Lunch delivery business plan. Lunches in the office, how to organize food delivery. Marketing and brand promotion

  • The purpose of the project, its relevance
  • Investments required to implement the business
  • Paperwork
  • Operating and staffing costs
  • Calculation of the cost of services

Home delivery of food is a service that requires a serious approach to organization. Most Internet specialists consider it in the context of a cafe, sushi bar, restaurant. In reality, this is an independent type of activity that needs a well-designed project. In this article, we will look at a food delivery business plan with 2020 calculations.

The purpose of the project, its relevance

The business plan is focused on creating a delivery service, food will be brought to customers from cafes to their homes, offices, and picnics. To organize this business, it is necessary to establish relations with institutions Catering.

In this business, demand greatly exceeds supply, which practically eliminates competition. The only exceptions are similar services operating at cafes, restaurants and sushi bars. But in 90% of cases, it is not possible to combine the preparation of dishes and their delivery. The reason for this is the low level of service:

  • the need to wait a long time for an order;
  • frequent mistakes - dishes are confused, ordered culinary features are not fulfilled;
  • customers overpay taxi services for delivery.

All this causes a lot of inconvenience to customers and makes them refuse to use cooked food delivery services. Therefore, a business plan with calculations considers in detail the organization of the service as a separate enterprise.

The relevance of the business is confirmed sociological research. They testify that a consumer audience aged 15 to 50 uses such a service. This means that the delivery of ready-made meals is a business with great potential and in the long run can bring enormous income.

By the way, if you buy a car for yourself, maybe you should think about a related rental business. cars . Find out how to do investments that can generate income. You might be able to make good money doing this.

Investments required to implement the business

This is an example of the initial capital investment required to set up a food delivery business. The figures given are averages and are based on big cities with a population of over 1,000,000 people.

  • Office rent - 20,000–30,000 rubles. This may be a small room located far from the city center. The position does not matter, as the delivery service is focused on remote work and the office will serve more as an information processing center.
  • Office equipment - 70,000–80,000 rubles. This amount includes office furniture, office equipment.
  • Buying cars. Delivery is not possible without our own vehicle fleet. For starters, 3 units are enough - these are budget modifications, their approximate cost in our business plan is 360,000 rubles.
  • Corporate identity - car decoration - up to 70,000 rubles.
  • Organization and promotion of the site - 300,000 rubles. This is the main tool through which delivery will be promoted and promoted. Therefore, it is necessary that it be as functional as possible, convenient, work without failures and errors. The business plan lays down the amount for the development of a quality software product, with qualified promotion.
  • CRM-system - software that allows you to optimize, automate the system of customer relationships. This modern ready-made service costs an average of 150,000 rubles.
  • Authorized capital - from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. It is necessary for the purchase of products: hot meals, healthy food and other menu items. But you can also agree on the settlement with partners after the sale of dishes. At the same time, it is worth noting that this cannot be done immediately after the opening of the service, since you first need to earn a reputation as a reliable companion.

May be of interest: Self-service car wash - step by step business plan

Total: 1,470,000–1,890,000 rubles is needed to open a business.

Download ready business plan food delivery you can with our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!


This item should be considered separately, since an entrepreneur can independently register an enterprise with the tax authorities or seek help from specialized companies. Their services will cost 5000-8000 rubles.

At self-registration of IP, it is advisable to seek advice from a specialist regarding the choice of taxation system. AT this case the simplified version is the best.

OKVED activities - 53.20.12 food delivery to the house.

Operating and staffing costs

Food, its delivery cannot be carried out without staff. It is desirable that these are qualified specialists. Business plan presents average figures wages for 2020 for staff with work experience, as well as staffing necessary for organizing a business without interruptions in work:

  1. Dispatchers - 20,000 rubles - 2 people.
  2. Accountant - 23,000 - 1 specialist.
  3. Site administrator - 18,000.
  4. Courier drivers - 18,000 - 6 people.

In total, the payroll will amount to 189,000 rubles. Do not forget about current expenses, which consist of such items:

  • Rent payment - 20,000-30,000 rubles.
  • Payment utilities – 5000.
  • Payment for the Internet and telephone - 8000-10000.
  • Advertising campaign - 40,000 rubles. This is a fundamental success factor, so saving here is not recommended, rather, you need to invest as efficiently as possible.
  • Business expenses. This item includes: fuel costs, vehicle fleet depreciation - repairs, Maintenance, purchase of stationery and possibly unexpected costs. Approximately for all this, it is necessary to lay 20,000–30,000 rubles a month. It all depends on the degree of workload of the enterprise.

Total: 93,000–115,000 rubles. The business plan assumes total monthly costs, including payroll in the region of 282,000–304,000 rubles.

♦ Capital investments – 500,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 1 year.

The rhythm of the life of business people is so intense that there is practically no time left for cooking.

We have to be content with catering establishments (far from everyone can afford them), semi-finished products or dry food.

But you really want hot tasty lunches and dinners.

It is on such simple desires of people that those who discover food delivery business.

This is a sphere entrepreneurial activity It has its drawbacks, of course, but it has many more advantages.

Therefore, if you want to open a simple and profitable startup, then it's time to start writing a business plan with specific calculations.

Possible Forms of a Food Delivery Business

If you are looking into a food service business but don't want to open a restaurant, cafe, or even a fast food stand, then take a look at the food delivery business.

It is much easier to open such a startup than a stationary institution, and you will have to invest a little money.

There are several forms of food delivery business.

Choose the one that is closest to you:

  1. Cooperation with a cafe or your city: they cook, and you only deliver, earning on the price difference.
  2. You cook your own food natural products at home or in a specially rented premises, and then deliver meals to offices, state organizations etc.
    You cook exactly as much as your customers pre-ordered for you.
  3. You prepare some simple dishes (several types of meat and fish), a couple of side dishes, a vegetable salad, pies and go, for example, to the market with an offer to buy a delicious and hot lunch from you.
  4. Cooking from semi-finished products: hamburgers, dumplings, dumplings, cutlets and more.
    There is also a demand for such a product.
  5. Catering company, the main field of activity of which is banquets, corporate parties and celebrations.
    You will have to cook mainly gourmet snacks.

Advantages and disadvantages of a food delivery business

I would like to start with the shortcomings of the food delivery business, which should be taken into account by entrepreneurs looking at such a startup.

So, the main cons are:

  1. High level of competition.
    In any, even a small city, there are companies that deliver meals and serve banquets.
  2. Difficulty finding clients.
    The most promising places may already be taken, or you may not be able to convince people to buy from you.
  3. Problems that may arise with government inspection bodies if you decide to formalize your business.

And yet, despite some difficulties, the advantages of the food delivery business are much greater:

  1. The relatively small amount of capital investment required to launch a startup.
  2. Ease of implementation of the idea even at home.
  3. High profitability if you can form a wide customer base.
  4. Possibility to expand own business, for example, in the future you can open a stationary cafe.
  5. An unlimited field for activity, especially if there are few lunch delivery companies in your city.
  6. A large number of potential clients who need food delivery.
    It is from them that you will be able to form your client base.
  7. The presence of many options for finding customers and conducting an advertising campaign.

Where to look for customers for those who want to open a food delivery business?

The profit of food delivery companies directly depends on the breadth of their customer base.

The principle is simple: the more products you order daily, the higher your income will be.

That is why, before starting a lunch delivery business, you need to decide how exactly you will advertise your company and look for customers.

The most common ways to find clients are only 3:

  1. Visits to offices and government organizations in your city.
    You can leave your business cards and prices, or you can do something even more cunning: make several dishes for testing.
    If they are tasty, then your chances of getting a client will increase significantly.
  2. Use of traditional advertising tools: ads, flyers, booklets and more.
  3. Internet.
    This resource should be used to the maximum: social networks, contextual advertising, communication on the forum.
    If the amount start-up capital allows, you can create your own website so that customers can get acquainted with the range of your dishes, with pricing policy, see how appetizing the dishes look, read the reviews of satisfied customers, and even place an order.

How to make a lunch delivery business profitable?

Starting a startup is much easier than making it successful and profitable.

If you want your food delivery business to pay off in the first year after opening and only develop in the future, you need to create competent competitive advantages:

  1. Good tasting qualities of the dishes you cook.
  2. Acceptable pricing policy.
  3. The ability to deliver a hot lunch not only in central offices, but also in companies that operate on the outskirts.
  4. System of discounts and pleasant bonuses for the holidays for regular customers.
  5. Thematic decoration of dishes in pre-holiday and holiday periods.
  6. Constant updating of the menu.
  7. The presence of a platform where your customers could put forward their suggestions, thank you or complain.
    This is the only way to study the tastes of your consumers as much as possible in order to give them exactly what they require.
  8. Polite and friendly staff.
  9. Punctual delivery.
  10. Cleanliness in the kitchen where you cook.
    One hair in the afternoon and the loss of a client is guaranteed.

Food Delivery Business: Schedule

The timing of the launch of a startup directly depends on how large-scale a business project you plan to open.

If you are going to cook right at home and sell finished products in the nearest market, it takes no more than a week to start a business.

If you want to do everything officially: register, rent a room, launch advertising campaign etc., then all this will take you several months.

Premises for rent
Purchase of equipment
Advertising campaign

Registration for a food delivery business

Interesting fact from history:
Roasted camel is considered to be the largest dish prepared since ancient times. This dish was served at the courts of the rulers of Morocco hundreds of years ago, and it continues to be cooked to this day at Bedouin weddings. Such a camel is stuffed with one whole ram, 20 chickens, 60 eggs and many other ingredients.

Many businessmen who deliver meals made right in their home kitchen do not register at all.

If you are going to deliver food, for example, in the market, then you can follow their example.

If you want to open a serious company that delivers meals to all major offices in your city, then it is better to legalize your business and rent suitable premises for cooking.

To start engaging in this type of activity, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, register with the Tax Service, pay all state duties and choose a form of taxation, for example, UTII.

The most difficult part of the registration procedure is obtaining permits from the SES and the Fire Service to operate the premises, as well as issuing medical books for all its employees.

If you doubt that you can handle all this on your own, then you can involve a qualified lawyer in the case.

Food delivery business premises

You don't need a huge space to start a business.

50-80 squares are quite enough to place all utensils, kitchen surfaces, ovens, stoves and refrigerators in it.

The location of your business does not play a big role, as long as it is located not too far from potential customers, because they will want to get hot meals.

You won’t have to make grandiose repairs in the rented premises - all the same, customers will not see it.

You just have to satisfy SES requirements, make the room clean, dry and safe for cooking.

Food delivery business equipment

Of course, to cook dinners, you will need standard kitchen equipment: stove, oven, refrigerator, freezer, as well as a variety of utensils for cooking, cutting boards and more.

The quality of the meals you cook does not depend on the cost and brand of equipment, so you should not buy all the most expensive ones.

Look for unnecessary pots and pans at home, take a closer look at household appliances already used or sold at a discount.

If you don't have anything, you'll have to buy everything from scratch.

To open a small food delivery business, you will have to buy the following set of equipment:

Item of expensesQtyCost (in rubles)Total amount (in rubles)
Total: 200 000 rub.
Cooker with oven
1 50 000 50 000
1 10 000 10 000
Food processor
1 10 000 10 000
1 15 000 15 000
1 30 000 30 000
1 30 000 30 000
Kitchen surfaces with bedside tables
2 9 000 18 000
Frying pans of different sizes
3 1 500 4 500
2 1 000 2 000
Pots of various sizes
3 1 500 4 500
Cutting boards
4 250 1 000
5 600 3 000
Forms for baking and baking
4 1 000 4 000
Ladles, spatulas, spoons and other utensils
5 000 5 000
2 500 1 000
Other 12 000 12 000

Staff for a food delivery company

Even with small business food delivery is difficult to handle alone.

You can, of course, try to combine the duties of a cook, a carrier, an advertising agent, an administrator and an accountant, but this is quite difficult to do.

If you cannot turn this business into a family business, for example, to do it together with your husband / wife, inviting an accountant to solve financial issues, then you should consider hiring staff.

The best option is to hire a cook and an auxiliary worker who will not only do the rough work (peel vegetables, wash dishes), but also clean the room, and leave the delivery ready meals, finding clients, purchasing products and accounting.

The cost of staff salaries in this case will be from 25,000 rubles per month.

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Total: 25 000 rub.
Cook1 15 000 15 000
support worker1 10 000 10 000

How much does it cost to open a food delivery business?

Your expenses for starting a food delivery business directly depend on the future size of the company, on whether you will cook on own kitchen or - in a rented room, on whether you can save money at the stage of purchasing equipment, on the city where you are going to work, and other factors.

If you want to do everything officially, then get ready to invest about half a million rubles in starting a startup:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:300 000 rub.
Registration10 000
Purchase of equipment200 000
Lunch bags30 000
Purchase of disposable tableware10 000
Purchase of the first batch of products for cooking20 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses20 000

It is imperative to include money in capital investments for a three-month maintenance of the business.

It usually takes three months to start making more or less decent profits.

In our case, the amount for the maintenance of the food delivery business will consist of renting the premises, staff salaries, taxes and consumables (gasoline for cars, groceries, plastic utensils).

We multiply 65,000 rubles. by 3, which is equal to 195,000 rubles, we add 300,000 rubles to this amount. to start a business and get half a million rubles of capital investment.

This amount will increase even more if you do not have a car, which is necessary for everyone who organizes a food delivery business.

You can buy an inexpensive car in good condition for 150,000 rubles.

About how they work large companies for home delivery of food,

see in the video:

food delivery business profitability

Experts evaluate the food delivery business in different ways.

Someone - in 10%, and someone - in all 25%.

Let's say the average cost of one complex lunch is 100 rubles.

You have 60 clients who order lunch from you every day, that is, you earn 6,000 rubles a day.

Weekends for your customers are Saturday and Sunday, these days they do not need lunch, which means that you make a profit only 20-22 days a month.

We multiply the number of working days by the amount of daily revenue and get an amount of 120–132,000 rubles per month.

Takes away the amount you spend on running the business and expendable materials(65,000 rubles) and get a monthly profit of 55–67,000 rubles.

As you can see, with such indicators food delivery business becomes self-sustaining within a year of operation.

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Before delving into all the secrets and deciding to open your own business, you need to understand how food delivery services work.

Food delivery is a service that provides users with the ability to order food from restaurants and receive food at short time, and also gives information about catering establishments in the city:

  • prices;
  • stock;
  • menu.

What do companies in this business earn? The partner restaurant deducts a percentage of each delivered order to the delivery service. Such a service is convenient not only for customers, but also for restaurateurs, because with its help it becomes possible to attract more customers.

Food Delivery Business: How to Start

If you have decided to open a business in this area, then you should start by creating your own website. It should be simple and understandable for users. The site should present a colorful menu of various restaurants with prices and descriptions of dishes.

Another important point in organizing a business is the geolocation service - automatic determination of the customer's location, based on which a choice of restaurants located within a radius of 2-5 kilometers is offered. This will reduce the waiting time for the order.

When organizing such a business, it is important to take into account the fact that more than 50% of the world's Internet traffic comes from mobile devices. That's why Special attention It is worth paying attention to creating an application for platforms such as:

  • android;
  • Windows.

The owners of Delivery Club, the largest food delivery service in Russia, note that more than 70% of orders come from mobile devices. In addition, the Delivery Club smartphone application provides the ability to select a geolocation. Users can pay as plastic cards, as well as in cash.

Owners of food delivery service Foodfox after launch mobile application for iOS, we decided not to stop there and created a courier application. It allows you to track the location of couriers and update the status of the order online. For now, this feature is available only to administrators, but in the future, the owners plan to provide such an opportunity to their customers.

Restaurant partnerships

If you want to open a food delivery business, one of the main tasks will be finding partner restaurants. How to establish mutually beneficial conditions for cooperation with public catering?

Your task is to choose a number of restaurants with which you wish to start cooperation. Next, send an email offer or talk to the owners of the establishments in person. In most cases, the organization of a delivery service for restaurateurs is a complex, time-consuming process, so they willingly agree to a partnership.

There are two options for cooperation:

  • fixed payment for delivery: the client makes an order for any amount, but at the same time he needs to pay separately for the delivery of food (this amount will be the organization's income);
  • fixed minimum check amount: the client can place an order for a minimum set amount. In this case, your company receives profit in the form of interest paid by the partner restaurant.

These conditions must be negotiated in advance with the owners of catering establishments.

At this stage, it is important to remember one rule: "The client will only re-order if he is satisfied with the food ordered." If a restaurant loses a customer, then your business loses revenue.

It is important to follow trends and take into account the taste preferences of the audience. The head of the center for expert business support "KLEN" Vladimir Mikhailov believes that today.

Restaurant rating

If you decide to organize your business in this area, then special attention should be paid to the distribution of restaurants on your list. It is not necessary to include in your list all the catering establishments of the city. Establishments whose dishes leave much to be desired can be crossed off the list altogether. Establishments with the best service and delicious food should be ranked first.

  • the number of failures, for example, per month;
  • reviews;
  • number of repeat orders.

Accordingly, if the restaurant does not have repeated orders, and the customer reviews are not the most flattering, then the institution drops in the rating from the first lines to lower positions.

Transferring orders to restaurants

Another problem that many food delivery services face is the transfer of the order to restaurants. Typically, in this situation, Email. However, this process creates many inconveniences, for example, the establishment needs to hire individual person, which will check mail and transfer orders to the kitchen. The service itself also wastes precious minutes, and the waiting time for the client increases.

Delivery Club owners have found an excellent solution to this problem. An application is installed on the tablet, which displays information about the receipt of the order, as well as the address and form of payment. Next, the tablet is handed over to the waiter, who will work with the device in the same way that he serves the guests of the restaurant. That is, the waiter takes the order through the tablet and passes it to the kitchen, where the chefs start preparing the ordered food.

"Lucky for those who are lucky"

Another very important point when starting a business is the organization and delivery time. Typically, food ordering customers want their lunch hot and as soon as possible.

Aleksey Ovchinnikov, a 32-year-old startup, paid special attention to solving this problem in his Hunger project.

The Hunger business project promises to deliver food to its customers within 8 minutes. Such a figure was determined for a reason. Ovchinnikov analyzed the process of ordering food and determined that more than 60% of the time is spent on cooking and only 40% is spent on delivery. In addition, about half an hour is spent on the choice of dishes. The businessman suggested reducing the choice to a minimum:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • chicken.

In this case, the dishes must be prepared in advance. Ovchinnikov also conducted an experiment and calculated that the average delivery time for meals in Moscow is 8 minutes. In addition, it was calculated that the courier spends quite a lot of time looking for a parking space and an office.

When ordering food through “Hunger”, the client must comply with two conditions: pay with a card and independently go outside for an order. As practice has shown, for the sake of fast delivery, people do not mind going out and picking up their lunch. However, in an interview with RBC, the entrepreneur said that on this moment the service does not fit into 8 minutes, and the delivery time takes 2 times longer.

Service Foodfox, found another solution to this business problem. The client is invited to choose food only from those restaurants that are located within a radius of 2-2.5 kilometers from him. Thus, the delivery time of the dish is about 15-18 minutes, plus 20-25 minutes for cooking. As a result, the client receives hot food in 40-45 minutes.

But the owners of the Pizza Empire restaurant took advantage of the most original solution. Their courier is an ordinary dog. In order for the animal to correctly find customers, a special device was developed with a GPS navigator and two vibrators (left and right), it is these vibrations that guide the dog along a given route. The administrator of the institution can also track the position of the "courier" on the map. In addition, special packaging has been developed to ensure that the pizza retains its original quality.

Many people are looking for various business ideas to start their own business. One of the niches in which it is profitable to develop your business is food-related services, as they are affordable and enable people to save their time.

So, the delivery of meals to offices (in another way, this business can be called catering) is a promising and fairly quickly paid off direction, also because this market is not saturated.

Project Summary

For example, a food delivery project involves the creation of a company that will prepare and distribute meals for office workers. For this purpose, it is advisable to be located in one building with the subsequent possibility of expanding the leased area.

At the moment, delivery to offices is in increasing demand, which cannot be covered existing organizations. The main emphasis of many workers is on the fact that the diet is healthy and balanced. Accordingly, special attention should be paid to the quality of the products from which cooking is carried out. In addition, dishes should be versatile and not heavy.

The target audience a similar project - employees aged 25 to 45 years old, working in various companies with an average income level.

At the same time, it is important to understand that initially food delivery should be organized within the same city - so that the costs of organizing activities are not so large.

The main points to pay attention to are:

  • Accounting for the needs of the target audience.
  • The main factor of this service is not only high-quality food, but also fast delivery.
  • The issues of storage, serving and transportation of products are among the most complex and require a careful approach.
  • Initially, it is desirable to analyze the principles of business organization of competitors.

You can watch an interesting interview with the owner of such a business in the following video:

organizational plan

In order to organize such an enterprise, you will need:

  1. Prepare documentation and obtain permits.
  2. Rent a room.
  3. Buy equipment.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Develop a menu.
  6. Attract customers (this will require the creation of a website, promotion, etc.).

The organization of documents can take from 1.5 to 3.5 months. It will take 1 to 2 months to rent the premises. In parallel with this, you can look for a supplier for the purchase of equipment. If the volumes are planned to be small, it is enough to buy used equipment. The search for staff can take about a month (as well as the development of the menu).

Attracting customers is a long-term process that is important not only at the stage of starting a business, but also in the development process. If the number of clients increases, some steps will have to be repeated.

As a result, opening such a business will take from 5 to 8 months without taking into account the creation of a customer base. It is important to understand that initially you should not open a large production and office, since this is very unprofitable in terms of costs and payback period.

Finally, it comes with high risks: if the company makes a mistake in the strategy, it will not be able to build a customer base. As a result, the investment will not pay off.

Financial plan

In order to open such a business, you need about a million rubles. Most often, such services are used by large and medium-sized companies. If the markup in restaurants is at least 400%, then in order for the catering project to pay off, the markup should be at the level of 80-100%.

Accordingly, it is desirable that the cost of lunch per person was about 200-300 rubles– this amount will allow you to compete with restaurants and cafes (and even with the option of cooking at home due to time savings) and at the same time have enough revenue to pay off your investment.

  • To rent a room, it will take from 1200-1500 rubles per square meter.
  • The cost of equipment is about 500 thousand rubles.
  • The salary of cooks will start from 30 thousand (depending on the level of their training and employment).
  • In the first months of the company's operation, it will be enough to have 1-2 couriers for delivery (their salary is from 20 thousand rubles).

Subsequently, the staff should expand (as an option, you can use the services of third-party companies).

Marketing plan

Such companies most often do not work directly with office employees - most often they negotiate with a company that will order food for all office workers. This tactic has many advantages:

  • Saving shipping costs.
  • Possibility of economies of scale.
  • Reducing the amount of time spent on cooking.
  • For the company itself, this is an opportunity to increase employee loyalty to it.

From a marketing standpoint, it makes sense to focus on direct sales. Search for clients is carried out using:

  • Cold phone calls.
  • Meetings with representatives of medium-sized companies.
  • Low price.
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality.
  • Providing a wide range of choices.
  • Emphasis on healthy eating.
  • High quality products (food must be delicious).
  • Availability of additional services.
  • Service level.

Initially, in order to establish processes, it is best to involve an organization with a staff of 25-35 people. This will allow you to find bottlenecks in the activities of the enterprise and those advantages for which other customers will choose it.

Calculation of return on investment

Based on the fact that the total cost of opening an enterprise will be about 1-1.2 million rubles (the main ones will go to renting premises and purchasing equipment), payback period will be from 1 to 2 years. It will depend on how competent decisions are made on initial stage functioning, as well as the balance of the menu in terms of dishes and prices.

After reaching the payback, the profitability of the project can be from 100 thousand rubles and more per month. First of all, it will depend on the number of customers: it is important to understand that it is beneficial for the company to build long-term cooperation with its customers - in this case, they will be more loyal and place orders more often.

A successful company should invest its earnings in expanding capabilities.

So, you can not only purchase additional equipment and hire more qualified personnel, but also think about expanding your business and provide a wider range of services. This will quickly increase the client base and raise the level of profit up to 200-250 thousand rubles per month.

So food delivery is profitable project, primarily due to the relatively low level of competition. Focus on core competencies and desire for high quality will help the company to win its niche of consumers and bring a high level of income.

There are many ideas for starting your own business at home. For example, lunch delivery as a business: profitability, a business plan with calculations and a detailed description of the necessary actions for the development of a micro-enterprise.

Often this type of business starts as an additional form of income for people with limited financial resources - pensioners, young mothers on maternity leave, students. Everyone faces the same type of problems - where to start, where to find clients, how to return investments as soon as possible.

Pros and cons

An entrepreneur who decides to get into lunch delivery should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of this business:

pros Minuses
1 Starting a project from scratch requires a minimum amount of cash. If all manufacturing process consists in cooking in your own kitchen and transportation in a private car, then you can “fit in” 5,000 rubles. Big competition. There are many companies operating on the market - from entrepreneurs serving 2-3 orders per week to large catering enterprises with an extensive client base.
2 A budding entrepreneur does not need to be a chef. Lunches can be ordered from a cookery or hire an assistant who knows how to cook. It is difficult to build consumer confidence. Usually they order food at home or in the office in proven and popular places.
3 The work process does not take all day, which allows you to allocate time for business development. Lunch delivery activities are classified as public catering, with all the ensuing difficulties in official registration and inspections by supervisory authorities.
4 There is no pronounced seasonality, the service is in demand all year round.

In order not to get into the sight of the sanitation station, many novice merchants do not register until the business is stable. This is risky from a legal point of view, but allows you to save on mandatory payments and permits.

Step-by-step instruction

Based on the experience of predecessors, in order to organize the delivery of meals, it is necessary to adhere to an action plan:

  1. Study the market.
  2. Choose the right form of business.
  3. Make a menu.
  4. Get equipment.
  5. Hire assistants.
  6. Place an advertisment.
  7. Register an enterprise.
  8. Plan financial flows.

Market research

Before investing in a lunch delivery business, you need to make sure that the service is in demand. The metropolis has a fast pace of life, a shortage of free time for the working population, and there is definitely a demand for hot meals. The periphery has its own niche in this area, but if someone is already working on the market, competition is unlikely to be successful.

Potential customers include offices of small companies that cannot organize corporate meals for employees. The target audience is divided into those who prefer:

  • have lunch in a cafe;
  • order food from restaurants;
  • home food.

You should focus on the last category, given that it is not always possible to take the “brake”, and there is nowhere to warm up. The restaurant menu does not suit such workers at prices, and the delivery of lunches to offices from a private company attracts with affordable prices.

It is worth making a “reconnaissance in force” and calling up suitable enterprises with an offer of their services, and even better - spend time and come personally with culinary samples. To develop your own menu, it is useful to learn from the experience of competitors - to study the range of cafeterias, canteens, snack bars.


The next step is to choose a business format from several possible options:

  1. Mediation in its purest form. An agreement is concluded with a cafe or other catering establishment for the delivery of products. The duties of one side are to find clients and deliver food, the second side provides quality food. The entrepreneur receives income from the cafe for services or sets a markup on the menu.
  2. Full cycle. In this case, the businessman sells his own food. Here the field for activity is much wider, but there are also more risks - you will have to be responsible for the quality of products, try to please customers with a variety of dishes, and deliver orders on time. If at first it is difficult, but quite realistic for one person to combine many functions, then with an increase in buyers, assistants, a separate room, and additional equipment will be required.

The first option is attractive with a minimum of responsibilities, however, it is not always possible to attract an inexpensive catering establishment with high-quality products to cooperation. Therefore, it remains for the entrepreneur to develop the inclinations of a cook in order to organize the delivery of meals according to the second scenario.


A diverse range of food implies a large set of products and recipes, which is difficult for a novice businessman to master when opening a business on his own. Therefore, in the absence of specific orders, it is preferable to stop at a dozen popular dishes:

  • hot liquid (chicken soup, hodgepodge, borscht);
  • cold first (okroshka, beetroot);
  • garnish (mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, rice);
  • meat (patty, chop, chicken);
  • fish (fried, steam);
  • semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings);
  • vegetable salad (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes);
  • mayonnaise salads (olivier, crab, herring under a fur coat);
  • pastries and bakery products;
  • drinks (tea, coffee, mineral water, juice).

You can offer set meals (includes salad, first and second) in several variations at a discount. For example, Olivier + broth + mashed potatoes + cutlet.

If orders are delivered on a regular basis to any office, then the menu is compiled in such a way that offers are not repeated every day. This guarantees customers freshly prepared meals and creates the appearance of variety.

Products for cooking are purchased from wholesale markets at reduced prices. Freshness and quality are best checked by certificates and supporting documents from the seller. To save on the main cost item, you need to have a detailed menu for the week.


The first thing you need to implement a lunch delivery business idea is a place to cook food. If the business is opened by an entrepreneur with a minimum amount of funds, then the rent of a separate room will be postponed until better times and the working area will become their own kitchen.

If finances allow you to do everything according to the rules, then the best option for locating a workshop is next to customers. Renting in the city center is expensive, but overhead transport and time costs will be minimized.

The technical equipment of the kitchen also depends on the financial capabilities of the businessman. Basic set the same for everyone:

  1. Cutting tables.
  2. Cabinets, shelves, racks.
  3. Refrigeration and freezing equipment.
  4. Cooktop.
  5. Oven.
  6. Hood.
  7. Multicooker.
  8. Microwave.
  9. Scales.
  10. Blender and mixer.
  11. Meat grinder.
  12. A set of pots, pans, bowls, stewpans.
  13. Forms for baking in assortment.
  14. Cutting boards.
  15. Kitchen knives for various purposes.
  16. Forks, spoons, spatulas, plates, potholders.

In the kitchen of a housewife, there is most of the list. In addition, you will need disposable tableware and packaging for lunch delivery:

  • boxes;
  • vessels;
  • containers;
  • glasses;
  • forks / spoons;
  • napkins.

To maintain the desired temperature of the products during transportation, it is advisable to purchase several thermal bags. For transportation over long distances, a car is needed, although in megacities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, the metro is faster and more reliable.


Depending on whether the businessman knows how to cook and whether he has a car, the following assistants may be needed for a lunch delivery business:

  1. Cook.
  2. Driver.
  3. Customer Acquisition and Order Processing Manager.

Accounting for income and expenses, the purchase of products and equipment is undesirable to delegate. These are important components of the business, which the owner of the enterprise needs to control.

All employees involved in the preparation and delivery of food must pass medical checkup and have a properly executed sanitary book on hand.

If the lunch delivery service has early customers, you still need to invest in attracting new customers. First, the larger the customer base, the greater the income. Secondly, the situation is constantly changing, and regular customers stop using delivery services.

Therefore, it is necessary to take various measures to inform the target audience:

  • Place ads on online trading platforms, in print media, on street boards, in crowded places.
  • Create your own website or order layout from a designer. It is desirable to add the function of online ordering and remote payment using various services. The reviews section will serve as additional advertising if the majority of customers are satisfied with the quality of food and service.
  • Register an account at in social networks, publish up-to-date information about the menu, prices, promotions.
  • Order mailing list.
  • Post Business Cards in business centers, banking institutions, supermarkets, service stations.
  • Distribute flyers on the streets.
  • Put contacts on the delivery vehicle.

In the future, when the business reaches a stable income level, you can come up with the original name of the enterprise, order napkins and packaging with a logo. Advertising is not for nothing called the engine of trade. If you constantly engage in the promotion of services, it is realistic to build up a large client base in a year and expand the enterprise.

Here you can download for free as a sample.


Work without permits is illegal, you can officially register a business at any time. Usually the merchant acts as individual entrepreneur, entity rarely created in this area.

Registration with the Federal Tax Service does not take much time, the cost of the state fee is 800 rubles. It is beneficial to pay taxes on one of the special modes:

  1. Simplified.
  2. Single tax on imputed activity.
  3. Patent.

Problems for all entrepreneurs arise when obtaining approvals from the SES and Rospotrebnadzor, bringing the kitchen in accordance with sanitary and hygienic and fire safety standards. To simplify the procedure, you can conclude an agreement with a consulting firm and shift the bureaucratic concerns onto the shoulders of professionals.

Video: how to make money on food delivery?

Financial part

What is the profitability of a lunch delivery business? Experts evaluate the economic efficiency industry in the range of 10-25%. Estimated cost of opening your own business in the "home cooking" format on a personal living space with minimal investment:

You can save on any calculation points, except for products - it depends on the quality and freshness of the ingredients of the dishes whether customers order delivery on an ongoing basis.

The income of a lunch delivery company directly depends on the number of customers. Suppose, at first, it was possible to conclude an agreement with one company for the supply of 6 complex meals daily. average cost one serving - 150 rubles. Revenue for a month in which 20 working days will be:

With an increase in the customer base, the income of the business will grow. Entrepreneurs working in this area claim that in a year of active development of their business, one can reach a profit level of 60-70 thousand rubles. per month.