The plan of the family reading club in the library. Working program for reading on the topic: The program of the family reading club “Meeting with a book. — Mother's Day of Russia

  1. Analysis of the work of GBOU secondary school No. 840 for the 2011-2012 academic year

    A task

    Implementation principles state... clubs, circles, etc. Thus, the main task of teachers who carry out extracurricular work, became ... reading and understanding of graphic information, reading and understanding main... performed at Family festival in...

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    Explanatory note

    Children, through the system clubs, sections, studios... This position became development basis... On mostly stage (grades 3-4) main principle is... familyreading, memo on how to act in stressful situations (fire, danger, etc.), memo: rules work ...

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    4 A Sidorenko V.I. Reading Lesson reading+ Russian language K. Paustovsky... work in a collective - methodical associations created by principle... 1. "Potter" school- family: research, 3 2. ... is club for... Basic form work in this direction became ...

  4. Youth and science


    and psychological service of the university); Familyclub, club"Mistress"; New Year's holidays ... conducting classes and reading lectures become apply television technology ... get an idea of majorprincipleswork with vector graphics...

  5. The main divisions of the classification 1 general scientific and interdisciplinary knowledge 2 natural sciences 3 technology engineering sciences


    ... by reading children. 74.905 Family and community. Help public organizations in family... , excursion Work, amateur creativity. Mainprinciples and features... Work. Theory, history, organization and main directions workclubs. ...

It is with the family that the world begins for the child. Here he takes his first steps, pronounces the first words, gets acquainted with the first books. It is dad and mom who turn pages with bright pictures, drawings to the baby, teach them to experience, be surprised, admire the first literary heroes, their destinies and adventures. If parents and a child often pick up a book, then spiritual unity, peace and love reign in the family. The reading atmosphere should become a family tradition. After all, it is from the book that you can take food for the soul and heart. It is important that books do not simply become sources of information or entertainment, but play a general educational and cultural role.

Not only kindergarten teachers and teachers of literature at school should instill a love of reading. Parents should take care of this even at the earliest stages of a child's development. In order to reunite the efforts of parents and specialists, work is underway in the family reading library in many localities. Librarians invite parents to various events to increase children's interest in books. Well, we invite you to get acquainted with the goals of joint classes with parents, exemplary program family reading in the library, the expected results. Similar joint work libraries and parents can be called integrated.

Reasons to Introduce Family Reading in the Library

In the last decade, researchers have noted the formation of the following attitudes towards reading in children and adults:

  • The number of children who read only works is increasing school curriculum.
  • Every year, fewer and fewer young people spend their free time reading literature.
  • The penetration of the preschool child into the culture of books is slower and slower.
  • For those who grow up, everything becomes weaker for reading.
  • The reading circle of children and adolescents is influenced by mass culture, which leads to the popularity of detective stories, horror stories, and stories based on television series.
  • Many children read just for fun.

The Importance of Family Reading in the School Library

Let's talk about the benefits. But first, let's find out what it is - family reading in the library? The activities of the continuous psychological and pedagogical process of joint reading of children and parents, followed by analysis, discussion - this is the concept of family reading. Analysis of works can be oral, written, gaming. Similar events were held back in the days of the Egyptian pharaohs. Researchers have found one entry on a papyrus from that period, where a father's appeal to his son is written with a request to direct his heart to books.

In antiquity, family reading was also widely practiced. One of the Roman rulers himself wrote the "History of Rome" and studied it with his son. This practice was used in the Middle Ages and in the Enlightenment. In the 19th century, family reading was common among noble families. Modern practice already combines home reading with library reading. Professional librarians parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters are invited along with the children. A whole family reading program is being developed in the library. What is it for?

Recently, the role of reading in society has been lost, the prestige of education and knowledge is falling, young people are oriented towards non-bookish forms of culture. And general cultural, aesthetic, emotional needs are drawn from books. The literacy of young people is falling every year, and the level of necessary reading and writing skills is also declining. Most children do not have an awareness of the value and significance of books, newspapers, magazines, electronic information. Therefore, reading in a family environment plays a special role. A jointly read story or story, its discussion makes family members closer, unites them spiritually. Unfortunately, fewer families are acquiring home libraries. Thus, illiterate children grow up in non-reading parents. Boost children's reading is possible only in tandem of school, library and family.

Along with business, normative, educational, entertaining, self-educational reading, family special place. In the course of such a process, the child acquires various skills and abilities, acquires the basis of a reading culture. After all, the family is the first and main intermediary between the book and the child. There, interest in the book is formed, the reader's taste develops. In Russia, the work of the family reading library has deep roots. It includes comprehensive program, various forms of work with children and their parents. No wonder the program for family reading in the library is often called "Warm House".

It is the family that is seen throughout the world as social value. Family relationships shape a person's personality. Employees of rural and settlement libraries know many families well and try to influence their relationships through the book. It is they who become social educators, organizers of family reading in the library. This is also possible in the school library. The motto of such integrated approach to the study of books, you can take: "Let's create a country of readers!"

Importance Factors of Reading with Parents

Interest in the revival of family reading in the children's library in recent times increases. Reading is considered as a developing environment. Its significance has its own factors:

  • Since childhood, children have been told fairy tales, read small biblical stories, then myths, poems about nature and animals. This is the most ancient and proven way to educate a person even before he learns the alphabet. Reading activity and culture are formed on listening and speaking.
  • Such reading contributes to the deepening of children's attention, the formation of the need for books. If such a need is laid in a child from childhood, then he will read a lot in adulthood.
  • Family reading activities in the library are the key to early and correct mastery of native speech. early reading helps children grow up as communicative people. After all, the passive speech of children (silence) needs to be developed.
  • Emotional and aesthetic perception of the world is formed on the basis of books. Sounding words have a strong influence on children, they teach them to triumph, rejoice, be sad, sad, joke, laugh. Words give children vivid, emotional impressions.
  • As a result of joint reading, the ability to perceive artistic images develops. Children include imagination, visual representations. They learn to rejoice and grieve along with literary heroes.
  • not only for babies, but also for older people. It is important not only to listen, but also to perceive and retell what is read. For older people, such activities help to endure loneliness more easily and pass on their experience to children. Adults can also observe the spiritual development of children in this way.
  • Joint readings in the library help the socialization of the younger generation. The ground for the exchange of opinions is created, emotional enrichment occurs.
  • Such activities serve as prevention of aging, stimulate active mental activity.

No wonder it is considered that the library is the territory of family reading. It is an alternative to all kinds of studying books. This practice was actively introduced by the Lomonosov Family Reading Library (a town near St. Petersburg). Qualified staff of this library provide all kinds of assistance to families in choosing books. There are many events for this family program: various local history competitions, literary readings, classes for the youth club "Yunta".

Family Reading Library Services

What can a librarian offer as part of family reading:

The goals of such events

What can be achieved as a result of such events in the library? Here are the goals of librarians:

  • encourage children and parents to read together;
  • develop the creative abilities of children;
  • satisfy people of different generations;
  • increase the spiritual and moral development of the family;
  • support family reading;
  • orient family members to joint communication in the course of studying books;
  • help to gain mutual understanding and common interests;
  • increase reading efficiency.

Tasks of joint readings

The target program for the development of a family reading library can focus on the following tasks:

  • study the information needs of readers, analyze and develop relevant topics for informing;
  • to orient the elders to joint communication with the child in the process of reading;
  • to promote friendship between adults and children with a book, to achieve their mutual understanding;
  • improve pedagogical education, psychological and methodological preparedness of parents;
  • to develop in children the ability of independent thinking after reading;
  • help children and parents look at reading as a means of interpersonal communication;
  • to develop the creative abilities of the younger generation;
  • coordinate activities with schools and teachers;
  • use all active bibliographic forms and methods of work;
  • study and implement advanced library experience.

Expected results

The correct selection of a family reading library and classes there give the following results:

  • the prestige of the book increases in the eyes of the younger generation;
  • reading becomes a favorite pastime;
  • the library is respected and revered;
  • the love of reading is formed among the youngest visitors;
  • traditions of family gatherings over favorite books are being revived;
  • children's creativity develops.

Description of similar projects

Librarians face a serious task - to organize such classes with parents and children. It is necessary to create a comfortable atmosphere for such intellectual communication. To do this, the book fund must be equipped with highly artistic literature, where there will be books, periodicals, and electronic publications.

The organization of the library space is very important today. modern library should be different and multifaceted. It can organize "noisy" and "quiet" zones, open spaces and secluded places of rest. It is necessary to think over every corner of the room, making it attractive to visitors.

The library space makes cozy not only modern design. It is important to think over and organize an interesting fund for the reader. The main thing is to correctly arrange the literature so that it can be freely approached. by the most effective ways to attract readers' attention various promotions, exhibitions, evenings, round tables. The image of the library will be raised by spectacular information.

Approximate lesson plan in the library with parents and children

It is very important to think over the family reading program in the library. We offer you a monthly approximate planning of such events:

  • In January, three events can be held: a lesson in family harmony "Family portraits", a library quest "In search of a country of health", a lesson with a psychologist "Do we know our children."
  • In February, you can hold an intellectual battle "You have the floor, erudite", a large book fireworks "Journey to the world of new literature".
  • In March, it is appropriate to hold a reader's conference "The most important word is family", brainstorming "Expert fiction".
  • April - time for the dialogue event "Traditions to keep and increase", exhibitions creative works"From generation to generation we pass on wonderful creations", media review "CD to aid learning".
  • In May, you can hold a family reading holiday "We are a family, which means we can cope with any task", a discussion "Family reading - a passing tradition or an eternal value?".
  • In June, schoolchildren will be happy to take part in the action "We read with the whole family", in the gourmet evening of Pushkin's fairy tales "The stars are shining in the blue sky."
  • In July, the competition and entertainment program "Our family - book friends" will become interesting.
  • In August, you can hold an exhibition of creative works "Mom, grandmother and I - a needlework family."
  • In September, you can bring to life the literary box "Autumn Swirled in the Sky", the book exhibition-council "Family Reader".
  • In October, it is desirable to organize a photo collage for the Day of the Elderly "When the soul is in the pattern of time", the family game library "Super-grandmother".
  • In November, an event dedicated to Mother's Day "The world is beautiful with mother's love", a national culture holiday "Nature in the works of Russian writers and poets" is held.
  • In December, you can organize a day of family communication in the library "I open the world with a book", New Year's confetti "Fabulous snowfall".

Description of some events

Many librarians start their work on organizing family reading by holding the "How to get to the library" campaign. To do this, they put up posters with an invitation to come to the library. For adults, special propaganda leaflets and invitation bookmarks are distributed. On the central square of the district or square, a poster is sometimes hung up "Who goes where, and I go to the library." Family reading traditions and methods of their transmission are very diverse.

Under New Year often adults, together with children, decorate a Christmas tree in the library room, make a symbol of the coming year, which then pleases visitors. Children and adults are very attracted by various exhibitions: "Favorite books of our childhood", the magazine exhibition "Baby and Me", "My Child", "Mom's School". There are a lot of family reading library scripts. It would be nice to have a few tours of the bookshelves. Indoors, you can place a special box as a "Piggy bank of book surprises." In it, children and parents will drop notes in which they will record Interesting Facts and the events that surprised them while reading the books.

It is important for a librarian to take into account that children are interested in works of an adventurous and adventurous nature, where some magical powers are present ("Harry Potter", "The Hobbit"). On a family reading day in the library, children might be asked to compare a book to a movie to prove that it is more interesting than a movie. Children can be interested in reading with the help of original paradoxes. For example, they must read up to a certain point and find the answer to an intriguing question. They often experiment with holding discussions between children and adults about the pages they have read.

Family reading club "Meeting with a book" is one of the forms joint activities teachers, parents and students. I am convinced that today the revival of family reading as a cultural norm for the development of a child is one of the most important tasks schools. Realizing the importance of this problem, I developed and tested the program of the family reading club “Meeting with a book”. Without duplicating other types of reading, family reading allows the child to see a person close to him as an enthusiastic reader. The child will see that books are present in the life of parents, that this is the norm of his family's life. In addition, participation in the work of the club will create a creative atmosphere at home and, to some extent, eliminate family conflicts. Reading literary works, performing tasks of a creative nature will enable adults not only to participate in the development and upbringing of children in the family, but also to develop their erudition. The family reading club will stimulate the desire of parents to read books together, to communicate about what they have read.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

medium basic comprehensive school working settlement Shemysheyka

named after the Hero of the Soviet Union

Alexander Timofeevich Bodryashov


Family Reading Club

"Encounter with a Book"

Made the program:

Larkina Nina Alekseevna,

Primary school teacher

2015-2016 academic year

r.p. Shemysheyka

1. Pedagogical expediencycreation of a family reading club "Meeting with a book".

2. General provisions.

3. The purpose and objectives of the family reading club "Meeting with a book."

4. Working conditions of the family reading club "Meeting with a book".

5. The main activities of the family reading club "Meeting with a book."

6. Forms of work of the club.

7. The structure of club meetings.

8. Basic principles of the family reading club "Meeting with a book."

9. Rights and obligations of members of the family reading club "Meeting with a book."

10. Expected results of the work of the family reading club "Meeting with a book".

11. Attributes of the family reading club "Meeting with a book."

12. Thematic work plan of the family reading club "Meeting with a book."

a). Grade 3. 2015-2016 academic year.

b). 4th grade. 2016-2017 academic year.

1. Pedagogical expediency creation

Today, the world around our children is not at all like the one it was just a few years ago. The education system has changed, new opportunities for spending free time for children have appeared. new toys, technical means, food, etc. create a new outlook on life for both children and parents. Year by year, students' interest in reading is declining. The book is being pushed out modern technologies, interest in reading decreases. In many families of students there is no tradition of family reading. Children sometimes master the computer before they learn to read, orient themselves in the keyboard better than in the table of contents of the book.

Many parents are unaware of the dangers of the current situation. And often you cannot blame them - they simply do not have enough knowledge, there is no elementary pedagogical culture. In many families, the book ceases to be a topic of conversation, home libraries disappear. Non-reading parents raise non-reading children. Introducing a child to a book is impossible without the help of the family, since it is the parents who act as the first and main intermediaries between the book and the child, choose and buy children's publications, advise the child what is better to read, and thus have a decisive influence on the formation of a circle of reading, tastes and children's preferences. But, unfortunately, it is far from always possible for a child to talk about a book he has read, to find out the parental attitude towards it, and not all parents are ready to suggest to the child the book he needs, the book that would answer his requests at that very moment. , would affect the emotional sphere, arouse interest. Therefore, the idea of ​​a family reading club was born. It is designed to help parents establish communication with children, suggest books that will interest both adults and children, unite them and push them to talk about what they have read, about life in general.

I am convinced that today the revival of family reading as a cultural norm for the development of a child is one of the most important tasks. Realizing the importance of this problem, I developed and tested the program of the family reading club “Meeting with a book”.

Without duplicating other types of reading - classroom, extra-curricular, family reading allows the child to see a person close to him with enthusiastic reading. The child will see that books are present in the life of parents, that this is the norm of his family's life.

In addition, participation in the work of the club will create a creative atmosphere at home and, to some extent, eliminate family conflicts. Reading literary works, performing tasks of a creative nature will enable adults not only to participate in the development and upbringing of children in the family, but also to develop their erudition.

The family reading club will stimulate the desire of parents to read the book together, to communicate about what they have read, which will certainly bring family members closer and unite them spiritually.

2. General provisions

The family reading club "Meeting with a book" was formed in the 3rd grade of MBOU secondary school r.p. Shemysheyka Penza region in 2015-2016 academic year

Family reading club "Meeting with a book" is one of the forms of joint activity of a teacher, parents and students.

In order to strengthen contact within the family, it is planned to involve three generations of the family (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father-child) in the work of the club.

In preparation for the lesson, parents and children read books, learn poems, songs, stage excerpts, participate in drawing competitions, compose riddles on literary topics.

3. The purpose and objectives of the family reading club "Meeting with a book"

Purpose: to create conditions for interesting communication between parents and their children. Tasks:

Creation of conditions for the formation of a reading culture of the family, the return of family reading traditions to the family;

- development of the need of parents to jointly perform cognitive and other types of tasks with children at home;

Show parents that communication with a children's book gives them great pedagogical opportunities;

Providing advice in the field of children's literature, children's reading";

Promoting a positive family reading experience.

Help families become smarter and kinder.

4. Working conditions of the family reading club "Meeting with a book"

Venue - study room No. 104 MBOU secondary school r.p. Shemysheyka

Meetings of the family reading club "Meeting with a book" are usually held once a month.

The duration of the club is 40 - 60 minutes, depending on the mood of the group, the number of participants, etc.

5. Main activities

family reading club "Meeting with a book".

Reading range - folklore, classics, modern domestic and foreign literature.

Formed reading skills: the skill of expressive reading, the ability to work with text and a book.

The Family Reading Club "Meeting with a Book" studies the reading priorities of younger students.

Organizes meetings with librarians, various creative contests and reports, readers' conferences, etc.

6. Forms of the club

Competitive programs, quizzes, games, theatrical performances, joint viewing of films and cartoons, discussion of family reading experience. Also, additionally outside the program are planned cool watch and parent meetings to promote the book and encourage families to read.

The work program of the Family Reading Club "Meeting with a book" was compiled taking into account the wishes of students and parents.

7.Structure of club meetings

The theoretical part is carried out in the form of a live dialogue (and not in the form of a lecture-lecture), parents in an accessible form receive information on the topic of the meeting, ask questions, formulate problems, actively participate in the discussion.

The practical part involves the implementation of techniques, approaches, methods that contribute to the resolution of the identified problems.

The communicative, interactive part implies the mandatory interaction of all participants in various specially created situations (games, training).

Parents can get a small homework» on the topic of the session, booklets, printouts with recommendations, tasks and similar practical materials to use in the process of raising a child.

8.Basic principles

work of the family reading club "Meeting with a book"

  • compliance of the selected literature with the age characteristics and interests of students;
  • lack of edification and moralizing;
  • relaxed friendly environment.

9. Rights and obligations of participants

Family Reading Club "Meeting with a book"

Parents (legal representatives) have the right to:

To receive qualified advice on the problems of raising and educating a child;

To receive practical assistance in organizing classes with children at home;

To express your own opinion.

10.Expected results of work

Family Reading Club "Meeting with a book"

1. Parents and children will be able to enrich their leisure time with family reading, thanks to which the family will be strengthened and united.

2. Participation in the work of the Club will help to strengthen parent-child relationships in the family.

3. Revival of the tradition of family reading as a special kind of spiritual and intellectual communication of family members.

4. Formation of the need for parents and children in the systematic reading of fiction.

5. The base will be created methodological developments held events on the theme of the club.

6. Even if the skill of family reading arises in several families, the work of the Family Reading Club “Meeting with a Book” will not be in vain.

11. Attributes of the family reading club "Meeting with a book"

Emblem and motto

Thematic work plan

family reading club "Meeting with a book"

for 2015-2016 academic year

3rd grade


Topic of the meeting

the date

Methodological techniques, forms of working with text

Assignment for the next lesson

Opening of the family reading club "Meeting with a book". Familiarization of participants with the goals and objectives of the club, work plan.

Preparation of a list of literature for family reading "We read with the whole family."

Consultation for parents "The role of the artistic word in the upbringing of children."

Family literary holiday "Journey to the Sunny City".


Literary game based on the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

1. Come up with an emblem and motto of the club (family competition)

2. For parents to remember their favorite books from their childhood

2. Prepare family newspapers. Place photographs of the childhood of parents and the childhood of their children in the newspaper.

"A book from my childhood."

Exhibition of books: "These books were read by grandparents"

Results of the competition for the best logo and motto of the club


Parents' stories about their favorite childhood books.

Exhibition of newspapers from each family.

Prepare for the KVN game

fairy tales of foreign writers.

Literary tales of foreign writers.

Advice for parents

How to choose a book for a child?


KVN on the following works: Lindgren "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof", Milne "Winnie the Pooh", fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen.

Reading the fairy tale "Gulliver's Travels"

Intellectual ring "Clever and clever" based on the book by D. Defoe "Gulliver's Travels"


Reading the fairy tale "Twelve months"

Children's writers about new year holiday about the opportunity to do good to each of us.

Fairy tale "Twelve months".


Dramatization of the fairy tale "Twelve months".

Reading the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

Family literary game "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

Quiz "We are wizards!";

Exhibition of drawings based on a fairy tale.

Advice for parents

"Methods of introducing children to the works of children's literature."


Independent reading, conversation. A story about the writer and the history of the creation of the book.

Characteristics of the main character.

Game educational situation "Ellie's Journey in the Magic Land".

Drawing up a map of the country in which the characters of the book live.

Reading competition with elements of staging (poems about mothers at the choice of the family)

"Let's sit in silence." Artworks

about mom.


Competition of readers with elements of dramatization.

Tea drinking.

Reading works about the Penza region.

1. Competition of readers.

"Soul born poems about our Penza region"

2. Parent meeting on the topic

Reading with the whole family.


Pick up

1. Action "Help the library with a book"

Competition "The most reading family"


Information for children and parents "What to read in the summer?" (booklets).

Tea drinking.

Thematic work plan

family reading club "Meeting with a book"

for 2016-2017 academic year

4th grade


Topic of the meeting

the date

Type of occupation

(methodological techniques, forms of work)

Assignment for the next lesson

Round table "Summer with the heroes of your favorite books"

visit school library. Advice for parents "Should your child turn on a TV or a computer game or sit next to him and read a book?"


Discussion of books read in the summer.

Review of books for reading by students of primary school age.

Prepare for the defense of the project "Favorite book of our family" (format work in any format: slide show, newspaper presentation, etc.).

Festival of mini-projects: "Favorite book of our family".


Project protection.

Prepare for the poetry competition of your own composition "How good it is to be able to read ..."

Self-written poetry competition "How good it is to be able to read ..."

Photo contest "I read!"


Reading poetry.

Exhibition of photographs taken in the family, class, library.

Reading the fairy tale "Gulliver's Travels".

Intellectual ring "Clever and clever" based on the book by D. Defoe "Gulliver's Travels".


Characteristics of characters according to their description and behavior. literary game.

Creative illustration and writing.

Reading the fables of I.A. Krylov.

“How many times have they told the world…”

Advice for parents

"You have already learned, read it yourself."


Competition for the best dramatization of a fable (family competition).

Collect information on the topic "Monuments to literary heroes."

Bring drawings on the topic "Project of a monument to my favorite literary character."

"Monuments to literary heroes" (correspondence trip).

Advice for parents

“Read books to children, not lectures.”


Messages from members of the club about monuments to literary heroes (which literary hero where, for what the monument was erected, what is its unusualness).

Exhibition of drawings on the theme "The project of a monument to my favorite literary character."

Prepare poems and drawings about mom.

Literary competition program: May there always be a mother, may there always be me.

2. Consultation for parents. "Children's Prints".


Competition for the best picture about mom.

Mom Poetry Contest.

Literary game “What? Where? When?"


Literary dictation "Attentive reader", Quiz "The most interesting question".

What books about young WWII veterans do you know?

“What was my peer like during the Great Patriotic War?”

Consultation for parents "Creating a family library".


Stories about the young heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Preparing for the holiday "I began to read a lot."

Final meeting of parents and children. Summing up the work of the club.

In a warm, flowery atmosphere, this time we gathered in our department with members of the Svetlitsa club. Those present helped the Flower Fairy to collect all the petals of the magic, thanks to which gardens bloom all over the earth. We remembered all the fairy tales in which there are magical flowers, learned what the names of the flowers we know mean, and played "flower" games with pleasure. Everyone liked the game "Flower-Semitsvetik" very much, where all the participants made a wish. A well-known craftswoman came to our meeting and held a master class for children. Look at the amazing work these guys have done!

"Like Shrove Week"

Who doesn't love Maslenitsa festivities?!Maslenitsa is a whole week of festivities, games, delicious and plentiful treats. Each day of Pancake Week has a special name:Monday - meeting; Tuesday - tricks; Wednesday - gourmet; thursday - wide thursday; Friday - mother-in-law evening; Saturday - hall gatherings; Sunday is forgiveness day.

So we decided to celebrate Maslenitsa together with the members of the Svetlitsa family reading club. The whole color of the Maslenitsa festivities was conveyed in the film "The Barber of Siberia", a fragment of which we offered to watch to our guests.Having visited the hostess, children and parents got acquainted with the peculiarities of each day of the Maslenitsa week.

On Monday, the children helped the hostess to clean the house, and also told funny tongue twisters about Maslenitsa, took part in the game “Pancakes in pans”.

Tuesday - games. On this day, the girls and fellows were going to ride on the icy mountains. And we offered our guys to make a "sledge train".

Wednesday is sweet. Children also have favorite treats and sweets. Here we encrypted them. Children with a sweet tooth quickly and easily coped with the cipher.

On broad Thursday, Shrovetide revelry begins with skating in the streets, fistfights.

On Saturday, the hall gatherings were arranged - these were games of blind man's buff, in the third superfluous and game songs. Together with our guests, we sang karaoke - ditties about Maslenitsa.

Here is the last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday.The hostess with the godfather addressed the guests with the following words:

Here comes the Forgiveness Day

We are not too lazy to bow,

You came to us on Sunday

We will ask for forgiveness

To remove all sins from the soul,

Meet the post with a pure heart!

Let's seal friendship with a kiss

Even though we don't fight

After all, on Maslenitsa you need to Strengthen friendship with love!

The holiday ended with folk dances and tea with pancakes.

The holiday was a success!

"The game is the eighth wonder of the world"

All club members learned about the history of toys and their incredible variety. The children took part in competitions: “hit the target”, “car races”, played children's bowling. During the "Game of Rhymes" children with their parents remembered the poems of A. Barto, and the main characters of these poems, toys, helped them in this. A cheerful Dunno came to visit the holiday with his interesting riddles and poems of his own composition, as well as Levka the Cat with an unusual physical education session.

All the children came with their favorite toys and introduced us to them. Communication continued at a sweet table with tea from a samovar.The holiday ended with a cheerful dance "Kuklyandiya".
"International Women's Day - March 8"

Our holiday was dedicated to cute, beautiful, charming, charming, kind, caring, charming, mind-blowing, graceful, funny, stunning - MOTHER and GRANDMA!!!

You can argue for a long time about who is in charge in the house and who keeps the house, so we suggested that next to the name of household chores, write to the children who in their family does this work. We found out that my mother is mainly engaged in cleaning the house, cooking, ironing, darning, checking lessons, caring for indoor flowers. So we decided to help our mother, and we showed our skills in the contests "House cleaning", "Hang up the linen", "Needlewoman", "Culinary competition".

A cheerful guest and an active participant in the celebration was "a man in the prime of his life" - Carlson.

The mothers also visited the "Art Salon", where they were asked to find their own portrait.

Many families showed their home presentations "My mother is the most creative!".

The meeting ended with a traditional tea party and a screening of the cartoons “Mother for a Mammoth” and “How a Wolf Became a Mother to a Calf”.

Oath to mothers

We vow to always help mothers:

Wash dishes and put away toys.

Go to the store,

Sweep the kitchen floor

We are happy to miss this football!

We are always happy to peel potatoes,

Ironing clothes is not a problem for us.

We always promise to teach lessons.

We swear to be obedient, to be kind!

Mom's constitution

Mom has the right:

1. To the love and communication of your child!

2. To support the family!

3. To the love and affection of dad!

4. For the daily caress of children!

5. To the protection of the state!

6. Watch your favorite shows!

7. On vacation!

8. For the first spring flower!

9. To your secrets!