How to describe the activities of your company sample. How to write about the company correctly: what can be written in the “about the company” section and what does the client want to see? General characteristics of organizations

In today's publication, we continue to learn how to independently draw up a competent business plan that will guide you through all the stages of organizing your own business to achieve your goal. We have already tried to issue title page business plan, it's time to proceed to the second point - a description of the company.

Compliance with the order of sections of the business plan is extremely important for a better understanding of the entire process of becoming a business (at least on paper), and it should not be changed in any case, since all stages of the business plan are a logical continuation of each other. In this article you can find a description of the main stages that must be present in every description of a business project. Unfortunately, ordering a business plan is now beyond the means of most entrepreneurs (a well-written business plan, drawn up for presentation to investors, costs about 80-100 thousand rubles).

What can and should you write about your future (or existing) company?

The first step is to immediately warn that you need to write only reliable information. Otherwise, receiving investments (if the business plan is aimed at this), you will not see how your ears are. Be sure that potential investors will study your creation inside and out for all sorts of flaws. And if a distortion of the actual data is discovered, then at best they will simply refuse you financial assistance, at worst they will make this case public, after which they will not even give you a ruble in other sources.

The description of the enterprise in the business plan cannot be reduced to a brief description of the company. You need to provide the information in as much detail as possible. Firstly, it will make it easier for the investor to verify your information, secondly, it will speed up the process of making an investment decision, thirdly, it will lay some kind of “foundation” of trust (of course, provided that everything is confirmed), and, finally , will help you better understand the capabilities of your company.

Therefore, it is necessary to describe not only the company itself - the name, legal and actual address, information about the owner, the number of employees, etc., but also the nature of the services it provides, a description of the products it produces or sells. It should be noted right away that the points of the business plan of an already operating company and one that is only planned to be created can be different.

Information about the owners of the company

In this paragraph, it is necessary to list all persons related to the management of the company, indicate the share of ownership of each of them in the general package, the position held, and even the duties performed. Everything is simple, nothing more.

Company development history

If your organization has been in existence for some time, please start from the beginning:

  • At what time and by whom exactly was the company founded?
  • The initial goals and scope of the company, by the way, may not coincide with the current state of affairs at all. So, for example, in the description of the activities of the enterprise of the Tander company, which owns Magnit stores, it is said that at its foundation it was a company selling household chemicals. Now, it is a world famous retail retailer.
  • Current line of business
  • What success has the company achieved in its activities, how much has the client base expanded, have new branches been opened - write everything that can impress an investor - certificates received, tenders won, you can even indicate reviews about your company in the media.

Sources of financing

This description must include all previous loans (if any), and detailed information about them - where, when, by whom, and under what conditions they were issued. You should also indicate exactly what amount is required for the implementation of the proposed project, under what conditions, at what interest rate you are asking for a loan, from what month the business plan began to be implemented, and in what parts you will return the borrowed funds.

And, of course, the most important thing is where exactly, for what purposes the invested funds will go. If they give you a loan, then get ready for the fact that you will have to report at the first request of the investor for every penny spent.

Personnel issue

Here, too, everything is quite simple: indicate how many employees are currently in the company (or how many are expected to be hired), describe the positions of each of them with detailed description their work responsibilities. Moreover, absolutely all employees should be on the list, starting from the director, and ending with a simple cleaner - Full description organizational structure enterprises. All information can be presented in the form of a small table, like this:

Job titleResponsibilitiesNumber of employees in this positionSalary
Enterprise Director-- -- --
Chief Accountant-- -- --
HR manager-- -- --
Sales Manager-- -- --
A development manager-- -- --
Cleaning woman-- -- --

Description of the company's benefits

At this point, reveal to the investor all your trump cards - what exactly are you strong in, what is your advantage over other market participants. B must show the investor that it is your project that is worthy of financing, what exactly your business idea will bring to him maximum profit. Here you can even indicate that your business has a more advantageous location, you have qualified specialists, you have a patent for a unique invention, etc.

This applies not only to the aggregate characteristics of the company, but also to the performance of services and / or products. Tell why your product will be more interesting to the consumer than a similar product sold by competitors. It is understood that before writing this paragraph, a detailed analysis of competitors in this region will already be carried out, which will be reflected in one of the further sections of the business plan - “ Marketing plan».

Company's financial performance

No movement required Money for the entire existence of the company, it will be enough to provide a report for the last 3 years. This data should include the following information:

  • Expense and income statement
  • Statement of cash flows for a specified period of time
  • Enterprise balance

All this should be prepared by the accounting department of the organization. The specified information does not need to be entered directly into the "body" of the business plan, it will be enough to make a link to the annexes to it.

Problems to be solved

There are problems in any business (of course, except for what is still being planned), so if you do not indicate them, then they simply will not believe that they do not exist. You can outline the issues that need to be addressed in general terms; a whole section of the business plan will be devoted to this separately. Briefly, the changes in normative documents, increased control by the relevant authorities, the “intrigues” of the crisis that has begun, etc.

Description of your product or service

At this point, you can give free rein to your eloquence, which, however, should not “run ahead” of real facts. Describe what exactly your product or service is, why you expect it to be in demand, what are the prospects for development - in general, everything that is possible.

On this section "Description of the company" can be completed, and proceed to the next stage of drawing up a business plan - description of services and products.

Construction occupies one of the most important roles in modern life. Each person tries to make his “nest” more cozy and comfortable. Moreover, now there are such technologies and materials with which you can make not only comfort, but also beauty.
Certainly, this requires great amount money and effort. For lovers of nature and clean air, you can build a country house from wooden beams, the design of which will be offered to you by the builders of the company.

A little about the company

The construction company exists modern market quite a long time of years and is famous for its moderate prices and quality work. If you decide to build your dream home, trust the professionals. A team of highly qualified builders will take into account all your wishes and do everything at the highest level.
Due to the fact that the company produces its own quality products - low price and high quality you are guaranteed. Profiled timber, which dries naturally, will provide you with warmth and durability of your structure.
It is worth noting that with this type of construction you will save a lot on finishing material because it is simply not required.


Years of experience in construction business and team professional staff help you quickly and without spending extra money and nerves to find the home of your dreams. Recruitment is quite strict and employees undergo retraining several times a year.
To your attention is provided the service of construction of baths and houses that will serve you for many years. Such structures are protected from high moisture and external irritants. When working with us, you get a guarantee of excellent quality due to own production by our professionals of high-quality timber.

Convenient Solutions

The company offers you several types of construction services:

  1. Roofing. Replacing the old roof and building a new one from various materials. Professional builders work with the most popular and modernized materials of metal tiles, bituminous sheets and roofing materials in rolls.
  2. Design of houses and baths. The constant development of new projects allows customers to choose complete and modernized building models for every taste, taking into account modern technologies and innovations in this area.

You: We have been on the market since 1991.

Them: We don't care.

You: You have a good development dynamics and a young, friendly team.

Them: So the experience of the employees is not enough… What does a good development dynamics mean?

You: Experienced professionals with 20 years of experience!

Them: Enough of this dregs. Show what you have done and how you will be useful to me. Give me specifics.

They are website visitors, potential customers or partners who want to learn about your company and the benefits of working with you. They also doubt your competence and reliability, which is why they opened the About page.

How to write text on the page "About the company" to convince the visitor that your company helps to solve the problems that concern him now? To do it among the embittered, crazy from advertising and " advantageous offers» clients?

The problem is that you have everything like everyone else:

  • low prices;
  • reliable equipment;
  • modern technologies;
  • specialists are professionals in their field, who have zero customer focus.

If you don’t know how to write a text about a company for a website and need examples, then this article is for you.

Teleport by article:

We are the first on the market! We have the best production technologies, individual approach and German quality equipment.

The text "About the company", what should be there?

Complimenting your company is a bad idea. To write honestly: the company "N" was created to make a lot of money - this is also somehow not catchy.

People are selfish. What is the site visitor thinking? About myself! What is he most afraid of? That he will be divorced for money. For example: instead of a bath, they will build a “hut”, where the temperature does not rise above 80 degrees, the corners are damp, the door is swollen from moisture, and the closest relative of penicillin lives in the sink.

How to reassure the visitor? A professional team, a guarantee for all types of work (without deadlines), as soon as possible (without specifics) or 12 years of experience in the market? Does it calm you down? I'm gone.

If you are not Apple, Gazprom or Coca-Cola, then you need to tell something about the company.

What should be on the About page:

  1. What the company does and how it can help.
  2. Who applies to the company.
  3. Why you can help, but Vaska (my neighbor) cannot, and how your help differs from Vasya's. In what way are you better than your competitors?
  4. Have you already helped someone? Prove with examples of your work. Show the tasks you have already solved.
  5. Why do you write that only Russian teams of builders work for you? Show me the people who will be responsible for the result, preferably in person.
  6. Why are you talking about a cool office, can't you just show a photo.
  7. Who do you work with and who recommends you.

The truth is that the client does not need your company. And he doesn't need Vaska either. He needs to:

  • the wallpaper in the room was pasted evenly;
  • the timing belt was replaced at the selected time and with a 6-month warranty;
  • the bathhouse was built in 3 months in order to broom their friends in the winter.

The client needs a solution to his problems and this is where the fun begins.

Typical client. I do not want to decide anything. I don't want to think about anything. Copywriter, don't force my brain! I just want to not give a damn.

An example of a text about a company - techniques that increase trust

Concreteness, credibility and evidence waiting potential client when he is interested in your services. But something scratches my heart. And so he goes to the About page. Goes in search of answers.

When even the cat does not trust

The page about the company was created for doubting customers. She is the last chance to convince a person that you are not a camel.

Let's find some examples of "About the Company" texts, highlight interesting points and analyze unsuccessful examples so as not to wave our hands in pitch darkness.

General Tips:

  • talk about the client's problems and their solutions;
  • be specific;
  • set yourself apart from your competitors;
  • prove your words with facts;
  • demonstrate the results of your work (photos, videos, recommendations);
  • handle customer inquiries;
  • draw a portrait of a potential client;
  • make an unexpected offer;
  • use the authority of the CEO;
  • show your best case;
  • offer something for free.

So I can write a list of 50 items. But it won't make any sense. These tips are empty. Only examples of texts about the company can help.

Sample text about company No. 1

I love building companies. There is so much to write here. But they write all sorts of nonsense ( click on the image, opens in a new tab)

An example of the text "About the company" (

Not only is it difficult to extract useful information from the text, it is also difficult to read it. The volume is large, but it is not clear what it is for?

The company's website is interesting. You can look at the 3D model of the house. I would also like to add 3D models of already built houses to the card. In the gallery of completed works, everything is piled up, but this is already bad.

What can be the text about the company? For example:

The GK company affordable quality» builds houses, cottages, baths and equips the adjacent territory. People contact us to order a turnkey project or save on it by choosing ready-made version with original modifications. We build from wood, brick, aerated concrete in the Nizhny Novgorod region and the surrounding regions (including in the south of the Leningrad region).

Turnkey projects may include (we do not impose all services, you choose them):

  • designing buildings in his architectural office;
  • the whole complex construction works: foundation, walls, roof, stove, fireplace, exterior and interior decoration;
  • site arrangement: landscaping, construction of fences, wells, arbors, sheds and outbuildings;
  • creation and connection of sewerage, electricity, water supply and development of a gas or wood-based heating system.

Most of all they succeeded in the construction of houses, Russian baths and cottages from rounded wood. More than 20 such projects have already been completed. Look at our work in the gallery .

Benefits that have helped us succeed in the market since 2002:

  1. Construction of small baths and houses (6x4, 8x6) for 2 months, thanks to its fleet, experience in similar work and the availability of ready-made log cabins.
  2. Professional design of houses and territories with the possibility of 3D modeling - we have our own architectural bureau (you could already see projects in 3D graphics , some of them have a discount of more than 100,000 rubles - look for the “Promotion” label).
  3. Turnkey project development. Dreams are visualized in our design office. Development of a 3D project free. But only if we undertake its implementation. Otherwise, the house project will cost 50,000 rubles, baths 20,000 rubles. With our drawings, any competent builder can implement it.

and blah, blah, blah...

As you can see, I didn't change anything. All this is in the text about the company on the website. But it's buried between lines, words and letters. Here I like my version more, I would also like to add graphics. And you?

I hope that this example of a company text has lifted the curtain on how to write such materials.

One project is not enough. So let's choose another topic.

Sample text about the company No. 2

This piece of text is taken from Company "SOCIAL" (click, opens in a new tab).

I do not know why. Maybe I'm still young. But in my understanding, “young progressive specialists” are students who did not find a job and founded their own “company”.

Despite the individual horrors of the text, it contains useful information. What is good in the text about the company:

  • 4 directions are allocated;
  • there is a statement of the client's problem;
  • work around the clock.

However, there are also problems. In the last paragraph, I saw "standard lead time is 1 day". Will there be an unexpected and strong guarantee now? No, she's not. But they would write that: if we do not fix the problem in 1 day, then we will return 5,000 rubles for each day of delay. That would be powerful. But this is not.

I will not write another text. Because the phrase "this mission ..." made me remember the mission of this text.

  1. A text about a company is an ideal opportunity to use infostyle. You have to deal with facts. Let them be few. Let them seem small. From the little things they collect difference and detuning from competitors.
  2. Show your strengths and weak sides. There are hundreds of companies with similar services. But even twins have differences by which they are easily distinguished by their parents - character and life experience. Tell about it.
  3. A company is not premises, concrete and computers, but a group of people. They work to earn money. No sane person would give money for words and promises. Well, maybe 1 or 2 times he will give away due to his naivety and inexperience. People are willing to pay for results and for solving problems.
  4. Write for the Client, thinking from the Client. When a company throws adjectives, operates with dubious facts and talks about its exclusivity, then its credibility rolls to zero. There is a simple sales formula that works best: it was - paid money to company N - it became. Show the whole chain in a logical sequence.
  5. Company text template:
  • what are we doing;
  • what we do best;
  • who contacts us;
  • examples of our work;
  • the best project;
  • what is the difference between the company;
  • our team in person;
  • our company in numbers;
  • what clients say about us;
  • What guarantees do we give?

Web writers and copywriters will surely ask how to write a text about a company when the reseller cannot say anything about it. Be observant if the company already has a website. Contact the end customer or ask an intermediary to forward your brief. If you do not contact a company representative, the text will be clichéd, unsightly and ineffective.


The meaning of the word "strong" in its figurative sense in relation to the text is defined as "significant in its impact on someone, convincing, impressive." Like what write about the company to inspire confidence? What techniques will influence the client's decision to contact you?

The article presents methods - how to write a strong text about the company, based on the research of the American expert in psychology and marketing Robert Cialdini, who studies the mechanisms of influence and the science of persuasion.

Block "View"

Use personalized messages. The more personal the appeal, the more likely the client will respond to it:

  • include a message from the owner of the company in the block — text with a photo or in the format of a short video; when choosing a photo, remember the wisdom “To the one who smiles, the whole world smiles back”;
  • speak simply. ornate speech turns, pompous syllable will have the opposite effect, verbosity and verbiage does not convince, and the author is perceived as a narrow-minded person;
  • publish photos of the leading employees of the company (the mention of regalia is obligatory) with their wishes for clients;
  • place pictures of company employees who will communicate with customers, with a description of their professional qualities helping to solve the client's problem;
  • make the message personal by placing handwritten calligraphic text - the signature of the owner of the company, wishes for clients, the mission of the company at the beginning of the message, words from the heart at the end.
Message from the director of the company

When contacting, build confidence in the right choice by reminding consumers that their decision to engage with the company indicates that they are confident in you, the owner values ​​\u200b\u200bthis.

The company will take advantage by saying, “We know there are many products similar to ours. The choice is great. Therefore, we are grateful that you chose us.”

It must be convincing, for real, so that there are genuine emotions that will always work for the benefit of business development.

Representation of the company by employees

Employees of partner firms can represent the company. Telling them why they've been with you for a long time will reinforce the old ones. business connections. Information about the company will not look like bragging or self-promotion. This will win over potential customers.

The presentation should be real and understandable, with a clear highlighting of the basics and the main thing.

Benefits Block

Creating a unique selling proposition is the perfect way to stand out from the competition. Rarity and limited access affect the desire to purchase a product. Indication, designation of uniqueness is an effective and ethical technique of influence.

Examples of successful sales offers that have brought many customers to companies.

After listing the advantages and benefits of the company, ask the audience to name a large number of reasons in favor of competitors' proposals. Difficulties in enumeration will create a background against which goods or services will look more attractive.

In the benefits of working with a company, show consumers not only the benefits of cooperation or the purchase of goods. Tell us what losses the client will suffer, what will lose by not buying your product. It's more convincing. Formulate the sentence as "do not neglect the prospect of trying." And transmit the text with live emotions, real, working.

Express your gratitude to a group of clients (the first, regular), show that they are dear to you. It can be a gift, an additional free service, discounts. What you receive does not have to be expensive for the consumer, but meaningful: expert advice on the use of purchased products.

Do not devalue the gift with the words “free”, “zero rubles”. The logical conclusion of buyers is that nothing will be given for free. Keep the value of the product as a gift by indicating its price.

Make a gift really valuable, so that they will definitely be delighted with it, as something that they have been waiting for a long time.

Block of achievements

Tell us about the goals that the company set for itself and how they were achieved. Write down long-term goals. Public statements about how the company intends to develop for the benefit of the client forces the fulfillment of obligations. This suggests that the company can be trusted.

Publish testimonials from satisfied customers to convince potential buyers in favor of the product/service. Testimonials left by people who look like a typical customer will be compelling. Start not with beautiful ones, but with those that are closer target audience. The consumer wants to make sure that the product benefits people, just like himself.
As part of the block, after the first purchase, offer to fill out a short questionnaire about the quality of the product or service provided. Include the following in the questionnaire: “If the need arises, would you contact our company again to purchase a product or provide a service?”. Ask to explain why.

Clients who answered “yes” take some responsibility for fulfilling the public obligation.

The opinion expressed in the questionnaire is an excellent strategy for increasing loyalty to the company.
Show high demand on products, indicate in figures the impressive statistics on sales growth. This will signal to customers that your product is popular. Hint with illustrations that the company's phones are ringing with calls from other people who want to purchase a product.

Growth in product sales by 500%

The call to join the ranks of those who cooperate with the company will cause favor. Don't say that there are those who haven't joined yet. This mention doesn't work.

Participate in charitable causes, make donations and let consumers know that by partnering with you, they are also doing charity. Sincere and selfless help builds trust and respect. This will increase the likelihood of cooperation and provide consumer support.

Participation in charity

Features of strong text

  • Use cryptic names for multiple products whenever possible. Unexpected product color names (transparent as the sky) are effective because they are intriguing. This focuses the attention of people who view the product in several aspects, which creates a positive background.
  • Use the influence of the phrase "because". The information convinces, by reason of association, that after "because" an objective justification must habitually follow. These two words have a striking effect.
  • Suggest a link to the forum (page in in social networks), in which representatives of the company and consumers participate. Show that it is important to hear the opinion of customers and business partners. Open discussion of the company's shortcomings is a good strategy. The fact that the company does not hide it convinces advertising campaign objective and trustworthy. However, defects must be small. When communicating with customers, the discussion of product shortcomings should flow into dignity, related to the problem to neutralize the disadvantage: baby fruit puree is watery, but without thickeners.

Attribute company failures to internal causes. Show that when you make a mistake, you admit it and correct the employee’s mistake by acting according to the plan. Let them know that you have the situation under control.

An information letter is business documentation, which serves to notify partners, customers, contractors, as well as team members about any news, changes, achievements, and other aspects of the organization's activities.

Writing information messages is a necessary part of the work for representatives of business structures and government agencies.


Mandatory or not

This type of documents is not mandatory, because. informing anyone about the current affairs of the organization is at the mercy of its leadership and administration. Nevertheless, many enterprises, especially large ones, do not neglect the formation of such letters, thus achieving several goals at once:

  • inform stakeholders about all the events that take place;
  • motivate them to further cooperation and fruitful work;
  • enhance the company's image.

Who writes the newsletter

Usually the responsibility for compiling the information letter lies with the head structural unit who decides the issues raised in the letter. It could be, for example:

  • head of the marketing department (if we are talking about new marketing offers for partners);
  • deputy director (if the administration of the company informs its employees about something through a letter), etc.

In any case, the originator of the letter must be the person in whose official functions includes writing such letters or authorized to compile them by a separate order of the director.

The text of the information letter must be agreed with the direct supervisor of the compiler or the head of the company.

To whom to address an information letter about the activities of the company

An information letter can be sent to a specific person or group of persons: the director of a potential partner organization, the customer - individual entrepreneur, team members, etc.

Letters can be:

  • confidential (intended for reading by a specific person);
  • open, public (to inform the widest possible range of people).

General rules for all letters

When forming an information letter, you need to carefully monitor the spelling and adhere to the written standards of the Russian language in terms of punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, etc.

We must remember the fact that the recipients of business correspondence always look at how correctly the information brought to them is described.

An illiterate letter can reduce the value of the information contained in it and even undermine the recipient's trust in the sender.

The letter should be written briefly, succinctly, to the point, remembering that "brevity is the sister of talent", and not spreading thought along the tree. It has been proven that the recipients of such letters are not ready to spend more than one minute reading them, which is due to the high pace of modern life. The addressee will surely notice that the sender values ​​his time, and if he is interested in the information contained in the letter, he will find a way and time to contact the author of the message.

What is forbidden in the letter

There are some absolute taboos in the rules for writing newsletters. In particular, a cheeky, rude or overly familiar tone is categorically unacceptable. It is also desirable to avoid "stamps" or excessively cold, "dry" formulations, special terminology, an abundance of numbers, a large number of adverbial and participial phrases, etc.

Do not include false, unverified or false data in the letter. It should be remembered that an information letter, under certain circumstances, can acquire the status of a legally significant document.

Key points and sample letter writing

Information messages, regardless of their author and addressee, should only concern the activities of the sending organization or related circumstances. At the same time, they must meet certain requirements in terms of structure and content:

  1. First of all, it should be taken into account that in information letter must always be present:
    • the date of its compilation,
    • details of the sender and recipient,
    • correct address address (for example, “Dear Petr Semenovich”, “Dear Irina Viktorovna”, “Dear colleagues”, etc.). But if the addressee is not defined, which sometimes happens, then you can limit yourself to the greeting “Good afternoon!”.
  2. Next comes the main, informational, part of the letter. Here you need to indicate the reason and purpose for writing it, as well as everything else that is relevant to the case being described: news, suggestions, changes, requests, explanations, etc.
  3. Below in the letter it is necessary to write a conclusion, which should sum up all of the above.

If any additional papers, video and photo files and evidence are attached to the letter, this should also be noted in its content as a separate item.

How to write an information letter

There are no special requirements for the design of the letter, as well as for its content. It is permissible to write it both on the letterhead of the enterprise, and on a standard sheet of any convenient format. The first option is preferable, since there is no need to manually write the details of the organization. In addition, such a letter looks much more solid and once again emphasizes his attitude to official correspondence.

An informational letter can be typed on a computer (good if you need several copies at once) or handwritten - letters written in calligraphic handwriting with a pen look especially advantageous.

The message must be certified by the signature of its compiler. If this is a printed letter, you can use a facsimile signature, if it is “live”, then only the original one.

There is no strict need to stamp a message with a seal, because. since 2016 legal entities have the right to use stamp products in their work only when this rule is enshrined in the internal regulatory legal acts of the company.

If necessary, before sending the message, it should be registered in the journal internal documents or log of outgoing documentation.

How to send a letter

An information letter can be sent in several ways:

  1. The first and now the most common: through electronic means connections. It makes it possible to send information of almost unlimited volume in a short period of time.
  2. Second way: send by Russian Post by registered mail with notification of receipt (relevant if the informational message refers to official documentation and is certified by "live" signatures and seals).
  3. It is also possible to send a letter via fax or modern instant messengers, but only when the relationship between the sender and the recipient is somewhat informal and allows such correspondence.