Why is the magazine called Murzilka. Who is "Murzilka"? With my work, I wanted to attract the attention of students and interest them in the magazine - Murzilka, which not only offers us interesting puzzles, puzzles, riddles, crafts, but also teaches us how to learn

Murzilka is a kind of fluffy yellow creature, which, having undergone some changes, has survived to the present. Since then, the symbol of the Murzilka children's edition has been a fluffy yellow character, wearing a red beret and scarf. And the kids really like it.
On May 16, 1924, the first issue of the Murzilka magazine was published in the Soviet Union, intended for children of primary school age - from 6 to 12 years old, which very quickly became a popular children's literary and artistic publication.

Murzilka traces its history back to 1879, when the Canadian artist and poet Palmer Cox created a cycle of poems with his illustrations about the little Brownie people - small people, relatives of brownies, with brown unkempt hair (for which were called "brownies"). Appearing for the first time in Wide Awake magazine, they began a triumphal procession, first across America, and then around the world. They got to Russia thanks to the famous writer Anna Khvolson, who made a free translation of Cox's texts, giving the characters other names. Thus the name Murzilka was born.
In 1913, Khvolson's book The New Murzilka. Amazing adventures and wanderings of little forest men, where the main character was Murzilka - a man in a tailcoat, with a cane and a monocle. These tales were very popular, but after the revolution of 1917 the book was no longer published, and everyone forgot about this hero.
Again, Murzilka was remembered in 1924, when a new children's magazine was created under Rabochaya Gazeta, and everyone liked this name. But do not put it on the cover of the Soviet magazine brownie! Therefore, a red outbred puppy became Murzilka, who accompanied his master, the boy Petka, everywhere. But such a Murzilka did not last long, and in 1937 a new

AT Soviet time it was a children's monthly magazine of the Komsomol Central Committee and the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. IN AND. Lenin. It was designed for October junior schoolchildren, pupils of senior groups of kindergartens. The main task of "Murzilka" was the communist education of children in the spirit of Soviet patriotism, respect for work, collectivism and camaraderie.
The magazine published stories, poems, fairy tales, essays and pictures about the creative work of the Soviet people, the heroic past of the Motherland. In a lively, entertaining and accessible form, he told the children about the history of the USSR, work, nature, school life, October affairs, etc.
Well-known figures of literature and art of the Soviet period participated in the creation and work of the magazine. The best children's writers were published on the pages of Murzilka: Samuil Marshak, Korney Chukovsky, Sergey Mikhalkov, Boris Zakhoder, Agniya Barto, Mikhail Prishvin, Konstantin Paustovsky, Elena Blaginina, Nikolai Nosov, Valentin Berestov, Yuri Korinets, Irina Tokmakova, Eduard Uspensky, Andrey Usachev, Marina Moskvina, Viktor Lunin, Leonid Yakhnin, Mikhail Yasnov and others.

The magazine "Murzilka" is still published. In 2011, it was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as "the longest-running children's magazine". Over the long history of the existence of the beloved children's magazine, its release has never been interrupted.
Currently, the journal publishes works by contemporary children's writers, including foreign ones. The main difference between "Murzilka" is high-quality children's literature. Fairy tales, novellas, children's stories, plays, poems are printed here. Its main authors are modern talented writers, artists and classics of children's literature. Often the authors of the journal are the readers themselves.
Modern "Murzilka" is a full-color glossy publication, as before, full of interesting, informative materials on topics that attract not only young readers, but also their parents. With a variety of topics and an interesting presentation, the magazine strives to satisfy the ever-growing demands of its readers. Many materials are not only informational in nature, call for creativity, but also bring up useful skills. It also publishes materials that complement the program. elementary school.

"Murzilka" is a mirror of our children's literature. After all, he still preserves traditions, collecting on his pages only the best examples contemporary Russian literature for kids. The magazine is published once a month.

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

« Average comprehensive school No. 7"

the city of Solikamsk Perm Territory

Children's magazine"Murzilka".

research project.

Fulfilled :

Kuznetsov Alexey

student 3 "B" class

MAOU secondary school №7

Work manager:

Shishkina Galina Anatolievna

teacher primary school

Solikamsk 2013


    Historical facts

General information about the Murzilka magazine…………………………..5

The history of the creation of the journal……………………………………….6-7

What did the magazine look like in the past……..……………………………8

What does the magazine look like now……………………...9-10

    Organization and conduct of the study …….……………...11-13


5.List of resources used.……………………………………...15


On lessons literary reading we get acquainted with the works of various writers and poets, as well as with their life and work. Books are the main source of information. Soon we will begin to consider the topic

"Children's magazine - Murzilka". I like to read magazines, but I have not yet met Murzilka magazine. I wanted to know more about him. To do this, I made a series of questions on the topic of interest to me:

What does a magazine look like?

What year is it published?

Who is Murzilka?

Why is he interesting?

I put in front of megoal :

    to find out - modern children read the magazine "Murzilka".


    learn how to use reference literature;

    master the skills of research work;

    find out - there is a magazine "Murzilka" in the libraries of our city and modern children read the magazine.

Research methods:

    study of literary sources;

    questioning students;

    conversation with librarians.

Significance of the work:

    teach students to take care of literary sources;

    to instill in them the skills of working with additional journalistic sources;

    expand knowledge of the magazine.

Expected results:

    learn the history of the journal;

    find out its significance for students;

    arouse interest in the magazine.

2. Historical facts.

General information about the magazine "Murzilka".

« Murzilka "popular children's

literary and art magazine. The magazine is published once a month with a circulation of 85,000 copies. It has been published since May 16, 1924 and is addressed to children from 6 to 12 years old. For 88 years of existence of the beloved children's magazine, its release has never been interrupted. In 2012, the magazine was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "Murzilka" - a children's magazine with the longest publication period.

History of the journal .

Story Murzilkibegan in 1879, when the Canadian artist Palmer Cox created a series of drawings about brownies - these are the closest relatives of brownies, small men, about 90 centimeters tall, with brown unkempt hair and bright blue eyes (due to the brown color of their hair they are called " brownie"). These creatures come at night and finish what the servants did not have time to do. They began a triumphal procession, first across America, and then around the world. They got to Russia thanks to the famous writer Anna Khvolson, who made a free translation of Cox's texts, giving the characters other names. Thus the name Murzilka was born.

In 1913, a book was published in Russia with drawings by Palmer Cox and Russian text from Anna Khvolson “The New Murzilka. Amazing adventures and wanderings of little forest men, where the main character was Murzilka.

E it was a boy in a black tailcoat, with a huge white flower in his buttonhole, in a silk top hat and long-nosed boots fashionable at that time. And in his hands he always had an elegant cane and a monocle. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these fairy tales were very popular. Murzilka himself, according to the plot of the tale, constantly got into some funny stories. But after 1917, everyone forgot about this hero. The next time Murzilka was remembered was in 1924, when a new children's magazine was created under Rabochaya Gazeta.

What the magazine looked like in the past.

AT in the past it was a children's monthly magazine. It was designed for younger schoolchildren, pupils of older groups of kindergartens. The main task of "Murzilka" was to educate children in the spirit of patriotism, camaraderie, respect for work. The magazine published stories, poems, fairy tales, essays and pictures about the work of people, the heroic past of the Motherland. In a lively, entertaining and accessible form, he told the children about the history of the country, work, nature, school life, etc.

Well-known figures of literature and art participated in the creation and work of the magazine. The best children's writers were published on the pages of Murzilka: , , , , , , , , , and others.

Murzilka was a red outbred puppy who accompanied his master, the boy Petka, everywhere. His friends also changed - now they were pioneers, Octobrists, as well as their parents.

What does the journal look like now?

O however, the puppy did not last long - he soon disappeared, and Petka subsequently descended from the pages of the magazine and in 1937, the famous artist Aminadav Kanevsky created a new image of Murzilka - a kind of fluffy yellow creature, which, having undergone some changes, has survived to this day. Since then, the symbol of the Murzilka children's edition has been a fluffy yellow character, wearing a red beret and scarf. And the kids really like it. Currently, the journal publishes works by contemporary children's writers, including foreign ones. The main difference between "Murzilka" is high-quality children's literature. Fairy tales, novellas, children's stories, plays, poems are printed here. Its main authors are modern talented writers, artists and classics of children's literature. Often the authors of the journal are the readers themselves.

Modern "Murzilka" is a full-color glossy publication, as before, full of interesting, informative materials on topics that attract not only young readers, but also their parents. With a variety of topics and an interesting presentation, the magazine strives to satisfy the ever-growing demands of its readers. Many materials are not only informational in nature, call for creativity, but also bring up useful skills. Also, materials are printed here that complement the elementary school curriculum, for example: the Russian language (“Walking with words”), the world around us (flora and fauna of the planet), labor (achievements of science and technology in headings), physical culture

(“Champion”), OBZH (“School of Safety”), visual arts("Let's Go to the Museum", "Art Gallery").

Each issue of Murzilka has games, puzzles, puzzles, crossword puzzles, coloring books and several homemade designs.

There are topics that are not limited to publication in several issues, but continue for a longer time. This is the Murzilka Art Gallery. "Gallery" acquaints with reproductions of paintings - masterpieces of domestic and world art, with the life and work of artists. Stories about them and reproductions of paintings are printed on the tabs, you can cut them out and collect your art collection.

Interesting not only for children, but for the whole family “Murzilka Tips”, “Adventures of Murzilka”, homemade products, contests, quizzes, which provide not only interesting information, call for creativity, but also bring up useful skills.

3.Organization and conduct of the study.

Materials and equipment: questionnaire with questions for children, pen.

Our research was carried out in the Moscow Autonomous Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7, Solikamsk. By the method of questioning, in which children of 4a, 4b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 2a, 2c classes took part, we found out what modern children prefer to read and they read the Murzilka magazine.

The children were asked to answer the following questions:

    What magazines do you read? (Murzilka, other magazines)

We entered the results of the survey in Table 1.

Number of children

1 question

2 question

3 question





magazines and books


Other magazines

room 20

room 21

room 19

room 29

room 27

room 22


6 cells

140 hours

115 hours

25 hours

32 hours

69 hours

39 hours

19 o'clock

121 hours


Based on the results of the survey, the following conclusions can be drawn: a total of 140 children were interviewed - primary school students, of which 115 people like to read, 25 people do not like to read. Mostly children read magazines - 69 people. Murzilka magazine is known and read by 19 people, the rest of the children prefer to read other magazines: Fidget, Spiderman, Gingerbread Man, Comics, Winx, Yeralash and others. Thus, modern children like to read magazines, Murzilka magazine is read by 19 people, which is 13.5% of the children surveyed. This suggests that Murzilka is an unpopular magazine among children.

There is a magazine Murzilka in the libraries of our city. Target: find out there is a magazine in the libraries of our city and the children take it for reading.

Materials and equipment: questions for librarians, pen, notepad.

Our study was conducted in the libraries of the city of Solikamsk: the library of the MAOU secondary school No. 7, the library of the MAOU secondary school No. 9, the Central Children's Library, the library of the Klestovka microdistrict. Using the survey method, we found out that there is a Murzilka magazine in the libraries of our city and children take it for reading.

We asked librarians the following questions:

    Is there a Murzilka magazine in the library? (Not really)

    What year is it issued?

    Is he coming this year? (Not really)

    Do children take it for reading? (Not really)

We entered the results of the survey in table No. 2.






MAOU secondary school №9


Central Children's Library

Marina Nikolaevna



Library of the microdistrict Parkovy

Mareshkina Natalya Alexandrovna





Based on the results of the survey, the following conclusions can be drawn: the Murzilka magazine has been available in the libraries of our city since 1997, but this year 2013 the magazine is subscribed only to the Central Children's Library. Children are interested in the magazine, but rarely take it for reading. Thus, our research has confirmed that modern children rarely read Murzilka magazine or are not interested in it at all.

4. Conclusion.

In the course of my work, I acquired useful skills: I learned how to use reference literature, conduct research work, and analyze the results obtained. Studying the reference literature, I learned a lot of interesting facts about the Murzilka magazine.

During the research work, I was able to make sure that in our time there are children who do not like to read books, as well as educational magazines, which include the Murzilka magazine.

In modern times, it has become much easier to find the information you need using sources such as the Internet, television, but we must not forget that there are also books and magazines that are also important for gaining new knowledge.

With my work, I wanted to attract the attention of students and interest them in the magazine - Murzilka, which not only offers us interesting puzzles, puzzles, riddles, crafts, but also teaches us to learn about the world around us.

5.List of used resources.

To "Komsomolskaya Pravda". In 1934-1944 it was published by the Children's Literature Publishing House, after which it became the magazine of the Komsomol Central Committee.

The image of Murzilka was invented back in 1887 by the Russian writer Anna Khvolson. In her fairy tales from the series "The Kingdom of the Little Ones. The Adventures of Murzilka and the Forest Men", published in the popular children's magazine "Soulful Word", this character was a little forest man in a tailcoat, with a cane and a monocle. By 1908, it was already so popular that the publishers began to publish the newspaper Murzilka's Journal as an appendix to the Sincere Word.

In 1937, the famous artist Aminadav Kanevsky created a new image of Murzilka, which has been preserved in the magazine to this day. This is a yellow and fluffy magical hero in a red beret and scarf, with a camera over his shoulder. He is the same age as his readers, cheerful, resourceful, inquisitive and mischievous.

Famous writers and poets Korney Chukovsky, Arkady Gaidar, Samuil Marshak, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Daniil Kharms and Agniya Barto were published in Murzilka, Viktor Astafiev and Boris Zakhoder were the authors of Murzilka.

Already in the first decades of its existence, drawings by artists appeared on the pages of the magazine, who later became leading book graphic artists - Konstantin Rotov, Aminadav Kanevsky, Andrey Brey, Lev Bruni.

In the 1940s and 1950s, Yuri Vasnetsov, Anatoly Kokorin, Yuri Korovin, and Vladimir Konashevich began working for the publication. Vladimir Lebedev, who played a significant role in the development of the art of book graphics, drew in Murzilka.

From the end of 1988 to 1995, a literary seminar was held at the editorial office under the guidance of a children's writer, screenwriter Yuri Koval, which made it possible to educate a new generation of permanent authors of "Murzilka".

The modern magazine "Murzilka" is filled with educational materials on various fields of knowledge. The magazine publishes fairy tales, fairy tales, stories, plays, poems by modern foreign and domestic writers and classics of children's literature.

From issue to issue, materials are printed that complement the elementary school program recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The headings "Walking with words" and "Let's play with words" serve to expand the linguistic ideas, the study of the Russian language of readers. For more than 25 years, the Murzilka Art Gallery section has been acquainting schoolchildren with reproductions of masterpieces of domestic and world art, with the life and work of artists. Also, the magazine publishes materials that tell about the great geographical discoveries and famous travelers (heading "Travel and Discovery"); issues of legal education, psychology, ethics, culture of communication, rules of conduct in extreme situations are covered (headings "Let's talk heart to heart", "School of safety"). Much attention is paid to useful leisure activities, in each room a variety of homemade products are given. Inside the magazine there are tabs, flaps on which educational games, crossword puzzles, tasks are located.

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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  • expand the reader's horizons of students by a detailed acquaintance with the children's magazine "Murzilka";
  • develop memory, attention;
  • cultivate a love for reading, for a magazine.


l. Orgmoment

- Today we will conduct a literary quiz on the pages of the children's magazine "Murzilka".
"Murzilka" is a popular children's literary and art magazine. Published since 1924. Aimed at children from 6 to 12 years old. The creators of the magazine were Samuil Marshak, Agniya Barto, Korney Chukovsky, Arkady Gaidar - a whole galaxy of our famous and beloved writers and poets.
This May, the magazine will celebrate its 90th anniversary. He is named after fabulous creature- yellow and fluffy Murzilka. Today Murzilka lives on the pages of the magazine as he painted it in 1937. The famous artist Aminadav Moiseevich Kanevsky.
It's safe to say that there is no such adult reader who would not be familiar with this magazine - ask your dads and moms about it!
The magazine publishes fairy tales, fairy tales, stories, plays, poems. Its main authors are modern talented writers, artists and classics of children's literature. Often the authors of the journal are the readers themselves.
Modern "Murzilka" is full of interesting, informative materials - history, achievements of science and technology, sports, major events today. Materials on such topics attract not only young readers, but also their parents.
There are topics that are not limited to publication in several issues, but continue for a longer time. This is the Murzilka Art Gallery. "Gallery" acquaints with reproductions of paintings - masterpieces of domestic and world art, with the life and work of artists. Stories about them and reproductions of paintings are printed on the tabs, you can cut them out and collect your art collection.
From issue to issue, materials are printed that complement the elementary school program recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. This is the "School of Security", and fun lessons in mathematics and the Russian language, combined in a separate section - the application "Puzzles, games, ideas."
Interesting not only for children, but for the whole family "Murzilka's advice", "Adventures of Murzilka", homemade products, contests, quizzes, which provide not only interesting information, call for creativity, but also bring up useful skills.

2. Business card of the teams (name and motto)

3. Explanation of the rules of the game. Game progress

4. Summing up. Rewarding


    • Internet. Suslina E.V. Reader's conference on the pages of the children's magazine "Murzilka".

For 88 years of existence of the beloved children's magazine, its release has never been interrupted.

In 2012, the magazine was included in the Guinness Book of Records TM: "Murzilka" is a children's magazine with the longest publication period.

It is named after the fabulous creature yellow and fluffy Murzilka. Murzilka got his name thanks to the mischievous and prankster - a little forest man who existed in popular books for children at the end of the 19th century. It was a little man in a tailcoat, with a cane and a monocle. Then the image of the forest Murzilka changed to the image of an ordinary small dog helping everyone who is in trouble. But Murzilka in the guise of a puppy did not last long. In 1937, the famous artist Aminadav Kanevsky created a new image of Murzilka. Since then, a yellow hero has been living in the children's edition of Murzilka, wearing a red beret and scarf, with a camera slung over his shoulder. And the kids really like it.

The main difference between the magazine for children "Murzilka" is high-quality children's literature. Over the years, Agniya Barto, Korney Chukovsky, S. Marshak, Mikhail Prishvin, Konstantin Paustovsky, Valentin Berestov, Yuri Korinets, Sergey Mikhalkov, Irina Tokmakova, Eduard Uspensky, A. Mityaev, Andrey Usachev, Marina Moskvina, Viktor Lunin worked in the magazine, Leonid Yakhnin, Mikhail Yasnov. Currently, the magazine also publishes works by contemporary children's writers. Murzilka publishes children's fairy tales, fairy tales, children's stories, plays, children's poems.

Artists such as Evgeny Charushin, Yuri Vasnetsov, Aminadav Kanevsky, Tatyana Mavrina, Viktor Chizhikov, Nikolai Ustinov, Galina Makaveeva, Georgy Yudin, Maxim Mitrofanov have worked and continue to work in the magazine.

"Murzilka" is a mirror of our children's literature. He is the link between readers and children's literature. For many children living on the periphery, the magazine still serves as an addition to literature textbooks. The permanent sections of the journal are full of interesting, informative materials that are a worthy addition to in-depth study school subjects: Russian language ("Walking with words"), natural history (flora and fauna of the planet), labor (achievements of science and technology in headings), physical culture ("Champion"), life safety ("School of safety"), fine arts ("Let's go to the Museum”, “Art Gallery”, “Murzilka Art Gallery”). Each issue of "Murzilka" has games, puzzles, rebuses, crossword puzzles, coloring books and several homemade designs.

The magazine publishes fairy tales, fairy tales, stories, plays, poems. Its main authors are modern talented writers, artists and classics of children's literature. Often the authors of the journal are the readers themselves.

The modern "Murzilka" is full of interesting, educational materials - history, achievements of science and technology, sports, major events today. Materials on such topics attract not only young readers, but also their parents. With a variety of topics and an interesting presentation, the magazine strives to satisfy the ever-growing demands of its readers.

There are topics that are not limited to publication in several issues, but continue for a longer time. Such is the "Murzilka Art Gallery". The "Gallery" introduces reproductions of paintings - masterpieces of domestic and world painting, the life and work of artists. Stories about them and reproductions of paintings are printed on the tabs, you can cut them out and collect your art collection.

From issue to issue, materials are printed that complement the elementary school program recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. This includes the "School of Security", and fun lessons in mathematics and the Russian language, combined in a separate section-application "Puzzles, games, ideas."

Interesting not only for children, but for the whole family "Murzilka Tips", "Adventures of Murzilka", homemade products, contests, quizzes, which provide not only interesting information, call for creativity, but also bring up useful skills

To enlarge the page, click on it!

Who is Murzilka?

Back in 1924, writers and artists got together and decided to publish a magazine for children. No sooner said than done: stories, poems were written, pictures were drawn. But the magazine does not have a name yet. They thought, argued, guessed. And someone remembered the popular pre-revolutionary books about the funny adventures of little forest men who wander the world. Among the many tiny creatures was a mischievous and prankster named Murzilka. He didn't look like he does now. In addition, the popularity of him and the little forest men was so great that on the basis of the then-popular magazine for little ones, Sincere Word, a newspaper of the kingdom of babies called Murzilka Journal was published in 1908:

And here is a poetic portrait of Murzilka the Elf, published in 1908 in this newspaper:

Knock, knock, knock on the glass ... He opened the window,

I see - suddenly a very strange guest flies in.

The growth of a fingernail, nimble thin-legged

And in his little hand he holds a cane tightly ...

There was that guest in a tailcoat with tails-ends,

In a silk top hat, with a glass in the eye,

in elegant boots with long socks

And his eyes looked like a dragonfly ...

Murzilka! - this name became a godsend and established itself both for the hero and for the new magazine. And in 1924 the very first issue of the Murzilka magazine was published.

But on this, apparently, the doubts of the editorial board about the correctness of the choice of the hero of the magazine did not end, since in the book Murzilka was still a little man or a dwarf, and in the magazine he had to become little white dog and travel with a friend and owner - the boy Petya:

He was friends with the pioneers, knew the homeless, was almost stabbed to death by one doctor for the needs of medicine, spent the night in a cage with a polar bear, flew in a balloon, lived at the fire station. …

However, even in this guise, writers, artists, and the children themselves did not really like Murzilka, and the hero began to appear less and less on the pages, and then completely disappeared. And without a hero, a children's magazine is boring.
And then the editors asked the famous artist Aminadava Kanevsky create an image of Murzilka. It was in 1937:

And since then, a fluffy magical hero has settled in the magazine, yellow as a dandelion, in a red beret and scarf, with a camera over his shoulder, the way everyone knows him now. Here is how artists collaborating with the magazine imagined Murzilka at different times:

He is cheerful, resourceful, inquisitive, sometimes mischievous - in a word, the same age as his readers. The children fell in love with him, they trust their secrets, they are waiting for his advice, they want to talk on the phone, they invite him to visit. They believe that there is a kind, understanding Murzilka in the world. That you can trust him, you can one day rush to him in the most difficult moment: "Help, Murzilka!"