are written on the apples: gardener, gardener, planting, seedlings, sit down, garden, owlets, words.

Exercise: pluck the fruit (apple) from the tree with the SAD root. Prove that all these words come from the root SAD and are related. Write related words in a notebook and highlight the root.

    The game "Which of the boats will moor to the shore faster."

Equipment: table with the image of three ships. Each ship has its own name: IMPORTANT, WATER, MOVE. Words with missing roots are waiting for them on the shore. Which of the ships will quickly moor to the shore and stand in its word?

Exercise. Insert the appropriate root into the word. Find related words for these words and write them down in a notebook, highlighting the common root. Orally come up with a sentence with each word. The words: brave, marching, underwater.

    Find the third one.

Woe, upland, mountain;

Pain, big, hospital;

Water, water, lead.

Exercise. Write down single words. Prove that these words are related, highlight the root.

    Game "Find the word".

Exercise. Find a word that cannot be classified as a group of words with the root OWL -. Write related words, highlight the root. What words are used in a figurative sense.

Smart owls.

I. Kotlyar

Owls at the owl

Smart Heads:

On every owl's advice

Eyes flutter in response.

    Game "Choose the word".

Exercise. The students are divided into three groups. Each group is given a word to which you need to choose related words. Explain the meaning of words, highlight the common root in words.

Water - ..., ... Water, snowman, forest, watery, water, snowflake,

Snow - ..., ... forester, waterman, reservoir, Snow Maiden, bullfinch, woodland, backwater

Forest - ..., ... diver, snowy, arborist, underwater.

    Find in the riddle a related word to the riddle.

Who lives in the dense forest

clumsy, clumsy,

In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,

Does he suck his paw in winter? (bear, honey)

    The game "Write down a proposal."

Exercise. Write down the proposal. Insert the missing letters. Think about whether there are related words in the sentence.

Sample: grandfather Yegor in a thick l ... su

I met a red-haired l ... su.

    The game "Hear the sound - show the letter."

The speech therapist names words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Students must independently choose a test word and show the letter that is written in this word.

Sample: rooks - rook (a).

    The game "Read the words on the steering wheel."

W hell. Read the words on the helm. Write out only those words in which (o) is in a strong position (under stress), i.e. test words. Highlight a common part in them. Is it possible to say about words that they are related in meaning? Make up a sentence with each word.

The words: water, aquatic, algae, underwater.

    Distribute the words under the columns.

[A] [I]


Spring, mountainous, flowers, rooks, cat, cat, country, trees, tree, back, board.

Orally select the test words.

    The game "Count!"

The speech therapist reads the sentence, the students raise a card with a number indicating the number of words with an unstressed vowel in the root.

Sample: In winter, lay in the field,

In the spring, he ran into the river. (four)

    Work with punched cards.

Exercise. Insert unstressed vowels. Orally select test words.

    Game "Find the owner".

On the flannelograph there are pictures depicting a hero, a dwarf and Ivanushka the fool. The speech therapist randomly names parts of the face and body of fairy-tale characters (nose, eyes, eyes, ears, ears, nose, nose, etc.), students find the "owner". Words are written under the corresponding picture and immediately highlight the root. After writing down all the words, the speech therapist invites the children to determine which part of the word helped to find out to whom this word belongs, and highlights the suffixes.

Head, head, heads; nose, spout, nose; eyes, eyes, eyes; ears, ears, ears; mouth, mouth, mouth; forehead, forehead, forehead; hand, pen, hands; leg, leg, legs.

    Find a place game.

Equipment: pictures depicting a box with the inscription: a box and a suitcase with the inscription: a suitcase.

The speech therapist puts the pictures on the board and invites the students to draw a box and a suitcase in their notebooks, write the corresponding suffixes below. Then the children read the words written on the board and determine what needs to be “put” in the box and what in the suitcase, based on the suffix of the word. (Or they come up with words with these suffixes on their own). After that, write off the words in 2 columns, denoting the root and suffix.

The words: forest, fungus, bunny, sock, high chair, oak, locker, trailer, corner, soup, voice, clove, tooth, scarf.

    The game "Play ball".

The speech therapist names a suffix, with which students must form words from the word they named.

“Today we have a magician visiting us - yonok-. Elk." (Throws the ball to one of the students). The student returns the ball "calf".

    The game "We populate the house."

Schematic images of two houses are drawn on the board and in the students' notebooks, in one the magician -nik lives, and in the other - the sorceress -nits - a.

Exercise. Settle the words into houses: schoolgirl, schoolboy, collective farmer, collective farmer, skier, skier, etc.

    The game "Wizards are joking."

The wizards decided to joke and switched places in the words that are written (widely, randomly) on the board: flower, feed, frost, snowflake, colorful, smooth. They decided to check how well the guys know their language, how smart they are.

With the restored words, phrases and sentences are made up.

    Game "Help the wizard find his words."

Exercise. Who will name more words with a certain suffix. “Once upon a time, a magician – a boy – decided to take a walk alone. He came out of the words where he lived, walked - walked and got lost. He rushed to one word, to another, but they do not accept it. Name the words in which the wizard lives -enk-.

    The game "We populate the forest with unknown animals."

Write on the board: Lived in the forest.... Lived with him... They had a small... Another family lived nearby.

Exercise. It is necessary to settle the family of any animal. Students choose an animal they know, such as a moose. Come up with the name of an unknown animal that no one knows about, no one has heard of. For example, PLE, TIM, KVASH, etc.

    Which of the following words is superfluous:

hut, garden, porch, tree, window, patio, bench, door?

    The game "Separate the prefix."

Exercise. If you separate the prefix from the word around, then the rest of the word will have some meaning. For example, around - in a circle. But if you break the word of the raven, then the rest of the word will no longer have any meaning. For example, a crow is a crow.

Let's determine which words have prefixes.

Water, drive, in general, station, question, enter.

Write down, care, get sick, task, dawn, back of the head, protection.

Event, soldier, neighbor, pine.

    Find the mistake game.

Exercise. Read the offer. Find the mistakes you made. Fix them. Prove the correctness of your correction. Write the sentence correctly.

High up in the mountains already crawling. Dad brought a basket of apples into the room. Already crawled out of the cage and crawled along the floor. The swallow clung to the edge of the thread. Kolya ran after the dog, the dog ran after the cat. The boys walked down the narrow path. Autumn has set foot, the flowers have dried up. The herringbone on the row is in the room.

    The game "Live words".

Description of the game. The speech therapist gives students cards with parts of words. Then he calls the word and invites students to come to the board who have parts of the named word. First, the student who has the root of the word comes out, then the students who have cards with the suffix and ending, and take the appropriate place. The students standing at the blackboard raise their cards at the same level. Students read the resulting word.

For-stitch-k-a, table-o-th, on-so-n-th, under-style-k-a, white-enk-y, wind-seek-e, light-l-th, you- move-n-oh, pro-hum-to-a, raz-ved-chik-i.

    Game down the stairs.

Exercise. Help the forest man go down the "ladder" by inserting the missing letters in the words. Write these words. (Aspen, back, aspen, boletus). Sort them by composition.





Using this table, make up words from parts.

The words: planting, weeding, old woman, cream, brand new, girl, shelf.

These game tasks can be used in classes with students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 who have reading and writing disorders. When selecting games for classes, it is necessary to take into account the formation of the skill of language analysis and synthesis, the level of independence of students in the performance of educational tasks and, of course, the age and individual characteristics of children. If the task turns out to be difficult for the students of this group, you can use a lighter version of the game, or reduce the volume of the task, or help the children by exaggerating pronunciation, asking questions during the game, etc. some games can be used in classes with first graders, mainly in the oral version.

The use of a system of various game techniques and games as a variant of speech exercises not only allows you to more successfully solve the problems of correctional work, but also, according to our observations, contributes to the overall mental development of children.


    speech therapy. Under the editorship of Professor L.S. Volkova. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1989.

    Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. L.N. Efimenkov. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991.

    Violation of written speech in younger students. I.N. Sadovnikov. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1983.

    Formation of reading skills in children with severe speech disorders. S.F. Ivanenko. Moscow, "" Enlightenment, 1987.

    Reading and writing. IN AND. Gorodilov, M.Z. Kudryavtsev. Moscow, "Aquarium", St. Petersburg, "Delta", 1995.

    Organization and methods of corrective work of a speech therapist at a school point. L.N. Efimenkova, G.G. Misarenko. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991.

    native vocabulary. L.Ya. Zheltovskaya, E.N. Leonovich, O.V. Pronin. Moscow, ed. "Didakt", 1994.

    Lectures by S.G. Shevchenko, 1998

    Journal "Defectology".

    Journals "Primary School".

    From personal experience speech therapist.

The main cause of reading and writing disorders, many researchers

consider the shortcomings of the pronunciation of children, which are accompanied by underdevelopment

processes of phoneme formation, a lot of corrective speech therapy literature has been published

to overcome and prevent dysgraphia and dyslexia.

What should parents pay attention to?

1. It would be more correct to teach children to call letters with sounds: not BE, ME, SHA, ER, but briefly

B, M, W, R, otherwise it is difficult:

The ability to merge letters into syllables. The child reads MEAMEA instead of MAMA.

Sound analysis of words. The child incorrectly analyzes words like SOUP, porridge,

respectively skipping the sound Y in the first word and omitting the sound A at the end of the second word.

Accordingly, the child makes mistakes when writing these words.

2. Correct merging of letters into syllables. Wrong approach when teaching:

M and A will be MA.

Letter-by-letter reading: M, A, M, A.

Reading with the eyes and then saying words or phrases without looking at the book.

Proper teaching of reading skills

The child pulls the first sound until it reaches the second.


3. If r-k does not remember letters well, you can use the following tricks and

 laying out letters from sticks, peas, seeds, threads, modeling from plasticine, dough;

 drawing letters in the air with fingers, eyes;

 Guessing letters along the contours of velvet paper, from a set of plastic letters;

 tracing the contour of letters with a finger, shading letters;

 application of the dermalexia method (child guessing the letters written on the skin

back, arms).

4. Preparing a hand for writing, for which it is necessary to develop a child's fine hand

motor skills, because otherwise he will inevitably encounter large purely

technical difficulties in writing, since writing itself requires

endurance, ability to endure hardships. For the development of manual motor skills

Fingers say hello - fingers run around the table - playing the piano

Spreading the fingers to the sides - alternately raising the fingers of the hand - fist-palm

In addition to special exercises, it is very important to teach the child to perform

various household operations requiring differentiated finger movements and

generally a certain manual skill.

In addition, parents should be aware that:

It is advisable for a child to learn to color only with pencils, since felt-tip pens do not

require hand pressure and do not develop the necessary effort and endurance.

5. It is very important to arouse in the r-ka a steady desire to write even at preschool age.

But it must be remembered:

 the child should be able to hold a pencil correctly (with three fingers, and

the tip of the pencil “looks” at the shoulder);

 keep a notebook or sheet of paper in front of you in an inclined form and do not twist

(left-handed children hold the notebook under a different slope, opposite to right-handed ones);

 sit properly at the table;

 no need to teach the child to write in intricate capital letters, as in school;

 it is necessary to write in block letters, while taking into account: the younger the child,

the larger the letters should be (prevention of visual impairment).

Here is a list of a few tips to help parents avoid typical

mistakes and protect your r-ka from some problems in preparing for school.

88. Prevention of speech disorders. Prerequisites for normal development. growing up generations are created by measures to protect the health of the population. One of the important directions. development of speech therapy. assistance to the population prevention of speech disorders. and consequences of speech pathology. Primary prevention. Warning violated in speech development. is based on the measures of social, pedagogical. and, above all, psychological prevention of mental disorders. Timely genetic counseling is in trouble. parents for the purpose of warning. developed. one or the other is rejected. in the neuropsychic and speech development reb. Creation for the expectant mother during the period we take. the most favorable conditions. Psychologist-teacher. education of young parents. Closely follow the course of formation and development. all physiological the reactions of the children Contribute to the fact that the period of mastering the reb. motor skills (sitting, crawling, walking, subtle hand movements, etc.), and in particular the speech motor apparatus, proceeded well. Give birth. together with a doctor. must follow the progress of the stans. and the development of the reactions of the child (sleep, cry, movement), take necessary. prophylactic measures in the case their deviations. Should not be in the initial period is developed. overload reb. learning difficult pronunciations. and incomprehensible words, memorizing poems and songs. You can't retrain left-handers. The correct speech of others. Sensory education. and developed. game activity. Positive psychological climate in the family and in the home. Secondary professional. Violated speech is reflected in the mental. development of the child, the formation of his personality and behavior (secondary disorders). Attention teaches def. d.b. Maksim. focused on timely. warning possible secondary, more distant consequences of speeches. pathology. Particular attention should be paid to the analysis from these positions state. sounds. sides of speech, because insufficient formation of phonemic. processes even when fully compensated. sound defects. can lead to deficiencies in writing and reading skills. In percent brought up. D., having speech. violated parents and teachers need constantly reflect on their behavior and their positions. When at d. Observation. psychological complications such as personal experiences., connected. with cash speech defect, fear of speech, avoiding situations that require speech communication, etc., a speech therapist needs significantly enhance psychotherapy. accent in his work. Logopaedic. prevention can. valid only under conditions. complete knowledge of development. reb. (physical, mental, speech, etc.) based on development standards. Tertiary professional: vocational guidance and training for persons suffering. pathologist. some speeches. def. speeches limit the choice of profession. The main direction this stage yavl. deep consideration of personal capabilities. and interests of each child suffering from TNR. For such students, b. choice with the help of a teacher, a psychologist, doctors of such a path is trained., which will allow this particular person to achieve the best. results.

Svetlana Kobets
Prevention of reading and writing disorders

Prevention reading and writing disorders should be carried out with preschool age especially in children with speech violations.

The Russian language is very complex in its structure, and therefore, the sooner you start teaching a child literate reading and writing the easier it will be for him to study at school.

Psychologists and educators have identified regularity: if a child reads fluently by the end of the first grade, then he has time for all subjects, and vice versa. Speed reading for those who are lagging behind, underachieving children are much lower than the norm, and this causes a negative attitude towards the process itself reading, and usually reading becomes mechanical, without understanding the material. These children are hard to master. curriculum especially in Russian.

Families are known in which from generation to generation, "by inheritance", as they say, all children easily learn not only reading but also competent letter(“without any grammar they write without errors”).

Such "congenital" literacy can be explained, firstly, by highly developed visual attention and memory; Secondly, the parents of such children are already in early age play sounds and words with them.

Reading and writing disorder in children most often occurs as a result of a general underdevelopment of all components language: phonetic - phonemic and lexical - grammatical.

Therefore, work must be carried out on several directions:

1. Formation of sound pronunciation, clarification of the articulation of sounds.

2. The development of phonemic hearing (the ability to distinguish one sound from another, phonemic hearing and synthesis (highlighting certain sound from a word or composing words from given sounds).

3. Vocabulary expansion, active vocabulary enrichment.

4. Development of thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention.

5. Formation of a connected speeches: need to teach children different types paraphrase (detailed, selective, brief); compiling a story according to a plot picture, according to a series of pictures, according to a given beginning or end, etc.).

6. Improving spatial and temporal orientations on oneself, on a sheet of paper (right, left, top, bottom; development of the ability to memorize, automate and reproduce series that include several different movements (Ozeretsky test "Fist - rib - palm"); adverb (seasons, days of the week).

7. Development of fine motor skills of hands using massage and self-massage of fingers, games with fingers, stroking, hatching, working with scissors, plasticine, etc.

8. Development of tactile sensations (find out which letter "wrote" on the back, on the arm, in the air with the child's hand, recognize the letters by touch, etc.).

9. Development of constructive praxis by modeling letters from sticks, from elements of letters, reconstruction of letters.

10. Preparation for training literacy: introduction to basic concepts (sound, letter, syllable, word, sentence) ; drawing up diagrams, etc.

The solution of all these problems helps to form the basis for mastering school knowledge, for reading and writing error warnings.

Work on preventing reading and writing errors will be successful if speech therapists, educators and parents join forces.

Yarosh Tatyana Alexandrovna

One of necessary conditions prevention of writing and reading disorders is the early recognition of warning signs of speech underdevelopment. The key point in determining possible difficulties in writing and reading is the study of the phonetic and phonemic development of children.

Mastering the phonetic structure of the language ends in different children at different times: there are children who speak quite correctly by the age of 3, while others have certain shortcomings even at the age of 6-7 years. These discrepancies depend on a number of reasons. An important role is played by the environment of the child: speech develops better in those children who constantly hear the correct speech, with whom they talk a lot. Of great importance for the assimilation of phonetics is the mental activity of the child, his physical condition, normal hearing, structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Constantly caring about the culture of speech in general and conducting special exercises, it is possible to ensure that all children entering school fully master the phonemic system of their native language.

Timely identification of children with phonemic underdevelopment and conducting speech therapy classes with them at preschool age (from 4-5 years old) makes it possible to prevent the failure of many schoolchildren. The study of pronunciation deficiencies in children of older preschool age with phonemic underdevelopment shows that the sequence of the formation of sounds in them basically does not differ from that observed during normal development.

A sign of phonemic underdevelopment in children is the incompleteness of the formation of sounds that differ in subtle articulation (pronunciation) or acoustic (auditory) features. These include whistling (s, s, c) and hissing (w, w, h, u) sounds, as well as sonorant (r, l), voiced and deaf, hard and soft consonants.

The following features of pronunciation of sounds are characteristic of phonemic underdevelopment:

Undifferentiated pronunciation of pairs or groups of sounds. In these cases, the same sound can serve as a substitute for 2-3 other sounds for the child. For example, the soft sound ` is pronounced instead of the sounds s, h, w (bag - "tyumka", cup - "tyashka", hat - "chopper")

Replacing one sound with another. Usually difficult sounds are replaced by easier ones. For example, instead of the sound p, the sound l is used, instead of the sound sh, the child says f. In some children, a whole group of whistling and hissing sounds can be replaced by sounds t, d.

Mixing sounds. This is the unstable use of a number of sounds in various words. The child can use sounds correctly in some words. and in others, to replace them. So, a child, knowing how to pronounce the sounds r, l in isolation, confuses them in speech utterances, replacing one with another.

The similar nature of violations of the sound side of speech should alert adults, because. he speaks of the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing (the ability to distinguish speech sounds). There is a system of techniques that help in such cases to determine the degree of unformed phonemic hearing. These are tasks like:

Play for an adult 3-4 syllable combinations of easy-to-pronounce sounds like: pa-po-poo, pa-ba-pa

Clap your hands on a given sound, for example, on the sound s among the sounds t, c, h, z, s, sh, etc.

Select a syllable with a specific sound. For example, the syllable sa among the syllables for, sha, sa, cha, schA, zha.

Raise your hand if the word contains a given sound. For example, a word with a sound from among the words sledge, fur coat, socks, umbrella, nose, pike.

In such tasks, the child is not required to pronounce a sound, because. it might make it difficult. It is important to find out the state of perception of speech sounds, so the child reacts with a certain action (claps his hands, raises his hand, a flag or a picture) if he hears a predetermined sound. These tasks make it possible to determine with great certainty the possibilities of perceiving sounds that are defective in pronunciation.

It is important to pay attention to the state of perception of those sounds that the child pronounces quite correctly. There are frequent cases when the perception of the so-called "perception" is disturbed or does not develop to the proper extent. "preserved" sounds, i.e. pronounced correctly. In children in this group, with outwardly favorable pronunciation, there are significant difficulties in the perception of sounds. It is these children who, often unexpectedly for those around them, become underachieving in reading and writing.

The underdevelopment of phonemic hearing negatively affects the formation of children's readiness for the sound analysis of words. So, children find it difficult in such cases:

a) in highlighting the first sound in a word (they call either the first syllable or the whole word). For example, in the word "beetle" they call the first sound "zhu".

b) in the selection of pictures that include a given sound. For example, pictures are selected for the sound sh: hat, dog, pike, bump, bag

c) in independent inventing and naming words with a given sound.

Timely identification of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, special organized learning(from 4-5 years old) allows not only to correct a speech defect, but also to fully prepare them for schooling.

The most severe types of reading and writing disorders are observed in children with general underdevelopment of speech. These children, in addition to phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, have a limited vocabulary and incorrectly grammatically formulate a phrase (incorrect word endings, omission of prepositions, incorrect word order in a sentence). Such children are already lagging behind in speech development at an early age. They begin to speak late (after 2-3 years), their speech is incomprehensible to others. Not later than 3 years, they should be examined in detail by a speech therapist. Parents receive detailed advice on overcoming the lag in speech development. If necessary, children with general underdevelopment of speech from the age of 4 are sent to study at a speech therapy Kindergarten. And when they enter school, they definitely continue to study at the school speech therapy center, because the poverty of the vocabulary, the inability to express their thoughts lead to the fact that students at later stages are not able to write presentations and essays.

Some teachers consider dysgraphic and dyslexic errors to be ridiculous, caused by personal qualities students: inability to listen to the teacher's explanation, inattention when writing, careless attitude to work. In fact, such errors are based on more serious reasons: the unformedness of the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech already discussed above.

The concept of readiness to master reading and writing is not limited to the development of all aspects oral speech child, and also includes the maturation of some non-speech functions (in particular, visual-spatial representations). The starting point in the work on the development of spatial orientations is the children's awareness of the scheme of their own body (right - left arm, leg, eye, ear). Next, the child needs to develop orientation in the picture (what is at the top - below, right - left). Then actions with objects are connected (put the cube under the table, on the table, hold it above the table; put the cube to the right - to the left of the ball, etc.) The child must distinguish between geometric shapes, distinguish any objects by color, as well as by sign (large - small, thick - thin, narrow - wide, high - low). Great help in the development of visual-spatial representations will be provided by games with mosaics, with cut pictures, puzzles. It is very useful to work with plasticine, clay, dough; coloring pictures with pencils, especially shading small details.

Such preventive work help the child prepare for clear visual perception and correct spelling letters.