Formation of interest in books and reading in young children. Formation of interest in reading among schoolchildren Before teaching to read

Sections: Primary School

“To instill in a child a taste for reading is the best gift,
which we can make him"
Cecile Lupan

Literary education and development involves the preparation of a full-fledged reader who is able to perceive a work of art accessible to the age adequately to the author's intention. The criteria for literary education and development of the child include: the required amount of theoretical information of a literary nature; possession of special reading skills that help to understand the ideological and artistic meaning of the work; the very erudition of the child, that is, what he reads and on what basis he selects books for reading, and, of course, the student's own literary work. Reading can be called one of the components of the perspectives of spirituality, intellect, culture. Working in primary school, I set myself the goal: to awaken children's interest in reading, to teach schoolchildren with the help of books not only to acquire new knowledge, but also to receive aesthetic pleasure from works of art, to arouse interest in their own literary and creative activity. I teach children to read - to think, to read - to feel, to read - to live, to read - to create.

An important role in the development of interest in reading, in the formation of a student-reader is played by the educational and extracurricular activities of students. The organization of work in this direction can be presented in the form of a diagram.

The main thing is to organize the process so that reading contributes to the development of the personality, and the developing personality feels the need for reading. Chukovsky K.I. has a formula: "Game - creativity - development." The teacher's task is to create conditions for the formation of an active reader through the development of the student's own creative abilities. I begin to solve this problem from the 1st grade, purposefully creating an atmosphere of co-creation between an adult and a child.

Through lessons literary reading I form a student-reader, develop reading activity. In this regard, I consider the program of literary reading and the textbook "Literary Reading" compiled by O.V. Kubasova (educational and methodological set "Harmony") to be very valuable. The textbook is aimed, firstly, at improving children's reading skills: meaningfulness, correctness, fluency, expressiveness, and secondly, it contains highly artistic works that are the golden fund of children's literature and evoke a lively response from the reader. Using this textbook, I realize the task of educating children in the need for reading, as a source of the joy of communication, new knowledge. Teaching children to appreciate the accurate Russian word. To enhance cognitive activity, I use various forms of lessons: a lesson-journey, a game, reflection, a lesson-performance, a reader's conference. True reading is reading, which, according to M. Tsvetaeva, "is participation in creativity." Only such reading contributes to the development of the personality of the child. To enable each child to express himself, to use various methods and forms of work, to combine different kinds activities aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality of the little reader. In the classroom, children draw, compose, dramatize. Tasks put children in active position, arouse interest, develop imagination and fantasy, promote emotional responsiveness. The whole system of classes is aimed at awakening creative activity. At different stages of the reading lesson, I widely use exercises and tasks of a creative nature. Giving children the right to choose homework. Many children choose a creative task: not just to retell the work, but to compose a creative retelling or work as “authors of the textbook” - to compose their own questions to the text. Through creative tasks, I activate the mental activity of children, develop their imaginative thinking. Having learned in reading lessons in grade 2 to use a set of non-textual information tools (cover, title page, flyleaf, table of contents), children are engaged in creativity with interest - they release their baby books. In the third grade, they are able to allocate linguistic means: comparison, epithet, personification, they know the artistic features of fairy tales, their structure. Based on the knowledge gained, they compose their own fairy tales, give them a description. The performance of creative tasks accelerates the process of transferring knowledge into skills and abilities, awakens interest in reading.

Out-of-class work has great opportunities for becoming a student-reader. In 1st grade I lead circle "Magic basket". At the circle I introduce children to games, tasks, exercises aimed at developing fantasy, imagination, creative thinking, I teach the simplest skills of poetic mastery. The guys and I created cool creative association "Magic basket". It was attended by those students who want to create creative work participate in literary competitions. In 4th grade, all children attend circle "Native word", which I am conducting with the aim of developing interest in reading, the implementation by students of a "pen test" in different genres literary creativity. I instill in my students a love for the poetic word, I teach them to seek joy in creativity. With the help of our parents, we publish collections of our poems and prose “Autumn”, “The Witch of Winter Is Coming”, “Spring Drops”, “Bird Talk”, “Winter Laces”.

I also carry out the development of interest in reading and the involvement of children in literary creative activity through cooperation with the central children's library of the city of Gornozavodsk. The author's program of the librarian Saltykova O.A. "The Magic of Reading" designed for 4 years, aimed at developing the literary and creative abilities of children and introducing children to reading. The whole class participates in the implementation of the program. Classes are held informally - in an atmosphere of trust and a constant search for new, interesting forms of introducing children to reading through their own literary creativity. Each visit to the library for children is a discovery, the joy of meeting friendly people and new books. Communication of children is organized during quizzes, erudite shows, literary games, theatrical performances, travel, creative workshops, literary holidays, show festivals.

The task of introducing children to the values ​​of culture, to the art of the word, we solve together: the teacher, the librarian and the parents. It is the family that today is becoming the central social institution to support reading in the country. Therefore, it is necessary to educate parents about the role of books in the upbringing of children, about revival of traditions family reading, about the value of reading as a start for the personal development of the child and his creative self-realization. Starting from grade 1, we involve parents in cooperation. On the first parent meeting we are talking about the role of family reading in the development of the personality of a small reader. As a rule, family reading means reading aloud. The importance of reading aloud lies not only in the fact that a child who cannot read, thus joins the book. The process of reading aloud contains a moment of joint action, empathy, which is very important for the development of the child. In addition, it has been proven that if a child begins to hear expressive reading of texts written in good language early, then his own speech develops faster and becomes richer than in children who hear only spoken language. Reading together is also communication, from the lack of which modern children suffer so much. Family reading traditions are a very important part of the family education system. And do not think that it will become a thing of the past because there is a TV, computer and other sources of information. Family reading is not a way to get information, it is the most important and The best way communication and unobtrusive education, which is the most effective. Parents through family reading help instill an interest in reading in children.

Reading is a difficult and sometimes painful process that takes a lot of time and effort from children. And until the child learns to read quickly and meaningfully, to think and empathize while reading, this process will not give him joy and pleasure. But, as a rule, the development of certain skills is facilitated by the performance of multiple training exercises, which rarely attract anyone with their monotony and monotony. The task of the teacher is to find an attractive moment in them, to present them to children in such a way that they are performed with interest and desire. How can I do that?

The methodology knows many methods for developing reading techniques, i.e. the correct way of reading, correctness, tempo and partly expressiveness.

The main one is multi-reading, a technique in which the student, answering a particular question, expressing his point of view, seeks reinforcement for his thoughts, judgments, feelings in the text, referring to it again and again. This repeated appeal to the text each time will reveal to the student in the already familiar text something new, unexpected, surprising him and at the same time interesting. At the same time, the depth of immersion in a literary text increases, and interest in reading increases.

Types of work in reading lessons:

1. Reading the entire text

2. Reading the text, with the aim of dividing into parts and drawing up a plan

3. Reading according to the finished plan

4. Reading with text reduction (children do not read sentences or words that can be omitted). Preparing for a Condensed Retelling

5. Reading in a chain by sentence

6. Reading in a paragraph by chain

7. Reading in order to find a suitable passage for the drawing

8. Reading to find a passage that will help answer the question

9. Reading yourself beautiful place in the text

10. Finding the whole sentence at the given beginning or end of the sentence. (Later the sentence can be replaced by a logically complete passage)

11. Finding a sentence or passage that reflects main idea text

12. Reading in order to find 3 (4.5...) conclusions in the text

13. Establishing Cause-and-Effect Relationships by Reading

14. Reading by roles in order to most accurately and fully convey the characters of the characters

15. Reading by dialogue roles, excluding the words of the author

16. Finding and reading figurative words and descriptions

17. Finding and reading words with logical stress

18. Isolation of a word from the text to the proposed scheme, for example: ch, lei

19. Who will quickly find a word for a certain rule in the text

20. Finding the longest word in the text

21. Finding two-, three-, four-syllable words

22. Finding in the text and reading combinations: pronoun + verb, etc.

23. Reading with marks of obscure words

24. Finding and reading in the text words that are close in meaning to the given words are written on the board)

Probably everyone will agree that any action that is dictated from above, and in which a person has no personal interest, is performed reluctantly and, as a rule, gives little benefit. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to provide the student with the right of free choice. Willingly read, actively perceived and gives the impression of what is relevant to the reader, what makes him act on own initiative, on one's own.

Below we will consider the main types of reading.

Returning reading is a rereading of works already familiar to children after a while. Such reading contributes to the development in children of a positive attitude towards communication with the book by satisfying their need to re-experience the plots and images that captured their imagination. At the same time, there is a deepening and reassessment of the previously received impressions, when the perceived images emerge in memory and are highlighted in a new way, bringing the child closer to understanding the ideological and artistic meaning of the work.

The main point of the returning reading lesson is to make suggestions in the class about “why Sasha or Natasha wanted to reread this work.” It is also necessary not only to reveal to children the importance of revisiting a work as an opportunity for an additional meeting with their favorite characters and their authors, but also to help students identify new meanings of the work, leading children to realize their renewed perception of what they read.

Free reading is the student's appeal to reading according to own will and with the right to decide for himself: why should he read, what exactly to read, how to read and when to read. The meaning of this reading is as follows:

Love for reading cannot arise without the child having the opportunity to freely determine his attitude towards him, including interest in the content of reading, the personality of the author or in striving for spiritual growth, the desire to keep up with others in reading skills, etc.

Free reading as reading without limits constraining the child allows him to read to the best of his ability and in optimal conditions for himself to conduct a dialogue with the author of the work, which in itself stimulates the desire to conduct this dialogue. Free reading provides the child with the opportunity to express their reading interests.

Psychologists have established that at each age stage of human development, a leading type of activity is formed that contributes to the development of personality. For junior schoolchildren- this is an educational activity in the process of which the student masters theoretical knowledge and at the same time develops arbitrariness of behavior, abstract thinking, thinking memory. The student from the object of learning becomes the subject of learning. Knowledge is acquired by him not in general, but in the form learning activities.

General structural elements of educational activity: educational task, goal and motive, indicative and performing actions, self-control and self-assessment of the product of activity - should always be present in training. This means that the content of training should be not only subject knowledge, skills and abilities, but also activities for their assimilation. Reliance on the motivation of learning, knowledge of the methods of action for solving a problem, operations for the assimilation of knowledge - this is something new that is gradually being introduced into the practice of elementary school.

Thus, the activity of the child is directed to the formation of general mental actions - the ability to learn and special objective actions in the system of any educational course.

Teaching reading should also be included in the system of formation of educational activity. The peculiarity of reading lies in the fact that it is not only a subject (special), but also a general educational skill, on which the success of teaching a child in other subjects depends. Reading as one of the types of speech activity correlates with overall structure activity, including educational, therefore, the reading skill cannot be fully formed without the motivation of learning, without the presence of orientation and performing actions in the process of mastering it, and also without educating students with a sense of self-control and self-esteem.

Reading is carried out with the help of literature, but the main problem is the formation of the reader at the initial stage of his development, namely: mastering strong reading skills and ways of working with fiction and popular science text.

Despite the fact that elementary school is called the school of skill, which underestimates the general or mental development of the child, it can be argued that the reading skill is formed at the level of the primer. Further, the reading skill develops spontaneously and its formation is not controlled. That is why some students do not understand the meaning of the text, especially in the process of reading it silently, they read slowly, with the presence of residual external speech movements, and their reading aloud is technically imperfect, inexpressive. They hardly understand and remember the condition of an arithmetic problem, find it difficult to isolate the main thing in a scientific and educational article, educational text.

As the famous critic and philosopher I.F. Karyakin: "As long as the student treats literature only as evidence of what happens to others, and not to himself, until he recognizes his own in someone else ... until he is burned by this discovery - until then there is no interest in reading, no and needs for it.

A positive attitude towards reading, in his opinion, begins from the moment when:

The child will feel like a participant in the events that are depicted by the writer,

When he discovers personal meaning in what he reads, when the book appears before him as a space for the realization of his own creative potential.

The work of a teacher in analyzing a work of art will be effective only when the child is interested in reading, in literature in general. Only then will the lesson not just talk about some work, but there will be a confidential conversation that will deeply affect the child, make you think about something and acquire something important for yourself. Only then will each new work be for the child as a discovery of something new for him personally.

Sukhomlinsky writes: “What a child needs to remember and learn, first of all, should be interesting for him.”

Therefore, the problem of awakening and developing interest in reading as a unique activity and cultural phenomenon is of particular importance.

There is an opinion that the sooner you start accustoming a child to a particular type of activity, the better the result will be. To get results, you need a system.

The beginning of this system is in the family. First of all, the child adopts the attitude towards reading and the book that exists in his parents. Not without reason, back in the 16th century, the lines were written: A child learns what he sees in his home - parents are an example to him.

And if the parents are literate and thinking people, then they will be the first to start working on shaping the child's interest in the book. How can they do it?

But the leading role in solving this problem belongs to reading lessons.

An analysis of existing programs for literary reading of primary school students shows that, despite the positive changes in the system of work on literary education of primary school students, the programs are still imperfect.

For example, the focus is on developing technical side reading (reading technique) and semantic (training in the analysis of a work of art). The requirements for a child at the initial stage of literary education are mainly aimed at the knowledge, skills and abilities of the child, and not at his individual development.

How should a teacher act? Of course, you need to start by taking into account the age characteristics of younger students.

At the age of 7-9 years, there is an extremely rapid development of the emotional sphere, the so-called sensory intelligence.

Paying great attention to this feature of primary school age, the teacher can achieve high efficiency in his work on literary reading.

It is at the primary school age that the accumulation of feelings and experiences takes place by leaps and bounds. Therefore, younger students are looking for entertainment, strong emotional experiences in reading. Their imagination is captured by action-packed works, heroic deeds seem to be the norm of life, and their favorite heroes are, first of all, heroes of action.

Children of primary school age need works that teach them to be surprised. The ability to be surprised by an event, a phenomenon, a person is very necessary for a child: interest in life, a thirst for knowledge, the ability to see beauty and cherish it are born from surprise.

Ignoring the literary predilections of students of this age, it is possible for many years to "kill" their interest not only in literature as a subject but also for reading in general.

What features of readers of primary school age should the teacher take into account when preparing for the lesson?

The little reader reacts to the text primarily emotionally. Children's experiences associated with the text are of great value for elementary school. The importance for the child of the ability to feel, to experience has been written more than once. Let us recall the famous words of V.G. Belinsky, who believed that the main thing in the process of reading is for children to "feel" as much as possible:

"Let the poetry of the word act on them, like music, right through the heart, past the head, for which its time will come" V.G. Belinsky.

Another feature of readers of primary school age is the identification of the artistic world and the real world. It is no coincidence that this period in the development of the reader is called the age of "naive realism." This is expressed in relation to the character as to a living, real; in showing confidence in his portrayal. Thinking concretely, children constantly ask: "Did it really happen?"

It should be noted that younger students have sensitivity to the word and to the artistic detail. The child sometimes reacts to such psychological subtleties that adults sometimes do not notice.

Inherent in younger students is the so-called presence effect, which means the child's ability to live in the image.

The last feature of the reader younger age- lack of response to the art form.

These qualities of perception of younger students are a support for the teacher in the process of developing their interest in a literary work, and therefore in a reading lesson.

At the lesson, the teacher needs to show the children that reading is communication, a dialogue between the reader and the author. But this communication is not direct, but communication through a text created by the author.

If the teacher adheres to the premise that in a work of art it is important not only what is written, but also how it is written, by what means, then the children will definitely pay attention to the artistic form of the work, which is more important in artistic speech than in ordinary speech. communication.

The main educational outcome of reading lessons in elementary school should be that they arouse in children an interest in subsequent literary education, arouse a thirst for literary knowledge proper in order to answer more and more new questions: not only about what and how the book told them and who was their interlocutor, but also why the author speaks about it, why he speaks, why he speaks this way and not otherwise, and why the author manages to evoke such thoughts and feelings in readers.

Reading 12 min.

The vast majority of parents of preschoolers strive to ensure that their baby is still in kindergarten learned to read, had an interest in reading, considering this ability one of the most important indicators of his readiness for school.

At the same time, the general level of interest in books and reading in society is rapidly declining.

  • What is the reason for this paradox?
  • What is really meant by teaching preschoolers to read?
  • How to develop a love of books in a child from childhood?

The generation that reads

Preschool childhood is exactly the time when it is worth introducing a child to a book. It is not so much about teaching preschool children to read, but, first of all, about the formation of interest in this process, the ability and desire to work with a book, and the development of a reading culture.

Unfortunately, today it is becoming more and more difficult to realize this task. AT to a large extent because of the irrepressible craving of modern children for multimedia entertainment, which dominates all possible sources of knowledge and development, including reading.

In our opinion, the low interest of the modern generation in books is a great tragedy, and it has at least two components - neurophysiological and cultural. Thus, Oxford scientists and the French neurophysiologist S. Degene proved that while reading, those areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in other activities begin to function.

This is due to the so-called effect of "immersion" in the book, when a person mentally imagines himself in the place of a hero, builds in his imagination images of other characters, the artistic world. This effect does not occur when watching TV or playing a computer game.

The interest of the modern generation in books

The lack of reading directly affects the formation of the structure and functioning of the child's brain.

If we talk about the cultural aspect, then books are the most direct channel for “turning on” ancestral memory, that is, the transfer of cultural heritage from generation to generation.

Therefore, such a dislike of the current generation to the book has a negative impact on the current, and possibly on the future state of the culture of society. Often, adults themselves, unwittingly, discourage a child's interest in reading and in a book.

Some parents take the reading process so “seriously” that they often encourage their kids to memorize the alphabet at an early age (that is, at 1.5-3 years old!)

Therefore, as psychologist L. Shibaeva notes, interest in reading and reading technique can be formed, and reading as a full-fledged activity that has the status cultural value, does not add up.

Meanwhile, in many countries of the world, the test of the formation of reading skills is based on the criterion of reading literacy - the ability of a person to comprehend written texts and reflect on them, to use their content to achieve their own goals, self-development.

How to ensure that the child reads consciously and with pleasure?

Before learning to read

Interest in reading is brought up, first of all, through the development of the cognitive activity of the child. The baby should have a need to learn about the world around him and himself, to look for answers to his “why” on his own AND with the help of an adult, to communicate with people, nature, art.

The adult's task is to help the child realize that the book is one of the means of learning new things, and the artistic word is high art.

In addition, according to many scientists, before a child begins to read, he must master speech well and have an interest in reading.

The kid must master the sound culture of speech: have developed articulatory apparatus, speech breathing and hearing; be able to clearly and correctly pronounce the sounds of the native language, understand. how sounds are formed into words in speech; "recognize" phonemes (basic sounds), identify sounds in environment(voices of animals, traffic noise, music, etc.).

The child must have a rich vocabulary; grammatically correct speech (the ability to coordinate words in gender, number, case, build various types of sentences); coherent speech is developed (the ability to ask and answer the question posed, retell the text, compose a story, etc.) according to age capabilities.

First, you should teach the child to listen, speak, perceive, understand the speeches of others, and only then - to read and write.

The role of an adult in shaping interest in reading

The best way to develop an active reader is own example. Adults should read books themselves, show how to handle them: look at the cover, reading the title and author. carefully flipping pages, carefully examining illustrations, and the like.

The child's interest in reading and awareness of the content of the read (listened) work is largely influenced by the skill of reading by adults.

The expressive reading of an adult stimulates the work of the imagination of children: they clearly imagine the characters of the work, the setting of the action, pictures of nature, and the like. On the basis of emotional perception, an attitude to the actions of the characters, their adequate assessment is formed.

Reading a work becomes a verbal action, the purpose of which is to sharpen the feelings of children, give impetus to their thoughts, and evoke an emotional response.

Interest in reading - emotional support for children's desire to read

No less important is the emotional support of a child's desire to read or get acquainted with a book. Looking through an interesting book together with an adult, at an early age, the baby pays attention not only to the image, but also to the texts, and words and letters in them. He has a desire to "read", imitating an adult.

The kid can independently take a book (even upside down) and, moving his finger along the text, “read” his favorite fairy tale or poem, reproducing them from memory. At this time, it is important that an adult is nearby, praising the child. stimulated with remarks like: “Oh, how interesting! What happened next? How did this story end? etc.

It is worth creating an environment that will stimulate the cognitive and creative activity of the child. For a child's books, it is appropriate to allocate a separate place - an open, well-lit place, next to equip a table with materials for fine art.

In order not to discourage the baby from reading (listening, examining), you should not impose it on him. If the child's interest in reading and books fades, move on to another activity, and leave the book in plain sight. The child will definitely return to her after a while.

Leading Methods for Teaching Children to Read

In modern world pedagogy, there are two main, essentially opposite, methods: the method of "whole words" and phonological.

According to the “whole words” method (in Ukraine it is better known as the Glen Doman method), children are taught to recognize words as whole units, without breaking them into components. That is, babies are not taught either the names of letters or sounds.

The phonological method, on the contrary, presupposes, first of all, the children's mastery of sounds and their graphic designations - letters, with their subsequent combination into words during reading.

Good results were given by the method of "whole words", they gave impetus to discussions about or in general it is necessary to teach phonetics to preschool children. At the beginning of the 20th century, foreign scientists conducted a series of studies aimed at finding out which method is more effective. In particular, such an experiment was set up.

One subgroup of children was taught to read using the whole word method, the other - using the phonological method. When the children began to read, they were tested. At the first stage, children from the first group read aloud and to themselves better, but unfamiliar words caused them significant difficulties.

Attempts to assign a single meaning to each word led to the fact that for the entire year of study, these children could not learn to read new words without the help of an adult.

“Phonological” children coped with unfamiliar words more easily and by the end of the 2nd grade they surpassed their peers in terms of perception and vocabulary richness. Therefore, in world practice, preference is given to the phonological method of teaching reading.

Recent studies have confirmed that people spell words, but since this process occurs instantly, it seems that we immediately perceive the word as a whole. Moreover, while reading to yourself, the same part of the brain is involved as when reading aloud, that is, reading is the pronunciation of the text in the internal plan.

Scientists have found that the ability and interest in reading are directly related to the knowledge of letters and sounds, the ability to distinguish phonemes in oral speech. These skills at the beginning are even more important than the general level of intelligence.

Thus, in order to have an interest in reading, and the child began to read freely, it is necessary to easily and quickly recognize letters and correlate them with sounds.

It is important that the child gradually comes to understand that the word that is spoken consists of different sounds. To do this, kids of three or four years old should be offered a variety of games with sounds and words.

For example, in the game “Catch the sound”, an adult invites children to “catch” (clap their hands when they hear) the corresponding sound: “I will name different sounds, and you will only catch the sound [h] - a mosquito song.”

In the game “Replace the sound”, an adult offers the baby: “Speech instead of sound [d] in the word“ oak ”sound [s]. What word came out? (Tooth). And what word can be formed if you replace the last sound in this word? (Shower).

The game "Wand, knock!" suggests that children easily tap with a stick each time they hear a certain sound (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word). You can also practice recognizing the full composition. As a rule, preschoolers are better at syllables and worse at sounds.

This means that children of this age are not yet sensitive enough to the individual sounds (phonemes) that make up words. Therefore, in order for them to successfully master reading, it is necessary to carry out thorough work on the development of their phonemic hearing, articulatory dexterity, and the formation of a sound culture.

For reading to be conscious

Reading will be useful for the child only if she understands the content of the text. In order to prepare a preschooler for conscious reading, we advise you to use the following tips.

Look at and discuss the illustrations. Talk about the pages you have read and take turns describing what is shown in the pictures. It would be appropriate to receive a deliberate mistake, which encourages the baby to be attentive, to correct the mistakes of an adult.

Actively communicate with the child on the content of the read, stimulate her to verbal creativity

Give preference to dialogic reading. Just reading to a child is not enough. It is worth encouraging her to come up with alternative endings, to connect that. what is depicted and written on the pages of books, with her own experience, to talk about the letters and sounds encountered there. This type of reading is called dialogical.

Play different types games on the content of the read: didactic with words; dramatization games, dramatizations, creative games and others.

Teach your child to work with a book. Focus the baby's attention on the fact that the work is created by the author (one, two or many people - the people). Each work has a title, which is written in the content and on the page (cover).

It is important to consolidate the child's knowledge of the main literary genres and types: a poem, a fairy tale, a story, a fable. This will help her in the future to study literature at school, navigate in collections of works, and in the future - to be determined in literary preferences, to be an active, conscious reader, a cultured person.

True reading is an interest in reading, the translation of printed text into oral speech and awareness of the meaning of what is read.

Real reading is the translation of printed text into oral speech and awareness of the meaning of what is read. Therefore, it is important to teach the child already in preschool age do not confuse sound and letter; merge sounds and letters into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences; practically operate with the concepts of “sound”, “word”, “sentence”, “text”; work actively with the book. This is what the majority existing programs preschool education.

Teaching preschoolers to read

Your child is a preschooler and you have already purchased a colorful primer or preschool reading books for him, but no results? In this case, you need to follow the sequence in training.

The kid begins to analyze objects, try to influence them, and consciously apply them for their intended purpose at the age of 4-5 years. At the same time, he is well mastering the ordinal account, he can prepare for writing with the help of special capital notebooks. But at this age it is better to start learning only letters, with the help of games and colorful pictures.

Reading should be done when the child learns all the letters and easily begins to distinguish them. The period (age 6-7 years) is just right, which, according to psychologists and speech therapists, is the most favorable for starting learning to read by syllables for preschoolers using cubes or colored typed letters. Especially at this age there is an active desire to learn and interest in reading.

Methods of teaching reading to preschoolers

The formation of reading skills in a child is a rather complex and time-consuming process. Classes for teaching reading to preschoolers must be divided into several stages.

Stage 1 - learn and memorize letters. At this stage, the child is taught to distinguish letters and understand their correct pronunciation and reading (“EM” - “M”; “ES” - “C”).

Stage 2 - reading syllables with varying degrees of difficulty. Here the child learns the connection between syllables and their pronunciation. At this stage, more difficulties appear. Here, the most effective method is learning to merge syllables by imitation or drawing clues.

Stage 3 - we begin to understand the meaning of the read word. This stage in the development of the ability to comprehend the read text must begin when reading becomes like proclaiming a whole word, and not individual syllables.

For this stage, it is necessary to perform exercises for reading preschoolers: read words slowly, with an increasing pace, and with varying degrees of tonality increase in the voice. Then find out in which words the baby did not understand their meaning and explain.

Further, the adult calls an adjective or a verb, and the child selects words for him from those that he read, for example, “shoe” - the answer is: “boots” and the like. It is also good at this stage to read the captions to the illustrations.

At stage 4, the child learns to understand the meaning of the read sentence or short texts for reading by preschoolers.

V. Sukhomlinsky



Reading is the window through which

children see and know the world and themselves.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Parents of many schoolchildren complain that their children do not read books. Nowadays, the place of books in the life of schoolchildren is occupied by a computer, tablets and other gadgets. It's interesting, exciting. Why is reading books not of interest to the younger generation?

Interest in reading begins to form at a preschool age. And the example of an adult is very important. The child should see parents who read and read with interest. Reading at preschool age is very milestone in the development and formation of the personality of the child. A children's book is a source of information about the surrounding world, the formation of its intellectual, emotional, moral culture.

“Without exaggeration, we can say that reading during childhood is, first of all, the education of the heart, the touch of human nobility to the innermost corners of the child's soul. The word, which reveals noble ideas, always deposits in the child's heart grains of humanity that form conscience. » These are the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Maybe because modern children do not feel the need to read, because there are fewer and fewer "grains of humanity" in our lives.

The benefits of reading should not be underestimated. First of all, reading develops speech and affects the quality and quantity of the child's vocabulary. A person who reads has a better memory and concentration. Reading helps in the development of imaginative thinking and in teaching literacy, makes it possible to learn to analyze, capture the meaning, develops oratory skills. If parents systematically read fiction books to their child, then the child's horizons expand, intelligence increases, cognitive activity and positive moral qualities are formed. On the example of literary characters, the child learns to respect the world around him, learns the intricacies of human relationships.

The love of a child for a book, which was laid down in childhood, will help to form perseverance and help in learning (development of strong-willed effort when performing tasks of varying complexity).

The question arises, when to start instilling a love for the book, to form an interest in reading fiction?

From an early age, you can read aloud to your child. A few minutes a day. Let it be fun and jokes. This kind of reading helps emotional development baby, his rapprochement with his mother. Based on my own experience, I can say that in a few days the child will begin to pay attention to the book in the hands of the mother and smile. I started reading to my son, and it’s not easy to tell fairy tales and nursery rhymes aloud when he was 5-6 months old.

But psychologists consider the age from three to seven years to be the most optimal for adaptation to reading. The best time to read is before bed. This can become a good ritual that helps the child relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day, push all problems into the background, and relax. However, it is worth reading during the day. With age, children need more and more information, the need for positive emotions also grows. Therefore, it is gradually worth increasing the reading time and increasing the level of complexity of books. Children listen with pleasure, and more than once, to fairy tales based on which cartoons were shot: “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Carlson”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Doctor Aibolit”, etc. e. Even if the child has already seen the cartoon, read the story. Unlike animation, which is perceived as a set of individual frames and the child does not catch the meaning, books make you think and experience.

Parents should be encouraged to read to their children as much as possible. Reading will increase the child's vocabulary, help develop phonemic hearing and the ability to pronounce sounds correctly, learn to understand different intonations.

Here are some tips for parents on how to get your preschooler to read:

1. Let your child understand that reading is a great pleasure, incomparable to anything. In this case, your personal example will be the most effective. Read for yourself. Tell your child what the book is about. Children love to imitate adults.

3. Even when the child learns to read, do not stop reading aloud to him for as long as possible. Expressive reading of adults will help to connect words with images that arise in his imagination. An adult will help to understand the text by explaining the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions and answering questions. At 7-9 years old, it is difficult for a child to focus on one thing for a long time, his eyes get tired quickly, some phrases and words may be incomprehensible. Therefore, reading becomes an unpleasant activity and this dislike can be fixed for life.

5. At 5-7 years old, read "with continuation", interrupting reading at an interesting place. This will intrigue the child, make him want to know what will happen next.

6. After reading a book, don't "forget" about it. Let it become the subject of discussion, dispute, exchange of impressions. Invite the child to compose a story, imagine himself in the place of the heroes, find his own solution to the situation.

7. Read books with good illustrations. Try to remember the name of the graphic designer with your child. Offer to come up with and draw your own pictures for the work, a portrait of the hero.

8. Take your child to the library. Consider different publications: art books, reference books, albums.

9. Buy educational books and children's encyclopedias with the most interesting information for the child, gift editions with beautiful photos: space, cats, dinosaurs, countries, dolls, etc.

10. Cultivate a respect for the book. Tell your child about the rules for handling a book: you can’t draw on the pages, bend the book, cut out pictures, use books instead of cubes, etc.

11. You can "revive" the characters of fairy tales and stories by sculpting them from plasticine or gluing them out of paper and arrange a home theater.

12. Take away special place in the room where the child's books will be, so that he himself can take them when he wants.

13. Do not try to replace the TV or computer with a book. Just clearly regulate the time of watching TV shows and computer games.

14. You can start a family reading tradition - 2-3 times a week, in the evenings, arrange an hour of reading. At the same time, the TV and computer are turned off and all family members, without exception, take part in the event.

Many years of experience working with preschoolers proves that the work on the formation of children's interest in reading is very important. Improving the skills of speech culture is a necessary component of a person's education and intelligence. The speech of any person, enriched with well-aimed sayings, figurative expressions, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, becomes bright, lively, expressive. Therefore, I would like to give some recommendations to young teachers.

1. In kindergarten, it is advisable to start reading to children from an early age, gradually complicating the topics. Products are best selected according to the season. For example, in winter it is advisable to read to children the fairy tales “The Snow Queen”, “12 months”, the fairy tale “Adventures in Dedmorozovka”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, poems about new year holiday and about winter, riddles about the weather and natural phenomena. Then the heroes of the works can become characters in children's drawings, applications, collective children's works. There are also heroes in the scripts for New Year's parties winter fairy tales performed by children and adults.

2. While reading, be sure to consider and compare illustrations by different artists for one work. After reading the book, I often suggest that children draw their favorite characters, make illustrations. Children are happy to take the role of a graphic designer, invent landscapes and portraits.

3. In addition, be sure to conduct a discussion of what you have read, during which you teach children to analyze different situations and the actions of the characters. Give children the opportunity to express their attitude to what they heard and come up with their own ways of solving and acting in problem situations:

How could you answer?

Why shouldn't it have been done that way?

What can be done to correct the error;

How to make peace, etc.

As a result, children transfer the positive experience of the relationship of heroes into their lives. The names of some characters become common nouns.

4. When reading literary works, pay children's attention not only to the content, but also to their artistic form. Thanks to this, you will teach children to distinguish literary genres (fairy tale, story, poem, nursery rhyme, proverb, saying, riddle, understand the meaning of figurative expressions and phraseological units, develop a poetic ear.

5. While reading, focus on the characteristics and mood of the characters, their dialogues and relationships, description of facial expressions and gestures. You can invite children to portray the character they like, compare it with other characters.

6. Use artwork outside of class. Read to children at any convenient time: in the morning and evening, when on the street bad weather, before bedtime.

7. Talk to children about the books their parents read to them.

8. Start a tradition in your group to celebrate a book holiday. For example:

Formation of reader's interest in younger students through non-standard lessons of literary reading.

The article is intended for teachers primary school and may also be useful to kindergarten teachers.
At primary school age, there is an active process of purposeful formation of the student's worldview, moral, ideological and political ideas, enrichment of the world of his feelings, aesthetic experiences, development of his abilities and interests. The direction of the general development of the child is determined, first of all, by the nature of education. Learning must lead to development.
Rational teaching of reading is of great importance for the development of younger students. Along with the sensory form of cognition, reading in the period of primary education is one of the main means of discovering the world. Will reading become powerful tool enrichment of personal and social experience the child, as well as a means of his self-knowledge and development, whether he will form not just an interest, but a need for reading books, depends on the conditions of education aimed at shaping the personality and the foundations of the reading culture.

It was no coincidence that I chose this particular topic “Formation of reader's interest in younger students through non-standard lessons in literary reading”. Children now read very little, thereby depriving themselves of the opportunity to live at least a little in a fairy tale, to see magical landscapes, to hear fairytale heroes, sympathize with the main characters who get into trouble, and laugh along with the kind, satirical characters of stories, fairy tales, stories. Computer games, ugly modern cartoons, comics should not be allowed to completely overshadow fiction in the lives of children. That is why I want to emphasize the relevance of my topic.
Interest in reading: how to awaken it?
Everyone who works with younger students knows how difficult it is to teach children the technique of reading, but it is even more difficult to raise an enthusiastic reader.
True reading is reading, which, according to M. Tsvetaeva, "is participation in creativity."
Speaking of interests, it is necessary to separate the concepts "reader interest" and interest in the book.
Interest in the book develops already at preschool age. This desire to look at the illustrations of the book, leaf through it.

But “reader interest” is the next stage of reader maturity, which implies that the reader has a steady interest in books. These are necessarily selective interests, aimed at books of a certain kind, which the reader singles out from all other books, feels a personal need for them, considers them the most suitable for himself - to replenish his knowledge and experience.
Work on the formation of reader interest is carried out through lessons of literary reading, extracurricular reading, cooperation with the library, family reading club, literary holidays. I will focus on the lessons of literary reading.
Reading lessons provide ample opportunities for children's creativity, their cognitive development. At the end of Grade 1 and up to Grade 2, these lessons can be turned into morning lessons. Why are matinee lessons, and not just lessons or not just matinees? Yes, because the nature of their preparation and conduct is precisely for the purpose of identifying and developing in children a personal attitude to reading activity. Its basis is those lesson materials that are not for the teacher, but for the children involuntarily
remembered, loved, entered into their lives. The content of such morning lessons can be puzzle games, dramatizations, live pictures (one episode from the work is played).
For example, in the 1st grade in the textbook by O.V. Kubasova there is a section called “There are miracles ...” It includes fairy tales from different peoples of the world. According to the works I read, I spend a morning lesson, since this section was very fond of my students.
Each morning lesson forms and demonstrates the activity of children as future readers.
At our school, theater marathons are held annually, where children not only show their artistic abilities, but also stage their favorite read work.
At the end of the second, beginning of the third grades for student-readers, you can enter more complex shape manifestations of initiative and self-activity - lessons-reports. A topic is chosen that interests the children. In the textbooks by O.V. Kubasova, in this regard, the work is facilitated by the teacher, since the texts are already distributed by topic. For example, in the 3rd grade there is a topic “To miss a lot - to lose yours.” A plan is drawn up for such a lesson, which is strictly implemented. A possible plan is:

2. Draw up an illustrated card index of works about greed (three to five titles)
3. One of the works to retell, play.
4. Prepare two or three entertaining questions.
For the morning lesson "On the roads of fairy tales" there may be such a plan
1. Make an exhibition of read works.
2. Draw up an illustrated card index of fairy tales (three to five titles)
3. It is interesting to talk about the storyteller.
4. One of the works to retell, play.
5. Prepare two or three entertaining questions.
When carrying out this form of work, the reader's independence is strengthened and increased.
Expand your horizons, form an interest in reading, develop creative and intellectual abilities help literary quiz. Igor Grigorievich Sukhin developed entire collections that can be used by teachers.
The library is of great help in educating the reader. When a teacher and a librarian are like-minded and work together, it produces tangible results. At children's libraries, the work of a number of circles is organized, feasible and useful for younger students: the famous "Knizhkina Hospital", "Club of Pomuchochek", "Club of Connoisseurs", "Club of Travelers". At the request of the teacher, a methodical corner for parents can be created in the library, with manuals that help in the selection of books and in guiding children's reading.
The success of the development of reading interest in children also depends on the participation of parents in solving this problem. Children need a "reading" environment, a book environment. Only on this basis does the desire to read arise, growing into a deep spiritual need. "Reading" environment should be created, first of all, in the family.

The organization of work with a children's book in elementary school is a creative process, it must be systematic, thoughtful and active.
The huge role of literature in shaping the personality of schoolchildren is generally recognized. However, the task of forming reader interest in literature lessons has not been fully resolved so far. A child who comes to school loves fairy tales, counting rhymes, poems, but gradually, as studies show, his interest in reading fiction decreases. This phenomenon is largely due to the teaching of reading at school. In addition, of course, modern achievements of mankind, such as a computer, various game consoles, etc., play their role. Reading is not widespread now. Fiction is a special kind of knowledge of reality. And we teachers are obliged to think about the problem of the literary development of schoolchildren.