The mission and goals of the organization of the fast food restaurant "Cafemarkt. Examples of company missions. Mission Statement Examples

Introduction 1

1. Description of the enterprise OOO "MERINOR" 2

1.1 General information 2

1.2 Company structure 4

2. The mission of the enterprise OOO "MERINOR" 6

3. Analysis of the external environment LLC "MERINOR" 6

3.1 Analysis of the macro environment of the industry 6

3.2 Analysis of industry drivers 8

3.3 Analysis of the competitive situation according to the method of M. Porter 9

3.4. Competitor strategy analysis 11

3.5. Evaluation and conclusion on the complex attractiveness of the industry 12

4. Analysis internal environment enterprises OOO "MERINOR" 14

4.1 SWOT-analysis of the enterprise LLC "MERINOR" 14

4.2 Strategic price analysis LLC "MERINOR" 17

5. Determination of the basic strategy of the enterprise LLC "MERINOR" based on the analysis competitive advantage 19

6. Choice of the development strategy of the enterprise OOO "MERINOR" 20

6.1. Choosing a development strategy based on a situational approach 20

6.2. Choosing a development strategy based on BCG and GE / McKinsey 21 matrices

Conclusion 23

References 24


The theme of developing an enterprise development strategy Catering very relevant in our times. In recent years, in connection with the transition of the country's economy to market relations, the use of marketing research in the activities of public catering enterprises is the most important condition for their successful functioning. Today it is obvious that the country has been reoriented from industrial production to the service sector, and public catering brings a lot of money to the budget, becoming an important part of the economy. The food and entertainment industry is rapidly developing, and this is not surprising - these industries have very high profitability rates.

Money is willingly invested in such a business, and a growing market makes it possible for new enterprises to survive and develop. In this regard, the catering industry is one of the most attractive objects of marketing research, and the study of the restaurant business market as the basis for decision-making by catering enterprises is the relevance of the study.

The task of market research should be not just the structure of the study technology, but the search for methods for solving the problems that are urgent for the enterprise. Catering is one of those industries that constantly attract entrepreneurs. It has been known since ancient times that eating a person will not stop under any circumstances. In this regard, the number of catering establishments belonging to different price and assortment categories is constantly growing. This situation contributes to increased competition and tougher struggle for survival in the catering industry.
For effective competition, enterprises use marketing as a tool to increase market share and better meet the needs of the population with the services provided. That is, marketing is one of the most important elements of the enterprise, which should be given sufficient attention.

In order to achieve leadership in the competition, marketing must be managed, that is, within the framework of marketing, it is necessary to carry out a targeted impact on the market in order to promote their products. Thus, the problem of marketing management is not an internal problem of the enterprise itself; how effectively such management will be carried out will depend on how the enterprise itself meets the requirements of the market.

All of the above confirms the relevance of the topic of the course work.

Object of study in this thesis is a snack bar "Labyrinth", owned by a society with limited liability"MERINOR", and the subject of the study is marketing as an object of management in such an enterprise. The choice of the object and subject of research is due to the specifics of the public catering industry, when the degree of customer satisfaction directly depends not only on the quality of production, but also on the service, and both components are interconnected and play an equal role in public catering.

aim term paper is an assessment of the current situation in the enterprise

1. Description of the enterprise OOO "MERINOR"

1.1 General information

An analysis of the socio-economic development of the city of Dolgoprudny showed that over the past 7 years the city has achieved significant success. There was a steady growth in all major economic indicators: growth in the turnover of enterprises, revenues of the city budget and the level of average wages, investment volumes, retail turnover and paid services. According to most of them, in terms of growth rates, the city is among the leaders of the municipalities of the Moscow Region (from 2 to 30 places). The consumer market of the city is the sphere of life where transformations are most intensive and at the same time, more tangible for the population.

The consumer market of the city is represented by small, medium and large enterprises and trade, public catering and consumer services.

In order to develop the consumer market, rationally locate shopping facilities in the city and meet the needs of residents in food, consumer goods and services, in 2007 the “Program for the development of the consumer market and services in the city of Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region for the period up to 2010” was adopted. ".

Currently, the city has 279 trade enterprises, two markets (a food market - a branch of POKT KOOPTORG and a clothing one - Lada LLC), 33 public catering enterprises and 79 public service enterprises.

A significant number of enterprises in the consumer market and services in terms of technology, aesthetic state, saturation with goods correspond to the modern level of organization of trade and services.

The consumer market of the city is characterized by a steady upward trend in the physical volume of retail trade. Trade turnover is an indicator that characterizes the development of trade, and in 2008 it amounted to more than 4 billion rubles, which is 7.7 times more than in 2000. The projected retail turnover for 2010 is 8.5 billion rubles. (an increase by 2.1 times compared to 2007), in 2015, respectively, -15.0 billion rubles. (by 3.7 times), for 2015 - 15,000 million rubles, in 2020 - 25.0 billion rubles (by 6.2 times). (Chart of the dynamics of retail turnover). The growth rate will be 20-30% annually.

The network of public catering is intensively developing. If in 2000 there was practically one state-of-the-art public catering enterprise Tantal LLC (Solo restaurant) on the territory of Dolgoprudny, today it is: Restaurants San Remo, Avrora-service, Sanitek-comfort; Cafe of Japanese cuisine "Sushi-Bar-Fusion"; "Pizzeria" (chain of restaurants "PizzaLand"); Cafe "Rendezvous", "Shokoladnitsa", "Subway", etc.

As of 01.01.09 There are 33 catering establishments in the city. The total area of ​​service halls for visitors of public catering enterprises amounted to over 3 thousand square meters. Number of catering establishments for the period 2000-2008 increased by 73%.

Turnover of public catering in 2008. amounted to 23.6 million rubles, which is 5 times higher than the level of 2000. The turnover of public catering per capita in 2008 amounted to 294.5 rubles, which is 5.2 times higher than the level of 2000.

Cafe-snack bar "Labyrinth" was founded in 2006 by creating a limited liability company "MERINOR", registered in the state register dated April 24, 2006.

Type of object cafe-snack bar, specialization - public catering.

Actual address: Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, st. Pervomaiskaya, 60.

Main suppliers of raw materials.

Company "DImetroS-Group of companies "ALDA"


Golden Standard Company

Company "Inter-Vina"


Main competitors.

The main competitors are: "Randevu" cafe, "Shokoladnitsa" coffee house, "Savey" coffee house.

Mode of operation of the enterprise.

The working day of managers and staff lasts from 12:00 to 01:00. Service personnel work in two shifts three through three.

List of management and service personnel.

Key managers perform the following functional responsibilities:

Director (1 person). Signs orders for appointment to a particular position or dismissal from it. Carries out organizational management of the entire enterprise as a whole.

Deputy Director (1 person). Report directly to the director. In the absence of the director, he fulfills all his obligations.

Manager (1 person) Reports to the director, in his absence to the deputy director. Develops a strategy for the enterprise, controls the work of the personnel of the diner, the quality of service. Provides interaction between departments. Responsible for the marketing of the company.

Accountant (1 person). Directly reports to the director and carries out all his orders concerning the work of the company. It carries out its activities on the basis of the requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian government. Within the limits of the approved official duties, interacts with state enterprises, institutions and public organizations.

Manager (2 people) Reports to the Deputy Director, Manager. He is the direct supervisor of the institution for service personnel in the absence of higher management. Monitors the work of staff, performs cash transactions.

Bartender (2 people) Subordinate to the manager. Prepares orders directed to the bar, directly serves visitors at the bar.

Waiter (6 people) Subordinate to the manager. Takes orders, serves guests, monitors the cleanliness of the hall.

Chef (1 person) Subordinate to the manager. Supervises the work of the kitchen staff, makes requests to suppliers, develops recipes for dishes, draws up technological maps, and makes cooking tests.

Sous Chef (1 person) Reports to the Chef. In the absence of the Chef, he performs his duties.

Cook (4 people) Submits to the Chef, in his absence to the Sous Chef. Engaged in direct cooking.

Confectioner (1 person) Submit to the Chef. Produces confectionery.

Cookware (2 people) Reports directly to the manager. He is washing dishes.

Cleaning lady (2 people) Reports directly to the manager. Maintains cleanliness in the facility. Cleans utility rooms, hall.

1.2 Enterprise structure

Snack bar "Labyrinth" has a divisional management structure. The advantages of this structure are: maintaining the manageability of a large organization while transferring most management functions to the level of departments, focusing on specific products and markets and, in this regard, increasing the competence and qualification of management decisions, overcoming the excessive workload of the central office.

Disadvantages: isolation of the central office from specific areas of the organization's activities, and, consequently, the risk of abuse, an increase in the number of managerial personnel.

Fig.1. Organizational structure of the cafe "Labyrinth"

The structure of the cafe is based on the principle of hierarchical management levels, in which each lower level is controlled by a higher one and is subordinate to it. The principle of division of labor into separate functions and specialization of workers according to the functions performed are being implemented; the principle of formalization and standardization of activities, ensuring the uniformity of the performance of their duties by employees and the coordination of various tasks.

2. The mission of the enterprise OOO "MERINOR"

One of the observable tendencies of a modern person is taking care of one's own health, the quality of food consumed and, what is important, lifestyle and leisure activities. This explains, for example, the surge in the consumption of Japanese cuisine, which we are seeing now. A person always has a positive attitude towards innovations related to fashionable, healthy and high-quality food offered by the time.

The concept of a cafe is focused on a person with an average income, where a person with an average income can afford to have lunch, dinner, etc. in an urban cafe for affordable money.

The cafe is positioned as an ideal place for a romantic date, business meeting or a friendly dinner. Focused on mixed cuisine, which is able to satisfy any gourmet, up to lovers of traditional Japanese cuisine.

Great importance in the menu is given to coffee and tea drinks. Visitors to the cafe can both eat in this establishment and drink a cup of excellent coffee, which is here in a huge assortment and of excellent quality, so the coffee card will be designed to satisfy any demand. In general, it should be noted that "Labyrinth" positions itself as a coffee shop, which will be taken into account in further analysis.

It is obvious that it is price policy(average bill 800-1000 rubles) affects the positioning of the cafe and the formation of the target audience, which in this case are men aged 26-40 and women - 18-35 years. At the same time, 55 percent of the total number of visitors are men and 45 percent are women. Basically, these are middle managers with incomes of 25,000 or more, who live in the area where the cafe is located, work nearby or come on weekends.

So, Mission: To provide a certain segment of the population of the city of Dolgoprudny with decent cuisine, excellent coffee.

The mission and goals of the organization of the fast food restaurant "Cafemarkt"

Enterprise characteristics

To date, the problem of catering in the north-western district of the city is quite relevant. This is especially acute in the area of ​​the newly built residential area. It houses the Cooperative Institute, the Weline sports complex, several large enterprises trade, cultural facilities. The purpose of the restaurant: quality and affordable food. Public catering establishments existing today in this area can be conditionally divided into two types: large and small fast food establishments. The first are restaurants and cafes. Them distinctive feature is high service and quality of service at a fairly high price (an average lunch costs about 300 rubles or more), that is, they are aimed at people with a high level of income. The second includes small eateries that offer, although cheap, but not always high-quality products. A common distinguishing feature is the limited range of products produced, which is caused by the small size of the premises occupied by it. This makes it possible to conclude that public catering enterprises operating in this area of ​​the city cannot fully satisfy the demand in this market and there is a real need for a fast food cafe with a wide range of products offered, high service and quality of service and relatively low prices. . After analyzing the situation, the founders of Aquamarkt LLC on July 12, 2009 opened the Cafemarkt cafe at the address: Ul. M. Gorky 33.

Aquamarkt Limited Liability Company, registered on April 14, 1997 in Cheboksary, was established and operates in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, founding agreement, Charter and in its activities is guided by them.

The organization offers consumer market cosmetic products and household chemicals, and also provides fast food restaurant services.

The organizational and production structure of the Cafemarkt fast food restaurant includes the following functional services (see Appendix 2):

Production. Management of the cooking process, as well as compliance with all sanitary safety standards, is the responsibility of the kitchen manager;

Management of personnel, property, household issues is carried out by the administrator;

Financial, consisting of financial and economic services; management is carried out by the chief accountant.

Analysis of the state and prospects of the company is carried out using the SWOT methodology, which provides for taking into account external and internal factors-strong and weaknesses enterprise, identifying external opportunities, determining the further actions of the Cafemarkt fast food restaurant. For a restaurant to be considered successful, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that affect the competitive position of its products: the quality of the goods, the assortment set, therefore commodity policy occupies an important place in increasing the competitiveness of the entire restaurant chain. The main criteria for the formation of the assortment policy are the supply and demand in the market of products, spices and drinks. Analyzing the proposal, you can identify the so-called weak points in the menu, determine in which of the restaurants it should be improved. Optimization of the nomenclature of dishes allows the company to guarantee relatively stable sales volumes, covering costs and profit levels. The model of the SWOT-analysis matrix is ​​presented in Appendix 3.

Taking into account the data of the SWOT analysis, we can conclude that an increase in the financing of marketing programs will improve management in such areas as:

Analysis of potential visitors to the restaurant chain;

Competition analysis;

Development of new services and goods;

Service promotion analysis;



In our time, the development of the industry is carried out mainly due to an increase in the number of enterprises and an increase in the number of employed workers, that is, in an extensive way. The efficiency of public catering enterprises, including the Cafemarkt fast food restaurant, means obtaining the maximum result achieved on the basis of rational use available labor and material resources. Efficiency is measured by comparing the results of labor with costs. The most efficient is the work that provides the greatest result at the lowest cost. The increase in labor productivity in public catering is influenced by two groups of factors: material and technical and organizational and economic. The group of material and technical factors includes: introduction of complex mechanization and automation of production processes; transfer of public catering enterprises to work with semi-finished products and preparation of dishes from quick-frozen and chilled products; introduction of advanced technology. The group of organizational and economic factors includes: rational forms of organization of production (concentration, specialization, cooperation); improvement of labor organization; use of funds financial incentives; improvement of wages; professional development of personnel. The maximum effect can be obtained only with a systematic combination of these two groups of factors.

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Federal Agency for Education State educational institution higher professional education

Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen

Management department


By discipline: Theory of organization

Analysis and improvement organizational structure

public catering establishments LLC restaurant "Baron"

Completed by a student

1 course, group ZMB 3-09

Novikova I.A.

Checked by Professor Trapitsyn S.Yu.

St. Petersburg 2010


1.1.1 Structure of the organization

1.2 Mission of the organization

2.1 Analysis of the external environment

2.1.1 Macro environment

2.1.2 The immediate environment

2.2 Analysis of the internal environment



The highly developed state of the world today is due to successful governance. Management is carried out at every stage of the activities of modern organizations. Management as modern system management of an enterprise operating in the conditions market economy, involves the creation of the conditions necessary for its effective functioning and development. We are talking about such an organization of management, which is generated by objective necessity and laws. market relations management. The peculiarity of modern management is its focus on ensuring rational organization enterprise management.

An analysis of the organization of enterprise management allows you to evaluate the flexibility, efficiency, reliability of management, the ability to constantly influence the environment.

Relevance of the topic

The development of market relations in our country has eliminated the long-term state monopoly on the public catering sector. Economic changes led to the revival of the domestic restaurant business, which draws its origins from the rich cultural and historical heritage of the restaurant business of pre-revolutionary Russia. Like a sphere entrepreneurial activity restaurant business expresses important social and economic functions. In the functions of the restaurant business, its essence is most clearly manifested.

The economic functions of the restaurant business consider this area in the unity of production and circulation. In practice, this means that the restaurant business is a profitable area for investing capital, which provides a fairly fast, compared to other industries, turnover of invested funds.

The social functions of the restaurant business are expressed in the fact that this area of ​​business activity entirely serves the public interest and does not contradict them in any way. Here the culture of consumption is formed; consumer habits and preferences are nurtured.

Currently, the situation in the restaurant business allows you to get a sustainable rate of return due to the correct orientation of potential consumer with an average income.

The purpose of the course work: consideration of the organization (restaurant "Baron") as a unit of a market economy, where management decisions are made.

Work tasks:

1. Consider theoretical aspects formation of an enterprise development strategy.

2. Conduct an analysis of the mission, goals and management structure of the organization LLC public catering enterprise luxury restaurant "Baron".

Subject of study: the organizational structure of the catering enterprise of the restaurant "Baron".

Object of study: LLC public catering enterprise luxury restaurant "Baron".

Research information base: teaching aids, educational materials, articles by Russian and foreign authors, as well as reporting data and internal documents Baron restaurant.

Chapter 1. Defining the mission and goals of the organization

1.1 General characteristics of the organization

The restaurant "Baron" was founded in 1995. The enterprise has an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banks, a seal with its name, stamps, letterheads and other details of a legal entity.

The Company has the right to have full and abbreviated names in Russian, foreign languages and languages ​​of peoples Russian Federation.

A restaurant whose trade name is registered in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts of the Russian Federation has the exclusive right to use it.

Located in the business part of the city, it has good access roads and a small guarded parking lot.

Cuisine: the restaurant's menu is developed under the guidance of an experienced chef, thanks to which visitors have the opportunity to order truly delicious dishes. The optimal combinations of products are selected, and the unusual design whets the appetite.

Target groups: families, tourists, visitors to cultural institutions, company representatives, businessmen.

Management is an essential activity for this organization.

In order for the organization to achieve its goals, the activities of all structural elements must be coordinated through the vertical division of labor.

The vertical division of labor separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves. The activity of coordinating the work of other people is the essence of management. The vertical division of labor is carried out in the following areas:

· general leadership;

· technological guidance;

economic leadership;

operational management;

· personnel Management.

Also, work in the restaurant is distributed on a professional basis.

Dividing the entire work into its constituent components among the participants labor process- horizontal division of labor. A classic example of the horizontal division of labor into manufacturing plant are manufacturing, marketing and finance. They represent the main activities that must be successfully completed in order for the organization to achieve its goals.

1.1.1 Structure of the organization

The structure of the organization is a set of connections and relationships between management levels and functional areas, built in a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization. Structural units organizations are groups of people whose activities are consciously directed and coordinated to achieve a common goal.

Organizations to achieve their goals need resources to be transformed in the process of production activities.

The main resources used by an organization are people ( human resources), fixed and working capital, raw materials, technology and information. The main task of the organization in the field of resource use is to achieve goals with: minimum costs and maximum efficiency.

In the organization under study, three key processes are implemented:

1. obtaining resources from the external environment;

2. product manufacturing;

3. transferring it to the external environment.

In order for the organization to effectively perform its functions to achieve goals, they use motivation, stimulation, power, leadership, conflict management, organizational culture, etc.

An organization as a system for coordinating people's behavior ensures the process of achieving goals. The activities of the participants in the organization are implemented within the framework of the structure and depend on the effectiveness of the established links between them.

It must be borne in mind that the main elements of any organization are people. Therefore, in order to achieve the set goals, the study organization staffed the staff with professionally qualified specialists.

1.2 Mission of the organization

What is the organization's business mission?

Dictionaries (encyclopedic, foreign words) define the word "mission" as follows:

mission (from the Latin missio - sending, order):

1) a delegation with a specific assignment;

2) diplomatic representation;

3) a church institution created for the direct exercise of religious influence, conversion to one's faith.

In modern Russian, the word "mission" is increasingly used as:

· "destination";

The meaning of existence

some basic life task.

This is how the word "mission" is interpreted by the vast majority of participants in organizations in various aspects of management. It is this interpretation of the word "mission" (business mission) that is used in management. Mission is the overall purpose of an organization and the reason for its existence. The mission is the "purpose" of the organization, its "meaning of life".

The mission of the organization determines the place, role and position in society, its social status. Sometimes this concept is replaced by such an expression as "the motto of the organization." The mission of the organization is verbally expressed, the main socially significant, functional purpose of the organization in long term.

The organization under study, when developing its mission, identified precisely social character its purpose for society.

Thus, the mission of the restaurant "Baron" is to meet the needs of a modern person in food and rest, and have a good time.

1.3 Structure of the organization's objectives

The mission implements the goals of the organization's development, which essentially determine the promising directions.

Numerous studies conducted in recent years show that in terms of importance, goals occupy one of the first places among other components of the organization.

Many examples can be cited where a simple shift in goals or even vagueness in their formulation leads to such serious negative consequences in the organization, as the wrong choice of strategic directions (this leads to serious material losses), the reduction of the synergy effect due to the lack of a common orientation among the members of the organization, the disruption of communications within the organization, the weakening of integration within organizational structures, the emergence of difficulties in motivating members of the organization, and others serious problems. Thus, goals have the most direct impact on almost all components of the organization's activities. In order to understand the reasons for the importance of goals for organizational activities, it is necessary to define the concept of purpose.

In our work, we will define the goal as the desired, planned result or those guidelines that the members of the organization are trying to achieve using their activity to meet the needs of the organization as a whole and its participants in particular.

In terms of organization, the goal should be considered as a unity of motives, means and results.

The activities of the organization under study, engaged in the restaurant business, are mainly focused on the creation of quality goods and services within specific constraints - in terms of costs and profits. This aspiration non-profit organization is reflected in a set of goals formulated as the provision of specific services.

Depending on the significance, the goals are divided into the main and additional goals that ensure the achievement of the main goal. Further they are divided to the level of tasks.

The main goals of the restaurant "Baron":

1. Focus on service quality and customer orientation.

2. Formation and increase of customer loyalty.

3. Maximization of profit from the sale of products (increase in the value of the institution).

4. Reducing production costs.

5. Winning the status of a popular institution.

6. Penetration (exit) to the market.

7. Maintaining satisfaction with the work and financial well-being of their employees, etc.

Also in the organization under study there are a large number of different strategic, tactical, intermediate and secondary goals.

The goals of the organization are diverse in form and content. For example, the goals of ordinary performers, top-level managers and the financial manager are characterized by significant differences in the vision of the future results of their activities. But this is not at all evidence that the goals of the organization are only a formal agreement of intent that is not implemented in practice.

As follows from the characteristics of the organization, among all the components of its internal structure special place occupy goals, because for the sake of their achievement all the activities of the organization are carried out. An organization without purpose is meaningless and cannot exist for any length of time.

Thinking about the mission and goals of the organization requires intellectual and creative effort, but in the end they can significantly reduce the number of pressing problems.

Catering business, related to the field of catering, produces a product that, unlike the product of the industrial sector, is intangible, therefore it is more difficult to exchange and promote it on the market. In a competitive market, one of the key factors for the success of a public catering enterprise is the implementation of marketing principles that allow the restaurant to get as close as possible to its consumers.

The culture and national customs of visiting restaurants have a great influence on consumer demand. When a Russian person wants to see his parents, he goes to their house. The American invites them to a restaurant.

One way or another, but the restaurant rests on four pillars: location, cuisine, interior and service. The latter includes what can be called the word "show". A good restaurant is a theater. In any other case, it's just a place where they sell processed products at retail. The attraction of upscale restaurants is also that they simultaneously satisfy the most important human needs.

A person needs to satisfy his physiological needs, in particular to eat. Needless to say, the restaurant copes brilliantly with this.

strategy management business restaurant

Chapter 2. SWOT analysis of the organization

SWOT is a method of analysis in strategic planning, which consists in dividing factors and phenomena into four categories: Strengths (Strengths), Weaknesses (Weaknesses), Opportunities (Opportunities) and Threats (Threats).

SWOT analysis is one of the most common types of analysis when developing a strategy and marketing analysis. It serves to comprehensively study the market situation in which the company operates and assess the types of opportunities and threats that it may face. Simply put, SWOT analysis allows you to identify and structure the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as potential opportunities and threats. This is achieved by the fact that managers must compare the internal strengths and weaknesses of their company with the opportunities that the market gives them. Based on the quality of compliance, a conclusion is made about the direction in which the organization should develop its business and, ultimately, the distribution of resources by segments or activities is determined.

2.1 Analysis of the external environment

The organization under study is completely dependent on the outside world both in terms of its resources and in relation to consumers. The term "environment" includes economic conditions, consumers, trade unions, government regulations, legislation, competing organizations, the system of values ​​in society, equipment and technology.

After establishing its mission and goals, the management of the enterprise begins the diagnostic stage of the process strategic planning. On this path, the first step is to study the external environment.

The analysis of the external environment helps to control factors external to the firm, to obtain important results (time to develop an early warning system in case of possible threats, time to predict opportunities, time to draw up a contingency plan and time to develop strategies). To do this, it is necessary to find out where the organization is, where it should be in the future, and what management should do to achieve this.

This paper will show the role of the external environment in the functioning of the organization, and also consider the analysis of the external environment on the example of a particular enterprise of the restaurant "Baron".

2.1.1 Macro environment

The macro environment is general conditions the functioning of the enterprise. In relation to the restaurant business, the following parameters are the most significant (in Russia in general and in St. Petersburg in particular):

turnover of public catering;

· the share of expenditures on eating out of the home in the general structure of expenditures of the population;

· indicators of the standard of living of the population: average per capita monetary income of the population;

· average monthly salary, average monthly pensions;

structure of the population by income;

the sex and age composition of the population;

the level of education of the population;

structure of the population by employment and professions;

Price indices for public services;

The level of inflation

the share of the tourism market.

Macro-environmental factors influencing the restaurant services market.

Positive Factors

1. Adoption of laws providing benefits for producers of this type of service.

2. Increasing the overall level of purchasing power.

3. Recession of inflation.

4. Reducing the unemployment rate.

5. The growth of the level of education.

6. Rapid growth of subcultures.

7. Rapid change in values ​​and ideas.

8. Use of new technologies.

Negative Factors

1. Adoption of laws infringing on the rights of service providers.

2. Decline in the overall level of purchasing power.

3. Rising inflation.

4. Increasing unemployment.

5. Decline in the level of education.

6. Slow growth of subcultures.

7. Slow change in values ​​and ideas.

8. Not using new technologies.

2.1.2 The immediate environment

Comprehensive analysis of the public catering market in St. Petersburg. At this stage, the following areas are being explored:

1. Market structure - the number of public catering establishments in St. Petersburg with their grouping by types, areas of location and specialization. The most common business areas and market development trends are identified, as well as the least developed areas (which can later be considered as niches for the company's business development).

2. The price situation on the market - the division of public catering enterprises by price ranges (segments), average prices for individual assortment positions.

3. Market capacity - the current and potential capacity of the public catering market (and, if necessary, its specific segment). Secondary data (statistical data, data from industry portals, expert opinions etc.) and own calculations.

4. Availability of network structures on the market.

Holding complex analysis will allow to identify the specifics of the public catering market of St. Petersburg and key factors that affect its condition and development, barriers to entry of new players into the market, development prospects and problems existing in the market.

In close proximity to the restaurant "Baron" there are such organizations as:

Stores: L "Etoile, Ile de Beaute, Babochka, Boutique No. 5, Bally, Mania Grandiosa

Hotels: Petro-Palace-Hotel

And direct competitors:

Restaurants, cafes: Yakitoria, Garzon French Bakery, Porto Maltese, Kilimanjaro Tea and Coffee

2.1.3 Identifying and describing the organization's relationship with external environment

One of the most significant characteristics of an organization is its relationship with the external environment. No organization can be a closed system. The organization depends on the external environment both in relation to its resources and consumers, users of the results of its work. The external environment includes all the forces and institutions that the organization encounters in its operational or strategic activities: economic conditions, legislation, the value system in society, the level of technology, competitors. The external environment is never stable, especially in the restaurant business, so it is not enough to know your “habitat” and the nature of its changes, you must be able to respond to these changes. External factors influence everything that happens within the organization.

The connections of the organization under study with the external environment are:

long-term contracts - lease agreement;

· short-term contracts - supply of food (food raw materials) and non-food (household chemicals) goods;

temporary contracts - holding conferences and corporate events;

short-term contracts - holding private events;

typical employment contracts- Hiring a new member of the organization;

· contracts of temporary cooperation - third-party organizations.

2.2 Analysis of the internal environment

Under the internal environment is understood the totality of all internal factors of the organization that determine the processes of its life.

The concept of the internal environment of the organization can be defined as follows: the internal environment of the organization - the main components of the organization that have a direct impact on its functioning.

Information about the internal environment of the organization is necessary for the manager to determine the internal capabilities, the potential that the organization can count on in the competition to achieve its goals. Analysis of the internal environment also allows you to better understand the goals and objectives of the organization. It is important that in addition to the production of products, the provision of services, the organization provides an opportunity for the existence of its employees, creates certain social conditions for their life.

The external and internal environment of the organization always function in parallel with each other. This is evidenced, for example, by the fact that an analysis of external conditions can outline favorable and unfavorable supply opportunities in the market, however, they can only be assessed in relation to the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization.

2.2.1 Identification and description of the main, auxiliary, management business processes

A business process can be defined as a set various kinds an activity in which one or more types of resources are used “at the input”, and as a result of this activity, at the “output” a product is created that is of value to the consumer.

Each business process:

1. Has its limits;

2. Has an end user (another business process or end user);

3. Has its owner.

Business processes are the basis of process-oriented management - a complex but effective approach to managing a company. This is an ideal management tool that not only reduces non-productive costs, but also improves product quality, a tool that allows you to have complete information about the current business process and make timely and strategically correct decisions.

2.2.2 Grouping organizational units

Effective construction of an organizational structure, in addition to determining job positions, involves grouping them into organizational units, the problem of which is quite relevant. In practice, when changing the goals and objectives of the organization, the change in structure is initiated from above, and when transforming technical system operating core is carried out from the bottom up. The causes, conditions and results of the grouping are manifested in the system of the coordination mechanism of control, the commonality of the resources of positions and organizational units, the establishment overall indicators performance and mutual agreement, respectively, and allow this process to be carried out in accordance with certain grouping principles and grouping criteria. Moreover, the practical forms of implementing the grouping of organizational units, taking into account intergroup coordination, indicate that "the question is not what criterion should be used for grouping, but in what order they should be applied"

Grouping organizational units involves choosing the basis for creating structural units of the initial and subsequent levels. Grouping promotes coordination, as it provides control over the activities of employees performing various tasks, the distribution of resources between them, determines common ways presentation of results, and also uses their proximity for mutual adjustment. Various bases used for grouping, such as the work process, the product being produced, general clients, location, etc., can be reduced to two fundamental principles: function performed and market served. The first of these refers to ways to combine the various processes necessary for the production of goods or services into a single chain of management, the second deals with results, that is, it focuses the entire chain on certain final products, services or markets. What criteria should be used to classify? First, there are relationships within the workflow, or "interdependencies". The more strongly interconnected positions or organizational units in the workflow, the more desirable that they be combined into one group to improve coordination. Secondly, these are procedural interdependencies between employees who perform similar types of work, but within different work processes (for example, cooks in cold and hot shops).

2.3 Analysis of organizational structure

To perform the functions of managing enterprises, public catering organizations, an appropriate structure of the management system is created, which is a set of specialized units interconnected by the process of adoption and implementation management decisions. Applied to individual enterprise(association) of public catering, it can be workshop, typical for large enterprises, workshopless - for small enterprises.

A linear management structure is used as an organizational management structure in the Baron restaurant.

Authority is a limited right to use the resources of an organization and direct the efforts of some of its employees to perform certain tasks.

Powers are delegated to the position, not to the individual who occupies it in this moment. When an individual changes jobs, he loses the powers of the old position and gains the powers of a new one.

Authority is the limited right to use resources and command people. Within an organization, these limits are usually defined by rules.

Linear powers are transferred directly from the chief to the subordinate and further to other subordinates.

It is linear authority that provides the leader with legalized power to direct his direct subordinates to achieve the goal.

A leader with line authority also has the right to make certain decisions and act in certain matters without the consent of other leaders in those cases established by the organization, law or custom.

Delegation of line authority creates a hierarchy of organizational management levels. The process of creating a hierarchy is called the scalar process.

2.3.1 Building an organizational chart

When constructing such schemes, the following must be taken into account: the scheme gives only the general contours of the organization's structure; it should be easy to understand, contain a minimum number of details; does not exist standard builds organizational structure, each firm has its own characteristics. The scheme should reflect the real structure of the company and not be a kind of theoretical standard. If the structure diagram is difficult to draw, then the reason may be that the organization itself is defective, that is, over time its structure has become inefficient, cumbersome, and the lines of relationships have become distorted.

The positive side of using schematic constructions. On the preparatory stage constructing an organization scheme, the latter must be subjected to careful analysis. Such a study in itself will be of great benefit, as it reveals “weak points”, overlaps of authority, insufficiently managed links production process etc.

The diagram allows you to highlight the lines of interdependence and relationships within the organization.

As a source of information, the scheme can be used as part of familiarization with the activities and management structure of an enterprise (in particular, newly hired ones), as well as additional visual material when studying job descriptions. It can be used as a basis for possible reorganization or modification of the structure of the organization.

Finally, the diagram is used as a reference, allowing employees of the enterprise to quickly familiarize themselves with the changes that have taken place within the organization. For this purpose structural scheme organizations can be placed on the bulletin board.

Disadvantages of using schematic diagrams. First of all, it is static. Organizational structure quickly becomes obsolete. It reflects the organization at a particular point in time, in that sense it is static. But since the business is dynamic, despite the fact that the basic structure of the organization remains unchanged for a long time, many changes occur within this structure (for example, personnel), which naturally requires certain replacements and additions.

Secondly, the scheme does not reflect informal relations, which reduces its practical significance.

Schemes can lead to red tape. They are essentially inflexible and reflect stable channels of relationships, but do not indicate the most rational, short-term connections that quite often arise in the course of the organization's activities.

Finally, there are often difficulties in representing levels of significance. The wrong impression may arise as a result of reading the diagram, where several managers are shown on the same horizontal line, which supposedly implies that they are of the same status. Therefore, sometimes, it is quite difficult to designate real relationships, different significance of positions and positions with the required accuracy.

2.3.2 Analysis of the effectiveness of the organizational structure

disadvantage linear structure is that each of the controls has relatively little ability to solve functional problems that require special knowledge. Because the functional departments are not created, the manager must have versatile knowledge of all management functions carried out by subordinate employees. This limits the manager's ability to good governance enterprise. The use of a linear structure is justified in small catering establishments.

The heads of all functional units are simultaneously included in the system of linear management of the organization, enterprise. At the same time, “manager-subordinate” relationships are built along a hierarchical line in such a way that each employee is accountable to one person. The heads of functional services exercise their influence on production, trade, and management divisions, formally not having managerial rights.

2.3.3 Identifying the problems and challenges of the organization

The most common problem arises from the lack of quality in the provision of services in the restaurant: customer service methods are not always adapted to the requirements of the hospitality industry, and sometimes there are no standards at all, which are an essential part of this business area.

Today, the value of the profession of a waiter is rather vague, and for a number of subjective reasons, the level of staff training is only getting worse, and the number of professional educational institutions does not increase." Perhaps the solution to this problem will be the introduction of various technologies to minimize the number of service personnel. It is no coincidence that in recent times Buffet and free flow systems are becoming more and more popular, which have been working effectively abroad for a long time.

Today, many entrepreneurs point out the inexpediency of investing in personnel: their training, training and retraining most often lead to the fact that qualified employees are bought up by competitors.

Comparing emerging Russian corporations with modern global ones, two main differences can be distinguished: informational closeness and opacity, on the one hand, and an almost complete reluctance to advertise their business philosophy (or basic values), on the other. This, in turn, creates difficulties in determining the strategic directions for the development of corporations, which is especially painful in the conditions of the extremely unstable economic environment of today's Russia.

There is a favorable segment in the service market for the Baron restaurant, which mainly includes consumers dissatisfied with competitors' products, with a relatively high income level. A feature that distinguishes the restaurant from a number of similar establishments is the variety of national dishes, as well as the provision of such services as home delivery, which competitors have neglected.

Restaurant "Baron" is a profitable enterprise with enough high profit and a great economic potential, for the disclosure of which it is necessary to regularly conduct marketing and statistical market research.

The most effective solution of problematic tasks is ensured by the use of a program-target management structure, which is based on the integrated management of the entire production system oriented towards a specific goal. The basis of the program-target structure is made up of specially created management bodies that carry out organizational and specialized management of the implementation of the target program. Usage target management ensures the timely implementation of effective scientific and technical developments in production and management, releases senior managers from functions operational management By bringing the program management bodies closer to the performers and creating direct horizontal links between them, they make it possible to use a more effective system for monitoring the performance of work.

There, however, the restaurant needs to revise the range of products in order to minimize costs and taking into account the easy availability of the raw material base. In addition, it is necessary to marketing research in order to identify what new services the restaurant can offer to expand the range and attract new customers.

Also, one should not ignore the development of scientific and technical progress, which opens up new opportunities for manufacturers, so they need to be analyzed in order to find new areas of activity, new markets and new consumers. It is required to find such a new direction of the enterprise's activity that would not require a change in its structure and large investments, would be combined with the provision of services, would have reliable suppliers, would be in great demand among consumers and would bring a constant income.


Information sources:

1. Borodina V.V. “Restaurant and hotel business. Accounting, taxes, marketing, management”, M., 2002.

2. Bogusheva V.I. “Bars and restaurants. The Art of Service”, Rostov-on-Don, 2001.

3. "Introduction to hospitality", D.R. Walker, M., 1999.

4. Gruzinov V.P. "Enterprise economy", Tutorial, M., 2001.

6. Magazine "Restaurant Vedomosti" No. 1,3, 6-9, 12 2001

7. Kotler F. "Fundamentals of Marketing", M, 1996.

8. Pelikh A.S. "Business plan or how to organize own business”, M., 2001.

9. Pikalev A.R., Maevskaya A.K. "How to increase the income of a restaurant, bar, cafe", M., 2001.

10. "Restaurant business in Russia", a restaurateur's guide. - M, 2000.

11. “Restaurant business. How to open and successfully manage a restaurant. K. Egerton-Thomas, M., 2001.

12. "Collection of business plans with comments and recommendations" Ed. 3rd. add. and reworked. ed. Dan. Popova V.M., M., 2001.

13. Sergeev I. V. “Enterprise Economics”, Textbook, M., 2000.

14. Sukhova L.F., Chernova N.A. "Workshop on the development of a business plan and financial analysis of the enterprise." - M, 2001.

15. Chernyak V.Z., Chernyak A.V., Dovdienko I.V. "Business planning". Educational and practical guide - M., 2001.

16. "Enterprise Economics". Textbook for universities, ed. prof. V.Ya. Gorfinkel. - M., 2001.

17. Organization Theory: Textbook, ed. Alieva V.G. - M.: LUCH, 2005.

18. Thompson A.A. Jr., Strickland A.J. III Strategic management: concepts and situations: Uch. for universities - 9th edition - M.: INFRA-M, 2005. - 412 p.

19. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Development of a strategic decision. - M.: Business School Intel-Sintez, 2005. - 272 p.

Additionally, information from Internet sites was used:

as well as - reporting data and internal documents of the catering enterprise of the restaurant "Baron"

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on the topic: Development of the mission of the restaurant

Completed by: Kydyrman M

Checked by: Gurova T.V.


Mission and goals of the restaurant

The mission of the organization determines the place, role and position in society, its social status. Sometimes this concept is replaced by such an expression as "the motto of the organization." The mission of the organization is verbally expressed, the main socially significant, functional purpose of the organization in the long term. As a rule, when developing its mission, an organization emphasizes precisely the social nature of its purpose for society. The mission of the restaurant is to meet the needs of a modern person in food and recreation, a good time.

The mission implements the goals of the organization's development, which essentially determine the promising directions. Depending on the significance, the goals are divided into the main and additional goals that ensure the achievement of the main goal. Further they are divided to the level of tasks.

The mission of the restaurant is maximum attention to each guest so that his stay is pleasant, comfortable and luxurious.

People go to expensive restaurants in order to relax in a comfortable environment for them in the process of choosing one or another favorite dish, thus the main goals of the restaurant

Quality level of service.

Make efforts to maintain and promote the health, job satisfaction and financial well-being of its employees.

A target consumer is a group of people with similar needs for a particular product or service, sufficient resources, and a willingness and ability to buy. This group is primarily determined by which social stratum the product or service is intended for, and by how the price and other characteristics of the product determine it. These conditions, as can be seen, also represent a single logical whole.

As for the portrait of a restaurant consumer, these are very different people. A lot of young, 30-40-year-old managers who have their own business come here both to relax and make expensive deals, secular people who are in the public's attention - all these are wealthy people who are ready to pay for quality service, luxurious furnishings and status.

There are two approaches to understanding the mission: broad and narrow. In a broad sense, the mission is the philosophy and purpose of the organization. With this approach, the mission is defined in general terms without rigid reference to the range of products, consumer groups, etc. The content of the mission is revealed through the values, beliefs, principles that underlie the activities of the organization, as well as those actions that it intends to carry out. mission organization strategic

A broad approach to the formation of the mission focuses the enterprise on achieving strategic advantages by creating opportunities for the production of a wide range of products (services); simultaneous coverage of many market segments and consumer groups; flexibility in managing the organization.

With a narrow approach, the mission is considered as a statement that reveals the meaning of the existence of the organization, in which the difference between this organization and its similar ones is manifested. A narrowly defined mission focuses strategy on producing a limited product range, specific market segments, customer groups, or strategic paths used to achieve business goals.

This approach enhances the effectiveness of governance by increasing certainty and organization through the use of more focused, coordinated methods for implementing strategies. A correctly formulated mission, along with a general meaning, necessarily carries something that makes it unique in its kind, characterizing exactly the organization in which it was developed.

The formulation of the mission contributes to the solution of the following management problems. First, the mission forces managers to systematically engage comprehensive analysis strengths and weaknesses of the organization and its competitors, opportunities and threats, which increases the validity of strategic decisions. Secondly, in the case of large or geographically dispersed companies, the mission contributes to the integration of separate organizational units into a single whole, staff motivation and more effective interaction between managers and subordinates on various levels. Thirdly, a good mission contributes to projecting a rational and positive image of the company onto business partners, shareholders, investors, on whom the fate of the enterprise depends in various forms and degrees.

A goal is an end state, a desired outcome that any organization seeks to achieve. The attribute "general" means goals that are broad in scope and time, which, as a rule, do not have clearly expressed quantitative characteristics.

Long-term goals determine the strategic intention of the enterprise to take a certain place in the business. The definition of overall long-term goals is required for each key result that managers consider important to achieve success and create a corresponding competitive advantage for the organization.

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The mission of the organization determines the place, role and position in society, its social status. Sometimes this concept is replaced by such an expression as "the motto of the organization." The mission of the organization is verbally expressed, the main socially significant, functional purpose of the organization in the long term. As a rule, when developing its mission, an organization emphasizes precisely the social nature of its purpose for society. The mission of the restaurant "Zolotoy Uley" is to meet the needs of modern man in food and rest, good time.

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