How do I know which business is right for me? Test for businessmen! Which business scale suits you best? Everyone has their own potential

Today, everyone is given many opportunities to open their own business and work for themselves, not depending on their superiors. But not every person is able to take and create their own business so easily. For some, this is quite easy, but for someone, creating their own business is very difficult work.

As a result of numerous studies, the main qualities that affect a person's ability to do business have been identified. Based on them, a unique questionnaire was compiled, which is given below. Answer the questions and find out - can you create your own business and become a millionaire?

1. Initiative

a) Are you looking for additional responsibilities and work.
b) You do not look for a job yourself, but always find effective ways to do it.
c) Sometimes the boss reminds you of your duties, but in general you cope with the work.
d) You are not in a hurry to do the work until you receive all the necessary instructions from the management.

2. Sociability

a) You are always open to new contacts and friendly to others.
b) You do not strive to constantly expand your social circle, but you are always polite and courteous.
c) Sometimes you are out of sorts. At this time, you prefer not to communicate with anyone.
d) You are rather closed and there is no entrance to your world by strangers.

3. Leadership

a) You are charismatic and able to inspire confidence in people.
b) You think through your decisions and give instructions after careful consideration.
c) You prefer to give orders yourself, rather than work under someone else's direction.
d) Usually at work you yourself carry out someone else's instructions.

4. Responsibility

a) You believe that every job should be done as well as possible, no matter what the cost.
b) You usually try to do the job well, but without too much fanaticism.
c) Usually you do not enjoy the performance of the next task. But you still do it. What can you do - work is work.
d) You try your best to evade possible assignments.

5. The talent of the organizer

a) You can organize anyone for any cause thanks to your talent for persuasion.
b) If the need arises, you can act as an organizer.
c) Usually you try not to act as an organizer.
d) You have never had organizational talent and you have never organized anyone for any cause.

6. Decisiveness

a) You have no doubts about your actions and are completely confident in what you are doing.
b) You are not afraid to make responsible decisions, but first you analyze everything.
c) You do not doubt your abilities, but sometimes, in a hurry, you make annoying mistakes.
d) You are not always sure of what you are doing, you often doubt it.

7. Perseverance

a) Nothing can turn you off the chosen path.
b) You always try to go all the way.
c) You quickly light up, but you can deviate from what was planned when difficulties arise.
d) You prefer not to beat your forehead against the wall, doing what you have already done before and what you are sure of.

Test key:
Give yourself 4 points for each answer under the letter A,
- for answers under the letter B, 3 points each;
- for answers under the letter B, 2 points each;
- for answers under the letter G - 1 point.

Add up your scores.

12 points or less:
Business is clearly not for you. For you, the best solution would be to work as a performer, not a case organizer.

From 13 to 16 points:
You could do business, but not at the head of a team, but in a team of like-minded companions. Teamwork can lead you to success.

From 17 to 20 points:
You have the necessary makings to run a business and could try to start a business on your own. But at the same time, it does not hurt to enlist the support of an influential person who can help you in difficult times.

From 21 to 24 points:
You are able to start your own business and have a fairly high chance of success. The main thing is to choose the right direction and find your niche in it.

Which of you is an investor? Can you invest your money and not lose? You need it? In this case, you are like a fish in water or completely opposite. You can call him a risky person. This test will help you answer these questions.

You must choose one of the options.

Don't start a business? Answer the questions on the proposed test to understand how your business application fits. In each paragraph, choose one definition that states:
What is your potential as a leader? American millionaire Huntington Harford believes: “These are not the ones who know how to meet very rich people with a boss and always do everything in order.

Such people can become highly paid employees, nothing more. "One of the richest men in the world, Paul Getty, also says, 'You won't work for anyone anymore.' To be truly successful in a business, that means you are in charge of it. "Can you get started with potential companies and leading enthusiasts?

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What is a business perspective? Today, almost everyone thinks about a career successful businessman. You too? And how do you stand with the so-called "entrepreneurial vein"? In the end, the level of development of this quality, which ultimately determines the shake-up of your business opportunities.

This will partially help this test. There are several questions for you. Choose only one of the proposed options - the one that suits you best.
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Rich or poor? They say that wealth and poverty are not as important as the state of the soul.

In psychology, there is even a theory according to which people are divided into constitutionally rich and constitutionally poor people. And this has nothing to do with their real income - everything here can be different. It's just that constitutionally rich people find it easier to deal with money and therefore often remain "round". At the same time, they are constitutionally poor, although they have significant resources, carefully plan their expenses, but they cannot use them at all.

It is clear that both extremes are equally far from reality. financial well-being. And what is your style? Learn how to help this test.

Choose one of the answers for each question.
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How do you negotiate? Negotiations are increasingly becoming part of our productive lives. A leader who shows the level of negotiations is modern, intelligent and efficient. Our test will help you analyze your skills as a negotiator. Highlight situations that give you a feeling of dissatisfaction or trauma in a conversation with any person, whether it be a companion, subordinate, immediate supervisor, a member of your family, or just a casual interlocutor.
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Do you value your health? The modern businessman must be very energetic and agile.

Energy always moves everything. Thus, business conducts emotions. They are more accumulated with nervous burden and spiritually healed, more easy way communication, more business people are more pronounced and deeper.

And vice versa. Speak slowly, not for a businessman.

Will you be able to stay energetic and not get a "slow look" over the years? The answers to this question will help you find out our test, which is suitable for both beautiful ladies and men.
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Are you a successful leader? If you want to be a great leader, you must master the technique of self-control, the ability to respect dignity.

And, of course, you know how to manage - clearly define tasks, keep the word. And, importantly, while maintaining the ability to say what and how. No matter how great your accomplishments are, no matter how economically and heavily outnumbered people are, don't get caught up in face-to-face communication.

Without human recognition, no wealth will enlighten human life, it will not bring true satisfaction that the owner would have. To find out the type and success of your guide, the test will help us.
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Do you find it difficult to deal with subordinates? Proper and competent communication with subordinates is so important to a businessman and his ability to lead.

It is important that a person understands how to properly communicate with his subordinates in order to improve interpersonal communication. Our test will help you identify the causes of these problems in interactions you may have.
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How efficient are you at work? This test will help you calculate a certain time on the day when your productivity reaches its highest level.
Do you work at this location? Does your job satisfy you? If not, have you taken the wrong direction? Follow along!

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What is your value as an employee? How to determine your place in the team? How do you evaluate employees and even bosses? Try to choose the most appropriate answer to the question below and the quiz will help you find the most accurate information.
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Investor or businessman? What does it mean to manage money?

Can you "make money"? How do you manage your money? Answer these questions and try this quiz.
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How are you used to your work? In the modern world, there is a concept of business ethics among business people.

Even in a tough economic battle, it's important to respect your competitors and remain a diplomatic, dignified, and adaptable person. Achievement of goals and implementation of their plans in a civilized manner, without "passing over corpses." How do you better understand your ideas, what style of behavior do you choose?

You can find out by experimenting with your answer.
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Do you know how to influence others? The following test helps to check if you can influence other people.
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Can you take risks? Business is somewhat like gambling, so the greatest success is achieved by an entrepreneur who can simultaneously calculate or intuitively determine the degree of risk and, in case of possible errors, be significantly at risk.
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To what extent do you fit the idea of ​​a business person? The portrait of a modern day businessman is a collection of many, many features.

You want to look in the mirror and see your capabilities in it, answer the questions of the next test. The answers to the questions are “yes” or “no”.
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Does it help you? We often congratulate business colleagues and wish you success in all your endeavors. But only a few of us smile at happiness in this or that business.

What determines success, what are human qualities? Try to find the answer yourself using the experiment. Are you popular in Fortune, or, conversely, do you have every reason to be?
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Are you a businessman by nature? Do you want to know if you have necessary qualities for the modern business person?

The test will help you determine how you meet the requirements of today's business world. Answer the questions "yes" (in case of full and unconditional agreement) or "no" (in case of even the slightest doubt or deviation).
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Do you expect success? When planning future ventures, it is helpful to assess your potential properties in advance.

Before being shown an interesting quiz that will show how your personal preferences and beliefs contribute to business success. The test consists of several statements to express your agreement or disagreement.
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Is there a need for twins? This test is available for those companies where software solutions implemented and implemented in the field of information innovation.

This test is needed to determine if a business model is needed to model negotiations. The test is useful, those companies that have development and sales departments. Choose what suits you, here is the answer.
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If you have the opportunity to do business? This test will help you, give you an assessment of your knowledge and skills. And also identify your abilities as an aspiring entrepreneur.
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Are you dedicated to work or not? In countries like the United States, Japan, Canada, people don't spend a lot of time working.

Often on this occasion, he refers to interviews to determine the number of workers, because this is very important. This quiz will help you determine how much you enjoy your job.
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Do you think you are a workaholic? The problem of the employer cannot irritate psychologists in any more or less developed countries. Some countries conduct special surveys to determine if this is the case. Do you disappear at night and at work?

Haven't you thought too much and time at your favorite job? Try to figure it out.
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Is a career important for a woman? In our time, the beautiful half of humanity is very actively taking on the role business woman. And I really do not want to become a wife and mother. but some women, on the contrary, reject careers, have other priorities.

And who are you? Entrepreneur or loving wife and mother? And can you have the characteristics of combining business and femininity? Find out from your test answers. In this experiment, they can respond to different options. You need to answer honestly, but you also need to think about the questions raised.
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Are you a capable businessman? If you run the command.

Regardless of the relationship you try to build with your colleagues. Your steps to success. What goals would you set for yourself? Could you with such a big responsibility?
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ALWAYS THE RIGHTS OF THE CUSTOMER, THE SALES PROFITS? We all communicate with sellers every day, and these meetings are not always positive. Sellers in shops, markets, kiosks and streets sometimes seem to be the descendants of hell.

Many people think that salespeople come from a desperate situation, without talent or education. But how often do people think about other specialties, about how hard and thankless it is to work as a commercial worker?

Constant nervous tension material liability, irregular working hours, difficult working conditions - this is not a complete list of "pleasures" that sellers and cashiers spend daily. Some of them get impatient and then the clients are advised to change their profession.

Today we invite you to do this: make sure you can work as a salesperson or have contraindications?
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What do you choose: a good home or work? Sooner or later in a woman's life, it may take time to choose between family relationships or a career.

The advice here is probably redundant. He must decide how to proceed. Maybe a test will help.
Complete the test on one side

Rights to script and manage the site Psychological tests onlineAnton Zaitsev

The online business aptitude test will show what kind of businessman you are: is it worth doing business or is it better to give up trying to start your own company and enjoy your craft?

The test contains 13 questions.

Have you ever thought about how well you understand business and entrepreneurship? Are you savvy enough in such matters to start your own business, or, on the contrary, are your concepts very vague? Well, it's time to find out what your business abilities are!

This test will give you a clear idea of ​​whether you understand business, will show whether you are a strong-willed person, and will help you find out how much risk you are willing to take to achieve your goal.

After all, all this, no doubt, important qualities for a businessman!

From this test, you will also find out if you are able to plan your activities and manage your present and future finances, interact with people around you and convince them of the correctness of your position, deal ruthlessly with interfering competitors and climb to the top of the business.

Or is everything exactly the opposite: you are too soft for this game called “business” and such a life in eternal tension is not for you, do you prefer to go with the flow of everyday life and its everyday problems, and not build a ladder to your own glory?

The time for doubt is over! Take this quiz and find out how good your business skills are!

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In this chapter, we have tried to collect the most professional and important business tests. Through these tests, each person will be able to determine their business potential and understand how they can be successful in running their business. Here you can find out if you can become a professional leader, if you can make independent decisions, and if you can create a specific company from scratch.

In other words, if you go to a business testing site, you can see if you have business acumen.

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Testing Business Responses with Answers

Is there any time or effort to take the test online? We will help you redirect the remote test to any educational institution: details.

Question 1. Analysis of the ratio of total income and total costs to determine profitability at different levels of production:

  • gap analysis
  • analysis of production and market opportunities
  • company analysis.
  • environmental analysis

Question 2.

  • assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises
  • creation and use of tools to find the optimal combination of product prices, production volume and actual sales
  • characteristics of the company's solvency

Question 3.

Analysis financial stability focuses on:

  • development of a policy of increase and rational distribution of profits
  • determination of entrepreneurial policy in the expansion of production.
  • assessment of the company's reliability in terms of its solvency
  • policy formulation valuable papers

Question 4.

The business plan has two directions:

  • internal and external
  • long term and short term
  • strategic and tactical.
  • technically and economically

Question 5. What is the main purpose of the development investment project?

  • selection of the optimal version of the technical reorganization of the company
  • substantiation of the technical feasibility and feasibility of creating an object entrepreneurial activity
  • making a profit from investing in an entrepreneurial company
  • financial recovery

Question 6.

For an entrepreneur who knows they are operating in a stable and saturated market, the best solution is to focus their marketing efforts on:

  • selective (specific) demand
  • general needs (total demand)
  • primary demand
  • potential demand

Question 7.

A sufficient business plan includes:

  • All answers are correct
  • all parts of the business plan for the proposed option and optionally include detailed calculations for alternative options
  • all calculations, certificates, certificates and other materials
  • a brief conclusion for each department without justification and calculation

Question 8. Market volume:

  • All answers are correct
  • the volume of goods (services) sold on the market during certain period time
  • the territory in which the sale of goods (services) of the company is carried out
  • the share of the company's products in the total sales of goods (services) in this market

Question 9.

If a company has a risk that in the worst case all expenses will be covered, in the best case the profit will be much lower than the calculated level - this risk area is called:

  • critical
  • at least
  • unacceptable
  • increased

Question 10.

Withdrawal of existing products from production program companies; termination of production of goods; withdrawal of goods from the market as a loss of competitiveness and demand in the market ...

  • change product image
  • change of goods
  • competitiveness of goods
  • elimination

Question 11.

Investments can take the form of (specify at least 2 answers):

  • cash;
  • buildings, structures, machinery, equipment and other property;
  • information support of intangible assets valued with a monetary amount;

Question 12.

Investment project:

  • can be developed on the basis of the company's business plan and are considered an integral part of it
  • it is an independent document.

Question 13.

Innovative business projects are classified as follows:

  • There is no chance.
  • socially, organizationally, commercially
  • technical, commercial, social
  • economic, social, organizational

Question 14.

Using the Altman model, one year can be provided for in bankruptcy (percentage):

Question 15. Investment sources are:

  • budget funds from different levels, business support funds
  • all options are correct.
  • Foreign investments in the form of financial or other participation in the authorized capital and in the form of direct investments
  • no real answer
  • various forms of borrowing
  • own funds, other types of assets (fixed assets, ownership of land, industrial property,

    ) and borrowed funds

Question 16. What group of factors is the basis for product positioning?

  • perception of consumer products
  • consumer intention to make a purchase.
  • customer behavior after purchase;
  • buying behavior

Question 17. What kind of marketing strategy requires a company to organize its activities in several segments with specially designed products and marketing programs...

  • making a difference
  • concentrated
  • undifferentiated
  • support

Question 18.

What reporting documents are offered the financial analysis(list at least two versions of answers):

  • SWOT analysis
  • balance;
  • income statement;
  • reports on resources and implementation of funds;

Question 19. What economic indicator if monthly inflation is 11%?

  • fast growing
  • hyperinflation.
  • avalanche
  • standard inflation

Question 20.

Which of the following definitions of an investment project is correct:

  • investment plan for business positions for profit
  • design and technical documentation on the degree of entrepreneurial activity
  • process, development process marketing plan, choice marketing strategies aimed at increasing the volume of sales of goods and maximizing the profits of the company
  • system of technical, technological, organizational, financial and legal materials

Question 21.

Which of the following indicators can fully reflect the level of technical, technological, organizational, marketing and other decisions made in the project:

  • labor productivity
  • return
  • main costs
  • net present value.

Question 22.

The liquidity ratio shows:

  • active use of own capital.
  • company profitability
  • company solvency
  • debt efficiency

Question 23.

The coefficient of maneuverability of own resources shows:

  • share of long-term loans intended to finance the company's assets
  • the rate of release of immobilized fixed assets and material assets.
  • how much borrowed funds the company attracted for 1 ruble. investment in own funds
  • the degree of flexibility in the use of the company's own funds

Question 24.

The Strategic Position Matrix and Action Assessment (SPASE) includes the following groups of factors:

  • macro- and microecological factors, competitive advantages, industrial potential, financial potential.
  • macroeconomic factors, industrial potential, competitive advantages
  • industrial potential factors, competitive advantages, financial potential;
  • factors of situation stability, industrial potential, competitive advantages, financial potential

Question 25.

A method that involves forecasting, for example, the level and structure of demand, taking into account the actual data of individual markets as references, is called:

  • analogies
  • trend ratio
  • regulatory
  • economic and mathematical modeling

Question 26.

The method based on developing a solution based on a common service of problem experts is called:

  • brain attack
  • Delphi Method
  • system analysis.
  • extrapolation

Question 27.

The purpose of the business plan:

  • all options are correct.
  • in order to study the prospects for future sales in the market
  • to identify potential hazards;
  • establish criteria and indicators for assessing the company
  • estimate the cost of production and marketing of products

Question 28.

The science of data security is called:

  • brand name
  • cryptography
  • marketing
  • segmentation

Question 29.

Inelastic demand (above price changes) is observed with the following expression:

  • Ep = 0
  • Ep = 1
  • Ep > 1

Q30. With a limited scope, with an emphasis on the number of consumers, the scope of activities that allows the company to show its personal characteristics and advantages over competitors:

  • image
  • positioning
  • market niche
  • segmentation

Define the NPV project if it is known that the company has invested 200 million rubles in the construction of the building. The annual planned income from the operation of the facility will be as follows: 40, 70, 100, 130 million rubles. The rate of return is 12%.

Q32. Determine the profitability index of the project if it is known that the company has invested 200 million rubles for the construction of the building. The annual planned income from the operation of the facility will be as follows: 40, 70, 100, 130 million rubles.

The rate of return is 12%.

Question 33. Specialty of economic projects:

  • The main goals are pre-planned, but adjustments are required when the project is adjusted
  • There is no chance.
  • the goals are predetermined, but the results are quantitatively and qualitatively difficult to determine
  • goals are described and should be adapted as intermediate results are achieved

Q34. Flow real money:

  • difference between inflow and outflow Money from investment and economic activity at each stage of the calculation;
  • the difference between the inflow and outflow of cash from investments, production and financial activities at each stage of the calculation
  • net present value
  • net real money flow in the process of liquidation of the object

Prerequisites that increase the likelihood and reality of the onset of risky events, ...

  • quantitative risk analysis
  • risk coverage
  • degree of risk
  • risk factors

Q36. According to the level of income, net income is equal to net present value:

  • E=BND;
  • E > 1.
  • at E = 0

When assessing the value of an enterprise and its elements, the following approaches are used:

  • expensive
  • costs, analogue, profitable.
  • index
  • Technology Source

When calculating indicators economic efficiency company level results of the project:

  • public results
  • operating and financial results
  • production and social results to the extent that it concerns the company's employees and members of their families;
  • only production results;

The project was recognized as socially significant. What is the first step in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of such a project:

  • assessment of social efficiency.
  • assessment of social significance
  • project financial feasibility assessment
  • capital efficiency assessment

Question 40. The risk is as follows:

  • the likelihood of creating conditions that lead to negative consequences incompleteness and inaccuracy of information about the state of the company, project implementation
  • lower ROI
  • a general term for a group of risks that arise at different stages of the stock cycle as a result of the actions of competitors.
  • the cash equivalent process means the tension that has arisen in any socio-economic environment

Try the answers

How do you expect to get rich in the near future?

Answer options:

  • Make a career by climbing up the leadership ladder
  • Invest available money in business with profit, take risks
  • Try your luck in the lottery

If you were given the opportunity to act as an actor, what role would you be best able to play?

Answer options:

  • Levina from Anna Karenina
  • Ostap Bender
  • Stirlitz from the movie "Seventeen Moments of Spring"

Imagine that you have made a million. What would you do next?

Answer options:

  • I will invest in a bank and live on the interest from the deposit
  • I will invest part of the money in a new business, and I will put some of it in a reputable bank for reliability.
  • I take the risk of investing in a profitable business

What do you think money can bring you?

Answer options:

  • Power
  • Life for pleasure
  • Many new worries and envy

If you get rich, would you like it to be in the papers?

Answer options:

  • They write about me sometimes

Which of the 3 job groups suits you best?

Answer options:

  • Lawyer, doctor, politician
  • Head of the company, head of the institute, director of the publishing house
  • Writer, artist, composer

When starting your company, will you hire people who were previously your friends?

Answer options:

  • The answer to this question should be carefully considered.

Imagine that you have made a million. How would you behave?

Answer options:

  • I would drastically change my lifestyle
  • I would allow myself to travel more
  • In my life, only the apartment, car, furniture and other furnishings would change

Imagine that you are the director of a company. Where will you start your business?

Answer options:

  • Would engage in a set of reliable assistants
  • From studying the people you have to work with
  • Define the main directions of the company's work

Which of the following statements do you find more attractive if you were promoted and became a director of a firm?

Answer options:

  • The requirements for almost all personality traits have changed equally
  • The higher the rank of management, the more significant communication skills and abilities are in comparison with professional and technical ones.
  • In my work, the importance of vocational skills has decreased and the role of conceptual knowledge has increased

In your company, in one of the teams, a conflict situation. What will be your actions as a director of the firm?

Answer options:

  • It is necessary to listen to the opinions of the conflicting parties and convince them to find a compromise solution.
  • Do everything possible to prevent a small conflict from growing into a big one.
  • It is necessary to listen to the opinion of everyone, but entrust the final solution to the conflict to the brigade

How strongly do you feel the need to have big money?

Answer options:

  • Periodically
  • Constantly
  • Probably not

Test name Test "How to start a business?"

purpose The test is designed to help you choose a specific line of business that you can go into. The duration of testing can take more than an hour, so to pass the test you need to have a very high motivation, focus on quality work.
The test is based on comparisons of pairs of specific types of entrepreneurial activities, such as "Cargo Taxi" and "Beer Bar". Unlike other similar tests, here it is required to present specifically and in important details what is to be done in this area of ​​activity. Therefore, performing the test requires not only time, but also a serious mental load.
During the testing process, less desirable activities are gradually eliminated, thereby narrowing the circle to the most preferred types of business. In the end, there is one type of activity that has withstood the "severe struggle" with competitors.
The test is designed for people who have seriously decided to do business, but are still far from the final choice of the direction of activity. Also a test might help " good idea for an existing business.


The test will take you quite a lot of time (about an hour or more). If you are not serious, then it is better for you not to start.
You can pause and break at any time. You can continue after a few hours or even the next day. If you feel very tired, then you need to stop.


Print out. When printing, you must specify the landscape orientation of the sheet. There will be eight sheets in total. Each sheet consists of a left and a right block. It is advisable to cut each sheet in the middle, thereby obtaining sixteen cards. Each card will have 16-18 ideas.
Testing begins with the fact that you take the first card. In it, you compare the first and second idea. It is important to imagine at least a little what you have to do in this type of activity. Don't give up on an activity just because you don't like the word or the word has bad connotations. After comparing two ideas, cross out the less successful one. If you find it difficult to choose, then use the elective triad: "I want-I can-I need" (what do you want more? what can you do better? what is more in demand?)
Then you compare the next pair (the third and fourth idea), the next - and so on until the end of the card. On some cards, the number of ideas is odd, so if there is one idea left at the end, then there is no need to compare it yet. The remaining ideas are also compared with each other (the first remaining with the second remaining, the third with the fourth). As a result of all these manipulations, only one idea should remain on the card. Elimination occurs in the same way as in sports where teams or athletes play for elimination.
When you're done with the first card, move on to the second. On the second, too, in the end, only one idea should remain. Postpone the second, move on to the third, and so on. When you're done with the last card, you'll have sixteen ideas. Now it remains to arrange a knockout competition for them in the same way, after which only one idea should remain.

Results processing

The last record left - she won in a serious confrontation with others. Obviously, you have the most serious inclinations for this occupation.

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  • Test name

    Test "How to start a business?"


    The test is designed to help you choose a specific line of business that you can go into. The duration of testing can take more than an hour, so to pass the test you need to have a very high motivation, focus on quality work.

    The test is based on comparisons of pairs of specific types of entrepreneurial activities, such as "Cargo Taxi" and "Beer Bar". Unlike other similar tests, here it is required to present specifically and in important details what is to be done in this area of ​​activity. Therefore, performing the test requires not only time, but also a serious mental load.

    During the testing process, less desirable activities are gradually eliminated, thereby narrowing the circle to the most preferred types of business. In the end, there is one type of activity that has withstood the "severe struggle" with competitors.

    The test is designed for people who have seriously decided to do business, but are still far from the final choice of the direction of activity. Also, the test can help "good idea" for an existing business.

    Assessed qualities

    Age category



    The test will take you quite a lot of time (about an hour or more). If you are not serious, then it is better for you not to start.

    You can pause and break at any time. You can continue after a few hours or even the next day. If you feel very tired, then you need to stop.


    Print out a list of business ideas. When printing, you must specify the landscape orientation of the sheet. There will be eight sheets in total. Each sheet consists of a left and a right block. It is advisable to cut each sheet in the middle, thereby obtaining sixteen cards. Each card will have 16-18 ideas.

    Testing begins with the fact that you take the first card. In it, you compare the first and second idea. It is important to imagine at least a little what you have to do in this type of activity. Don't give up on an activity just because you don't like the word or the word has bad connotations. After comparing two ideas, cross out the less successful one. If you find it difficult to choose, then use the elective triad: "I want-I can-I need" (what do you want more? what can you do better? what is more in demand?)

    Then you compare the next pair (the third and fourth idea), the next - and so on until the end of the card. On some cards, the number of ideas is odd, so if there is one idea left at the end, then there is no need to compare it yet. The remaining ideas are also compared with each other (the first remaining with the second remaining, the third with the fourth). As a result of all these manipulations, only one idea should remain on the card. Elimination occurs in the same way as in sports where teams or athletes play for elimination.

    When you're done with the first card, move on to the second. On the second, too, in the end, only one idea should remain. Postpone the second, move on to the third, and so on. When you're done with the last card, you'll have sixteen ideas. Now it remains to arrange a knockout competition for them in the same way, after which only one idea should remain.

    Results processing

    The last record left - she won in a serious confrontation with others. Obviously, you have the most serious inclinations for this occupation.

    Year of test development


    Version number



    Bibliographic link

    1. Test "How to start a business?" [ Electronic resource] // A. Ya.. 1.06.2011..html (1.06.2011).


    Laboratory site


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