How to build the right professional path. Career building - plan, strategy, stages. Treat any job as if it were your own business.

Career occupies an important place in the structure of the needs of a modern person, thereby influencing his satisfaction with work and life in general. A successful career provides a person with material well-being, satisfaction of his higher psychological needs, such as the need for self-realization, respect and self-respect, success and power, the need for development and expansion of the space of destiny.

Career (from the French "carriere" - running, profession, field) - fast and successful promotion in official or other activities; achieving fame, glory or material gain. Career in the broadest sense - succession professional roles, statuses, activities in human life. This is an active complex achievement by a person of previously scheduled posts and positions in professional activity; successful promotion or promotion; a set of types of conscious productive activities that a person is engaged in throughout his life (including study, work, leisure). Career in the narrow sense - the actual sequence of positions held, jobs or positions in the team by a particular employee.

Career is an individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout a person's working life. It should be emphasized that the understanding of a particular career is always subjective, that a career does not mean success or failure other than in the individual's own judgment. That is, only the individual who makes it can judge his career. It can be successful for him, even if from the outside it looks like a chain of failures and life collisions. In order to realize your life career consciously, it is necessary to master the ways of building a career strategy, i.e., to master modern methods and self-marketing techniques.

Career strategy is a way to build a career in such a way that the very method of promotion and organization of activities ensures the optimal use of driving mechanisms and weakens the effect of any deterrents and resistances. With this understanding of career strategy strategic goal is to ensure the stability of the career process. A career strategy includes the goals that a person pursues in his career, their combination with life values ​​and the basic principles and rules for the implementation of career goals.

Career strategy principles:

  1. The principle of continuity. None of the achieved career goals can be final or serve as a reason to stop. Progress may be slowed down or interrupted due to difficulties. In this case, it is necessary to create a resource reserve (additional knowledge, strengthening social ties, health, etc.).
  2. The principle of meaningfulness. Any career action must be worthwhile. Knowledge of the general goals and features of the movement ensures the optimal choice of the route. The activity carried out must be socially productive, only then the promotion will be supported by the environment.
  3. The principle of proportionality. The speed of individual advancement should be commensurate with the general movement in the group of leaders. Promotion by a team is usually more reliable.
  4. principle of maneuverability. Rectilinear movement is possible only on a range or a “clean” track. There are no such conditions in a career. Attempts to move on high speed” and “only straight” are always fraught with destructive collisions. Strategically, a career maneuver involves: mitigating a collision through compromise; “passing forward” on a dangerous section of an opponent prone to risk and expectantly following him; obstacle avoidance significant change route.
  5. The principle of economy. On a particular field, the method of activity that gives the greatest result with the least expenditure of resources always wins. Productivity is increased by increasing in skill, by joining forces, by increasing interest. The career path is long. For many, this is practically the whole life. To successfully build a career, it is important to skillfully distribute forces along the way. Match career aspirations with real opportunities.
  6. The principle of conspicuity. It is better if a person making a career is noticed earlier. Often talented people are unsuccessful in their careers due to invisibility. If you can be proud of the result, you need to present it and use any convenient opportunity for this.

Career strategy rules:

  1. Set only realistic goals.
  2. Believe in your abilities.
  3. Do not waste time working with an unpromising boss, but become necessary to an enterprising leader.
  4. Prepare to take a higher paying position, which will soon become vacant.
  5. Get to know and appreciate others who can advance your career.
  6. Expand your knowledge and acquire new skills.
  7. Make a plan for the day and for the whole week, in which to reserve a place for your favorite activities.
  8. Remember that everything in life changes: we, our knowledge, skills, market, organization, environment etc. One must be able to evaluate these changes.
  9. You can't live in the past alone.
  10. You should quit as soon as you are convinced that it is necessary.
  11. When looking for a new job, you must first of all rely on yourself.
  12. The organization needs to make itself known.

Building professional career is inextricably linked with career goals, the image of the desired result, which in different periods of life can change each other at different speeds, have different level and priority or none at all.

As a direct motive, the goal directs and regulates conscious human activity, giving it consistency and consistency. In the system of self-marketing, the goal is a specially processed dream prepared for execution. Like a dream, a quality goal should be attractive, inspiring, but unlike a dream, it is more specific, detailed, somehow measurable, defined in time, mandatory for achievement.

The career goal setting process includes three main phases:

Phase #1 - Finding Goals: "What do I want?" (goals should be clear).

Phase #2 - Situational Analysis: "What Can I Do?" (registration of personal resources).

Phase #3 - Formulation of Goals: "Where am I going to start?" (specific practical goals with clear results and deadlines).

There are certain principles for setting a career goal, which almost every working or job seeker person and the level and significance of which can be completely different. We invite the reader to choose one of their personal or professional goals, correlate it with the following principles for setting a career goal, and answer the proposed questions:

1. Attractiveness. The choice of a career goal is often associated with the prestige of a certain position in public opinion. This condition must be taken into account, but it is important that this provision be attractive in individual plan. In this regard, it must correspond to personal interests, values, ideas. Such a choice of goal helps to get carried away with it and, therefore, it is easier to overcome the difficulties of "rough" work when moving towards it.

Security question: do you really like what you have chosen as your career goal?

2. Reality. A novice worker does not aim at the position of minister of industry or head of department (although the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad). Realistic goals professional advancement and development of abilities to perform the closest position in the organizational hierarchy.

Security question: do you know what position you can take as a young specialist, having received professional education? Do you like her? See what the next professional step could be?

3. Consistent proximity. The range of goals dispels aspirations. Breaking down the movement into stages concentrates efforts. Consistent goal setting brings the final goal closer.

Security question: Do you see the stages in achieving your professional goal? Do you know what you need to do today to advance along the chosen path to build a career?

4. Progressiveness and consistency. Each of the subsequent subgoals should involve building capabilities and capabilities. If the goal is achieved in a rush, without ensuring readiness to master a new position, the career process loses stability.

Control question: do you understand what knowledge, experience and abilities will be required from you in obtaining a professional education?

5. Ability to adjust the goal. In the process of promotion, his motives may change. Move towards the goal, strictly focusing on the initial motives - violence against oneself and inhibition of the career process.

Security question: is it easy enough for you to give up on what you have planned, when halfway through achieving the goal you are disappointed with the result? If so, how to build a career in this case?

6. Ability to evaluate performance. The goal should be formalized and include criteria for evaluating its achievement. Correlation of the obtained results with the previously set goal is the basis for evaluating the effectiveness and further planning of career development.

Control question: do your professional goals in building a career have qualitative and quantitative indicators? Can they be measured?

  1. If all questions are answered in the affirmative, it is worth considering whether you really objectively assess the current situation. Isn't it too perfect?
  2. If all questions are answered in the negative, think about whether you really want to achieve the stated goal. How will you build your career? Maybe this is not your goal?
  3. If positive and negative answers alternate, you can rejoice: you are a living person and nothing human is alien to you, there is something to scold and praise yourself for. You have some career strategies, and then everything depends on you. There is a chance to get even better. Good luck on your goal setting journey!
P.G. Break. The art of self-marketing. Employment without problems. - H. 2009. See also:

Choosing a profession and career planning: what you need to pay attention to.

We devote most of our time to work. It is very important that what we do brings us satisfaction. But not everyone is happy with the way their life is going. professional field.

The modern world offers many professional opportunities, but choosing what really suits us is often difficult.

When building a career, we must solve two problems:

To make sure that the work brings moral satisfaction and, at the same time, a decent income and / or a desired position in society?
- bridge the "gap" between what we have now and what we want to achieve in the future?

Finding a balance between self-realization and success in society.

When building your professional life, it is important not to fall into one of the extremes.

Some people perceive work as a means of obtaining money or other benefits and do not pay attention to the content of their activities. But if we are not interested in what we are doing, procrastination occurs, we are unable to work in a focused and productive way.

Other people give all their strength to express and realize themselves, without thinking about how much their activity is in demand by society. As a result, there is a feeling of unrecognized talent, lack of demand.

It is not easy to choose a field of activity that would simultaneously bring satisfaction and allow realizing financial and/or social ambitions. There are circumstances when it is not possible to do only what we like. Then we can either systematically create favorable conditions in order to do what you love in the future (accumulate the necessary financial resources for this, get necessary knowledge, choose a suitable place of residence, etc.) or work simultaneously in two areas: in one - for earning money and obtaining social status, the other - for self-expression and self-realization.

Bridging the gap between the present and the desired future.

How to build your professional life in such a way as to achieve the desired future?

Numerous psychological research showed that the most important condition for achieving success is the ability to set specific, realistic, but at the same time challenging goals and plan their gradual achievement.

In some cases, it is useful to formulate intermediate “learning” tasks related to obtaining the necessary knowledge or skills. People who are ready to develop themselves and engage in self-education to achieve their goals achieve them, as a rule, especially successful.

When planning a career, we are often dominated by stereotypical thinking. Many opportunities we either do not notice, or immediately brush aside. That is why it is so important not to be afraid to dream and realize your dreams, even if they seem “unrealistic” or “stupid” to someone.

If you want to better understand your desires in the professional field and see the professional future in a new way, we invite you to attend the class.

The desire to become successful person, self-sufficient and naturally endowed is inherent in each of us. How to get started in big business to realize your plans and dreams? Let's discuss.

Many almost kindergarten dream of a successful career without even knowing exactly what it is. But we are sure that to be successful means to be rich. Good car, house, beautiful life, fame. Years pass and it becomes possible to plunge into this alluring reality. But for this you need to know exactly which way to go, so that odious plans do not turn into disappointment.

7 secrets of a successful career - how to build a career?

  1. A wise choice of school
  2. The most serious attitude to the educational process
  3. Practical consolidation of knowledge
  4. First "adult" job
  5. Continuous professional development
  6. Willingness to move forward
  7. Communication and relationship building skills

Building a successful career begins with choosing an educational institution. In this case, you need to take into account not only your desires, but also natural talent, even if it is not fully manifested. Exist modern techniques, which can help to reveal opportunities and determine the desired direction in choosing an institution.

The most serious attitude to study at the chosen institute. If the goal is to build a career, you need to simultaneously master a couple more disciplines that will help in the future. If possible, try to get into the international student exchange program. A trip abroad can be a good springboard for building a business in the future.

The next stage is practice, the search for which you need to start long before receiving a diploma. In addition, there will be an opportunity to show their first skills to establish business contacts.

But the most important step will be the first place of work. This is where you have to put in the most effort. The selected company should be not only prestigious, but also promising. Only then will it be possible to connect your future with it.

In order not to become an inconspicuous, ordinary office worker, one must not forget about further education, keep up with progressive technologies. The choice of creative and not banal solutions will certainly lead to the fact that the management will appreciate the abilities of their young employee.

You need to pay attention to yourself, not be afraid that colleagues will be left behind. You are building your career, but don't underestimate teamwork. It may happen that colleagues in the present become subordinates in the future.

Never stop there. Everyone around you should know that you have grandiose plans and a great desire to overcome all steps of the career ladder.

Rules for a Successful Career

  • Fulfill your professional duties by 200% or more. From the very first day, not only show yourself as a qualified specialist, but actually become one
  • Be as sociable as possible, but strictly observe the subordination, otherwise you can make an enemy in the person of the boss. Try to make sure that friendly relations do not interfere with official
  • Be able to make decisions quickly, do not hesitate if there is an opportunity to prove yourself. It is quite possible that such a step is expected from a young employee in order to entrust him with a higher post.
  • Get rid of stupid stubbornness and be honest with yourself and others. Always admit mistakes, if any. But with one "but" - not only recognize, but also be sure to correct them. Then not only subordinates will respect, but also leaders

Important! If you feel dissatisfied with work, you understand that this is not yours, that the chosen field of activity is not interesting to you, you should not waste time. While you are young, explore new opportunities and keep looking for yourself. Sometimes a few years spent on this will be much more useful than a whole life of tedious work.

Building a managerial career

The opportunity to become a manager appears only for leaders. This is the main, but not the only factor. Communication skills, the ability to get along with the team and find a way out of difficult situations are important.

It is not necessary at the beginning of a manager's career to take on the entire work process. It is necessary to organize everything so that each department, each employee performs its function as efficiently as possible.

You are a manager, not an accountant, personnel officer or warehouse manager. But everything that happens in the company should be under your control. Special attention should be given to recruitment, since it is the team, well-coordinated and friendly, that is the basis successful business and career development of the manager.

Secrets of a Successful Executive Career - Career Planning

Every company has unspoken rules that the whole team tries to follow. From the first day of work it would be good to learn all these subtleties in order to use them profitably in the future. It would be good to talk about this with the manager, to make it clear that you want to share the company's values. This will not go unnoticed, which will help you get a promotion in the future. You could call it the first step.

There should be no shame in showing your abilities. Your professionalism, firmness, ability to understand people will allow you to take first place in the list of candidates for a leadership position.
For a good leader, knowledge is a matter of prestige and success. foreign languages. It is much more efficient to negotiate with foreign partners on your own.

Career building - career development at work

  • Be an undeniable professional. This is the key to successful career growth.
  • Apply innovations in self-development, do not focus only on your duties
  • Honesty with business partners put in the first place. The quality is quite rare, unfortunately, but it will bear fruit and colleagues will reciprocate
  • Personal ambitions should not be put above the interests of the company, but these parameters must be observed without fanaticism

How to improve your life - professional career

  • Many wondered why some people succeed, while others vegetate in the office as ordinary employees. Although the makings were at the same level at the beginning of professional activity. And the possibilities are about the same
  • The problem is that the career will go up only for those who strive for this and try to make every effort.
  • To improve your life and achieve success, you need to radically change your worldview. Set a goal, draw a beautiful future and boldly move forward. If necessary, then leave your old job, as there you are already accustomed to being perceived as a “gray mouse”
  • Some psychologists advise creating a collage of desires. This will work as a promise to fate, and will help you achieve what you want. You need to draw or stick on a large sheet of paper images of what you dream about
  • You should not reject the wildest desires - if this is a car, then the most expensive, if rest, then only at the best resorts in the world. Family, prosperity, a lot of money, let all this be depicted on a collage

But the main action is selfless work. Not half strength, but with full dedication. And when some pictures from the collage begin to come to life, the realization will come that you are the winner. Luck is always on the side of those who believe in it.

Work and Career - Career Success

Success in a career often depends on external factors. Initially, the relationship with the boss did not work out. This happens quite often, especially if the boss has realized that your leadership qualities can become a threat to him.

You can tactfully correct the situation, make it clear that you do not need his position, that you prefer to build your career in an honest way. If this does not work, then you will have to look for another job, as a promotion in this one will remain a pipe dream.

Friendly relations with employees of competing companies can cause problems at some point in time. Especially if it becomes known to the authorities. Cruel, but for the success of your career you will either have to hide or make a choice.

Regional director - how to become a director?

The regional director manages one of the branches of the main company. To take such a position, you need to have experience in a leadership position, and not necessarily in the same field of activity.

The director is a purely technical position. One can be an excellent leader who came from outside, but one cannot do without a thorough study of the specifics of production in the future.

Becoming a director is much easier for those who have good references. And of course, full compliance with the specified requirements. If everything goes well in this regard, then at the interview you need to show yourself with yourself better side. Express your interest in the success of the company and win over senior management as much as possible.

Work as a store manager - how to write a manager's resume?

Getting the position of a manager or director of a store increases significantly if you compose correct resume.

  • Indicate specifically which position suits you and in which area of ​​trade
  • Your data - last name, first name, patronymic, age, place of residence and contacts by which you can be contacted
  • Education — name of educational institution, faculty, specialty
  • Additional training - if any
  • Previous places of work - in detail, indicating positions and achievements
  • Functional duties in which you are strong
  • Language skills
  • Computer knowledge - at what level
  • Personal qualities, hobbies, hobbies

You can optionally specify Additional information if you deem it appropriate. More full details help the employer to confirm his choice. But without being overzealous, a resume is business information, not a work of art.

Successful woman career

It is more difficult for a woman to achieve career growth. And for this you need to make more efforts than a man. The head of any company calculates several years ahead when considering the candidacy of a new employee. And even if you do not plan to go on maternity leave, the boss understands that sooner or later this will happen. This means that it will be necessary to replace and spend resources on training new personnel. Why does he need all this trouble?

More opportunities for a woman with a grown child. But even in this case, no one is immune from hospital and other unforeseen circumstances.

There is only one way out - to present your knowledge, skills and talents so that the leader does not have even a shadow of a doubt. All questions must be answered clearly. Turn the interview into a presentation of your business qualities, non-standard thinking and feminine charm, which men, fortunately, are deprived of.

The boss will simply be obliged not to take into account the expected period of absence, time off and other points, just to get such a valuable employee.

A further career is little different from the professional growth of a man, although it has some advantages. The woman is more intuitive. She can properly combine mathematical pragmatism and natural flair, and this is the most expensive quality in business.

Where to post a resume?

  • The resume has been compiled, but here is where to place it so that it does not hang on a dead resource. That's what job boards and job sites are for. It is necessary to pay attention to the attendance of these resources and choose those that occupy leading positions in this regard.
  • To get on the first pages, many sites offer to pay for a VIP seat. It is not expensive, but can significantly speed up your job search.
  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the regional affiliation of sites. It is stupid to post a resume on the Novgorod resource if you are going to find a job in Moscow
  • They have great popularity social networks in search of work. The client base is so extensive that you can safely hope for a positive outcome. There are special groups in which both resumes of applicants and advertisements from employers are posted.

Important! To place a resume, you need to select the maximum number of sites. Then the search time will be reduced and you will get the desired job faster.

Avito resume - the right resume for a job, how to post it on the site?

Avito is one of the most popular sites for posting resumes. It is to this resource that they turn in the first place for a variety of reasons. In addition, there is a fairly simple functionality, it is enough to follow a few steps.
  1. Registration with phone number and email
  2. Selecting a section - "work" - posting a resume
  3. Filling out the provided form with the placement of personal photos (optional)

First you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the resource, so as not to be deleted for violations. Please fill out all fields in the form and follow the prompts.

This form will appear on the Avito page after selecting a section:

Many women have achieved amazing results and public recognition because of the challenges they have had to face personally. And the children did not become a hindrance, they even helped their mothers.

Daria Pukhaeva, founder of the jewelry brand

  • Caring for children, a big house - all this did not allow leaving the family for a long time. But what about work, career, because for this you have to be away from the family for a long time. Helped a friend who suggested a successful business plan. Together we created new brand- pendants with figurines for boys and girls. Probably this is exactly what I was, would not mind buying, and therefore others too. I am satisfied with my life and new job And most importantly, my children are always there.
Lida Danilova - author of children's books

  • Before the birth of a child, I didn’t even think about a career, and after that my life changed dramatically. My daughter has become my biggest inspiration. Thanks to her, two of my books saw the light of day, and I'm not going to stop. And it all started with the fact that I posted a photo on the social network. These were our family evenings at which we were engaged in creativity. Now I have a publisher and many new projects.
Victoria Krasilshchikova — creator of the information service

  • I am a marketer in the past, so I knew how to organize from scratch new business. For many, it remains a mystery how I manage to do everything, because three children take a lot of time. The opening of the project took place on the eve of the birth of the third baby. Everything I do is dedicated to children, because my service helps to organize their leisure time. My children not only inspire me to conquer new heights, but are also the main critics.

Becoming successful and building a career is not as easy as it might seem. But each person has so much strength that he can move mountains. You just need to direct this potential along the right path and a successful career will become a reality.

Video: Internet Marketing Trends

Read: 4 min.

The only profession that starts right at the top is digging holes.
Unknown author

Thousands of career books have been written around the world - non-fiction, motivational and fiction. And how many films have been made about the success stories of great people! Our article will not overshadow all this world heritage, but will talk about the proven rules of career growth that successful people adhere to.

In the mind of a post-Soviet person, the word "career" has a negative and sometimes even ironic connotation. A careerist is a person who, moving along career ladder, stops at nothing. He builds a career for the sake of a career. But you and I know that the word "career" can be not only status in society or financial gain. A leadership position along with a new level of responsibility gives more interesting creative tasks, the opportunity to influence the future of the company and develop it, a new quality of life for yourself and your loved ones.

So building a career is great! Where to start?

1. Select suitable profession
Of course, you need to start by choosing the direction in which you want to move. All paths are open to a teenager, he can choose almost any direction for self-realization. But after he chooses education and graduates from college or university, there will be 100 times fewer options for self-realization. Having received an education, he has already climbed one rung on the career ladder, and in order to go in another direction, he will have to start over.

4. Communicate and collaborate
Choose the right people to communicate with. It's not a simple benefit, but the fact that your social circle influences your actions and thoughts. A wise mentor in one company stands high salary in another.

A word known to every Western businessman networking- building a network of business contacts - can be translated into Russian as a proverb "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends". In the 1960s, an American psychologist Stanley Milgram proposed the theory of 6 handshakes. The psychologist claimed that each of the inhabitants of the planet is familiar with any person through a chain of 6 acquaintances. This theory was confirmed by Microsoft employees in the early 2000s by conducting a statistical study. This means that our world is really small and it is quite possible to meet the current director of development at Facebook, you just need to choose the right 6 friends.

The concept of networking includes not only a business acquaintance with a person, but, what is more difficult, maintaining a long-term relationship with him. In time to congratulate you on your birthday, on the promotion, or on the fact that the child went to first grade. Maintaining friendships can be hard work. This will help you social network , modern instrument career growth.

5. Follow business ethics
In order to grow up the career ladder, it is important that everyone around you, and not only the authorities, see you as a reliable and active person. The famous writer and business consultant Richard Templar in his book "The Rules of Career" described the personal qualities of a person who moves through the service. No, no, it’s not necessary to go over the heads, just work on your own image.

What should be a "careerist" (psychology of communication at work)

Be Active- never "sit out" working time, work for the result.
Always tell the truth- you will form an attitude towards yourself as an absolutely honest person.
Always smile- it irritates everyone; it energizes everyone and in a good mood.
dress well Don't let yourself look unattractive.
Be attentive to people- they like sincere compliments.
Don't gossip You can listen to gossip, but you shouldn't spread it further.
Don't whine- it attracts other whiners.
Be a diplomat- always be calm and settle the conflicts of colleagues.
be careful- if you feel that something illegal is going on, leave the company.
Ask the Right Questions- it helps to understand the essence of the problem and will show you as a thinking person.

6. Keep learning
Training and continuous development is yours competitive advantage. A rare top manager in Russia has only one diploma of higher education, usually 2-3 diplomas in different scientific fields. The fact is that it is very important for a manager to understand both the professional sphere, and economics, and jurisprudence, and the psychology of personnel management, so they go to study whenever possible.

Where can I learn to apply this in my work:
Self-learning (at home, in libraries, using online courses and applications on the phone).
University studies (first, second higher education, advanced training courses, "free students" at university courses). We have
Communication in professional groups(Internet communities, co-working spaces).
Trainings (social, volitional, intellectual competencies; individually and in groups).
Physical development and sport.

Warren Buffett, the American billionaire, Igor Mann, the famous Russian marketer, Oleg Tinkov, the Russian banker and many other businessmen unanimously speak about the benefits of books, and especially business books, for career growth.

7. Promise less, deliver more
You know that it will take you 3 days to complete the task, tell your boss that it takes 5. First, you will foresee possible difficulties. Secondly, doing later than the deadline is much worse than before. Even if someone accuses you of delaying the deadlines, honestly say that you always lay a reserve for unforeseen circumstances.

Use the resulting time reserve to do better and better than what is expected of you. Promised to design a company logo for the next meeting? Draw a corporate identity layout with examples of documents and site pages. Do you need to submit a monthly financial statement? Make a complete presentation. Let this be a pleasant surprise for the authorities and a plus in your career piggy bank.

How to make a career for a man

Our advice is suitable for "careerists" of any age and any gender. But all over the world, the word "career" applies more to men. It is easier for a man to get a top manager position than for a woman. In no country do women lead in leadership positions. It has and back side medals.

The fact is that since childhood, society expects from a young man that he will build a career and get up the career ladder to the very top. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov put it very aptly: "A real man consists of a husband and a rank". When choosing a profession, the stereotype of career success prevents young people from choosing specialties with horizontal careers. Unfortunately, many parents still send young men to military, technical, economic or managerial specialties with the words: "First you get a normal profession, and then you will strum on your guitar".

In what area can a man build a career, read the article The best male professions >>

How to make a career for a woman

What are the characteristics of a women's career? Climbing the career ladder is more difficult for a woman in our country than for a man. Although not as difficult as, for example, in Arab countries. Let's take the State Duma of Russia as an example. In the last convocation among officials, only 1/6 of the seats are occupied by women, although out of 100% of the working population in Russia, 49% are women.
Gender stereotypes about the excessive emotionality of women as leaders and the focus of women on the family prevent women from rising above the mid-level specialist. Therefore, in order for a woman to climb the career ladder to the top manager of a corporation, she needs to make more efforts than a man. Arthur Bloch in his book Murphy's Law described the law of career for women: " 1) think like a man; 2) behave like a lady; 3) work like a horse".

How to be in demand in the labor market

What qualities do you need to develop in yourself, regardless of the industry in which you work? To move up the career ladder, you will need not so much professional skills as personal competencies soft skills that employers value. soft skills- these are competencies laid down from birth or acquired with experience, but not amenable to quantitative calculation. For example, self-confidence, communication skills, leadership skills, attention to detail, perseverance, time management and others.

Building a career is considered by many to be the most important and defining goal in life.

  • The need for professional growth and self-realization
  • Stable and high-quality increase in wages
  • Respect for colleagues and superiors, high status
  • Achievement of significant career peaks in the course of work

This and much more drives us all.

Those who worry about today and think about tomorrow, who are used to achieving their goals, who will not resist new trials, believing that the meaning of life lies only in constant movement, overthrowing obstacles and reaching peaks.

Contact us for, and we will select for you the job that will provide you with a good income and a bright future.

In the process of self-development and professional growth, you need to be able to make decisions that will inevitably have a further impact on your career, your role in society, your financial situation, in the end, will turn out to be an important link in the endless chain of achieving happiness and well-being.

Often in childhood, youth, we dream about who we will be, how we will manage a big, big company, become famous and revered people.

This desired building of a successful career can be realized only thanks to your personal aspirations, without regard to external factors. Although they are sometimes of no small importance.

Career consultants of the TOP-10 Western business schools of Harvard, Stanford, London, etc. argue that a person, like a corporation, in its development must take into account both factors of the internal environment (abilities, opportunities, desires) and external environment(trends in the development of the labor market and world development in general).

But still, most of the success depends only and exclusively on you and your desire, as a valuable employee, as a motivated specialist.

Career strategy

The strategy consists of the correct and consistent execution of steps to achieve the desired result.

Let's single out the following, in our opinion, important stages of building a career

1. Conscious choice of professional education

It is the choice of a place of study that is a fundamental step to a successful career.

Whether you are a schoolboy, student, specialist or leader, you must clearly understand why you are going to study, what kind of education and specialty you want to get, with whom you want to be at the same desk, what professional community you want to belong to after training.

In the selected educational institution (university, college, business school), you should not just get a certificate of education and waste several years on it, but really feel comfortable, enjoy the learning process itself, show an active craving for acquiring new knowledge, absorb the information received, make useful contacts with teachers, employers and classmates. In other words, your start should give the necessary acceleration for the future. To do this, you need to analyze the education market in Russia and abroad, communicate with students and graduates of educational institutions you are interested in, visit more than one Job Fair or Career Day. And the best thing is to talk to an education expert as part of the educational consulting service and get all the comprehensive information you need in one day.

Only by making a conscious choice and having a strong desire to learn, you will be able to instill in yourself the lifestyle that will inevitably lead you to building a successful career.

2. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge in practice

Many public and private universities, institutes, academies arrange summer internships, which provide you with a chance to get the first working experience and practical use of the knowledge gained earlier.

This is where you will get the answer to your question, are you doing what you like, which fuels your interest in professional development, which may become the goal of your later life.

Companies themselves are looking for an opportunity to hire young workers for a while, train them and create all the conditions for their further development. This is the most valuable investment in both business and academia. On numerous job sites, on job fairs at universities and business schools, on the websites of the companies themselves, you can find information about upcoming internships and temporary vacancies for young professionals, which in the future may even if not become your main place of work, then definitely give an idea of ​​the work of any organization as a whole and its ideal place within this organization.

For adults who have taken place, special narrow-profile internships are organized in leading Russian and foreign companies in order to get acquainted with best practices and build up their narrow professional competencies.

Thus, after choosing a place of study, it becomes important to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in practice - this is the second main stage in building a professional career.

3. Choosing a place of work

After receiving basic and specialized knowledge in an educational institution, a deeper acquaintance with your specialty in practice, you inevitably come to the next important decision - this is the choice of a place of work.

Not all universities and companies provide internship opportunities. Therefore, already in senior years, you should find a job that is suitable for you, which will subsequently become for you, if not permanent, then long-term.

When choosing suitable place work, you need to look a little into the distance, into the future. Don't change your beliefs just for the sake of an instant pay difference. Analyze the dynamics of industry development, career development scenarios in different companies and organizations, talk with specialists, experts and career consultants. In this important issue, the choice should be no less conscious than when choosing an education, because further career growth will depend on the start in work.

So, good prospect offer for youth foreign companies. This includes additional on-the-job training, a progressive increase in wages, business trips abroad, a friendly team, and a democratic corporate culture. But basically this trading companies, template actions, a minimum of self-realization and a quick career ceiling. AT Russian business, on the contrary, everything is quite dynamic, chaotic and unpredictable, but there is more than enough self-realization and opportunities.

And what you should not do for sure is to get the first job that comes across or change jobs every year, exploring the labor market by trial and error. You can spend your whole life on this, and end up with nothing.

4. Constant, lifelong learning

The dynamics of change in the modern world will increase exponentially. And this means that the approaches and technologies of doing business and communications will change just as rapidly. Knowledge will become obsolete even before you leave educational institution. Therefore, continuous training and advanced training throughout life will become an integral part of the competitiveness of an employee in the labor market and an employee within the organization as a human resource.

Many companies have their own staff training departments or corporate universities, taking care of employee development. But do not rely only on the company. You also need to be active life position. Only then will the company value you as a potential prospect.

Being a valuable and promising employee today involves:

  • self-study and study of relevant sources - video, specialized literature, the Internet
  • attending trainings, master classes, seminars, professional courses
  • communicating with colleagues and asking the right questions
  • successful completion of regular certifications and professional checks at work

All of the above will certainly affect your career. With valuable knowledge and a great desire, you will be able to participate in promising projects, and soon even lead your own.

5. Desire and initiative

You must show the leadership that you are ready to solve the highest and most complex tasks, that you are able to perform a greater range of functions and responsibilities, and that you are determined to take a high position and increase your material wealth.

Be proactive, do not be afraid to experiment, defend your point of view, take the initiative to the level of decision makers. And success will not keep you waiting.
After all, the word "success" is akin to the word "in time". And that means being successful!

There are many methods and ways to build a career, but only by observing all of the above, you will achieve amazing results.

If you have realized all of the above and want to have a good, decent job, but are not sure that you can find it yourself, contact us and we will help you find the right way self-development as a professional and as a person.