Theoretical aspect of the methodology for the formation of portfolios of innovations. Comparative analysis of concepts: innovation, innovation, innovation Innovation becomes innovation

The problems of the regularities of scientific and technological progress are largely debatable, including the basic basic concepts. So, according to some authors, the concepts of "innovation", "innovation" and "innovation" are synonymous and represent the result of scientific and technological progress. Another point of view is that there are certain differences between these concepts. If a innovation it could be considered new method, invention or discovery, then innovation (innovation) means the practical application of this innovation,

Innovation- this is a formalized result of fundamental, applied research and development in any field of activity, which is an intermediate result of this activity on the practical, market use of the achievements of science and technology. Once an innovation has been transformed into a new product consumed in the market, the latter becomes innovation (innovation). Thus, in the modern theory of innovation, no distinction is made between the terms "innovation" and "innovation" - they are synonyms. Innovation is often understood as the first application of innovation, and innovation implies the acceptance of innovation for widespread distribution (diffusion) (Fig. 15.1).

Rice. 15.1. Characteristics of the categories "innovation",

"innovation" and "innovation"

In accordance with Russian law « innovation- is the end result in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice. Note that not every innovation is an element of progress. Only if it is expedient to spread it, we can talk about the innovative significance of this innovation for social production and development. It is no coincidence that in the world economic literature innovation is interpreted as the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress into real, embodied in new products and technologies.

The specific content of innovation is change, and main function innovation is a function of change. The Austrian scientist I. Schumpeter identified five typical changes back in 1911: 1) the use of new technology, new technological processes or a new market supply of production (purchase and sale); 2) introduction of products with new properties; 3) use of new raw materials; 4) changes in the organization technical support; 5) the emergence of new markets. Later, in the 1930s, he introduced the concept of innovation, interpreted as a change in order to introduce and use new types of consumer goods, new production and Vehicle, markets and forms of organization in industry.

This approach also corresponds to the methodology of systematic description of innovations in the conditions market economy based on international standards(Oslo Guide). In accordance with them, innovation activity is understood as a type of activity associated with the transformation of ideas (usually the results scientific research and developments or other scientific and technological achievements) and their implementation: I) in new or improved technological processes; 2) technologically new or improved products or services introduced on the market; 3) new methods of production and its organization used in practice. Thus, "innovation is the simultaneous manifestation of two worlds, namely the world of technology and the world of business." When change occurs only at the level of technology, Schumpeter calls it an invention, and when business is involved in changes, they become innovations.

Types of innovation

Innovation management can be successful if innovations are studied for a long time, which is necessary for their selection and use. Therefore, speaking about innovations, it is necessary first of all to classify them correctly. There are many different ways to classify innovations. In table. 15.1 is one of the most common.

An innovation is a formalized result of fundamental, applied research, development and experimental work in any field of activity to increase its efficiency.

Innovations can take the form of: discoveries, patents, trademarks, rationalization proposals, documentation for a new or improved product, technology, managerial or manufacturing process, organizational, production or other structure, know-how, concepts, scientific approaches or principles, document (standard, recommendations, methods, instructions), results marketing research and in other forms.

Innovation is the end result of introducing an innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect. It is wrong to include in the concept of "innovation" the development of innovation, its creation, implementation and diffusion. These stages refer to innovation as a process, the result of which may be innovations or innovations (or to the process of creating an innovation).

Innovation is new research and development, the introduction of new forms of labor organization, management and production technology.

Innovation - a certain novelty, close to the concept of "invention"; a specific result of the development of a new scientific idea, which has the form of a model of new technology, a structural material for the production of any product, which differs from the previously used qualitative characteristics that make it possible to increase production efficiency (can be presented in the form of scientific, technical or other documentation, i.e. in the form of information describing technological, organizational, managerial and other processes and phenomena of an intangible nature, if it is able to effectively affect the results of material production).

Innovation - the process of introducing, disseminating and using innovations in order to directly meet public needs for products, services, processes of a higher quality level;

  • - this is such a purposeful change that introduces new relatively stable elements into the implementation environment (organization, population, society, etc.) (innovations act as a form of managed development);
  • - this is the process of bringing an invention or discovery to the stage of practical use, when it begins to produce an economic effect;
  • is a process that characterizes the transition of a system from one state to another due to the introduction of individual innovations.

Innovation is such a social, technical and economic process that, through the practical use of ideas and inventions, leads to the creation of products and technologies that are best in their properties, and if the innovation is focused on economic benefits, profit, its appearance on the market can bring additional income. ;

this is commercial use results creative activity aimed at the development, creation and distribution of new competitive types of products, technologies, forms and methods of management, the basis of which are objects of intellectual property;

it is the end result of an innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced to the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice, or in a new approach to social services;

it is the transformation of a potential scientific and technical progress into a real one, embodied in new products and technologies;

this is the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of an industrial, financial, commercial, administrative and other nature.

Innovation performs three types of functions:

  • 1. reproductive (profit from innovation and its use)
  • 2. investment (use of profit as capital)
  • 3. stimulating (profit as an incentive for the introduction of new innovations)

The concept of "invention" and "discovery" is closely related to the term "innovation". The invention is understood as new devices, mechanisms, tools created by man. Discovery refers to the process of obtaining previously unknown data or the observation of a previously unknown phenomenon. Unlike innovation, discovery is usually made at a fundamental level and is not intended to be profitable.

The subject and object of innovation management are innovations that can be classified according to various criteria.

Depending on the technological parameters innovations are divided into:

  • product innovations, they include the use of new materials and components; obtaining fundamentally new products.
  • Process innovation means new methods of organizing production (new technologies). Process innovation can be associated with the creation of new organizational structures within an enterprise (company).

According to the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into:

  • new to the industry in the world;
  • new to the industry in the country;
  • new for the given enterprise (group of enterprises).

By place in the system (at the enterprise, in the firm), we can distinguish:

  • innovations at the entrance of the enterprise (changes in the choice and use of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information, and others);
  • innovations at the output of the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);
  • · innovations in the system structure of the enterprise (management, production, technology).

Depending on the depth of the changes introduced, innovations are distinguished (by innovative potential):

  • radical (basic), which include the creation of fundamentally new types of products, technologies, new management methods;
  • Improving (modified), which lead to an improvement or addition to the original structures, principles, forms - this is the most common type of innovation;
  • Combinatorial (innovations with predictable risk), which are ideas of a relatively high degree of novelty, which, as a rule, are not of a radical nature.

According to the principle of relation to its predecessor, innovations are:

  • replacements, which involve the complete replacement of an obsolete product with a new one and thereby ensuring a more efficient performance of the relevant functions;
  • canceling, which excludes the performance of any operation or the release of any product, but does not offer anything in return;
  • returnable, which imply a return to some initial state in the event of failure or non-compliance of innovation with new conditions of use;
  • discoverers who create tools or products that do not have comparable analogues or functional predecessors

According to the scope of application, there are:

  • point innovations;
  • system innovations;
  • strategic innovation

According to the degree of innovation efficiency, there are:

  • production efficiency;
  • management efficiency;
  • improvement of working conditions and others.

According to the social consequences, innovations are found:

According to the peculiarities of the mechanism of their implementation, innovations are divided into:

  • single (for one object);
  • Diffuse (on many objects);
  • completed and unfinished;
  • successful and unsuccessful

Effective innovations are distinguished - these are innovations that change an existing solution with the improvement of some of its characteristics or offer a solution to a previously unsolved problem.

According to the features of the innovation process, innovations are:

  • · intra-organizational, when the developer, designer, manufacturer, user, organizer of innovation are in the same structure;
  • interorganizational, when all three roles are distributed among organizations specializing in the implementation of individual stages of the process

According to the source of initiative, innovations are classified:

  • direct social order (portable, borrowed);
  • as a result of invention (own, independent)

The Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) has developed an extended classification of innovations, taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise. On this basis, technological innovations are distinguished; production; economic; trading; social; in the field of management.

The following features of social innovations in comparison with material and technical ones can be distinguished:

  • their closer connection with specific social relations and business environment;
  • Large scope of application, tk. technical innovations are often accompanied by the necessary managerial and economic innovations, while social innovations themselves do not require new technical equipment;
  • strong dependence of the use of innovation on group or personal qualities;
  • their implementation is characterized by less visibility of providing benefits and the complexity of calculating efficiency;
  • There is no manufacturing stage during implementation (it is combined with design), which speeds up innovation process;
  • · they cause a special author's activity, as they are developed collectively and agreed with many.

Of the variety of social innovations, the innovations of human activity are of the greatest importance in the innovation process, since they are directly related to the role of a leader, an innovator.

At the present stage of development, the role of innovation has increased significantly. Innovation (from innovation - innovation, innovation) is understood as "investment in innovation" as a result of the practical development of a new product, process or service. The concept of novation (from Latin novation - change, renewal) is closely related to this concept. It is some kind of innovation that did not exist before: a new discovery, phenomenon, invention or a new method of meeting social needs.

The Human Resources Glossary defines innovation as an innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, based on the use of science and best practices.

Innovation is the result of research and experimental work in the form of patents, inventions, know-how. provides for the use of developments in order to increase production efficiency, obtaining economic benefits from implementation.

Definition of novelty and innovation

Innovation is a documented research to ensure a positive effect in production. The definition is basically close to the concept of invention and represents the result of the development of a scientifically based idea.

Innovation and innovation are non-identical categories that are used to define the process of generating ideas to improve the manufacturing process.

The implementation of new technologies is preceded by a series of marketing research on technical preparation. Innovation is the end result of introducing new research. It is characterized by the process of implementation into constantly functioning elements of technology.

Among the concepts of innovation and novelty, innovation is the subject of innovation and is characterized by the stages of development, creation and implementation of the project.

The difference between innovation and novelty lies in the order of development and implementation of the final result. Discovery requires a fundamental basis, and innovation involves product improvement and leads to the production of goods with new parameters.

Innovation management: the need for emergence and main features

Innovation management is a special organizational and managerial activity aimed at obtaining high economic, social and environmental results through the use of innovations in production and commercial activities.

The emergence of innovation management is inextricably linked with evolution management activities and the place of the producer in the process of social production. With the growth of the scale of production, a division of labor appeared, which affected both the sphere of management and the owners of production in the person of the state or individuals were forced to transfer part of their functions to hired workers - professional leaders all levels, i.e. managers. Innovation management is a relatively new direction of management. This concept has become widely used since science, technology, innovation have become a key factor in economic success and growth in the competitiveness of organizations.

Innovation management is independent region economic science, aimed at the formation and effective use of new knowledge, implemented in the form of new types of products, technologies and services, by rational use material, labor, intellectual and financial resources.

The purpose of innovation management is to determine the main directions of scientific and technical activities of the organization related to the development and implementation new products and technology, improving products and technology, developing the production of traditional types of products, removing obsolete products from production, using modern methods and methods of management and organization.

The emergence and development of the concept of innovation.

Historically, the concept of "Innovation" has a very distant relation to the economy. At the beginning of the 20th century, it began to be used to refer to technical innovations. It is usually stated that the first most Full description innovation processes introduced into economics J. Schumpeter in his work “The Theory of Economic Development” (1911) At that time, innovation was not yet discussed, but it was about “new combinations” of changes in development. Schumpeter singled out 5 changes:

1 the use of new technology, new technological processes and new market support for production.

2 .introduction of products with new properties.

3 .use of new raw materials.

4 .changes in the organization of production and its logistics.

5 .emergence of new sales markets.

In the 30s Schumpeter already used the concept Innovation - this is a change with the aim of introducing and using new types of consumer goods, new production and transport vehicles, markets and forms of organization in industry.

In our country, Innovation as a tool and method of social and economic development was first discussed in late 70s - early 80s of the 20th century. The first works were social character, and the term “innovation” was mainly used, and not “innovation”, for almost a decade the problems of innovation were considered in the context of scientific and technical progress. late 80s-90s interest in the problems of research in the field of innovation has intensified. innovative activity”, “innovative process”, “innovative solution”, etc. The most notable work of that time is Prigogine’s book “Innovations: Incentives and Obstacles” Under innovation he understood-updating the mechanisms of economic development.

Currently Innovation- this is a social-technical-economic process that, through the practical use of ideas and inventions, leads to the creation of products and technologies that are better in their properties, and if it focuses on economic benefits, on profit, its appearance on the market can bring additional income.

Innovation and novelty: similarities and differences.

Innovation- a formalized result of fundamental applied research, development or experimental work in any field of activity to increase its effectiveness. Innovations can take the form of discoveries, inventions, patents, know-how, concepts, etc.

Innovation- the end result of the introduction of innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect.

According to many scientists, the significant differences are as follows:

The discovery is made, as a rule, at the fundamental level, while the innovation is made at the product or technology level, that is, at the application level;

Innovation is aimed at obtaining economic benefits, which is most often not characteristic of discovery, which in its essence is a "disinterested" act;

An invention can be made by a lone inventor, an innovation requires a collective complex work of specialists of different profiles

Innovation is the result of the purposeful use of the results of systematic technical developments, research programs, etc., and the discovery or invention may occur by accident;

Innovation is not a new technique, because New Product can be released using current (unchanged) technology;

The concepts of "innovation" and "innovation" are often identified, although there are some differences between them. Also, in some cases, these concepts are used as synonyms,

Typification of innovations

There are five main approaches to typing:

1. Within object approach the object of innovation is the result of scientific and technological progress: new equipment and technology. Accordingly, they differ:

- basic innovations, which implement major inventions and become the basis for the formation of new generations and areas of technology.

- improving innovations, usually implementing small and medium-sized inventions and prevailing in the areas of distribution and stable development of the scientific and technical cycle.

- pseudo-innovations(or rationalizing innovations) aimed at partially improving outdated generations of equipment and technologies and usually hindering technical progress.

2. Within process approach innovation is understood as a complex process that includes the development, introduction into production and commercialization of new consumer values ​​- goods, equipment, technology, organizational forms.

3. Within object-utility approach as an innovation, an object is understood - a new consumer value based on the achievements of science and technology, while the emphasis is on the utilitarian side of innovation - its ability to satisfy social needs with a great beneficial effect.

4. Process-utilitarian approach considers innovation as a complex process of creating, distributing and using a new practical tool.

5. Within process-financial approach innovation is understood as the process of investing in innovations, investing in the development of new equipment, technology, scientific research.

Typification of innovations allows:

1. carry out "binding" to the type of innovation of a particular type of strategy;

2. create economic mechanisms and organizational forms management depending on the type of innovation (organizational and economic mechanism, which is a subsystem innovation strategy);

3. determine the position, forms of implementation and promotion of the product, which will also be different depending on the different types of innovations.

In the world economic literature, the concept of "innovation" is interpreted as the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress into real, embodied in new products, technologies, services. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the concept of "innovation" is more capacious than the concept of "new technology", since the latter applies only to tools, new materials, etc., used in production. The concept of "innovation" extends to a new product or service, a method of their production, an innovation in organizational, scientific, technical and other areas, any improvement that improves quality and technical performance, saves costs or creates conditions for such savings.

According to international standards, innovation is defined as final result scientific activity embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced to the market, or an improved technological process used in practice, or in a new approach to social services.

The indispensable properties of innovation are:

 scientific and technical novelty;

- production applicability;

- commercial feasibility.

The commercial aspect defines innovation as an economic necessity realized through the needs of the market.

Innovation has a clear focus on the end result of an applied nature. It should always be considered as a complex process that provides a certain technical, socio-economic effect.

In practice, the concepts of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation" are often identified, although there are some differences between them. innovation there may be a new order, a new method of invention. Innovation means that the innovation is being used. From the moment it is accepted for dissemination, an innovation acquires a new quality and becomes innovation.

1.3 Classification of innovations

There are two types of innovation: product and process.

Product innovation cover the introduction of new or improved products (eg replacement of a steam engine with an internal combustion engine, liquid crystal indicators, etc.).

Process innovation- this is the development of new or significantly improved technology, equipment, organization of production for the production of products, providing fundamentally new level product quality, economics of its production, working conditions (for example, replacement of manual welding by mechanized methods, the introduction of conveyor assembly, the use of low-toxic welding materials, etc.).

According to the degree of radicalness, according to the importance in economic development, innovations can be divided into basic, improving and modification. Behind this separation are two distinct innovation processes: pioneering and catching up. Pioneer the type is characterized by the desire to achieve world championship (for example, the USA). catching up the type is cheaper and can give a quick result (eg Japan).

On the pioneer path, basic innovations are created that implement major inventions and become the basis for the formation of new generations and areas of technology. On the catch-up path, improving (the so-called priority) and modification (private) innovations are created that are associated with improving the properties of existing production processes and products. Enhancement innovations typically involve small and medium-sized inventions that significantly improve existing products and processes. Modification innovations are aimed at partially improving outdated generations of equipment and technologies without a noticeable impact on the parameters, properties, cost of the product and methods of its production. This also includes expanding the range of products and technologies by mastering the production of products that were not previously produced in the country, industry or at a given enterprise, but are already known on the market in order to meet current demand, including the refusal to import them, and to increase data revenues. enterprises of the industry or expanding the export potential of the country, if these products are competitive in the world market.

According to the type of novelty in the market, innovations are usually divided into:

global noveltyhas no analogue anywhere, it is the world's first implementation of the change;

novelty across the countryis of a reproductive-adaptive nature: there is no analogue in the country, but it exists abroad;

a novelty on the scale of a given industry, region, enterprisehas analogues in other industries, regions, other enterprises, but not previously used in this industry, region, enterprise.

Based on the positions of microeconomic development, it does not matter that the products and technologies are known somewhere; for a given society that did not know or use them before, they are undoubtedly innovations. For the analysis of development processes, such an understanding of the concept is more correct, in which innovation is considered not only innovation on a global scale, but also innovation for a given society.