A letter of thanks to an employee for many years of work is a sample. How to write gratitude for good work: a sample For which employees are thanked

One of the non-material ways to celebrate the merits of an employee is to express gratitude to him. This procedure has its own characteristics - from the application and issuance of an order for encouragement to an entry in the work book. What achievements are employees praised for and how to write gratitude for Good work(sample), learn from the material.

In what cases is it appropriate

Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of the employer to encourage employees for good work, achievement of high results or other merits. The list of achievements for which it is possible to praise, the company establishes independently, for example, in the regulation on remuneration or regulation on encouragement. This list may include:

  • achievement of high production results or overfulfillment of the plan;
  • successful participation in events to promote products (exhibitions and sales, conferences, presentation seminars);
  • high productivity due to rationalization solutions or process improvements;
  • any other outstanding labor merits and achievements.

It should be noted that employees of other organizations can also be thanked for their cooperation. For example, by sending a thank you letter to the company. If there is a desire to clarify the names of those people who distinguished themselves, you can send a petition to their employer indicating the reasons for the promotion. An example of such a document is below.

How to issue

To encourage the employee or not, his immediate supervisor decides. He addresses the head of the organization with a proposal to praise the subordinate for his work. To do this, you need to write a petition, a memo or a letter. The order of gratitude will be drawn up precisely on the basis of such a document.

The main requirement for this document is that it should be clear from it who distinguished himself and how. The date of compilation and information about the applicant must be indicated.

  • information about the company-employer;
  • information about the employee;
  • a description of the achievements of the employee for which he is encouraged;
  • date of the document and the signature of the head.

Like any order, the decision on promotion must be brought to the attention of the employee against signature. You can also acquaint his colleagues with the contents of the document (that is, do it publicly if there is the consent of the employee).

An incentive order is an official document on the basis of which an entry is made in the employee's work book.

Features of the declaration of gratitude at the state level

If an employee has distinguished himself so much that he was noticed by regional or federal authorities, then the application for encouragement is drawn up by the head of the organization or a representative of the authorities (for example, an official or a deputy). On the official website of any authority, there are special sample documents used when an outside employee is encouraged. Here is the template that the Ministry of Labor of the Murmansk Region proposes to use (the sample is taken from the official website of the department):

Entering information in the work book

According to paragraph 24 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 255, personnel officers enter information about the award (encouragement) for merit into a special section of the work book if the employee:

  • he was awarded state awards, he was awarded a state honorary title;
  • awarded with a certificate of honor, diploma, badge or badge, or he was awarded some title by the employer;
  • encouraged in any other way provided for by law, collective agreements, rules of internal work schedule statutes and regulations on discipline.

Taking into account the last point, an entry is made in the work book about any encouragement - both from the state and from the employer. However, in local regulations organizations, there may be clarifications about what other types of incentives appropriate notes will be made. These can be, for example, letters of thanks from third-party organizations, entering on the honor roll.

How to announce

Companies are not required to hold festive and solemn events regarding the announcement of gratitude to one or more employees. But if this is accepted in the organization, then a distinguished employee can be congratulated among colleagues by presenting a specially printed in the printing house form of gratitude, signed by the management. If no celebrations are planned, congratulations are conveyed in an informal setting.

Application Form

A completed sample form T-11


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The documents

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Sample note of gratitude in the work book

Types of rewards

For exemplary employees whose achievements they want to reward, labor Code provided:

  • premium;
  • gratitude;
  • an honorary diploma;
  • valuable prize;
  • the title of "Best by type of activity";

There are other types of remuneration for high achievements, but they are established collectively or by the authorities by agreement in a generally accepted manner or individually for each employee.

Often, the authorities decide on the application of several types of remuneration at the same time:

  • Gratitude is proclaimed in conjunction with financial support.
  • Rewarding with a diploma with material payment.
  • Another kind of encouragement.

A common mistake is to declare gratitude without entering it in the work book. Be on the lookout according to the law, you have the right to demand from the employer marks of merits in the work book.

Before rejoicing and celebrating your professional achievements check your workbook. Make sure that all changes made are backed up with proper documents, otherwise the entry will be considered invalid.

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Order on declaring gratitude to an employee (sample)

Non-financial incentives are effective

Labor legislation provides for various ways to stimulate staff, both material and non-material (Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). We list the main ones:

  • gratitude;
  • premium;
  • valuable gift;
  • certificate of honor;
  • presentation to the title of the best in the profession;
  • presentation for a state award (for special services to society and the state).

As can be seen from the list of ways to encourage employees established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer can use not only material incentives workers, but also moral encouragement. According to practitioners, rewarding an employee without money is an effective way to encourage him to further success for the benefit of the organization (for more on this, see, “We stimulate employees”).

If the organization is large, and the director does not have personal contact with subordinates, the immediate supervisor of the employee must notify him of the success of the employees of his unit who are worthy of the award. This can be done either verbally or writing by submitting a recommendation to the director. In this document, the immediate supervisor will assess labor activity employee and prove the need for rewarding. Having received an employee promotion proposal, it will be much easier for the director to make a decision on this issue (for more details, see, “Incentive submission (sample)”).

Compiling a Thank You Order

So one of the options non-financial incentives worker is an announcement of gratitude to him. If the decision to declare gratitude is made by the director (for example, a corresponding resolution is put on the presentation for promotion), an order of gratitude can be issued.

In practice, employers use unified form encouragement order No. T-11 (No. T-11a), approved. Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1. However, it is not forbidden to use a form developed independently.

When filling out an order of gratitude, you need to indicate what the encouragement is connected with (high performance indicators, success in the implementation of a specific project, etc.). Especially for readers, our specialists have prepared a sample order for declaring gratitude.

On the basis of the order, an entry on the declaration of gratitude can be entered in the work book of the employee. This is the so-called gratitude with entry into the work book (clause 4 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69).

How to make an entry in the work book if gratitude is declared?

Each personnel worker must know how to formalize gratitude in labor.

Information about this is contained in the Instructions for maintaining work books and internal documentation.

Gratitude Recording Steps:

  • opening a personal file of an employee that contains a labor file;
  • issuing an award order;
  • transfer of the order to the employee for review;
  • entering all information in the section "Information and awards".

The record must be shown to the employee in order to correct them immediately in case of any errors and inaccuracies.

If the personnel officer did not indicate incentive measures in the document, the employee has every right to demand the elimination of the error. If everything is correct, the labor is placed back in the personal file.

What documents are issued?

Gratitude information is entered on the basis of two papers:

  • First- this is the letter of thanks itself, signed by the boss and handed to the employee for achievements in work.
  • Second The document is an order that has a number and date.

A letter of thanks is usually given later than the date of issue of the order. The latter contains a description of the merits of the employee, an indication of the position and other important information.

What could be the basis?

The basis for making an entry in the labor on issuing gratitude is the order of the boss. On its basis, the letter itself (or a letter of thanks) is also filled out.

Is an order needed?

The legislation clearly states: an entry is made on the basis of an order in the work book of an employee who has received an encouragement or gratitude.

This document is drawn up in all such cases.

The information entered in the labor must exactly match the information from the order.

  • Name of the employee (in full) and position;
  • type of encouragement (thank you letter);
  • the reasons why the employee deserved the reward.

An additional presentation is made to the order.

It can be in the form of a memo or a report. Already on the basis of this paper, an order is issued.

The memo lists the grounds for issuing gratitude. The chief, having studied the paper, supports the compiler by affixing a personal signature.

Some organizations require signatures of other authorized persons (trade union representatives, head structural unit etc.).

The employee gets acquainted with the order against signature, in rare cases the document is signed by the whole team.

The order is issued in the form of a local regulatory legal act on behalf of the head or his deputy. The document is posted for public viewing (on the information board) in order to familiarize all employees with it.

Rules and step-by-step instructions for registration

The section for information about awards is located in the second part of the labor.

It is filled in according to the established rules:

  • 1st column: here the serial number is affixed (Arabic numbering). If the entry is the first, the number "1" is put and then in order;
  • 2nd column: indicates the date on which the decision was made to issue thanks (the date the entry was made in the labor);
  • 3rd column: information about who awarded the employee (usually the name of the company or internal structural unit where the person works). The name of the award and a brief description of the merits are also given here;
  • 4th column: an indication of the number of the order, according to which the entry is made (No. and date of registration of the order);
  • then the seal of the company and the signature of the head (or deputy) are affixed.

These are the basic steps for making a thank you note.

Information must be recorded neatly and legibly. Mistakes in labor are not allowed.

The form is completed in black or blue ink.

A letter of thanks for cooperation is written by an organization in order to express gratitude for a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship, for successful work over a certain period of time, for delivered goods or services on time.

A letter of gratitude is issued on the organization's letterhead and handed over to the partner in person or by mail.

Why write such a letter? In fact, writing a thank you text will make a positive opinion about the company, it will have a beneficial effect on the reputation and image of the company. Therefore, it is not worth neglecting the writing of such letters.

Below we offer samples of the design of letters of thanks, which express gratitude for the cooperation.

  • An example of the text of a letter of gratitude for the timely delivery of valuables.

Alliance LLC expresses its sincere gratitude to Mebelshchik LLC for the fast and timely delivery of upholstered furniture in 2017.

We express our gratitude for the uninterrupted work in 2017 and the individual approach.

We express confidence in the preservation and strengthening of the existing business relations We look forward to a long-term and successful cooperation.

Director of LLC "Alliance" Popov A.A. Popov

  • The text of a thank you letter to a partner for cooperation.

We express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful cooperation in 2017.

Director of Mayak LLC Petrov Petrov I.I.

In fact, these are standard texts of a thank you document that are devoid of individuality and soul. If you want to express really sincere gratitude to your partner, then use the letters presented only as a sample, try to write your own text that does not look like a template, so that it contains soul and gratitude. It is in this case that the partner will be really pleased, and your cooperation will be further strengthened.

Examples of the texts of the thank you letter of the organization

A letter of thanks can be addressed to another organization, you can thank for partnership, cooperation, timely delivery of goods or payment, work done, for participating in an event, organizing a reception or meeting, etc.

A letter of thanks from the organization is issued on the letterhead of the author of the letter.

Other Sample Thank You Letters:

Below we offer examples of the texts of a thank you letter written by one organization for another.

Thank you letter from the organization - sample texts

1. The text of the letter of thanks from the organization for cooperation

Dear Ivan Borisovich!

Please accept our deep gratitude to Zapchast LLC and sincere gratitude to the management in your person for productive cooperation in the current 2015.

We value sustainable partnerships, expanding the scope of activities due to the participation of your company in the implementation of the planned, the possibility of implementing joint projects.

The professionalism of the specialists of Zapchast LLC, the desire for interaction, the goodwill of all the staff is the key to the success of business and friendly relations.

We wish you personally and the staff of the organization health, professional success in achieving the goals in the development of the company. We hope for the further preservation of partnership relations and the implementation of new joint plans in the field of industrial construction.

Director of Soratnik LLC S.S. Petrov

2. Sample letter of thanks from the organization for participating in the event

The administration of the company "Business Lines" expresses its deep gratitude to LLC "Modern Printing" for the active information support and participation in the organization of the regional conference "World of New Technologies".

The demonstrated knowledge, experience and skill of the company's employees in the process of preparing the event, efficiency in processing materials, processing the results of the conference - all this is a confirmation of the high professional qualities of each member of the team and great guide the company as a whole.

We sincerely strive to be mutually beneficial and contribute to the achievement of your professional goals.

We look forward to further joint work in the field information technologies and maintaining our partnerships in the development and promotion of subsequent projects.

Director of ANO "Business Lines", Yu.I. Samoilov

3. An example of the text of a letter of thanks from the organization for participating in the project

Please accept our sincere gratitude for participating in the joint project to organize summer holiday teenagers of the club "Golden Ball". We are grateful to each employee and personally to the head sports school"Reserve" to A.N. Grebnev for his indifferent attitude to the issues of health, development and education of adolescents.

Thanks to the joint efforts teaching staff, we have achieved excellent results: all members of the teenage club visited the Crimea on preferential terms, visited sports competitions and got vivid impressions from the trip.

We hope for further support of our undertakings, so that in the future the members of the club become pupils of the sports school, and our ties are not interrupted.

We wish your team professional development and achievement of pedagogical and sports victories! May success, prosperity and stability accompany your work.

Thank You Sample for Cooperation

Saved money is generally happy. Before customizing the template, as a rule, we recommend that you carefully look at the parts of the articles of the codes given in it. During processing, they may lose their freshness. A good sample will prove useful in resolving problems when coming up with a formal letter. This will help save on attorney fees.

Companies and firms, as well as individuals who care about their image, reputation, authority, as well as seeking to form a positive opinion about themselves, should not neglect compiling and sending letters of thanks. Gratitude for cooperation is considered good manners and serves as a way to maintain mutually beneficial relationships and relationships in business and everyday life.

How to write a letter of thanks for cooperation

The main purpose of compiling a letter of thanks is in the expression by its compiler of his attitude to certain actions rendered for him or services provided to him. The letter can express gratitude for the cooperation of the client, colleagues, business partners, entire organizations and companies.

1. The text of gratitude for cooperation is presented in free form. It is preferable that the style and manner of presentation be friendly, without the use of pronounced officialdom.

2. Gratitude for cooperation, as a rule, is expressed for a specific reason, which must be recorded in the letter.

3. It is allowed to indicate and list the merits of the recipient, to whom gratitude is expressed for cooperation.

4. An official business letter of gratitude for cooperation is drawn up on the letterhead of the company or organization, on which its details are indicated. Additionally, the form can be stamped and signed by the head.

The structure of the letter expressing gratitude for cooperation

A standard thank you letter has the following structure:

1. The heading of the document, which indicates the subject to whom gratitude is expressed.

2. Direct appeal to a specific person or legal entity.

3. Thank you text.

4. Details of the party expressing gratitude.

Thank You Letter Samples for Cooperation

In some cases, writing a letter can be difficult, since it is not always possible and not everyone can find words of gratitude for cooperation quickly and competently. The ability to obtain a sample document and use it for your own needs greatly facilitates the task for many interested parties.

Templates with high-quality texts of gratitude for long-term and fruitful cooperation, for help, to the school, partners, partners and employees are convenient blanks. You just need to choose a template and use it for its intended purpose. The finished text will allow you to avoid the difficulties and problems with compiling a competent and meaningful text that allows you to express your sincere attitude.

If one organization wants to thank another for their cooperation, then this can be done with a thank you letter. You can download a sample of such a letter at the end of the article.

A letter of thanks is an official document that one partner can send to another in order to express gratitude for mutually beneficial cooperation. An organization can use such a business letter to express appreciation for a long and successful relationship, continuity of supply, timely services rendered, or quality work performed.

The organization can send a prepared letter of thanks to its partner by mail, via the Internet or hand it in person.

The letter is written in a standard way, following the structure of the thank you letter outlined in this article.

  • In the text of the letter, you must express words of gratitude and gratitude for the cooperation (long-term or one-time), indicate what exactly you thank your partner for.
  • The text also needs to include the name of the organization from which the letter is being written, and the name of the organization to which it is addressed.
  • The document must be signed by the head of the organization of the writer of the letter.

To make a thank you letter look like official document, it is convenient to issue it on the letterhead of the enterprise.

A thank you letter for cooperation might look like this:

LLC "Interplus" expresses its sincere gratitude to LLC "Forestry" for a long and mutually beneficial cooperation in 2014.

Thank you for the individual approach, uninterrupted work in 2014.

We express hope for the continuation of our cooperation and the strengthening of mutual relations.

Director of Interplus LLC Ivanov V.A. Ivanov

Letter of thanks for cooperation

A letter of thanks for cooperation is a business letter that expresses gratitude on behalf of the head of the organization to his partner for the high-quality and timely delivery of goods, work performed, services rendered.

How to write a thank you letter for cooperation

A letter of thanks for cooperation has the same details as a business letter:

The position, surname and initials of the employee of the organization are written, to whom words of gratitude are addressed for cooperation. An optional element of a thank you letter - indicated if necessary.

  • Appeal. The surname, name, patronymic of the person to whom gratitude is expressed is written. Also indicated as needed.
  • The text of the letter of thanks for cooperation Contains words of gratitude for cooperation, an expression of hope for the further development of partnerships.
  • Signature.

Signature of the head of the organization, which expresses gratitude for the cooperation, his position, surname and initials.

Thank You Letter Sample for Cooperation

Real LLC expresses its deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to MebelOpt OJSC for the high-quality and timely delivery of furniture in 2012.

Stable shipments allowed us to carry out our activities smoothly and attract regular customers.

We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations and look forward to further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.

Director of LLC "Real"

Thank You Letter for Cooperation (Samples)

Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for the fruitful cooperation. Thanks to your efforts, our company has acquired new customers and expanded the range of its activities.

We sincerely hope that you will continue to be on the list of our partners next year. In turn, we promise to thank you with high-quality and decent work that meets the needs of all our customers.

We wish you and all your friendly team success in your professional field and prosperity!

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The Stroymaster administration sincerely thanks the Delo.ru team for their professionalism and decency during the joint work on the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center. We hope to maintain respectable partnerships in the work on new projects.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Our companies have been cooperating for the past five years, and during all this time there has not been a single case that would make us doubt your professionalism and integrity. We, as before, thank you for your services and partnership.

But, analyzing the results of work on our latest joint project - the construction

SEC "Grand Lux", we came to the conclusion that our company is obliged to express gratitude to all your team, and in particular to the senior administrator Anna Nikonenko. It was thanks to her prompt resolution of all organizational issues that we were able to complete the project on time.

We sincerely hope to cooperate with you in the future!

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

I, the General Director of Delo.ru LLC, together with my entire team, express my sincere gratitude to Stroy Master. Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center - was completed successfully and became a worthy example of quality and professionalism.

We hope that in the future we will repeatedly cooperate with your team.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Delo.ru LLC would like to thank you for your cooperation. We sincerely welcome the opportunity to work with you on joint projects. We are especially grateful to you and your team for decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work.

We will try to keep our partnership relations mutually beneficial and fruitful in the future.

We sincerely wish you and each of your employees professional growth, financial stability and reliable partners.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Individual entrepreneur Maxim Alekseevich Ivanov thanks Delo.ru LLC for integrity, efficiency and professionalism in work. In the process of our cooperation, I was pleasantly surprised not only by the acceptable pricing policy and the quality of your products, but also the high communication culture of your staff.

I wish you new clients and rapid career development.

The Delo.ru company sincerely thanks the information publication Pravda for its cooperation. We would like to emphasize your high level of professionalism, efficiency and objectivity in covering events.

We hope that in the future our cooperation will become even more fruitful and long lasting.

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Team information publication Pravda sincerely thanks all the administrative and teaching staff of the Patriot Lyceum. Thanks to your efforts, our team managed to organize a festival of youth creativity "Patriotic Autumn".

Thanksgiving letters

OOO Praktika, Orsk expresses its sincere gratitude to the VBK-paint Group of Companies for the fruitful cooperation in the outgoing 2012.
We would like to note the work of Eliseeva Svetlana Andreevna, who during the year of joint work showed high-quality service and a responsible approach to work.
LLC director "Practice" Komissarchik V.P.

We would like to express our gratitude to VBK, especially to the manager Shaydurov Maxim, for the quality work and timely delivery of materials.
OOO "PK Autom"

Organization OOO PK "Gravelite" represented by director Yudin K.Yu. expresses gratitude and appreciation to the VBK-kraska Group of Companies for the excellent work.
We look forward to fruitful work in the future!

Sincerely, Director of PK LLC "Gravelite" Yudin K.Yu.

We express our gratitude to the VBC Group of Companies for cooperation in the supply of paints and varnishes. I would especially like to note the manager Shaydurov Maxim for his conscientious attitude to orders and work in general.

We look forward to further cooperation.

Sincerely, director of the company LLC Severs Litvin Mikhail Viktorovich

On behalf of the manager and employees LLC KLK, Krasnoyarsk we express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the VBK-kraska Group of Companies for successful cooperation, high-quality work and always timely delivery of paint to objects.
Of particular note is the competence and highly qualified employees of the company, in particular the project manager Eliseeva Svetlana Andreevna. It always seeks to offer solutions that are aimed primarily at improving performance.
Our joint work has been going on for a long time, and we can recommend the VKB-Paint Group of Companies as a successful and profitable partner.
We express hope for further cooperation.
Sincerely, Director of LLC "KLK" Zhadaev R.Yu.

We express our gratitude to the VBC Group of Companies for the excellent and well-coordinated work, for high-quality products, for timely delivery.

And we also express our gratitude to our manager Pivovarova Xenia Andreevna for the quick work and kind attitude!

Sincerely yours Director of the OSB Tobolsk A.V. Vershinin

OOO "PromTechnoStroy" expresses gratitude to the VBC Group of Companies for fast work, high-quality paints and varnishes and timely delivery of products. I would also like to point out professional managers, in particular Pivovarova Ksenia Andreevna. This manager can always competently advise on all types of paints and varnishes.
Thank you for your work and we look forward to further cooperation.
LLC director "PromTechnoStroy" Laptev M.A.

We express to you our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful cooperation.

We believe in maintaining the existing business and friendly relations, we hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation. We wish you successful development and achievement of new heights in business.

Sincerely CEO A.V. Melekhin

LLC organization "LogisticCenter" North " expresses its deep gratitude and sincere thanks to « Master » for quality and timely delivery.
We would like to express our special thanks to the manager Svetlana for the excellent service.

We look forward to further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.

LLC director "LogisticCenter" North " A.A. Chernenko

OOO "Severoural thermal insulation" thanks the VBK Group of Companies for professionalism in work, excellent quality and timely delivery of products.
And we are also satisfied with the work of the manager Pivovarova Xenia, who can always quickly advise and select the right products.

General Director Martynovsky V.A.

I would like to thank the VBK Group of Companies for their excellent work, competent and polite advice from managers, a wide selection of paint and varnish products and excellent product quality.

Development Director LLC Arkada-M LLC N.A. Bragina

Our company expresses its deep gratitude to you for fruitful and long-term cooperation, punctuality and reliability in the supply of paints and varnishes. Special thanks for the opportunity to receive consulting services in the vast world of colors.

I would like to note the work of the manager Kostomarova Anna Andreevna, who attracts us with understanding and responsiveness, and most importantly, professional approach to our common cause.

Sincerely, Deputy General Manager PKF PMK LLC Ustyantsev K.A.

Russian Leasing LLC expresses gratitude to the VBC Group of Companies for cooperation in the supply of paints and varnishes. I would especially like to note the manager Shaydurov Maxim for his conscientious attitude to orders and work in general.

We look forward to further cooperation.

Sincerely, General Director A.V. Yakushev

How to write a thank you letter to an employee, manager or business partners - text examples

Any employee can receive a letter of thanks from the organization, such gratitude is expressed in case of good work. This is a business document containing words of gratitude, and the reason is different: quality service, a job well done, successful cooperation, assistance or assistance. A non-commercial business letter is addressed to one person or a whole team.

What is a thank you letter

Get a letter of thanks individual person individually or in a group. This emphasizes the importance of people, their merits. Such a letter may be a response to a congratulation or invitation. Thank you letter meets all the requirements business style, it has the main parts: the header of the document, the appeal, the main text, the paper is accompanied by the signature of the head, the seal is put. The letter is written on the letterhead of the company, has a clear form, is one of the types business communication between people.


A letter of thanks is considered a business document, but some deviations from the rules are allowed here. The header is specified if necessary, it is an optional element. It contains information about the person (or people) to whom gratitude is expressed. Below is the appeal. Then words of gratitude are placed, which consist of template phrases. And at the bottom left, a signature should be put with the basic data expressing gratitude: the full name, the title of the position are indicated. All this is often done on letterhead on behalf of the head.

You can download samples of thank you letters from the Internet:

  • for cooperation;
  • employee
  • organizations;
  • teacher
  • doctor;
  • student;
  • for help;
  • for charity;
  • thanks to parents, veterans, volunteers, etc.

Writing patterns may be as follows:

  • Option 1:
    • The company (name) gives hearty expressions of gratitude and sincere gratitude to the company (name) and the heads of enterprises for the high-quality and timely delivery of furniture (other goods).
    • We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations, we want to express hope for further mutually beneficial, fruitful cooperation.
    • Position, signature, full name.
  • Option 2:
    • Dear (name, patronymic)!
    • We express our gratitude to you for your many years of work, you make a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the company!
    • On the day of your 50th birthday, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, accomplishment of all undertakings, further success, good health, joy, happiness!
    • Sincerely, (position) signature, full name

What do you express gratitude for in a letter?

The design of the thank-you note is done for a job well done, assistance, support. If people financially sponsored or were suppliers of equipment, furniture, and other necessary things, they can be sent gratitude by e-mail for help with expressing deep gratitude with warm words that will cheer up the addressee and inspire new good deeds.

For conscientious work

Some people devote many years to their work, they put all their efforts, they work conscientiously. They thank the employee of the organization with such a letter, it must indicate the name and patronymic of the person, how much he worked in the organization, what were the merits during this time. Write a text that mentions personal and professional quality person, the projects on which the person worked. The purpose of a thank you message is to please a person, to raise his strength to new level, so it is important to write it correctly.

Sample letter thanking an employee

  1. Dear (name, patronymic)!
  2. We express our gratitude to you, sincere appreciation for the fact that you have been working with us for 15 years, making a huge contribution to the development of the company!
  3. On the day of your anniversary, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, success, good health, happiness, creative achievements, material wealth!
  4. Position title, signature, full name.

Gratitude for work

The immediate supervisor should write a thank you note to the employee, and then sign it. In the text, they write an appeal both to one person and to the whole team of the company. Expressed if the project was completed on time or even earlier. If the team worked smoothly and successfully, after which the company made a big profit, then the letter will also be a good form. Sample structure:

  • Dear (name, patronymic or collective such and such)!
  • Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank the employees of the company (name) for the service provided, high quality work, efficiency and timely assistance in solving pressing issues.
  • I hope for further long-term, fruitful cooperation.
  • Sincerely, (last name, first name).

For the help

Expression of gratitude in business letters often follows how some help was provided to a company or a specific person by another organization or individual. Help is expressed in moral support, organization of any event. Often help comes in the form of sponsorship funding for a company or person in their new project.

Sample thank you letter:

  • Dear (yo)!
  • The administration of [name] expresses its gratitude for the sponsorship in organizing the anniversary of a humanitarian university. The performances of the musicians were at the highest level, and the light show was extraordinarily beautiful! We express our special gratitude to you, because the successful implementation of this project would not have been possible without your participation.
  • We wish you and the whole team (company name) health, interesting ideas, their successful implementation, good clients, the growth of professionalism.
  • Sincerely, (name, surname).

Thank you for your cooperation

Sample structure:

  • Dear (name, patronymic)!
  • We highly appreciate working with your company. We are well aware that we owe our success, first of all, to the companies offering our services, to successful cooperation with you. We wish you and your company success and prosperity!
  • Sincerely (name, surname of the head).

The work book contains not only personal data about the employee and his professional activity, but also information about awards.

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The entry is made after the preparation of the corresponding order by the management.

word of law

In 2004 came into force legislative changes regarding the rules for maintaining work books - employers were offered an updated sample document (Resolution No. 225).

In this regard, the procedure for filling out and storing "working passports" has changed - the Ministry of Labor presented new instruction for maintaining personnel records.

In accordance with it, the following information is entered in the section of the work book "Information on incentives":

  • on rewards for achieving success in work in accordance with the Federal Law "On the role of teams in the management of enterprises";
  • notes on incentives received in the agricultural sector;
  • information about rewards for success in the organization, at the enterprise, etc., provided for by the provisions of the Charter and disciplinary rules.

The possibility of entering data on incentives in the work book is also provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 191 states that employees who perform their duties in good faith are entitled to receive incentives, which can be material and non-material. The latter can be reflected in the labor.

What information needs to be entered?

Each company has a charter and other internal documentation. They provide for various kinds of incentives for employees (for example, the title of the best employee).

Candidates of workers who have merits that are especially significant for the country are nominated for state awards.

Bonuses received by an employee according to internal regulations are not considered promotions.

So, in the section "Information about awards" contains information about labor achievements:

  • state awards and titles, certified by documents indicating the essence of the achievement;
  • honorary titles, diplomas, insignia, diplomas;
  • other incentives statutory and the articles of association of the company.

Material rewards paid on a regular basis for the performance labor function, are not included in the labor force.

What will it give the employee?

The record of promotion in the work book is of great importance for the employee.

Gratitude increases the prestige of the employee in the eyes of management and the chances of occupying a higher position. The employee acquires a positive reputation, which makes the rest of the team follow his example and achieve high performance in work.

The person at the device new job will immediately be in good standing.

The authorities will be able to trust him with complex tasks, which again contributes to the rapid career growth. Therefore, even if the employer did not mention the reward for a difficult task, it is better to hint to him that it would be nice to get it (meaning - intangible).

Employers themselves strive to reward diligent workers, especially if the tasks are put forward in a short time.

Employees who constantly strive to improve productivity and product quality, offer innovative ideas and show brilliant results are worthy of encouragement.

Encouragement can take the form of announcing gratitude, bonuses, awarding a valuable gift or a certificate of honor, listing on the Honor Board, etc. Material remuneration can be a certain amount or percentage of an employee’s salary or the amount of work done.

Labor legislation provides for the possibility of encouraging the best employees by assigning them the status of "best professional", but managers do not use this option so often.

This is due to the fact that the employer must organize a competition professional excellence, assemble a commission, develop evaluation criteria by which the title will be awarded, as well as determine the timing and procedure for the competition.

However, such an encouragement can be awarded without a competition - based on the overall achievements of the employee.

For this purpose, surveys are conducted, accounting papers are studied. The title is awarded in front of the entire team with the presentation of a diploma or diploma. Possible statements such as " Best Manager"," The best "cook" in the profession, etc.

How to make an entry in the work book if gratitude is declared?

Each staff member must know how to draw up gratitude in labor.

Information about this is contained in the Instructions for maintaining work books and internal documentation.

Gratitude Recording Steps:

  • opening a personal file of an employee that contains a labor file;
  • issuing an award order;
  • transfer of the order to the employee for review;
  • entering all information in the section "Information and awards".

The record must be shown to the employee in order to correct them immediately in case of any errors and inaccuracies.

If the personnel officer did not indicate incentive measures in the document, the employee has every right to demand the elimination of the error. If everything is correct, the labor is placed back in the personal file.

What documents are issued?

Gratitude information is entered on the basis of two papers:

  • First- this is the letter of thanks itself, signed by the boss and handed to the employee for achievements in work.
  • Second The document is an order that has a number and date.

A letter of thanks is usually given later than the date of issue of the order. The latter contains a description of the merits of the employee, an indication of the position and other important information.

What could be the basis?

The basis for making an entry in the labor on issuing gratitude is the order of the boss. On its basis, the letter itself (or a letter of thanks) is also filled out.

Is an order needed?

The legislation clearly states: an entry is made on the basis of an order in the work book of an employee who has received an encouragement or gratitude.

This document is drawn up in all such cases.

The information entered in the labor must exactly match the information from the order.

The order specifies:

  • Name of the employee (in full) and position;
  • type of encouragement (thank you letter);
  • the reasons why the employee deserved the reward.

An additional presentation is made to the order.

It can be in the form of a memo or a report. Already on the basis of this paper, an order is issued.

The memo lists the grounds for issuing gratitude. The chief, having studied the paper, supports the compiler by affixing a personal signature.

Some organizations require signatures of other authorized persons (trade union representatives, head of a structural unit, etc.).

The employee gets acquainted with the order against signature, in rare cases the document is signed by the whole team.

The order is issued in the form of a local regulatory legal act on behalf of the head or his deputy. The document is posted for public viewing (on the information board) in order to familiarize all employees with it.

Sample order:

Presentation example:

Rules and step-by-step instructions for registration

The section for information about awards is located in the second part of the labor.

It is filled in according to the established rules:

  • 1st column: here the serial number is affixed (Arabic numbering). If the entry is the first, the number "1" is put and then in order;
  • 2nd column: indicates the date on which the decision was made to issue thanks (the date the entry was made in the labor);
  • 3rd column: information about who awarded the employee (usually the name of the company or internal structural unit where the person works). The name of the award and a brief description of the merits are also given here;
  • 4th column: an indication of the number of the order, according to which the entry is made (No. and date of registration of the order);
  • then the seal of the company and the signature of the head (or deputy) are affixed.

These are the basic steps for making a thank you note.

Information must be recorded neatly and legibly. Mistakes in labor are not allowed.

The form is completed in black or blue ink.

What to do if there is no free space for making an entry?

Some particularly hardworking employees often receive promotions, and the section reserved for awards ends.

The personnel officer acts in this case very simply: he prints out a new form for awards and thanks and pastes it into the labor one.

On the new sheet must be the seal of the company and the signature of the head.

After that, you can continue to make records of awards and thanks. Do the same if this sheet is over.

Recording examples

Many types of awards are associated with specific activities of employees. Entries in view of such a variety of awards cannot be generalized in the labor and are made differently depending on the type.

Thus, the wording of the entry is determined depending on the situation.

Sample records in the labor, if gratitude is declared:

  • “A. O. Ivanov was awarded for many years of conscientious work”;
  • "Petrov P. S. was awarded a diploma for his contribution to the development of information technology";
  • "Krasnov G.V. was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 2nd degree"
  • “Gratitude for help in organizing the talent competition”;
  • "Awarded with a valuable gift for participation in the preparation of the exposition."

How it looks in the book:

Subtleties of terminology

There are minor problems with the interpretation of concepts in the legislation.

In practice, it often happens that records of awards in labor are interpreted incorrectly.

That is why when making gratitude, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • numbering (correct order);
  • date (follows the date of issue of the order);
  • company name;
  • type of award;
  • information about the recipient.

If all of the above data is specified, the entry is considered valid.

Common Mistakes

The most main mistake when issuing gratitude, this is the absence of an order or a discrepancy between the information specified in this document and the labor one.

It is important that both documents match the reasons for the award and other information.

In what cases can a personnel officer be fined?

Letters of thanks are a special kind of manifestation corporate culture. Such letters are widely used by organizations, both in the form of rewards for the work of subordinates, and to express appreciation for the cooperation of business partners, customers and other enterprises.

When are thank you letters written?

Most often, such letters are compiled for some dates: all-Russian holidays, birthdays, corporate events. Sometimes managers express gratitude to employees for some specific achievement (and also in addition to a bonus), for example, for completing financial plan etc., and to business partners - for long-term and effective cooperation, assistance in concluding a contract, etc.

Below for download is a blank form and an example of a letter to a sales manager for the successful completion of labor duties:

The role of a thank you letter

The value of letters of thanks is undoubtedly extremely great; it is not for nothing that such letters have always been widely used. For the author, this is not a particularly expensive, but effective way to make it clear to an employee or partner about the recognition of his merits, and for the addressee, it is always a pleasant reminder of his own importance. Quite often, thank you letters serve as an additional motivator, an incentive for more efficient work.

Design rules

For obvious reasons, there is no and cannot be a standard sample of a thank you letter. It is always compiled in free form, but it is absolutely necessary to adhere to certain norms and rules when writing it.

  • First of all, it should be remembered that the letter must contain information about the author and recipient, and if a specific person acts as the addressee, then it is necessary to address him by name and patronymic.
  • Then in the letter it is necessary to list the specific merits and achievements that became the reason for writing it.
  • In conclusion, be sure to put the date of the letter, as well as the signature of the head of the organization or other authorized employee.
  • If desired, the letter can be certified with a seal - it will give the message additional solidity.

Elegant appearance letters, including the envelope, will also confirm the sincerity of the author's thanks to the person.

Letters of thanks can be issued both on a regular sheet of A4 format, and on the letterhead of the organization. But the most preferred option is to compose a letter on a beautifully designed template printed on quality paper in color. The more presentable the design of gratitude, the more weighty and meaningful it will be for the addressee.

You can write thanks either by hand or type on a computer. At the same time, it should be remembered that a handwritten letter, especially written in calligraphic handwriting, is always of great value compared to a printed one, since it once again emphasizes the sincerity, warmth of the written words and special respect for the addressee.

It is not worth it to be very original when composing the text - pathos, hypocrisy and jokes are inappropriate here. In the same way, excessive officialdom should be avoided. No need to write a letter too sweeping, it is better to choose concise, precise words and fit them into a few sentences.

Examples of how NOT to write a thank you letter

Dear all our team Vyacheslav Evgenievich Lushnikov!
We want to express our most vivid feelings towards you, in connection with your inherent industriousness, cheerfulness and purposefulness! …

Vyacheslav Evgenievich! Brother!
First, hold the crab! Secondly, you are the best, so these lines are for you! …

And now the correct example

Vyacheslav Evgenievich!
The team of the company Name of the Firm LLC thanks you for many years of work, diligence and an active life position ...

It is worth remembering that the letter is not drawn up personally from the writer, but on behalf of the organization. Even if an easy, friendly, relaxed atmosphere reigns within the team or in relations with a partner, the addressee of the letter may be offended by its content or take gratitude not very seriously.

On the other hand, as already written above, there are no strict requirements, so you can use any option you like.

Instructions for writing a thank you letter

  • In the "header" of the thank you letter, you need to indicate the recipient, namely: his position, the name of the enterprise and the specific employee.
  • Further, in the middle of the line, you should write a direct appeal with the name, patronymic (most often, adjectives such as “respected”, “dear”, etc.) are used here.
  • The next part of the letter deals directly with gratitude. Here you can write both general phrases and specific actions for which recognition is expressed. The main rule is not to dissemble, gratitude must be sincere.
  • In the same part of the letter, it can be said that in addition to the noted merits, the author of the letter is counting on further cooperation and new results (this will emphasize the value and indispensability of the recipient, in addition, the addressee will be motivated to successfully solve new problems).
  • Finally, the letter must be signed. The higher the status of the author of the signature in the official hierarchy, the more valuable the letter will be, as practice shows. Also, gratitude must be dated.

General rules for writing thank you letters

To properly compose a thank you letter, you need to understand what the recipient will do with it.

Usually the document is hung on the wall and shown to the company's clients. That is, it performs the function of presenting the organization. Usually letters are hung in a frame, so they must be issued on a standard format letterhead.

The letter of thanks is written on the official letterhead of the organization. It should include the name of the sending organization. This is not only a formal rule, but also additional advertising for the company. For registration of thanks you need a dense sheet. It is important to pay attention to its aesthetics, since the document is used specifically for demonstration purposes. It makes sense to choose a stylish font, pick up a nice color palette.

The recipient of the document is usually the head of the company. The signature also contains the initials of the director of the sending organization. Be sure to sign and seal. This is a confirmation of the authenticity of the thank you letter. These documents are an important part of business relationships. They allow you to establish long-term cooperation. The letter is aimed at stimulating actions that are beneficial for companies. You can send it to partners, customers, and employees.

Sample texts of a thank you letter addressed to an employee

1. The text of the thank you letter to the employee for successful work

We express our gratitude to you for your contribution to the development of our company. Thank you for working in our company for 10 years, reaching new heights with us. Thanks to your professionalism and literacy, our company develops, grows and expands.

We express our sincere hope that our relations will only grow stronger and develop over the years.

We wish you inexhaustible energy, new achievements and grandiose plans.

We sincerely express our gratitude to you on behalf of our entire company for the fact that you have been working conscientiously in our team for several years now. Your many years of work, professionalism, responsibility, constant desire to prove yourself as a leader are very important qualities for us. Thank you for trying to improve the quality of our company.

We sincerely wish you further professional success and achievement of your goals. May optimism and business spirit never leave you!

Sincerely, Mitin E. A.

Director of the company "Arfa"

In connection with retirement

If an employee who is retiring has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the company, regularly and fully fulfills his official duties, the management of the organization has the right to reward the employee thank you letter for many years of work in the event of his retirement. In this case, the following paper design option is allowed for an employee retiring.

Dear Tatyana Stanislavovna!

We want to admit that we are very sorry to part with you! We express our deep gratitude for the fact that you have chosen our company for a long-term long-term cooperation. Your contribution to its development is invaluable. You have all the qualities of a leader - honesty, conscientiousness, diligence, purposefulness, the ability to find an approach to each subordinate. Thanks to you, we have fulfilled an important mission - we have achieved significant success in the field of metallurgy.

Dear Varvara Matveevna!

The Department of Culture of the Administration of the City of Yekaterinburg thanks you and the creative teams of the Sverdlovsk State Philharmonic Society for introducing the residents of the city and the region to professional art, fruitful cooperation over the years, the high level of performance of groups and soloists, and assistance in holding a concert program for the Day of the Cultural Worker.

We look forward to continued cooperation in the formation cultural space Yekaterinburg.

Head of Culture Department

administration of Yekaterinburg

Dear Konstantin Arturovich!

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your significant contribution to the development of librarianship across Russia and the opportunities provided for the regions to enter into broad contacts with the international intellectual community, which you actively contribute to in your many years of activity. For the Amur Region, its involvement in all-Russian and interregional projects, programs and real participation in Russian cultural processes is of great importance.

Your support and participation in the library forum "Problems of formation and implementation of a regional program in the field of reading development" on the basis of the Sakhalin Regional Universal scientific library May 18-22, 2019 gave a serious impetus to the preparation of a regional program in the development of reading as a national task.

The Ministry of Culture of the Sakhalin Region is ready to develop further cooperation in solving common large-scale programs in the field of culture.

I wish you good luck and successful activity.

Department of Education and youth policy administration of the city of Voronezh in connection with the successful presentation of the work of students at the fifth city competition "Creativity of the young" thanks the teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "School No. 55"

Mityaeva Arina Ignatovna

for effective implementation in educational activities multimedia technologies that contribute to improving the quality of education and the formation of the ability of students to navigate in the information and communication space.

education and youth

Voronezh administration policy

member of the Cultural Council

at the Department of Culture

Dear Nina Eduardovna!

International charitable foundation"Gloria" expresses its deep gratitude to you and the staff of the House of Culture "Medea" for cooperation in organizing and holding the play "There is not much."

The mission of culture and art is lofty and noble. It carries the eternal ideas of humanism and beauty, helps to develop aesthetic taste, kindness and moral spirituality.

We believe in maintaining business and friendship relationships. We express hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

For exemplary employees whose achievements they want to reward, the labor code provided:

  • premium;
  • gratitude;
  • an honorary diploma;
  • valuable prize;
  • the title of "Best by type of activity";

There are other types of remuneration for high achievements, but they are established collectively or by the authorities by agreement in a generally accepted manner or individually for each employee.

Often, the authorities decide on the application of several types of remuneration at the same time:

  • Gratitude is proclaimed in conjunction with financial support.
  • Rewarding with a diploma with material payment.
  • Another kind of encouragement.

Non-material recognition of the merits of an employee

To such a motivating method as the publication of merits and achievements, modern leadership resorts quite infrequently. However, a commendable speech in the presence of the whole team serves as a good incentive for both the most distinguished person and the rest of the employees.

Moreover, the door to new opportunities opens before the employee who is thanked, for example:

  • Receiving an award.
  • The expansion of social package.
  • Getting a raise.
  • Benefits of taking out a loan.

There are the most popular methods of non-material encouragement of an employee:

  • Recognition as an employee's work model for the entire department/company.
  • Appreciation for a job well done.
  • Presentation of an honorary symbol (diploma, cup, medal).
  • The title of "guru" in his profession.

Provision on encouragement

The normative act assumes a consistent record of rewards. Any type of remuneration, if desired, is issued in separate document, but it is not prohibited to issue one document, i.e. it will immediately indicate the number of workers and types of gratitude, and you can also indicate people who claim to be thanked in the future.

Legislation rules on the content of the provisions are not established. This indicates that the application is in free form.

However, there are a few points regarding content that need to be included:

  • List of conditions under which gratitude is declared.
  • The circle of employees to whom gratitude is declared.
  • Kind of gratitude.
  • Thank you frequency.

Appreciation letter for work

How many organizations, so many of their rules and differences in paperwork are found. So some before submitting an order make a petition.

Free form is also characteristic of him. However, the following information must be present:

  • Personal data of the employee (full name).
  • Current position.
  • Company name.
  • The right (list of achievements) to receive promotion.

As a rule, special documents confirming the merits of the employee are attached to the application., as well as a list of previous awards and achievements, if any.

After the approval of the application, an order is prepared. There are forms of orders No. T-11 or T-11a. The Russian Goskomstat issued a regulation on this form of order dated 01/05/2004 No. 1. They can be used.

Thank you note in your workbook

Before compiling a thank-you text and entering it in a work book, you must decide on the reasons. That is, to understand what the record will be based on.

Most often they are specified as follows:

  • Significant increase in labor efficiency.
  • Demonstration performance in important events for the company.
  • Successful implementation of large projects.
  • Innovation of ideas and proposals in various fields of activity.
  • Improving the efficiency of labor organization.
  • Competent management of young specialists and their training.

Thank you letter for work book

It is necessary to formulate a thank-you note according to the merits and awards of a person. It is better to start the entry with the name and number of the order, and then what the employee was awarded for and what: “Order No. ... from the number ... employee (full name) ... for such and such success ... awarded ... ". Sometimes, if an employee has received a promotion, then the wording of the entry begins with the words "Accepted to a position ... An employee of such and such a company (name of organization and employee's full name) ... in connection with such and such merits."

In general, the effectiveness of a thank you speech directly depends on the talent of the personnel officer. Just keep in mind that the litter is compiled by the official literate language.

Learning how to correctly make an entry in the work book

According to the order of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003, in connection with the appearance of new model books, the rules for filling them out have also changed.

When you enter information about the promotion, you must remember to indicate the reasons:

  • Encouragement and rewards for success in work.
  • Incentives for making improvements to the labor discipline established by the charter of the enterprise. In addition to information on incentives, data on awards, if any, should also be registered.
  • On the basis of decrees and decisions of awarding state sample or an honorary title.
  • Upon receipt of an honorary title or badge, the accompanying awarding of a diploma, otherwise with a diploma.

It should be noted that a special section has appeared for declaring gratitude. According to the decree of the Russian Federation, according to paragraph 24 of April 16, 2003, a section of information on incentives appeared, where an entry about gratitude is made. Thank you note must be made in accordance with the order.

Record Sample

In view of the order to remunerate the distinguished employee, a litter is registered in the work book. The Russian Ministry of Labor of October 10, 2003 issued regulation No. 69. In paragraph 4, you will find recommendations on the order and principle of recording.

Let's take a step-by-step look at where and how to make an entry:

  • We are looking for the item “Information about rewards (awards)”.
  • Column 3 (title) should contain the full / abbreviated name of the organization.
  • 1 column should contain the record number in order (according to the increasing activity of the employee for the whole year).
  • 2nd column - date of birth.
  • 3rd column - by whom the promotion was made and for what merits of the employee.
  • 4th column - this is the name of the document, according to which the note will be drawn up in the work book, do not forget to indicate the data of the document (date and number).

Frequent problems and errors

It should be noted the pressing problem associated with the use of the terms "incentives" and "rewards". The term "encouragement" denotes a generic concept (gratitude, promotion, bonus payment). The term "reward" denotes a specific concept, that is, the type of award (diploma, diploma, medal, etc.)

A common mistake is to declare gratitude without entering it in the work book. Be on the lookout according to the law, you have the right to demand from the employer marks of merits in the work book.

Before rejoicing and celebrating your professional achievements, check your work book. Make sure that all changes made are backed up with proper documents, otherwise the entry will be considered invalid.