The concept of an alibi, its types, tactical features of checking an alibi. Good alibi Protecting the client's reputation


Providing an alibi, developing defense scenarios

In many situations, a person must justify himself for reputation protection, family or to avoid problems. Buy a certificate in Vinnitsa very difficult (and fraught with problems, including with the law). And acquaintances will not always be able to play along - a poorly planned plan does not always work.

Our agency resolves issues related to the need to provide the client with an alibi and other unusual situations. We provide an alibi for any time of the day. We work out and implement a variety of scenarios for providing an alibi (excluding cases of a criminal nature).

Services for creating an alibi for a client take different forms:

Acting out an urgent situation that requires your presence on the phone

Evidence of travel (planned scenario - an alternative situation, where to buy a certificate vital);

Proof of your attendance at a concert, competition;

You only choose from the proposed scenarios of situations.

Providing clients with an alibi for a long period: we come up with employment scenarios that depend on the circumstances of the client (in the absence of ideas, for example, how to hide cheating): from the usual business trip (which you can confirm with the help of travel documents, invoices from hotels and restaurants, souvenirs of the city in which the business trip was) to more complex scenarios. This option will relieve you of the need buy a medical certificate, for example.

Detective agency "Private detective Vinnitsa" is ready to help you in any case. And then you won't puzzle over where buy a medical certificate and other options.

What do you say to your wife when you spend time with your mistress? Or what do you say to your husband when, instead of preparing a delicious dinner, you are driving somewhere or relaxing with another man?

In France, a very extraordinary agency for unfaithful spouses has appeared. The Alibila website opens with these words: “Everyone in our life needs an alibi for a little lie, and whoever has never lied, let them be the first to throw a stone at us.”

Alibila acknowledges that its main clients are men who "need a little freedom", but emphasize that they can provide alibis for various life situations.

The Alibila agency was started by a married Frenchman who intended to relax with his mistress on the islands. It would seem that this is, but it worked well. The agency provided such serious cover that while the client was enjoying the company of his mistress, his wife was sure that he was in another city and was having a great walk at the wedding of a distant relative who, in fact, does not even exist. Of course, such a vacation cost the Frenchman good money. Prices in Alibila are also moderate.

For example, for about $40, an Alibila employee will call you at home and tell you about urgent business at work in an excited voice. The agency said that it was precisely this service that one Frenchwoman resorted to, the head of private school in Paris to leave home to meet his admirer.

For $100, the agency organizes an “important event,” an “urgent call to the boss,” or another similar action that does not require special efforts, ingenuity, and material costs. But, as the representatives of the company emphasize, Alibila does not deal with forgery of documents and does not go beyond the personal life of customers at all.

True, alibi providers warn that they are not responsible for disclosing the client's intrigue.

The company's business prospects in France are not yet clear. Despite the fact that the French have a reputation as the most loving nation, the statistics for Alibila do not look too optimistic. According to studies, only 3.8% of married French people and 2% of married French women had more than one sexual partner in a year. And despite the fact that the French, thanks to recent studies, are recognized as the most loving nation on earth: they have sex, on average, 137 times a year. This interesting idea over time turned into .

The author of the project is Regina Muizard, who used to be a private detective. The goal of her project is to save families and protect freedom-loving husbands from unnecessary suspicions and showdowns. After all, an alibi often plays an important role, especially if it is well played and thought up, the second half cannot even suspect ...

During her 20-year career as a detective, Regina investigated similar family cases, trying to keep the spouses from doing wrong and going left. Then she decided to do the opposite, helping them do it in a safer way. She is sure that her business is not immoral and illegal, because fictitious bills for non-existent restaurants and hotels are used exclusively for spouses and for good purposes.

To open an alibi agency you will need:

  • Office rent;
  • or LLC;
  • Purchase of a computer, printer and office furniture;
  • Acquisition of special programs so that you can make photomontage;
  • Video camera and camera with good resolution;
  • Personal or .

You will also need specialized eavesdropping equipment that operates at a distance or is suitable for installation in fixed phones. Here you can not do without the advice of an experienced lawyer, so that you learn about the legality of using such equipment in your field of activity. If you do not have such equipment, then you can not buy it. Things will go well without it.

Many things happen in life different situations when people deliberately or unconsciously stumble, or found themselves at the wrong time, in the wrong place, or find themselves in a hopeless situation when they need to prove their innocence. There are cases of remorse and regret about what you have done, when one of the spouses stumbled and wants to correct the situation or hide the fact of infidelity to save the family, or caught the eye of the boss at the wrong time with a member of his family, but should be at work, or fell under the suspicion of friends or colleagues at work, losing trust. Restoring trust, protecting reputation on your own is sometimes not easy at all, and in some situations it seems that it is impossible at all. But in any most difficult and non-standard situation, the services of specialists from a detective agency will help, which guarantee:

  • anonymity
  • responsibility and high professionalism
  • solving problems of any complexity

The detective agency has representative offices in the cities of Ukraine such as: Kyiv, Lvov, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, etc. It can also provide services in different cities of Europe. Thanks to this, the employees of the detective agency will be able to help provide an alibi and give an explanation for even the most unusual situations. At a professional level, they will consult and select an alibi development scheme: in relations with superiors, in personal relationships, in relationships with friends, etc., except for those where crime is present.

Defense scenarios - working out an alibi from a detective

The detectives of our agency will select the appropriate scenario to protect the client in any, even the most unusual situations, based on his personal wishes. Help find:

  • personal approach to each client
  • way to protect reputation and alibis in accordance with the law
  • provide postalibi

A postalibi is necessary when a person could not be present, for example, at an important meeting that has passed or to hide treason.

Providing an alibi will eliminate the need to obtain medical certificates, which is not a legal action, will help in a situation where the client needs free time, and he cannot leave an unnecessary or boring meeting without a good reason.

Protecting the client's reputation

If necessary, they will provide a number of services to improve the reputation in front of business partners, colleagues or friends.
The detective agency provides:

  • alibi for a few days
  • providing supporting materials tickets, invoices, etc.

Alibi for several days is a service when the client was supposedly on a business trip. They will provide materials confirming your mandatory presence, such as invitations, hotel bills, air tickets confirming accommodation or flight.
They will also perform the services of providing an alibi and protecting the client, requiring the status of confidentiality and non-disclosure. Thanks to a professional approach, your reputation will be on top despite the complexity of the situation.

BJS is ready to assist you in providing an alibi on a variety of issues. As you know, one has to prove one's innocence not only in court, but also in the process of family conflicts and in business relations. In some cases, accusations at work can provoke a huge scandal with the ensuing consequences in the form of dismissal and a tarnished reputation, and the situation in the family can lead to divorce and division of property.

Often, an alibi is also necessary for teenagers who join bad companies and can be accused of arson, fights and other offenses. Naturally, every parent will try to protect their child from such problems, but this will require the help of a real specialist.

Our professional staff have extensive experience in providing alibis in different situations. The only exceptions are cases of crime, since BJS, when protecting the interests of the client, acts exclusively within the framework of the law. We are happy to help you save your family and business reputation and avoid all sorts of problems both in your personal life and in business.

Recently, on television, in the announcement of a program, I saw a story about a Moscow agency that cooks up alibis for its clients. For example, if you want to retire with your lover in a village near Moscow, and your husband must think that you are relaxing in hot Egypt, contact the agency, it organizes your letters from hot Egypt to the deceived husband, glues photos with your image in the hotel pool and so further, so that your husband will be sure that you are exactly where he sent you.

It turns out that such agencies exist not only in our country. I bring to your attention a story about similar agencies in Germany (I found the article below on the website of Inopressa):

Do you have a mistress or lover and need cover so that the husband or wife does not know about it? Do you have a non-prestigious job, and you do not want your family, your friends or your fiancee to know about it? Do you want to avoid meeting with creditors or just get rid of people who bother you? Are you preparing a surprise for someone and don't want to know about it ahead of time? In other words, do you need an alibi? There are people in Germany ready to help you. For a fee, of course.

In the 16 federal states, a special area in the service sector is expanding and flourishing. These firms are called Alibi services. Currently, about a dozen firms provide alibi services, although last year there were only three. They are ready to develop the perfect alibi for you: the most plausible lie or the most improbable true story, as you wish. The problem is the price: from 20 to 1200 euros. For this money, professionals of "legal" lies can come up with an alibi for you for a moment, for an hour, for a day, for a month, for a year. Even for life, if need be.

“We started doing this two years ago,” says Frank Beitelmann, director of Alibi-Strohmann. “At the very beginning, there were very few customers. For the first 12 months, we averaged 10 alibis a month. We achieved great success in 2002: after we opened our site on the Internet, the number of customers began to double every month. From January to September of this year, on average, the number of alibis increased by two every day, including weekends and holidays.”

The company's repertoire is inexhaustible. The classic alibi, popular with women, who make up half of the clientele, are invitations to fictitious seminars, fashion shows, and presentations. The perfect excuse to get away from home for a day or two. The invitation, drawn up and printed at a high professional level, is sent to the client by mail. If, suddenly, during the absence, the partner wants to call the phone number indicated in the invitation, one of the Alibi-Strohmann employees will answer that Mrs. So-and-so is currently unavailable, but she will be happy to leave a message for her.

Quite recently, a certain Berlin manager made himself an "invitation" to Vienna, to a very important economic conference. “In fact,” says Beitelmann, “he spent two nights in a Berlin hotel with his mistress. We set up a connection with Vienna, where every time the wife called, someone, posing as a hotel telephone operator, said that the master was not there. Later, one of our secretaries called her back as if from Vienna and relayed messages left by her husband.

The most popular was a permanent alibi: it is the most expensive, because it is designed for at least three months. “But in this case,” explains Beitelmann, “it’s not just about husbands or wives being cheated on by their spouses. We have many clients who work as "call boys", for example. If a man does this, it’s quite normal that he doesn’t want his parents or fiancee to know about it.”

In this case, Alibi-Strohmann invents a non-existent activity for them, gives them an office address, and guarantees permanent phone cover. The firm can even create a special website on the Internet: virtual reality in confirmation of virtual activity.

The company has branches or subsidiaries in all major cities Germany. And not all alibis hide bad intentions. One of the firm's clients used a two-month alibi to distract the bride while he prepared a surprise: the marriage ceremony. “It was very difficult,” recalls Stefan Aiben, “but we succeeded.” On the day of the wedding, the client came to the lady with a box containing a wedding dress. A limousine was waiting for them outside, 50 guests in the church, in addition, there was a dinner arranged in the castle.

“This shows,” says Beitelmann, “that clients come to us for more than just sexual reasons. Many of them just want to be left alone for a while, they want to do something else, but in such a way that no one knows about it - neither the wife nor the boss.

But in any case, it's a lie. Do you have moral problems getting money for lying? “We provide services in today's Germany,” replies unabashedly Jens Schlingensief, head of, another company based in Berlin.

However, Beitelmann is more of a philosopher: “Look, people do what they want to do, with or without us: they cheat on spouses, engage in prostitution, get into debt. But, if the client has a family and suddenly everything opens up, the family can be destroyed. And with our alibis, we kind of save families, don't we?"