It means getting this job for you. What does work mean to you? Several recent jobs and reasons for leaving

According to a survey, only a quarter of Russians are ready to receive a salary and not go to work, while 66% of our compatriots would not agree to give up the pleasure

According to a survey, only a quarter of Russians are ready to receive a salary and not go to work, while 66% of our compatriots would not agree to give up the pleasure of visiting workplace and communicate with colleagues. Most of the interviewed readers of "DK" see their work as a way of self-realization and an opportunity to gain new knowledge and would not quit their favorite business even if they save their income.

Mikhail Elterman
Director of the Bureau of Accounting Services
For me, communication with employees and visiting a certain workplace is a condition for generating income, because I am an owner and leader. Such communication does not represent a self-sufficient value for me. Although I like to communicate, and sometimes it's a pleasure. But if I get a similar income, I would easily refuse it. I have enough family, friends and books to communicate.

Roman Lubitsky
CEO SOCS "Timereserve"
Probably, I will not be original if I say that for me, first of all, work is necessary in order to earn money and provide myself and my family with a comfortable existence. But, in addition to the material aspect, in any field of activity there must be something else. I don't think you can work just for money. For example, for me, work is the embodiment of my interests and hobbies. We can say that work is just an integral part of my life, so I would not agree to exchange it for an “empty” existence without a favorite thing.

Sergei Chekin
director of the veterinary clinic "Stone Bowl"
I can't quit my job. I have never tried it, and how can it be done at all! For me, work is everything, this is my life, and without it I simply cannot imagine my existence. I'm probably one of those people who take the catchphrase "to work as a holiday" in a literal sense. The work is important to me and I enjoy it. And I'm not going to change my hectic everyday life, the solution of a mass of current and strategic problems for the pseudo-calm of doing nothing.

Vladislav Roshchin
Development Director of the OFBU at CB "Uniastrum Bank"
For me, work is a way of self-realization and getting moral satisfaction from the successes achieved. I have never understood people who perceive their work as serving a duty. Decent pay for efforts is one of the incentives to work better and more efficiently, but the situation when a person works only for money, in my opinion, is completely wrong. After all, we spend most of our lives at work, so it should be a joy.

Alexey Mazurin
director of the Samara branch of DoubleGIS
For me, work is simply necessary, and I would not refuse it under any circumstances, even if they continued to pay me money, as they say, just like that. In addition to material rewards, in any activity, its result is very important. For me, the fact that my work is needed by people is of great importance - I don’t have to push my product to anyone. In addition, in my opinion, in any work one should appreciate the opportunity to gain new knowledge, to take place as a professional, as a leader, and simply as a person who is needed by society.

Natalia Suslova
director of the Samara branch of the First Republican Bank
My work, like the basis of any business, is connected with serving people, self-development and personal spiritual growth. This is a harmoniously developing addition to the family and my inner world. I do not profess the principle of "money for the sake of money", I believe that a person with such an approach will sooner or later begin to experience a deficit of positive emotions, not understanding the true meaning of life. My life position"living to grow and help others grow" can only be realized in a workflow. I won't give up a job as long as I keep my income.

Andrey Solenov
director of the branch "Volga region" of OJSC "TS-Retail"
For me, work is, firstly, an opportunity to be a leader. And not only myself, but also try to bring the company I manage to the market leader. Secondly, the work allows you to become an expert in your field. Theoretical knowledge without the ability to apply it in practice is useless. In addition, it allows a person to fulfill himself, forms the image of a professional. Summarizing all that has been said, I can say that I will definitely not be able to give up my favorite job.

Job. This word evokes different emotions in everyone: nervous tension on the face and in the soul, irritation, hostility, neutral feelings (these also occur) and only a few have a smile.

From childhood, we are taught that we need to get a good education and build a career. But, all the same, having an education and working in a prestigious position are two different things.

Work should bring joy or work should bring money.

Building a career or being a consumer on the labor front? A few years ago, the answer to this question was obvious to me: my work should be prestigious, with a capital letter, that I will build a career, and I will definitely grow up in professionally. For me, it was so natural that I did not expect a different development of events. I studied all my life, as long as I can remember, you always have to be the best, you have to try, you have to be excellent, at least good. Sometimes, it even seemed that if I had poor academic performance, they would love me less.

Time passed, I grew, my horizons changed, my needs, priorities, views grew.

People say you have to become a respected person. Dear whom, and most importantly for what? Graduating from university is a good and necessary thing. But then there is a choice of the further way. What will it be?

It seemed to work just fine. It is a great happiness to get a job in your specialty, and then you build a career and don’t blow your mustache. You are chasing professional success, positions and titles. Are they needed? Nobody asks. It just has to be, it's just important for people. And how to convey to others that there is a different opinion, and that not for everyone, work is a way to realize the inner world, self-affirmation, and in general whole life. For me, this is a way to earn money for that life to which I aspire.

And it doesn’t matter at all if I work as an engineer or a salesman with a diploma (thank God, not with a red diploma - this is a separate topic for reflection) of an engineer, if the conditions and payment suit me, I will work with anyone, of course, without going beyond my moral limits.

And it will not be a pity at all for those five years spent at the university. It's been a great five years, they don't have to give you "the same" profession, they give you something more: family, friends, memories, experience. Therefore, no, I do not feel sorry for these years and work not in my specialty. I want to live in pleasure, work from start to finish.

And let it be primitive and simple, but I will have time for life, for my life. I want to go home to completely forget about work problems, it is in my life only from nine in the morning until six in the evening and not a minute more. And this is quite enough.

What does work mean to you?

What does work mean to you?

    Working from home, working in the office or elsewhere is primarily income.

    It is also intellectual growth or physical, depending on the responsibilities.

    I believe that in our time without work is indispensable. People who do nothing are not respected in the first place.

    Work should be enjoyable, rewarding, and rewarding.

    For me, work is a holiday, because, firstly, I love my job very much, and secondly, I get paid very well for it. True, there is one small minus, if you add up everything working time per week, then I get about 13-14 hours a day

    The work gives me the opportunity to realize myself professionally, to 100% strain my brains and receive moral and material satisfaction from the final result!

    Without work, I wither away, I can’t sit, even at home, without straining my brain!

    For me, work means:

    • Possibility of self-realization;
    • Opportunity to constantly gain new knowledge and experience;
    • Opportunity to meet new interesting people;
    • Communication in a circle of like-minded people;
    • Achieving the set goals and receiving dividends (both moral and material) for their implementation.
  • And for me, work is a real hard labor. It's not that it's hard physically, it's just that some kind of confusion is going on in the department and the inability or unwillingness of the authorities to rationally organize it. The only thing that keeps it that way is a decent salary

    For me, it's communication. Hang out with people who are nice. If I don’t like the team, even for high pay, I won’t work there. Work should not negatively affect the psyche. I enjoy working at my job.

    Work is a pastime that brings me not only unpleasant moments in life, but also a little pleasant moments when they give money. This is what my work means to me. To return those years when there was almost no unemployment. I would definitely run away to another job. So you want your work to be fun all the time. Work, where are you?

    For me, work is

    1) earning money for the needs of my family,

    2) the possibility of self-development and self-improvement,

    3) help other people in the implementation of the planned,

    5) maintaining your knowledge gained at the university (if you don’t work, you can throw a diploma and 6 years of study out of your life),

    6) communication with other people.

    Performing certain actions to get some result.

    Work can be both making money and putting things in order.

    Basically, this is overcoming oneself, that is, actions that are not very pleasant for the body, which later lead to receiving some kind of benefit.

    Except food, toilet, etc.

    Oh, work is like a holiday, I say so to some, they don’t believe me, but it’s true. Work for me is communication, communication with children, no matter how difficult and stressful it is, but I like it, I work for the soul. We have a good team, everyone is somehow friendly. At work, I fulfill myself, psychologically I feel very good. Yes, and when I go to work, I forget all my home problems, and vice versa, although the opposite is somehow less common, since I prepare for work at home and I can’t forget about it even at home

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When applying for any job, an interview is required. On it, the future employer asks the applicant certain questions.

However, before that, as a rule, it is necessary to fill out a certain document - a questionnaire, after reading which the employer will decide whether it is worth spending time on the main part, that is. interview or not.

That is why it is so important to fill out this form correctly. But in fact, very often, there is no time for reflection, and the result is required immediately. An unpleasant situation, isn't it?

How to fill out the application form when applying for a job?

Unfortunately, a certain standard, for this document no. It is compiled based on the needs of the employer. But is it really that scary? In fact, you do not need to worry much when filling out the form.

In other words, the questionnaire is the same resume, but only a more extended version, using certain questions. It is also important that the answers to the questions contained in the questionnaire are as honest as possible.

It is about how to correctly fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job, a sample of filling out a document will help you understand this and avoid various unpleasant situations.

Main questions

As a rule, when filling out the questionnaire, you are required to provide certain information:

  • Your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth;
  • Indicate the address of residence and passport data;
  • citizenship and education;
  • Marital status and the presence of minor children;
  • Work experience and professional skills;
  • Information about personal qualities, awards and merits in previous jobs;
  • Desired salary;
  • Information about a criminal record.

It is important to understand that filling out this document is necessary, there is no need to react negatively to this. Therefore, when you are invited for an interview, you must have a passport and diplomas, certificates, other documentation that will confirm your education or special skills and other merits.

Also, in some cases, the employer may ask you to provide a personal photo, letters of recommendation or the phone number of the personnel department, superiors from previous jobs.

Do not be afraid of this, take everything adequately. It is very important to fill in the required information in neat, legible handwriting, respecting punctuation and grammar.

Try not to make mistakes. After all, filling in high-quality information about yourself can be the key to obtaining the desired position.

Desired vacancy or position

I think this point should be explained separately. The fact is that, oddly enough, but the question of the desired vacancy or position, as a rule, appears in the questionnaire. Sometimes it can be confusing.

Of course, when you come to an interview with an employer, you are counting on a certain place and position. But, in fact, if an additional 2-3 possible vacancies from one field of activity are indicated in the questionnaire, then this will only positively characterize the applicant. After all, this means that he is not afraid to comprehend something new.

Several recent jobs and reasons for leaving

If you are interested in how to correctly fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job, a sample of filling in information about the applicant will also contain an equally important question about last places ah work and reasons for dismissal. Perhaps this is one of the most slippery points in the document.

First, let's take a look at what information you need to provide. I must say right away that in order for this item to be filled out correctly, you should take with you to the interview work book. To the information that is indicated about the last places of work:

  • Dates of hiring and dismissal;
  • Information about the position held;
  • The reason as a result of which the dismissal occurred (the employer, as a rule, pays special attention to this moment).

When filling out this paragraph, I want to understand whether it is necessary to indicate the place of work where there was no official registration. This information can be specified in the application form. Just don't forget to make a note that you were working unofficially.

One more thing, of course, it is desirable that your experience is related to the desired position, but, alas, this is not always the case. It is also desirable to indicate the last 3-5 places of work no more.

In fact, the fewer jobs you have changed, the better. So, let's move on to the most important part of this paragraph: the reasons for which the dismissal occurred. The situations are different:

  • You can quit a conflict with superiors;
  • Due to dissatisfaction with wages;
  • Due to the creation by the previous employer of poor working conditions or increased workload and other reasons.

I can offer a few phrases that may be useful to you, for example: “Remoteness of the place of work from the place of residence”, “Search for more comfortable working conditions”, “Desire career development and personal development”, “Unstable situation in the organization” and others.

In fact, the phrases can be very different, but it is advisable to stay on good terms with the authorities upon dismissal. So that you can get good recommendations if necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

When faced with the question of how to correctly fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job, a filling sample also implies an indication of your strengths and weaknesses. Here it is necessary to try to indicate as much as possible truthful information but with a smart presentation.

What does it mean? The fact is that in the merits one should not write great amount your positive qualities, only the most important thing that can be useful for the position you are applying for. The rest you can demonstrate in the second part of the interview, in a personal interview.

Words that can be used when indicating positive qualities can be, for example:

  • performance;
  • Self-development;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Ability to learn;
  • sociability;
  • The ability to respond quickly in a difficult situation and others.

The list of advantages is also not worth writing huge. Now let's move on to the disadvantages. If you have them, then you should indicate them carefully and skillfully.

For example, that you are a lover of sweets or reading books, etc. If there is bad habits, then you shouldn’t be dark here, because they will still find out about them.

Why does an employer need to know about the hobbies and hobbies of the applicant?

A reasonable enough question, isn't it? If you are interested in how to correctly fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job, a sample filling will contain a paragraph about what hobby or hobby the applicant has. What for?

So it will be easier for the employer to understand how much you can get along with the team and your professional suitability in general, and even, on the contrary, push away from making a positive decision regarding your candidacy. Therefore, when filling out this paragraph, try to select each word as carefully as possible.

In addition, this paragraph should be informative, but concise. For example, if you plan to work in the field of tourism, then it’s good if you are engaged in studying history or rock climbing and other hobbies related to tourism, sports, and travel.

In addition, playing sports that require endurance indicates qualities such as perseverance, perseverance and activity, which is important for those who want to be a successful sales manager. Hobbies related to creative activity indicates creativity and talent, which is useful to designers or marketers in other professions.


When filling out this column, you should not try to guess what will suit the employer more. It is better if you arrange everything, as it is convenient for you.

Let's be honest, everyone works to get money. Therefore, the salary can be safely put in priority and it is also worth doing in relation to all other proposed options.

tricky questions

Perhaps this point is unpleasant for many applicants, since it is impossible to give a single correct answer here. When a question arises, how to correctly fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job, a filling sample, most often contains several tricky questions.

What is it for? AT this case you need to carefully evaluate the question or situation that is described in it and answer it as honestly as possible. It is with the help of such questions that a future employer can see your professional quality, the ability to respond quickly in non-standard situations and other cases.

Why include health information?

In addition, the form may contain a column about the health of the applicant. It is added at the discretion of the tenant. However, the attitude of the employer to the employee in terms of providing benefits and other things depends on this column.

It also does not need to be dark, especially if there are serious health problems or disabilities. Some time after employment, this will still become known.

It is very important that health problems do not affect the applicant's ability to work. Also, do not forget that the refusal to provide a workplace for people with disabilities for the employer may end in litigation.


I would like to give a few useful tips who might be able to help you:

  1. Before you start filling out the questionnaire, you should carefully read the list of questions indicated in it and it is advisable to throw a mental plan of answers to each of them;
  2. Do not leave blanks, even if the question, in your opinion, has nothing to do with you, then just indicate "not available" or something like that. It all depends on the wording of the question. Just in this way it can be shown that all the points were read and received their answer;
  3. It is very important not to overestimate yourself. Often, applicants indicate somewhat embellished information about themselves, and then in practice, when it turns out in practice that the candidate does not match the position, the employer is forced to fire him and start searching again. Therefore, evaluate yourself and your capabilities as objectively as possible;
  4. If a question is not clear, do not be afraid to clarify the correctness of his understanding with the interviewer. Just don't do it too often, it can also spoil the impression of you, especially if the questions are banal;
  5. Before you indicate the desired level of remuneration, it is worth soberly assessing your skills and knowledge.

How to fill out a job application correctly

As you can see, when approaching the question of how to properly fill out a job application form, the sample filling provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the possible questions that the applicant may face.

Also, subject to some particularly important points, there is a good chance that the coveted place will go to you, and not to someone else. I hope the article was useful for you. I wish you success in achieving your cherished goals.