Catering in kindergarten in modern conditions (72 hours). Catering

"Innovative approaches and technologies to improve production efficiency in modern conditions"

The purpose of the program implementation: the formation of the system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the organization of production, the acquisition of skills in the implementation of information technologies in the form of specialized computer programs designed to improve the efficiency of process control.
The program will include: KRASULYA Olga Nikolaevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Moscow State University of Technology K.G. Razumovsky (PKU), SEMENOVA Anastasia Arturovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy. Director of the Research Institute of Meat Industry. V.M. Gorbatov)
The program is designed for technologists and production managers of a food enterprise.

The documents

Program goal: formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the organization of healthy nutrition for children, adolescents and youth in educational institutions.
As a result of advanced training, the student acquires competencies:
  • in the field of application of the fundamentals of rational processing of raw materials and foodstuffs;
  • in the field of compiling a range of products enriched with the necessary food components for children's nutrition;
  • in the field of using methods for improving food formulations balanced according to physiological needs;
  • ability to apply methods of product quality control;
  • in the field of the use of food production technology in educational institutions, microbiology and epidemiology in the field of professional activity;
  • in the field of using modern technologies for the production of baby food products based on cooperation with the food industry.
The program is intended for persons responsible for nutrition in educational institutions, specialists of school catering plants.
Start of work at 10.00 at the address: 109004, Moscow, st. Earth shaft, 73
Registration starts at 9 a.m. 30 minutes

The documents

"Practical issues of the end of the transition period and the entry into force of the "Technical regulations" of the Customs Union"

Program goal: mastering the features of technical regulations for the meat and dairy industries of the food industry, reviewing the main provisions of TR TS 021/2011,022/2011,034/2013, modern approaches to state registration of new products, including therapeutic and preventive nutrition. Consideration of issues related to the microbiological safety of meat and dairy raw materials and products of their processing. Study of new methods for assessing the safety of food additives based on cellular test systems.
Makeeva I.A. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. head Laboratory of Standardization, Metrology and Patent and Licensing Works VNIMI
Kuznetsova O.A. - Deputy Director of VNIIMP im. V.M. Gorbatov
Agarkova E.Yu. - Head. laboratory of technology of milk-protein concentrates, food additives and the production of products based on them, candidate of technical sciences.
Ganina V.I. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Department of "Technology of food products of animal origin" MSUTU.
Volkova I.M. – Ph.D., Assoc. Department of "Technology of food products of animal origin" MSUTU.
The program is designed for: Engineering and technical workers, employees of certification centers, specialized research institutes, technologists, quality engineers, plant directors, specialists in standardization and specification services.
Start of work at 10.00 at the address: 109004, Moscow, st. Earth shaft, 73
Registration starts at 9 a.m. 30 minutes

The documents

Format Document file size


Catering in school and preschool departments of the State Budgetary Educational Institution School No. 626 is carried out by the food plant Shkolnik-UZ LLC on the basis of the Civil Law Contract of a budgetary institution No. 300 dated 06/27/2017. for the provision of services for catering and ensuring the drinking regime of students.

Catering for students and pupils is carried out in accordance with:

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education";

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations."

Catering in preschool groups is carried out according to a 20-day cyclic menu, in school departments - a 24-day cyclic menu developed by FSBEI HPE “Moscow State University of Technology named after K.G. Razumovsky" and coordinated with the department of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow.

The process of organizing the quality of nutrition of students and pupils is controlled by the administration of the institution, the production control commission, the marriage commission, and the parent community. In their activities, the commissions are guided by the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the educational institution, the agreement concluded between the educational institution and food processing plants. The composition of the commission is approved by the order of the head of the school for each academic year.

  1. The quality and organization of nutrition of pupils in preschool groups

Good nutrition is essential for good health, normal growth and development of children. In preschool groups, 5 meals a day are organized (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner). Meals in groups are as varied and balanced as possible, the diet includes: juices, fruits, vegetables in the form of salads and side dishes, dairy products, fish and meat dishes, bread and homemade cakes.

All supplied food products are accompanied by documents certifying their quality and safety. When cooking, cooks of the preschool department use flow charts, in which the number of products used, the stages of laying, and the cooking time are indicated in stages.

Meals for pupils of preschool groups are carried out according to the daily routine and schedule approved by the director of the institution. Educators pay great attention to the rules of hygiene for children before meals, the culture of eating, they teach how to use cutlery, use napkins, eat neatly, and not talk while eating.

  1. Quality and catering for students in school buildings

School canteens in buildings No. 1 and 5 at the addresses: Sevastopolsky Prospekt, house 43A and Nagornaya St., house 22, building 1, are designed to organize meals for students, equipped with the necessary trade and technological equipment that allows cooking immediately before serving it on the table. Catering practices in these divisions convinced us of the advantage of canteens working directly on raw materials. The cooking process is organized in full accordance with the technological documentation. In school buildings No. 2, 3, 4 there are buffet-distributing canteens. The food comes ready-made. Meals for students are carried out according to schedules approved by the head of the institution.

For the nutrition of students, breaks of 15 and 20 minutes are allotted.

  1. Discounted meals

In order to ensure social guarantees, protect and improve the health of students, pupils and on the basis of order No. 2168 DO of the city of Moscow, hot meals are provided at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow to the following teachers and pupils:

  • to all pupils of preschool groups;
  • students in grades 1-4 (one-time hot meals - breakfast);
  • two hot meals a day for students in grades 1-11 belonging to the category:

Children from large families;

Children from low-income families;

Orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

Children under guardianship (guardianship), children in foster families;

Children with disabilities and children with disabilities (HIA);

Children with parents - disabled people of the 1st or 2nd group;

Children receiving a survivor's pension.

4. Paid meals

Meals on a paid basis (hot breakfasts and lunches) were provided to all students and employees of GBOU School No. 626 at their request in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". In the period from 09/01/2017 to 06/30/2018, services for the provision of hot meals were provided by Shkolnik-UZ Food Combine LLC (Contract No. 626-PP dated 07/03/2017).

There are buffets in school canteens, a diverse range of products of which is allowed for sale and allows providing students with additional meals. On sale there is always a variety of confectionery, pastries, drinks, juices, milk drinks. In school building No. 1, there is always not only pastries from the food processing plant, but also pastries prepared by employees of food departments.

Canteen staff always greets children with friendly smiles and many children are known by name, so children always visit our canteens with pleasure. Opening hours of canteens and buffets - daily from 8.00 to 16.00.

Work is constantly organized to improve the material and technical bases in the canteens of structural divisions.

Drinking regimen is also carried out in school departments. The used water according to organoleptic, microbiological and physico-chemical indicators corresponds to GOST 32220-2013 and SanPiN Quarterly laboratory studies of accredited organizations confirm the requirements for the quality and safety of drinking water.

The work of food units was constantly monitored by commissions for monitoring the organization and quality of nutrition in schools, with the involvement of the parent community.

High-quality and proper catering in an educational organization contributes to the formation and development of a mentally, somatically, physically, morally healthy person.

The catering system for students and pupils is aimed at providing high-quality safe nutrition that excludes the use of food products containing GMOs (genetically modified organisms), improving diets, increasing the percentage of coverage of high school students with hot meals, improving the organization of the drinking regime and developing the material and technical base power systems.

Responsible for catering

Building No. 1

Sevastopolsky Ave, 43A

Alikberova Venera Khasyanovna

Social teacher

Building No. 2

Nakhimovsky pr-t, building 10

Samokhotova Nadezhda Anatolievna

Social teacher

Building No. 3

Nagornaya st., 32, building 3

Deskubes Irina Anatolievna


Building No. 4

Remizova st., 12

Rasputina Nadezhda Ivanovna

Social teacher

Building No. 5

Nagornaya st., house 22, building 1

(Organization of nutrition in adolescent and
preschool institutions)"

Training program

1. Legislation concerning the general requirements for catering in schools and preschool childcare facilities. Standards and regulations on the organization of a balanced diet for children.

2. Tasks solved by a nurse in schools and preschool institutions. Job responsibilities of a dietitian of school and preschool institutions Sample job descriptions.

3. Control over the storage and processing of products.

3.1. Control over the correct transportation of products.

3.2. Checking the quality of incoming products (grading). List of products prohibited for admission to children's institutions.

3.3. Control over food storage conditions.

3.4. Compliance with the deadlines for the sale of perishable and especially perishable food products, temperature conditions.

4. Control over the technology of cooking and the quality of finished dishes.

4.1. Selective check of bookmarks of products.

4.2. Compliance with the rules for cold processing of raw materials.

4.3. Heat treatment of baby food (types, stages, duration, temperature conditions).

4.4. Checking the quality of finished dishes (sampling).

4.5. Carrying out artificial vitaminization (prophylactic).

4.6. Bookmarking products (according to schedule and control over the selection and storage of daily food samples.

5. Control over the sanitary regime of the catering department.

5.1. Organization of the catering department. Release food fromkitchens and distribution in the dining room. Features of work, planningand catering equipment.

5.2. Monitoring the state of technological and refrigeration equipment.

5.3. Control over production equipment, kitchen and tableware, cutting boards, their labeling and storage.

5.4. Organization of washing containers, kitchen utensils and production equipment, tableware and appliances, the use of detergents and disinfectants.

6. Organization and quality of washing.

6.1. Control of current, general cleaning and sanitarydays, cleaning equipment, its storage.

6.2. Measures to combat insects and rodents. Collection and storage of food waste.

7. Control over the organization of meals.

7.1. Compliance with the diet (frequency rate, intervals between tricks).

7.2. Approval of the sample menu and card file of dishes. Organizationand maintaining a control dish.

7.3. Implementation of the schedule for the distribution of food to children.

8. Evaluation of food quality.

8.1. Daily preparation of the menu-layout (with a cook and a storekeeper.

8.2. Monitoring the implementation of the daily set of products 1 time in 10 days (according to the accumulative list).

8.3. Monitoring the implementation of physiological nutritional norms. Calculation of the chemical composition and caloric content of the diet.

9. Monitoring compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by employees.

9.1. Availability of personal medical books for catering employees,the timeliness of their scheduled medical examinations.

9.2. Control of the appearance of the employee, the cleanliness of sanitary clothing, the availability of single (individual) napkins, towels.

9.3. Examination of employees for pustular diseases

9. Work on the prevention of healthy eating.

9.1. Work with children, parents, staff of the institution on healthy nutrition and prevention of food poisoning (consultations, visual agitation: stand.

9.2. Work in the pedagogical council on catering issues.

9.3. Organization of practical classes with chefs on cooking new dishes, taking into account the standard output, the ability to use technological tables of waste, replacement.

10. Maintaining documentation on the section of work "Children's Nutrition".

10.1. Journal of quality control of products received in the database.

10.2. Journal of quality control of prepared food and artificial fortification of dishes.

10.3. Cumulative statement of food consumption.

10.4. Notebook for calculating the chemical composition and caloric content of the diet.

10.5. Product bookmark notebook.

10.6.Record book of the sanitary condition of the institution

It will be possible to pay in any bank to our current account according to the receipt, which we will send after we receive copies of your documents.

If you pay from an organization, we will send you an agreement and an invoice for payment by bank transfer to our current account by e-mail, and upon completion of the training, we will provide you with a certificate of completion.

Certificate of advanced training, certificate and agreement will be sent by Russian post registered parcel to your address.

  • The program includes: the practice of implementing the requirements of legislation, technical regulations of the Customs Union, the principles of HACCP (HACCP) in terms of ensuring the quality and food safety of baby food production in accordance with the new version of the ISO 22000:2018 standard. Modern ways of catering for children and youth and the sale of baby food products, taking into account the requirements of quality standards and food safety

    For heads of food processing plants and production managers, technologists, managers and specialists in quality and food safety, food organizers for children and youth, responsible for nutrition in educational institutions and the social sphere, internal auditors and members of the HACCP group, heads and specialists of food testing laboratories and food raw materials, all interested specialists

    Short description

    Key topics of the course:

    • Modern methods of production of baby food products aimed at reducing production costs, improving the quality and safety of food.
    • Legislation and regulations that establish requirements for ensuring the quality and safety of food for children and young people.
    • The practice of implementing the requirements of the TR CU for food products, the transition to the new version of ISO 22000:2018 "Food Safety Management System (FSMS)", ISO / 22002-1 (PAS 220), HACCP principles. Preparation for certification. Practice of internal audits of production processes.
    • Requirements for technological processes and equipment, raw materials, components and recipes for baby food.
    • Production control in the production of baby food. Control of the sanitary and epidemiological regime. Workshop on the development of a sanitary and hygienic program.
    • Laboratory control. Types of research, organization of the research process, sampling, documentation.
    • Practical recommendations for passing inspections by control and supervisory authorities for compliance with the quality and food safety of enterprises providing food for children, and the food safety management system that is mandatory for the food industry.

    Visit to the food plant in St. Petersburg.

  • Organization of production of baby food products

    • Modern technologies for organizing the production of baby food. Material support. Organization of production and sale of culinary products in food units of various types. Industrial methods for the production of culinary products for children's nutrition. Modern forms of service in the organization of baby food.
    • Methods for automating production and trade processes at a children's nutrition enterprise. Organization of service using vending machines. Experience in implementing a system of cashless payments (schoolchildren's cards). Electronic office of the responsible for nutrition: electronic applications, attendance report, accounting for preferential categories, automatic generation of reports based on canteen visits. A system for monitoring trade, food coverage and sales accounting.
    • Basic requirements for the organization of nutrition for children and adolescents, in the context of the current requirements of the regulatory and legislative framework and modern achievements in the science of nutrition. The value and regulation of the content of nutrients. Grocery food set for children, food groups. The diet of children and the formation of the diet. The concept of alimentary-dependent diseases. Principles of dietary nutrition of children and adolescents, including those for medical reasons. Programs for the prevention of diseases associated with poor quality food.
    • Recommendations for the implementation of requirements for raw materials, components and recipes for baby food. Raw materials and components permitted and prohibited for use in the production of baby food. Implementation of the requirements of SanPiN, SanPiN, SanPiN, SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for water supply and sewerage of baby food production.

    Modern regulatory and technical documentation of a baby food enterprise

    • Implementation of the requirements of the Federal Law and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, national and interstate standards, sanitary rules and regulations, technological standards. TR CU 021/2011 "On food safety", TR TS 007/2011 "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents". Responsibility of enterprises operating in the field of production and circulation of baby food products for ensuring their quality and safety.
    • Transition to the new version of the ISO 22000:2018 standard“Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS). Requirements for organizations involved in the food production chain.
    • The practice of implementing the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union for food products, production (manufacturing) processes. Normative and technical documentation and new sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of nutrition for children in educational and social institutions.
    • Implementation of international food safety standards and certification schemes. Review of the requirements of the ISO 22000 standards with amendments, ISO / 22002-1 (PAS 220) and technical regulations of the Customs Union for food products. Practice of FSMS implementation.
    • Implementation of the HACCP plan. Workshop on developing a HACCP plan: creation of a working group of auditors, analysis of hazardous factors, determination of control points, documentation of HACCP and FSMS. Carrying out internal audits of the FSMS based on the requirements of the standards. Preparation for the assessment of the SMBS of production for compliance with the principles of HACCP.
    • Preparing for FSMS compliance checks of those who provide food for children. Review procedure for the mandatory food safety management system for the food industry. Sanitary and epidemiological expertise. Technical documentation. Practical and methodical recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor.

    Control system for the production and sale of baby food

    • Production control program. Planning, order and frequency. Food safety quality monitoring system.
    • Workshop on the development of a sanitation and hygiene program production and sale of baby food products. The composition of the documentation of the sanitary and hygienic program. Laboratory control.
  • Course leaders:

    Leading the course are practitioners in the field of food safety and nutrition, including children. The course is taught by: an expert in preparing food enterprises for inspections by control and supervisory authorities; teachers of the Higher School of Biotechnology and Food Technologies, Ph.D., associate professor, head of programs for the organization of public catering and at social facilities; Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, co-author of books on nutrition for children and adolescents; chemist-technologist, expert in the development of a sanitary and hygienic program for the production and sale of baby food products; technologist, author of books, training manager, public catering expert with vast experience in organizing public catering enterprises of various types.

The Government of Moscow and the Moscow Committee of Education carry out purposeful work on the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of students in Moscow.

To raise a healthy child, it is necessary to create all conditions for his upbringing and development. Therefore, one of the main areas that determines the health of the child, his physical and mental development is the organization of high-quality nutrition for the younger generation.

The first thing that the deputy director for social protection creates is a catering commission. It consists of:

  1. School administration representatives.
  2. Parents.
  3. members of the public.
  4. School students.
  5. Medical worker.

The commission has its own tasks:

1. Determination of the contingent of students who are entitled to free meals.

All decisions are made on the basis of the submitted documents (application from parents, income certificates, pension certificate, certificate from the labor exchange, an act of examining the family by the class teacher, etc.).

Preferential free meals are received by children from large families, social. unprotected families, taking into account family income:

1. single mothers,
2. refugees and forced migrants,
3. disabled parents,
4. disabled children,
5. unemployed registered at the labor exchange,
6. survivors,
7. divorced,
8. guardians,
9. parents who are full-time students,
10. retired parents,
11. military personnel,
12. exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,
13. parents who are wanted, imprisoned.

2. Monitoring the organization of the process of feeding children and the quality of products (nutrition, compliance with sanitary norms and rules.)

3. Public control over the implementation of the provisions of the contract concluded with the catering company for service.

4. Carrying out educational work among students and parents.

5. Analysis of consumer demand among students.

6. Creation of a work plan for the commission, which is consistent with the administration of the educational institution. The results of all inspections are recorded in a journal and are accompanied by acts, and commission meetings by protocols.

Documentation you need to have.

  1. Orders and instructions, methodological recommendations of the Department of Education of Moscow.
  2. Orders, orders of the district education department.
  3. SANPiNs.
  4. Estimate of food expenses (from the Central Bank).
  5. Orders of the head of the school regarding catering:
    A) order on catering for the first half of the year;
    B) order on catering for the second half of the year;
    C) an order to appoint a person responsible for catering at the school;
    D) functional duties of the person responsible for nutrition (approved by the director of the educational institution);
    E) additional orders when changing the contingent of students during the academic year (withdrawal, transfer from another school, etc.)
  6. A tripartite agreement concluded between the Department of Education, the school and the food factory.
  7. Regulations on the commission for monitoring the organization and quality of nutrition for students (approved by the pedagogical council).
  8. Work plan of the commission for monitoring the organization and quality of food.
  9. Production control program.
  10. Acts of inspections of the catering unit of the school by the commission for the control of catering (Control log).
  11. Minutes of the meetings of the Commission for Control over Catering.
  12. Lists of beneficiaries of the reserve staff (+ documents).
  13. Lists of students from large and socially unprotected families belonging to the preferential category.
  14. Availability of a system of work to determine the lists of students receiving free meals (statements from parents, family survey acts, certificates, certificates, etc.)
  15. Documents on the study of consumer demand of students, their parents and employees of an educational institution (surveys, questionnaires).
  16. Documents on work with the parent community.
  17. Organization of educational work among students and their parents on the basics of rational nutrition and improving the culture of nutrition.
  18. Documents on conducting screening examinations of the physical condition of students who use and do not use organized meals.

Documents in the catering department.

  1. Copies of an approximate 20-day menu.
  2. Assortment list of buffet products sold for cash, delivery notes, price list, price tags.
  3. Product delivery schedule.
  4. A scrapbook of finished and raw products.
  5. Medical books of catering workers and the driver.
  6. Technological maps.
  7. Instructions for observing sanitary and hygienic rules when processing and preparing food.
  8. Magazine "Health" (the admission of employees of the catering unit to work).
  9. Invoices for incoming products (terms of production and sale).
  10. Control log (records of the catering department checking).
  11. Visual information (schedule of the canteen, information about the enterprise that serves the school, a copy of the license of the food plant, daily menu, price list for buffet products, etc.)

To complete the report card at the end of the month, a log of visits is kept every day.

Monthly financial reports on nutrition are drawn up (report card, acts, summary sheet), copies of which must also be kept by the responsible for nutrition.

In APPENDIX No. 1, you are offered samples of completed timesheet forms, acts and a summary sheet, which can be filled out electronically.

In APPENDIX #2 you will find blank forms ready to be filled out. Detailed instructions for filling out are on the first page of the Application. If you need only blank forms that you will fill out by hand, then delete the formulas in the selected cells in the acts, and also remove the fill color. But remember, by deleting the formula, you will no longer be able to count on the automatic calculation of data.

Of course, our work can be improved, forms can be protected, etc.