Business plan for opening a business center. Business plan for the construction of a shopping center: a complete description. Company information

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    3.1. Area characteristics

    3.2. Shopping and entertainment center layout

    3.3. Project environmental impacts


    4.1. Russian market commercial real estate

    4.1.1. General market situation and development prospects

    4.2. Moscow retail real estate market

    4.2.1. Market offer

    4.2.2. Shopping center geography

    4.2.3. Supply of retail space

    4.2.4. Demand

    4.2.5. Rental rates

    4.3. Retail real estate market of St. Petersburg

    4.3.1. Market offer

    4.3.2. Demand

    4.3.3. Rental rates


    5.1. Organizational and functional structure of project management

    5.2. Project Implementation Schedule


    6.1. Conditions and assumptions adopted for the calculation

    6.2. Initial data

    6.2.1. Tax environment

    6.2.2. List of services and prices

    6.2.3. Service Implementation Plan

    6.2.4. Nomenclature and prices of raw materials, materials, etc.

    Energy resources

    6.2.5. headcount and wage

    6.2.6. Calculation of direct material costs

    6.2.7. Capital expenditures and depreciation

    6.2.8. Rates of turnover of current assets and liabilities

    6.3. Revenue calculation

    6.4. Investment costs

    6.5. Calculation of profits, losses and cash flows

    6.6. Tax and insurance deductions

    6.7. Sources, forms and conditions of financing

    6.7.1. Need and sources of funding

    6.7.2. Proposed financing terms

    6.8. Grade economic efficiency project

    6.8.1. Methodology for calculating indicators

    Methodology for calculating the discount rate

    Methodology for calculating financial indicators

    6.8.2. Project Performance Indicators

    6.8.3. Financial solvency of the project


    7.1. general characteristics risk assessment methods

    7.2. Sensitivity analysis

    7.3. Break even

    7.4. Project risk assessment



    Characteristics of the areas of the shopping and entertainment center

    New retail real estate objects commissioned in Moscow in 2015 - 1H 2016 and planned for opening in 2H 2016

    Rental rates for operators of shopping centers in Moscow, 2015-H1. 2016, rub. per sq. m per year

    New retail properties commissioned in St. Petersburg in 2015 and under construction in 2016

    Rental rates for retail space in St. Petersburg, 2014-2015, rub. / sq. m. per year

    Date of commissioning of the main objects of the projected enterprise

    Network schedule for project implementation

    Parameters of the main assumptions for the project

    Insurance rates

    Prices for project services

    Planned plan for the implementation of services

    Norms of energy consumption for the project

    The need for energy resources for the project, in units

    Average number of employees at the end of the year, pers.

    Project staff, people

    Nomenclature of costing items for the project

    Starting wage rates

    Labor costs, thousand rubles

    Deductions for social needs, thousand rubles

    Cost calculation for the project, thousand rubles

    Forecast of investments in fixed assets, thousand rubles

    Investments in the construction of a shopping and entertainment center, thousand rubles VAT included

    Timing beneficial use OS, months

    Depreciation forecast, thousand rubles

    SOK standard, days

    Calculation of the cost of products for the project

    Revenue forecast for the project, thousand rubles

    Investment costs for the project, thousand rubles

    Calculation of profits and losses for the project, thousand rubles

    Traffic Money for the project, thousand rubles

    Forecast balance of the project at the end of the period, thousand rubles

    VAT forecast, thousand rubles

    Forecast of corporate income tax, thousand rubles

    Personal income tax forecast, thousand rubles

    Property tax forecast, thousand rubles

    Parameters of an investment loan for construction and installation works (CEW) under the project

    Parameters of an investment loan for the purchase of equipment for the project

    Need and sources of project financing, thousand rubles

    Calculation of the needs and sources of project financing by years, thousand rubles.

    Service schedule for an investment loan for construction and installation works (CEW) under the project, thousand rubles.

    Service schedule of the investment loan for the purchase of equipment for the project, thousand rubles.

    Discount rate calculation

    Project performance indicators

    Calculation of discounted cash flow, thousand rubles

    Performance indicators of ongoing project activities

    Characteristics of project risk assessment methods

    Project sensitivity analysis by NPV, thousand rubles

    Calculation of the break-even point, thousand rubles

    Qualitative project risk analysis


    Distribution of the area of ​​the shopping and entertainment center by purpose

    Supply structure of quality retail space in Russia (GLA), 2016 (O), %

    Provision of high-quality retail space to residents of million-plus cities in the Russian Federation, 2016 (O), m2/1,000 people

    Dynamics of retail space supply volume in Moscow, 2008-2016 (O), mln. m. and %

    Dynamics of commissioning of new retail space (GBA and GLA) in Moscow, 2010-2016 (O), million sq. m.

    Volume of supply of retail space (GLA) by districts of Moscow, 2015-2016 (O), thousand m2

    Distribution of demand for the lease of retail space by format of premises in shopping centers, 2015 and 9M 2016, %

    Distribution of demand by profile of companies renting premises in 2015 and 9M 2016, %

    Dynamics of the supply of retail space in St. Petersburg, 2008-2016 (O), thousand sq. m. and %

    Structure of opening objects in the shopping center by tenant profile, 9M 2016, %

    Maximum rental rates for retail space, 9M 2016, RUB/sq.m./year

    Dynamics of project revenue, thousand rubles

    Structure of investment costs for the project, %

    Dynamics of net profit for the project, thousand rubles

    Project financing structure, %


    Provision of Moscow residents with high-quality retail space, 2008 2016 (O), m2/1,000 inhabitants

    Saturation of shopping centers by districts of St. Petersburg, 2015-9M 2016, m2/1,000 people

    Dynamics of investment costs for the project, thousand rubles

    Dynamics of revenue (net), gross profit and profit before taxation, thousand rubles

    The balance of funds under the project (at the end of the period), thousand rubles

    DFCF cumulative, thousand rubles

    Project sensitivity analysis (NPV), thousand rubles

    Break-even point, thousand rubles


    Parking layout - 1 level

    Parking layout - level 2

    Ground floor layout

    Second floor layout

    Third floor layout

    4th floor layout

    Fifth floor layout


    Shopping centers opened and planned for commissioning in 2016 administrative districts, 2016

    Is it profitable to open your own retail and office center in Russia from scratch?
    Development of medium and small businesses in Russia in recent times can be characterized by a steady rise and rapid pace of development. In this regard, the demand for office space is growing quite rapidly. This is due to the fact that it is rather difficult for most of the middle-level entrepreneurs to acquire their own premises, therefore, they prefer renting.

    In connection with such circumstances, young businessmen need to think about how to draw up a business plan for an office center. This will make it possible to lease part of the business center area and receive a stable and fairly high income from this.
    How to implement a business plan for the construction of a shopping and office center?
    It is worth knowing that if an entrepreneur needs a loan from a bank for opening own business, he will need to draw up a clear business plan that will contain all the details about the planned opening of a retail office center. The completed business plan will act as business card businessman, because such a document is the face of the planned project.

    Today in this business there is a fairly high level of competition. Therefore, in order to achieve good results and organize the construction of a retail office center correctly, you will also need to draw up a business plan. The correct calculation of your own business project at the very beginning is quite important for a potential owner of the enterprise.

    Therefore, it makes sense for a businessman to think about turning to professionals who will help to draw up detailed business plan. Today, there are a fairly large number of companies that have many years of experience, and therefore they can help draw up a business plan for the construction of an office center correctly.

    Determination of the main aspects of the business plan for the construction of a shopping and office center

    In order to prepare, you will need to perform a thorough analysis of the structure, volume and development trends of the office space market. The business plan must contain all necessary information about types of office buildings, main market segments and so on.

    Market analysis consists of the following steps:

    1. first of all, you will need to consider offers that already exist on the market;
    2. find out rental rates and their level;
    3. clarify information about the occupancy of office centers;
    4. find out if there is a possibility of acquiring space, what is the price policy depending on the class of the building for offices, its location.

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    Drawing up a basic description of the office space center to be opened

    The business plan being drawn up must necessarily describe the place of construction. First of all, the entrepreneur will need to analyze the condition of all adjacent transport routes, the availability of parking space, consideration of the competitive environment, the availability of convenient access roads for cars, the proximity of urban underground and surface transport. Based on these nuances, it is worth choosing a place where it is planned to build the future center of office space.

    Regarding the required area, it is worth knowing that a fairly large area may be needed. The total area can be approximately from 40,000 to 50,000 square meters. meters.

    It is necessary to consider how many floors the building will have, how many offices there will be, and so on. This must be determined based on how much money the entrepreneur has.

    In addition to meeting the high level of competition in modern market office buildings, you will need to come up with something that can distinguish the project being implemented from competitors.

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    Description of all investment costs for the development of the proposed building

    The business plan for the construction of a shopping and office center implies the following items of expenditure:

    • costs for the preparation and receipt of design estimates and initial permits;
    • costs of preparatory work;
    • costs for the direct construction of an office center;
    • expenses for regular advertising campaigns.

    To open a 50,000 sq. meters, an entrepreneur may need approximately $ 11,000,000. In addition, it is necessary to have a sufficiently large amount of money after the opening of the office center. The business plan contains information that you need to regularly invest in advertising campaigns.

    The most time-consuming and costly part that the business plan contains will be the implementation of all necessary construction and installation work.

    The payback period of the project can be about 5 years. In addition, incomes can be approximately 2,000,000-3,000,000 dollars per year.

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    Employees that will be needed in order to implement the business plan

    First of all, you need to hire good managers, who will provide all the necessary information to interested customers, including prices for renting premises, lease terms, information about current promotions, and so on.

    You will need to take a good experienced accountant who has been working in this field for more than a year. This is due to the fact that you have to submit reports to tax office, in addition, report to the director on what income and expenses are planned.

    It will be necessary to hire a director who will manage the entire project as a whole and try in every possible way to develop the newly opened enterprise, the business plan of which is being considered. It is worth saying that for the first time, the entrepreneur can himself perform the duties this employee, however, you need to understand that the volume of work in this business will be quite large. Therefore, you first need to think carefully about whether the businessman will have enough time to devote to maintaining and developing the enterprise.

    Do not forget about the cleaners, who will need quite a lot. This is due to the fact that the newly opened enterprise will have a large area on which it is necessary to regularly maintain the frequency. Only a large number of cleaners can cope with this. The amount will depend on how many square meters it is specifically planned to occupy on the site.

    An entrepreneur cannot do without quality protection. Today, there are quite a number security companies who provide such services. In addition to the need for a lot of security guards who will have to walk around the perimeter on the floors and monitor compliance with order, additional security cameras will need to be installed. Do not forget about obtaining the appropriate permission to install such devices.

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    Construction of the building and implementation of all necessary repairs

    This business plan contains a description of the process of carrying out the construction of a building using construction company as well as any repairs that may be needed.

    Construction office building- a rather laborious process that requires a lot of time. It will take an entrepreneur about 2 years to complete the project being implemented.

    Before starting construction, it will be necessary to obtain all the necessary documents from the sanitary and epidemiological service, fire inspection, and so on. This can cost approximately $10,000-$15,000.

    After the construction is completed, you can proceed to the implementation of repair and finishing work. Here everything will depend on how much free cash the entrepreneur will have. It should be understood that the interior decoration of the building is the face of the opened enterprise. The more money will be invested in repair work, the more refined the interior decoration will be, the greater the number of potential clients who will want to pay money to rent space in the business center that is being opened.

    How more money will be invested in repairs, the more expensive will be the cost of renting offices in it. Today, there are a fairly large number of enterprises that are willing to pay a huge amount of money to somehow stand out from the rest. AT this case they will be able to stand out by having a chic office that can produce good impression on their potential customers who will visit it.

    In general, repairs can take another approximately $1,000,000 to $5,000,000.

    Everything will depend on what materials were used for decoration and how high-quality furniture will be installed in office premises.

    In this material:

    Shopping and entertainment centers usually have several floors and include not only shopping areas, but also leisure centers - cinemas, bowling alleys, quest rooms, islands for entertaining children while their parents are shopping, and a foot zone. The business plan for the construction of a shopping center requires knowledge of the issue, a clear vision from the organizers ultimate goal and scrupulous study of the experience of competitors.

    The mall is a relatively new format for our country, successfully copied from Western models, adapted to the domestic mentality and lifestyle. Not surprisingly, the opportunity to purchase goods various categories in one place, interspersing shopping with coffee and cakes, many liked it. Time that would be wasted in traffic jams and moving around the city can be spent with pleasure. The opportunity to place a child in a playroom under the supervision of a teacher becomes an added bonus and tips the scales in favor of the mall.

    Behind all this is the owner of the complex, often not alone, since the investments at the start are huge and it is most often unrealistic to master them alone.

    A thorough market analysis and a well-thought-out shopping center business plan is the first step in promoting a profitable, but very difficult business.

    Business Features

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • a competent concept will attract profitable tenants, and with them buyers;
    • a versatile focus, not limited solely to trade, helps to maneuver and stay afloat without fear of competition;
    • The task of the developer is to put the object into operation and attract tenants, after which the center will begin to generate income without significant costs.
    • huge initial investment, the size of which can grow during the construction process;
    • a large number of all kinds of documentation, both at the stage of obtaining a building permit, and in the future;
    • low occupancy, idle rental space;
    • increased competition in this market segment.


    The main risk of building a large retail facility is the lack of tenants and low occupancy.

    If the risk of failure to meet deadlines and delaying construction can be foreseen and an agreement drawn up with the contractor in such a way that the guilty party covers the losses itself, then the involvement of tenants (a well-thought-out organized marketing) is a priority task that needs to be addressed even before the commissioning of the shopping center. Advertising campaign will require investments amounting to thousands of dollars, but these costs will more than pay off.

    organizational plan

    Activity registration

    Since the business requires investments amounting to millions of dollars, most often several people act as co-owners, therefore, LLC or CJSC is preferred as the form of ownership.

    To ensure that all documents related to the acquisition or lease land plot(buildings), further development was in order, it is worth contacting the services of specialists. Firms specializing in design and complex support investment projects in construction, will ensure the development of the entire necessary documentation and obtaining permits at all stages, starting with the initial permit documents and ending with a permit to put the facility into operation.

    Attracting investors

    Up-to-date data is available after ordering a business plan

    Excluding (or supplementing) the option of providing construction through a loan or credit issued by a bank, the business organizer is faced with the need to attract investors to the business. How to convince creditworthy people to invest their money in the project, how to attract them?

    1. Become a dock in your issue, thoroughly understand the intricacies and clearly demonstrate the presence of managerial skills.
    2. Offer options for entering and exiting the business for the investor (for example, selling your share).
    3. Choose a location that best meets the objectives of the project (it is likely that the owner of the land will be among the investors). The investor's input is a loan, an investment in fixed assets and equipment, leasing, a share in the authorized capital.

    A clear, competent business plan, developed for a specific object, taking into account the specifics of the region, market analysis and cost / income calculation will be the starting point in negotiations with "wallets".

    Shopping center location

    The cornerstone of the project is the correct location of the shopping center. The term "correct" means:

    • in close proximity to the highway with high traffic;
    • in a residential area with a large number of residents;
    • next to a convenient road interchange;
    • implying the possibility of getting by other transport than a private car;
    • having its own parking or providing for the simultaneous construction of a multi-storey car park.

    Construction phase

    When “building” a shopping center on paper or a computer monitor, it is important to decide how customer flows will move, eliminate dead ends and congestion, think over and create comfortable conditions for both buyers and tenants.

    A friendly team of professionals should work on the construction of the shopping center: architects, designers, builders, economists and marketers.

    When concluding a contract with a contractor, it is extremely important to foresee all the nuances regarding the violation of construction deadlines (they entail additional investments, violate the marketing campaign and discredit the developer in front of the public, undermining his authority).

    Purchase of equipment

    Since the main profit is expected from the lease of shopping center pavilions, special equipment and furniture may not be needed (if tenants prefer their own). As an option, study the demand and rent out the premises together with furniture (racks, cabinets, hangers, tables, chairs).

    AT without fail you will need equipment to provide electricity, heat (or electric heating in the cold season), plumbing for toilets and amenity premises.

    Formation of staff

    Development project documentation specialists should be engaged, construction is transferred to the power of the contractor, but a complex ready for delivery cannot do without hired workers. You will need:

    • administrators;
    • accountant;
    • director (manager);
    • cleaners;
    • plumber;
    • an electrician;
    • guards.

    Attracting retail space tenants

    The specifics of the organization of shopping and entertainment centers provides for the involvement of one or more anchor tenants. These include stores of hyped trade brands, grocery, electrical engineering, clothing. The share of such a lessor accounts for more than 5% of retail space, it is he who forms the flow of buyers.

    Tenants can be attracted:

    • flexible terms of the lease agreement;
    • improved service;
    • an intensive marketing campaign that provides an influx of visitors.

    Financial plan

    Investments at the start

    Depending on the location, area, scale of construction, the amount start-up capital. On average in the country it is 20-40 million dollars.

    Often you have to combine investor money and bank loans. It is very important to calculate the options and draw up a clear scheme according to which the money taken at interest will be paid to the bank.

    Expenses and repayment of loans

    Costs include payment required documents, business registration (or services specialized company). The lion's share of money "eats" construction. In the future, wages, taxes, equipment purchases, current expenses, supply and payment for water, heat, electricity, and wireless Internet are added.

    At first, up to 10 thousand dollars a month is spent on marketing and advertising.

    The bank gives loans with an interest rate of 12-18% for a long period, for example, for 10 years.


    Income (and after - profit) will begin to bring only a ready, operating trading facility. Income will be made up of rent paid by tenants and third-party services - advertising, for example.

    Profit calculation

    The main profit is brought by large, anchor tenants. With proper organization, payment utilities falls entirely on the shoulders of those who rent the area in the shopping center.

    The rental rate for 1 m 2 is 850-900 rubles.

    Project payback period and profitability

    The greater the workload of rental space, the faster and easier the project will pay off, reaching a net profit. It has been statistically proven that with proper advertising and the creation of comfortable conditions, tenants do not leave the "walking" area, reducing the payback period of the project. On average, we are talking about 3-4 years.

    For the construction of a shopping and entertainment center, one desire is not enough. It is important to entrust the calculations and preparation of estimate documentation to a person with relevant experience, check and double-check everything. Starting investments are very high and this excludes the right to make a mistake.

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    Modern shopping centers are not just tens of thousands of varieties of goods collected under one roof. The format of this institution has undergone significant changes over the past years, thanks to which it has become quite a profitable enterprise. Solid shopping centers exist today in almost every major city, and it will be quite difficult to compete with them. But if you set a clear goal for yourself, while having the financial opportunity to realize all your ideas, it makes sense to compete for a place in this niche.

    Business in shopping centers is developing as actively as possible, since the traffic in them usually always remains at a high level. But, if you try, in each of these establishments you can find both small and rather large flaws. Your task is to carefully analyze them in order to avoid them in your endeavors. Study customer demand, availability additional services- all this will help you when working on your own project.

    Trade various goods still occupies a central place in the activity of any shopping center. But, in addition, the number of additional services provided to visitors of this institution is growing and expanding. Considering the amount of time visitors spend shopping, and the fact that many parents have no one to leave their little ones with, it becomes understandable to open a mall children's game room where mothers and fathers can safely leave their children under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

    Any business for the owner of a shopping center is just a source of additional profit. Opening a new store in a shopping center is a common occurrence. But absolutely not superfluous in this institution will also be points fast food, in which buyers can quickly "starve the worm." Coffee houses, pizzerias, sushi bars - there can be several such points, and be sure that none of them will suffer from a lack of visitors.

    It is very difficult to determine which direction of trade will be the most profitable in a shopping center. Usually than more items offered to customers, the higher the total turnover of the shopping center. But this, of course, will require huge areas. It is almost impossible to choose a suitable building from those already available in the city, and therefore most businessmen are inclined to such an option as the construction of a shopping center. This will require a significant investment, as well as the need to coordinate your project in huge number instances. And it is difficult to say which of this causes a great panic among the entrepreneur.

    Flatten possible risks To minimize, facilitate communication with officials and avoid unnecessary costs, a professional shopping center business plan will help you. It contains detailed description all stages of the creation of a shopping center. Without the use of this most important financial document, it is impossible to imagine such a large-scale project - the role of a random error is too great.