Presentation on the theme of classical style. Styles and trends in the visual arts. What should be in the wardrobe of a woman who adheres to a modern classic style

Topic : Classification of clothing styles.

Target : formation of knowledge and skills in the field professional activity associated with the production of clothing.


  1. To systematize the existing knowledge of students about modern styles of clothing;
  2. To expand the horizons of students in the field of clothing style;

Style (lat. - stilus) is a historically established, stable community of signs of a figurative system, means and techniques of artistic expression.

In its development, style goes through three stages: 1) democratic, constructive; 2) decorative; 3) the stage of extreme ornamentation and complication, destroying the constructive foundations.

All style subtleties are developed at the first stage. Costume historians clearly distinguish styles and their features before the First World War: antique, Byzantine, early Middle Ages, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Classicism and Empire, Restoration style, Biedermeier, Exhibition style, Positivism, Art Nouveau (big city style).

The boundaries of the styles of the 20th century, style signs in clothes after the end of the First World War are different in different countries, are not fully formulated by historians and simply date back decades. In addition, in the 20th century, certain names were given to styles characteristic of different time periods and united by common features or prototypes, for example, country styles, classical, etc.

Currently, there is no one dominant style. Modern fashion allows the main styles to coexist, and besides, skillful mixing of them is welcome.

Traditional styles have been unchanged for a long time: classical, romantic, sports, folklore (or ethnic).

Classic style

The progenitor of this style, most likely, is the English formal suit. The classic style is characterized by elegance and restraint, the details are concise or absent. The main articulations of the forms of clothing coincide with the natural articulations of the figure. Decor in a classic-style suit is generally absent or reduced to a minimum. It is characterized by a semi-adjacent silhouette, which gives the figure great harmony and therefore does not go out of fashion.

It organically merges traditions with the most valuable achievements in the development of the costume. This style of clothing is the most common. And it is made from the most solid, noble in quality and color fabrics - wool, silk, cotton, linen, blended, imitating natural ones. In the manufacture of clothes in this style, fabrics with a classic pattern are used: stripes, checks, “ chicken foot". The cut is distinguished by simplicity and rigor of execution.

Things of the classical style are not striking, but attract attention with their quality and reliability. They do not tire their owner, withstand competition for several seasons. They can be grouped in a new way, in accordance with modern fashion.

Classic style clothes suit everyone and are recommended to everyone. However, it obliges to a restrained demeanor, creates a business environment.

romantic style

This is the lightness of flying, flowing fabrics in rich or pastel colors, emphasizing femininity, small ruffles and beautiful frills, foam lace, bows, frills, artificial flowers. But you can do without frills. Style boundaries are not delineated, numerous options are possible.

This style assumes the atmosphere of a holiday, relaxation, celebration, creates high spirits and is hardly appropriate in a working environment. Not every woman can wear romantic dresses..

Sporty style

Sportswear is not sportswear. Sports style in clothing began to take shape at the beginning of the 20th century. Sports style clothing is characterized by loose, straight silhouettes, the presence of overhead details, such as pockets, stalemates, shoulder straps, there are finishing lines along the edge of the side, lapels and collars. Sports-style clothing is comfortable and practical, but, unlike the classic, is unacceptable for special occasions. Clothing is quite bright, dynamic in nature with a minimum of trimmings.

This style is preferred by active, mobile people who love comfort. They choose comfortable jeans, shorts, shirts and trousers with a simple soft cut, T-shirts, jumpers. There are many applied (and not so) details on clothes of this style - pockets, stitching, zippers, cord trim. From accessories - a light sports bag or a backpack.

Sports style contains several sub-styles.

a) Denim style

This style does not require much introduction. It is so popular among young people due to its democracy and practicality that fashion designers are trying to pay attention to new trends and bring new details to the denim style. Jeans keep up with the times and change their silhouette in accordance with fashion trends. In recent years, jeans have taken on the character of interstyle clothing.

This is how Bermuda and flared jeans appeared at one time, narrow, short and tight-fitting, with romantic embroidery and rhinestones. If initially denim was only blue or light blue, then later it was painted in a variety of colors - black, brown, green, burgundy, sand. In recent years, multi-colored denim fabrics with a pattern have appeared for every taste.

Denim styles

The cardboard label attached to new jeans often lists what style or cut they are. Here is an approximate list of what can be written on it, and what it means:

Regular (old) style (usual, old style) - a classic style of jeans that fit very tightly on the body, have a straight leg shape, sometimes slightly narrowed down. They make the figure very slim, but in them, alas, what is called "neither sit nor stand" - they restrict movement so much.

Easy (comfort) style (free, comfortable style) - free style, directly opposite to the classic style. They are chosen by those who prefer free forms and ease of movement. In principle, easy style is also a variant of the classics, which fits the body more freely, while maintaining an authentic cut.

Loose style (spacious style) - these jeans are designed for those who do not recognize even the slightest tightness. These jeans are spacious in the step and hips, in the lower part they are so wide that they almost cover the shoes. Although they are sold everywhere, they are preferred mainly by teenagers and young people.

Slim style (tight style) - these are basically jeans for women, emphasizing the figure and narrowed down. Often, denim with elastane additives is used for their manufacture. Jeans made from this fabric are stretchy and fit better. However, in recent times men's models made of stretch fabric began to appear.

Country style (Boot cut) (country style, flared) - tight-fitting body on top, expanding jeans downwards. In the 90s, the flare left and returned again several times, but it never reached such an extreme diameter of the trousers as in the mid-70s.

Baggy style (baggy style) - "rapper", extremely wide, with the effect of lowered pants. Usually these pants are bought a couple of sizes larger. There are options with many pockets and all kinds of inscriptions and applications.

Job style (working style) - it differs from the traditional "five pockets" by the presence of a large number of additional pockets for a working tool (knife, screwdriver, etc.) and on the other side - a strap, on which a large tool is usually hung during work, in ordinary life, while walking, this strap is convenient for children to hold on to.

b) Military Style

Unfortunately, hostilities around the world continue and, apparently, will never stop. It was on the basis of the military uniform that the “military” style was created. The main thing in this style is color. Green of various shades, gray, yellowish-sand, brown, possibly with spots - all colors that repeat the colors of the military uniform of different armies of the world.

The cut also largely repeats the clothes of the defenders (or aggressors) - straight comfortable trousers, jackets and shirts, with patch pockets, fasteners, imitation of shoulder straps. Skirts are straight or slightly flared, most often long, with an obligatory wide belt. The shoes are styled like military boots or boots, with thick soles and no heels.

c) Safari Style

Translated from Arabic travel) - originallyhunting trips to East Africa. This style is similar to military in many ways. The same eco-friendly (or camouflage) colors, the same comfortable shoes. Hunter-colonizers made the same demands on clothing as the military - convenience, comfort, non-staining. Due to the hot African climate, a wide-brimmed sun hat has become an essential element of the outfit. Its most characteristic details are light-colored clothes (white-sand-khaki-brown gamma), rather narrow silhouettes. Clothes of this style are designed for relaxation and are sewn from light, mostly cotton fabrics.

Fabrics for clothes were used light, but dense, protecting from overheating, thorns and sunburn. Modern style safari is most often associated with shorts and a short sleeve shirt. But there are also skirts, and dresses, and sundresses. This style is characterized by an abundance of details: patch pockets, cuffs on trousers, a belt with a buckle. Shirt sleeves are often casually wrapped.

Folklore (ethnic) style

Perhaps, almost all couturiers in their work turn to the folklore style, that is, to the use of cut, decor, costume elements of various peoples and nationalities in modeling. Today, the values ​​of European civilization are opposed by the traditions of distant countries. Fashion draws its inspiration from Polynesia and Scandinavia, Russia and Japan, Argentina, China...

A distinctive feature of this style is the use of only eco-friendly materials and colors. There is no place for artificial fabrics. Products of the so-called coarse rustic knitting, most often from undyed yarn, are very popular.

Clothing of a folklore nature is very often distinguished by its decorative effect; traditional folk decorations are often used in clothes - embroidery, appliqué, hemstitching, puffs, ruffles, weaving. In addition, clothes are often decorated with beads, colored threads, and lacing. A frequent attribute of the folklore style is scarves. It can be the finest downy weaving or a bright colored scarf.

The folklore style also contains sub-styles. One of the brightest manifestations of the folklore style is the country style.

a) Country Style

The style is based on images of European settlers who appeared in the American West in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As a rule, these were residents of villages or urban outskirts in the past. Many of them were Irish or from other parts of Old England.

Fashion designers working in this direction fantasize about the urban dweller in the countryside and vice versa, intertwining different cultures and eras.

Modernity blurs the boundaries between styles.

diffuse style. Eclecticism

(from Latin "chooser")This style is common in youth fashion. The combination in one ensemble of seemingly incompatible things, a kind of game with images. For example, a blouse in a folk style, trousers in a sports style, or overalls that look like work clothes. Complemented with a vest with bright braid, embroidery, appliqué, and on the legs - colored, ornamented knitted leggings. Light, colorful summer skirts are worn with sports T-shirts and jackets. Blouses with ruffled lace are worn with a sundress, skirt or denim-style trousers. But the diffuse style does not allow any combinations and requires developed taste. For example, fluffy hats made of expensive fur do not form a stylistic unity with jackets and jeans.


Unisex (from the English "unisex" - "single sex") is considered a fairly common style in clothing, which consists in the fact that the differences and boundaries between men's and women's clothing are erased.

Unisex style appeared thanks to feminism and movements for women's emancipation. At first, it boiled down to the fact that exclusively male wardrobe items were simply borrowed by women, but in the 90s of the last century it acquired other features.

A selection of presentations for every taste and for different purposes. The number of slides in the template is 20+. .pptx and Google Slides formats are available. Enjoy!

25 slides

Fully editable template: easy to change colors, fonts, pictures, and 80+ cool icons to match with any accent color!

25 slides

25 slides

Bright slides with a watercolor texture will not leave anyone indifferent! Suitable for creative performances and presentations in the field of art.

25 slides

Bright template for presentations with small headings. The colors of the elements can be changed - make a presentation in a corporate style or in your favorite shades.

25 slides

Strict style for project presentation, research, financial reports and everything where there are a lot of tables. The templates are great!

25 slides

A template that will help you make a cohesive story out of your presentation and back it up with beautiful pictures.

28 slides

Roomy template! Charts, graphs, tables - everything fits.

24 slides

Minimalist design for those who like to keep things short and to the point. It will help to place accents and draw the attention of listeners to the main thing.

25 slides

Beautiful slides with dynamic geometric shapes. Lots of space for text and large elements, just don't go overboard.

25 slides

Stylish gradient and dialog box - a cool combination! Write the main idea in the box free space you can put text, a photo or a small sign.

25 slides

A good choice for creating business and corporate presentations. If you are worried about bright orange, you can change it, for example, to blue :)

25 slides

A template that changes to suit your needs. To change the design, just change the background image to match the theme of the performance and hop! – you have an individual design with cool elements.

25 slides

25 slides

A creative and lively template is suitable for a presentation where it is important to place accents and use a minimum of text.

25 slides

25 slides

The bright combination of black and yellow will not leave anyone indifferent! Suitable for both large texts and small accents. You can insert photos and graphics.

17 slides

Talking and showing is a template for a great pitch. Minimum text, large fonts and objects. It will help to focus on the main thing and will not let you go too far with the text.

25 slides

Another minimalistic presentation with beautiful icons to talk about the most important thing.

25 slides

Bright and positive. Not suitable for a quarterly financial report, but there are free slides in which you can talk about the benefits of a product / project and place a couple of tables or graphs.

25 slides

A capacious template in which you can put everything you want - from large charts to beautiful photos. Colors can also be customized to your taste.

25 slides

The simple design and customizable color of the template will allow you to adapt the presentation to the company's brand. Big choice icons and beautiful charts are impressive.

25 slides

Boldly highlighted headings - looks great! The layout changes from background photos, so the design is in your hands. More, of course, for creative representations.

25 slides

A simple template for lovers of minimalism. The red frame will highlight the main thing. Suitable for presenting a project, when it is important to talk about the idea, and visualization fades into the background - pictures do not belong here.

Completed by: student of the Volgograd Technological College Deykalo Nadezhda Alekseevna
Volgograd 2017

When choosing a leadership style, the following factors should be taken into account: the situation (stressful, calm, uncertain). With a shortage of time, in extreme situations, in market conditions, an authoritarian style is justified; task (how clearly structured). When solving complex problems that require a plurality of solutions, theoretical analysis and high professionalism of execution, the democratic (collegiate) style is most acceptable; group (its characteristics by gender, age, ethnicity, time of existence, personal characteristics). To unite a group interested in the success of an activity, solving a problem, it will be adequate democratic style, and in creative teams even liberal is possible.

When choosing a leadership style, one should also take into account the factors that determine the processes of interpersonal relationships: the dependence of people's perception of external influences on their difference psychological structures. Different people can respond qualitatively differently to the same influences; inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person and the inadequacy of self-esteem. Any person hides something about himself, ascribes something to himself, that is, he demonstrates himself the way he would like others to see him; preservation of personal status, self-esteem.

Contrary to common stereotypes, the prevailing leadership style is practically independent of gender. (There is a misconception that female leaders are softer and primarily focused on maintaining good relationships with business partners, while male leaders are more aggressive and result-oriented.) The reasons for the separation of leadership styles may be more likely to be personality traits and temperament, rather than gender characteristics. Successful top managers - both men and women - are not adherents of only one style. As a rule, they intuitively or quite consciously combine various leadership strategies.



Presentation for the lesson on the topic: "Styles in clothes."

Prepared by the technology teacher

Novikova Marina Vladimirovna

  • Introduce students to the history of fashion.
  • Introduce the concept of silhouette and style in clothing.
  • Familiarize yourself with the requirements for clothing.
  • Cultivate aesthetic taste.

"Fashion comes and goes - style remains!"

Coco Chanel

Style in a suit

- this is a combination of expressive techniques and artistic means, ensuring the unity of the figurative sound of clothing.

Classic style "English"

  • Its formation began at the end of the 19th century and ended in the 30s of the 20th century.
  • Homeland - England ( signs of an English men's suit are characteristic of this style)

  • Solid, high-quality materials - natural wool, linen, blended fabrics, artificial fabrics that imitate natural ones well.
  • Restrained simplicity, beautiful cut, discreet delicate color schemes.
  • Clothing looks strictly and moderately.
  • Brightness, originality, high quality execution.

  • Products made in the classical style have a fairly long cycle and do not lose their relevance.
  • Pairs well with other styles of clothing.

  • costume;
  • jacket;
  • cardigan;
  • Blazer;
  • speser;
  • men's trousers;
  • Strict skirts.

  • It began its formation at the end of the 19th century. At this time, it first appeared special clothing for sports and outdoor games.
  • Not to be confused with special training suits.

  • Bulky, free.
  • Tight-fitting, if the clothes are made of elastic materials.

  • Fabrics should have good hygienic properties, high strength and durability.
  • Fabrics are usually made from natural and mixed fibers: cotton, linen, wool, less often silk.
  • The color palette is bright, contrasting, active.
  • There are many functional details in clothes - pockets, valves, shoulder straps, stalemates, belt loops, belts, etc.
  • Accessories are actively used in clothes: metal buttons and buttons, rivets and blocks, zippers, etc.
  • Clothes are often decorated with embroidered or printed brand names and symbols, stitching, decorative stitching.

Sports styles.

A uniform- urban clothing, made based on workwear ( overalls, dresses, aprons, jackets, vests, etc. .)

"Safari"- household clothes, reminiscent of the costumes of lion hunters in Africa and are characteristic for their color scheme.

Paramilitary (military)- clothing with elements taken from military uniforms - gymnasts, uniforms, tunics, etc.

Romantic style (fantasy)- tends to be the most historical costume and often borrows form, cut, decorative trim, imagery from him.

  • The form may have a small volume, fit snugly to the figure, or it may be voluminous; it can hang down gently, flow along the body, or it can have magnificent forms. Which are supported by frameworks.
  • Characterized by light, airy fabrics with soft plasticity (silk, viscose); rigid shaping materials that create three-dimensional forms (brocade, organza, kapron and many other synthetic fabrics).

  • Pastel, delicate, slightly saturated colors.
  • Bright, saturated, active colors.
  • Floral and polka dot fabrics.

  • Ruffles.
  • Frill.
  • Jabot.
  • Lace.
  • Tapes.
  • Embroidery.
  • and etc.

Folklore style. Ethnic.

  • Modern clothes related to the folklore style are made in the spirit of national costumes of different peoples and eras and borrow their main features: simplicity and rationality of the cut, convenience and functionality of the form, verbosity, and increased decorativeness.

Signs of ethnic style.

The use of accessories traditional for folk clothes - bright jewelry, scarves and shawls, belts, various hats and shoes, knitted hosiery.

Folklore style implies closeness to nature.

Used in a relaxed atmosphere of relaxation in the country, seaside resort, winter mountain camp site, etc.

Eclecticism in modern costume.