What to prepare for sale. Food delivery to the office. How to make money delivering meals. Ideas for men

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Many modern women at some point, they are faced with the fact that it is extremely difficult to simultaneously manage a household, take care of children and build a career. There just isn't enough time and energy for everything. Petersburger Maria Volodko saw this as an idea for a business and began to cook homemade food to order - for other mothers. The service turned out to be in demand, and Maria is now the owner of a culinary shop. About why delicious borscht is sometimes delivered to clients along with vegetable peels and how much you can earn on homemade food, Maria Volodko told the website portal.

35 years old, entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, founder of the home food service. Has two higher education- PR-specialist and specialist in state and municipal management, as well as unfinished economics. At some point, I realized that I didn’t want to work in the mastered specialties. During maternity leave, she came up with the service "Mom is near". Started making soups own kitchen, in a year and a half, the project has grown to offline cooking.

Untie mothers hands

After graduating from the academy municipal government I realized that I will never be an official. I want my own business! By that time, she managed to work in her first specialty - a PR specialist. Been on maternity leave twice. When her youngest daughter was not yet three years old, she came up with a business of cooking homemade food for mothers with small children.

How do we moms do it? I plowed all week at work or with children (lessons, circles, doctors, grandmothers, cooking, cleaning). Then - bam! - Saturday begins: everything is the same, only with a smile on the face for the family. Flutter like a butterfly from the washer to the dishwasher, preferably in a bikini!

But this is impossible: all week you have been “jamming” with stress and fatigue, therefore, in sweatpants, you are not as happy as you would like. You dream of getting to the gym or a beauty salon, but you still need to have time to cook dinner before the child’s daytime sleep. I bought fresh chicken, I would make cutlets for the children, so that there would be enough for a week.

And then a birthday is planned, you have to run in between for a manicure, dye your hair, cut your hair, find a new dress to sit more freely, find a gift to “Ah!”, But not very expensive. In short, all mothers know stories. There is not enough time for anything! This is how the idea of ​​my project was born. So that mothers who are on parental leave can be a little freer and happier.

I've always been a good cook. I fed everyone since childhood. I have a big family: two brothers, dad, grandfather and me and my mom. Always a sea of ​​food and family holidays with feasts. Therefore, I am not accustomed to cook deliciously for others.

The first dish that I thought other mothers would like was borscht. Almost everyone cooks it, but I wanted it to be no different from a homemade soup pot - in taste and in the form of serving. So the idea was born to sell ready-made soup in a saucepan.

On February 16, 2017, I came up with the concept of the project "Mom is nearby" - and immediately went to IKEA. With the money that my husband allocated for food and for the house, I bought four three-liter pots for 699 rubles. This was mine start-up capital for "Mom is near."

Six liters of borscht at the start

First, I cooked 6 liters of borscht, invited my friends and gave them soup. They talked about it on Instagram and Vkontakte. My friends are not bloggers, they are ordinary girls, but they advertised me with their posts.

The first clients were friends of friends and random girls who liked photos on Instagram. They said so: “I saw the photo, I liked it.”

At first, one client per week was a win. Then there were 2-4 orders a week. I gave soups right with the pan together - on bail. Then switched to disposable tableware. All clients were very nice. They thanked me so much for the food!

I also started a project account on Instagram and VKontakte, which I managed myself. I diligently took screenshots of all the reviews about the “Mom is Near” project and posted them on my social networks. By the way, I didn’t ask to write reviews on purpose - I was embarrassed. So, thanks to some real word of mouth, my client base began to grow.

do it all

Now I don’t know how I did everything myself in the project for the first time. I definitely wouldn't do it again. Where did the strength come from?

If an order was received for the first half of the day, I cooked (and cook now) in the evening. If the order had to be delivered in the evening, then it was cooked in the afternoon. No one refused - always fulfilled all wishes. She often slept four hours a day. She ran to the grocery store with her youngest daughter. There were very heavy bags, each weighing 6-7 kilograms. Then it was necessary to carry ready-made soups and meatballs.

Nobody wanted to pick up the order from my house, I took them to customers. The first time is free throughout the city. She ran out of one customer in order to be in time for the next ones faster. I cooked day and night, then delivery and again shopping. Often dozed in the car, between deliveries, to at least gain some strength.

At the same time, she took care of her family: we have two children, plus my husband's son often lives with us. Cleaning, cooking, lessons with the elder - these are all my duties. Plus, our youngest daughter was sometimes not taken to kindergarten because of a common cold.

In November 2017, I realized that not only did I not have time, but I could no longer live in this mode. I wanted to grow further, but I understood: in order to develop, I need strength and time. I wrote on Instagram that I am looking for an assistant. The girl with whom we are still working immediately responded.

On the eve of the new year 2018, the first miss happened. I then did not calculate the time for washing dishes and cleaning between cooking. There were a lot of orders. I counted only the time for cooking, but I didn’t think about the dishes - and after all, clean dishes are not endless. Plus, I only have four burners in my kitchen.

It was darkness. Cutting speed is outrageous. We did not sleep with my assistant for a minute. Neither coffee nor an ice-cold shower helped to cheer up. But we have completed all orders. True, I had to give all my profits to the assistant - for her titanic work that day - for helping me, overcoming fatigue. And my family was left without a gala dinner, there was only Olivier on the table.

Borsch -hitsales

Most often, cutlets and Napoleon cake are ordered from me. For the holidays, they ask to make holiday sets and salads. And the sales leader is borscht.

I cook it like this. The main thing is to take meat on the bone for borscht, it is best to use a spatula. I cook the broth, filter it. I make a frying of onions and one part of carrots. I filter the broth, add grated beets, the second part of carrots to it. After 10 minutes - fried potatoes, there should not be a lot of potatoes. After another 10 minutes, I put chopped cabbage into the broth. Salt, pepper, add tomato paste (you don’t need to fry it, then the borscht will remain sweet from beets, and not sour, as often happens), greens and more garlic. I spread the chopped meat. I cook for 3-4 minutes. All is ready! As a gift to the customer, I put a jar of good sour cream and garlic.

The advantage of my project “Mom is nearby” is that clients know who cooks for them and from what. I always choose the best products. I buy them at Metro, O'Key, vegetables at the market. I prefer only proven brands: let them be more expensive, but they won't let you down. I have earned the trust of my clients and I will not lose it.

Sometimes the cooking process turns out to be nervous: that meat is not cooked - you run and buy something else. So, I will not earn anything on this order. Or, for example, sour mushrooms are caught for cabbage soup, you overbuy again and earn nothing.

I make soup, maybe too thick, but that's how my grandmother and mother cooked. I have a lot of meat, but how else? In cafes and restaurants, they cook delicious, but not at home! At home, this is so that the spoon stands.

Sometimes I even give clients a bag of vegetable peels along with the finished soup. To see what quality my vegetables are. Well, so that housewives could “leave traces” in the sink. The husband will come - there will be proof that the girls themselves have prepared everything.

Project economics

3 liters of borscht cost me 1340 rubles with turkey, 1350 with chicken and 1500 rubles with beef. Half the price is the cost of the products. Delivery in its own area and the nearest to it - Vyborgsky, Kalininsky - is free. In other areas of St. Petersburg had to make a paid delivery. The minimum order is 1300 rubles.

Most orders come before the weekend - on Thursday and Friday. Tuesday is usually quiet. I collect orders in my groups in social networks - only they really work.

I only had negative feedback once. And that is not a negative, and not even a remark. I was ordered cottage cheese Easter, but they did not turn out triangular, as in the classic recipe. They are made from very tender cottage cheese and began to blur after I pulled them out of the refrigerator and took them to the client. On the way, I realized that the shape is different. I felt embarrassed for the result, I apologized to the client and did not take money for this order.

Now the turnover of my home cooking service is from 3 to 15 thousand rubles a day. The number of customers is growing, which is important. I can say that I already have more than 300 clients in the database. 80% of them are women. There are also male customers, they most often order for the whole family: for example, when they are left alone at home with their children.

... In December 2017, I studied with the famous chef, restaurateur and TV presenter Konstantin Ivlev. The courses were called "Open Kitchen". It was quite expensive, considering that I had to go to Moscow to study and live there for some time. But I really wanted to learn from him. Ivlev talked about the secrets of the kitchen from the inside, taught how to cook. It was very exciting and interesting! Classes were held in the pavilion of the Hell's Kitchen program. When I told Konstantin about my idea - to open a culinary shop for homemade food - he smiled and said: “Go ahead, good luck!”

Instead of "Mom is nearby" - "Masha is nearby"

Expanding the project was a natural process as cooking in my apartment became cramped. Racks with pots, two refrigerators and a freezer were already beginning to interfere with a normal life.

4 months ago I registered an IP. I decided to move into the format of a culinary shop. True, the legal name had to be changed - now it is "Masha is nearby." It turned out that trademark“Mom is nearby”, under which I started my project, is already busy in another city. I looked at Instagram and the site of that project. We made our services almost simultaneously, according to the dates, I even launched a little earlier. But they immediately registered a trademark, and then I did not have the opportunity to do this. So, that's even better. I work openly, people know that I do everything in the kitchen. So maybe fate put my personal name in the title.

I was looking for a room for future cooking through the Internet. A couple of times I went to factories that rent out their kitchens by the hour, on night shifts, for example. I did not like it, I wanted a newer and cleaner room.

Everything was decided by chance. In the morning after the next delivery, I decided to take a nap in the car, but before that, as always, I looked at the phone. And I saw that right on my street, two houses away, there was a small room for rent for any purpose. I immediately dialed the phone and made an appointment. I was able to watch it the same day. I liked it and, without hesitation for a minute, I agreed to rent.

Made repairs to it. It remains to receive additional contracts from SES. Now we have all permits and sanitary books. Although I could guarantee my clients impeccable cleanliness and hygiene before. I did and do everything as if my food would be eaten by a baby. My clients know about it, that's why they trust me.

There are many different dishes on the menu of Masha Nearby - first, second, side dishes, snacks, pancakes, breakfasts will be coming soon. Payment only upon receipt, no prepayment. Cash machine put.

I plan to order some products through online stores - milk, vegetables. This will greatly facilitate our work - we will no longer have to carry heavy bags. I now have two assistants in the kitchen, but I plan to expand the staff to three or four people.

I am still implementing my idea, gaining clients. I am not guided by anyone, because I have not seen analogues. Most likely, I will have to switch to smaller portions for the profitability of the business.

For now, I am completely happy with what I do. Everything that I earn, I invest in the development of my project. Thanks to my husband, I would not be able to support myself and the children with this work yet. But this is just the beginning!

I dream that soon I will have a network of home cooking in the sleeping areas and one in the center of St. Petersburg. I will conduct master classes for children, something like circles. In general, I want eight arms, four heads and 72 hours a day!

Our choice fell on this business for the following reasons: firstly, now the owners of cafes-restaurants on the “wave of inflation” shamelessly raise food prices. At the same time, dishes prepared "on the conveyor" are not as tasty as homemade ones. Therefore, office lunches, which are usually cheaper, are popular.

Secondly, in connection with the financial crisis began massive layoffs. The "weak link" of society - women and pensioners - was the first to suffer. Just for this category, the home cooking business is most suitable: here, any housewife will not feel like a “teapot” - after all, she has many years of cooking experience for her family. We hope that our experiment on introducing into the "tasty business" will help you professionally organize the delivery of lunches to offices and earn good money on it.



First, I called several metropolitan firms on the principle “not far from home”, it turned out that the employees of one of the firms eat in a cafe, and the other has a hired chef who cooks at home and brings to the firm everything that the employees order. I got into a conversation with the manager and found out that it is hardly possible to find such a job over the phone, it is better to go personally to future customers, right in the office.

Security without prior agreement often did not let them through, but, having heard the cherished “I'm talking about dinners for your company,” she noticeably became kinder. The first attempt failed - I forgot to remove the manicure, and this alerted the administrator: they say, with such nails you will cook for us. Realizing the mistakes, trying on the image of a home cook for myself - I gathered my hair, took off my jewelry, removed my manicure - I repeated the search at another company. It turned out, but the interview process itself!


The interview with the applicant was entrusted to the manager and the secretary of the director, so the interview itself dragged on, the girl was interested in why I want to cook and where I used to work. And the manager focused on my professional skills - how long have I been cooking, what kind of kitchen, where do I buy groceries, when I had a medical examination. Asked, estimated about an hour. They agreed that they needed to inspect the conditions of storage and preparation - that is, they wanted to see my native cuisine, I had to invite them. "Cramped, but clean" - the verdict is positive.

Very young people are not hired for such work - they do not trust, but those who are over 70 are most often refused: at this age it is already difficult to cope with such a load. The most promising age for "tasty work" is from 35 to 60 years. If in the documentary arsenal, in addition to the passport, identification code there is not an expired sanitary book - already good. I was taken from probationary period- a week! I did not leave any documents and did not sign anything. Agreed so - payment in cash after the fact.


Prices in supermarkets and in stationary food markets are not much different. It turns out that home cooks are purchased once a week and at different prices. Where is this paradise?

In the fish pavilion, I bought two carcasses of fresh-frozen pink salmon and asked the saleswoman from which warehouse she receives products, they say, my husband is spoiled, he eats fish only from certain manufacturers. The girl named both the status of the supplier and the address. About 15 minutes of work on the phone (by 09 I asked for a frozen fish warehouse, some contacts can be found directly on the Internet through a search engine), and I contacted the warehouse, introducing myself as a small wholesale buyer-seller. Large wholesale starts from 70-100 boxes of fish, small - from 1-5 (depending on the liking and mood of the storekeeper). Each box contains 10 kg of filleted carcasses and the price is below the market.

With vegetables, the profit is much cooler, and there is no need to invent stories, it is enough to carefully go around several markets from 8.30 to 12.00 on weekdays.

Cheap chicken is bought in bulk directly at the poultry plant (through a search engine on the Internet you will find their coordinates). As for pork and beef, you can buy it in bulk through intermediaries: when meat is brought to the market (at 5-6 in the morning), go to the meat pavilion, and you can get to know each other there. Wholesale involves buying carcasses (which require special freezers for storage), so it's easier to buy 10kg from the market.

Wholesale warehouses of disposable tableware are about the same.


An ordinary refrigerator turned out to be too small for so many products. Neighbors came to the rescue, they have a huge family refrigerator and roomy freezers. I thawed fish and meat “dry” (without water, so the taste and quality of meat is preserved) for about 4 hours. While one is defrosting, the other can be cooked. I started with roast chicken with prunes. I fried the chicken pieces in the chicken, prepared a dressing from onions with carrots, combined, seasoned with salt, pepper, spices, and added prunes and garlic at the end. With cutting the carcass and slicing vegetables, cooking took about 1.5 hours. The clock showed the beginning of the first night, when the fish finally thawed.

I had to tinker with pink salmon - whatever one may say, but women do not like to clean fish, and they do not know how. I cleaned, cut each piece so that it was 100 gr. Then I boiled it on a tiny fire (the fish was languishing). Portioned pieces laid out in a separate dish, and the broth was filtered through a sieve and combined with gelatin. Finished pouring the fish by 02.00 at night. Steaming portions cooled on the table and significantly reduced the working area. With baked fish, the process is simpler, but longer. I put pickled onions, mayonnaise, grated cheese and olives on the fish, and then I just controlled the process. A small fire cannot be increased - the fish releases juice along with onions and is simply stewed. If you speed up cooking, the liquid will evaporate quickly, and the fish will turn out dry and tasteless. The first part of the experiment ended around 04:00 am.

The menu for the ordered buffet was half cooked at night, and I continued the salad theme from 9.00 in the morning, and starting at 10.00, I started packing the products. The final chord is the peeling of 4 kilograms of potatoes for mashed potatoes, which I cooked just before leaving. In total, it took me about 10 hours to prepare all the dishes. If you add the time spent on the purchase, then everything about everything took me a day.

I packed all the cooked food in disposable containers, took large grocery boxes from the supermarket and put portions in them. As a result, it turned out - three large packages and two small ones - one with a pot of hot mashed potatoes, the second with distributing utensils and bread.

The dinner itself went, as they say, with a bang: there was enough food, and they liked it, although one girl was especially interested in how fresh the salads were and looked at the fish with curiosity. An unexpected minus was the absence of two people - they got sick, so I took their portions home. In general, the impression of the experiment is mixed - on the one hand, satisfied, well-fed people and good income, and on the other hand, the fuss with the purchase and the lengthy cooking process. To be honest, such a job is not for everyone, even if you really love the culinary craft, you need something more - probably some kind of inner craving to feed people.


1. Fish baked with cheese - 200 g serving (2 kg of pangasius fillet, 50 g of vegetable-olive oil, onion, 0.5 kg of egg mayonnaise, 1 kg of hard cheese, olives), 12 servings.

2. Jellied fish - 350 g portion (2 kg pink salmon in carcasses, onion, carrot, gelatin, seasonings, lemon, herbs), 13 servings

3. Mashed potatoes (4 kg of potatoes, a pack of butter, eggs, milk), 25 servings

4. Vegetable salad - 200 g serving (0.5 kg of tomatoes, 0.5 kg of pepper, 0.5 kg of cucumbers, 0.5 cabbage, herbs, 0.5 kg of mayonnaise), 13 servings

5. Cucumber salad - 150 g serving (2 kg pickled cucumbers, pickled onions, pickled peas, olives), 12 servings

6. Roast chicken with prunes - 250 g serving (2 kg of chicken, carrots, onions, garlic, mayonnaise, seasonings, herbs, prunes, vegetable oil), 10 servings

Total purchase costs: about 900 rubles.

Taxi: 150 rubles

TOTAL COSTS: 1050 rubles

The cost of one serving: 200 rubles X 25 people = cash desk - 5000 rubles

Net profit per day: income minus expenses: 4000r

Net profit for 4 days, taking into account 2 large customers: 32,000 rubles

With the advent of Western trends in domestic market goods and services in the mid-90s of the last century, new types of services began to appear in Russia. The most daring entrepreneurs of those times enthusiastically tried to introduce European and. One of the most successful projects that worked and began to actively develop is food delivery as a business.

Today, the service for the delivery of finished products is being improved and supplemented with new types of services. Many people in cities and towns, immersed in a series of worries and not having the time and opportunity to cook their own food, order food every day to be delivered to their homes or offices. So why not take advantage of the current trend and capitalize on it? We invite you to consider the idea of ​​​​a food delivery business and find out what it takes to implement it.

Food Delivery Business Highlights

Food products belong to the category of goods that under no circumstances will leave the market and will not become less in demand. At the same time, the rapid pace of modern life in cities leads to the fact that people spend less and less time at home, and not everyone wants to spend their free hours on cooking. This makes the idea for a food delivery business relevant and promising. Even small enterprises providing such services have room to grow: today catering is gaining momentum - a type of activity that involves field organization catering at banquets, receptions, parties and other events.

But you should still start small - organize the delivery of ready-made meals to your home or office in a particular area or city (if it is small). At the stage of preparation for the opening, it is recommended to conduct a thorough analysis of the competitive environment, identify strengths and weak sides firms with which to compete, and draw up a detailed business plan (read about what should be).

A food delivery business can exist both independently and be part of a larger and large-scale project. For example, you can not only purchase ready-made meals in cafes and restaurants, and then deliver them to customers, but also engage in their preparation directly. The organization of a full cycle requires more time, effort and money at the start, but the profit can bring several times higher. To make a choice in favor of one or another option, evaluate your financial capabilities, experience and material base. Having made a decision, you can begin to implement the idea.

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Where to begin

From the very beginning it is necessary to think over the plan of introduction on the market. Your task is not to become a gray mass, to stand out from the competition. This can help:

  • creating your own website and mobile application;
  • use of a loyalty program (discount cards, discounts, promotions, bonuses, etc.);
  • corporate identity development, beautiful packaging design;
  • a wide range of dishes;
  • providing more complete information about the product (for example, the energy value of the product).

There are many ways to promote food delivery on the Internet. To do this, you need to create a high-quality website with a convenient navigation system, containing “tasty texts”, large and mouth-watering product photos. When the service is ready, you can run advertising campaign. Most effective ways promotions are contextual advertising search engines and promotion in social networks.

Having developed the concept of the enterprise and determined the main marketing moves, start preparing the material and legal base.

Documents for work

The amount of documents required to launch a food delivery service to the office and to your home will depend on whether you already have a working catering enterprise at this moment: a pizzeria, a sushi bar, a restaurant, etc. In this case, you just need to make changes to the state register of subjects entrepreneurial activity by writing an appropriate application and indicating the code of the new type of activity.

AT latest edition species classifier activities of OKVED 2016 you must select the code 53.20.32 "Activities for the delivery of food to the house." If you are starting a business from scratch and are going to deal only with delivery, then you should also choose this code. If you are planning to organize a full-time enterprise production cycle, that is, cook and deliver food yourself, you will need to select the appropriate code from group 56.10 “Restaurant activities and food delivery services”.

Having decided on the types of activity, you can start registering a business. For the provision of courier services, registration as individual entrepreneur. This procedure is carried out in the tax service on the basis of the documents and application submitted. individual on IP registration. Based on its results, you will receive a Certificate, which will be the main document confirming the legitimacy of your business activities.

To carry out non-cash payments with customers, you will need a bank account. Find out what are, and how to choose the right bank.

In addition, personal medical books will be needed for each employee who will work with the preparation and delivery of food. In the event that you deliver your own food, the list of documents will be supplemented by papers confirming the compliance of the premises for storing and preparing food with applicable sanitary and fire safety standards. Such conclusions can be obtained from the local Rospotrebnadzor and the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, respectively.

By law, you are required to notify Rospotrebnadzor of the start of business activities in in due course. Read also . Having dealt with the documents, we will find out what kind of material and technical base will be needed to conduct business.

Material resources and technical equipment

Since we initially considered two options for organizing a food delivery business, let's talk about each separately, since the need for production assets they will be different.

What you need for a food delivery business

So, if you will deal exclusively with delivery, you will need:

  • automobile. You can buy both new and used. It is advisable to choose a model in the middle price range, not too expensive to maintain and repair, and with low fuel consumption. When buying a used car, be sure to pay attention to the sanitary and technical condition;
  • delivery equipment - bags with thermal protection;
  • consumables - packaging material, disposable tableware, etc.;
  • laptop or computer with Internet access, communications equipment.

If you plan to start with small volumes, then you can do without an office. In this case, you can accept and process orders yourself at home, or hire an employee to work remotely.

This business format involves cooperation with organizations Catering. Pay due attention to the search for suitable establishments, evaluate the freshness and taste characteristics of the dishes offered and the breadth of the assortment, and only after that conclude the necessary contracts.

What is needed to organize a full-cycle enterprise

Another option is to organize a business in the production of ready-to-eat dishes with their subsequent delivery. To start such a project, you will need:

  • a room for cooking - for starters, 30-40 square meters will be enough. m;
  • equipment for storage of raw materials and semi-finished products - refrigerator and freezer;
  • work surfaces, kitchen tables;
  • gas or electric stove with oven;
  • microwave;
  • hood;
  • food processor;
  • utensils and utensils.

This list can be extended or shortened depending on what you are going to offer your customers. In addition to all this, you will also need a car, thermal bags and other equipment discussed in the previous chapter.

Staff for work

With the staff, everything is quite simple: at the stage of opening a business, it will be enough to hire 1-2 couriers who have a driver's license and experience in driving a car. For production, you will need 1 cook and 1 auxiliary worker. You will also need a manager to carry out purchases and work with clients. You can carry out the functions of the latter for some time on your own.

As the business develops, additional staff positions may become necessary. As for couriers, consider hiring employees with a personal car as an option. So you can save on buying a car, compensating the employee only for the cost of fuel and lubricants.

Important! If your food delivery service will provide for the possibility of paying for the order in cash, it is advisable to conclude liability agreements with couriers.

Food delivery as a business: profitable or not

It is rather difficult to withdraw the amount that needs to be invested in opening a food delivery service, because it all depends on the city in which the enterprise will operate, whether it will be engaged in cooking, etc.

As a rule, it takes up to 100,000 rubles to launch the delivery itself, not counting the purchase of a car. Current expenses in this case include the purchase of ready-made meals, fuel costs, salaries, taxes and advertising. The average markup is 30%. You can independently calculate how many customers you need to serve per day, and what should be average check so that the business brings the desired profit.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

From 20 000 ₽

Starting investments

80 000 - 510 000 ₽

50 000 - 400 000 ₽

Net profit


If you want to open a business with minimal investment, then take a closer look at the idea of ​​​​delivering homemade meals. This is a great business option for women and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Many catering establishments have verified that business lunches are a very profitable business. But this was until 2016, when people actively visited various cafes and restaurants. In 2016, orders for business lunches halved. RBC specialists note that the reason for this is a decrease in purchasing power. Restaurant business lunches costing 300 rubles are not affordable for people. But many people have lost the habit of bringing lunch to work in home containers. So such a time can be considered as a period of opportunity, which is great for starting your business for the delivery of ready-made business lunches.

Food delivery is pretty profitable business. More and more people are ditching their daily "containers from home" routine. Some people have no time to cook, others find it inconvenient to carry food containers with them to work. Still others just want to eat a hearty, freshly prepared lunch. The fourth will not go to the nearest cafes and canteens, because they want to save money or do not want to leave the office. One way or another, the delivery of business lunches simplifies the life of office workers, and gives the entrepreneur the opportunity to earn.

The idea behind the hot lunch delivery business is to cook delicious meals at home and have them delivered directly to your doorstep. workplace clients. And at the same time offer low prices - a full meal can be bought for 170 rubles. A business lunch in the office will be the best option for local employees. It's convenient, tasty and cheap. These three main criteria for choosing a business lunch should be combined in one project.

What are the advantages of a business lunch delivery business:

    The business of delivering business lunches does not require large investments.

    For successful business the delivery of ready meals does not require special knowledge and special skills. It is enough to be able to cook deliciously and be careful.

    Suitable for home business, women's business and requires relatively little working time.

    Is promising direction catering, has the opportunity to expand the business.

    Provides a decent level of profit.

To open a business for the delivery of ready meals, you need a minimum start-up capital - you can meet 20 thousand rubles. For profitability, it is best to organize the full cycle of the enterprise - from cooking to food delivery to the client. It will be a huge plus if a novice entrepreneur knows how to cook deliciously and will do it on his own. By combining both the investor and the contractor, it will be possible to save significantly. You can prepare meals in your own kitchen and without the involvement of assistants. On the initial stage the entrepreneur will be able to cope with the entire volume of work alone.

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

For a lunch delivery business, you do not need to take loans, save for a long time to open, and risk large sums. In fact, the only thing you risk is your time. It will take about 2 months to start the business. The most important thing in this business is creativity, decency and clear planning.

How to plan a lunch menu for the office

The most important thing in this business is delicious food for the office and a varied menu that will appeal to customers. We recommend that you provide a menu for the days of the week: the product will not have time to deteriorate, and customers will appreciate the variety. In addition, by offering new dishes every day, you show that you are selling fresh, not yesterday's leftovers. This inspires confidence.

The menu can include various cereals, meat and fish dishes, dumplings, soups, potato side dishes, salads, pastries. You can sell set meals that include hot + second with a side dish or salad. And you can offer each dish separately.

Study the offers of competitors. Start with inexpensive cafes and restaurants, canteens offering a business menu. Then, when you have roughly decided on the offices where you will sell your hot meals, study the menu of catering establishments that are located next to the office buildings. Collect as much information as possible about what dishes are offered and how much the order costs. This will allow you to set the optimal price and correctly compose your menu.

How to calculate the cost and set the price for food delivery to the office

To set the optimal price for products, you should calculate the cost of its preparation. And for this you need to draw up a detailed recipe for each dish and calculate its cost, taking into account the cost of the ingredients. For example, you are preparing a vegetable salad. Ingredients: 1 tomato (150 g) and 2 cucumbers (350 g). The cost of 1 kg of tomatoes is 100 rubles, and 1 kg of cucumbers is 125 rubles. Thus, the cost of vegetable salad is calculated by the formula: 0.15 * 100 + 0.35 * 125 = 58.8 rubles.

In addition, you should take into account the time spent on preparing a particular dish (it takes not only your working time but also energy saving). Also, the cost of business lunches should include the cost of packaging and transportation costs.

Ready-made ideas for your business

To determine the price, you do not need to carry out complex calculations. It is enough to determine the cost of products and provide for a certain margin on products that will cover all costs. The approximate markup on products will be 200%. On average, 1 serving of a full meal should cost, on average, 170 rubles. Before setting a price, study the offers of competitors. To attract customers, offer prices slightly lower than your competitors. This is the law of starting a business. Don't chase after high profit. Earn your client's trust first.

How to register a business for the delivery of food to the office

It is better to start a business for the delivery of ready-made meals in the format of home cooking. This does not require renting a room and buying equipment. You can also avoid SES checks and other bureaucratic procedures. But we still recommend legalizing your business if you plan to develop it in the future and avoid unpleasant situations.

The first instance is the tax office. There you should fill out the form of the PD form (tax), pay the state duty of 800 rubles, and also write an application for inclusion in the EGRIP. Next, you should obtain permission from the SES, issue a sanitary book (you can get checked at the nearest clinic). In general, the execution of a package of documents will take about a month and will cost 2-3 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to start a food delivery business

To answer this question, you need to calculate the amount of initial costs. To organize a business, you will need utensils for cooking, disposable tableware and bags for transportation. Let's consider each item in more detail.

We buy equipment. Even if your closet is bursting with pots and pans at home, we advise you to purchase dishes specifically for work. And cook in it. An approximate list of necessary utensils is given below:

    pots of different sizes (4-5 pcs.);

    frying pans (2 pcs.);

    kitchen knives (2-3 pieces);

    cutting board (2 pcs.);

  • forms for baking;

    other utensils (spoons, spatulas, ladle, colander, etc.).

All dishes will cost about 5,000 rubles. It is also recommended to purchase a kitchen scale so that it is convenient to calculate the size of portions and their cost. They will cost about 1,000 rubles.

For convenience, you can buy a separate refrigerator to store food. However, at the first stages of the business, food stocks will not be very large, and you can completely do without a separate refrigerator.

But you will immediately need to purchase thermal bags in which it will be transported finished products. They will allow you to deliver ready-made meals while still hot. The number of bags depends on the size of your business and the capacity of the bags themselves. For the transportation of lunches, a volume of 44 liters will suffice. The cost of such a thermal bag will average 2,500 rubles. Thus, the cost of equipment will be about 8,500 rubles.

We buy disposable tableware. To sell ready-made meals, you will need to purchase disposable tableware - plastic containers, forks, plates. You will also need food wrap and paper napkins. Containers will cost from 7 rubles apiece. With an average sales volume of 50 orders per day, you will have to spend 500-600 rubles on containers. Those. for a month you will have to purchase about 120 containers in the amount of 1200 rubles.

We buy raw materials. Delicious home-cooked meals require fresh, high-quality ingredients. To save on the purchase of raw materials, preference should be given to markets and wholesale depots. It's cheaper than supermarkets. The shopping plan depends on the recipe for future lunches. For the first month, when there will not be very many customers, you should provide for the cost of products in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

Starting a Homemade Food Delivery Business for Office Costs:

    dishes and utensils- 6,000 rubles;

    business registration- 2,000 rubles;

    utensils for transporting food(thermal bags, containers) - 3,700 rubles;

    initial purchases of ingredients- 4,000 rubles.

So to open a delivery business prepared food in the office, investments of about 20,000 rubles will be required.

Food delivery to the office: where to find business customers

your target audience are office workers. Where to look for them? You should mainly look for them in business centers, office buildings, shops, banks, beauty salons, etc. Potential customers can be searched for in two ways: prepare flyer about your proposal and circulate it among potential clients. You can also contact the heads of enterprises to conclude agreements with offices for corporate food delivery. More effective method– prepare a trial batch of homemade meals and lunch time personally walk around the places of work of potential customers. Give product a try The best way advertise it! If you like the dinners, the first customers will appear very quickly.

We recommend that you personally go around the establishments that may be interested in your offer. It is important to understand whether the idea is in demand among potential customers. Offer SMS notifications about the daily menu, provide the ability to pre-order certain items from the menu. Use the fashionable word in business "customer focus". What is a business without advertising? Useful for promotion Business Cards or leaflets, which presents the menu for the week. Handouts can be ordered at a printing house, or simply printed on a color printer. The cost of this will be no more than 1,000 rubles.

How to plan a workflow for delivering food to the office

At first, you will have to work alone for quite a long time - to draw up a procurement plan yourself, cook and serve meals. Over time, when the delivery of lunches to offices gains a good turnover and regular customers appear, you need to think about expanding your business - hire a courier, a cook and an assistant.

It is reasonable to prepare food on the day of orders, to deliver a hot lunch to the office "hot, hot." Therefore, you have to get up early in the morning, to carry out the purchase of products. If you start cooking at 8 in the morning, then by 11 everything should be ready. You can deliver meals yourself or hire a courier. Service hours are from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm.

How much can you earn on the delivery of food to the office

Now let's calculate how quickly we can recoup the investment and how much we can earn. With a 200% cheat, you can count on revenue of 80,000 rubles per month. Based on this, the cost of meals will be about 30,000. Then the monthly profit will be about 50,000 rubles. And this is by conservative estimates. There are high chances to recoup the business in the first month of work. Another plus of this business lunch delivery business is that it is not limited in volume. You can develop, increase sales, expand your business. If you serve several organizations, you can reach a sales volume of 100 orders per day and earn up to 400,000 rubles per month.

In conclusion, we share useful tips, which will make your business easier, better and more profitable:

    Study the tastes of customers, observe what they like. Analyze which menu items are most in demand and which ones are sold less often. Eliminate unprofitable dishes from the menu and offer instead what your customers like.

    Always offer snacks to customers - pickled or fresh (depending on the season) cucumbers or tomatoes, sauerkraut, Korean-style vegetables, and so on.

    Make purchases of products at wholesale bases or food markets. Choose only quality products. Do not save on products, because of their inadequate quality, losses can be several times higher than the amount saved.

    Make sure that the food delivered to the office is always fresh, tasty, carefully cooked and packaged, delivered still hot.

    Plan the menu so that the ingredients in different dishes are repeated. For example, if you are cooking chicken noodles in broth, provide a salad with chicken fillet on the same day. This saves on cooking time, saves product consumption, avoids unnecessary food leftovers and simplifies purchase planning.

    Track trends and innovations. Especially watch out for business ideas that appear abroad: the main drivers in the field of delivery are the United States and European countries. Reviews of fresh business ideas can be found.

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Reading 9 min. Published on 04.12.2019

Supply Russian citizens ready meals is a fairly popular and profitable type of business in our country. Although there are a fair number of competitors, this does not prevent newcomers from finding their niche in this area. How to open a business for the delivery of ready-made food to your home or office? Where to begin? How to bypass competitors and not lose customers? What do experts advise? How to develop a business plan? Questions answered in the order in which they were received.

What types of home delivery business are there?

The business activity under consideration takes various forms:

  • . In this option, the entrepreneur acts as an intermediary delivering the restaurant product to the customer's home or office. Many restaurants do not want to lose customers, and at the same time, they consider it inappropriate to spend on organizing delivery. The benefit is mutual: the food manufacturer expands its customer base, the intermediary earns on a margin.
  • with delivery service to your home or office.
  • Cooking at home with the subsequent delivery of ready meals to customers . It's a variation family business where all relatives are involved. In addition to ready-made food, you can specialize in the delivery of semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings, and so on).

How to formalize a home delivery business?

The so-called legalization of business is mainly started after the promotion of the business, when there was a profit and the prospect of its growth. This is a risky path. Penalties have not yet been lifted.

It is better to immediately take care of the necessary package of documents:

  1. Register the status of an individual entrepreneur and obtain the relevant papers.
  2. visit tax office to choose the form of taxation.
  3. Obtain permits from the SES and the fire department to ensure that the premises comply with all standards, taking into account the planned activities. Of course, this is not an easy question. Therefore, its decision is usually taken by specialists of law firms.
  4. Permits must be signed by Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Non-cash payment for services requires a bank account.
  6. Each employee must issue a sanitary book.

In total, up to 3,000 rubles are spent on the documentary part. The duration of the procedure is a month or more.

What do you need to purchase to start a food delivery business?

Working with a full production cycle, i.e. preparing food and delivering the finished product, implies a hefty cost.

The amount of expenses is directly dependent on some features of this business:

  • Food specifics . For example, only pies are baked or full three-course dinners are prepared. Other options are possible.
  • Cooking method.
  • Planned profit - sales volumes.

In any case, the entrepreneur should purchase:

  1. A variety of kitchen utensils, ranging from pans, pots, knives, forks, graters and ending with cutting boards.
  2. Combine with a lot of functions. This will immediately eliminate the need for other appliances - a meat grinder, blender, mixer and others.
  3. Stove (gas or electric).
  4. Microwave and steamer. This will greatly speed up the cooking process.
  5. Freezer and refrigerator - equipment that ensures the safety of products.
  6. High-quality delivery will not do without special containers, thermal bags and plastic utensils. By the way, they can be with the company logo.

Transportation is also on the list of necessary acquisitions. Delivery can be carried out by car, scooter, motorcycle and even by bicycle. By the way, a car is not always appropriate in big cities - huge traffic jams make it difficult to deliver the order on time.

Note . By hiring a courier with personal transport, you can save on the purchase of a delivery vehicle.

Where and how can you organize production for food delivery to your home or office?

The organization of such a business requires a systematic study of all aspects of future activities.

The business owner will need to answer the following questions:

  • Where to cook? This question is related to the availability of the premises. Perhaps it already exists. Then there will be no costs for its purchase or rent.
  • With what to cook and where to store purchased products?
  • How to deliver? This is the transport solution.

1. Production room

Many start a business in the home kitchen, where most of the inventory is available. Otherwise, you need to find a room that is rented. The main condition is its compliance SES requirements and firefighters.

2. Equipment

As noted above, the set of equipment depends entirely on the direction of activity. Semi-finished products, homemade food, cakes or pizza require different cooking specifics. This means that appropriate equipment is purchased.

3. Consumables

Not all products can be purchased for future use. Therefore, only those with a sufficiently long shelf life are initially purchased - vegetable oil, cereals, flour, spices, vegetables, meat (if kept frozen) and so on.

The rest is purchased as the customer base is formed. How it looks in practice. For example, a businessman negotiates with the management of an office for the delivery of lunches, agrees on an approximate menu for the week and the start date for deliveries. Then you can proceed to the main purchase of consumables.

Note . Funds for these costs must be available before work begins.

4. Food supply

Needless to say about the quality of the products used, confirmed by the relevant documentation. It does not matter here who is the food supplier - a grandmother in the market or a reputable company - the main thing is to use first-class goods. The reputation of the food delivery company depends on this. And one more nuance is the timeliness of delivery of initial products. This is agreed in advance - before the opening of the company.

5. Staff

Professional qualities are the only criterion in the selection of personnel. At the initial stage, two people are enough: one is engaged in cooking, the other - delivery. The main concern of a businessman is to promote the business. And as the scale of activity expands, increase the staff.

Features of promoting a food delivery business: where and how to look for customers?

Starting a food delivery business is easy. It is much more difficult to attract customers who will later become regular customers. Business people invest a lot of money in the promotion of their company.

What methods are used to promote the business in question - how customers are attracted:

  • by the most in a simple way is going around the offices in the afternoon with the offer of their products . In this option, it is appropriate not only to offer lunch delivery and leave business cards, but also to arrange a tasting of dishes. If it is successful, you can count on a large audience of customers and even on serving corporate parties.
  • Distribution is efficient advertising products(leaflets, business cards, booklets) in crowded urban areas or sending advertisements to offices. Do not forget about posting ads in hostels or apartment buildings. Each method is good as drawing attention to the company. In this case, a small percentage of people who order products with delivery is enough.
  • Most people use the Internet resource to find the right contacts . That's why it's important not only to create a website, but also to promote it by increasing search engine rankings. This will significantly increase the client base. Of course, special skills and knowledge are required. However, you can always use the services of specialists in this field.

Here, the main arguments that attract customers are:

  1. Quality service.
  2. Availability of prices.

This method begins to work after a certain time, when the first satisfied customers appear. They will recommend the delivery service they like to their loved ones.

The profitability of the case depends on the number of applications. To increase their number, high-quality diverse advertising is needed. Therefore, spare money for it should be. To use the services new company, at least you need to know about it. This is what advertising does - informs people.

Attention . The first months the company earns a reputation. It is important that it be positive.

What contributes to the success of a business - expert advice:

  • Compliance with delivery times - punctuality. The lunch meal is very time-limited. No one will waste precious minutes of a lunch break on a long wait for lunch.
  • Receiving orders through the site significantly increases the number of customers.
  • Regular customers are always pleased to participate in various drawings and promotions. This is a great tool for retaining regular users of the service.
  • Customers should not be forced to heat up food. If provided by the recipe, food is best delivered hot. Needless to say about the quality and taste of the dishes. The high level of these criteria is required by default.

How to Write a Food Delivery Business Plan: Calculating Costs and Profitability

Amount of expenses at the start:

Margin from 15-50%. The full sale of products brings income in the amount of 120,000-170,000 rubles per month. Considering the monthly costs:

The profit will be equal to 80,000 rubles. Business pays off in 8-9 months. These are the most modest estimates. There are high rates of return in this area. They practically do not depend on the chosen direction.

Home and office food delivery franchise: do you really need independent production?

In big cities, there are a lot of respectable catering establishments that do not have their own delivery service. There is also an abundance of customers who want to taste quality food, but for one reason or another do not have time to visit their favorite restaurant or cafe.

What franchisors offer:

  1. A unique business for large cities where the demand for food delivery services is unusually high. Accordingly, the profit is considerable.
  2. Low level of competition. As a rule, such services cover 10-20 cuisines with a variety of dishes (up to 1000 dishes).
  3. Minimum risk. People order prepared food even in times of crisis.
  4. Well-established business - the work process is registered and repeatedly tested in practice. This activity is easy to do.
  5. Comprehensive support for the one who became the owner of the franchise.
  6. Minimum financial resource to enter the business and the minimum payback period. With an investment of 180,000 rubles and a turnover of 500,000 rubles, the costs will pay off in just 90 days.

There are two questions:

  • Is it worth organizing own production, if it is possible to establish the process of delivering food prepared by real professionals.
  • Will restaurants collaborate with a little-known firm? After all, qualified delivery of dishes is important to them, so that the positive image of the institution is not spoiled.

That is why acquiring a franchise in this segment is a particularly profitable option not only for start-up entrepreneurs.