Complete set with finishing materials. Complete set of building objects. Our completed projects

For quite some time I have been working in construction business(production and supply of CCC) and during this time I saw a lot. How companies appear, how they disappear. I saw mistakes, I saw good solutions for development. Therefore, now I will describe a collective image successful company for acquisition building objects and finishing teams.

The company must be efficient, professional, unloaded, competitive in terms of prices, loyal and logistically developed.

To open a business big investments not required, and often not required at all. It requires only knowledge and ability to sell. Well, let's start from the beginning:

1. We register or rent an individual entrepreneur / LLC. This is necessary to give seriousness to your company and conclude contracts with suppliers, and sometimes for "white" shipments.

2. Decide whether to rent an office or stay at home. At the first stage better at home. Many companies just started at home.

3. Looking for suppliers. These should be companies with direct contracts, as Their prices are lower and everything is in order. When searching, it is better to divide suppliers into product groups. Also, when negotiating with suppliers, you need to immediately clarify prices for transit shipments. Look for analogues (in terms of technical characteristics) of the best-selling products, but with a good price. This will increase your marginal profit.

4. Make up a price list. It is better to do several columns, such as: wholesale, large wholesale, etc.

5. Make a commercial offer.

6. Looking for potential clients.

7. Complete.

Where to look for clients?

With this, everything is simple ... there is not at all occupied niche. These are private finishers and small teams that make repairs. Their phones are in the specialized media and in newspapers with ads + poles + corners of the house, etc.

How does this market segment work?

There are 2 options:

1. The client orders the repair, decoration of the premises. The finisher evaluates the amount of work, writes on a “notebook sheet” a list of what needs to be bought. The client goes shopping on his own.

2. The same, only the finisher invoices and buys himself.

As a percentage, the ratio of the first and second groups is 50 to 50.

At the first stage, you are more interested in exactly the 2nd option - it's just easier with them!

How much does one finisher buy on average per month?
30-70 thousand rubles.
How much does one finishing team buy per month?
100-200 thousand rubles.

What is the profitability?

How many customers can be attracted per month?
from 5 clients

What is the profit in the first month?
from 15 to 100 thousand rubles

Why are you better than building markets / shops?
The entire range of building materials, efficiency, delivery, kickbacks

How are you better than your competitors?
Free shipping, deferred payment. Achieved by broadcasting from providers. Also efficiency due to the small number of orders at the first stage.

What are the benefits of working with you for clients?
Kickbacks coming from free shipping. Those. you deliver products for free, the client takes money from the customer for this. Plus any price in the check for the client. Prices like in the market are saving the client's time (no need to go anywhere, one call).

AT personal experience I can say that this business is still developing, it welcomes creativity and determination. An unoccupied niche of frequent finishers can make good money and rise.

Personally, I have clients who have chosen exactly the path described above, and in six months they have reached 500,000 net profits. We opened a store, rented a warehouse, rented an office and hired three managers.

Business allows you to develop almost indefinitely .... from pickers to developers and owners of large DiVai.

If you have any questions, ask, I will answer in detail, because I know this business well!

The company "MOSBLOK" is engaged in the complex supply of building and finishing materials for commercial and residential buildings.
We promptly solve problems of any complexity and always meet the needs of our customers. We have many years of experience in this area. Our company has its own well-established system of interaction with suppliers and manufacturers. We cooperate with more than two hundred manufacturers, we are official distributors of leading Russian and foreign manufacturers.
We offer the most modern materials. We create comfortable safe conditions for life, work and leisure… We create the future!

10 reasons for the advantages of working with the company "MOSBLOK"

  1. Free consultations for any product group.
  2. Exclusive developments and innovative solutions.
  3. Selection of materials based on the functional tasks of the premises.
  4. Calculation of the optimal cost of materials and provision of samples at the stage of approval and design.
  5. Having your own special transport.
  6. Finished projects at the time of buying building materials in our company.
  7. Complex deliveries from construction to finishing.
  8. Warehouse bases on the Moscow Ring Road and in the near Moscow region
  9. Flexible system of discounts
  10. Delivery to the object

Our completed projects

List of completed projects

Business Park Rumyantsevo Moscow
KP "New Lapino" School
Hotel "Uglich" Uglich
Sanatorium "Sosnovy Bor" Moscow
Hotel "Orimex Suvar" Kazan
Hotel "Olympia", Sochi
Sanatorium "Solotcha", Ryazan
SEC "RIO", Moscow
Meshalkin Clinic, Novosibirsk
Office of CJSC "Siberian Anthracite", NSO, pos. Listvyansky
Dispensary "In Bor", Omsk
Columbus Hotel, Volgograd
Office of the Representation of the Jewish Agency in the Russian Federation, Moscow
Fitness centers "Zebra" Moscow
KSPO RRC "Kurchatov Institute"
Boarding house "DREAM", Orel
GK "Volga", Kostroma
Health-improving center in Izhevsk
GK Yuzhnaya, Volgograd
Protea Hotels Voronezh
Office center "Concord"
GK "Olympia", Perm
GK "Zarya", Maxisa Hotels
GK "Slavia", Moscow
GK "Aurora", Kursk
Pension "Beshtau" Min. Water
"Yerevan Plaza" shopping center, Moscow
GK "Foresta Trapekana", Moscow
Office center "Toyota Motor", Moscow
Entertainment Center Orimex Suvar, Kazan
Restaurant "Grinn", Kursk
Office center "Tupolev-2", Moscow
SEC "TIARA", Moscow
Ice Palace "VTB - Arena" Park-Legends, Public areas of Moscow
Office of the company "Gazprom-Avia", Kaluga
RC "PUSHKA", Moscow
SEC "RIO", Voronezh
Office center "Tsvetnoy Bulvar" Moscow
Moscow office "WEB-Money", Moscow
SEC "Pike", Moscow
SEC "RIO", Orel
Caffeine network "Cafe Coffee", Moscow
Residential complex "Peredelkino Middle", Moscow
LCD "First Moscow City-Park", Moscow
Residential complex "New Vatutinki", Moscow
Net shoe stores"ODDO", Moscow
Restaurant "BIGGI" Moscow
Restaurant "German-Pepper", Moscow
School of martial arts "SAMBO-70", Khimki Novogorsk
Dance school. Kortneva, Khimki Novogorsk
MFC Lokomotiv Yaroslavl, apart-hotel and Ice Palace, entrance areas.
BC "LEXICON", Bolshaya Tatarskaya, Moscow
Net fast food"Food City"
"Palace of Trade Unions", Moscow

Our partners

Wall materials:

The process of construction or overhaul is quite long and difficult. GLAVSNAB proposes to significantly facilitate it, minimize financial costs and optimize the supply of necessary materials. We carry out a complete set of turnkey construction projects at a decent professional level. The range of services includes the selection, purchase and delivery of:

  • construction and finishing materials;
  • plumbing;
  • electrical accessories;
  • tools;
  • equipment.

In addition, we make cutting and sawing of wood, metal, sheet plastic and drywall; door installation; tinting of paints and plasters.

Advantages of an integrated approach

Time and money are the two main criteria by which the effectiveness of this mode of service delivery is judged. The customer does not have to search and choose building materials, equipment, negotiate with builders and check their work. Our experts will organize the whole process and eliminate the need to interact with many contractors and suppliers. This allows you to significantly speed up the construction or overhaul of the building.

Cost savings are achieved through the interaction of our enterprise with many manufacturers and distributors of building products that provide special conditions cooperation and significant discounts. In addition, it is possible to significantly reduce transport costs by purchasing products in one place. According to experts, A complex approach allows you to save from 10% of the planned budget.

How to complete the construction?

After the conclusion of the contract with us, the following services will be performed:

  1. Acquaintance with the plan of development or repair.
  2. Analysis and preparation of recommendations for the selection of all components.
  3. Calculation of the consumption of building materials. A rather difficult stage, at which our managers will draw up an estimate that reflects the real level of upcoming expenses. Each item will be ordered in the required quantity and volume.
  4. Selection and approval necessary tools(measuring, painting, plastering, abrasive, welding, etc.).
  5. Order and delivery of goods to the customer. If adjustments are made to the project, our managers will easily find a replacement. Downtime in work at the facility is excluded, since deliveries are carried out according to the schedule, which makes it possible to save on warehousing, storage and protection.
  6. Rental of construction equipment of any specifics for the entire period of work.

We are always ready to help the customer, including providing information support. The site presents different categories of goods, divided into thematic groups. Our specialists know the characteristics and technical parameters of all tools, materials and equipment sold.

Order a complete set of construction objects in Moscow

Long-term practice and thoughtful management enable GLAVSNAB to provide services promptly, smoothly and efficiently.

Cooperation with us means:

  • timely delivery of building materials according to the approved list;
  • guarantee High Quality accessories, wiring accessories, fasteners, fittings, etc.;
  • trusted suppliers;
  • consulting assistance during the construction period;
  • favorable purchasing conditions.

GLAVSNAB cooperates not only with large contractors, but also with individuals. We ship prefabricated wagons and containers throughout Russia. Our experts quickly solve the tasks and do not allow the occurrence of force majeure situations.

Entrust your construction to professionals!

Completion of building objects is the stage of construction from which everything begins and which continues throughout the entire process of erection and finishing of capital structures. Accordingly, this stage leaves an imprint on the quality of work and the timing of its implementation. Competently and timely concluded contracts for the supply of building materials minimize the risks of receiving low-quality goods and downtime due to the lack of raw materials to perform the planned work. Pre-planned staffing arrangements also make it possible to properly organize the workforce. If you need assistance in organizing the process of completing construction projects, we are ready to provide it at your first request. Professional managers online store "Ekonomstroy" will take into account even the smallest details at the request of the client and perfectly distribute the scope of work on completing the set for a given object. You will no longer have a reason to waste time and digress from more important issues to resolve such issues. We will do it for you.

Your right to rely on an individual approach is strictly respected by our professionals. Benefits that will bring proper organization configurations of building objects are so obvious that it will not be difficult for you to feel them. The Ekonomstroy online store cooperates strictly with reliable suppliers. Only such partners can give guarantees for the fulfillment of their contractual obligations. Only such cooperation excludes the possibility of encountering the problem of fakes and low-quality materials. Delivery times in the case of pre-orders are also strictly controlled. In addition, buying from a single supplier comes with the right to a good discount, which means that there is an opportunity to save money on a bulk order. This is especially important in the construction of large facilities and, of course, in cases where exclusive options for finishing materials and decorative elements are used.

If we are talking about small volumes of construction, here we should approach the solution of the issue differently. Work with various suppliers makes it possible to maneuver price categories and sizes of wholesale lots. Inexpensive and practical materials also have a strong niche in the market. They are quite successfully managed by construction projects with medium-level capital investments. We can offer you a flexible competitive pricing policy with any commodity group. Cooperating with us, you will receive qualified assistance that strictly corresponds to your request and is suitable only for your case. And using our services, you can afford to calmly do your usual work, without being distracted by the one that we will take on. This is a beneficial escape from a bulky routine that will allow you to focus on own business. We sincerely wish you successful achievement of your goals and making the right decisions!

Any construction, repair or reconstruction is a long and complex process that requires the selection and supply of building and finishing materials to the facility. Usually this task is distributed among several contractors, who delay the deadlines and shift the blame on others. Complete set of construction objects on a turnkey basis new approach which saves the customer up to 10% of the funds.

The TP-Project company is engaged in complex deliveries of building materials for commercial and residential buildings. All that the client needs is to sign an agreement with us, we will undertake the completion of the construction object.

What materials do we supply?

We supply more than 10,000 types of finishing and building materials to Moscow, so the complete set of turnkey facilities with our company is always at the highest level. We cooperate with the world's leading manufacturers: Albes, ASP-Technology, Armstrong, Rockfon, Forbo, Graboplast, Artpole, Valtonix, etc.

The complete set of construction objects implies the supply of:

  • floor coverings (quartz vinyl tiles, porcelain stoneware, linoleum, marmoleum, carpet, raised floors);
  • wall coverings (plastic, MDF and 3d panels, wood boards, wallpaper);
  • suspended ceilings (designer, acoustic, gypsum, metal);
  • finishing and building materials general purpose(drywall, primers, grouts, adhesives, paints and varnishes, mounting foams and sealants, putties and plasters).

11 reasons to work with us:

  • We offer you exclusive brands and the best working conditions for the goods of world leaders in the industry;
  • We always have in stock a wide range of products for interior decoration;
  • We will reduce your logistics costs: there is no need to waste time waiting for the goods to be ready to collect 1 vehicle, send several cars for individual goods to different suppliers;
  • With us you save time and nerves: there is no need to check an infinite number of contractors and constantly control the document flow with many companies;
  • Our warehouse is located 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road (trucks can arrive at any time without leaving the Moscow Ring Road);
  • We will offer various options for commercial terms and consider your wishes;
  • We strictly control the observance of the Minimum Permitted Price on the shelves of our customers, so that everyone has a guaranteed benefit when working with our brand products;
  • Our managers have been trained by all our manufacturing partners and have sufficient knowledge and experience to select the best product for your needs. retail store or for an object, based on the functional purpose of the premises and the budget of the customer;
  • Thanks to our long-term cooperation with suppliers, we can come to you with a representative of the manufacturer, and you can get his expert opinion absolutely free of charge;
  • If you wish, we will train your salespeople and managers competitive advantage our products to make it easier for them to sell the product for more profit;
  • Our warehouses work for you in 7 regions of Russia.

Advantages of cooperation with "TP-Project"

  • TP-Project partners are located in 7 cities of the Russian Federation, so we promptly deliver orders not only in the capital and the Moscow region, but also in the regions.
  • The materials we sell have quality certificates.
  • We regularly update the catalog with new positions that have just appeared on the market.
  • We sell goods at wholesale prices, as we cooperate with manufacturers directly.
  • Completing objects with finishing materials in our company is a guarantee of the quality of services and assistance in the calculation and delivery of materials, as well as installation work(if necessary).

If you need a complete set of construction projects in the Moscow region and are interested in the terms of cooperation? Call right now: 8-499-321-80-00.