Tariffs as tools for regulating the transport services market. Marketing and market of transport services

  • 4.1 Transport market, its features
  • 4.2 Segmentation of the transport market
  • 4.3 Transport supply and demand
  • 4.4 Factors that determine the demand for the transport of goods and passengers
  • 4.5 Methods for quantifying the capacity of the transport services market

Transport market, its features

Transport is an active and continuous participant in the production and social processes in society, the most important production infrastructure of the economy. At the same time, transport performs certain production and marketing functions, creating and selling on the market own products, which is transportation of goods and people. Market It is a mechanism that brings together buyers and sellers, allowing them to determine prices and quantities of goods.

Therefore, based on the objectives of economic analysis, several definitions of the transport market can be given. From the point of view of economic theory transport market can be defined as a set of transport and non-transport enterprises (organizations) and individuals that interact with each other in order to sell and buy transport products.

From a technical point of view transport market- this is a polygon of transport communications, on which a set of transport enterprises of one or several modes of transport operates, selling transport products and providing transport services to transport users in a certain area, based on their technical and economic features, capabilities and consumer requests.

Transport market as an economic category can be defined as a system of economic, technological and other links, firstly, between transport and its users (clientele), and, secondly, between transport enterprises of different types of transport. The main form of relations of the first type is the purchase and sale of transport services, and the second - interaction and competition.

Transport Users- these are its customers, consignors, consignees, forwarders, as well as passengers.

Shipper - a person or company that transfers the goods to the jurisdiction of other persons (forwarder, carrier / transport operator) for its delivery to the consignee. Consignee- a person entitled to receive delivered goods. Forwarder- an intermediary organizing the transportation of goods and / or the provision of related services on behalf of the consignor.

Demand in transport, the solvent needs of transport users for transport services are determined.

Sentence transport is expressed through its carrying capacity and throughput in a particular direction for a certain period of time.

Characteristics of the transport market are determined by the role of transport in the economy, as well as by the features of the production process and the sale of transport products. These include:

  • - universal nature of the transport market. Since transport belongs to the infrastructure sectors of the economy, the need for it arises both in the production of material goods and in the sphere of circulation in the process of delivering finished products from the producer to the consumer. Transport also occupies a significant share (10-18%) in the structure of actual final consumption, household consumer spending and paid services to the population. Thus, both freight and passenger transport provide the material conditions for the functioning of the entire system "production-circulation-consumption";
  • - lack of a material form of transport products. Transport products are produced and consumed at the same time, so it is impossible to see or touch it, it has no form, appearance. It cannot be stored for future use, it has no shelf life. The quality characteristics of transport products are not constant and change depending on time, place and other factors. Therefore, advertising and marketing in transport requires a specific approach, different from advertising and marketing of industrial and consumer goods;
  • - linking transportation to a specific time and place, which often makes it uncontested. This significantly limits how intra-industry competition, for example between shipping companies or railways, and intersectoral, i.e. between different types of transport in the transport market;
  • - the need for state regulation of the transport market.

This need arises from a number of circumstances. In-

First, transport is a capital-intensive industry, so the role of the state, as well as local authorities in financing the construction of transport infrastructure facilities, is great. Such elements of the transport system as the transport network (railways and roads, hydraulic structures on inland waterways, etc.) are strategic objects and are state property. Secondly, the natural monopoly of a number of transport industries (for example, railway transport), as well as individual transport enterprises (for example, river ports) must be controlled through the implementation of the state tariff policy. Thirdly, the functioning of transport is associated not only with its important role in the economy, but also with significant damage to the environment, the population and the whole society: harmful emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, noise, street congestion, traffic accidents with death and injury of people, etc. Constant intervention of the state is required to reduce these negative consequences from the activities of transport. Fourth, maintaining the country's defense capability is an important state task, in which transport plays a key role. And, finally, the development of the country's economy requires the development of a state policy in the field of transport, the development of program documents for the development of certain types of transport, which formulate the goals and objectives facing the transport system at this stage.

At the same time, state regulation cannot be based on purely command methods of management, but primarily involves the use of economic instruments (taxes, tariffs, subsidies, etc.) and legal mechanisms (licensing, certification, etc.).

Transport market , where there are only a few producers - sellers of transport services (modes of transport) and a large number of their consumers (buyers) - this is oligopolistic market.

The specifics of Russian transport lies in the fact that, due to the prevailing geopolitical conditions in many regions, one type of transport is monopoly, and other types complement it, mainly at the final and initial points of movement of goods and people. This is especially true for the eastern part of Russia, which occupies more than half of the country's territory. This is a normal natural monopoly. The most efficient use of modes of transport in this case is their rational interaction, which is confirmed by world experience.

So, the main thing in the unity of the transport system is not so much the type of ownership (although, of course, this circumstance is significant), but the interests of consumers, the final result of the activity of this system in a material-natural form, which corresponds to marketing, i.e. market concept of the normal functioning of the economy. “Success can only be achieved by fully satisfying the needs of consumers,” says one of the basic postulates of marketing.

Depending on the current situation in the transport market, healthy (natural) competition between modes of transport and within one type is also necessary, for example, between automobile firms and railways in parallel directions. Adapting to market conditions, transport enterprises must ensure the competitiveness of their products - transport services. That is why it is necessary to widely introduce management and marketing into the organization and planning of transportation, into transport services for the clientele, and those enterprises and companies that provide timely delivery with all the conveniences - "just in time" and "door to door" achieve the greatest success. And this can best be done with a combination of several modes of transport within the framework of the functioning of the UTS of the country and its individual regions. At the same time, we are not talking about a return to centralization and administration, but about the economically beneficial interaction of various elements of this system for both customers and transport.

But, if we talk about the current state of the Russian transport market, then first of all it should be noted the extremely high costs of transporting goods. This is one of the main factors of the non-competitiveness of Russian goods, both on the world and domestic markets. Indeed, transportation costs per unit of production in Russia are 6 times higher than in the United States and 4.5 times higher than in China, with approximately the same territorial scale.

The main mode of transport in Russia remains railway, which requires not only expansion (since the density of railway networks is insufficient, and some parts of the country still do not have access to the railway), but also a radical reconstruction. The condition of the tracks and the deterioration of the rolling stock are such that the average speed on Russian railways is 4 times lower than in European countries. The degree of mechanization of loading and unloading operations is also extremely low, which reduces labor productivity in transport and increases the cost of transporting goods.

A general trend for all developed countries in the transportation of goods is the transition from rail to road transport. In Russia, such a trend is not yet possible, mainly due to the underdevelopment of the road network. The density of roads in Russia is 40 times less than in Europe and 32 times less than in the USA (the difference is exacerbated by the incomparability of the compared roads in terms of quality). Even if we make an adjustment for the fact that approximately 35% of the Russian territory is not affected by economic activity, these figures still quite clearly show the qualitative ratio of the road transport infrastructure in Russia and in the developed countries of the world.

Economic theory, defining the place and role of transport in the development of modern society, considers it as a universal means of labor, as one of the general conditions of production. By moving the means of labor and workers within enterprises, transport carries out the links generated by the technological division of labor. These functions are performed by intra-production transport. By moving various types of products between producers (suppliers) and consumers, transport implements the links generated by the territorial division of labor. The scheme of these connections is shown in fig. one.

sphere of production sphere of circulation sphere of consumption

Figure 1.- The place of transport in the system "production - circulation - consumption"

1 - production; 2 - expedition, storage, loading; 3 - transport;

4 - storage, unloading, expedition; 5 - consumption;

These functions are performed by the transport of the sphere of circulation, which, in the course of

historical process of the social division of labor emerged as an independent sphere of production. Transportation in the process of circulation in modern conditions is mainly carried out by public transport - rail, sea, river, road, air, as well as special transport (pipelines, high-voltage power lines and railway access roads of enterprises connecting them with the network of main lines of communication). These modes of transport, together with the system of warehouses, are the material basis of the circulation process.

Transport, on the one hand, is a part of the market infrastructure, “physically” realizing the exchange of goods and providing services to the population, and on the other hand, it, as a market entity, sells its services by moving goods and passengers. Different modes of transport can provide these services in different ways, thereby forming transport market. The share of transport costs in the cost of industrial and agricultural products is 15-20%, reaching 45-50% for some cargoes.


Service is service.

Service includes:

1. Socio-cultural service - for which the object is a person, and the scope of satisfying his requests is a complex of domestic and economic needs.

2. Equipment service - is the implementation of measures to maintain any technical objects in their operating parameters.

3. Technological service - changing the parameters and characteristics of the original substance in the process of processing, production, processing, etc. (refers to raw materials).



The transport market is the sphere of providing transport services for the movement of goods.

The role of the market is that it directs the carrier to increase the "level" of service in order to achieve the commercial success of the transport enterprise.

The object of the study of the transport market are the processes of development of the transport market.

The purpose of the study of transport markets is to perform ranking, arranging the markets in descending order of the carrier's interests in these markets, depending on the conditions for the implementation of transport services on them.

The criteria for ranking transport markets include:

1. Market capacity

2. Investment policy (financing with a perspective of several years)

3. Stability of the legal regime in the markets bordering the Russian Federation

4. Export-import regulation of foreign economic transactions

5. Geographic location

Classification of transport markets:

1. Geographically:

a). Domestic (Russian)

b). External (International)

in). Regional

2. By types of messages:

a). direct

b). Local

in). Not direct mixed

G). Direct mixed

e). International

3. By nomenclature groups of goods

4. On the basis of the need of cargo owners for rail transportation


The sender of the cargo and its owner are not always the same person, the sender of the cargo can be a third person acting on behalf of the owner (although on his own behalf).

When concluding a contract on its own behalf, the consignor will, through a forwarder or agent, act as a consignor under the contract of carriage.


The quality of freight transportation means the completeness, speed, timeliness or uniformity of delivery and the safety of cargo, the safety of transportation, as well as the complexity, accessibility and culture of servicing consumers of transport services.

The main indicators of quality are:

1. The degree of satisfaction of the demand of cargo owners in terms of traffic ():

The actual volume of cargo transportation;

Agreed or planned volume of cargo transportation;

2. The volume of unexported goods:

Actual traffic volume;

Agreed or planned traffic volume;

3. The degree of rhythm of cargo transportation ():

The actual number of deliveries of goods;

The total number of deliveries of goods (according to the plan);

4. The indicator of the regularity of transportation (), ():

The maximum volume of cargo transportation for a certain period (month), during the analyzed period (year);

The average volume of cargo transportation for the same period;

5. The level of implementation of the established delivery times ():

The actual volume of transportation of goods delivered in compliance with the standard delivery times;

The total volume of transportation of the analyzed cargoes;

6. The degree of safety of transported goods:

The total volume of transported goods;

Losses of products during loading, unloading, transportation, except for the norms of natural loss and indirect causes;

7. Damage weight - sets the property of the transport service to ensure the safety of the goods during the transportation time and their suitability for their intended use after transportation.

8. Transportation of goods without sale - the property of the technical conditions to preserve the number of pieces of cargo, the same at the beginning and at the end of the transportation.

9. Generalized coefficient of quality of freight traffic ():

10. Reliability - covers the risks or levels of risks associated with delivery system compatibility, image, complexity, flexibility, informativeness and accessibility.

11. Insurance - a form of trading in financial services, through which one of the parties protects itself from damage that may arise as a result of precisely specified events (carried out on risks that can be considered financially).

12. Compatibility is the degree of synchronization of the interaction of participants in the delivery system.

Compatibility happens:

a). Technical - based on the interaction of technical means (compliance of technical means with the properties of the cargo, compliance of the technical and operational parameters of technical means at the places of their docking)

b). Technological - associated with the technology of the unity of the participants in the system (rational use of rolling stock, an agreed schedule for supply and removal, a single technological process)

in). Economic - this is the coordination of the work of the participants in the system (legal, economic, managerial, financial)

The market as the basis of transport service

Transport market - this is the sphere of implementation of transport services for the movement of passengers or material assets of an industrial or consumer nature.

Developing the service, the carrier needs to have information about what services and why cargo owners want to use, about the prices (tariffs) that customers are willing to pay, about the regions in which the need for the transportation of a certain cargo is the highest, where transportation can bring the greatest profit. Based on the results of the market research, the structure of the rolling stock is determined, which railway lines and which carrier’s economy is most profitable to invest in for their development, how the carrier should organize the delivery of goods, how the campaign should be carried out to introduce new forms of service into practice.

Equally important are the opportunities to reduce the cost of transporting goods and the implementation of new transport services, especially those types of services and those customers that will bring the greatest return.

The specifics of the activity of transport enterprises is different. Therefore, the ratio, the degree of importance for the carrier of each of the elements of the transport service is different, moreover, they constantly change over time depending on the change in the structure of production costs, the nature of the internal and external environment. Marketing research conducted in the Khabarovsk Territory gives a picture of the significance of indicators of the quality of transport services (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Assessment of significance levels of transport service indicators:

1 - the cost of transportation; 2 - delivery speed; 3 - safety; 4 - provision of benefits and discounts; 5 - delivery according to the agreed schedule; 6 - information services; 7 – door-to-door transportation

The presence in the market of transport services of a large number of independently operating enterprises interested in transportation has a direct impact on the development of transport services.
The service is not only a means of attracting cargo owners and the public, but also provides a basis for expanding the practice of applying contractual prices.

The role of the market is that it directs the carrier to improve the level of service in order to achieve the commercial success of the transport enterprise. Increasing the level of service, in turn, gives:

– improving the organization of transportation and management;

– implementation of high quality transport services for users;

– increase in profitability, profit and profitability of transportation;

- the possibility of switching to a new planning system that initially focuses the carrier's activities on the client, analyzing his needs, requests and preferences, responding as sensitively as possible to changes in the composition of the clientele and reaction to new types of transport services;

– efficient use of financial resources for the development and implementation of modern technologies and new types of transport services.

The object of research of the transport market is the development of the transport market. At the same time, the structure, geography of the transport services market, capacity, dynamics of transportation, the state of competition, the current situation, opportunities and risks are studied.

The purpose of studying transport markets is to perform ranking, building regional, national markets, markets of foreign countries in descending order of the carrier's interests in these markets, depending on the conditions for the implementation of transport services on them.

The general criteria for ranking transport markets include:

· Market capacity is the volume of freight traffic sold in the region (country) within one year, i.e. departure in tons and freight turnover in ton-kilometers. The market capacity is calculated based on railway reporting, national industry and foreign trade statistics.

· Investment policy. Preference is given to those markets where intensive (for a number of years) financing of the development of cargo-generating industries that consume certain types of transport is carried out.

· Stability of the legal regime in the markets of developing countries and regions bordering the Russian Federation, in the presence of agreements on economic and transport cooperation with the Russian Federation.

· Export-import regulation of foreign economic transactions, taking into account the most favorable regimes for the import and export of goods with a minimum of tariff and non-tariff restrictions.

· Geographical position. In this case, the indicator of the remoteness of the market from the border stations or commercial ports of the Russian Federation can have a significant impact on the transport component in the price of products and on the choice of market for the sale of goods.

TRANSPORT MARKET - a set of different types of transport and transport enterprises that interact and compete with each other in the process of selling and providing transport services to transport users. It can also be characterized as a set of transport and non-transport enterprises and individuals interacting with each other in order to sell and buy transport products (services). Types of transport and transport enterprises, based on their technical and economic features and capabilities, can provide these services in different ways and with different quality and cost, thereby forming a competitive transport market. The main competitors of the railway transport - automobile, and for long-distance passenger transportation - air transport.

The liberalization of the commercial activities of industrial and transport enterprises, the widespread corporatization of airlines, road transport enterprises, shipping companies and ports, the collapse of the centralized system of payments for freight transportation by all modes of transport led to the emergence of a competitive environment in the transport market, in which freight forwarders are one of the main subjects among the many subjects and cargo owners.

The transport market from a commercial and legal point of view can be divided into three levels. On the first one there are buyers of transport services - consignors, consignees and cargo owners, that is, customers; on the second - freight forwarders who are intermediaries in the sale of transport services, but at the same time organize and control, in whole or in part, the technological chain of cargo delivery; on the third - carriers (railways, shipping companies, airlines, motor transport companies, etc.) and points for performing operations related to loading, unloading, transfer to other modes of transport, repair of rolling stock, and other organizations that directly provide transport services.

Relationships for the sale and purchase of transport services, as well as for their provision, can be carried out directly between the subjects of the first and third levels, bypassing the second, as it was before the start of market reforms in transport. If there is an appropriate agreement with the railway. the administration (or other carrier) of a particular country, the freight forwarder on its land territory (or waterways) may be the cargo owner (for example, forwarding of oil products through the territory of Ukraine by the companies Lia-Oil SA, Indutek SPA, through the territory of Lithuania - Vitol SA) and etc.).

Forwarders can perform some of the functions of carriers, for example, transportation in transport units - wagons, ships, cars or containers, loading and unloading operations and storage of goods in warehouses rented or owned by them, etc. (transportation of petroleum products in tanks and tankers by companies Russkiy Mir, SFAT, Lukoil-Trans, Brookwood, LLC Linkoil, etc.). Often, one legal entity performs the functions of cargo owners, freight forwarders and carriers (for example, the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works sells its products after transportation in its own or rented wagons). It is more convenient for the cargo owner to deal with one forwarder at all stages (links of the transport component of the logistics chain) of moving goods from the point of departure to the point of destination (when transported by all modes of transport and passing through ports). In the future, such transportation, in order to prevent delays associated with reissuing documents at the points of transfer of cargo shipments from one mode of transport to another, possible theft, etc., will be carried out not only in removable transport units (containers, piggybackers, rail trailers, road railers, etc. .), but also according to a single document, and their management - from one logistics dispatch center.