Translation of official business documentation. Features of the translation of business correspondence. Stylistic problems of translation

Features of the translation of texts officially business style

The current stage of economic development is associated with the expansion international relations and cooperation, which, in turn, leads to the need for timely and error-free exchange of information, which can significantly reduce economic costs, implement effective intercultural communication, coordination joint activities on the international level. Serving legal and administrative activities when communicating in public institutions, in court, in business and diplomatic negotiations, official business style is implemented in the texts of laws, decrees, orders, instructions, contracts, agreements, orders, acts, in business correspondence of institutions, as well as in legal certificates. According to L.K. Graudina, “official business style is a set of linguistic means, the function of which is to serve the sphere of official business relations arising between state bodies, organizations and their subdivisions, organizations and individuals in the course of their production, economic, economic, diplomatic and legal activities. A.B. Shevnin singles out the following as two main features of the official business style:

  • * “The content expressed in the official business style, given its great importance, must exclude any ambiguity, any discrepancies.
  • * The official business style is characterized by a certain more or less limited range of topics. Also, the official business style, according to the scientist, is characterized by:
  • * “highly regulated speech (a certain supply of means of expression and ways of constructing them);
  • * formality (strictness of presentation: words are usually used in their direct meanings, figurativeness, as a rule, is absent, paths are very rare);
  • * impersonality (official business speech avoids the concrete and personal). Consideration of the official business style and its characteristics is devoted to a significant number of works of scientists, for the most part asserting that the official business style is characterized by its stability, traditionalism, isolation, standardization, and formality.

In our opinion, all the above features are appropriately reflected in the choice of lexical and grammatical means of the language. Let us dwell on the consideration of the features of the texts of the official business style at the lexical level:

1. A high degree of terminology, phraseological combinations and cliches Such a stylistic feature of the official business style of speech as accuracy is manifested, first of all, in the use of special terminology. The use of phraseological combinations or cliches and stamps is also a characteristic feature of business documents. According to the definition that the linguistic dictionary gives us, "terms are such words or combinations of words, the meaning of which is strictly determined within the limits of a given specialty." According to K.Ya. Averbukh, “the terms of the general language sphere, as a rule, are one-word, and the content of more than one verbal position is either of “phraseological origin” (railway, wind rose), or is perceived rather as a combination of lexical units (cosmonaut, rocket carrier, spacecraft, open space). The scientist claims that “it is possible in principle to qualify verbose terms as phraseological units, classifying them as so-called non-idiomatic phraseology, which will emphasize the special connectedness of terminological phrases and the integrity of their nomination.” Consider the terminology, phraseological combinations and clichés that are typical for use in business documents, using specific examples:

Example (English)

Translating to Russian language

letter of recommendation

terms and conditions

terms of payment

other conditions

I beg to inform you

the above mentioned

provisional agenda

draft resolution

bill of exchange




issue a draft (invoice)

in spite of

payment terms

other/other conditions




I inform you, I inform you


on behalf of, on behalf of

stop, suspend

one that can be subject


on condition if / what if only

provisional agenda

draft resolution

delay, delay

Such phraseological combinations and separate words - terms can be found in reports, charters, laws, notes, and each area has its own specific terminology. For example, in business documents of a financial and economic nature, there are such terms as extra revenue (additional income); taxable capacities (taxability); liability to profit tax (obligation to pay income tax);

  • * in diplomatic terminology: high contracting parties (high contracting parties); to ratify an agreement (ratify the agreement); memorandum (diplomatic note, memorandum); pact (contract, pact); protectorate (protectorate); extraterritorial status (extraterritorial status); plenipotentiary (authorized representative);
  • * in legal documents, such terms and combinations are often found, such as: the international court of justice (International Court of Justice); casting vote (decisive vote); judicial organ (judicial body); to deal with a case (to conduct a process, a case); summary procedure (summary proceedings); committal for trial (transfer of the case to court); to hear a case (listen to the case); as laid down in (as installed); on the proposal of the court (on the proposal of the court); right of appeal (right of appeal).

The language of business documents is characterized by the traditional means of expression, which speeds up the process of forming phraseological units typical for this style. The traditional means of expression underlies another feature of the style of English official documents, namely, the presence significant amount archaic words and expressions. In any business document, you can find the use of words such as hereby (sim, this, real; with this); henceforth (from now on, henceforth); aforesaid (aforesaid, aforesaid, aforementioned); beg to inform (inform, notify). translation expression business document

For comparison, consider the features of the use of terminology, phraseological combinations and clichés in the official business style of the Russian language. As mentioned above, a characteristic feature of the vocabulary of the language of documents is a high degree of terminology, and a huge layer of nomenclature vocabulary adjoins the terms, which include the following:

  • * nomenclature of names: AOOT "Olimp";
  • * nomenclature of positions: sales manager, advertising manager, CEO, Commercial Director;
  • * product range: VAZ-2106, gasoline A-92, etc.

Let us give examples of phraseological units (hereinafter referred to as phraseological units) and clichés that are typical for use in this style of speech in Russian: we hereby inform; please note that; is hereby certified; inform you that; we hereby certify that.

2. Abbreviations, abbreviations, compound words. Common to all varieties of business style is the presence of various kinds of abbreviations, abbreviations, compound words.

For example, in English language: MP (Member of Parliament), HMS (His Majesty's Steamship), gvt (government), pmt (Parliament), UN (United Nations), DAS (Department of Agriculture, Scotland), DAO (Divisional Ammunition Officer), ANC (African National Congress), BE (Bank of England), DoD (Department of Defense), EEC (European Economic Community), EU (European Union), NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

A large number of such abbreviations are found in military documents. Here, these abbreviations are not only intended to achieve brevity, but are also code. In business correspondence, nouns are used - the names of people on the basis of some action or relationship (contractor, designer, customer, etc.); complex denominative prepositions expressing standard aspects of the content (due to, with regard to, in connection with, etc.).

Set phrases of attributive-nominal type with coloring of official business style (authorized bodies, established order, preliminary approval) and “split” predicates (render assistance, to make reconstruction, to make changes) in contrast to their parallel verb forms (assist, reconstruct , change) also characterize the business style of correspondence.

Examples in Russian:

  • * abbreviations: ACS (automatic control system), AIS
  • (automatic Information system), efficiency (efficiency factor);
  • * abbreviations. In addition to terms, the names of well-known legal acts are abbreviated:

Civil Code (Civil Code), Criminal Code (Criminal Code).

Nomenclature signs of the most diverse properties are being reduced:

  • * representing the names of organizations:
    • - IMF International Monetary Fund;
    • - CBR Central Bank of Russia,
  • * indicating the form of ownership of the enterprise and included as a classifier in the names of enterprises:
  • - LLC company with limited liability;
  • - OJSC open joint stock company;
  • - PE private enterprise;
  • - MP municipal enterprise;
  • - JV joint venture.
  • * the nomenclature of positions is being reduced: IO - acting.

Speaking about the methods of translating this type of vocabulary, one should be guided by the recommendations offered by the Russian Union of Translators. During this study we made sure that the proposed methods are actually used for translation. Among them are the following:

  • 1. When translating into Russian, the abbreviations encountered in the source text are deciphered and translated in full, while at the first mention, the decoding of the abbreviation in the original language can be given, then the full translation of such a decoding into Russian, then either the abbreviation established in the target language, if any , or compiled by the translator himself from the first letters of the deciphered and translated original abbreviation, if there is no established equivalent. If the abbreviation cannot be deciphered, then it is left in the original language and the note must indicate that this abbreviation failed to decrypt.
  • 2. When translating into a foreign language, instead of the Russian-language abbreviation, an abbreviation is written in foreign language, created by the first letters of the full translation, which, at the first mention in the text, is indicated in brackets. In the future, both the abbreviation and the full translated name are used.
  • 3. The abbreviated names of the brands of machines, devices, instruments, etc. are usually not deciphered and are left in the translation in their original spelling, for example: BORAX - BORAX reactor.
  • 4. Alphabetic abbreviations of the names of institutions and organizations are written without quotes and with a capital letter. If it is impossible to decipher the abbreviation, it is saved in the original language or given in Russian spelling in accordance with the established tradition, for example: ENEL - ENEL company or ENEL company, CNN - CNN company, VOLVO - VOLVO company or Volvo company ". 5. When translating abbreviations from Russian into a foreign language, one should be guided by the norms and usage of the target language, avoiding dissonant and incomprehensible combinations of letters in this language. In some cases, it is advisable to decipher such an abbreviation for understanding by the recipients of the transfer.
  • 3. Words and expressions of foreign origin The diplomatic language is characterized by the use of a certain number of Latin and French words and expressions that have received a kind of terminological coloring in the language of diplomatic documents. Consider examples of words and expressions of foreign origin, often found in business correspondence.
  • 4. High frequency of procedural vocabulary (lexicon with a generalized meaning). Through the use of this type of vocabulary, the uniformity of the stylistic coloring of the vocabulary of business writing is achieved. Procedural vocabulary represents in the text of the document a specific action, subject or sign in the official legal interpretation:
    • * violation labor discipline(this may be late, absenteeism, appearing at work in a state of intoxication, etc.),
    • * disruption of the delivery schedule (delay in transit, untimely shipment of goods, etc.),
    • * bear responsibility (subject to fines, material penalties, criminal prosecution, etc. in case of violations). The presentation procedure is connected not only with the preference for words of generalized semantics, but also with the preference for generic lexemes over species ones:
    • * production (books, booklets, boards, nails);
    • * premises (room, apartment, hall);
    • * building (barn, house, shop, etc.).

The most important feature of procedural vocabulary is that words are used in the text in one possible meaning. The unambiguity of contextual use is determined by the subject matter of the document. We can see this in the example below:

The parties undertake to provide mutual barter deliveries... With all the ambiguity, the word of the parties is read only in the legal aspect - "legal entities concluding the contract."

A high degree of generalization and abstractness of the main style-forming vocabulary (termination, provision, losses, calculation, work, disagreements, product, name, etc.) in business writing is combined with the specific meaning of nomenclature vocabulary. Nomenclature vocabulary with its specific denotative meaning complements the high level of generalization of terms and procedural vocabulary. These types of words are used in parallel: in the text of agreements - terms and procedural vocabulary, in annexes to agreements - nomenclature vocabulary. In questionnaires, registers, specifications, applications, etc. the terms seem to get their decoding:

Contract-specification products: gasoline A-92, cement, roofing material. Contract-calculation of services: preparation of the original layout, production and preparation of forms, bookbinding.

In the texts of documents, the use of swear words and reduced vocabulary, colloquial expressions and jargon is not allowed, however, in the language business correspondence professional and slang words fall: personnel officer, payroll, cape and so on. The use of such vocabulary in business letters just as inappropriate as the use of clericalism in everyday conversation, since its use is reserved only for the oral sphere of communication, and it cannot meet the requirement. A comparative analysis of the theoretical works of such scientists as L.S. Barkhudarova, V.G. Gak, A.V. Fedorov, and in particular A.D. equivalent in the target language. It is also necessary to identify and compare lexical meanings the translated word and the found equivalent in order to make sure that the meanings of the words are equivalent. In the absence of an equivalent in the target language, one should be guided by the methods adopted for translating the so-called non-equivalent vocabulary.

Let us dwell on the consideration of the main methods of translation on the example of phraseological units used in texts of official business style. In the official business style, phraseological units are used in clerical, legal and diplomatic documents. In business speech, they have a high degree of standardization. Phraseologisms are used in their direct and exact meaning, which does not allow for double interpretation. S.I. Vlakhov and S.P. Florin note that the possibility of achieving a full-fledged dictionary translation of a phraseological unit depends on the relationship between the units of the FL and the TL:

  • 1. “The phraseological unit has in the TL an exact, context-independent, full-fledged correspondence (semantic meaning + connotations), i.e. phraseologism IL, equal to the phraseological unit TL, is translated by the equivalent.
  • 2. A phraseological unit can be transferred to the TL by one correspondence or another, usually with some deviations from a full-fledged translation, i.e. phraseologism IL, approximately equal to the phraseological unit PYa, is translated as a variant (analogue).
  • 3. The phraseological unit has no equivalents or analogues in the TL, it is untranslatable in dictionary order, i.e. the phraseological unit of the FL, which is unequal to the phraseological unit of the TL, is transmitted by other, non-phraseological means. It can be said that phraseological units are translated either by phraseological units - phraseological translation, or by other means - non-phraseological translation.

According to A.V. Kunin, from a translation point of view, English phraseological units are divided into two groups:

  • * phraseological units that have equivalents in Russian;
  • * non-equivalent phraseological units.

The main methods of translation of phraseological units that have interlingual correspondences are translation using an equivalent (full or partial), analogue. By interlingual phraseological equivalents, we mean multilingual semantically equivalent phraseological units, characterized by the same structural and grammatical organization and component composition. Following E.F. Arsent'eva, we distinguish two types of equivalence:

  • 1. complete equivalence, i.e. full correlation of the plan of expression and the plan of the content of phraseological units, the identity of the phraseological meaning, structural and grammatical organization and component composition of the compared units;
  • 2. partial equivalence, which is characterized by minor differences in terms of expressing phraseological units of identical semantics. So, let's move on to the consideration of each of these types. To the full equivalents, we include phraseological units of the English and Russian languages, characterized by the identity of the significative-denotative and connotative macro-components of meaning, identical structural and grammatical organization and component composition. Here are examples of the complete equivalence of phraseological units used in the business style of speech:

your humble servant - your humble servant (placed before the signature in an official letter)

numerical superiority - numerical superiority

notice of amendment - notification of a correction (for example,

to trademark)

all the essential conditions of a contract - all essential conditions agreements

allegiance to principles - loyalty to principles

an exceptional value - exceptional value (about a thing)

balanced development - balanced development

black market - black market

blatant injustice - flagrant injustice

aid and abet - aid and incite

Let's look at some of the full equivalents above in more detail:

numerical superiority The semantic dictionary definitions of the components of both phraseological units are the same. Both phraseological units belong to the official business style, in particular to the sphere of politics. The number of lexemes of matched phraseological units is the same, structural organization is the same: adj + n. Conclusion: these phraseological units are full equivalents.

balanced development - balanced development The meaning of the components of both phraseological units is the same. Both phraseological units belong to the official business style, in particular to the sphere of politics. The number of lexemes in the matched phraseological units is the same, the structural organization is the same: adj + n. Conclusion: these PU are full equivalents.

all the essential conditions of a contract - all the essential terms of the contract The values ​​of the components of both CUs are the same. Both phraseological units belong to the official business style, in particular to the economic sphere. The number of lexemes in the matched phraseological units is the same, the structural organization is identical: adj + adj + n + prep + n. Only the presence of indefinite articles in the structure distinguishes English phraseology from Russian. This difference is not significant, since the use of articles is a specific feature of English grammar. Conclusion: these PU are full equivalents.

your humble servant - your humble servant (placed before the signature in an official letter) The meaning of the components of both phraseological units is the same. Both phraseological units have an expressive character - a manifestation of humility and submission. This phraseological unit has the same quantitative component composition, the structural organization is identical: pronoun + adj + n. Conclusion: these PU are full equivalents.

Partial phraseological equivalents include semantically equivalent phraseological units in Russian and English, characterized by certain differences in terms of expression, which may be of a component or morphological nature. In most cases, the differences affect only the component composition of PU. It is noteworthy that lexemes of adjacent semantics often act as different components.

As an example, let's consider the PU of the English language "a battle of words" (lit. battle of words) and compare it with the Russian PU "verbal skirmish". Under the data of phraseological units, we mean a difference of opinion, a divergence of views, the component composition of both phraseological units is the same. The order of the components of phraseological units does not match. However, the similarity of the component structure of the semantics of both phraseological units is obvious. Phraseologisms "to balloon prices" (lit. inflate prices) - to inflate prices act in the sense of raising the cost of something to a large extent. The component composition of both PU coincides. The structural grammatical organization also coincides. There is an obvious difference in the meanings of the verb components "inflate" and "balloon". However, both verbs mean the process of increasing, which indicates that they belong to a similar semantic meaning. Under the phraseological units "black economy" (lit. black economy) - the shadow economy, we mean illegal economic activity.

The component composition of both phraseological units is identical, the structural organization is the same. There is only a discrepancy in the choice of one semantic component: black in English and shadow in Russian. However, both adjectives mean something negative, hidden, which indicates that they belong to a similar semantic meaning.

Interlingual phraseological analogues include phraseological units expressing the same or similar meanings, but characterized by complete distinction or only an approximate similarity of the internal form. The approximate similarity of the internal form indicates that the phraseological units belong to the same class. Phraseological analogues may include phraseological units with a single structure of phrases, sentences, verbal, substantive combinations, etc.

Phraseologism credibility gap (lit. loss of trust) - a crisis of trust. PhU carry the meaning of distrust of the authorities, have a negative component of appraisal. The order of the components of phraseological units does not match.

Phraseological analogues can also be marked by an approximate similarity of structural and grammatical organization and different component composition, as in the examples:

all parties in dispute (lit. all parties to the dispute) - all parties to the dispute

in deed and not in name (lit. in deed, not in name) - in deed, not in words

under one "s hand and seal (lit. under someone's hand and seal) - behind someone's signature and seal

assault and battery (lit. assault and beatings) - an insult by action

Also, phraseological analogues include phraseological units with different structural and grammatical organization and different component composition:

to clear the decks (lit. clear the deck) - get ready for smth. (to some kind of action, struggle)

split the difference (lit. split the difference) - agree on a price, bargain

all the fun for less than half the price (lit. fun for less than half the price) -

"cheap and cheerful", pleasure at half price

balance in hand (lit. balance in hand) - cash.

Under non-equivalent phraseological units, it is customary to understand phraseological units that do not have a correspondence (equivalent) in the vocabulary of another language.

The main methods of translation of non-equivalent phraseological units are tracing, descriptive translation and combined translation. Tracing or literal translation of phraseological units in the presence of a full or partial equivalent.

Despite the presence of a full or partial equivalent, stable combinations of words sometimes have to be translated literally. For example, PU administrator with the will annexed - letters. administrator of the inheritance with attached will; a person appointed to act as an executor. We agree with the point of view of S.V. Vlakhov and S.S. Florin, who argue that a prerequisite for tracing is sufficient motivation of the meaning of a phraseological unit by the meanings of its components. That is, tracing is possible only when a literal translation can bring to the reader the true content of the entire phraseological unit. This is feasible, firstly, in relation to figurative phraseological units.

The descriptive translation of a phraseological unit is reduced to the translation of not the phraseological unit itself, but its interpretation, as is often the case with units that do not have equivalents in the TL. It can be explanations, comparisons, descriptions, interpretations - all means that convey in the most clear and short form the content of the phraseological unit.

"eye-wash" election

Letters. fraudulent elections; fictitious elections

Letters. first trial; session of the criminal court

consideration of which no criminal cases have been issued

a dormant account

Letters. "sleeping" account; current account not used by the client for a long time

Letters. the action of God; natural disaster (in freight contracts and insurance policies)

action of the first impression

Letters. first view action; trial without precedent

Letters. friendly business; litigation initiated with the consent of both parties

a stand-still agreement

Letters. void agreement; non-collection agreement

allegations of faculties

Letters. statement of rights; statement of the wife (who sued for alimony) about financial situation husband

a full-dressed debate (parl.)

letters. "resolved" dispute; debate on an important issue

the Treasury bench

letters. treasury bench; ministerial bench in the House of Commons

give smb. the benefit of the doubt

letters. give someone the benefit of the doubt; justify someone. for lack of evidence.

As can be seen from the examples, the disadvantage of this technique is its wastefulness, and sometimes cumbersomeness. But in the absence of such phenomena in the Russian language and the corresponding expressions for their designation, the most complete disclosure of the meanings of these realities is achieved with the help of descriptive translation.

In those cases when the Russian analogue does not fully convey the meaning of the English phraseological unit, a tracing translation is given, and then there is a descriptive translation and a Russian analogue for comparison. In this case, we can talk about a combined translation. Here are some examples:

Thus, the phraseological unit front bench can be translated using tracing as a front bench - that is, seats in the House of Commons located in front of other seats. With the help of an analogue, the translation will be as follows - the ministerial bench. And a descriptive translation for a clearer presentation of the reality - seats in the House of Representatives intended for government ministers and representatives of the "shadow cabinet" of the opposition.

PU amicable action can be translated by tracing as a friendly court case, or by descriptive translation - a court case initiated with the consent of both parties.

PhU administrator with the will annexed is translated by tracing as an administrator of an inheritance with an attached will, and in a descriptive translation - a person appointed to perform the duties of an executor. Based on the considered theoretical material and the analysis of empirical material, it can be concluded that there are many techniques and methods for translating phraseological units, however, it must be remembered that the real process of translating phraseological units is not limited to the selection of "equivalent language correspondences", but is a complex process in which, in addition to the translator's own skill, the set of cultural knowledge of potential recipients that the translator focuses on, the nature of the relationship of contacting cultures, and many other factors that affect the quality and acceptability of the translation play a role.

The phraseological units used in official business style texts are mostly neutral. However, occasionally, emotional-evaluative and expressive-figurative means, including idiomatic expressions, as well as ordinary idiomatic expressions that have lost their figurativeness over time, can be used to create the desired effect.

Speaking about the written form of the business style of speech (business letters, contracts, reports and other types of documentation), we can assume that it uses incompletely rethought motivated phraseological units that have arisen from the merger of the meanings of lexical components and are an expression of a single holistic meaning. These units are phrasal clichés, standardized stylistic clichés.

An important element of the translation of business texts are the lexical and semantic features of the translation of official business style texts. The language of business documents is a subspecies of the official business style along with the legal style (the language of laws, legislative and by-laws), military documentation.

In the conditions of intensive economic and social development of the modern world, competent business correspondence is becoming increasingly important. Adequate translation of business correspondence is the key to the success of any business. Modern style the conduct of business and the growth of intercultural communication requires that communications, letters, memorandums and other materials be clear and professionally drafted. In this regard, the need for an adequate translation of texts of an official business nature is also obvious.

Considering state of the art in the theory and practice of translating business style texts and the lack of a sufficient number of methodological and practical studies on the problems of translating business style documents, it seems necessary to conduct additional research on the use of certain lexical units in official business style texts with a description of the main lexico-semantic transformations in their translation .

As part of an additional study, it is necessary to determine in detail the varieties, goals and main characteristics of business speech, identify the lexical and semantic features of the texts of business documents, explore the use of lexical transformations in the translation of business documents using examples, study the features of the translation of lexical units that function in texts of official business style and conduct a comparative analysis of Russian and English business letters. The study should reflect the characteristics and goals of business speech, as well as the peculiarities of the vocabulary of business texts, as well as describe the main features of the translation of business documents, show the use of lexico-semantic transformations using examples. In addition, it is necessary to characterize the features of the translation of lexical units that are most often found in the texts of business documents. Finally, a comparative analysis of Russian and English business letters should undoubtedly be carried out in order to identify their lexical features and compare nominative, communicative and compositional content. Bank analytical reports, annual reports joint-stock companies, articles of international stock exchanges, publications of rating agencies, etc.

Formal business style is one of the functional styles language that "serves" the sphere of official business relations. Business style is informative, logical, reasoned and standardized. Business style has the function of expressing will, duty and the function of transmitting information. The main task of the drafter of the document is to clearly reflect the information that has legal force.

As for the vocabulary of the language of business documents, the main character traits- this is a high degree of termination and cliché, uniformity of stylistic coloring of the vocabulary of business written speech, unambiguity of contextual use, a high degree of generalization and abstractness of the main style-forming vocabulary, as well as emphasized logicality and unemotionality of the presentation of the material. Terms and procedural vocabulary constitute the basic, style-forming vocabulary of the language of documents, which in certain genres makes up from 50 to 70% of all word usage.

A neutral tone of presentation is the norm of business style. The personal, subjective moment in a business style should be kept to a minimum. Therefore, outside of business speech are, for example, forms that have emotionally expressive coloring (nouns and adjectives with suffixes of subjective evaluation, interjections). The use of colloquial, colloquial, dialectal, etc. words and phraseological units in a business style is unacceptable. Of course, this does not mean that the style of presentation in the official text should always be absolutely neutral. A request or gratitude can be expressed in a document, a demand is made (often in a categorical form), etc. However, in any case, in a business style, first of all, means of a logical rather than an emotionally expressive assessment of situations and facts should be used.

The possibilities of lexical compatibility of words in business speech are limited, which must be taken into account when translating: a business letter is compiled (not written) and sent (not sent), a reprimand is announced, a reprimand is issued, a salary is set, etc. Business speech is phraseologically stable and filled with ready-made language formulas, stencils, stamps.

However, the language tools used in the business style are quite diverse: moreover, they are perfectly adapted to convey very specific production, legal, financial, administrative and managerial information. Business speech has accumulated a huge number of terms, formulas, turns of speech that have been proven by many years of practice. In addition, the use of ready-made verbal formulas and constructions that have become firmly established in business use makes it possible not to waste time searching for definitions that characterize standard situations. Standardization (terminality) of the business style significantly increases the information content of documents, significantly facilitates their perception and evaluation by specialists, which contributes to greater efficiency of the workflow as a whole.

From the point of view of syntax, an extensive system of allied communication and long sentences also lead to protection from possible misinterpretations of the relationship between independent sentences, that is, the syntax of official business texts is aimed at clarity and clarity of presentation.

The main requirements for the translation of business correspondence are accuracy, conciseness and clarity of presentation. In the process of translation, it is necessary to follow the rules by which certain lexical units are transmitted, such as terms, proper names and abbreviations. When translating business texts, Russian and English language cliches may coincide in content, but differ in their internal form, due to the fact that in modern Russian there are much fewer established rhetorical cliches than in English. Therefore, for the closest possible reproduction of the syntactic constructions and lexical composition of the original, the method of literal translation is often used. It is the differences in linguistic clichés and the possibility of the appearance of literalisms in Russian and English that explain the relative equivalence in the translation of official business style texts.

It should be noted that in order to achieve the adequacy of the translation and overcome contextual inconsistencies in the process of translating business texts, it is necessary to use translation transformations. Having considered some types of lexico-semantic transformations, we can say that the most commonly used techniques are tracing, transcription (less often transliteration), which is caused by a large number of terms and proper names in business texts, as well as additions and concretization - the use of these techniques is associated with more compression of the English language compared to Russian and differences in the semantics of the two languages. The lexical units of the Russian language are more specific than the corresponding lexical units of the English language. Along with these methods, the method of antonymic translation is often used. Generalization, on the contrary, is rarely used, since documents require extremely accurate translation.

A comparative analysis of Russian and English business letters shows that the communicative plan in English business letters is less represented than in documents in Russian. When choosing lexical means, the English language is focused on the vocabulary of business communication and neutral vocabulary, while everyday words and evaluative-expressive vocabulary penetrate the Russian language of business letters. In the Russian language, as a rule, the stereotype of the compositional construction of texts is violated, which must be taken into account when translating business correspondence.

Thus, it should be concluded that in order to competently translate business texts, a translator needs to have knowledge about the features of the official business style, be able to correctly select and use translation techniques necessary for translating certain lexical units, and have extensive background knowledge in that field of activity. in which the translated document will function.

2.1 Style of English official documents

In the English literary language, a speech style has become isolated, which is called the style of business speech, or the style of business documents (official style). Like other speech styles, this style has certain communication goals, patterns and linguistic characteristics common to this style.

Business speech has several varieties. In the field of international relations, the style of diplomatic documents stands out; in the field of trade and economics - the style of commercial correspondence; in the field of jurisprudence - the language of laws, codes, judicial procedural documents, state resolutions, parliamentary decisions. As a special kind of business speech in modern English, the language of military documents is distinguished: orders, charters, reports, etc.

The main goal of a business speech is to determine the conditions that will ensure normal cooperation between the two parties, i.e. the purpose of a business speech is to reach an agreement between two interested parties. This applies to business correspondence between representatives of various firms, and to the establishment of the rights and obligations of a soldier, recorded in the military regulations of the British army, and to the procedure for meetings. All these relations find some form of expression in the form of an official document—letters, notes, treaties, pacts, laws, charters, etc.

This most common function business speech largely predetermined their characteristics language of this style. First of all, it develops specific terminology and phraseology. For example: I beg to inform you; I run to move; the above mentioned; hereafter named; on behalf of; to constitute a basis; to draw consequences; terminate; negotiable; to second the motion; provided that; provisional agenda; draft resolution; adjournments; private advisory, etc.

Such phraseological combinations and separate words - terms can be found in reports, charters, laws, notes, etc., and each area has its own specific terminology. So, for example, in business documents of a financial and economic nature, there are such terms as extra revenue; taxable capacities; liability to profit tax, etc. In diplomatic terminology: high contracting parties; to ratify an agreement; memorandum; pact; Charge daffaires; protectorate; extraterritorial status; plenipotential, etc.

Legal documents often contain such terms and combinations as: The international court of justice; casting vote; judicial body; to deal with a case; summary procedure; a body of judges; to hear a case; as laid down in; on the proposal of the court; recommendation of ...

Accordingly, for other areas of activity, their own specific terminology is used.

The language of business documents is characterized by the traditional means of expression, which speeds up the process of forming phraseological units typical for this style. The traditional means of expression underlies another feature of the style of English official documents - the presence of a significant number of archaic words and expressions. In any business document, you can find the use of words such as hereby; henceforth; aforesaid; beg to inform, etc.

The diplomatic language is characterized by the use of a certain number of Latin and French words and expressions that have received a kind of terminological coloring in the language of diplomatic documents. The most common words and expressions are: persona grata; persona nongrata; pro tempore; the quorum; conditio sine qua non; status quo; mutatis mutandis, etc. Common to all varieties of business style is the presence of all kinds of abbreviations, abbreviations, compound words, etc. For example: M. P. (Member of Parliament); H. M. S. (His Majestys Steamship); gvt (government); pmt (Parliament); i. e. (id est=that is); G. C S. I. (Knight Grand Commander of the Star of India); U. N. (United Nations); D.A.S. (Department of Agriculture, Scotland); D.A.O. (Divisional Ammunition Officer).

This characteristic feature of business documents was noticed by Dickens, who used it in a satirical way in the minutes of the meetings of the Pickwick Club.

Especially many of these abbreviations are found in military documents. Here, these abbreviations are not only intended to achieve brevity, but are also code.

In the style of business documents, words are used mainly in the main subject-logical meanings.

Another feature of the style of business speech is the absence of any figurative means: in the texts of business documents there are no metaphors, metonymy or other methods of creating figurative speech.

Emotionally colored vocabulary appears in some documents. However, these emotional elements of the language in the style of business speech lose their emotional function, they become conditional formulas of appeal, symbols of request, refusal, conclusion, etc.

There are different opinions on the use of passive voice in a business letter. Some business letter writing guides advise using the passive voice form to give politeness, others say that the passive voice is not typical for a business text. But, at present, the passive voice in the letter is less common than the active voice. However, the following trend is found: in sentences with a message function, it occurs more often than in sentences with an impact function. This gives grounds for the assumption that in the modern language of business correspondence there are no restrictions on the use of one or another pledge. But, as the researchers note, the choice of voice affects the overall communicative-pragmatic orientation of the statement. The use of the passive voice is dictated by the need to comply with the principles of politeness, which leads to depersonalization of statements, and also indicates the presence of a certain distance between the speaker and the listener.

Commercial correspondence in modern English has developed its own particular features, of which the most characteristic are the formulas of address, conclusion and phraseological combinations that open the letter, for example: Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Gentlemen, Yours very truly, We remain your obedient servants, Yours obediently, Yours faithfully, Yours respectfully, I am, dear sir, yours truly, etc.

Business letters are short, they rarely take more than 8 - 10 lines, but they also show the general pattern that was mentioned above, namely, an extended system of unions that accurately determines the relationship between sentences.

The form of a business letter in modern English is subject to rather strict compositional rules. A business letter consists of a heading, which indicates the place where the letter is written from, the dates; this is followed by the name of the addressee, then successively the appeal, the content of the letter itself, the polite form of the conclusion, and finally the signature.

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Parakhina Ekaterina Sergeevna , Omsk Law Institute, Omsk

Head: Babalova G.G., Professor of the Department, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor

Business correspondence is one of the most important means of communication, through which communication is carried out between members of society. So, in business correspondence, the addressee and the addressee not only exchange information, but try to establish personal contact, inspire confidence in the partner, and demonstrate interest in establishing and maintaining relationships.

The main goal of a business speech is to determine the conditions that will ensure normal cooperation between the two parties, i.e. the purpose of a business speech is to reach an agreement between two interested parties. This applies to business correspondence between representatives of various firms, and to the exchange of notes between states, and to the establishment of the rights and obligations of a soldier, recorded in the military regulations of the British army, and to the procedure for meetings. All these relations find some form of expression in the form of an official document—letters, notes, treaties, pacts, laws, charters, etc. the main task of a business speech is to reach an agreement between two or more stakeholders or organizations.

The purpose of the work is the analysis of the features of the translation of business correspondence.

In connection with the goal, it seems necessary to decide next tasks:

  • Identify the difficulties that arise in the process of translating business correspondence.
  • Demonstrate examples of translation of business correspondence and features of its translation.

Subject of study: features of the translation of business correspondence.

Object of study: business correspondence.

The process of translation or translation in the narrow sense of the term refers to the actions of the translator to create the text of the translation (the actual translation). The whole set of speech actions of an interpreter can be divided into actions using the FL and actions based on the TL. Using the FL, the translator understands the text of the original, with the help of the TL he creates the text of the translation. The step of extracting information from the original is usually referred to as "understanding the meaning". The translator must determine exactly what content he will convey in the translation. The second stage of the translation process - the choice of language means when creating the translation text - is the speech actions of the translator in the TL.

The different structure of languages ​​is the reason for the use of transformations in translation (English - analytical language and Russian - syntactic). There are the following types of transformations:

Lexical transformations (additions; deletions; substitutions).

Grammatical transformation (transcription; transliteration; tracing; concretization; generalization; antonymic translation; explication; compensation for losses in translation; permutations (transpositions); semantic development; holistic transformation).

The functional style of official business literature (FSDL) includes the following genres: diplomatic texts (pact, treaty); legal texts (code, testament, statement of claim); business correspondence (letter of offer, fax letter, recommendation); business texts or business documentation (contract; bank documentation).

FSODL is characterized by the presence of a special stock of vocabulary and phraseology (official, clerical), the use of words in a direct, nominative sense, the widespread use of clichés and stamps, nomenclature names, conditional abbreviations, complex conjunctions, denominative prepositions, constructions with verbal nouns, nominative sentences with enumeration, the limited use of many types of one-component sentences, incomplete sentences, the tendency to widespread sentences with extended syntactic links, the almost complete absence of expressive speech means, and a weak degree of individualization of style.

the purpose of business style is to establish conditions, restrictions and forms of further cooperation of two or more people. Any document must ensure complete clarity of the essence of the issue, express the main conditions that both contracting parties undertake to comply with. Language functions are only communicative and voluntarily.

In addition to being clichéd, the formal business style is characterized by terminology. In the process of term formation, two main trends are noted - the formation of abbreviations and the creation of terms-phrases (cash in hand, cash on delivery, on cash, prompt cash). Job titles - the head of the credit department, sale's manager, production manager. Simple common sentences prevail - target or conditions. The length is not limited, there are often gerunds, infinitives, participles. Nominal attributive phrases dominate. There are many component nominative groups (to force down price - bring down the price), predicative units in the passive voice. Another feature is the use of the verb to be, although in the present tense in Russian, it is usually omitted. But in official prose, it is often translated by the verbs “to be”, “to compose”, “to enter”, “to turn out”, “to be”, “to be”, etc.: The terrestrial globe is a member of the solar system - The globe is included into the solar system. (4, p.43)

The variety of functional styles of the English language makes it possible to distinguish from such general concept like business English, not only legal English, but also contractual English.

The main parts of a business letter are:

Cap - in the upper middle part of the letter. It contains the company name and postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail.

Date - after the header, either on the left or on the right, depending on the style of the letter. The date has the traditional notation - month, day, year (May 13,1999); European style - day, month, year (we write through (.), they - through a slash) 13/5/1999; The British version is characterized by a combination of letters and numbers 13th May 1999 or May 13th, 1999 (read with the). American: 13 May 1999 or May 13, 1999 (read without the). Diplomatic, military correspondence - more formal 13 May 1999

Internal address - on the left side of the letter, contains information about the person or company addressed to: American corporations have names ending in Co. -company, Corp. corporation, inc. - incorporated, f.e. Brown & Co. In England, public companies may include the abbreviations PLC (plc) and private limited companies Limited (ltd).

Greeting - placed on the left side of the letter after the line of attention. (British Formal - Dear Madam (s), Dear Mr. Brown, Dear Ms, Sir (s), Madam; American Formal - Sir (s): Madam (s): Dear Sir(s): Dear Madam(s): Dear Ms: Gentlemen).

The main part of the letter consists of 3 parts: introduction (introduction), the letter itself (contention part), conclusion (complimentary part). Introduction - indicate the purpose of the letter, only 2-3 lines (I should be grateful if you send me information about ....). Letter - may consist of several paragraphs, in which the goal is motivated in more detail, a description of goods and services is provided. Conclusion - thank you for your cooperation, we make an appointment, we express our desire to continue the correspondence (I would be happy to meet you to discuss smt…Please call me at 000-000. I look forward to hearing from you).

The final form of courtesy (ZFV) - like a greeting, reflects the level of relationship between the sender and the recipient, therefore, in terms of style, the greeting should correspond to the final form of politeness: strictly formal: Respectfully, Respectfully yours; less formal: Yours truly, Yours very truly, Very truly yours; informally: Truly yours (only in Am.), Sincerely (yours), Cordially(yours); quite informally: Best wishes, Best regards. It always ends with a (,) regardless of the British or American variant.

The signature is placed between the final form of courtesy and the sender's surname. Then the name of the sender is written - from the point of view of etiquette, the name and surname must be written in full. Then the rank or position through (,) after the name.

Additional parts of the letter are:

The line of attention - a specific person, position or department is indicated - is used for the convenience of an employee who parses mail, to whom specifically to send it: to a person or department of an organization, for example: Attention: Mr. John Brown or Attention: Sales Manager.

The line of the essence of the letter - between the greeting and the main text - gives brief indications of the essence of the letter, for example: Subject: Computer Sales or Re: Computer Sales (regarding, about);

The link consists of 2 parts, the initials of the dictator and the initials of the typist (for convenience, quickly find the culprit in case of errors, typos). In Britain, the link is usually located under the date, in the American version - in the lower left corner.

Copy - various spellings: cc - cc; CC - CC; Copies to.

This inscription can be supplemented with initials, first name, last name and address of the recipient. If the sender does not want the recipient to know about the existence of copies of this letter, the inscription "confidential" is affixed, i.e. blind copy from blind: BCC - BCC: or bcc - bcc:

A postscript is added to inform the recipient about a particularly important paragraph in the letter, but not about a new one. additional information: PS. PS: PS- P.S. (P.S. If you order within 10 days, I am authorized to offer a ten percent discount).

In business letters (in English), a more polite form of communication is adopted: Please appear at 9˚ ˚ at the main office building for an interview - If you will be able to come, we will invite you for an interview at 9 a.m.

Traditional means of expression underlie another feature of the style of English official documents, namely, the presence of a significant number of archaic words and expressions. In any business document, you can find the use of words such as hereby; henceforth; aforesaid; beg to inform, etc.

In English, the decision to fulfill obligations is expressed grammatically by the modal verb shall, to be to, less often should; lexically - undertake, be obliged, be bound: come into effect - come into force; be binding upon smb. - be binding on both parties;

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that official documentation requires increased attention during translation. As a standard text in English, such documentation requires knowledge and ability to use various translation "tools" - translation transformations. On the other hand, texts designed in an official business style require compliance with certain forms of writing one or another type of document adopted in each country, polite forms of address and construction of sentences. Formal business style is the most conservative style in any language, so deviation from the norms in writing or paperwork will be perceived as impolite, and sometimes even an insult.

English in the modern period of globalization has become the main language of science, technology, business, it is this language that is used when communicating at the international level. Therefore, in order to succeed in foreign business arenas, it is necessary to know not only general English, but also special English, in our case official business English.

Since any text in a foreign language is the subject of study of linguistics, the translation of business documentation is also in the circle of interests of translators. Businessmen and linguists meet at this point. Some do not need to know the peculiarities and subtleties of the translation of documentation, while others do not need to know the subtleties and complexities of office work in order to work effectively in symbiosis. The translator must know how to correctly and adequately translate a business document from Russian into English and vice versa, so that through his fault there is no misunderstanding and incorrect perception of the translated information between the business parties.


1. Galperin A.I. "Essays on the style of the English language" / M. 1958, p343

2. Galperin A.I. "Essays on the style of the English language" / M.1958, p431

3. Galperin A.I. "Essays on the style of the English language" / M.1958, p432

4. T.R. Levitskaya, A.M. Fiterman "Theory and practice of translation from English into Russian" / M.1963, p.43 5. Rosenthal D.E. "Dictionary of linguistic terms"

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