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Folklore. Small genres of folklore. Gavrilova Oksana Vyacheslavovna

Folklore. Folklore. Folklore - folk art is a set of customs, rituals, songs and other phenomena of folk life. folk - people, lore - wisdom, knowledge

Small genres of folklore - small-sized folklore works. Lullaby Pestushka Nursery rhyme Rhyme Invocation Sentence Counting tongue twister Riddle

Lullaby - The future of the baby is imagined; the child is promised happiness and wealth; give the child a sound, restful sleep; singing depends on the rocking of the cradle, on its rhythmic movement. Sleep, sprinkle, Harrow keep up. We'll buy those hats, we'll sew a zipun, we'll sew a zipun, we'll send the harrows to the clean fields, to the green meadows. a song to lull a child to sleep.

Pestlets - Pestlets accompany the movements of the child, the actions in which the child participates in the first months of life. Legs, legs, run along the path, pick peas. a short poetic sentence of nannies and mothers who nurse a baby.

Nursery rhyme - Nursery rhymes accompany the growth and development of children. The most famous of them are Horned Goat, Ladushki, Magpie. Sweeties, sweeties! Where were you? By Grandma. What did they eat? Porridge. What did they drink? Brazhka. Who was beaten? Masha. a sentence song accompanying the game with the fingers, arms and legs of the child.

Jokes - Jokes are funny stories about how a jackdaw jumps through a fir tree, how Foma rode a chicken, how a chicken in boots sweeps a hut, how a cat and a cat quarreled. Owl, owl, owl, Big head, She sat on a stake, looked to the sides, Turned her head. a poem similar to short story that a nanny or mother tells her child.

Invocation - - Spring is red! What did you come for? On a bipod, on a harrow! On an oatmeal sheaf, On a rye spikelet! Go, rain, rain, Drill the earth, Give us water! a short poem called out while participating in the rituals of the calendar cycle.

Sentence - They get rid of the water that has poured into the ears by jumping and pronouncing the sentence. While swimming, they dive on the last words of the sentence. With the help of a sentence, they ask the cuckoo how many years to live. Mouse, mouse, You have a bone tooth, And I have a steel one. short poem recited in different occasions, for example, referring to living beings - a snail, ladybug, birds, pets.

Rhythm - Rhythms-numbers: One, two, three, four, five - The witch was going to die; The devils are calling, the Witch is being buried. Replacement counters. Foam floated from beyond the sea. They began to foam Bela Kolotity Yes, and ask: Who will take it? Who take it? Smart counters. Chiriki, mikiriki, By the bush, by the crust, By the word of the cabast, Zhuchik, ryuchik, Khrup, oak, Ivanov's tooth. a short rhyme that determines who drives in the game.

Patter - Forty mice walked, Carried forty pennies; Two mice worse Carried two pennies. From the clatter of hooves Dust flies across the field. I rode a Greek across the river, He sees a Greek - there is cancer in the river. He put the hand of the Greek into the river, Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap. a poem in which difficult-to-pronounce words are specially collected.

There is a mop in the middle of the yard, a pitchfork in front, and a broom behind. 2. A Russian lady in a painted headscarf has many children. Riddle - Coming up with riddles means finding something important, interesting, unusual in phenomena and objects. To find clues means to determine an object or phenomenon by signs, actions and likeness. an expression that needs to be unraveled.

“It is necessary to know our rich folklore. Delve into the creativity of the people, it is healthy, like fresh water from the springs of mountain, underground sweet streams. Stay close to the vernacular, look for simplicity, brevity, healthy power that creates an image in two or three words. A.M. Bitter

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Literary reading lesson, presentation in grade 1 KRO "Reading words, sentences, texts with the letters Sh, sh"

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Students' awareness of the features of the artistic reflection of the world in the course of listening, reading works and their own literary creativity. Second generation standards: Formation of the reading competence of a younger student, self-awareness as a literate reader capable of creative activity.

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the upbringing of an intelligent personality, an educated, creative reader and listener ... to lay an understanding of the figurative nature of art ... the development of children's speech (a general subject task).

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Text processing technology (grade 2)

Work with text before reading. Working with text while reading. Work with the text after reading.

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Before reading...

The goal is to develop such reading skills as anticipation (to assume, anticipate content by title, illustrations ...)

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While reading…

The goal is to achieve understanding of the text at the content level. Independent reading. Reading aloud in sentences or paragraphs. Reading fragments of the text and discussing them. Vocabulary work. Conversation on the content of the text as a whole.

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After reading...

The goal is to achieve understanding at the level of meaning (understanding the main idea, subtext - "reading between the lines" Problematic issues, conversation. Talk about the personality of the writer. Re-addressing the title, illustrations. Performing creative tasks.

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Synthetic work

Planning. Detailed, selective, creative, short retelling. Graphic and verbal drawing. Work on expressive reading. Dramatization. Compiling filmstrips.

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Tongue Twisters

By virtue of its functional feature it is advisable to use tongue twisters to improve the articulatory apparatus, work out diction and reading speed. The formation of reading speed is facilitated by three times, each time faster reading of tongue twisters. Usually, children are happy to participate in competition games, relay races, which involve fast and clear pronunciation of tongue twisters.

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When studying proverbs, it is most acceptable to use the following methodological techniques: classification by topic (from grade 2); choosing from several proverbs the one that best reflects the main idea of ​​the text (from grade 2); illustrating proverbs with examples from life and from books (grades 3-4); writing a story (fairy tales, fables) as a confirmation of the thought expressed in the proverb (Grade 4).

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Fairy tales

Types of fairy tales: - Russian folk (about animals, everyday, magical) - fairy tale-parable - author's (literary fairy tale) Forms of fairy tales: - prosaic - poetic common places, ending.

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Features of working with fairy tales

due to the proximity to children of works of this genre, preparation for perception can be practically not carried out; primary perception is better organized in the following forms (expressive telling of a fairy tale by a teacher, reading a fairy tale by a teacher, independent reading of a fairy tale by students in a class or at home, combined reading) in the analysis, attention should be paid to the specifics of fairy tale speech (repetitions, traditional epithets, stable fairy tale words and expressions) . The compositional features of fairy tales are also analyzed: the presence of a beginning, an ending, a threefold repetition of events in the main part. AT fairy tales the presence and features of two worlds – real and magical are revealed, the features of their inhabitants are analyzed. the predominantly dialogic form of the tale suggests the possibility of its expressive reading by roles and staging.

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Myths, biblical tales and epics

It is important to strive to ensure that myths, legends and epics are perceived by children as an expression of the most ancient forms of worldview, as literary and historical evidence of how people saw the world at the dawn of mankind. At all stages of the lesson, it is advisable to build the work so that myths, epics and legends are not perceived as fairy tales.

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Task options for consolidating knowledge

Analysis of linguistic material. Creation of images (selective reading, verbal drawing ...) Comparison of texts. (Different epics, myths, epics and fairy tales ...) Historical conversations. Retelling, memorization of passages.

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A fable is an allegorical story of an instructive nature. A typical order of analysis of a fable: Analysis of the plot layer. Identification of the main idea. Revelation of the allegory. moral analysis.

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Subject: Stories about animals. Moral and humorous stories. Moral-psychological. Moral drama. Heroic-historical.

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Features of working on a text of a dramatic nature: 1. When organizing primary perception, it is possible to pre-prepared staging of episodes. 2. Analysis of the dramatic features of the text. 3. When parsing the content, the focus is on the characters and relationships actors the emotional state of the characters. 4. The leading type of work is dramatization and film adaptation. (The use of scenery and costumes is recommended)

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In elementary school, mainly lyric (landscape, civil, philosophical) and humorous poetry are studied. The most important questions for discussion and aspects of the work: 1. Who (what) does the poet portray in his poem? (Images, paintings) 2. How does he portray? (Techniques, means of expression) 3. What feelings does this work evoke in the reader and why? It is recommended to analyze the work by stanzas. Morally-

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Reading Disadvantages in Students

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    Exercises for the development of reading technique:

    1. Reading aloud. 2. Reading to yourself. 3. Buzzing reading. 4. Reading in unison. 5. Reading at the pace of the tongue twister. 6. Reading in a “chain” (one word, sentence, paragraph). 7.Dynamic reading. A column of 5-7 words is written on a board or card with a gradual increase in the number of letters in words. 8. Binary reading. One text is read by two students at the same time. 9.”Queue”. First the teacher reads, then the students read the same text. 10. “Tugboat”: a) the teacher reads aloud, changing the speed of reading. Pupils read aloud, trying to catch up with the teacher. b) the teacher reads aloud, the children to themselves. The teacher stops, the students show the word where the teacher stopped.

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    Exercises for the formation of expressive reading skills:

    1. Articulation: vowels and consonants, syllables of various types. 2. Reading hard-to-pronounce words (democracy, excavator, escalator) 3. Reading tongue twisters. 4.”Endings”. Increased requirement for clarity of word endings. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds. 5. Highlighting one or another word in a sentence with a voice. 6. "In the same breath." Take a deep breath, read the sentence from beginning to end. 7. Selective reading of interrogative and exclamatory sentences. 8. Reading one sentence with different intonation. 9.”Echo”. The teacher reads 1-2 lines of the poem, the students repeat it with the same intonation.

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    Exercises to understand the meaning of the text:

    1. Vocabulary work. Reading words and explaining their lexical meaning. 2. Title of the text. 3. Dividing the text into parts, drawing up a plan. 4. Determining the topic of the text, the main idea. 5.Determining the type of text. 6. Selection of illustrations for the text. 7. Based on the illustration, determine the content of the text. 8. Drawing up a filmstrip. The text is divided into parts and distributed among the children. The student reads his passage, draws a picture for it, and writes a short caption. All drawings are fastened together and used for a brief retelling. 9. Selective reading. Find in the text a description of the hero, nature, etc. 10. Work on the issues of a teacher, textbook or student. 11. Reading to prepare for retelling.

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    “The easier it is for the teacher to teach, the harder it is for the students to learn. The harder it is for the teacher, the easier it is for the students. The more the teacher learns himself… the easier it will be for the student to learn.” L.N. Tolstoy

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    Slide_image" src="" alt="(!LANG: "Thoughtful Reading" PROGRAM Content, tasks, forms of work described in the "Thoughtful Reading" Program ”, lined up in accordance with the main objectives of the subject “Literary reading” of the Basic curriculum focused on the improvement of all types" title="(!LANG: PROGRAM "Thoughtful Reading" The content, tasks, forms of work described in the Program "Thoughtful Reading" are built in accordance with the main objectives of the subject "Literary Reading" of the Basic Curriculum are focused on the improvement of all view">!}

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    Presentation on the topic: Literary reading

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    Approximate basic educational program (PEP) of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard The main educational program approved by the Federal State Educational Standard is developed at the federal level and serves as the basis for the development of the educational program schools. The exemplary basic educational program is advisory in nature. The GEF enshrined: mandatory subject areas the main tasks of implementing the content of subject areas total number training sessions for 4 academic years (it cannot be less than 2904 hours and more than 3210 hours) All other issues: development of the main educational program of the educational institution, development of the school curriculum, development of the form of organization educational process, the alternation of educational and extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the main educational program, determines the educational institution.

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    Exemplary (basic) program for literary reading traditional approaches to the content of literary education junior schoolchildren.The exemplary (basic) program is not working, that is, it cannot be used in the practical activities of the teacher, since it does not contain distribution educational material by years of study and individual topics. The program serves as a guideline for developers of original educational programs. The teacher has the right to choose any training program, any textbooks and didactic materials recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The teacher can himself become the author of the program, in this case it is advisable to get acquainted with Sample Program on literary reading, which determines the possible ways of disclosing the requirements of the standard.

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    An exemplary (basic) program includes three sections Explanatory note Contents of the course "Literary reading" Thematic planning The section "Explanatory note" characterizes the goals, purpose and place of literary reading as subject in the primary education system reveals the structure of the Literary Reading Program brief description the main sections of the course (by content lines).

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    Section "Content of the course" Literary reading "Determines the approximate basic amount of knowledge in the following sections: types of speech and reading activities, circle children's reading, literary propaedeutics, creative activity of students. Section "Thematic planning" Three planning options are presented with an approximate distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course. The first option is focused on studying at a school with Russian (native) language of instruction, year): the second option - with the native (non-Russian) language of instruction, (3 hours per week, 102 hours per year, from grade 2) the third option * - with an expanded literary component (4 hours per week, 136 hours per year) * - Changes made to the new standard compared to current standard

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    general characteristics of the subject in the “Explanatory Note” “Literary reading is one of the main subjects in the system of preparing a younger student. Along with the Russian language, it forms functional literacy, contributes to the overall development and upbringing of the child. The success of studying the course of literary reading ensures the effectiveness of teaching in other subjects elementary school.

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    The objectives of the study of literary reading Standard 2005 mastering the skill of conscious, correct, fluent and expressive reading as a basic one in the education system of younger students; the formation of a reader's outlook and the acquisition of experience in independent reading activity; improvement of all types of speech activity; development of artistic, creative and cognitive abilities, emotional responsiveness when reading works of art, the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the art of the word; fostering interest in reading and books, the need to communicate with the world fiction; enrichment of the moral experience of younger students, the formation of ideas about good and evil; development of moral feelings, respect for the culture of the peoples of multinational Russia. Standard 2009 Mastering the skill of conscious, correct, fluent and expressive reading as a basic one in the education system of younger students, the formation of a reader's outlook and the acquisition of experience in independent reading activity; improvement of all types of speech activity; ability to work with different types information. development of artistic, creative and cognitive abilities, emotional responsiveness when reading works of art, the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the art of the word; mastering the initial skills of working with educational and scientific-cognitive texts. fostering interest in reading and books; enrichment of the moral experience of younger students, the formation of ideas about good and evil; development of moral feelings, respect for the culture of the peoples of multinational Russia and other countries.

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    The goals of studying literary reading The priority goal of teaching literary reading in elementary school is to form the reader's competence of a younger student, to realize himself as a competent reader capable of creative activity. Reader's competence is determined by: possession of reading technique, to choose independently, by the formation of a spiritual need for a book as a means of knowing the world and self-knowledge. The success of a student's education both in primary and secondary schools depends on the achievement of this goal. This implies a significant contribution of literary reading lessons to the formation of general (above-subject) skills, habits, and methods of activity.

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    Objectives of the course "Literary reading" 1. Mastering general cultural reading skills and understanding of the text; fostering interest in reading and books. Result: when mastering the subject content of literary reading, students acquire the general educational ability to consciously read texts.2. Mastery of speech, written and communicative culture. Formation, use it to expand knowledge about the world around. Result: schoolchildren are able to work with various types of texts, navigate in a book, independently find information in dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias; are able to participate in a dialogue, build monologues.3. Education of an aesthetic attitude to reality, reflected in fiction. Result: students learn to understand a work of art as a special kind of art; they develop the ability to determine its artistic value and analyze (at an accessible level) means of expression. The ability to compare the art of the word with other types of art (painting, theater, cinema, music) develops. 4. Formation of moral consciousness and aesthetic taste of a younger student; understanding of the spiritual essence of works. Result: in the process of working with a work of art, a younger student masters the basic moral and ethical values, gains the skill of analyzing the positive and negative actions of heroes and events.

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    The main sections of the “Course Contents” The section “Types of Speech and Reading Activities” includes the following content lines: listening (listening), reading (reading aloud, reading to oneself) working with different types of text bibliographic culture working with the text of a work of art working with educational and popular science texts speaking (culture of speech communication) writing (culture of written speech) The section "Children's Reading Circle" defines the principles for selecting the content of the reading of a younger student: Oral works folk art(folklore)Works of the classics domestic literature XIX-XX centuries Works of classics of children's literature Works of modern domestic literature Works of foreign literature Genre diversity (historical, adventure, fantasy, popular science, encyclopedic literature, children's periodicals) Thematic diversity: works about the Motherland, about nature, children, animals, about good and evil .

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    The main sections of the "Course Contents" The section "Literary Propaedeutics" * contains a range of literary concepts for their practical development by students: means of expression: synonyms, antonyms, epithets, comparisons, metaphors, hyperbole; literary concepts: a work of art, an artistic image, the art of the word, an author, a narrator , plot, theme, hero types of utterance: narration (story), description (landscape, portrait, interior), reasoning (monologue, dialogue) prose and poetic speech: rhythm, rhyme folklore and author's works (distinction) small folklore forms: lullabies, songs, nursery rhymes, proverbs and sayings, riddles (recognition, distinction, definition of meaning) fairy tales (about animals, household, magical). Literary fairy tale genres: story, poem, fable (general idea, construction features, expressive means)

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    The main sections of the "Course Content" The section "Creative activity of students (based on literary works)" describes the experience of students' creative activity, which is embodied in the interpretation of the text of a literary work: reading by roles, dramatization, dramatization, oral verbal drawing, acquaintance with different ways of working with deformed text, presentation with elements of an essay, creating your own text based on a work of art (text by analogy), creating your own text based on reproductions of paintings by artists, creating your own text based on personal experience.

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    Learning outcomes in the subject "Literary reading" (// Requirements for the level of preparation of those graduating from primary school) As a result of training in primary school, the necessary level of literary development of students will be achieved, which is characterized as the ability to: reading to form one's own culture, work with a literary text from the point of view of its aesthetic and moral essence, apply analysis, comparison, juxtaposition to determine the genre, characterization of the hero; retell text, search necessary information in artistic, educational, popular science texts, to work with reference and encyclopedic publications.

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    Expected final thematic learning outcomes * * - Based on the material "Technologies for achieving the planned results of mastering primary school programs." The planned results of the development of primary education programs are built on the basis of the Standard Requirements. The content of education is determined not only by the traditional “ZUN” component, but is also supplemented by an “activity” component. The description of thematic results in individual subjects is carried out along the main through didactic lines. For the Literary Reading course, this is Reading Competence: reading technique and skills, reading circle and culture, printed texts, information objects and working with them.

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    Expected final thematic learning outcomes Graduates will begin to: independently, confidently and fluently read a variety of fiction and other literature, choose books that correspond to their passions, level of reading competence and a specific goal, recognize and distinguish between some literary styles and genres, choose reading strategies that are adequate to the characteristics of the text and goals of reading, will be able to discuss what they have read, analyze characteristic portraits of fictional characters and plot details, will read daily and for a long time at school and at home, both in order to enjoy and extract information, will begin independently use reference books, dictionaries, use information technology.

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    Expected final thematic learning outcomes Thus, new standard directs the teacher to the need to increase attention to solving a new important task - the formation of reader independence. Younger students should understand that a book has a special meaning in people's lives, that an interest in reading is a necessary element of the culture of every person. This becomes the basis for developing reading skills - choosing a book, determining its topic from illustrations or annotations, using a table of contents, etc.

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    Samples learning activities schoolchildren reading aloud and “to themselves”; forms of reading: reading in pairs, groups, frontal reading in the classroom: collective and joint reading; choral and individual reading, continuation of reading; types of reading: viewing (introductory), search, selective reading, detailed reading, rereading; emotional response to what has been read; discussion of what has been read; drawing up plans, diagrams, bookmarks and extracts, quotations; retelling (full, concise , selective); questions and answers on what was read; collective dramatization of works of art; reconstruction of the text of the work; "proving" and "finishing" the game with the performance / change of roles: creator (poet, writer, scientist, etc.) performer - listener or viewer; work with text: with its structure and composition (plans and keywords, schemes), with the content and description of the characters (key thoughts and ideas, details of the description, quotes), with language means (means of expression); creating your own statements and texts based on what you read (statement, retelling; feedback, reviews and ratings, annotations; analogues and reconstruction); collective and group discussion of their own creative ideas and works; discussion of the procedure for searching and choosing information, books, preparing for a speech, learning by heart; compiling memos and algorithms.

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    Examples of test tasks Read aloud. Name the characters in this story. Tell what happened to them. Read the text to yourself. Answer the questions. Find a fairy tale familiar to you among the books offered by the teacher. Name it and read from it a short passage of your choice. How does this fairy tale end? Tell us your favorite fairy tale. Why do you like it? Name a few poems that you can read by heart, do not forget to name their authors. Read one of them. Read by heart your favorite poem by A.S. Pushkin. Name a few works that you have read. Name their authors. Name your favorite book character. Do you want to be like him? Read and retell the Russian folk tale, using illustrations for this tale. Read the story. Retell it according to the plan. Consider the books suggested by the teacher. Select reference literature among them. Consider the magazine "Svirel". What can you learn about by reading this magazine? Help a friend choose a book with funny stories among the books lying in front of you. Find questions and tasks on the topic “Man and Nature” in the textbook. Find the meaning of the expression in the etymological dictionary

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    Recommended criteria for evaluating individual progress in improving reading methods (by syllable, fluent by syllable, in whole words, fluent continuous); individual progress in reading expressiveness (intonation, timbre and loudness, emotional coloring); individual progress in understanding the content of the reading; individual progress in work skills with the text; orientation in the circle of reading; interest in reading fiction and non-fiction, expanding the list of what has been read; individual preferences in the circle of reading.

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    "Artistic and aesthetic direction" of the Variable part of the basic curriculum The variable part of the basic curriculum (educational) plan can be used to increase the hours for studying individual subjects of the invariant part in which the student, parent, teacher, educational institution are interested. On the "Artistic and aesthetic direction" extracurricular activities are allotted 2 hours a week. The hours allocated for extracurricular activities are held in the form of excursions, circles, sections, round tables, conferences, disputes, KVNs, school scientific societies, olympiads, etc. Based on these provisions, we propose to consider the teaching materials and the Program for extracurricular reading "Thoughtful Reading". The work of students within the framework of this program will contribute both to a deeper study of the subject "Literary Reading" of the invariant part of the Basic Curriculum, and to the effective formation of reading competence, considered as the main through didactic line for the course of the Russian language and reading in elementary school.

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    PROGRAM "Thoughtful Reading" The content, tasks, forms of work described in the Program "Thoughtful Reading" are built in accordance with the main objectives of the subject "Literary Reading" of the Basic Curriculum, focused on improving all types of speech activity of a younger student (listening, reading, speaking, writing , different kinds retelling), contribute to a deeper acquaintance of elementary school students with domestic and foreign children's literature, develop the moral and aesthetic feelings of the younger student The program was developed on the basis of an analysis of programs and educational readers on literary reading in the so-called "traditional" pedagogical systems recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science RFThe Thoughtful Reading program has been tested for 4 years in schools in Yekaterinburg and Novouralsk Sverdlovsk region, Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region and received the approval of practicing teachers.

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    PROGRAM "Thoughtful Reading" The purpose of the program is to organize independent reading of younger students at home and in extracurricular reading lessons Tasks: Improving reading skills, developing the reading competence of students, developing their sustainable and conscious interest in reading fiction; introducing students to children's books as a cultural phenomenon, its structure, types, genres, themes; the formation of primary ideas about the features of the works and creativity of famous Russian and foreign children's writers; the formation of reading skills necessary for qualified reading activity; the formation of the foundations of the reader's culture, the literary taste of younger students; the development of the habit of thoughtful reading, the ability to apply all knowledge in the process of independent reading, skills and abilities acquired in the lessons of literary reading. development of imagination, literary and creative abilities and speech of students.

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