Presentation on the topics of research activities on the topic. Presentations for research papers. The main elements of the structure of the research work

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How is a research paper different from an essay?

Abstract (German Referat, from Latin refere - report, inform) - a written report or speech on a specific topic, which summarizes information from one or more sources. Abstracts can be a summary of the content scientific work, fiction book, etc.

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Study -

(English investigation / research / study / survey; German Forschung) A type of systematic cognitive activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge, information, etc., to study certain problems based on special standardized methods (experiment, observation, etc. .).

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Project Method - Problem Method

The project method originated in the second half of the 19th century, the founder was the idealist philosopher John Dewey. The word "project" (literally translated from Latin - "thrown forward") is interpreted in dictionaries as "a plan, idea, text or drawing of something that precedes its creation." This interpretation was further developed: “The project is a prototype, a prototype of an object, type of activity, etc., and design turns into a process of creating a project.”

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The main elements of the structure of the research work

Title page Contents Introduction Chapter I. Theoretical part Chapter II. Research part (the number of chapters may vary, depending on the tasks set in the work) Conclusion List of references Appendices (if necessary)

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The relevance of the work; - purpose of the work; - tasks of research work (usually how many chapters, so many tasks); - object (what is being studied); - subject (field of study of the object); - hypothesis; - research methods; - literature review.

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Main part

In the chapters of the main part of the research work, the methods and techniques of the research are discussed in detail and the results are summarized. All materials that are not essential for understanding the solution of a scientific problem are included in appendices.

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This part of the work plays the role of an ending, a conclusion. In conclusion, the author indicates whether he achieved the goal of the work, whether the hypothesis put forward by him was confirmed? The final part assumes the presence of a generalized final assessment of the work done. At the same time, it is important to indicate what its main meaning is, what important scientific results have been obtained.

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At the end of the work is a list of used literature. The text of the work may contain references to one or another scientific source. The appendix contains auxiliary or additional materials. If necessary, additional tables, graphs, figures, etc. can be provided.

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To determine the relevance, it is necessary to assess the theoretical and practical significance of the topic, for which it is necessary to answer the following. questions: Why is this topic interesting not only to the author of the work, but also to other people. Why is this topic important now, at this time. Maybe this topic is poorly researched, maybe it directly concerns the author, maybe it is connected with the events that are taking place in the world, in the country or even in our school. It is important to prove the significance of the chosen topic.

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The purpose of the study is formulated taking into account the stated topic and is contained, as a rule, in the topic itself. The purpose of the work should clearly correspond to the topic of the work. The purpose of the research work should be formulated clearly and clearly, it should be specific and feasible. Based on the goal, the tasks of the research work are put forward. Tasks should explain how we will gradually, step by step, achieve the goal.

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The hypothesis must be predictive and predict scientific or practical contributions. Key words: “The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that…” hypothesis, i.e. the author's assumption about what results can be achieved in the course of the research work. And already in the course of the research work, the hypothesis is either confirmed or refuted by the researcher. The hypothesis should not be too simple, primitive.

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Research methods

Empirical (experimental) methods: - observation - measurement - description - experiment General logical (theoretical) methods: - analysis - analogy - synthesis - comparison - generalization - modeling Methods: - survey - conducting experiments - questioning - content analysis - interviewing - and others

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Literature review is not a mechanical rewriting of phrases from different books and articles. Information obtained from the literature should be changed by the words of the author. In the review, you must show that you are familiar with the field of research from several sources, that you are setting a new task, and not “reinventing the wheel”, doing what you have done a long time ago. Key phrases: “Analysis of the literature on the issues ...” “The content of this issue is most fully disclosed in the works of ... (surnames)”

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Presentation on the topic: research activities of students

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RESEARCH ACTIVITY Research activity is understood as the activity of students associated with the search for an answer to a creative, research problem with a predetermined solution and involving the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field: posing a problem, studying a theory related to the chosen topic, putting forward a research hypothesis, selection of methods and practical mastery of them, collection of own material, its analysis and generalization, own conclusions. Any research, no matter in what area of ​​natural or humanities it is executed, has a similar structure. Such a chain is an integral part of research activity, the norm of its implementation.

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Deciphering the individual stages of the individual research work: 1. Preparatory stage: 1. Selection of an approximate topic (title) of the work, which sets the direction of the study. The topic is finally formulated when preparing materials for the presentation. It reflects the essence of the work performed 2. Determination of the purpose of the work. Allows the student to accurately imagine what he is going to do, what to achieve when doing the work. The goal may change during the execution of the work, but at any given moment it is clearly defined. It is drawn up in writing. 3. The choice of the object of study, the formation of an experimental and control group. It is determined by the purpose of the work, real opportunities. Justified from the point of view of the possibility of obtaining reliable results. 4. Formulation of a working hypothesis. Definition specific tasks, the solution of which will allow to achieve the goal. Rigidly connected with the goal of the work. Determine the stages of the work. Allow the student to consistently, rather than chaotically move towards the achievement of the goal.

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2. Main stage: 1. Search and study of literature on the research topic. Allows you to understand what is already known within the framework of the chosen scientific subject, to understand the basic terms, concepts, to compare views different authors on the problem. 2. Formation of the chapter: "Literature Review". Strictly structured, logical. Contains only information directly related to the topic of the work. Closely related to the purpose of the work. Contains references to used literary sources. 3. Choice of research methods. It is determined by the purpose of the work, the existing material and technical base. The number of experiments is justified in terms of obtaining reliable results. 4. Implementation own research. Analysis of the obtained results. Conducting an experiment or other elements of analysis. Construction of graphs, tables, etc. Comparison of the obtained results with literature data. Determining the reliability of the results obtained. Identification of directions for further work. 5. Preparation of a report on the work done in the form of a scientific article. Contains the following sections introduction for the purpose of the work; ch.: "literature review"; ch.: "materials and methods"; ch.: "results and their discussion" conclusions; list of references.6. Conclusions - strictly structured, concisely presented results of their own research. They answer the question formulated in the purpose of the work. 7. Preparation of work for the presentation Determined by the requirements of the conference or publication where the work is planned to be presented.

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A situation typical for research activity, when both the teacher and the student become, as it were, “hand in hand” (in contrast to the traditional scheme, where the student and teacher are separated on different sides - teaching and learning, speaking and listening, checking and being checked), the student feels in the teacher of a colleague, assistant, mentor. At the same time, the “colleague-colleague” relationship is realized. The most important condition for the implementation of research activities of students is individual work teacher with a student in a given subject area, associated with the development of the methodology, the collection of experimental material and its discussion. At this stage, a very important moment arises of correlating the level of the task with the student's capabilities, controlling his own assessment of the progress of the work. Thus, research activity involves personal communication between the teacher and the student. And in the process of personal communication, there inevitably goes beyond the scope of the subject under study. As a result, the second characteristic functional connection is realized - "spiritual mentor - junior comrade", through which value orientations and moral attitudes are transmitted from teacher to student, which ensures a high educational effect of research activities.

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This means that the main goal is the development of the student's personality, and not obtaining an objectively new result, as in "big" science. If in science the main goal is the production of new knowledge, then in education the goal of research activity is to acquire by the student a functional research skill as universal way mastering reality, developing the ability for a research type of thinking, activating the student's personal position in educational process based on the acquisition of subjectively new knowledge (i.e. independently acquired knowledge that is new and personally significant for a particular student).

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The specifics of the implementation of research tasks at school. Important restrictions are imposed on the subject, nature and scope of research by the requirements of developmental psychology. Adolescence is characterized by a still low general educational level, an unformed worldview, an underdeveloped ability for independent analysis, and a weak concentration of attention. Excessive volume of work and its specialization, which lead to narrow subject area, can harm general education and development, which is by far the main task at this age. Therefore, not every research task brought from science is suitable for implementation in educational institutions. Such tasks must satisfy certain requirements, on the basis of which it is possible to establish general principles designing research tasks for students in various fields of knowledge.

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Classification of creative works of students in the field of natural and human sciences and their types: Problem-abstract - creative work written on the basis of several literary sources, involving data comparison different sources and on the basis of this, their own interpretation of the problem. Experimental - creative works written on the basis of an experiment described in science and having a known result. They are rather illustrative in nature, suggesting an independent interpretation of the features of the result, depending on changes in the initial conditions. Naturalistic and descriptive - creative works aimed at observing and qualitatively describing a phenomenon. May have an element of scientific novelty. Distinctive feature is the lack of a correct research methodology. One of the varieties of naturalistic works are works of social and ecological orientation. AT recent times there appears to be another lexical meaning the term "ecology", denoting a social movement aimed at combating anthropogenic pollution environment. Works performed in this genre often lack a scientific approach. Research - creative work performed using a scientifically correct technique, having its own experimental material obtained using this technique, on the basis of which analysis and conclusions are made about the nature of the phenomenon under study. A feature of such works is the uncertainty of the result that research can give. Student research project- statement of fact, confirmation of a hypothesis.

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The structure of the research work The title of the topic A brief justification for the relevance of the topic (what needs and contradictions of practice imply the need to organize this particular study). Subject of the study. Purpose of the study efficiency. Tasks. Methods and specific research methods (types of questionnaires, tests, experimental didactic material, maps, graphs, statistical data). Terms of the study (start time, expected completion time). Evaluation criteria. Forecast: a) positive results; 6) possible losses; c) thinking over compensations. Form of presenting the results of the experiment (abstract, presentation, publication, Web site) Conclusions (correlation between the hypothesis and the result obtained).

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CONCLUSIONS Theoretical and practical significance of the research and its novelty. It is revealed how the results of the research (experiment) influence the development of the theory, what practical value they have and what new, previously unknown facts are discovered in the process of research (experiment). or distribution). It is shown how the results of the work carried out were reported at conferences, seminars, meetings, reflected in publications. The following basic requirements are imposed on the report: clarity of construction, logical sequence of presentation of the material, convincing argumentation, brevity and clarity of wording, specificity of the presentation of the results of the work, evidence of conclusions and validity of recommendations .

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Research methods: The cartographic research method is an analysis of the geographical conditions of the state on the map. Statistical Method- this is a method for studying the quantitative side of mass social and other phenomena and processes. The statistical method makes it possible to digitally characterize the ongoing changes in social processes The analytical method of research is the analysis of an array of information on any subject, issue The comparative method of research is the conduct of research by comparing two or more objects with each other The project method as a means of organizing the research activities of students .

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The research activity of students is an educational technology that involves students solving a research, creative task under the guidance of a specialist, during which the following stages are implemented (regardless of the field of study): experimental material Processing the material Generalization, analysis, conclusions Presentation of the research work

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Presentation of research Presentation of research is crucial in all work. The presence of presentation standards is a characteristic attribute of research activity and is expressed rather rigidly, in contrast, for example, to activities in the field of art. There are several such standards in science: theses, Research Article, oral report, dissertation, monograph, popular article. Each of the standards defines the nature of the language, scope, structure. When presenting, the leader and the student must decide from the very beginning on the genre in which he works, and strictly follow its requirements. The most popular genres at modern youth conferences are abstracts, articles, and reports. At the same time, in these forms it can be presented and not research work, and, for example, abstracts or descriptive works.

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Planning the content of the student's presentation The overall goal of the student's self-research in the project: ___Problem identified by the student for self-research: ___What questions learning topic the student will give answers in his research: __ What stages and results of the research can be presented in the student's presentation: ____ How can the methodology (analysis or assessment, interpretation, comparison, development, etc.) on the basis of which the student's research is carried out be presented in the presentation: ___ List additional resources that can be used when creating a presentation (Internet resources, multimedia encyclopedias, textbooks, etc.): ___ To achieve the goals set in educational project, the student's presentation will include the following: ____ Presentation title (within the framework of the fundamental question) of the student's (or group of students') individual research: ___ Name and surname of the author (authors) of the presentation: ____ A brief description of the goals and objectives of the research that a particular participant (group of students) solves within the framework of the project: _____The hypothesis that was the beginning of the independent study: __Quote on the topic of the study: ___The main results obtained by this participant (group of students) as a result of work in the project:____Analysis or evaluation:__Interpretation: ___Comparison / contrast: ___Development: ___References to informational resources, used in the study, and a description of the websites necessary for the independent study of the student (group of students): ___List of references: ____-_________________________________________

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Internet resources on research activities: Portal of research activities of students with the participation of: House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth MGDD (Yu) T, Lyceum 1553 "Lyceum on the Don", Intel Corporation Representative Office in Russia, "Phystech Center Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Texts are published on the methodology and methods of research activities of students, scientists and teachers from Moscow and other cities of Russia, research work of schoolchildren, network projects are organized, links to other Internet resources are given. website All-Russian Competition youth research work. V.I. Vernadsky. Russian and English versions. Normative documents on the competition, recommendations for participation in it, children's research papers are published. A system of on-line registration of reviewers has been organized, each visitor to the site can write a review or review of the selected work. site of the journal "Research work of a schoolchild". The main materials of the project, selected texts, subscription information are published. review of research and scientific-practical youth conferences, seminars, competitions, etc. Organized on-line placement normative documents competitions from everyone. mailing of news and information on various problems and events within the framework of the system of research activities of students (in development) based on the materials of V.A. Leontovich. Manual for the development of a methodological map for the organization of research work of schoolchildren. –

The research activity of students is one of the priorities of modern education.

Therefore, it is important in primary school create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the realization of the age-related need for search activity.

Without research skills learning activities it is difficult for students to master the program offered by the main and high schools.

The specificity of research work in elementary school is the systematic, guiding, stimulating, corrective role of the teacher; involvement of parents in the school affairs of their child.

The teacher should be able to see and help select the most interesting and practically significant topics.

  • Research (literally "following from within") in the broadest sense - the search for new knowledge or systematic investigation in order to establish facts. In a narrower sense, research is the scientific method of studying something.
  • Choosing a topic is a very difficult and responsible stage of research.
  • next and very milestone in the work on the project and research is to determine the relevance and practical significance work.

  • Every goal should have five main features:
  • the completeness of the content;
  • temporal certainty;
  • reality (correspondence to possibilities);
  • motivation (correspondence to the motives of the subject of activity);
  • the operationality of determining the expected result.

  • There are certain requirements for the hypothesis:
  • it must contain an assumption;
  • it must be verifiable, confirmed by methods;
  • it must be logically consistent;
  • it must be realistically refutable or provable.
  • To test a hypothesis means to test the consequences that logically follow from it.

  • Having set a goal and defined tasks, it is necessary to select ways and methods of conducting further research.
  • The method is a way to achieve the goal of the study, its decisive role in the success of a particular research work is obvious. The main research methods: observation, experiment, modeling, questioning, interviewing, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, definitions of concepts.

At the planning stage of the research work, it is necessary to draw up a plan, which is a more detailed presentation of the issues on which all the collected factual material will be systematized in the future.

The result of the research work junior schoolchildren is preparation for defense and defense itself. The collected materials can be presented in the form of a layout made of different materials with a description of the action of the object it represents. Children should be helped to choose how to present the results based on the topic and their own abilities.

In 2012-2013, she was the head of the Evrika NOU. With my student, we created the project "Iodine in food and its effect on the human body."

This project was presented at the district student research conference "My first report", took 2nd place.

Participated in a regional research competition

"Your people are the North!",

took 2nd place.

Scientific research activity. Research activities of students. Research activity of the student. Development of research activities of students. Research activities in elementary school. Research activities of younger students. Organization of research activities.

Educational research activity. Cognitive and research activities of preschoolers. Organization of research activities of students. Scientific - research activities of students. Research activity at the lessons of the Russian language. Research project activity preschoolers.

Cognitive and research activities of older children. Organization of research activities of students in the classroom. Methodology for organizing research activities. Research activity as a means of forming UUD. Technology of forming the type of correct reading activity.

Organization of educational and research activities of schoolchildren. Organization of research activities of students. Educational and research activities of schoolchildren. Organization of research activities at school. Organization of project and research activities of schoolchildren. Research activities of schoolchildren.

Organization of research activities of students at school. Goals and objectives of research activities. Formation of design - research competence. Research activities of students in mathematics lessons. Research activities of museums. Organization of research activities of students in the classroom and after school hours.