Regulations on the structure of enterprise management. Sample general provision on the enterprise about the organization Regulations on the enterprise example

Any organization in its work relies not only on legislative, legal and regulatory documents of national importance, but also on organizational and legal documents developed by the organization itself . Such documents include: charter, regulations, regulations, staffing, instructions, job descriptions.

Consider the concept, purpose, structure and features of the charter, regulations and regulations of the enterprise, institution, organization.

Charter of an enterprise, institution, organization

In accordance with Art. 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “a legal entity acts on the basis of a charter, or a constituent agreement and a charter, or only a constituent agreement. In cases provided for by law, a legal entity that is not a commercial organization may act on the basis of the general regulation on organizations of this type.

In many cases, the charter is the main constituent document of the legal entity.

Under the charter as an organizational document , is understood as a set of rules governing the activities of organizations, institutions, societies and citizens, their relationships with other organizations and citizens, rights and obligations in a certain area of ​​public administration, economic or other activities.

The charter of a legal entity is approved by its founders (participants) and is subject to state registration in the prescribed manner. The charter refers to the mandatory constituent documents for the creation of non-governmental commercial organizations.

The bylaws should define : the name of the legal entity, its location, the procedure for managing the activities of the legal entity, as well as other information provided by law for legal entities of the corresponding type.

General requirements for the procedure for the preparation, execution and content of the charter of a legal entity are given in part one of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts. Let's name some of them:

  • articles of association of a limited liability company (LLC) - art. 89 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 11, 12 of the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" dated February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ;
  • articles of association with additional liability (ODO) - art. 95 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • charter of a joint-stock company (JSC) - art. 98 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 11-14 of the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies" dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ;
  • charter of the institution - Art. 14 of the Federal Law "On non-profit organizations" dated January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ.

Regulations on the organization, structural unit, collegiate (or advisory) body

Position - this is a legal act that determines the procedure for formation, legal status, tasks and functions, rights and obligations, organization of the work of institutions, structural divisions, services.

Regulations on the organization refers to constituent documents. It determines the status of the organization, the procedure for its creation, its place in the management system, the internal structure, functions, competence, responsibilities, the procedure for reorganization and liquidation.

Mandatory details of the regulation on the organization are: the name of the higher authority, the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, the date, document number, place of compilation, title to the text, signature, stamp of approval, seal imprint.

Regulations on the structural unit is a legal act that defines the status, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of structural units.

Regulations on subdivisions can be standard and individual. Standard provisions are developed for the same type of organizations and structural divisions. Individual provisions are developed on the basis of standard ones.

There are no normatively established requirements for the content of the provision on the subdivision. The text of the subdivision provision may include the following sections :

Mandatory details of the regulation on the structural unit : name of the organization, name of the type of document, date and number of the document (with direct approval by the head), place of compilation, title to the text, signature, document approval visas, stamp of approval.

The concept, sections of the text, details of the provision on a collegial (or deliberative) body are similar to the concept and sections of the text and details of the provision on a structural unit.

Regulation as a legal act

Regulations - a legal act that establishes the procedure for the activities of the management of an organization, a collegial or advisory body.

The text of the regulation consists of sections with independent headings and divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs, numbered in Arabic numerals. The regulations of a collegiate or advisory body determine :

In the process of preparation, the regulations go through the stage of discussion at a meeting by members of a collegial or advisory body, the stage of agreement with interested departments and the legal service, the stage of approval by the head of the organization or the head of the collegial body.

Mandatory details of the regulation : name of the organization (name of the collegiate or advisory body, if the regulations are dedicated to this body), type of document, date, document number (with direct approval by the head), place of compilation, title to the text, document approval visas, signature, stamp of approval.

Individual Regulations on the organization are developed on the basis of standard and exemplary ones. 2 Draw up the regulation on the organization on standard sheets of A4 paper, provide in the upper right field of the first sheet the stamp of approval by the parent organization, it must subsequently be signed and certified by the appropriate seal. Write under it in the middle the name of the type of document, it should be one with the title to the text. 3 The main text of the document should contain sections that give general provisions, describe the main tasks and functions, and stipulate rights and obligations. Set the rights in the volume that is necessary for the implementation of the functions that are assigned to this organization.

Regulations on the organization

Regulations on the organization - a legal act that determines the status of the organization, its tasks and functions, rights, responsibilities, procedures. Based on the regulation, state and municipal non-profit organizations operate, performing their functions at the expense of the budget. First of all, these are the authorities and administrations. Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that a legal entity that is not a commercial organization may act on the basis of a general provision on organizations of a certain type.

On the basis of the regulations, branches of commercial and non-profit organizations, their branches, and representative offices also operate. Regulations on organizations can be: 1. typical, 2. exemplary, 3. individual.


Main tasks (formulates the goals of the organization or the problems that the organization is called upon to solve and which determine the nature and main directions of its activities). Functions (lists the actions or types of work that the organization must perform to solve the tasks assigned to it). Rights and obligations (contains a list of the rights and obligations that the organization is vested in the person of its head. Rights are a legally legalized opportunity to prohibit or demand the performance of any actions. Rights are established to the extent necessary for the implementation of the functions assigned to the organization.
The rights include: · The right to publish administrative and regulatory documents; · The right to conduct correspondence; · The right to give orders and instructions to subordinate units and persons; The right to request information, etc.

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The structure of the text of the regulation on the organization may include the following sections: general provisions, goals and objectives of the organization, functions of the organization, its structure (composition of divisions, their relationships), management, responsibility, rights and obligations, control, verification, audit of activities, the procedure for reorganization and liquidation organizations. Staffing Staffing is a legal act that establishes the staffing and staffing of the organization in accordance with its Charter (Regulations). The staff list contains a list of structural units, positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly payroll.

The staffing table is prepared according to the unified form No. T-3, drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization, the text is drawn up in the form of a table. (Fig. 3).
The regulation on the enterprise is signed by the head and agreed with the main managers of the enterprise (chief engineer, chief accountant, deputy for personnel and regime, etc.). It is issued in one original copy, which is deposited with the office or directorate of the enterprise. If necessary, copies of this document are made.

Note Approval of the "Regulations on the enterprise" can be carried out by an administrative document (order, order) or approved directly by the head of a higher organization. Useful advice The activities of the head of the enterprise can be distinguished in the position of the enterprise in a separate section, which will contain subsections for the head: “General provisions”, “Qualification requirements and the required level of knowledge”, “Main duties”, “Rights”, “Responsibility”.


Regulations on organizations can be typical, exemplary, individual. Model and exemplary provisions are developed for subordinate organizations, departments, branches, representative offices that occupy an equal position in the hierarchy of management bodies and carry out the same activities. Model and exemplary provisions serve as the basis for the development of individual provisions.

The provision on the organization receives legal force after its approval by the parent organization. As a rule, the approval of the regulation on the organization is carried out by an administrative document (order, order, resolution) of a higher management body. The regulation on the organization can be approved directly by the head of a higher organization without issuing an administrative document. The regulation on the organization is drawn up on standard sheets of paper.

Regulation as an organizational and legal document

At the same time, he establishes the degree of responsibility of deputies, approves certain papers, issues orders for appointment / dismissal, etc. the obligations of the parties, the frequency of data exchange. General rules for writing provisions: 1) The text of the provisions must be written from a third person (singular or plural). At the same time, it should include words like “should”, “should”, “required”, “necessary”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”. 2) The title of the provision should answer the question “about what?”. 3) Sections of the document must be numbered (using Roman or Arabic numerals).
The legislation does not regulate the content of the contract, but establishes its obligatory nature and the conditions that should be included in the text of the contract documenting this or that activity (conditions for compensation for harm, possible losses, the procedure for resolving disputes, the rights of ownership, disposal, use of property, provisions on ensuring economic security and etc.). Constituent documents are mandatory, statutory documents required during the creation (establishment) and during the functioning of a legal entity. The legislative acts regulating the activities of commercial organizations (enterprises) establish two main constituent documents that must be available depending on the legal form of ownership: the charter and the memorandum of association.

Sample general provision on the enterprise about the organization

It indicates what can be prohibited, controlled and what to require from the team, what actions to take to implement the functions. 6 The title of the section “Relationships” speaks for itself. This part formulates the interaction of the enterprise with outside organizations and internal structures (if any) in the process of production activities. 7 In the position of the enterprise, one can single out in a separate part by whom and how the control of the enterprise's activities is carried out, the timing of inspections and the frequency of submission of reporting documents, etc. You can enter a section that indicates who is vested with the authority to reorganize and liquidate the enterprise, and describes how these steps are carried out.
The General Director, by approving regulations on individual structural divisions of the Company, concluding individual labor contracts with officials of the Company, as well as by means of orders and instructions, imposes on individual divisions or officials of the Company the responsibility for keeping records and proper reporting. 5. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMPANY AND OFFICIALS FOR PROPER STATEMENT OF REPORTING 5.1. The Company, represented by its bodies and individual officials, is responsible to shareholders and relevant state bodies for the proper organization of accounting and reporting.
5.2. The information contained in the reports must be reliable. Information in public reports should not contain commercial secrets or confidential information about the activities of the Company, the disclosure of which may cause significant damage to the interests of the Company. 5.3.


10.1. The Firm's activity is terminated by the decision of the Meeting of Founders or on other grounds provided for by the legislation of Russia.

Termination of the Firm's activities occurs through reorganization (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) or liquidation.

10.2. The liquidation of the Firm is carried out by the liquidation commission appointed by it, and in cases of termination of the Firm's activities by decision of the state arbitration or court - by the liquidation commission appointed by these bodies.

10.3. The funds available to the Fima, including the proceeds from the sale of its property during liquidation, after settlements with the budget, remuneration of the employees of the Firm, creditors and fulfillment of obligations to holders of bonds issued by the Firm, are distributed by the liquidation commission among the Founders in the manner determined by the Meeting of the Founders. The property transferred by the Firm to the Founder for use shall be returned in kind without remuneration.

10.4. The liquidation is considered completed, and the Firm is considered to have ceased its activities from the moment of making an entry about it in the register.

Regulations on the organization - a legal act that determines the status of the organization, its tasks and functions, rights, responsibilities, procedures.

Based on the regulation, state and municipal non-profit organizations operate, performing their functions at the expense of the budget. First of all, these are the authorities and administrations.

Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that a legal entity that is not a commercial organization may act on the basis of a general provision on organizations of a certain type.

On the basis of the regulations, branches of commercial and non-profit organizations, their branches, and representative offices also operate.

Regulations on organizations can be typical, exemplary, individual. Model and exemplary provisions are developed for subordinate organizations, departments, branches, representative offices that occupy an equal position in the hierarchy of management bodies and carry out the same activities. Model and exemplary provisions serve as the basis for the development of individual provisions.

The provision on the organization receives legal force after its approval by the parent organization. As a rule, the approval of the regulation on the organization is carried out by an administrative document (order, order, resolution) of a higher management body. The regulation on the organization can be approved directly by the head of a higher organization without issuing an administrative document.

The regulation on the organization is drawn up on standard sheets of paper. Mandatory details of the regulation on the organization are:

stamp of approval of a higher body (the stamp of approval is certified by the seal of a higher organization);

the name of the document type, which is one with the title to the text.

There are no normatively established requirements for the content of the regulation on the organization. The text of the regulation on the organization may include the following sections:

General provision (the official full and abbreviated names of the organization are contained, the goals and grounds for its creation are determined, indicating the name, date and number of the relevant legal act, it is indicated what the organization is guided by in its activities, who is headed and subordinate to whom, what seals and official letterheads it has ).

Main tasks (formulates the goals of the organization or the problems that the organization is called upon to solve and which determine the nature and main directions of its activities).

Functions (lists the actions or types of work that the organization must perform to solve the tasks assigned to it).

Rights and obligations (contains a list of the rights and obligations that are vested in the organization in the person of its head. Rights are a legally legalized opportunity to prohibit or demand the performance of any actions. Rights are established to the extent necessary for the implementation of the functions assigned to the organization. Rights include :

· The right to publish administrative and regulatory documents;

· The right to conduct correspondence;

· The right to give orders and instructions to subordinate units and persons;

· The right to request information, etc. Among the duties are listed the actions that the organization must perform to implement its functions;

Management (it is established who manages the organization, on what principles, who appoints and dismisses the head, as well as the scope of his competence);

· Relationships;

· Control, verification and audit of activities (establishes who controls, audits and audits of financial and economic activities, their frequency or timing, the procedure for submitting final documents);

Reorganization and liquidation (it is established in what order and by whom the reorganization and liquidation of the organization is carried out).

Position- a legal act that determines the composition, competence, procedure for formation, legal status, rights, obligations, organization of the activities of state bodies, institutions, organizations, structural divisions (services).

The provisions may be typical (exemplary) and specific (individual). If there is a model provision, specific provisions are developed on its basis. Standard provisions are developed for the same type of organizations and structural divisions. Distinguish regulations on organizations and regulations on structural subdivisions (services).

Regulations on the organization- this is a document on the basis of which state budgetary organizations act (public authorities and governments at all levels).

The scheme of the regulation on a state institution is similar to the scheme of the charter of a state institution.

Regulations on structural divisions (services) can be classified into:

  • - regulations on structural subdivisions;
  • - regulations on collegiate and advisory bodies, both governing (board of directors, board) and specialized (academic council, teachers' council, scientific and technical council, etc.);
  • - Regulations on temporary bodies (meetings, commissions, councils).

The regulation on the structural unit is drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization. Mandatory details of this type of documents are:

  • - name of company;
  • - name of the structural unit;
  • - the date;
  • - Document Number;
  • - place of compilation;
  • - title to the text, text;
  • - signature;
  • - stamp of approval.

Regulations on subdivisions are signed by the head of the subdivision and approved by the head of the organization.

The text of the provisions on structural divisions includes the following sections:

General provisions. The section "General Provisions" indicates: the full official name of the unit, the date, number and name of the legal act on the basis of which the unit was created and operates, what guides its activities, who heads and reports to whom, the procedure for appointing and dismissing the head of the unit, the presence of the print department.

Targets and goals. The section "Aims and Objectives" lists the main problems solved by the subdivision and determining the nature and directions of the subdivision's activities.

Functions. The "Functions" section indicates the actions or types of work that the unit must perform in order to carry out the tasks assigned to it. Functions should fully reflect the specifics of the unit's activities.

Rights and obligations. The section "Rights and obligations" lists the rights that are vested in the unit in the person of its head. The same section establishes the types of disciplinary, administrative, and, if necessary, criminal liability that the head of the unit may bear if the unit fails to fulfill its duties.

Relationships. The "Relationships" section regulates the information and documentation flows of the unit, the main documents created by it, it is indicated with which units and organizations the interaction is carried out, what information the unit receives and presents, the frequency and timing of submission; in what order and by whom the arising disagreements are considered.

Changes to the regulation on the structural unit are made by order of the head of the organization.

Regulations on collegiate and advisory bodies, both governing (board of directors, board of directors) and specialized (academic council, teachers' council, scientific and technical council, etc.), are also of a normative nature and determine the composition, formation procedure, competence, work procedure, rights and responsibility of collegiate and advisory bodies.

An example is the structure of the text of the regulation on the Board of Directors of a joint-stock company:

  • 1. General Provisions.
  • 2. Competence of the Board of Directors.
  • 3. Composition of the Board of Directors.
  • 4. Nomination of candidates to the Board of Directors.
  • 5. Election of members of the Board of Directors.
  • 6. Regulations for meetings of the Board of Directors.
  • 7. Relationships with other divisions of society.
  • 8. Responsibility of members of the Board of Directors.

The procedure for approving the regulation on the board of directors and the procedure for amending it.

In a state organization, amendments and additions to the provisions on collegiate and advisory bodies and to the provisions on structural divisions are carried out by an administrative document of the head of the organization.

In a non-governmental organization, changes and additions to the provisions on collegiate and advisory bodies are adopted at the general meeting of shareholders.

Regulations on temporary bodies (meetings, commissions, councils) are created for the period of operation of such a body. The structure of the text is not normatively fixed. It is approved by the body whose competence includes the creation of a temporary body.

The Regulation on labor protection of workers - a sample of 2020 is presented below - must be approved at each enterprise without fail. This provision allows the employer to plan and implement safe working conditions for employees. Read more about the procedure for compiling this provision in our article.

Why do we need a labor protection regulation?

In accordance with par. 22 hours 2 tbsp. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each company must draw up and approve labor protection rules. These rules, in cases established by law, should be coordinated with the trade union committee on the basis of Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These rules also include a local normative act - the regulation on labor protection (hereinafter - the Regulation). This document should contain a list of measures that the employer is obliged to implement in order to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions for their employees.

Thus, the Regulations reflect the following types of activities:

  • organizational;
  • legal;
  • technical;
  • social;
  • rehabilitation;
  • preventive.

The Regulations on labor protection indicate:

  • duties of the director for ensuring labor protection (hereinafter - OT) at the enterprise;
  • the responsible employee for ensuring OT at the enterprise, his duties and work procedures;
  • the procedure for planning and conducting activities within the framework of providing labor protection;
  • rights of workers in the field of labor protection;
  • the procedure for monitoring the implementation of labor protection standards and compliance with safety rules;
  • responsibility for non-fulfillment of duties and regulatory requirements for ensuring labor protection at the enterprise;
  • the procedure for approving the composition of the commission for assessing working conditions;
  • the procedure for the formation of the budget for public safety, items of planned expenses and sources for their financing.

The same document may contain information on the organization of the OT service, as well as information on the training of employees. But usually, for a comprehensive disclosure of the issues raised above, separate provisions and instructions are developed.

Read about how the OT instruction is drawn up in this article .

The employer can indicate in the Regulations and then annually implement any measures that improve the working conditions of employees. But only those mentioned in the Standard List of Measures to Improve Conditions and OT and Reduce Profits, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated March 1, 2012 No. 181n, can be attributed to expenses to reduce taxable income.

The procedure for approving the regulation on labor protection

The development of the Regulations on labor protection at the enterprise can be entrusted to a competent specialist, for example, an occupational safety engineer, or it can also be developed collegially. The collective preparation of this local regulatory act will help to avoid possible claims from several regulatory authorities at once.

The rationale for this opinion is as follows:

  • employees responsible for maintaining personnel records will be able to clearly prescribe the rights and obligations of the employer and employees;
  • lawyers will determine responsibility for non-compliance with the conditions prescribed in the Regulations, as well as how best to control their implementation;
  • labor inspectors will be able to foresee all the nuances that labor inspectors pay attention to when conducting an inspection of an enterprise;
  • the accountant will determine whether all of the specified activities in the Regulation can be attributed to the expenses of the enterprise or they will be covered by the company's net profit.

Each enterprise can organize its own procedure for compiling the Regulations on OT. The approval of this document can also occur in various ways:

  • an order is issued to approve the Regulations;
  • The position is approved by putting down the stamp "I approve" in the upper right part of the document, under which the signature (with decoding) of the head and the date are put.

The position on OT is approved by the head of the enterprise. When approved, the Regulation may indicate the date of commencement of the local regulatory act. However, usually the document comes into force immediately from the date of approval.

All employees of the enterprise must be familiar with the specified Regulations. To fix this fact, a separate statement can be formed, in which everyone who has read the contents of the document puts his signature and date.

In the course of the company's activities, it may become necessary to introduce new OSH measures. In this case, the Regulation will not need to be developed anew. An appropriate order may be issued on the implementation of new measures, in which, in addition to the list of measures and the rationale for their implementation, it is indicated that they are introduced in addition to the existing Regulation on OT.

Standard position on labor protection: structure

A typical local act on labor protection at an enterprise usually has the following structure:

  1. General Provisions - here is a summary of the document, the goals and objectives of OT in the enterprise are explained.
  2. Obligations of the employer, employees, persons responsible for labor protection, labor protection service (if it is created); rights of employees - in this section, the duties / rights of each of the participants in these legal relations are disclosed in detail, all responsible persons are listed.
  3. Measures to ensure normal and safe working conditions and the procedure for their financing - here it is necessary to list in detail, point by point, all the measures that are supposed to be carried out at the enterprise within the framework of labor protection.
  4. Responsibility for non-compliance with the conditions for ensuring OSH in the enterprise - this section should list the possible sanctions that will be imposed on the person guilty of violating the OHS standards.
  5. Procedure for investigating accidents in the workplace.
  6. Applications are additions to the Regulations, which can describe in detail the actions to provide assistance in case of an accident at work, the composition of the emergency medical kit, instructions for working with equipment, etc.

Read about the actions of the employer, mandatory in the event of an accident with an employee, in the material "St. 228 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: questions and answers " .

Regulation on labor protection: a typical list of measures

A number of measures are implemented annually at all enterprises in order to protect and improve working conditions, as well as to reduce pro-risks.

A typical list of such OSH-related activities is contained in Order No. 181n:

  • special assessment of the level of pro-risk and working conditions;
  • improvement of working conditions, including after their special assessment;
  • automation of production and technological processes;
  • installation (including acquisition costs) of alarm systems in case of equipment breakdown, emergency situations;
  • protection of elements of technological equipment from damage caused by flying particles/objects when exposed to moving parts;
  • modernization of protective equipment against harmful effects;
  • painting equipment or hazardous elements in bright signal colors;
  • automation of control over the level of harmful substances in the air or other hazardous factors at work;
  • introduction of technical devices for protection against electric shock;
  • installation of fuses and signal devices to ensure the safe operation of equipment;
  • automation of technical operations that are associated with the transportation and storage of tanks with hazardous liquids used in production;
  • automation of transportation and warehousing of raw materials, industrial waste;
  • automation of cleaning services, disposal of hazardous industrial waste, cleaning of air ducts, windows, lamps, lanterns, etc.;
  • modernization of technical equipment used to reduce the percentage of harmful impurities in the air, reduce vibrations, noise, radiation;
  • reconstruction and laying of new ventilation and heating systems in working premises;
  • adjustment of lighting that complies with current safety standards;
  • arrangement of places for personnel rest, reconstruction of change houses;
  • provision of automated supply of drinking water in working premises;
  • providing workers with protective clothing and personal protective equipment (we are talking about those employees who work in hazardous conditions or are exposed to harmful effects in the course of work);
  • ensuring the storage of protective equipment and care for them;
  • providing employees with simulators, visual materials, literature necessary for work, purchase of stands, computerization of classrooms;
  • ensuring that briefing/training is carried out, checking the knowledge of employees on labor protection;
  • training of employees so that they can provide first aid at work to injured employees;
  • training of employees associated with the operation of hazardous facilities;
  • conducting periodic / mandatory medical examinations;
  • equipment of rooms / sanitary posts for the provision of medical care;
  • arrangement of tunnels, passages, sidewalks on the territory of the enterprise to ensure the safety of movement;
  • implementation of production control measures;
  • replication of OT instructions;
  • rearrangement of industrial equipment, reorganization of workplaces to create safe working conditions;
  • arrangement of training grounds;
  • development of physical culture in the work collective.

When training employees in labor protection standards, you can use a specially developed program. Read more about it in our article. "Standard occupational safety training program - sample" .

What else does the provision on the organization of work on labor protection include?

The regulation on the organization of work on labor protection must necessarily include, in addition to general provisions, a list of the main work on labor protection, as well as the procedure for distributing responsibilities between employees to ensure safety at work. In this case, in front of each of the titles of work on labor protection, it is necessary to indicate the person responsible for the implementation of the event, as well as the participants involved in the field of labor protection in areas.

For example, the manager is responsible for the overall management of all technical processes, as well as for the state of OT in the enterprise. The Director is also responsible for investigating when accidents occur; monitors compliance with legislative norms and rules on labor protection; provides insurance for employees against occupational diseases, temporary disability, etc.

In addition, this provision indicates the person responsible for ensuring OSH in the enterprise. The procedure for creating a department (service) for OT, the algorithm for instructing in the basics of OT is prescribed. In this local act, it is imperative to prescribe how and by whom the analysis of the state of labor conditions is carried out. It should describe how measures will be taken to improve working conditions.

Where can I download a sample regulation on labor protection at the enterprise?

It is difficult to call a sample of the OSH Regulation a typical one, because each enterprise / production has special working conditions and, accordingly, different approaches are used to ensure the safety of workers. At the same time, the standard provision will help to understand the structure of this regulatory local document, which means that there should be no difficulties in developing an individual Regulation.

When compiling this document, it is necessary to adhere to the conditions listed in GOST 12.0.230-2007, use the standard list of OT measures. On our website you can download a sample of the Regulation on labor protection, created on the basis of this document.


At every enterprise, the employer is obliged to ensure the creation of safe working conditions for their employees. To this end, he must plan and annually implement a number of measures that improve the working conditions of employees. He should also determine the level of responsibility and the circle of persons who will ensure the implementation of practices for the implementation of labor protection standards.

These tasks will be handled by a single local document — a regulation on labor protection, which will take into account everything necessary to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions for employees. When developing such a document, an enterprise can use the sample proposed by us above.